rri St lfin.iU bf 7 I htt hi l li'Hf4jinti m day by 1 p in- , 2 1 S3 Fr H.'.'ub.iry, by V'ulton, 1 HumsviUe, return by hckivillc t 3alib-iry, oice a week. ,,Lrav'rdtaU try every Tour i Uy t , tiooA, arrive at f I j.itivitle same day fi'! at BalUU try every, Friday by J I aiXtFrom Mtrginiown, by Plea. ant(jardcu, OM Frt, aodSwrnmano, to Avvillr, CO miles and bask,' oikc Veek.ift.iujiiu .. 5151. From YVrntwortb, y Tf ou Melon? Iron iVjrks, Martinsville, f.recnslKW, Centre, Mendrnhall's Mills, and (jirJarr't Htore, to Aahbo. r 5 V mil' an I luck, twice a week. Leave VrVotworth very Thursday and 5 m lay it 3 p m, irrive at Ash UW every Friday aod 'M'Mdaf by 6 P m. ; L,?ave AiSboro' every Wednesday and Haiurday at a m, arrive a l Wentworth every Tuarsday tod San day bv 12 ni"(i. io.o F-ivettevilJe, by Ps ket Aibi'ille every g indav at J m, arma at Mirjantown same day by IO p m.. , 3ISJ. From Mirgaatownby Beard Fnrgr mi Liulc River, to tfutesvilte, 61 miles and bak, once a week. Leave M'r(?antoM every Monday t 6 a m, arrive at Bticvi!ie every Tuesday by 5 p m. Leave Statesville every Wednesday at 6 a rn, arrive at M jrgir.towo every Thursday by 5 p m 1lS(i From Charlotte, by Alex odriaoa, Hickory fjrove. Mount Murre, fc'tatesvilie, M him I'ieaswt, Stonry l'-iint, aod H K'ef to W.lkes. bora V) miles and back, ouu a week, la stag's. Leave Charlotte every Thursday ut tl in, arrive at Htateavillc same day iy 9 p m. L!ive Stateaville every Friday at 5 n, arrive at Wilkesboro aame day br 4 p nr. - lve, WilkesbW every Thursday at -1 m arrive kt Charlotte every Fri day by 11 m. 1 Jf. From Chapel II ill, by Clover O d, Nwifn IyToga Mills, Troy's Store, New Salem, New Market, Hunt's Store, and Urummels o Lex JoRton. Return by way ot Fair Grove, , Jb" Grange, aod New Market j equal tn 02 miles and back once a week. Leave Chapel 1MI every Saturday at J a ro, arrive at Lcxing'on Sunday by 0 p m. Leave Lexington every Monday at 6 a m, arrive at Cnapcl Hill every Tuesday by 6 p m. . Iflia. From Aihville, by MilJ Ron, . 0Uv .onville, 4&h?Jf . Creek, 'I x . tway, 8. C. Keoivee, afnd Pickens c. h. ""to rTnletonr milrs and bjtk,iKe lo ifwo"we'e-Vv -- ..-LeaFeAkhvUk eyei-y othejlandajr at C a tn, arrive at Fcndlciun the next Vdnsd ay Iry h r ..I - - i ii l .i i ., l.j i,;r i. m " 1 4t rrrtrrwt htrki Leave Fay-ftcville every Maadty at 6 a in, nrrive at Si!i'ary every Tnnnday by 10 a m. Leave HalUbury evfcrv Thuri l iy t 3 p m, arrive at taycttevillc every Handy bv 5 pn. From Fiyrtttville, by New Oii-J. (I r!'f M'l!, Lawrrncrvillr, M'r$ja'a Htirr, and C"iitb-hj' Store, to Salisbury, U"k miUn and baci, once a weckC f lit fn'm Tbtunv,2t hf TtuVfi.H Vf J itifl ii, ' I track, ourt a lara Wnwnill9 e'ef Tri'ltf kt 3 p m, rri M Wtliaifion tfery Hatyr itf bf 6 p m. Lca Wil(ioftoii tvary Thuolif J i m, urttt at Keni,;ila cerv friitf or I'i a m back W veck. Oaalow e. h. ery Tbirlay at 3 p m. aru st tdctilai'l. ! Jf bf y f m. Ivt lti4iiaxUcvrx TkuraJay at I ao.kr rira t O,i0 e. h. bjr It a 4. Sltli. NaarWa by BJe-tIUa to Ita-iltxt, 44 fMilca tn.1 bark, xi a rk. Lctve NiariK-rn avrry ThuraUy at J a at, ar riea Bn.ilart aat itiy by 7 p m. j Lra Iteaitfvi every tvaUaty ail a 01, arnva a im hh da bv 7 m, fcaA a, i4a;tala.uC lajLb fXfi JrL' (cvi Miaaio ibiiri e -r Itmrtiay at S a m, am at imi'bH -1,1 u4 day by 6 p m. I t Pm'K CimiO:k C. Ii. ta fa,)Uf Orancb 17 iuilf 'iJ ba'.k. t'f f a week. -.s Curfiiuck r. Ii. ery PriUy at 2 p ra, rr, ri t Pu;i!r H-i wme iky bv 4 p a. I.?ve Fmifar Br4i".li vt;fi Fnlv ai 6 a m. jfni .I I'um'uck c. b. aaitte 'l y Jv !0 a in. VI eniiUacta (of roU'e rmbn 'cl i;i l!nt A rfriirni-n! Cunin'W 'in lie fir ily iif i.i.urf ntlt, l euvi.tii f)ir )cir, yarns. I. Tiie P manner General retrrvi Leave Fjyetti'ilb: every Til !v at , r'it tt) expJite the mailt, anJ ft 6 n in, arrive at lili!ury every Mjn- I l:tr me time of their arrival and de day bv 0 a at. ! j'-fture, at any tiinc during the cnntin- Leave rtilinbary every Monday at 3 ! ui'ice of .the contract, by giving an j h'iiII traoimu commercial iul?!!ir 'icr p m, arrive at Faycltcville every cot isree si w the uitaUeneii of the property, its vklue, ths termi of pay ment, aoJ itt security, each miy choose i person, whu raiy appoint an umpire, and their decis'un ihall be fiaal I or if tin uaJerb'dJer declines to da this, ths l'mmaiter (K'neral will name, the umpire, Tnis wdl be nude a couJitiou of tuy bid "udder that of a present cintractur and should tke underbidder fail to comply, his bid will be oikred to the present contractor! but should he decline it, i - a a II the proposals of the uoJer'JiJJtfr win UeACCepted"uncondittoaallr; nrX7Vtt inill tw-wittidnwir h r rTir'ttiriT "frf fecl1"4f huixpitcit a ti (Jsri Jad any peTvui TcTJZFX Tl i t rr contract at hi bil, he shall f trtcit ail ,ithcr contract that he rrt;iv have wi:n t!e Department, aui be held rciponi ble for all damage that utay reauit from his failjre to omplv, 14. N contract ca i Oe transferred without the a )pro!)J(i'n of t ic Kst muter (i-ucral, a-id tne assignment of I contrict wth'iui his c)ent, shall foNfit ir, Thii rule will novtrbciK' narfd Irom. 15. Il" a con'ract'ir or hW acnt -ihall violate the V (),Ticc law, r a-jcrtcdinjr, nd ibo Chultt tVfoU 4t iht m A'l fia Peerages and ot'ier i,tt granted bf Chulf s h jj on annulled A new anJ nr li"rl. charter hai hfm given tihi Frenca people iielr mign, Imiir ji tha Hrfe mem'rahle daf i i(f if h 2S'i and 23 ft of July. niii! ,nt--to tha bleinj of civil anl reii.M li'j, rty. Tha (treat eieiils achlsaed in ibiva i'jt s, ha sHad a bal. arounl the bt o( France, th nf shall ta fo'a'.ti!n-.it ' rta amblisonrd tneir escutctnon alt8 im,ri!h, l , Tie KvMi.'ilt r, who cojnterJ .r,e j l)fr1oni i-f Ju fwrrjf9 Thuedy by 4pm, 21 7. Vrom Chra, . C. bv SwUhW, N. C Virvr-n, feifjl'a Store, Wadra mru'. Ilrard'. 5"Tt, Umw Voiili', Store ami KemlaH'i to a!irt4.-ir, 81 niilca anl bek, ti a weak, IT! '1 b:ia.! a!jrt. L'are tJb'riw rvrv Him Uv anl WrilnUv ' 1 m. rrivs at SJubury U'Hiily ami Tliur JvW4l-a m.- I4 Hi,li!ry rvr Thura !v ami Fridiv ai 4 am. rnvn al Cheraw every WcliiLfch)' ami Su t iv iv 1 1 a m. 2161 P'om BkinRham tn Chen, 3. C 22 mile arw! 'ta'ck. once a week - far K Jeain(bam vary -IVWitaaiW alia m. arrive at Clieraw, tame -lav by 9 p m. t:li-ra errv MoniUv at noon, afive St ItT-liinluin tame i'av by S p in. 2 1 tid. Fra-n l.irn!i.;nnii tiv HliiUdflphin, Miiniprlirr, II ilivtr, Cfiwp'-r Hill, Slewartavillc, Q'lrrmldr, a'i.1 lf nUvillr t l.nri)cr1ori, efjul i4J mUr atl buck. wu-. a wik.- I.cavr Liimdrrmn evrr Munilav it 5in, ir rive i -war' nvittf rv'-ry I'll- l'V bv 9 4 rn, an. I it ,iim!crtin the aimr by 7 pm. j .2170. From Vrrrnton bv K i;n' linage, BrMnr-l, ii IliilmreU'iiwrt to Nili iile, ii n.ilci j ami hm ki'ice a vek. IyCnr Vrrctf)n -vrrv Tiicl v ID a m, . arrive at ,Nliv'.!le rvry Wi-l calv hi 10 m. ' Liir N4!iv,l!o .vs-)1 Wd.ir.l:iv a' 1 p ni, ' arTiv at Wirrrntno rverv TlinrtUv bv 2 p m. . 2171. Friim thlifs bv U-ivi..!. x H wli, I ScuilauJ Neck. PJnvr. aaj Oirtf "iTre; to ItiiHItpn. 42 mil' a i'l b.ick, .nice a work. 1 Leave IUIjCm .every. Tb'twby al.5, a rii, r- rive at Haftiilt'in me d.iv b 7 j m. I a a-Jcquate contpensjtion, never cxrc-il-: :v -xorcss more rjji ! v t un t ic m ht 4 pro Till'l ailawance fnr any extra I hi i oatract shall be firfr ite I. littlnr.if Cn n mr of w,AK , rit-M4 JfaaJJ 3f JuMU Jia:r wtilrjjl1"' "reer f ve4 w tvaeanTtty'- ''Tm fl j) iriTiiie Ciii'iiKri' ' it,' fup,J ihrr (iUcuiiion "f the mi'ijc.i -vm y ottt fir oi week. Tm G,ic , .t ttnr a'atcs thj' l. 'nirno i !J iiH h-l been arresieil ( Titir. thrt P y. r-inni-t and Ca" "but Had ien '.ircii ' '7 arrf stfd Ca.rie. a di Myo if were ii thu ui'e of C'ial X IL- j a i'i I'llifiK wore siH tn inr aiiroi'f ! the fira' hs j arrive I n. I!nr.if nd the latter had pjed iv t fl.giurft, d ni'it " f nihil i t J j ill. To Ctwttr J'raicnii . "ut ik n( Kinf of Frui' hia ahonlv d : i . tic l i f of Knttlaiiil, :hc a-.het ol N I' f.i (ro.n St. ll'kii i to lie ibpii tJ In h col nun of t tie hire VetuJ unr. e'iea itiov I ,v avera i. in ctpeuce w.iich sjih alteration may re lire. 2. Seven minutes shall be allowed for opening and' closing the mail at each office, when no particular time shall be apecified, 3." For "a very ten "inlauci delay Ira arriving at any point after tiie tim: prescribed in any contract, the con tractor shall forfit five doll.rs. . If the JcLa shall. cuiuinue. beyond lh; time for the departure of auv pendioi mail, the forfeiture shall be eqjal to twice the arujuut allowed for carrytug the miil one trip. i it be made to appear that the dclav was occasioned hv unavoidable Occident, of which tiie 1' istmaiter Ge-ieral snail be the judjjc, the forfeiture may be reduced t. the aia unt of p iy for a trip j bat in no can t.iat amdunt be remitted. T.ne 1jrfeitures arc otherwise unconduiun il, and will in all cases be eolorccd. I l!i. All contracts for tou'c em'mc-j !'",,'cr 'tj' I iv V,.. IV.k! imMin rd ia this advertisement sh-dl cum meoce on the firt day f Jjnuary next, and continue fi'tir vean. I)eciiioii) ot bids will he made known on tic l9;h .ItvofO-r ber avi. - ' WIU.1AM 'tV IMH'iVi - 3 i'i futi-umr ('( ran Kiev xrjrs. lit kj juroiiralri .irji raAScii. . Iif the t 'tv.t vt.''t,Jii ill , nln o' Uil faat ailin ihiii ( uiud d, Ii . n II. vre. wueiicc the sjilot! on I Itn Atiu-', we are indebted to our trie nil Cap!. All x ander Urinou. lor a 'f eul if 6il of Paris pipe from 4t 'o-ii A-iut iurliaivr. 1'eacc ar.d truiliiy it lecture') through ' it ;ho l'ren " ttifir. .nd on the 7: i Annual the Puke ni'CMrana . call:.; i ne ih. one if r'r:i-e, by the vohe of jthe people, expreMc I fhrouti their rv- i prcie ntauves, under me f ie of tiouis Leave'Ff ndletd'n every otKe i Thurs. Jjy at noon, arrive at Ashville the -gjg jr Saturday by 6 p m. - .-.s vr;21ia.r FnmtrAhvtlle bx Turkey Creik, IIaywod c. h. or Waynesvrille, rrrraindrFrankrio,- to CUytuoGaSa mtlea and back; onee a week. V Leave Aahville every Monday at 6 7 m, arrive at Clayton every Wednes ; "day by (J p m. ' . Leave CUyton every Firday at 6 a y? f 1 "rive at Aihville every Sunday ' -by 4 p ro. . From Chapel Hill, by Pitts- itorY-I lay wood, and Reids Store, to -. : Faveiteville, thebce by Nortbingtohs Iartbaa VineyanJt aad Haywood, to Pittsboro and Chapel Hill ) equal (a 73 miles and back, once a week. -LeavrCntpel Hill -every--Saturday W l"Tm rii, r n J ' pirat.on of each orxvr. 2172. From Twooro' bv l)via' Stow, Ham- and Cool back, oner a wrrk. i IM.lL'TIT ; ; iiK) i,,r I' I I' Vfl .1 c. i nil 4. Peraons who mike proposals will j e'de-it on,y u t v I r 1 f'rnce Kuril. 0 i stjte their r,ricds by the year pay. i tni subject jaiajnt's JSIr j-iencr of ttic tnents to be niide tj-nrterlv. in the I ost remark : - ' I f a. - ui 'i,jcjiv a rciu P3 .napp, ai ot It' a u $;)ic i jiu I Sgen . . . I . i . . . r utcii ii me oi uii'im '.erini.u i im ol tic wv, iai vvi i a ata l41V-j - O months of May,; Augusv November, 4 - Ui M,jea and Fctruarv, oaV" mouih after. the p,'S'cm'''Centeht?i '-.vi r S umnt.iii,' Cardnera Uiilcc, f iviiMitith, I shall be employed to carry Uie miil. I . "' ? , "r J 01 AprinK to Columbia. lOtrmlk-a and ; lror,au ,Kfllll I i. , 1 Y rancc lt.-e ' "k I - IroposaU shoulJ state wnctbrr i M u,e butrh-ev in njr Viy t lorever dear u ilcr ever lobe recorded (sh.pti in n r hninr. u. .i.A tiller i rr. l. , -' ' """vi'.iviiiiic lavr Tarbunt' every ThuivUv a '.0 a m, ar- ' Ulc pcrbu.i proposes to carry the mail I heroic mvn inimity of the citisen of fivraaT TT.i n7Tto SVi rtav tiv pm i.rvr Hamihnn wit rky m, arrive at l Ivni.Hiir. pvry FriiUv bv 4lm hi a U(a or mnerwiavr-,, I'a.u, ovriluawu a cruel and oiia:eaie 7. V the; ..prrjon e-ihrnn propojaju fdjK(4am, mif teU'-J4b a Cuuituu. " t K. i r i .... ... i l . .1 - i . . LrtVr I'lynvvith everv S.turii- at 5 a m, r- i " .l!,l,.,rSc ,M XT rlu? "(t l,uu" iViLu.upw uui-ai riva at CoUim'iia "every Samrduy by 7jta :-.-. p .ptrs out nt the mid, h mmt stitc "onrlations, the atfecti'Mifi, of a l.rav Columbia rverv Wu.UV a'l A 4 in, ar. ,t in ,i9 0((J f oi'lii-r w;Ntr. 1. r nnot rn- ' brjl,''; 4IJ deVOlC'J people. !) our (e- rive at riynwrtth whe day by 5 p ", at ll. n.l. i : l port of t'.a proceeding In the Ciui.;rr at 5 a in, arrive at Fayettevillc every jjboday by4p m. Leave Fayetteville every Tuesday - at J a m. arrive it Chapel Hitt evefy ednedayby 6 p m. . 216U FrAtn Morgsntown, bv Little Sliver, N rtb Covey Bear Creek, Ik kersville, Greenleesville, and Ivy, to - -AtbviHe, 01 mils - ao4 backr once a iaeeiT" ,,,v ,.- - , Leave Mrgantown erety Saturday n at 4 a mf arrive at Ashville cfcry Sun div bv' 8 p tn. Leave Ashville every Monday at 4 . m, "arrire at Morgantowo every 'jfueaday by 8 p fn. - j " 2 1 62. From State sville by Thomas' -"''-Jperrf, to -Mountain Teek, 20 miles ' ""aWbaCsTJ St?WvaMINrtjssi?i " Lcay?; gtc8VTie remr Monday 1 p m; arri vie at Mouotaio Creek same . a war .. i - ' - c ar ay run. , -t w Jay t 5 a m, arrive t Statesville aame day by 11 a m. ; T 2 1 6N3. From Pi ttaboro, by Ramsey's M Us, , Tick Creek, Underwood's H'.ore, AUen'a Sore, Mffit'a Mills, Brovrer'a MiiU, , Waddle'a Ferry'', Ty a oo .Store, Gulph, and Pedlar's Mill, to Ptttslwre f equal to 41:niik and back, e a week. ' ; I ie pittsboro every Wednesday xjt 6 ni, r.d retain so as t arrive at rnriv T..V.v liv f. i. m. ii.l 1 I...r..' ! J H"T""-5-' evcrv Wedneadav hv i p m. i 8. Propositions fur any improve- '2171 From tVadiiiiK'nn bv lUth. Pjntpco. meuts in traasporting tnc mail may be Log Ifuiise Li'idini;,' Urr iiaii'.io. Su.iii.tuM. r. . , i it i , , , , . .. , . U1 , . staicu ;n the proposals, aad w i II be and Lake Landing to MidJIetown, 34 tii.le. and . . 1 ' ' u bank, once a wek. ! u considered. Ieava Wnslunjjtua every Fr'.ibv at 5 a m, ar- D. Tile number of the route, and r,v n,H ,u , .,er.v au.uay uv o p .... beg.nnm- a-id term astion, ahuuld arrive at Wl,ingtoi every Tburaday bv H p m. 2l7V from Iklrih by bpithficid. Wnynta boro' Spring Bank, kinwto.i. (;iN Uridyl; ami Cove Crtak to Tfcwbern, 70 m'.lca aiid back, twice a week, in 2 hute. agr. Leave IUleijrh every Monday ar.d Trniradnv at It) a mi arrire-irt Newbeni every W'ednewlajr and Satur.iny by 4 p m. Leave Newbcrn every Momlay and Thu-djy at 6 a m, arrive at Haleigh every VVedueadu and Saturday by i p m. " ?17r ' rroitf-Fay eirevitirby- Efinbethtown, and Wrtt ftnkiti 1 Vlilmwonr e wtWand back, three times a week in 2 lioruc tlaget. Leave Fayetteville every TuexJ.y. Thuradty, and Saturday at 4 a in, arrire at Wdmington next day bv II a ro. Iave Wdminetoo every Monday, Wednea- day, and Friday at t p m, arrive at Fayetterrirle at xi aiyiTiy pT: - - 2I76 From Newbern by'Trent Bridge, Croaa Roada, Swanboro', French Mil Is, nd (iklu r. h- l.i Vilniinjrtiii. I'V) mil.- m i I ii f !) lilti-a. riir , .!.... i tifin. a aiirT ti while hit .. i. ii. . f . . ti '. rnrii m n' oi i 'ran, m or ler thai ibcre OimiH i.,i I.e. w (Ve CqarQ her iry icc:ct or noted. -'iTmy. M n,rrvr 'rced 'Sit tnis m'lon tnoi: : i.e rri:r'ii i'i "i !)i,riui. M rd l! rr),. ,, nu!'. ! j mo iyn. -fPrr.nr.-d-i.M)( a ) IR-s'iiJ-. A emn ii utfj '!. f f,.,, .,f r.ar,retk he ir Mnnr-n ; tlt!i . m juu ben , tora ' iinndr : tho lioliTf of lit cr'rii.-' hss no lnn;'.r ,nv tii;ht to tUim its xeeudon( Chsrhv V. and tU tor f f 'en- In Vsln id 't.'dOmit iio-r. tlu v t'i -m'lvta tia longer hold. Thai por ,-r has he? i dil- s'llrcj in tut of at vri al tili.U'attds ofviitini The am (, A'.rlirj mn thf hat been ruirinuiica'erl io ua, ii hut a new act of perfijy il.c acnblaner of le k'aliiy witn Mr nit is rhihid ii )jt d : eptio.i. Ii i a bratrj of c!ii- -rd l 'rmp'nl i'i Oe Cist 4iy. i, Tr.3 real eneinKs of our t ountry -iliovc wno, by th.'ir Hi rrv, lure ured i ne later;ovrn- I me ni to is ruin, continue load a. ill m vrrv nide ; .ev clo'he themHclve with, evcy coiour tney pra:iai-n ev,-r opia ion. Uira Koyalivs pre-Vrt 'henjse.VeV under the elak ol R'piljiicn It-u'ici'V s," wM- T1f.r4i'ff'Ct -far fittoHO KVV- of 'no Cnoqijtror t I'.iro-ie, t byporri'i- " fjl al:ah.Tic:i.:f bkb,o natrert, ir it w-re prs hku r u id hj i no a fjurs'irjri of niinj rtlm to be tn -Cnttf-of Prance. The unavoidhla in'a3iii y of the present fcoernrncnt encourages instigi, or of discord. Lnt us tufen ro pill au'enrT to It "A Supreme law, i nit or iicreJiltV ba pTic'erT ar'tirs iff tfitr iVd-:; of the ciiizsas oi Paris, in order to resist . oppreasion, and has made u 4 adnpl flr our temporary ()nirf, and ordvmean ol silt- ' fiiKt, who is a ineere '"ieid to a . . . tlu' ia aisumiiisT the Crown of 1'ianre.. mir 1 O,'s'i n tona! Inatrutiwis. Ihesim L 1 . M i'i i 11V 'ir.tf.. ..n t .J..... t..v.- t ill dlldPl, his lijebty, Leave Newbern eveiy Momhy at 5 a m, ar rive at Wilmington every Vcdifday by 1 1 a m. Leave ,WUniingivii erery Wednesday at 1 p m, arrive at Newbcro every Krid -y by 8 p. m. . 3177. From Wilmington by Orion to SniUh vUlc, .29. mile and backuice a weesjir 2 borae ncMlay at t p m, arrive wt btrittttvrlre name days by H p in. " . v - Leave Smithvil'e every Sunday ami Wednea- be stated in every bid j and the pro poial must be seated, directed to the General Poet OJice, office of Mail Contracts," and .superscribed "Pro pos.iJs." The following i a proper form for a proposal: 4 will convey the m.iil, agreea bly to d loerttienu zt, on ruati Xo. ' io for the yearly He must state the place of his resi dence j and if .not a con tractor, must accompany his bid with satisfactory recommendations. 1 10. The- - 4iUocer- aa sutedp-are believed to be substantially correct but if any mistakes have occured ia ation to thentt nr tncrcae uf mm. unhnut -rleld y , a i,..r..... i-i.;.r . .l . . .. tne ' """c.n v-.mj ji trie vt.'ne nin.'i i-Mvriver, impiifii mir ie tm- l'iiki Jofite utiur.r the aacr cd protertjun of the Inc.! .. ,.,l ...... i. .. i; i i ni"' n.iii in. I .ill. nimr .i I. ". ...j I..... .. I own lovercieu pnviiah'ri are secured, KUiraMees rigr.l ot hi snhjv.lH. wlmh.iu pi, (! ;Witn n:ch mis t hief mp'rr us Ihej. tst ol t.l;:i.ir. Iii)..-it. i ars uounu to ni iriut. rt(ituio rivtl -rid religious, benr;ttKwjrd is the, 1.t,,e 5.!,'ot)'" ft ",tt con'itauin uUii, pmiifRe of all who ! v-i witmn tr,e ! itU'h he i tao:tain power. . Siimfuillil l'.-tiv:n dominions ! ii.lC. France tn, ,Jnrt rePri,tfl'r deceived, ivs ate '.v:.i ninV dnr th-M--Afi-libtialaideolih'en-r- n S"I"J1'' f'n- ,hc :' it-"'s' -"ondidfitM. ed Prince, she has cho, at Irnirini . ." "''O5'-' "0 t.ni';tSTe; They .-"" enj-jy a conetii.l t,..)ver,n.in wonhv Gl!lii,"M ni1nv ,v,im; " !"' M'..iu a. ii, Jj.jiliv 1.1.,-ill. 1 fic J I nice iKv a! our besd, has alivady c'one mora thtin we tiMpiied f. hi n ; the funda mental priir iplei of our rights hv e ocen s'rfljt' DliiUJdRdad hi- the Cli-mmr. and. a kM.rUd(!l by iitflr; wncrprjnciplet oi its cnaracier, i; vuitie, is rtr.orn Kecent evens; which hire ui-td the name of the country, eveii to a lusher piniHde of fjloty ibjtj i: lud evi r oclore attained, seem to hva sddvd ji,miess sTre'rfjglh ttf the" botidi of aunty, in which "WlM fct-a BU' L'.AIitfA..&.. WiimiALfijML um.'.l... a M4 mi ..iw.wwj. v,... AHfli, J11 1'wwwwfv wkmw .vfl.i. ft a ... et.r.l' S178. Fftun' Wilminfrtrm by SerttivY Bridge to Gravelly f Mi, 40 miles and back, once a Werk. Leave Wilmington every Wedntad.y at 2 p m, arrive at Gravelly Hiil every Tbaraday by 5 . Leave Gravelly If US every Ttieaday a! 9 a m, arrive at M'ilnnngton every H'edoeaday by 10 am 3179. From Fayetfevitle by Clinton, Duplin Old c h.. Wriiftilivulu KeniinailU. I'nn,tii 4nd Trenton, to J5y abcrn, 137 milea and back. puce a weea. ' Leave Fayetteville everyTbnraday at 5 a n, arrive at New hern every Saturday by 5 p ra. Leave Newbern every Monday at 5 m, ar rive at FaycttniHeTrv Wcdp'eiat by 4 p m. pensution will be allowed un that ac count. The contractor wi!! iuform himself ou that point. ... 1 1. The rostmaster General reserves the right of annulling anv contract whenever repeated fiiia"resib arrive WtthrrThe'?jrmr ui -niivuYi .vile auujre,.snaii nappen amouoling to the loss of a trip. --la- ever y case wrtere the -mait trawrrdrti contractor ihairbe Underbid: and the underbidder sjull not have auch stage property as may be necessary for the performance of the contract, he shall purchase from the present contractor, ata reasonable valuation, the whole or anypirt of the stage propertv, hi cludiog horses,, that may be suitable for the service, and make payment for the aame by reasonable instalments, as hia pay shall become due, or as may be. otheiwise- BTraBgcd. . f$dd tW France and Kni'laud hv I... fifn-. . iBn" other laws are rciu.illv indisnetisable ieen united. Tne mulii. Ure has dif 'ini bc '(IUjl;r admitted. We afe fused a jov throughout Vi,cn hihun asr''"5 f,Men r Pepi i to'uslhejr haift" Kenen.1 as it is. emhusiiMi'?. sad in the ,,";!", 'heir tnteres:i and their wants, ijmerons sympirhy of out .rgiiort breth- ' ,.'c'r rjt Wa tha idearesr.- ii'tc.es; rerFTb-WeTernii"'"ihe urtat'iuslT ' ,40r,T'- and rpo .Tbet.iuyCt, of the nation, wnich is displaying iiself in! 'ncn,"e,v on tteir liberty from the hand of tyranny bj force of arms It is tjr us - to s'cuie iimlr repose uyjlvii! .iiem a just and stable RoteriimentJ Vainly will it he contended, that by acting ; bus we overstep our authority.. I ili2 however, at onca destroy ibis objection, . if it he msdi, bv reierfij again io ihit a munificent suhscripiion, we may antici pate their reeling auhe happy consum tnation, which has closed a fen days of revolution with the tataUishnicnt of hi atitutioos permanent and ler.l as their own. Th.- F.A';. ri....... . -..v u-i.iiij vilinri a. . f. v.lil ... leave a kingdom over which he hat t vi an- '" h already in voted imnerloti nirmA a I . f .1 1 . - i J. 1 1 . I " a ... iiiviiitioie nscesaiiy. in rns iate ot rnia4?iiir ntoi?oii(fwmra anourrnt i curuvances in which tho-, country is placed, the indispensable need trtarvfbeine rttieverTtoix, OipiC: siluition, and the universal hopes nt Uhes of.a'll France to arrive at the com; pletion of our Institutions, I have tha honor to propose to jou'thc following resolutions? - r'-i?.- w ' trial nurpose he has eMrtho.t l-ln Crarfee, a.14 Oeal lrrnvin: ir..- French, (both of New York .1 Th. r,' ation ofthe KinR i unkrioHn one re port says, he come to the United States, another that he will proceed to Uome, while third asserts he will sail ror Scotland. It. is reported that Charles has demanded an antiusl allowhftCe of 4, p00,000 francs-that 1,000,000 in gold ba immediately placed at his diposaf nd permission to Uke with him whom--oeyer be pleases. v , understand that the-Great Dritaln " chartered at; the rsie'of SO Of o francs rr flft fiVrt mib, sr.d sb.t fr-ecTi M The Chamber . -of) Depude s, takingf into consideration, In the public Interest the. imperious ntcessity resulting from tbe events of ths 36. 27. fin. and 29. of July last, and the folio win g days, and the general si'ustion cl r rar.ce Declares,tliat theTjirone is vacant, sfifj; I nisi ii is inaespensably oecess'aiy to tMP predion acr-ordirHyf ... . . B Ti m nc P' Jb tit tin t fie wi l il. Vi P I( ati ar. at 40