Lr' tt f emu . J, MM. 7V C.K'-M' -HJ'M hecirre general prsc fa tt to " ,",'r, of f,eMW" "nd ... ..,r'.rh ll tU ! f St fl(r""y. v t riiL. m La. j. UmJiri nacA; J f.t n 'i ' ... ; V ' . . . . - ,A i.i tr'"?:jr";;-4 .. tt it iAav 1 ;., .r i,( ihii and U' t1nk U ! ef lP w part'Htirc Vle .under a the North M,j ,h' S-Hit!i .!ci I 'v one, a' tie vben ,ir-.utiy w. warmly enKiKd in ft eonteil ,,(,.! Briton, and when every eifrtion v edr d repel the i..vaioii of the enetny ,r dnee hin fmm our I'torn, r.fateJ , e-r-operMe i. tbow who were tghtinc for ,Uhon of rih'ht pic-:!.not upon uA. ,m k iir.rr,,h .t ujH.n th- aailor of the Northern S.,1', ad ihreaterif d t wi'U.ln f'" i ni -n and WY'y enured the pr.weulion 1,1 .1 I'M. r ar bv Cr- Britain, and would, uoust if tle wr hd oi liu ird tue put th'ir .v. ... . I il.,lwa tli a' into fire muii " i c i. ......-- the proteMion of the eiie-r-v. Th y in troth nv.t f..rlhe purp. "( '!'tilnff diimember nnt of t!ie conledrniev and to er ret eaepiffcte and mperirUut Kii-t-me'l 'o.Ul of the Fo tnwn.a:. S-ir.Ii wu tlie violence and diintia-f.-,-n uiucti ci ctcr i'd the mraurt J t';,o,-; '.ZTirT inrf.; eat'ed 'he treaaoni k'e Hariord Conttniioii I'tat Tonveniion a comp. .! of me de'rK"" "f ra,".v !,,, and llie objcrl of it call r 'kr into riMii-Uration the eip-dirncy . f ibtconneetini: ihr icrrrai aU'et "tbVy"r'prnnted fmm the r, of tli.-. U"i '' ,,,llt um' of "r and in ti.r t-f the comeit with lirea f:, L'-f -i aiUttt fir moment o the m- r.e'." S'ate K.gUI 17 'n .... . . ..l r .i . I' i . n -rk : ot .hut j r-y M.c .icr anu ' I-. time o! tu 'il p'.acc anu -.11 . i . . i . vve coif em. rrom iue wen u'i.rrvm .. . -f ...Ik ?..!. .11 r'TOTiick reertrdrd a-l up to tl" t ..ij li dlctucJf 'iht v iolatibO of ihe com pr , . -cd in'tj between the eveml m'tnbn "WiT ne ijr'ti f iheirduwoftt,ind tbey eowld r.Ol but thiurf t atimJjr Colli: ti pUaia-J 1v thi? "tinr ttepublick. limilir dtniny inuai aaai it. Kaowiu and iliii.aiuj; tbui tbey ery pjiKilly can- ' h xonc!u?ioa; that cur propc policy was a clone and rigid observance df the compact hicli foroiid the basil of our I edrml tnatiHHitx i. t bn a eood and iinu. nui fi'ii'.'.s wlieu' rhtf y the- Republic k jn jen.-ar ! fro u a (li,.J!erou Pyiiryi veil known t a be mc!i by Uta! ciperience and the faithful r cnrcli of hiton-,they could mit remain lilent r i i u moved when they w the righta of the ?,U rl'.irc yarded, anil the cor.ritutional coro-p-i voiutpd. Coiiiolidalion w-mld have ful Led, and l.on the ire would have ipiunfj a I the hi -rot of anarciiy aud civil war. I be State li i;h' phrtv atrive to enubliah a conati'.u. tirmul ai'.iriii.isti ution of the general government, which tan only be effected by a nice and accu rate rtfcvd to iIil- unccded rights of the S'atei. I it treason then to c )ii )'aiii of an airPption of power- over tlitwe iiUwil Doea -it . iciid..XO promote d. bunion to protcil in any manner against Aincpnutitntiona! and oppressive tawx? Our i-.pprtioi, tyrantdike, would ajy even u, a a matter of -course. The Convention pro-pi'S-.d to be called in a biblVr State ii ever and arum likened unto the out.- of Hertford. Are the dcigiu and moiivLS Ci the icvcrai partie any thiiif, alike i The one cal'td a convention for t,hv purpose of prucuii'.jf a rliiniutiim of the Tnimi Di-cauiu a ruajority ot C'ongreai bad done a ptnectH conjtitutional act, to wit : to declare ar. "The (jfLer' proj.bsvii W citt ono fir "the pnrposc of protesting a,; tim-; ui.cou-iUi.T tioual nieacur of the geneial government awt nqt to plot a tlismt mhermeitt of the,, Uiiioa. Will ihis convention be any thing like that of Hartford wi'.h regard to another particular? That in South Carolina will be compoicd of tnmbrri freely elected by bcr own citizen, and not of a voluntary association of disaffected men vhohad met; witrr diiappoinrroentrrn pot'rtrcat prrf, rmeht, and who ere gathered principally .-foa4lav4aX tion i wiil be held precisrrlv by the aatBe right under which Virginia claimed to hold her. To tens .ih. riebt tefiaHUi JavraUaii.JtMg. M. iiw. de it to Vtrguii ti fnnake ''a'diatinction vitbout a difference" between the two Caae which are precisely timilar io far a it regard ihe right to" tiaemble for the purpoae avowed. Who cauted the preient ipHt in the State Uight party throughout the Union t The enemiev cf Bepublicamsm, and they were driveir to such a atep by' deiperation. Tbey hiv aowed the aeeda of dissention among w and-they expect to ttap the fruit. Diviitt el tmpera divide and onquer it their policy and they will have pur v' ft with effect unleat the State Right party igaia rallv round the common itandard ad r i.t: pr-M'r ) -lir-. .r.nieii 'iim 1,11 j jhc ejiTtafion " we 'he people" ahould Dt C'r.(TM. of the I '"''! -'-d l"A brtt4j bjf 4y f ,t..i,,j the' partitf. He f, -nli.ui.oiml '.i'i.;. .1 ' ' Vfiu',or I thought it hkewiee a danKerout title to Man me ai pn.La.o'ed to cV) ( d claimed ju"1,c-1 (aincr nmnei in Krpu'ilica'. fovernmelila Of mil I,.,., nver m 'd hu,p. purely local trnl ot , "but lm tunJiiak." W hoj t to let it m. Aln ly J.i f begin to ie t reaction In public opinion. Tht peoplt begin In open thrir ryei, tuj to d'.icern the lr'jfi of tUcU tntnaiti. i i iU la be natter Uv atreJ rn grt'it doubt inl uncertainty to what. m tht. but ir actrr bHglnaJty intended t be givte to the Federal ewititution. Tbt in feature! ihmiM be bid behind rtxak wm certainly never dU covered, Much Ur Intended, by" hi framrrt. And ire mutt therrfort tht rathe f aitnbutt tbii pretended blindueev end Igtturania It the bin of interval thai to the iWdute vint of under. Handing and aairaeitv. to penetrant tht legill- I ' 1 (. fa.f -aaa-l ..a I S til :r. iirL. vi'. .. -. . w nslt t(te U n'tiHj'T J.tpoJ to b-1 fettim WtV mMU A-lU i cet'i .1 the Mtf df tbe conrrrai tJ lh FJiul.t Ki' - wrm indirftlouiln iJ'ocitinjfilififercKji pia. ripln the rijiil termi uon wbicli tlx cunttitution M trrdrj, rd wturb no lnjfiiife on nike more riplicrt we mint nut beclurcd villi uufairncM in uttrtb'itiii thr'r j)iiiiuu upon tL'i Ui'rr i(cii'ni to no. I ime'ei tcd rnM.t, Hiixild we ft with the froen of evry putriul devoted to tle good cu of bie f'unlrjr. Tlit grtui ii-f flju'itul f i.-iiijt then viiich ;; r to l(e pr'rwnted it'riflo t lie vwtriiif miiuSt of the prt krfnre ulluded to, it, vbetlirr '.bit 1'iiion in coiifriltretuiiiof IbeStitrtoref the people j end upon tbat deciwon bin, it i mid, the correct urn or loumlnrt of wlt ii tcrnicd the "Sta'e llighl doctiine." To the mind of mn even irijjh'ly o'jr rtit cf tbo4 thiiiKi h'.c (Uitv romc within the litre of hi nbtcrri'i.m, the truth l that Tl5A'i'??.rM'A.nt iil.hiin he Joublfultuice. it ia written in Ultfuae wli'cti tbr moat ubtuar intellrrt chjM not iriimppicbf ml. It will be reeol'rct?d that the tlprtition Me the people" in ihe caption to the conritu'ion vai par' ciihrly obnoiioua to tbc coni;tcnt. 'icdiui ol the (rill Hi nr md it (Might to be faithful y icntritbtrt-d ho" di'ijfi-ntly he laboured to unke out tlmae terin arul intert in tlnir utad "we the ttH'eo." He thought it in nn-mly .)t n , ,dvcr.aricl ill Ihe Cuiiteft for ita era- ture eonfe.atd he eon.'Hutioii to be framed by (he t'tiiKtiii and undi'r a ompact of the antra 1 " ' i mate prur were the autt-a, and w he like viae" w iahe J it) the iTn ri'y tf Lit heart tu Have Ihinga called by hrrr peeper nTtet.- 'I hit this i. a ,ou,uuiuuu oi uu puup.c u. iuc .cvltoi .j individualry and not a nitltoriomt rf.firl of I : . t . i. .. i i . l ... . .1 the people of the U. State collectively arcor ding in ihe techt.iral d finhinn of thoe Xetmt, i a proposition which can be rationally and con ctaalrtly auppored 6y the evidence 6f.fncti. It it well know n that prior to the revolution and the acknowledgement ul our independence uu.Ue put of Ureal liiiiuin, tUa-tliirlccu aUttiijwJ. W not a a gwd-ei.iien, required of him wcreaaTereign and Indpendtnt of each othern whenHiotlvei Ot kfljetinn and elt preacrvation moved llicm to a laating1 and perpetul Inion, believing there mutt a! way exitt be. tween them Iruiu ibeir peculiar reUtion towardt each other, the utmmt harmony and unanimity. Under the influence 6f thtte fceliugi and gui ded by tuch high and Uudnblo molivtt, the people of the different t:itei eiit their n-pre-tentative to enter into a lolcmn Compacft and t erect a gwernme t for the prcaervation of' tbK .d.-r and lo aeenre the liherlu i. i.itereat ! ..! k,;..,.- ,.r .h.. ',,.i ..f.t.Jtcr? II Irom the committee, I am ure confederacy which wt accoiJingly done. With these fact bt foie us, and with a poai trve knowtf dge that The penpte of the 1: m i in dividually and not the people of tbe United btaiea collectively formed. ili pre lent compact and framed the rxiating constitution how can we denominate the charter of our government, a the coiMttitutlnnol the people, in iitechnioal enee i Thai the people in the iJdln all whole tend iheirrcpruscnuitvts to the National legii iaiuie ii ctrUinl) true and thus tar it iithe con stitution ot ihe people of U!e collectively. We t.te the dittinclion and think it ii plain enough. S.uppQcjuj:jcxaaui!cJtt.i!luilrate.lhe more tuily that A. Ii. C. and D. agree to entei jntq a cop;ilitnership--each tupplict hn portion of the capital about to ba emba.ked in oine mercantile tnterpria.1. The igreernent is that all are to abare the the profit and bear the lessee md expenici in like manner. Now thi stock, o far at it ia liable for certain purpoaei, I) conaidered he property ol-the wbdlr firm ahd can all be uaed or taken to answer tbnue purpoaea. In every gther point.. pf view each parT capital and prdiiti, and none of tbe other can di- wrr mw mSxy- r ..:,. .nr! hir fhe.r vote. aeiRA uoon Ibe 'HIBCTr" " . : . ifcw, "j - 1 r - . i esti. of the minority" in that capital atbek? Would not uch a atep be a gros violation of the term of their partnership and outrage eve ry principle of justice1? Thii caae it analagoui to that of the Statea. Tbe whole people are pledged for certain purpwea, but thoae excep ted, the people of one itate or a mijority of the itatei have nothing to do with tbe individual righta or eohcerhi of othert. The comtruction given by the latitudinariani reoognizei thii monatroua and abiurd doclrioe. . A the rtnek it a jolut one fur certain purposes) is otm hi a tOLlwaUoft 6 Uit boW pe j-l wl-ea tn.f,n'j I u !ertoo.J ixj ftttrl iipnn. He I'at'i lln-n itand in the ftame rtUtiwn tonla each other thaf tUea partner! ocrupy lU one tmrerda tht j otbtr. AnJ tht hu!t people or tht fnilrd! ita'tioft iwajgrittef ihem in ont od; wWd birt mo rort right umler tte eotiitiutiei to j pa, ihm'-tht tfrrW Wie eeprentiiieei, particular Ditu t than thirty crtb'f " not oatemibly known U the firm would Net rich! to nreeoente a anil lntbeir rmnra re al C'airt U which they miht bt In fau-t Mcreurd, I hu not public k'y lud according to tbe copart itrrebip reenputt! n partial to tie Irm, . lucb U tbe plain OJuvmow hm Om atter wlthaut All MiU.laliriAal A WfrM lA .J.I aAAa.l. fe ; ,-r- 1 . r 1 - n ,,u,ri- ir f r rirtr t bote Iber people 13 uidti- tt in J y;,a"jIaiC it mt ty aW. 1 If aftr wronj "lo ouf fiotlorf tr irfru nf I itrin prejudice lowardt what vt drem a proper (emulation to teCurt tit libertict and welfare of tbe country. A letter fiom, Judge Julio of S. C. ad dreaaed to Go ernor Taylor of tbe lame State f barge that It aulhfication grow of de liberate conapirac) igainit the Union, which baa been feK'i'y woiking upon u for tbe laet an yeara, though very few are ko "be aecret." I hit i a aefloui charge, and it migfit bake ua feel aerioui if wtdidoot know that a aimilar charge bail been made with oiucb mora linpo ng i ilcmnity than the preaent om- of Judge Johnaon, aod that tbe acctiaation wai entirely unaupported by my evidence ttve the aditary lic'u of a meoiber of Cwrgrea from II. C. who, Ibeugh a talented man, vaa Ion to every honor able feeling. But notithtandinjf tuflkieiil and convincing proof wr prumixd tn make good tbt cbargt yl norn were adduced, and tht acctner wu regarded aa hatiug failed t'i make out hi i ae, aod public aenlimant inaUnt- Ty branded it ai a faUt accuiatlion. " We ae really aatcniah'ed at tbi letter and cannot determine in what light to view it, whether be i in reriou iubcf cirneit, or whether it wu written, at a great maty audi let. ten are to create a lea'atiun.' B it ire much1 rjiielion, if Jude Jebnvin really be ie earni1', whether be will be able to find proof tu cor roborate hi itatement tha a compiracy ba been fornied aaimi the Union for the ll ail year. Wt ilia'l ih.--ef. re look for tht exhibi tion of hi pruoft very binly. They thould not be held, from public view a tingle dav lon ger than it n-ceitarily coriiumed in procuring them flut ti it not a little aii.milar that " a vcrv i 1 (,' fhouldhave been conuaant of a con.piracy aaiu 'he Union for til yn 3'. and Judge j Jolinwin. '.' the fe," and having in-lb i priMemino evidence of ih' on.ijt-aey, abmilil lute ftnothered the accuaation ami the prnoi 1iBM.,m ,he cnr,tpirey 'i. b'oi ,o be cn-..nmaicd a be think, t la be aul gudty uf miapriaua of Ireaaoa I "Thoaw vita actually plot a conapiracy agaai' the Union are (uihy f treaaon, and Aboaa who bwew it and conceal that knowledge arc guilty of miipriion treaon. And thit ia Jude Johnton too of the Supreme Court of the U. S, whoae duty a tli'.a' uiforroation if lie'p')iertrf JVwtrtc1fwe'un doTtand from hi letter, aia year ago What are we to think of thit r We rannnt think other wiie than we have aid. But we aha II kno tliordy whether we have tltouglt ctrrtcttf more than we are it liberty at preient to eipreu. The letter will bt found below. Ckarlrtfu Auguti 31, 1830. Mr Deau Taylor I havejutt retetv cd an inviia.ion to your dinnar uf the 30'h prox. Pray tell me, did it come troin H0 COniniittee or from 0lt Other OUar not a rain of theru could have ient it oth r wive than ai a mark., cf . attention it fiotn another ..quart ert you i know ine well enough to know that the jet ia loal Bui tny object in either case ii to in quire, whether if I attended the dinner, 1 L:ouid be heard with patienre, while prov ing to the satisfaction ol uny man whose mind was in sia'eof thinkitti;, lit. That the protection of (!ometic manufactures was in avowed leading tnd necessary object of tbe conaittution.j:; 3d. That it was never lost sight of, but always relied up-n as the cspacity of 4be country to produce developed itself. 3. Tfctt m lairinieTnpu' on i liTgr scale crew out of a succession of such .1. wlnnafti. nla m t'i A a hlliltl til lllinfra faV suiting ftom in the apptirstton of labor, which imperatively tcqgUrdof every wise government lodopl uctl a course of policy. . ( 4. That Carolina has not only not been mjuretj but realhr benefitted "to. many ibousands by the Tariff 5. "That no atata in t,he union la more ciplea of the Tariff. . ;-Tbat nuthfieatrort h.fwf tnd-the - . , --.u . iillr and wicked delusion. 7; That it Rrowt out of a deliberate conspiracy against the union, which has been steadily Working upon us for the latt six years, though very few are lo the secret. : . . 8. Thit Contention is the grand end and aim end agent of that cons'tprtey. ' My frietuiV yotrhate much t-atike, and you tre not the man wnom i wouia think to friebten or wish or hopt to de ceive- Before Almighty God, t. declare to you that I'belicve U tlx "above prppa- j0 ,rue j ,nJ yva ,,8 my Jr mUil'ift, my requrit, lo tutlill thtl with my nitne 'O i'- 1r I irri 11 eirncit. tcura wfTe rl iuiiale lf . ' WILLIAM JOHNSTON, ' Governor Taylor, in reply to Jm!?t Jolmaon, nromiat patient td full br-binf upon tht ajtyaA tqiytoai' tblt bt would adf ruWe t uri,rt f, ,n who will prxn, thai ft..,.. ,sti k--t breatsleaa ttuUuii,Hr.oii ,t..l . ... " i . tht. ttimphi of rnnct Im been erwUcloua, ml tht Rrrotutlor.ary ipirit bat RwhI iu wiy into lit IuropcX'"t'Jtmi. 0,4'ti,,-.1, ailed WAonjr tbt pnpulalian in tbt ffi'.rt of IV jx WU. TltafUf roe u cLin terl if tbt Gerniart.'ear' Vital' W rry lr t-in" a i Insurrection, n4 tbe ml.ibiur.ti of 8wlrrlf)d i. -L.. .,.rr.n...nlnn with tbt French. eertJ proine hat riaen in Hpi"- nw Cmfituiiwi witb tht ew K.(t pof,uUr "d aim an iceeeaio-. of Krenyib daily, rliinp II r Uuii Pl.Uip I. M ht be called U llmly teeted on ihe Tbrone. Neenbi-Wt hie rite waa untMaed to be icaioet tbe imlinatnioe rfi inajitritr of ibe people of France, but tb fer nfftrat eoronvn'ion in 'he umettled Hte i Kingilom, witb tbt iutr'ncuei of the Iuke't fa vorer! broub b"l bt event. U't bivr fivrn tome etrv4 in anoiher column. A MANY. A HoeiHy bat b-en foraaed iw Teuweaart cal led the Anti-Cuttinr R'kk Society. The mem ben of tbe Society bae agreed to keep a Wk out for all awindlerl etc. and whenever they make tbrlr ippearince, i, their town, to give a cb-rription ofthem. H'oohl not one of a aimi Ul nature be advnugrou io lhiJi5 f By 'he latet id vice from Caf.hagena Bolivar wm l ilt there. Tbe country wa in a more fi'iir ante than uaual. Tl.e FM'unr f the Cincinnati American h had a twawr with Mra. A wi -Riyei. t U toil a fr urj-ol for lympaihy. The Mirat illeabymn of liberty iithe produc lion of J eph lioguet de I .We. It i tatd t o have bid a powerful elTcrt upon tbe Suldiera In the foim-' Krrnrh Hevolution. A iecrr eapedition wa lately gnt op under the -Ueriiiti nderwe f Johnaon, noted tmug glr and 150 Jspa.iiiU oRfera, wVicb f-i.m Fiflind ta the enait of Spa n. The .,..'... ti.r o-ot inlellipence of i ai.d an immediate repreaenta'ion to 'b - For rn Office, there wi no time, koarver, l r jntrrfernee before tbe pcditin aailed. A fiey caried with them igrea fjint;ir ,f aw. rilir.n,'te. it mppoaed that they were aciirg in Me4rt wtibawtt arty4w-iiabv.- i The eleclinna are over ir jMai'.f a.d 'hej have reaulted m trie eritirw roirte i'it lb- m r iean lyitem" jeMry. The Alexadna (laxet'e with a great deal of apparent candour acknoa I edgei the defeat of Mr. Clay, and ennaolf binv elf by liying " Th wheel hai mother turn to make. - nii baa, but w are of ap'uiiun that the Lciaj" ticket will agaia come wit a r.a -- Mr. Vanghan, the Britiah Minitier baa, wr learn from inn National Journal, so far recover ed hi health as to be able to ride. He hai rf ceived hit new credential! by which he it re Uiaed by William IV a luiniatcr to thit country The proceeding of the Virginia cutiventior are now publiabed and readr for delivery. . A New Tork paper aayi that " women were found by a benevolent enquirer, making duck trow ten at fjur cent a pair, and co'.tao sbirti at renr a piece. Wilkea, one day, aikcd Canick what he cal. led bontity f - Whan that to you f" laid Una cl ua, ' ' riied die with tfiuigjiTh liii cohce rn i'oui" In the windn of a retailer of imall beer in in Tunbiidge Wells, there ii the following i "Truft here it dead! Who killed him? Bad pay I" - A new party t brenking out in tbe lower end of Mauarhuiettii called the Trank Knapp and anti-Frank Knapp party trrte in favour of hi pardon, and tbe other of bi hanging, Mr. Woodbury of Nev Hampshire ii propos ed by one of the democratic party ai a candi .ct..fM.jJ?-kJK.iideey Daniel Webster i tpoktn of by the Clay par. ty a a candidate for the frirwkncy,.Thcy have' given up all hope of Mr. Clag. THE JMAIUtSTS. Salitiurw Price, Orl. 2.Cotton Tin jteed, 2. clean R8, corn 62 to, 65," fiour g4 to 4. beef 3 to bacon 8, molame 4i, lard, 8, salt, l.laj. tugar U to 12J, cottte lVj to 16. .. rWafM, Sept. 20. ..Cotton 9 a lit bm:8:iMfesjM 41 a 5t), corn JU 7, coee.Il l74onD Caroliua bank 2 per cent d'wcouut Oeor gia, 2f per cent premium. " ' . . ;:J7r- FavlttviUe. Sebt. 22.......Ctton 10 a tit bacon 9 a 10, aptde brandy 39, corn 60, flaxaetd 95 a f,l, flour, new 4 a 5, molatve 26 a 28, m gar 81 a 1 1, nit 70 a 75, whitkey 26 1 27, wheat 75 a 80. Columbia, Spt, 23.Cotton 10 to UJ, Flour bbl. 6J a 6J, butter ?5, bacon 8 a JO, Ham 10 a lit r; r T .- CnnuUn, Sefil. 2J....Cotton 9 a 10, flour fc$ a 54, out ef tbe wagon, Camden Mill, ft 5 a 7, wheat 85 a 9 1, corn 75, oat 32, nit 62 J, whis key 39 a 2 bacon if la I .J. n jll HOI Lt, of rbiUde'pb Ale) tlU",U j" fce'd an-l f,i a' by AI.5MM It tB,i, Jtiutntj wiiii ,VinitA .,1 .Sr,'t.J 'irne.a Til 'f . .ld. .Til ai. icl a O'te euud ifc'ri inl enatant traj. pluym'nt will be given. None but a r,i rtg iont ed, , , IIOltACg 1L BiiAUD tat', fVI In, I1V " " 3"'f .:. c," Vockel WolC lib r " FIJlllB M.Klrn j-eu .. hur-t'aKT k'X)S . JL contalaiai; I y I'nllai. (.n flve !6nr. bua U. Sowf yt h tai uf a guau'.ira ia . Inull MUn! - II was loat t,n Um- tvad Wa H.tTror Kar,y V.-J.U.W V Old UA-Ta-r-;- -i oca at iltxik wtsjuC red Mu cqio... 1 1 tucui nad LZ .. MtMlrv autv'aUle u ibt antMatrdmf, and tlw xz:.:." obt!tr!t'fl nttlivrt arr vKinA,H trnt- vq-yiy "r '- 'hm io any ofhar yri9 b'i tbe awbscriberi ami a'l ether ptrKat ire warned not t tmd for any roue payable t wt If ihe Aider thotild think proei to appropriate the Mnttntf to bit 0a A .brl rcwar J will bt riven If ibe pocktt brwik witi Hteontti.w lifauid nd Ihi ai 'in tiUlit or with Andriw Hunt at , M-arViOU ritni., JAMM AbllBT. . 'J4 , tSurrg.: Ori-Ae- w. i AM. ' LISP OK LKTTKKS HF.MAl WNit m. the Fot '' ai luting, ton, N. C. Uo uber I, UjO. w.tcb if not t.lin mj befare the Grr day Ja'.titf n Xt, will bt farded to tbe lnn,ral Fo Office at d'ad lenerit - A M John Addrrtou Beuhen May Wiiliam Addertori llmry aM,l'tP Uonard Aheo WjUiani Maccrary, Jr. ; B J.'coh Mock ,- Adam Deck ' N r ' Jaeob and Frederick, Adam S'ifunr Deck, iuciii ur;iiuii r , Dry ant Pret'ar Roberl.Qu.,by, R John S. IUil ' t i air a John Brufl C J-jhn Calloway John Canny Calhrnine Day M chael Dty F.liat Riley ney llnrern . and Dauiel tea. John Davit lSatban :nrert klmck Daili Com 1 F chrut ttonjaiiMa Ferabew J.rteph Ftrabee Jamea r'lod MtHhlit Sink Frederick Smith Mollv Sluder T Frederick Thompson JaineiThompaon Peter l ice W Fdmtind P Wa!e Joaeph Waggoner Ilirara Want J'niatlitn Wanl ffaiain-l arfnrd John vvner i Jaewh W'eeanef Peter it hiiakrr Jam' 'Vh.te " . JiH H Vtavf " Calbarma rout William A. Uillimore John flreef Anny Q-rcaon laac Oorvly Ri.hraia itm Henry Oruob II Dlake ITarriavin , J ;bn Hogg K Jiepb Veintk J.tcnb Kit tier L ritnl-a 1 anise - -1 rtrr Lr-Tiird ' myj-VTitauVT - - . Virtan A pod:. farlne1ir 1 3UI Samuel Vtkeljf T "'.c rebeivinjf arid opening al die of in " b a large and fruab aesply of almost every kind ef auiteilo all caoui"ur. "the 'feu, Mwlk'iSZ'.Zl.m,: oattern ot the lte importation, achiC'ert by iumawif an.1 tofv wlHi much tare- ie Ftiiladelphisi - ind New-Yori and bought wholly aod entirely for cah. Furchaaert and the public are Invitee to call aod examine the assortment. At every. ' inducement in tbe way of variety and extreme -lownea of prke will be presented to tbem- - J. M. llopi that by unremitted exertions to aether wilh tbe aakiirtanct of attentive a td care, till itore-keepers to merit a Cantlnuance of that fiatrrtngge for which be fetlt so much- indebted; to a liberal and deieevine public. ' -, jmm. Sept. 14, 13J0. . , ,3mt4a .. , fr Negroes Wantedl rMIIR aiihacriber are de.tirmnof pnrchaairg1 JL' wi'h'wIii'J'TfliCfBOBS.'fvt' 'Whiclt tnty ill pay a liberal price i'raAY"Appiletioii .4. g may be nude, ei'her bv letter or in ptraon. la ion ah lloiain UOKU ANTON, or JtMCt Heiav in 8ALISIILKV1 who will be ready at all timet to accommodate thoae who may wish to ex -change Negro property for r.. " 5 -. - MaIU IIvTE, J08IAII JCtE Jtme 52t 1W0. . :.3 JYvlicc; ' J1HE itibicribera having quaTitkd at Fxecu. a. tort of the lat Will ant rVfiirr,n nFJuia HardiCwd,W thr AttfukTermfcf D." vidnin county court 1830, hereby give notice to salt pfwoni ; hiving c'aimJ, debii, duet, oe d. wrtwrrtgitiii' tnt.i w. n ni"irn ll;. m t)V pnyment, ditW au'bmlcated wi huv the a.nn prearrihed by hw, or thit uorice PI e plead tn par 01 meir recfverv . , .. JAMF.8 WI1F.MN. r , 6AML. HAKUKiVE, ' JugM 13A, 1830,, ..-.'f All person indebted to laid'F.suta ate .te- quetted to come forward an J mskt payment, aa w indulgence can be given, v- Peter Kdder; a ihoe Ihop 1 where he ii pre. tard to furnish the surrounding country with alikindi of fuxritnrt In tht above. line, each at ' nr. jtone s ivero,anu lormenv occupied or isificboards, Secretaries, : Bureaus, Corner Cupboardsj Breakfast fc? Dinner Talks, ' ; ' Ladies Crib$$c. t He hat in hit employ two or three drat rat workmen, and the bert of timber, adected by bimaelf. The subscriber hope by due attention 0 bntiness, to receive tt,at thare of parronagw which merit deserrea. I - 27tf Jt . . , WILLLM C HUClltS'. ...;" : '. ''-: . 'i&fi.i - iini-...--. tr

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