Jnthm fi'.f" fr.e en: j ti f i r rjttiliil t if rriV.jn' I it if rent o C'lrrrn- in Irtnci Im r i u i e J it impirtance In Krortef p "t f 1 1 htt j; ven it 1 IV li.im! rl!ift u.'Ji ujp c .itJsriiort. In t tiiify A li' ,M ", "c''U an. I itriking r Mn',n ;(' up the tpa.;iiy of Ui prttt to fiinsofi, when ff ? end uutrau ndlcd, the txrrrjt rnou a r.nzrrt. (tom t!.a I'nkn, wU.her ir.r.i, er h ThjIMcf l..lo of ;.. Lt luirtKUfi'l CmfcOsrition with o her haiet, it ihe f tl.at f.l.if end tji'irlt of bwy wWH true rluy f ?ati!.i Cardinal but ihe p rrulur'y tilio lii n frifi ihf real of hi c mnrjrnrii. IIjw gr. t relct 1U1 fk kindled us A:i-rict Tim l-iUtr m a.).lr;w ia f, Dcmumv of rhibvlelphlM a I da'ed, Pari, August bib. Wt have iuit I i !cn:e vi this siihjcct, it chiefly be f ire the public lv, nd may tafely be left to ihcle consideration without comment. It It of loo pcrtonsl a cluf ecter la admit of pu i'ic diifuiiion, uthervtise Ihin la a Coun of Justice, and there it nevtr will accom.ilUherf, m dear.1'0"'1 01 tfJuJluii.uL .!. v-i vernal fellow sulditr. llfMSviLA 7:iU7rTlT tteitt AiXi-iiupa tie. " I as . t . i Hie rgHt f fr-n lh fanjt of biooly receive J at LrnS on Tuetdtf morn-j" wl" e o"ecUf or lftcilentll. ,n lir.ii. Wh;.ii.enrietnfi,? wt.o.i.h 1",' the 7ih till, (he Ordinance, of I4 !.hi m ,r, "Pio .Conspiracy, i vua u"t nckcariiy esiry im ti m- proich. Lafayette would nerer blush to bse i Itwwn if the iruth be no, 4 hat he ;a ct iW :huif ,uru. I Viurlct a. dtcUtin ut w be in a aUte rjisipr.:Miin4ttoHaiii,l6.iil.y urt. I :l aijrerf. ti ihe unit evening .1 re j.itiB'i.h.H fi 1 1 1 Uih- il-iiw of the nrent P lo iVrU, where I found a ilutrv ------ i i- ir - t i i .,I.Hi,ir-'vw,IUfil.p.f Vi not Ui fi't pcopli of IVU haw tanriuiibcd the ' U htre ,re n'r wlo maintala ... . . . ; : "Ht ttie -trf-m1otre I Hi fl.tt of ,'ttetr' tnatei, what ownce rvr,l,HiniyinccJ.iwe.Kli'ycM.J Hnrf ,)fe ,(.i, lo m,0 nif opinh.i-f whitb ' r,"rKe ,,,e u,nmcot of the Unhed wrucwj ui .lw..ci.ti.u.1 uJ j,),.,!,!,,,,!, (rnerl Tston) -;7 ilcl Wlia opp'eiiwe anj inioierioie ( tvj im. If !.'.a be inrruotive lenon to ,,t, re,-OI jii ,,! ... 1ittl;. nl4 i yrmmy, whl rcpronrb It it to Ihem to A-iKruuiw nl lUey Wl Itirn f(oro i mi- thjt AVfj I'jmHuha I eiuitrf to rt;L-n",bt f"ri;l Hb ('ontpirinff f Shall ri(Jl'll-'i:"liig-.arl aitlii.kfiilij;ilaiice ' Te f iittta nmiiln'fil Avtuc (if ' '''fro l,a ""d K'J UrUlUk, no li leri. ii iit! diici:ii'itJ ihe '-Fal., coutijc. intcfli,'. r.t p. fis:ir,Jrrtn iV l0 Ctca fuod a won if U f By U'.iitu ol '.hi' l.itirrti-! " Tai m mipotui- ol ctnrro-i! r, fji iinLr jII iiu. .! 1 ' !"e,," i woulJ be coveted at Mukiiii, on Hi Jilihult. by Ailim Kjfiiuii f. Mr. lir,i. nar.4i.r, (a ,M,n tT ki Kriruau, MM DIED. tb.a to on H'olaviiUf the fib Inai ..I.r n.1.1 1 1 1. . I itiri. .pi0 wiitj t i. aTu.iri iru '' . ,Mrr:..J t'b vtU lonj ta UiimikJ t,y U rrialifea ami numeruui Irirndt aul aciuaintaA cat. AmtabUalgtntto,luii4aafltM.iMMaia, ttiS a cvlrarrd to all arbu knew btr. At a kin J mother ami a dating 'wife the bail no upenor. Vociety Will uncut tier untime ly dec t-uilt eann'-ii t'i.j i! )l imrvcil Uton .ii inivl , rt if ii- cir!( iH tiKtfirrd up fir sue r'tihi'J f.i.tn'K'n.. It i lle liberty of i!ie f- upon wtiiU our iiu.-riwi ate 1 1 rtiv. VV (I j not IrUyixi tj, l'tcuc ihry k't ti; in.? to tl.t iu.lii'.i.e prinlrj;'- f u.u IIm: "pl 1 1 nir pTi i, but we decure iiivil iJk')'r tfii'.'i m l.i :h nt lire a f jii tv rjM:rU;uce tivl i.1ihm uf aeeral Ccn i ri. Do yoi m t brl'.re tL4t there a purty ,n c uiitry tl a-nn'i .tfjf of the King ct France and bu aJ'itrctui' Ihce rtmiim ro ibuttof it. 1 hfy cnri.t bar ta ha thtir puWc a;t canat'd ul their jKliiicat opinioM i:untlci rul cM'l la.(uiitM..iu-.. lL:u' i.U turdiu.n uf tSs prct, iilnn;t i rtc.l purnut can ccircivc. h U.yjiit, not "."". ne mum omy can chmac a rm jrt n inti;l'cd. The people , "f'es. ,,,e ' am' ''''bote only ho fought our ihoe who fi-frj , t iheai can- f'-icocet upbraid them with irlfuh or non and trnjqurif r. The .,niiihu ,'''hoM',rabl2 ,e can ii come, taiih re evpeiifpced die nintt crn- rout liicinni ! PPuaft- ' d" beliee in the esittenco ol ty. i'nc rtiiHCi.ta of tii,; line submit; cl I h M ' CB" compiract but I htte Im uTeatiiclr io (fie piili'; wiil. M i.h ' PuK'rffl no mu's mo'lrca. I hare at ,. hind ji :e.-V i-at t .e pe i.ile hjva in rc" no rrtrujCfiful tfxuhit to Ibo lerm. umjvifd, acirir.iMp (Jrp I'.fi, ,ie4- " " r picta me uneriu'ifc gp el'y hi J dravrrr. W nme 'o tile con tin lion 'hat 'incjrr the r,iruno itancr in whicii France y plared r would be' pro per to rally all ophhru. or the ..iioii ptifi, uii'.'rr th tifc i;utrd of a lontti "l iunal throne, tM'..i piMu'.ir i(U i'U 1)1. V' c . b c . cauu-a inc. Dut -til -0 a on Ihe people, of cither compelling i re i pel ol toe I i iff or positive retitlanee, if there are any aucb wbo know or be neve tnn Longreit rannot and will nol tereda. I leave them lo aettie with their own tontrier.ee bow near thia approach (litUnct.xlIoru. iad ihe- hoin I ct ec'M in rr. an 1 mote at I kim Irom themarlvet to do it in tlinr vwn way. I bcf.fr. The Chamber of Ucpu'iea fcbould youilH in e..ii.i.ritiy u. ilitir wjiujn' nl 'he 'ran or intcipteitr ol yoamuK .taiidamt autTt-r Ihe cav ...rnc- 1 "e ,'u"t,, P"!''1"' 1:1 'ni 'h' down r0" l...t k.. - it.- r i.....rtao ei.i:C.e ami IT"" him a crown lot union And no let me conclude wH one earnest iequei. II ihit cnrreTpndrnce r-inot l r carried on vi'hoot i'ltermp inv ihi ,rt,Mi fscbnjj which hn aubiisted the Ute (ieore llu cbiain, In the 7ili year o( tier i)(c. la ber death the Preabyteriau Church drplnrca the o of a worthy memoer, ber nti(li6ouru(xd ol a kind and obliging neighbor, and tier cuniieciiont of an atl'ceuoiiaie letatiou. In I red t II oouniy, on the 2M ulu Mi. Mar garet Uioorne, relict of the la'e C'wl. Adicy Ooornc, in i lie 76ib ear ol her age. ' rrery Ihinj that n ippreiivc on llii jmp, No, Americnna. aTaefiref Wr lo he f'icnd of fikil auJ rtlii hii Inrrty, wtcli ilia Argil tiiion tint f o im! upftn wlncli ritt)onr frredm. It it the kcy-atoi.e i f th--.rrh. Kemorc it, and the kbrirk fU. I'ie- crve it and it will nund a ni Ut " the mvck ol' mattrr snd the cnnh uf world-. ' ISut tlity wou'.i'. ttll yon i! it nf';es') to rrct ita !cet- i aide of the i lV,"h ,IC "tkriowbdne himself indebted between ut from our boyhood, I prar you to the will uf ehp iij i'in. Snrh iiu:i i .our niiujiion, and fiT'cen dy ie not "lipjed iii e lhe orrlii, a;. e apprared! I f'.-nd tou the -.hurt aprerh whii h I de iaaitUi4 litre. , Un nrt -erertln the thoulii that I am thunninrr the rombal t you know me loo writ to beliete i. On the ror.ira I should unwillinlr forego ;intd eMcidjy. I whall to-j.inuc to , my feel.j eflortj u, reroner the State hoi. I H.f commaiid l fiie : itio'irtl (rgurdt j Ihro'iirb tho columut of lb" TrletropV. ol Kun:i'( h .fcoriMiiiziiin i'i ffy Vuu;i, WM JOHNSON. diiccii in. .i ki,n (icorue it with un it i tin ( I ujvasif ur iiicim daiiL'rrous wouit, i dom occaaionally n order t'i secure it from Ii. j 'l hit life at dispnircd of three dm! rpr"n S,(Q Hight'a Crlebration in 'rn'iousr.te. It it licei.tiwa lo trll the truth . a(? '-e i briicr. Arfieu a llu ':'!uT'jia, lliere were only fclUHT who were It it licen'.iuut to defend yourc!l fi.n flthoo(l and miarepreacntation f lilt li;ci.tun to tx joae the wicked deijm of a party It ia licen, timit to lay lliat redcraliam iiil Itrpub'ican- sal d fricnnly withes " ! fppoied t i Cor.vt-niion out ol" 20IK) peraona , ho were aiiid t- be prrvnt. A number It ii;recrly aa we intici i-e nf the IcI't (jeradxa addrM4 the nwetinjc with a great of .lud;e Juhnann. liistraJ ct pwduciuj t vi j (iat 0f animaiion. and amonir the njmber waa am t la it JwentMua taaav tbwl lb ttiirhia of. ' rB 10 ,,,,.,'."'WJ. uK a con,prrtr j the venerable CjITaim. fatlwa d tU lata- the SuFeVbave beenlnTalifaiid the conatitu- '?ainU ",c U"il)n 3.,ul1' f:-r(':',:,. lr fiovrrnor and a aoUierefthe neeofution. Tt lio'nwiilkleilf'Ia'a ncci'iiioua to Vay" we do not ! ,aW .'?' ts-wrj'-(i,.U I at)i-:qdea jrriuthia Timef'tivei a Vrj lively description believe -SoutU Ca.oliua, aier aiate, ia aoo ,cl,r t0 C,n T V'r he MJ 1 " 1 1,1VC ' '.! i '( Ihe rBeLtin. That paper aata 'Jie utmott to thro Ihe reiti-inUulgaveri,.iiiandtoll,fmxbl,,,,U,Wjrerlie roo,l onler prevailed upon the letacU hencll from ll.c Union? InGneii C&b v'?rilU "'" UlM a a co.i-pip.cy jocratmn. Wc arC bighly pleated at the retult, cenii'out to lay we enjo'ythe 6!erlgi of libertrj rom CU arvl Irecdom from t)ranny i Uliat .nore have we I prra-nt at tiu- rr.eetinfj. ' I itin fun An Ii lir! H. i nfmMt jil d.,j1 k'li.iu.. Lffun.i.l I rvrr done and vrl the i .ertv ol our iirrn Im I "v "'-fi " f -........ bwrWfcd threatened w be pirWrj10 t "napiraty n ctrt t;u;pendeS"diae'!.")VTLe Kin ol l'lance , .... tonreM threatened to do nnthb- rnrc ' We rptT It a Put,l,c V0ice 1 Uu,'e- tt'e . ., ... I,,.. , ' i!ract a I'triof title letter to i!ip mir readcis Liiun uideiice uexlity ui:d abuiidmit tl,t the ' . v w(ia..&..iUM!iZ.UU.:iavc I" iinin Hie? "Tii-iiiai proniid taleii by bin) in hi letter which we j u'!: .liei! Lit w celc. tiaw man w ho 'aUaeke iLcEIierly at cur prcsar did lii fulfil '.o fiu'i-rii.' it ! :pO'STeR3PT Where ii the (.nit it of 7f : Where is the anbr ' As to i,r part von take H thit " Con a ;i r.i'. I stckir.iilj ici.!are that il We hasten to Uy before our reader the fol- pare and refined of tt'I.'KV.' Are they rlumbrr-. could rt.ink as vou do upon the faeta, i ing with the ah -a ol' tbe di-partcd i:ea of Ke- think I siioultl feel a yon do upon tht i a,di. V . a" . I t B a pubticanitm r it are tney lurceerextinci iii ine nt-4,tne. I would not live umicr " a bosom of th'.a veneration I Can nuthiug blov up !i overnipen? of iinlimi.ed Towers," and'!utt'"K j: riif injf intelliKenco which we re. the dviiip ftjfTns' Why did our anct ntort he-1 if 1 saw dis'tne'ly thai nothing but a rev ccivrd by Sunday night'i mail, and which we qutaUi tt.rio.li, .i iiivliiahle a patrimony to j olutbnary movement nmld impote due eopv T-om an ttr that accompanied tbe but auih unworthy rerreientHtives? Dut perhapt ! reaMlcttona, 1 woaldciyoul for Kcvolu wmi will C-t.l iiuliunt at t!u reproach. It.it w hat we wid. We emVavour to excite our indignation . it may leadyou to open your eyes to a d tcove Hon. i ajprtr with -ytt etiet4y thtif Jttdtre T , .r. a.. . . When your wrath it up, poaribly ,na mvr" ' niy oetn iiivncu, aiu lor uic icasnim vou suggest V.ii c ikul I .Imllklort K'h'hr ir ry of what advance! the tyrants tf America are I , , , . , f u . , ' ., , : not a boan, and alter the lapse of so much making upon your right.. You ,ct tr.rW)a.l by wi.hiJ wtf (i()m , W8, yr fire aid,, unoontcoua of any danger, and ; ...,,,p,, .,,., m lhi. (if,Jb, I tre,.. Iscarccly would the awful Jriti . tldnuailotw.tawef rapeciultJ der make you eensibie ol your peril. VVe be.xl sa IlJUj ieave av IllUe. tS puaaalbU to xeecu.you. we eonjnre you to look out at the:he Rained by the hoax, if It were one vindow, and take a view of the fo-. How How! There h one thing I inu!etJtfl?J?ifUt?. , .. - irfouTiVry'to ?'nucc7"Fura'nor-inean'to-'Buffcr --: ltmy. be -ryew-ewprrfrHtflrrprrfr"le reconnoitre. The pinquet (juard it Kationecf. j mytelf to be drawn into the (juctiion of Every tiling ia arranging whilst you are ailent, Conatr'uctiun or CuoatilullonalUy of the unmoved and contented:. When he approaches j 1 " 1 8ee ln mv lir4' , H'"1 1 every tbinir will be bustle, hurlv.burlv and con- wrilln CenrtUutijn. where I ought fbsion. "rorceiacattewd. commander! cavillinir Have aaid Coivmtvm : but the Context " I "11 ...1 I ..11 iL. will correct me lijpsua. i win ireai in &nd disputing about rank and nothing provided, when presently you will be forced to aurrender. at discretion. U tht the way our fathers ac ted f VVjuTthla the way Pafrick Henry'jdefended .JfJA'-WJS. I .Wat1iiJhe way . Mr, Jefferson diaseminated his republican doc- trinea.and whilst he increased hit owd thinned . .tberankiif hi oppoaenu I Ko. lt was by c " CVtty 'iml zelr yfh$ are we taiTukewarm 1 la it that' their impor tance .bai deteriorated I i it that time changes tle pilnciplea of free fov'nt i Afe;they as va. , , ioua aa the colort of the rainbow ? Or can we not rather say tbeir Value hat increased tenfold, and that they are unchang-d and unchangeable I Then ct us y ye tome evidence of the high eatimatjon be animated to the exertion1 uf diligence in the support of our party. To the $oulb let the South only be true, and we will guarantee theWety uf the Union and the prejservaiion of our righttl aubject historically and no- otherwise, and then it I 6nd I have even approached ibe .. .t.y-Vtoft of iCOTtroyJqn(' I . will-.oot sit Judkially upon a tfause arfaing undcr ift-A to the-Point which'yoti press with moat earnesine&s, I mean the Conspiracy, I am aa ready now to dispose of it aa i probably ever ahatl ber and -have no-ob-j jection to Co "sd-""-l liare no Lvidcnc6 out what Ti lef6re"lbe" 101)1157 and probably ne v'er abair 'have7lf r erjulrei the power of an Asmodeus to ransack Cabinets, or rake up the ashes of confidential corres pondence, but if there ha not bcen en- ough published to establish the fact of a fixed purpose and tea lout cooperation u-iV" t ir ... ... i . , ...lamong some otour Civ.jent to eet lid of in which borepubhcn pr.nc.plea... LeUit trr. -ir-. . .,---ri ih'e'TairiSLActf or get rid of the Union, then I can only say, 1 differ widely from very ooe in 'my inferences. 1 think there is evidence to shew that some go rrtber end maintain that a separation Fayettetille Jonnnd. The IVesl livlia Ports are to be open ed to our Commerce ! Ry the Snip Naftoleon, whose sperdv arrival wc vesterday anticipated, the cer tain intellitrr.nce Shs been received, that the Went India 'Qimrrbti'U'aenled: The Ne w yirk.American contains the following letter from Liverpool, dated 26th August: wortb Ihe post ape of a let fet to you, to know that the West India quevtioo it settled. The President is lo issue bis Proclamation In conformity with the last - act of Concrete on the subject ; and on is arrival in ibis country, th or der in Council of the 27th July, !8aT, (issued -you, know, in Gallatin' teeth,) will be abolished, 'and the act of Parlia ment of 5ih July, which opens the; West India i Tralfe "to ojlfer "cch(BesTwiire" extended to the United Slates, awl all dis criminating duties will be abolished. . The New-York Daily AdvertfserTTn noticing the arrival of the Napoleon, ssys i "TICSpKujftTriu for our Governmentr frOm Mr. M'Lane, oUr MinTsfe r," which a re "iai d To contai n a treaty, relative to the West India Trade." A letter from a resoectable Merchant' of New-York to bis corresfrondent in this place, says , . . V 44 A messenger has arrived in the Na poleon rith despatches from our Minister concerning treaty. relative! tp the .Weit India trade."' ' The Measenrer stated, that the Trade was to be placed 'upon the sams footing as frmerl).'" . S. W. Altaarilrr - haae f. AW sander Iaid AlaixUr D Dure y M. Hrerard Henry Ilraxier Lawoi Uoyd A. r. Caldwell Itcv. R. I.. Caldwell Sarah Cooke John 8, Caraort 1) Jos. Davidson Jamr Draton Uavid Oicky V, Ethrldr d l.llia W, B, Kdaon - ri.At). kti rt fr -Vltm t ti-4-v r - - 1 'l' . " - - - - J I I..,.. 1- ..... nour ji a 31. wiinacT a, , Itama H a 10, beat kind ul baggiog la la 2H, aall 4i a i t, corn 56 a i7, eoHea II a l.'J ,ttli Caioliua bank billa 2 per ceo, diacouut ; Oeor- gia, 'J per cent premium. favettevtlle, Sept. 29 Cotton 10 a 11 bacon 9 10, apple brandy 4d, core jJ, flaxseed I'a't.tf. flour, new 4 a 9, molaaaea 0 a cVu'. gar a 11, salt 70 a 7i, whiikey 37, wheat rsatw. CtlumtUa, Sept. 77 Cotton 10 to 1 1J, Flour bbl. 6 a ojr, buiur ii, bcoa 6 a lu, Uama 10 Tun I.IAIUICTS. Vii'iair Pncrt, Oct 9. totton (in aeed, fjl, clean 8, corn 6 to 65, flour g4 to 4, beef 3 ta of, bacon 8, molaatet ij, Urd , tall l.i:, augar : 1 to 12, eoflee 12 lu 16. A QJiVJilDa rrjillE ritiarm of Sui, .v,l, rr.pfetfuily efTrf It. t.) the Kev. Motet ftrorfc, i If warme car.nv Ifdfiti.-ii'if the d.gnified. able nd orderly nuiner with whi- h hn conducted, and t Mlcceaofu'V Cmch. J aV 'lmp , M rtin III Ihia i!-.t;hh..rl,oo J( ln, ,;,, ff h,4 "ilWCilci f term nxn.jtj 9 rc- 1'r th hearrra comfortati e, bul lo Cd ilieir mm I, with " witdom.. In all of wbish be daj Ukad o much Itrmnets of purtHe, bberaUiv of aentimem. uiauca in reouamp, patent aed long uHttnt; with that pari of th, c. gr ;mihi who appeared to ditrrrarj the r era r.,rdr. fay.l that num. la lJi'ii'iotya ThiiratUxqh7Abinat. Ur. bef-waaaary Lu cuoUujataUaM aw,M4aMW. . Tawrna f p rrijT, - iter nr-wrtvimam rtiit. (ton. Mhe bat Irll a husband and several children lo laiiHjni a loaa wincu no uumae power Can r-, pair. ' 9 stmt, ion of ilr. Wn. smithy tged about 11 year. Cut off ia the bloom of manhood, and j'jt at he waa pommencing hit carcar an llii boay ticne, lua Um will oe much regretted by bit relative and frtenda. s In tin county, on the. I3tli git. lira. Margaret Crorby, Conaort of tVillim Croaby, in Ilia id year ol her ag. Alao, on the lVib ulu Tirsa daughter of M m. Crosby, in the 4'b year ol her age. In Mecklenburg county, on the I J'h ult. afiar a tiiort lUoeta, .Wa. I'icty Hulcbiaoii, r, bcl of fwiMm thttwt hwf-atwirrrertr"TJ5aTi.iiIi- (he lime and p"' ;bae ;ul,r, w ou'd. pef. o'4'fjr la Vle'ni'errJ wr'ultZilwiji i- biiiu - -Matt MM, flu. II Tb rT Wnrir" iif tilt tVe r ut u rJ r-JJ JiJ HaleiA HUr. are rrdueated to Inacrtth " above Card. . , . list of Mnvn:9 UF.M AI.MXa in the I'oat Office at lttatu fille on Ihe 1st day of Oetober, 1330. A . fie . Mr. Jonea William J. Aletar.der atuo. Julian L l amJen, S,pt, 25. ...Cotton 10 a 11, flour JJ a 7. out ol i:ie wagon, Camden Mill, $7 a b wheat ftt 1-8, corn 75, oata3. aail 62, wbia- key35aU, bacon tttO U. It LIST OF LETTERS E MAIM NO iu die I'oai UHioe at Saliabnrr. N. Carolina, on the 1st day of OcL ItUO. John liughea 2 William Hugbee -- J- laniis Jacdwa 1'iiilip Jacob - Hamilton Jonea 4 ' Jal ' . KB Kerrell Thomaa Kincade James aincads 3 Davul Ktaiiy Mary Ketburight Johu V. Kjooiun William Lander - -Patience Lonis Jacob Link . William Lunn E! ward l.avert r not Lailllkiif Henry 0. Lamer M Edward Mobler ' Jamea Mumtord William Moore Alfred Moore Tho. Mcnecly - Charles L. Marshall 2 Fori est Monroe . Jouu Jicaieo John V. Moyer Thomas Matihewa , Samuel Marlin Henry Mcaijiiore : Thuiuaa AlarUa Jacob ;loore. : Jamea Mconaughey Wm. It. McDonald N John N.ewnand William Ntsbctt P ..Sand. r.rc4ii 'Z ... 7 - A uriah Pact-- Jacob Pool Kbenr. I'arka Acua-PuikaiyO. , . Josiab Wowjprf Joseph Pack Louina M. I'inknton - CI. , Pallon A Thomas Alba Mary Arnold Jacob Brown vl.chscl Baker 2 William Barber John A. Bakua John liaa Wiliiam Bmwn Khubal Ulapding Dsvalt Beaver William Brandon Marew UvttiMtwice; Itsc Cowan Jacob Cauble IL'SLI Sarah Cowan Thomas C.. Crump John A. Campbell Mathew ChafTin Barnabas Croaby Mary Cook How land Crump . John Cliae Willie Coata Lydia Coxort " W illiam Collin John A. Coata D Joseph Dobbins Mary M. Dickey , f John P. Duncan David Dowland ... . : Mtrhe4o4tery or William Deer - Mary Dotld Sarah Dinkent 2 K Joel Ellis F John Fotby . : Wuf.FuUcy. Moae Fort George Frick 'tbnmas-eheeii. F. R. Gibaon. Flora Gillespie Elizabeth Gheen Joseph Gordon It Charlrt Griffeth William Robertson John Garner Wjlim Hough Joseph Graham ' Saml. P. Howla Geo. H. Gbeen . Green Kcdwine U S Tboni as If lifter . William Smith - Anthony Hatcb' :WUjm.ftuickliid.. . Kichard Harreaa John,Stewart George Hermon - - - - Mudolph Sutler ' William U, Hudson Nicholas Simpson William jJiimiM j Peter Smitb V - Giorjje Jjttet u ... fully Lane, ... V - Daniel TerWr" W fclis.beth Henderson. Edward W, Wilkint B. D. Hade-n Augustus It. Warner William Iliirhtower Francis F. Ward 2 Saml. Hurt Tboma Womao Martha Hodgens Edmund Wood John Hall ' William Williamson ftamlrliuie Jesse W . Walton - William4L- Henderson I )rt F.; Wrjolcot. - -t 3t4J . SAML. RREVfS, P. M. Cinderella Hi lham Hanea. Pajiiel ilud.i. EtiHueer . Turner Harrison Henry ltea John Hollibaugh II Isaac Green 2 John M. Gunn (rumherry Caitfler Crawlord it Gaitber Allen Gill John GaJlQway artiri Harkey J'ara!-. Morton Jaa. R. Ilouie J Nath,. Journey - -Zach. Jacob Amoe Jacobs 3t42 Rev. Jobs Lea Fph. Iwia Danial Lew it fcherly f atfrrty -A. H Laurence Mary A. Lower U John MeDtniJ Coodrkk Moore 1 ho. T. Moore to. fcllenry It. G. IfrCutchert Margt. .McKty llcLellanrl, lllia." McLcIUikI John M-jICsj Spencer fbilipe ' .urvlat. raitecaun John Hrwjnsavplsj Th Hednund Tho. Rjilierforj 8 Rurwell Shoemaker Axel Sharpe Nargi. A. Smith Mathew Vandaver ' W William Ware Bandy it. White Jerrm. WhaTey Ai Inlet While . Moorcmau White, . AV. KEKlt.P. M, f 1 LIST OF LETTERS . REMAINING in the Poal OfPc at ConeorJ ' N. Carotin on the 1st day of OcL 1U0, Wm. I L Archibald Wm. S. Allison . B - ' - - Joaeph namheart" Jno. C Barrvtirarr 2 lavid Bradshaw Penelopy Burns Gwortr Bgee -- Sarah Bradshaw Hiram Black welder C Chat let Campbell .3 -David Long . - ytr- Danl. Litlle . . .J.. . . .. jTi'na.'-M6lly.'-,-rir";---"r"' Aia MaiM Hralcb - Hobt. t- Mourda "ZT'2 ,'. Thoe. d. Martin ' Mia Atf W.;reV L r. Tobiaa Miaenhamer ' Joa. 0. Mckinley . . ' ' Nath. Montehh Stephen Wtkihlef lll. 7 Christopher Crlniinger Abraham Miscnhamet?' ,'.,. Thus. - Carter t Henry H, .Mpnre ' Mrthias,C(War:;r:CAfChnsld:Vcir faac Crinsinger U . . Mia Ktey Davis F Joo.- FraalanI , .. Catharine Ferell G Nelson (Jobdnight 't llanry Gnwger I'rar.jiS Glass II Abner Hat-en Archthald Houston f Mib Sarah liudaon Jno. Hamilton Durcua Menman JI Uos. 1 Jas. Ucuri ' Jno. Nine . Mi ntary parkl " Jno. Pttry . Nathan Poilipt '. " It Aeon Rdenhouf - -Mntea Itamer David NiitaoH, sen, Wm, Robertson .. ' - Clk. Superior Court A . Mias Jemima Houston Henrv Smith . - - Mm Abby Harris Tho. Scott ' .. Thoa. A. Haue " " T Jno. E. Henderson Senica Turner " :f. "' I - - T-.-..nii,-VVj Tbbirfrwin. . w i Mia Marraret WaKca. - i9W".rALQ. Wcddineton Misa Uriah Joana 2 . Jaa. M. Welck -Harria Jorden Js. WofTord ' Jno. Johnston - Y r;i i K Jno. Toman.' r Richd. King ' 3t42 " RtibCKauMigb r . i. mi TIT U,t recr!r"' li-nm tb V",T Nutb a supply of f,,h Medi. A cine Palntt, Ua. wliich they offer rof sale as uaual for Cash pr approved " -Credit I Amnni .K.-1, r.'.i. I . Juice, lmon Syrup, Sulphate of Quinine, Pepe- " rme.Jliu.yVM(,)r BarkJ,f esrbaib. White and Black SJiiikrd Reed u;n .n.ttm ptmed ftibfiVic. &c. V" - ' 3 - V AalHliipSiSepi. l$,h, 1830, . ' " EQUITY BLANKS TOR 8ALF. HtBEr . UlaAlLAND .$. TOHIiEXCfi. RMCLAVLA,ND and - A. TOKRKTf- having formed a copartnerahip in tho Mercantile Dusines. under this at nvtt firm. Iwn respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Salisbury and the eurroundingf country, that they have just returned from New-Vork and Philadelphia, with a beautiful aaaortment of- 1 Mwt Style, Fancy and Staple A00D3, which bare been selected from the, latest int- portations, and will be offered at every small advance for r oA. Purchaser are inyited to caj and view their aisortment. JtaViiBej.ariiRJO. 1 a;

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