f if, ! ! r t ll U rvrn Hf 1i Uii I-uiii U, fcbidi, hutftt . f n -i 1 jhJ hi thnliHtivri, hi lli mb!'irs df itci'ili'y, ' h fi'x! no rr v"" ,!',f lrf i.f the citiam, anl thit.h sull Le !! ttitli little remore. Ihe llorn f lejca-'ition U I sperU'tjf trrh pafi'm laws on e'jracitnce. . J)r, C'Suwunj, BALHHIMY, ROWAN COUNTV, N. C... TUKSDAY, OCTOimil 10, tSiO. VOL. M.....SU Ml imUH .1 M !. J L X V A- I X a 'ia 1 3.S, .' i;.- 4II pro iitr'r ft Aa . f0r tTte mora enecui svn. Import du'ie. n c ; mnnfied bn the Stnate at I Ifmie nMphtMivt of the United S-atet o rfcvidc..of h United by and j,b ihd idiice eti't consent of the Scn-. -e, it hereby authored to appoint an 14iuQni!.Ppralr of merchandise far CportcfNsw.Yatk. wbo.Mluke. rnH-r oath, an.l have U- p.wer ana iioa.Jindi.cfforn the du ,ie,, with the .ppr.Uf -u.horued t. ,w to bo apooinud.t ut P- - See. 3 ind be it further enacted, I hat heSecretity l tltl,ur'.!"i' pW, not etc.ed.n f,ur ata.tum .p- "ohii. and tVo'in tJjttonrwho hU be Snctcilly irqimed ih the q-.al.ty and e.lue of kne one or more of the cMef irtkles of im?oru. autjact to ,nirhemeftMobe employed in apprait hi Koo-U in inch mmner at hi'l be dir ected by the S-cretary of the Trcary, nd who hairtKe and aubtcribe an oath diliR?ntly and f-ithfa ly to emine and inject auch Rood, Je, or mercbin dite, n the printip-1 apirraiter, may dir ec, md truly to report to them. o the best cf their knowledr.o and beliif, tbt tnie Tilue thereMV-according to Is vhcrenpon lhe ptinciUp?'! -reTe wd eorreet tho aaa the aist fidce proper, and reporU the collector their decilonTfteton, ""'M'" tor th ti deem my appraise. rteQt of goods t. Ki'.hi!! have OJ'wer to Ofdsr a reappraisemnt, either ty me princp.. ippraKerf, or by three-merchants deslpn ttd"bf Wmfbr that-rmrp4a who.. -Uail be citirens of the Ooiied States, md ouib 100 cuuei ta be cfiiftf cJcordipz:. 4- he ft f t r'.hrr eificT,TU .nd afir the tntrtUth day ofS4 t.mT ntr wherTcvTrcooTfVTjf wntch similar kind, but ditlerent qaiityi ire found in the mme package, il not im pined from beyond the enpe of I.. U shall be the d.ity of the apprals ers to adopt the talue of the best article contained in tuch packse as the average ?aluo of the whole ;andtl the owner, i n porter, consignee, or aeot for any jjood. auaraised, absll consider any appraise "ment. nude by the eppntscrs, or. other person designated by the collector, too high, he my apply to the collector, n writinK," itannjf the reasons for his opirr ion, and bavins made oath that the laid appraisement is higher than the actual cost and proper charges on which duty is to be charged, and also, thit ho verily be lieves it i higher than the current lue of the I aaid giailsilnclufrin said charge s, afitte "placer of erpomtiom the mtlector shall designale"bnomeTcba Tn the value of iuch goods, and the owner, imnort en consignee, or aceni, may de sTen si e a.not h er,' bolh Df wh o m 'in aiT be citien ot the uriteu states, w no, u tney agree in o appraisamfm, rn-ty designate an ompire who shall also be a of the United States, end when they, or a majority of them', shall have eereec!. they haU report the result to the collector, and if their appraisements shall . .1. r.i.. l?r.t,.l Ct.'..4 not agree who ion viu "m." eppraisers, jVejCollecti twetn '.htm . . i(i.4.Andb! if farther enacted, I 'hat the Collectors of chs Ctfstom shall cause . at lea one package pot of every invoice; wrbfteHiacIc twemtr -nnckag preater nttmHei-, aboutd bidero it oece sarv, of eoods.imported into the respec tlve districts, which packlge or packsges he shall have first designated jon the in "voice, to be opened and examined, and if the lame be lound not to correspond with the invoice, the -collector . ihall order, forthwith, all the goods contained in the lama ntr in he irtsneCted and if such goodi beiubject to ad valorem duty, the same thall be anoraised, and if any pack age shall be found to contain any article described in the invoice or iiucb v-s ar at w m -a a swa . " tj m ptrkii or hrnlen be mida jpith In (fni, bf 4 fiKc lu4(i';n, or tj'trwl.m or oihcrwte, to eJfi or (Scfrtuit the re tenne the lime lu!l le f nUUtt, end the fittcemh trction of the vrt lupple m"t'rr tTift-ft titMrirctrtnl tic J tn ct n reitulxie tl.e collection fcf tin iict 00 i-npont odinse p4MJ m- rtl nir.f if -nine, aril lir othcr.aurpoi, ' )ii4il Grt Mfcn, tine iIk"uih huoirtd ant lrnir three t tJ tUo to much ef eny ect of Concrcie it lmpoe in tdfti'iorul diny orpemliy of 6f'jr per ftntum 01 ilu'iet upon poodi which .rri'jr be eppuWeil at itfrnif fie pjtr ccn mm. or lender centum, note truir In voirr pried it hereby rrpelrt nd no jjotjit lih'e to be inspected or tpprUrd t ejretil, thtl he dcliverrd (rom the cutidf oflhe ofHcertof the -cuitom-, un'il the une ihjll have bern intpcttd or apprnltedi or un'il the pickiett ient to bo inpec'4 r pp,ai'1 ihall b fould corccilr end fAcf inolctd and ;wt up end tn reportcf to the collector. Provided, That the collector my, it the request of the onr lmp-rter, con iii;ncei or a(;en', ake boodt, ppro eJ tecuritr, i t Jojl)l? the eMirrtiteil vxlue of mich i;o-.t, con'Jtti'ned tht the thill be t!eliered to the ofde"r of the cille.tir, u any time wliMn "teridr iftir the pck ie or package, ent ii the public inorci ttull he been applied vl re ported to the collector. And If, in the irte4i time, anr ofthetiid packiK" sV,'i bo opened, lthottt the enent of the collector or lurvcjror, (;Sen in wrtiinj:, iitijtt.cn in the pretence of one of the inpam'6fHw'nm,-VrTr'tKi1iil3 pickaxe or package h'l not he deluer ed to the order of the collector, according to the coitdiiio'i of tbe iul tm't, the IjTih'UKall, In eitlier ov, be hi felted. Stc. 5- .ltd be n further enacted. That it hLi.i'.l be the cii;if of the eoliee or to csue 4il coont entereo tor re-enpori- in, wt'h the rich, of dnbck, to be in tpecte't, nnd the article thereof coTOr- ed with thttr rep:f'tvo tnvolcet, bttt'iff pr rmit thall ba Rtircn for Undtnj; me ; nJ wnere :ne jf tjj. o en eren thall bo found not to are with the en try, they thall be foifcilciriod Vveiv importer, owner, coniaccv-actu or. exporter," who "ifi-uTeffffr rH for mi porttfon,rJT pnnwwrtj -or irantpar tation from one pon or pUce to aii itner, ithhe riki'M of Jfawhck, hll :dep:si ith the collector the original invoice ol iucti 3odit floJL-biCure. depoaitedw Utv the collector, no l n that case an authen trcsT d t itt e-thereo-1 tnwd-niJ presirtdbyblai iaJ-he ttClucsol tae C4iTOWR6'uaniinill.o sutranarter.inei'i "toiwtgneci-agenft or expoi tir, and t lie pa'rijbejanbo (heniry oT 'sucJtijpodt aiJ.hall.be : o M.oUfi.rt.?p, Sic 6 A id be it further enacted. That th A'i!it.iru AiiDfaiscrs at N'ew York shall receive a compensation of Gfteen hundred dollars per annum ; and those at Boston and Phihdelphu, a compensa tionof twelve hundred dollars per annum , to be paid out of tho proceeds of ibe cus turns, anJ the clerks, and all other per sons, employed in the appraiser' otTice aViairWppMnTed Tbylho jiiutclpil ap praisers, and their number and cotnpen sation limited and fixed by the Secretary of the. .Treasury..: Sic 7. And be it further evicted, That all forfeitures incurred by this act, shall be B-jedJbr, recovered, and distributed, ac cording to the provisions of the act, en titled " an act, to regulate the collection of -ttteVvt-imposta- atvUonnage," ta nand -et-hundred,.and. niiiety;nine. Provided, That the appraisers and assis tant appraisers, shall n no case, receive flwmortion f - smcI fot fU urt-Ad 4rotrfr-or'arTftt--weffy-f-'r,B Creasury shsll be, and he is nereoy, au Th,riMrt 1 tn remit' aiir sqct'i"ieurt whencvefbe is, of opinion that no fraud on the revenue was intended. - Stc . 8. And be it father enacted, Tb when ever, in tho opinion ol the Secre tary of the Treasury, it may be necessary to carry into full effect the laws for the coirecuo t the eolrector- 6f any ditfict -into woich goods, wares. or merchandise, sub ject to. duty, may be imposed, to require .. sLn, -imvirter,-r-.oonijaool .to gie )o.odin..;adtlor fto thoond o w required by iaw in sum not exceeding the value of such merchandise, that he will produce, or cause to !ie produced, within a reasonable time, to bo fixed by the said Secretary, such proof as the rud Secretary may deem necessary, and as be in the power of tho said owner, importer, or coosigneet to obtain, to en J able the eolffcetor to ascertain the class or description of manufacture or fate of du ty, to which such goods, wares, or mer chandise! may be justly liable. " Sic. 9, Jndbe (turthrr tinted, That fror.t and after the thirtieth dy of Sep tember net', air iron, manufactured fr rail roidn shall be liable to the same rats of duly which i now .imposed on bar or totnWJp" ofTmnaf"manurdure I artd ih tl icrrp iron hl be 4ub1e to the torv prnved to the Tecrektrv of the Trea ury, ThifTnyiTf tVe""i11 ironTrrp.'iTteJ for the purpose of. btin applied in the construction of any nil road or inclined plane by my JJiatc, of incqrpof ated com pany, has been actually, and permanently, laid on any such road or inclined plane ( that thro and in that case, he my allow to rich $ At, or company, i drawback of 1 he do. y on such rail road iron to Jid f or, if the d J'y up-io the same shall have b-en actuillv piid, , he my refund the tine Provldrd, such drawback or re payment aft.ll not reduce the dutjr " bt paid on ach iron below twenty nve pr cent ad Valorem, nor tipon any less quan tity than twenty Ions. A. STEVENSON, -Speaker of the ll(Hira of R-prrarntativca, , J. C CiLllOUN, Tke Preii 1-nt of the United States and PreaMe'it uf th 8cn. ANOKEW JACKSON, Awtved. May n'lttf. arvasa 70r ' KS ACT to anthorin the R-giate r and Receiver of the Sr. HtUm land district in Louiaiana, to reei-ive evidence, and report upon certain claiit to land mentioned therein. HF. it enacted Ay the Seine and lloute t the Regis'er and Kecetver of the St. IMena land district, in the State of Louisiana, arcb.ettbr.JiUlbnriicd and . rtquitedto receive evideoce) in support ol the claim of Jo'in'M'-Donotitjft to t tract of land on the .Mn-inippi river, houn led above by the lands of John D. Bellevire, and be law by lnds of M .dame A. DupUinter, and said to contain aliout fourteen arpems in front : also, one trart of land, aituated 00 the iver Amt'e, alleged o have been originally gran'd to D imtngo Assaretto by Governor-Mtro. on the eighteenth Yohr u aTyT one" thousa n (Tie ve rT h'u n d r e d I -. elt n t y ihj , conuiiio - 4 Kwi jt pent! 10 l'On ny f tij in oeptn, boub Wfirt lV"sad MrDmogh rliirnvtltl'.' Sxc 5. Mi be it further enacted, That ibe aaid itegistcr and Keceiver shill have, the same powers, and perform th8 same doties-rta eeUtmn to lha ail twocUtoat, as was aUthorit.d and required of them' uooit ttipt-nujidreft-an'l otofteen j t-ih-vomm'Mtoti The Q fnerit LWd'OlMJfiloStCIUiit cidera. furwistted iy-sth-CMertrietb j cr LliihtiL6pinioii.hereoDthat-the -J.SAuitjnay be iod .before jCoogresa. at iht commenrement of thetr next session Appnved, May 2i, 1830. netiata 71. AN ACT reU'i- t. the plan of Detroit, in - - Mxbigan Teiritory. BR it enacted by th Senile and Hotue of Nefi'cteniativet of the United S'-atit of America in Contfrtt acmb!rd, 'That ihej Oivernor and'J udei of Tia jTrritor y of : Michigan, or any three of tnem, are re ; quired to make repor of the plain of laying. QHLJh.9,tQmoJ.PiirQi?A'nder, and by virtue of an act, entitled A. act !o provide for the adjui'ment of tiilits ol lard in the town of Detroit, and Territory of Michigan, and for other purposes," passed the twenty first April, one, thou sand eight hundred and six, one .copyof. which aJiall, on or.iefore the first day of JalVuary h"ex7K id t nc office of the Secretary of the Ter ritory ot-Michtanr and-anrither copy traoapoittedJo the- -ecretary of St aloof--the..Unitet! States, to be by him laid be- - f.tre Congress. ' rAppravail, May 2S.13U" ' , aostaaa 71. ' AN ACT to repeal a part of an act, passed the twenty -sixth day of. March, one thousand eight hundred and four entitled An" act malting provisions for the disposal of the pub. 11 tandl wt thrJndiariterrrto other purposea.?. - - -.. .. . BE it enacted bit the Senate and Houte of Ketirctentdtiveo of the United State of f Amrric irretiettemirear-r natao much of -an actrappred tne ;;twetr sixihjsiurf nd elirht hundred and lour, end let! " An act making provisions for the disposal of rhe public lands in tne moiana i erniory, and for other puiposes," as makes it the duty of the Secretary of ht Treasury to cause, at least once every year, the books nf ih nffices to be exaimined, and the KUnr of nuhlic. monevsTn the hsn'dsof the several Receivers of Public Moneys of Jbe said offices to be ascertained, be and he same is hereby, rercaletf Approved, MT 28, t9S. - - MISCF.LMXY. Leopold of Srtre Coburf; Saaffrtd. . ,.1'rtace Lcop'jlJ,. who now Lid fi to become Urgent of LngUnd, is the younrer son of the 1'rince of Cobourg, wuiaU4jue um-tkut vi aoaiwftwf t cdnifrtafrdTrTOOined suectff-thi--klc)v-.v 44-- in 1790. and as sooo as he was capable cf serving, jeoined the Au Irian Army, in wricb: after variaus services he atuioed the rank of Lieu tenant Colonel. It is asserted by no other thin the ere at Napoleon himseli that he lolicited from him the place of aid dectmp, and it was merely acci dental that he did not obtain it. A very different fortane had in that case awaited him." The post of aid, though it was sometimes step t the further favors of the French sovereign, gen erally " laid on the shelf its unlucky occupaot. Luckily Tor Leopold there was too great crowd of German princes who where also applicants for fliers of the tame character, to be all gratified by the household arraoremcnts f th- Tuileries. lie therefore remained somewhat in obscurity until 1814, when he followed the allied sovereign 1 1 London. 1 be events that followed this visit were of a different character. The poor German prince, whose oe- cciiueaiuJ alraej j)iaaioo.4hrnsy4 for his subsistence soon became " the cynosure" of British eyes. The Prin cess Charlotte was 18 years of age, nussesVni sfliHepe7sbn( a cultivated mind and a most -rouble heart, - The Prince met her 4iVi good tocitty? and their acq laintance toon termina ted in an affection, which was uoques tionably an afTair of the heart. She was at this very time destined to be the wife of the heredi ary Prince of Oranqe. This personage wai a great favorite -wulw the-Laguah-aaiwwfjht had jiursued hi; tttidtev aad received 13eratfjxrwci;hihid-aioierrr-d wttlwfi'dft'ii the-afmy-oftrraTrrnind f was evidently a sensible and pleased observer of their Jaws and customs. Dut love rules the ca.cn p, the court, t&e roe," and the., hao'daome . Leopold became thc object of. the Princesss choice, She-intimated thejeh ange itr her feet- ttancercoosuliiflfthe Teelings:iri" parent rather than those of monarch, romptlyassented to wishes, and gave'directtooT767thV'adjulTmeDt"wr the preliminaries to the marriage. It is said that when one of the English ministry called upon her to arrange some of the details of the settlement, she remarked there was a want of lib erality in the propositions submitted to her, chat she was " heiress to the throne, of :iiffgt4ndrfldribit;to6gh about iff marry Leopold iheTdid not mean U merge her claims to the stan dard of those of MrsCobourg.i!LThe Princess was a high spirited woman educated with the greatest care and particularly well acquainted with the history of her own country, i She spoke with fluency, French, $panish( German nd4tlianr performed -well orrthe d':w with "great facility and good ti.ste.--6he-posses8edi susceptible and-alfectionate heartjnd woutdh'aVe been the ornament of-anttuatioh in life?. The- Prince having bceW .J I . I by act of parliament, and raised to a handsome rank tn the army, at lengtit received the hand of his bride on the second of May, 1816, on which occa sion the first kiss was bestowed by. her QaherJ"jpyAliather The hetrt't hi eh fealty Scarce pledged, atill on the liter's steps, tier ; , kner, r,-..;. ,:!.. , ,-.,i--- IIer ntu ruahed upon her, her tears out fDnmK"' -. ' Sbe tfuej aoJ round oer aire her .white arm t- flung,1 'Clta'rmpnra i verf beautiful place was given them for their esidence. 300, 000 dollars were allowed them as an outfit, and 300,000 veaf . settled them, 2SO,000 of which was to con tinue to Leopold if he survived her. The English speak with enthusiasm f the happiness of the young lovers They are represented as HviuK'solely (or each other. They' seldom left ?home except, when their preoenan was rcqjircd at Coat, but passed t.rif time in riding out together in the mor ning, visit oj iV c'uiagr s of the toon try people,-iv 'ioi"g acts of henevo If nee and ei rcinjj go svill t9 the p tory After dinner they paio-ed together, -n.4 J.hliSV'w PJc.dja.re- drnrTjr deTtjtcd m-mrsis riTa tlioie i r our readers who have weotd'wlth-haM'r.or- of ihe miacry high life abroad, it may not he un pleiiine' t mention that a picture of Conjugal lave could net here be found, ' a more pleasing thanat darmont. T e followiog lines were written by- the Princess to I inscribed upon t snu(T box which Iliyter had omamrn ted with a portrait of Leopold, and winch she intended to present to him. They give evidence of poetic talent of very promising unu. ToClarmont'atet rac'd highuand Ether! fT'oves, Where in the s'teteit tolitudo embrae'd, By the soft vimtinfr t ihe allent wola - ' From courts ad caifS. Charlmie finds repoae. r.acba.wiiia; vall b')0 i.l wli'eer lha muit llaaot Achala or lle-pria aonj A vale of bliM I 0 softly awellmz li'Ht, On which th power uf cultivation lie Ami jo) i te see the wonder or on toil." Iltgh eipectatiors were naturally formed of the future reign of suih a a it woman, but her premature ueatn tt- I8ir,rdceply diaappintrd them. The Pit y si iia it. vh i attended her shot liim- self, in dispair it il supp.nr J at his want of succeis in the treatment of her esse. The- disrre vt -ttf " Iter-rmsband as might be lupposed was severe in the extreme. A wile artd a tnrone were? at once lost to him forever. It m cer- tain that Tils conduct has ever been that of a sincere rnournerr- It is welt " known that ihe sovereignty of Greece has been recently offered htm, but the reasons for his decleasion, if sincerely given, sre those which will do hiui honor. . ',' It is thought that he will be included A in the proposed Regency from his near coincctieo w4ti-thetrrretress-sipparenr,'3 " aodjhm this JajLindiawrt cline jgiOo'o'qr: oL go crnIn,OrVece. lie is" a1ready"1JvloheI if disiooi Hritish'fteld Marshal and knrght of the , garter, it ia rumorea ttwt - ne t -shortly to be made duke of Kendal. . r Kendal ionvm)restni5felajid"' ad has already xonfcricd lheliiUe Dutchess on the famous MadamosueU teTScnijiTemburi PS-tirdy in-zYZ- pearaace and -awanhy sko--did- nofj-j- prevent net oeiog. the favorue of George the 1st. Oite weuMPthiek tht.wiih sucha rernynhL?tlcebefore. him the Prince would preler some "i " other Dakedom. .. Day, tUc. Dr. Johnson' account of a paper -I never derived more benefit or see more pleasure for the time, says . Dr, Johnson, than tn reading a ewspaper ' which has litely been iuedfrWthtPfeii.rafCreallj)eL: lieve that nothing ndds so much to the '; rtory of aay country as netispapera T-' . Jibctty. JsL.ataranedlej5tblyupon. Ua 1 Tl ... . pages, ana even tne i old is niarxca with freedom. V you want to know how your country thrives? I point -you to the pressi There you thall find - 1 a piece perhaps, under the head of , 9TsTatiye!--AVonfrod of MTirella- wlmlrferf yfiU-WiU-hnd'tt ! ? whai-&ii&"t"Cart- fur ? msh inch good accounts ol our court tfysuch" wonder fuf atich extraor " Binary accounts of murder,, robbery, accidents, marriages, frolics, , anec and Indian I .U .-S .w t .L!..- brethren and many other such th'iDgs - such good as well as bad accounts -, from the Russians, Turks, Dutch, $-c : Ijoder all those considerationsr who isw there in this land of freedom, that will v ootattend to an objict, so . worthy of-- their TtftTy,.2Zi -;"- A7e had tha pleasure ofseelng Mr. Cat- lin's celebrated Painting of the Virginia ' Con ventsortr I -re ptet tsr -tltaf-tfflett ted 7-r body as it was at tho timo when M rv Mad - - is6n presented the report of the liegisla- tlve vommttte'e,' exitihitit.g a distinct portrait of each member. It has , been fa'tRhly spoken of already,arid we rew'ily join in the genera! admiration of it. The associations connected with jr, the pre- , sence as" H were Jf Virginia's ftroudfest dignitv in the pereonsof herMdions, ; htr - rtaodtjtphher flilesV and 7 her i ' Ltigfn,vacd The" occasion which eallerl these sages and oratots together render it "the moil intaresting picture we haveevtjp sea. -i'.v Jfwan JJfitiZRjin,' J

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