.-..v.-in: nricn v.v. '- S I iV ( ( r. - 1 ') ' f.,..'1"i-. c - w6' , ' ! )! H i.t ) ! ' -'l.i 4., ) f . II II If't l i lU I '', tl ijiii ,, 'i r . .1 IMII Hi il Mil H'i. - ' t J iili H.i.'r, iV ii . H ti n n i.i Ji'U "-'' ! '' r , . i. ,..l,.Ptti I s' 'nil, '' W. A. rtn. e.i o i.'. it. W h. V, Hl'Vr, ffi.!'. .MnV-Uit- fiie-r. '!. W'd'vn .. r-i- fr-rr V rmw,f-t nf- Jw..Un.ii - " k f,"- 7,'k ' "5 Mem, rirnU ;f((. (.turrit). 'k-. ' nm.n. . UMlaad. . ..;.Ji !MffJl'i;..;-.,.,..---,---..1 r.:i i;;t X.. Je. . vtr.y. ' 4.1 ' .. -.'.-T ..--TTHI..I-. "'SifiChririipfcrpM -W, lenV'.wllh tut ip,.MU.rti U..l. M. 6rri. J'1"' IIP, ih(i fcjii.ti . . rw-t..jor,.r.i !;m4 tf. i-ii-, ii .i.,Sy II. Ii.ntf.4 t fenj T. mwri., wto Btimti I ! B er.ett-T.- . , Cum ten.Mb lbi, TUw I i- , ' flu A wJ "tm, 8i 1 Jo ' l,!,i.)..,L B. ilmmor.l, . n.tr, C.U-b . wwi;r.,B :. ei'i ortrr Jil.'ir, Wn. JkHw ca.onuius IYi luni U U o, ,JnfiT. . , rHiii-W.llurcWKn.'.ei .Vet. - Whr M'Nritl, Ai. It'. J'.fUMj JJl,,l 1Vvr.fi, UK!pii ld.i., otmmiMMi Uiurg.. M- '. Ales. Julon, e nniiKMnii J..ie. C. Cole, iSierill'. StVph-n M.U-r. fitfs ', rlsrV, Wm K -pfeWk. eom-i.o.ia , Jmt. . i. ii n rr ' tVri ir n,. irifr. (.iiaiwn ii" .,. - . -frr TJkT:M"Tt..ftc'?niT. tnr Villiam KhimIv. 'i'r',f- ir,rin nu ! 4 ii W WuuituM. cfitbinoii; jf t.iljctt'o-i. i, ' - ,1 ii 1 1 f ... . 11 v iih .ii' : uir i. rower m I Crav I iM'f, ronimoirf . er, eWritT. ,. .t r-w' ,,, Br. .eh and ' a. to tho tetter. I ue i . that under I n, CJIenn.efW'nw., Ilcnry U. W.H.ana. Sheriff, 1 iuienCc, mt ,irBl. i great tuci . ithmi epm't'. I '.uic. tno ir rU'Cr-, l th: 'aw hry m.k", 0.wi .-tVm. M. Siirr.U'i'ri r-'' ihi. piior ipl'i-t they adopt, and tbo l'.ir"eii: JLj?ri" irr,ett' c0'""", ',el.,Ml d.imiU. .d.Mwaiiiaa .ibea. .Lrai, or --n'rr.Xhri M tmate , AH- P--1 - . 4htttm'tMMia3'.'i tv ilnan. Jihi Nt'iey, oh.h. ITMir-lr. .licritr. " F.!iS l.'jafe.eini TKMWi John W. Uilr, nb tt. f,j 4e.lil'i Mitthrwa. a.'fwt h-v A. - SinmffMi. abcriiT. -.JKrl,,r, i"'5 uaner,Xfjnifirrr-j - v ... 1, -1.. 1 1. '-ffHatfwvr- Jwrrr, ymnrfii rlT.iiry S. ttirnrer. ihentr , " ..lr)1Qr?7KfJ.l,." ' -4. M'Ke, anerilT. " , lr.k't Piwkafy Caldwell, ttnate 1 Jim Hi ' . -pie. K.'chaid AllUon, wo niiw i H.ram Caldwell ff ,t'.'(Aw .J.n.llirT Wilder, wmte, Joriah .lld -r, K'1rr Wh.dtJ coin.nunii A. 8. Hal . ltfiiRrr, alirr lT. y.ft ,..H. il. M'n.tmt. aenatei Nathan B. P l,h, 0cn B. Coi, commuM t Wdliaiu lli(f- eirra.lierilT - ; . iiwr,.... '71 ' ' YVotrn. C'mioil Wouten, commoni. Walter Davenport, aherifT- - : linaSA I'll:".'!. Wl ' . Ho ., annate j UartlHt S'.nm and Andrew TT. : :toret;T.q. comnnnsj- Thamm VM, alM-f.B. ar Jvnea W. Uiiin,,rnHei rtinnaa " Tail.. Jamca WUitaker, conmiwiia, H. W Hell, iberifl. " , " M. Li-1, Ki'nhfn Kendall, Cdinmoitaj J.uhn U. Alien, brei-iir. ... - fj, ,.,-. tovph Willuros, aeii:te , JeJt ' :" " " jCnopef, WPIiain' AVartrx.Knn.oTiJV Sairvdet. 8. " rKMsbVrtCahersff. '-"- :.jn.'.CL ,.Alr,w,,,'r 'e,'i1 aaruUa dliam . Wali!rt ii IVirVf ram'PjiI.eta.uwni. i,,erMc'Sfe.H. aii'erVlf." - Afethienhwr -J. Black wioiL a-na'e ; W. J. "'" " A1eadrY ColrF.-rai - Alftnltir aiunuinat , Co! Jhn Slwn. Bhf r(T. .. m ... 1 . - 1. ...a.... .an up . .1 irn ... An-nffion and ll it.eri C. H liiarJ,' Cornnmnat -' 9.wl tV. W. Uk. Shr-rifl. ;' ,V1.ff.iU.....Wm. B. ?ar.-a. aenaiei W. . T.arkim, Thmim lMI, ' cm.nona 1 Uabricl llolw, aheiifT. ' . " ' .i..i'm ..'..f. fiirne-, natft R n. C.m, Ji' Ma"dyc unmrwia , J.mff H. H'oud, . hOr'ie.--WI!',M Mflnrg-imrf,"S"at fJohh ' tURfirtiH 'ftd' fcHwwiwirmwa-t'-'fi. ti". Tpvvt. HSeritF. . OrtWa.' F.d3jf l WaM,' wni'rj P edntk Fov. J""! Knwe", rrt'n, 1 Pi tint! rniiile, a'ulT. --'",yjt.'t-H'!wtt VHhV,-t'ai -lnm JtJctJchciN Thimaa Lii, coramonat John " TUrttftE, nherilX . ' fM Vtirs!a.!l . DckJJtw-jnM i William fhrk and Williafll Clem.injni, comrmwiai J. S. C!ark,"herifl" ' , , :. , pfrt,timv,),...Uitnrr Skiini-r, senate 1 Itfiij. Mllrn aod 1 hn.NJVi1'n, Rornnionat Jmea Joir, ahertlf. ilinit onp.':ii.m. ,4a(iMr.- "dmitel Jtem i'ig, aenate j Th. - Ildl a d J ihnM;jkii'er.cni.iwiia Jjslma A. riJ. aheriiT. w'tth'Hit opKrtmti. ;.tn"-I'vid F, Caldwell, M-natr?; Tt.omai fj p,?,ic, Kichmond Peiwrt,(Cimnimsj Fielding ' slne. hfr'fl " . ihwdalfk -Abraham Crnwur. aenatei John ' v,orh, Arralwiw' Urower, cttismoni j Ueprje . ' ft 0 r br!Tf" ";" ' ,' r ' "t , ; , 4- f . ii.' , ii 1. 1 i'i fiin un, Main. U u. ii", ".'I'f I II. h 1 . . ,. It I..I... I' t. f i'i.i a - Ar.JitliA.fi V ,-". ll. . irr.lf, j ,,',, ....Ttil MT.llai.1, 1. - - TTt - - T; 4 A. IJ.i li, Cinfi.lt lua.VJtia w i'i .'. L ' km'." 1 M' f , ff M IV ..tl1!, C:n L VTii.iva I. irl'l'l. ITl Ml. r . ... . - rtnniif lit M'.r.'iJ i;. titbit, choj-. f-i;t, Imt.T. i C.f.K.n.M!e .Vfi I ilv'-.'. 'j'.'M M !l. i L'lu-.l 7. ,-V. j i".h vv, vvi.i.( i, t' n. i -U'r ti s oif, iff', Vii:iVn M'iii ii ;. rt';,.f.ri h-h - ' ' - ' " '"--''f Wm. M, fMvtn, fh'fT. . U'w JU'f kl 3 ifri-f, i U'.'-kifVitt, 'ientf. RiikI, i irl in l iter, tirii.Boii Wm. K II lltlifl, !.! Tiff. . muoi:.;:i MLMnr.R". .',-,.- Sniflit. f',ti,rtttt't't.-. -l-otii I). Ikury, FJ nit H.iuu-l I'. S)rer. t'.'!?'' Jiwfjih A. Hi', lULfuX. WiH'nm I.. l4-ijf. I'orjTicjn. truer of a Farmer on tht Tarlf.Wo fltil in an old number of th t'e'-.'.ni primeil'wlien ihit pjpr wa under the . . , f , j cijiuir. ikmm i- '.. ..,v r.io -trveni iuj. .iii'wmT m.hmu.b Utter a Kwr the rrtft- Sh u-t$ whii xfte ant what I wjml, Mb. iiu.M.L-1 wuKumrr. Uce ,tej,.,0r, I .vc triyondgwd The liitinrr I of to U Ulel r . i-, ".wpfimtnm nf intt-ard mr-nwit tv4tMf - lH i i . , . . . I ... .. i ru.iii ol wiirn. I .ini'C U) "i imh ui, ! i,....., ,..,irrU ..f i'i mind f.f our I'jnon. lliri'!.. . . . .1-1.1-..;.. ..1 ;,.,t,w i.,. ntial IU0Ul Uie "iciriK i iiiuu.ii y . 1 ..f ...... .,.',1,1., nit mid wnhur the cmre of r.,..i i it iifthutrtou. Ilui clii. Good p.Tcr.lrkcrf.o.n l.wiiO Naw it ivcr pi4t-ii4 utei - UiMJk h .hwiya to iood m irke's, or mT rfacterof inure' aU tnar'WoliTd Travcr . - . upon Mi . u' J"7 p..wmi harin? fh an effect or tendency, mat S maVk'et-i ''wifl' "iTro ti-Ji'be U'xm tlu'oii or d jny other a.iU w ihjnKi ly I M 1 an d irfi'vl price "ill ba .it algniti ii'i tiijni Ti. .r. whii-h. a I uiihiiid. LiiiilLii.; t miiic tan ana iouiti . . . . r "1 .- . . rr- ilui" to 1 ....,., fvit t 4 4ie y ar e too plu - 1'aij lcd" to "lliVrurio oT 'itCui;iwi.' '. Tc'-iaotrKT'pfdi from trie s'runjrc tta'.e ol thingi iin .cla VLi'f... ,i2tHL?c 'ra.iff in tfi.uin ! ,;1f" '.,,,c '" 1 of C-it.r will t.c i:ie fir lto him, ' Oil. how cruel a thini; i; i !.r...rn fin.l nurfiee.' A to cioo. i clura.-ter, 7,nd to iritfeisuTiil "it".' .nlrVr iiVl'!'t:P- mnie'it9id Mh'itrT tl-Af rn-'ictirt- Afrr-r.l. t 4 IVauceJ!- ttmis. I. ay, torn, potatota, rye, barley, ! i''ese jTcc! have been slway pre dieted outs, wheat, abundant cfety where. Ne- Now tht'y ill e fdlt vwt nai such a sejon. !oi then there bintii'.-linj; and foreign competition arc no juice. Lilnmr han fjILn a iiulr, bae hitnertn k p prices down in spite it it - true. But product baa fallen itill d ihe restricive policy Bu' thr for more. S lha. alter all wo work much, ; iuipoitntinnn tha were rnde in an py a iMe.t deal, ami i;ei little. Why it I ii ip.i.l n of the Tariff are piette well thii ? Mow ii lli't-i1 I "!. a tutu.. nd amuf;Kli''K l.a been con " I jiit thetti qmsnont to the lawyer of j iidcrahly clackrd by the .ct, comnvi' ly our puish s and a shrewd one he i. He i tailed the new Tariff act, which was rm anawrred " There were no market s." Or f e"d at the last aeairin of Cnfnrreas. , Now 'TuTKirThaT"iTrtrie"oIiT rnaTker were over - stocked i that" wart had ecaed all rurrr . - Euronei that othernuiionn were returniou 10 their old mndet ol induatry that there wtre more sellrr than there were huy er, ai.d of course down goes ihe price of every thitig ; and ihit ourprmKict musit take tiejuhiKH' fare .-.AH- thK;?r.tOied iewnahle .t.poaiih. So Ltiskcd him, VVnat was the remedy 1U ran tfci rste rf tiling he altered o' prevented V Now, you mint know, our lawyer i a rare clever man, but. hj of I j taken it ttitn hi tread to turn .Manu facturer ; own, I know not how in my shares In the UUM Mi I and lakcS all in'eresi iti every apianiojj jenny in the neijjhtjorhaioti. So he answered, oif han'.! 1 ' W mu.l, ra.ko a market al homo. This nation never will Ue pro peisiU until we make ail that we wear ; and raise dlt jfjha.t we eat. j!!U!,f.i,cUiro9 ly git 4-.tU popuUiiuu. oifie-.or . ais thousand ariizae and manufacturets, in every twenty miles square ofMisurhu ettt"nd-fatw:ra will ever nt iar ket, and, tieyer connplaln of a price Contes are in, the right wav'IIad ifiat fa)f passed last tetsion,-1 yon would , have henrJ no more 01 bard antes, or Ud piices" . I asked hiin, What thai word UrilT meant ; that 1 had always thought it would be most excrlleni thing for (he fWmer4 for as I supposed, it n.eaut, that our taxes were to be reduced f the word Minify ing as I undeutoodit, in the oiiual Ian R'Jfge, f tear tfl' so I mpposed that our taxes were to lv torn away ; that is dimhiUhed." But our lawyer ,tnseril l'l if 1 - I v Ii .1. 'J' 1.1 H "I nt-l"(J' ,J I r,.?,f', Al .'rA-r s'inL IcfdluC I1' 'an I Tut the real u ijic of i 'i' 011 fj, ici. Clletsn in J if 1 n ke ritt li i4 i;iuni?e t"i r trit. oti the jfft ritf of imS n err uln In, I "''j m Pirm ri ttrt tt b' t'ff.t'Jt f iff f ii ms nit if $lijl !'( tin $HMin ( . . Jii,j a j;rei ji, i 1 ih! thsre i wurU'ir ntt'ier tiv'4 In fnnjfrro tl4l rtu the j,,, .r, Ti,4Y, n con of .h owien'of rtie-ji.sre d'lirP,',n e,,f (hit j ienrn,u cJ tuem p.weMiiHi $ dePftiJdf ni lo uW t it- im .in ewniil niLi9 oi n'i .il'iH4 ewniut'f"ii-l9 of .rf ,nif -i ! f er d ia if I I.U' mil. he d 1 pot fonr t me, inr (Jo i belUe lh io i ;r.i;e irl of infuiin'ion jire "" H w-t.'-'f, ....... ... I w I nidi nur leire Mr, vsm.U I k.ilin. m..ni mini ,n I lul.t.: I &n. afMitU)re ol fiiur piptr viy worn or io, in mr pi tin wjv, to my mmm? r mcft, upon it j Jnr I (car ll lhi tanll j c. Ld a thin are r.ow, llity will, in t'dii.: i icncc, bcc'im' wirf ; anl thaitn vr.'d uf lr:njr ieiicfd nf nut p'fffn I'lHifuI if?, i! will l'tnlv " lespin'KH of i 'it fryii:jpti b the (W 'hf irin is. A FAUMKH. Frctr. ',v Hot'on (uk' Cut rite. " . . ,om .MU'hrrn .Herr . m .w '' .'...wmtf . auddfii ni c .rmiiitr rh in ,M prr,, o! i,adv I Loa f tlWS.f irjrt, I'.i.iikct in I Nrp.o tlo'li uie tote mucli t.'Ker '! 'dry wcr ear. Aarl i . ntf,er i is t-d -nil i " rbdMiL-t 'ule . i etnenl in if .... i . . . . i . - - Ld if jre.auJhAl. ilit.il o'jicua li 1 1 I'ii i" il a' ' iic mwcsi i.nu I iJii iu iic 43 .- rem, mm i a . I n caarte coi'.om at ltj. I' nrr cent. i"re seen .in arti-'e in a N' KnK.ljnd p.pei wkIi trod u' r .i!otiie the .latent! luUes 're H rcprCn-cil r.s um.o n nonly t,c- 'tvo, djnienti.- 0;kIi ul all d-u 'i wis as Lit .dMO.larf in i' l de ". Couau K.,i.h. i. is -..iJ .hate ul " 4f " om rrn tn per ; r;m, - ibKC '--'-s.z:.z:::::?:. t-re-ntctimonn ivm-jircr. TdTrrmrrta ttie 1fiTt;r aTjov." reTeited to, V.fs tn. . 1 1 At . . ; ",c ,,,r mutm .ujike1 tui no" stun irnt - 1 . f . iy 0cnrdta., fn u.Jt .lo.4Sit'4JU.ACcay.?Mnt-l4t laciar, aiul-U-i r5emenr,-ttif th.t Irtm ftrDp1ni;:? Nndeon ti ' J'iyf rcwecU'olc iairlioit mim- ; chant that thp icmili inil - n rv ihf 1 , , fJatVit- lij'sfited in' th Xrj!2xH. J iad deiiitliai oi:rtiu.,4.Q iij Suut'h fthen TntltrTTTirTai,Tfr."'u1T'imnei11mehu 1 al aoiaeoHiHia lenir 4ip:nr rerrrriTed. t "tiddenly rise in its cneru'r, and com I forth like devouring monger, arekini' 1 whom il may destroy ; And now will the S nun he made lo drain to the dreg the the hitter cup of oppression and degrada lion. . ,v . Wfca.t hope can npw f flitertAin -f .0 alnf!u.uriientol the .yMr.l?..LJ.Lib!f.T.eC itTi'e would not lU'.eu to us helore, will thcvnowi If they clung with tenatt'y to it, even when ihv made cotii'Virative ly little, will thev consent to fi-p,l it not when they are likely toreaJifc enormous jirritrs T Tail -anyr xm- vho-if vinuuT.Y.'" expeec that the m.jo'tty will now listen o argument or cntre ny ; , Uuit avarice will relax io proponion to its gains ; or that oppression will grow lirru ol plttn deritir because of the dignified arquirt ,ce.UC,'o( i'.s jfkviu.i...l it .nuL. evident. 5'5t joturiUXia AM.jevery ,-p4i.cip'.f out nature -ptide aval iceambition the love of power -all conspire-nmre lotcib'y than ever, to attach our oppre. or--totb-.V;'.f'ir-iHvii--h--t'i-vt)t )he base and degrading tribtre on '.he Puth. Charlenan Mercury., raost tsk tujit-juti rTi;s. A Congrcs indeed ! an assi-mhly of Wilde animals ! Wny, in is very fall and Cinmbert a Tnufi lent on plunder, rush? WioarJ. as Murr'i tioun war bosre lo attack the S':orr of the toe : whilst others engage in ihe C.hje: andxine Fartm ot Dioailhcad, and Juitif Wit, but of Arm !rcTig nd Strong '.fQier itl JTrrr, Swf' i'f 'aar, ! 't s .,ut to Hunt, and armed unly witlia AaT.attatktteCcw.itftr the (nm I higher in J:-i'r Vhe "" or (iic .S wii bm ' Um Wingid " een ?,fA fiit i Vttki w)'l'i 'V" ihne Art? l1 t-'oolT, ti ' r '" " Ti;i an 1 CV"M X' 01 , f r4 ih JVUVt - of. h Un-I Mihn. .Ters m ro""- fnb In Civ, thi OV'fA he li Silt ni h .? ih hTi n-r,hi Tberf f.,tf f,k' om t rf Mee:trt icd SVAW in ;-'-i ,S'i'i .nit totf i 'W'h ltht wNile tn .iwlirtrr miA in a ..' sJ Tnoktr .. l fro o tlie Unii-.l Siasfi r. igr.i Etira. Tns vVrir-Nou T itkrokn! T1IK NISWS CONFIuMRL)!!! tfrnmo-MtA frmJcnt f tKe Pttpk't CKf ! Tfl fuHowirtrf t:rifU shorn lhal (he Wet-lifiu f r'de, urc uf o mucti piiifif to the Urmrri, mjchmki ind msrchaiit ! i u r.f. ( I hicli i . -L i 1 .. .... L. f. . ..f' 1 I'JSl MT llir (.''itlf ' I'ift wv-....y ,,f roali i f i ..:i4.i., h been re, orej the ui i.'-.s t')., ) 'louct " 41 f'tr ti'i.t.i 1 i. Hoi (i i : rrjht st.hrnr . tu tiV1,''! tn.t ti -nun Frtm the Vijr triin7 I'uttnfOct, Tim ftkr: m.m N p'.vo-i, fp-nin 5 ni ten i.r.lf.iti.. v-mi.Min lfWVl. !! myyutif tnrrltt-nrr We he recrived.hv her our.ejulir 8!j(Wtl(j ,0 u,0,(()(r. y4 & i ni r i.niii 'i it i i. in in a.Ttrintra t I e I ... . ... . I . J . . . . .U.I, J'lU I 'iri lllivitfuill ' !" ' . .-,.,, ' . . . . : l 1 1 I 'm-rvi vti nv -hi - ivit tvim i I i.ifL.i...T U If ;rll.!. .IfJ UKlTlil) ' S I'ATFS. ' ,e (j ilt ne lor i.e S.- 'r arV nf Stae, 1 ii tainidi; 'hii wt l.-o w ne , wure rmnini. .r'l ny M-- M'La'.e in ih ir ol Cj) . StiHri, To e diTTerr--n M-.- Srrwtj C ;.c.: 1 ii of Cus 011., !i.. l-,ra 41 (1 til I'lcin wn 'ii '.V .t ii i.;'f'i tin m-H-nin The rollftwinj? ' ( I" i' r f.on, IV.nr'n 11 Ojilm. ivq U S Consul at ni I'oii of Liverp'iu'. 'i Si nnrl StitI w'.n ; U'rfj. Collec'u' of 'h- IV' ot Siw Vu'li, cornmnnlc-itet. tuN 1; n. -In in 1 1 ii ;-n.:e, iitiiit)r i (i t ic he .d l .In. tff.rv, hlc'ii it vr t I p n civ- d I of a Itily ftvrritf chfM f.: .liiiKBpeoivJtjlil..... . 1 JutfCiiie ,441 sjliifj i jn.i.i inform lt4 4i ft'H'liH'Mln it h -t'tm -rtfttn trv hi?e ternin i'e I in 'lie hVih'. I ivoiahie min"r. Mr. M f.-jc erivrd here lh tv.1 Jfilli men- i 'i', ..j.c lni Mnjr. no iniorms 1114 inn nie i ii fvi-riiment consent to rtstMif tu Hi informs nn: tint Hit; B i in(io vi-ri.metil consent to rt stnif tu its nc 4 :tJtT Cl,if ttcminras-iMfc KeiVVv-1 rrtirr I ... r , fl. . , ... ol Ju'y, 18 27, abolJaH the ilis.Mi'.ntna'ri duties on Anieticm vesrlj in her rolnni .il port, !r,d cx :',d to'thetii the a h . t.w of the act of i'jrl'unu h' of 5H .Tu!y, 1815. " Thus have wc trcovrc.-l. hy ihe rnn cili'i'intr mejsures of our .etto.-ahle I'rc sidnnt, and the ulen', larsever-jn.-". ;.d strait f rward fo,t-.c ol oar a'Al hi'.i.it ter h-rc, all that w lost ny the, .,y A minisn-'sion, and alt hc huvel lid foi iifr-1826. 1 , . . . . . t 0:i&Ud...uMir. aitaiter.-in- I'tunce It I equally Mjccehaiuli ol whii.h there are ! n,,w ,ne fvonide Bptlcaraiues, 1 think our vrnernb'e rrrsiilent jM. Cn- tilled lo lite highest prai'.." iiium thi; m:w yo:ik jiiesK.r or rm mnrr.' (.Ill Op)',i!ar. iti.fitr.) L,TF.TJ'iIMClQi-E. "- B," toe packot snip N-.ipoVon, Captain Smith, ve-'-Hiv pie'T- I.'verp'ard-pii per to Aitu-' 'i"i'i. and L.i'vtin to the Vtntt.g 01 t.r 25 ',i, rt ,ii,ir;ri Parivi ,d4iLsKj! 2,V T'lrt mnv ini,..f..i,i. ; lic:" ' '' .'TrCi'cfl." ra 'It, m trie rsMNn oF i it r Wks.t kdia I ! 011 1 3 .9 UUZ.. Cv;,l.li.r. 1 i tionuh tne I papes are tnmr.lr si'.en' .. 1 ...... . MV.nrning it. l',4,Wll K VfV'l niu umugn tnc i .ii:t Wa t , - - .w. 1. tivi rsrrK.m. in I- ...I.. . I . I .... --..j ,., ..,.1,,.,,, We ar in po-1 cssion ol such 1 vi.l ..l'-' " P'J the lion u:yoD l,.,li Hum,,. f ,1.. 'At-wa pbtntv" and 0i.nH .Vy fcjttui-...Af-'-r--eirJT fnb-whureopulatoionV wilfiout -anV; Aapojeon, ha pecwds Jni.edinf Jy- toi fay or tmiuc't Ifte pan of t!.cf Utc.-, nffi'-i il? n m" "r!" ,hc A nttrleusortli.tJu.ra.resem'dinifan . LCJ' (,ern:n firmr.muht, in c.m of nerd. Wr, t ' .?mnie I1" fh .nf , the Tcx.thL authority, if Ch.rlf Z:: U ioUhatu. cf tboVa-pror ' 1 . vtstts in their favor, where they bad tor v M .Llv,'BP00' 34. Artrj 163U. ! met lv sown the seed of civil tvari Foiif lour 3Iir,l3u.Ko r.i g,ci crdtt. h8loinrni9,ioi.eisf iUiuut an escort, sup-'-succeed in oLtaming the consent ofthis j portel only hy the mor-il frce of pi:tc Uoveroment to open Oo ht-rr- . Li,' 1 r., .i.f.-' tion Ufvond all ween the Ln.rcd Sui and theBr;.Hh I maia wuiomcs, and it .i prrjbal;!A'!rjUiiJiyeyerv ivLerivrbef-nniJy..'jL-: ..... ,u. .t.ncni iii,,rew day.rLbariithe Tentffwi thus enabJed, bt alter tht rear tics yon, Issue tffc procla- fore it .departure "from France, to cor; roation corntempUtcd in hi, Mesge last template he degre ef degi a.hition il 11 rsii5 it iiii.wft! a i!ip 1 -ion t.n ) nl.le l rrm f cerjr au'ijccl if dirrrenc s bftwrfn th io c un'fici. The (;,.' ffj 11 j;i.iJ feeling n meeting t),i, jj,,, jvnHon, Mr, M.Ifi !-5Crt the tr'tiU'l6 of 'ntfic.a rti tm lir h, L'rtrl!(i U''r, 'd pettctrinj ki! anrl iiif Hieoco which ht b.i jm forth In attUinf tbU remit. It U la b h&p:d that yoOr Congre C iimaifcit t; prop i r iene.fM irricei, and dtrm tho ucciii in fi'tin on ihr ds(frmir,Snf , VUicr , a tiiciuiA 05.i Jiuet- i . u, . -mMi ci,teiiiif couct U luropei hii not ' a 'risHt to cUim from the oveiCiwins ia. uu:Jlcr l 'Utn)Siil'ly ir'luirei, i.ii..iirii I'.iiutieii&iijltf Irn'iirri. mu ni iw tear tnrui aif farina THE WK.HT L'LHA Til A DC. We liavii lon.ih a tumor, to which ' rretlit iy te tithcd lUt Mr. M'l.iai , finiillif nfCeeJed ii muk'-nj aorn i? ranfrntnt with Urea! llriiain, tr tretiy, rrtpcriiri (lie trade iin Iter Wcm lu di Colontea. f' MXme w at iMv prA when tde KjpofeiJti ilJ, and put in'othe tuml vi (3pt. Stnitli a picket uf ?epi(rh' fur tle Anerii.-t, Koremmtn'i 't.trcril to the care of ttiij (VU.t'ir of 1 1 hi put, U'u.U h iied uiivitelr trJ opfiiin me cuionui port to our toin mrr W8 btve.jM 'tn the oGj lit rlri pi'chen fionrt M.-. Mcl.no our Miiii'et, a; Lino m. to hc l i td :nt f ibe UuvtH j s;, f r,fu .r,j ,,e txe newi; and prfl, 1!UAij:i ar,riUfKiJj ihu lot aoi kjffh,r imnm.n- f.n. m,t K .1 i', MtKlTIOM Of T1IK KTi'AL TAMILf. Ufu i- X .ii I riU l irii.ly left Valogua ri ok; I6 'i ni hinn .'. l. k. in iNj mora- L1-? ' ar.ivf I rnr oty:k eChef ft "' ' ' ,h 0a ypHti(! (I 10W41 U 1 115 great potUj nio tticv wen CK,er!td hy io Arnet--I :n snip ., 1 tu'tecc'l f ir 1 1 pjrpoie 0 ' J") L'l? ,WJi; from f'ine. Tney w.-ie csriit'eiT iiv abou, WY) hTjrt ho!l 'i.rdei du Cijrji ani Ci;nJrme de Cn?sc. The pnTi'ila'i in of Cnirtnorg went ',0 msct the L jttJt'icti i psage, and pre aerved the most p-nf.un i silence, not 1 ay jpl.cird (hi family, ffliich had fallen ( om an hih a stati-n. The Commii .i.iMfr of the Government awai cd lb'7 n'rival of the family et the entrance of1 the bridge lesding-rtroTn 1be tpjy tor-tbtl-tayal partft. r'. ----r.- ThU Cauri.tcrer0ehjin.d Inst fjrvvcll oT a uictss JpJJr(J thi i Itoce of the numcrouv apectatora, all thr'MT tragic tir'curmianrea gave to l1)i tcetrce-a-qntte IWatrfcaT tinil uigic"'if?''' pea ran re. "' '"' " Kromthc frtt carri iye a'ihted M de Da m.i, M tic M eQ ?id!y.tuUmiittiiiMairrj- atr t rrt i t a k c ft c trv 1 ctie-1 h tr -qur iy sefi Uac iy ta Jw -citi. auDoicd'iltOearsTifi her wi).) c lur.ici.ancc betrayed thj iet"pet it-r. 'I .is Ii ya ( MriT.'gt c ntained Charlel X.. drescd in 1 plain blue dock coa' itirl a g'ty iut on !ua head ; the I).iUtthlv ness wa ilreaned with an extrem fci1 pi' 'iy. i'he l)-j'e nf B nr Ictu,- Mad, ein.isede, and the PiJhcs of Barry', woo tre a trrsi'-i- - isA .o n ?(ime h Flit I) like iA Ii:diaK ji the firjt Hint. !'n ttl; th-: )aophiti led Irtui by the7 fr.TndTTnur"TvTTiT'7aiiT1 to Tf ri? TT Ji" )liT-"" mr-tr rhos'1stu',c wre inTpressttih"" t oanged. 'i t coootcninca olCh irlel X. wa dejecic-i i hi eyes seemed fall. . gti'-cl. !).u iiu picscrved hi calmness. i'lii? rxjiression of despair imprintsi 01 the totiiitciunce wf tho Dutchess of ' Berry, bsffi-d all fjcatripii ir. She re- : maioed-lo? airne tim mv-iwitesr'-ofliba 6d;c of the. biidc.ptessed the hands of. nfKna rf I. rtf. t . '1 j ft ft It.f 111, Hr u idci.Iy flung horselt iir.o too packet. I'e mantirn.' aut'ioiiiics of t-hcr- hojrg and the Cotnmissioners o! ov ji - 'i 'Mrif iu prcserveil.. lot h long time. respectful but ftrni deportment towards the lalien Princes. Tnts fjmilyi whichi in itt s!n progress to-vards the cr.d ot il .-..tfrt tartr, K lk. rJl ntn if.: 'vf okt.1 .'f.U 17V I1IW V ll'JIlb 'l 1 ' " ' . traversed, seemed to retain soma hopes," : qje-icoul.1 mr.v cairy away the conviction that ficcd to muin-aiiilht most pioV,und Uny

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