M Aovinijtt the h livilnlt Si ictoni ptniil the tlKinj er o',t?rvc. lh-s 4k9 of K'ii I Arrusvl. lu Poll jjuc, the 1) iks of ( ik'ie, "I nlirnc le )i)iil!e. in I mm c.Tt:tr uf the bmtte JhiI I. Tner( We, in fi) psr.).i uf jjii'in't'ni GenaMl Silo, wi ivdercd jH'if I iJhtci b ptpjre1, ct out for 'tiU inaTie'ii'.elf efter the em'urktifli ' Tii p" tof rtciljr at o o'clock. The jillut who eirrici! the pick et nut of pin risiUMiclitnui aeven o'clVk aid repirti that Hi the m moot when the IMuce the h re of Pranca rcceds. flent (f'Ur, inn me,.j murtUtnre 01 tear. Cnarlet X. !ioed the mill resignation t.fthero alL ' 'wh i Ue Uoykl Family The cjun-erunre of the Pivphitt wit -.Trl,rt.tWw -tkwOftlra U-U pit SCMaavJ. fornured with the piinful expression of i',e othT immbere f the fallen family. IJneyes twinkled hi. niutl endnote l-einjj in JfHtnl of contraction, jmarted to lii prtyxiaqnour an ir of j,y tint lucorrtptehent'p!e to the peci jtort. An officer arriving fmrn Par it appro.ched him t ' Wrll," tail he, are they q'iiet, Iranderf" " Yt, M-n r ineor, perfectly quiet." " A'u . ah I h ! snd the Hjtrdcr' N'otfeof Hicirt remisti to he irn," "Ah! l J nli ! they ere nut afraid of them V The P,uphio then jumped '.us "id twirled m if the new t him the i;i eatcst plea ve. The Uaupl.ine. who was no (!ou')i ere how panful ittch in'trrot;e tn:ie most have proved to the Kir(r and toe o:her members of the family, aU upi ia dumped-ibe ofiitxr. . AW Tort VuH'ier if E rUTJt'TITI rTKll-M. ocro: iviw. im. fhndtion avt Mdh ffi -The namei ol thete three i!ivinguihed men of Sooth Car. r'inarenoa- end;ared to the fienda r.r civil lihertv in the United S-te. When an indiffrr. nee, almt universal thro.ijrhou' the Union, lud prevailed so far at to suTer encroachment the general gnvernment upon the retened ightsof the Statei, to be made without ris tance eieeptof the irititfU id ineffecriVe duuaCleCnd..to.,f.f.?!lir-L. quieted from, diycrsined Iciwi, we hear tlieae ' men, with all the.enthuiani and arduf of 3a (juence natural to lover of Ibert) i.iciting jheir f -llow-cpuntrjmen to vigilance and circumapec tion. Like faithful warders on the ramparta they told of the appproa' h of the e nemy hen jafaejoir in ordcr thatqjxaJiaoighillffV, s7thenre made to rewt bis coming. ' iiayappriwoen, an encmyjMhe mogt rnatHUttonar -rranciiisra, nomcnc nciuy ceiling upon trar riglila a fire iiieni, awl here do we find theae chHmjions of freedxn i lEe" anVT tBditferent to the Jaugara. . whick wirround'teTr "couni'rymen ! Tfo "They are ti)on the field. No efl'ort is left nnatayed to point the people to the hazard and jeopardy of their tituation. They appear in the front ranks. They have Diade bare tljeir bosoms to the altacka of cruel and uupitying enemies and have risked every thing-held dear by men of diitinb'uiilied abilities in the cause of coneti tuiional freedom. But huyr have they have been rewarded? . Have thry' the gratitude of their countrymen, the uiot gratifyinsf requital rtat could be made for aeUiacriBces to the goo of our country ttlave they had any manifesta tlona of public approbation for the gen erous end d'wuuterested aupport they have yielded in defence of the constitution i Have they had any active and operative assistance from the several quarters of the Union to sus Uia them . th try ig wtrle-wfrf-tt unreiaxed hetaeen the enemica and friends of the eoitttktitiQflf'Havv'vpjiiijtnl tendered tft then to anima'e and encourage them to hold out in their contest for the righta of man, fur the rights of their fellow itiaeni and for the righta of their chifdren f But have they not rather been reviled and condemned as enemiei to the.peace and happineei of mankind -as diaturbera of good ortler and civil rule and ambitions disorganizers, seeking to be elevated on the ruins and degradation of . their country wen f Have not the moat insolent and cop. .tPitotZhec by a vicious, infmous and degenerate . press ?. Hat not every act of their lives been traced, by hese mfnions of Satan, dumiiwed from pande- 1,9wm .for th. W)i trn" .a . . ' ' ""ne amDitunis ana ..interested purpose r Ves -fetl wretches t they LiteSntea : gaW. the Jf'orioua wchierementj of tjtese favored suns of freedom. But thtir repose cannot be interrup ted by the raven croakings of a distempered action.- Honest intentions and approving con cieocea chase all diaqoiet and turbolent feeling from their bosofna. v T he efforte ofjbeee three eminent men'of the So"th to preserve 'equality wrh'ich U eecuretl '-otheeeveralatatef of the Union by the consti tution have been untiring and without abate "tent. They have fuarcUd with sleepless tigl. jncciLc IV.!...'.'im of oir a!;irty nl when tVus opj iel la 01 f fret g jrcrnne it ofT?'f I the gift like uiii thi wilei lio-e, wSih ene; nt e iascie4 1 i b t4 'el iwiji the piitfcli of oar fred m,ihtf eHeJ oat with one roiee, , M Timo Diiw tt d mt f centci, hen lh nii.jli'jr tit w'i i hit bwq lifn(l a ill th prophet I), (''it, with n ihhifiilng lmpu. dence tni bar lid td ui tied end rebnked the ?rrh f tf hi'.n!ctr Mtte tn eimpUinti gtnt fie won;jfiil oppieHtnf, of hr people, fend threw Jin thi) fi'itt'tft of mrhul ttiifc, Cent f;id-d i im efti'ir end ewere'i the Itit iint tliii n'xy en l g ffit k c ;ni)Vnt, it Ii mo I'PC iM'W9 .IL'ji -tJiliihik -fnjr it iad er4 W, fcrfu4 of i rnfl!errTr linTtfoA "rTTi-.TB?$uuTfT rr-Tt.i ? I. TIorTeif(iTii'T tcrnry wxt ijunnil e il ha nMcd by the ceihinting i:d ml.ttirriii e'x lence of Ihmll. ilt'in, ewvkened theri'izniofhlint'lve 'ate to f ill w of their dpen lncri He told their oprc'rt on the l or of CufljrrrM thet hey were tynntt, rrk!eu! of the cimiit'itimi ki' io(f ni other rt t rnt ii ihtir L- iUlion than their own nd evvetnut will. lie tU them they had t iolie I Hie eompet of the Union of the ti'rt itid thl they would imporeriih end dirVe the -Southern nirmhrrt to brggerv, if tt,e urf irpcr'i Um were not re hi d. He he I the iiuUpndmcc of mil to do tlictc Ihingi which oth-rt tithcr taw Pol, or fcarrd to di. Ken liter at iU hai the grcai ninlof MriiufTie dipUved t!ie eonri.iure of lala'.irr tvrnny. lie ha coniuccl all hxie ni'indi are opn t j onviction that the i'J iice prr;ticd upon the Rixith, dopiiacd aiul con' ceitind by the Calypso peacr vf lha American vitem are rainwu and dcrnetie of Southern prcpcriiy. Hut lh-y had ai well hae addreaaed thn)itlvea to the Hirda which rwetp the am. hier.t air or to tha rocka which turn under our Irtt, f ir the appeal would be ulike inoprra!'ie on each. Ii there any reavn ia thrre anv fir itierewnf krndneiH---ior TeThfre rCyq bumani'y in tliut Impugning the motivei of i three dn'ingjUhed pa'rio's who have labored with si much zeal, wi'h so much enihuiiatm, with so much devotion f.ir the gntnl of the He pit!.1ictn:1i' mie1, It 1f any thing fitte but rnmmen!atle and praiseworthy to rt-turn rude reproach at a recmnpcnie for auch generotta daring n d. -fence of the Magna Chai ta uf our freedom and independence. With what cajfrneia do thoae rebels who countenanced sn t supported the deaigna of the Hirtfird convention aeie; upon every little act of the State Kight party ami siarup it with the impraf treawmr o they hoje bysyeh man. .socmen; to amu'uilalcJlc. ftcuru.x'.uikiJ'.-iUt. &n?SilfWKI h.qdy.jnjjicdi graceful aUewpL, toalhxthe a tain of ted.utiO upon lite rtccttt tmgs'le of the Srte Right pir.y to impeds the1 prgrers of unlawfil hfgi.l iiion, and to retrieve the fallen condition of the Southern country, which i" mainly attributable to the rare and Wllj. 0fp rom tf nt;0nll jn lne iw)mi. be mia alen for rebettinn, and a desire to petua'etheauionckntvotte likened to CxeJdc-',"trai fixed Tor Friday the 12th dy of 'VviTubVr leriiinatioT to stverit un tas aconstilutioi,l law i mxt. The priaomr'a counacl then praved an wratiarrd.:V'hcrt; tbcwtrwaity-Df drawnfig r wppnl fWm tfcefletfsl&rPonfir parallel between two caies whitb will not admit alleged defect in the indictment which , waa of comparison ? Our minds were r.ot prepared t j jrnin' trj. . witness o much moral depravity in the Nation The second, Absalom Gayler, chafed with as a few month 'a public esperience has revealed Forgery, was arraigned and convicted and ten tout. We have too high an opinion of the tence pni'td upon him. He appear to be an good sene rf the people to indulge the belief mifurtunate, but a well educaied atid intelligent that one third of the conductors of presncs j num. We have in our rnscaiou a brief atate really speak out th'eir honest convictions wi. 1. ment i,;, ce aTuTioVhe lui'ge, which feel. 4 regardto-the freacrrtrattittidc of the State tttght j party to th? general grrvernment. Can they, lwilhuut any kiiulaf aifitaiiQn.iiidu't.lLealAiAfxoad iiina th -aame 4wiii(hraV but nnieriT wig dciici inv inai pany inaiera cesigni iiohuic to the Union i W as not the inculculaiion of iuch a belief intended rather to detach some of the supporters and advocatea of State Rights, there by calculating to augment the uumbera of those in theopposition t Was it not contemplated to casta aUgmajijPott the party and thcrvby. pre vent its futureritrcreaserf for the life ff us caiuu lhiiik-llvorably of this oppoaiiioa which Lis been conducted in ao illiberal a manner against the State Right parfy. The low, false and acandalortt devices csnrted to curtait iti fair and legitimate influence, have Imp rued us who are ar-ayed against us, and the more we labour to throw it off the more indelibly does jtl acera imprinted upon our minds that every en couragement extended to such' a junto would endanger the peace and security of the Union. Crown of Greece. 4 ... :.,. ..,., -r , r-v'"iir?r:3.i .i;:;iir"iI.;-ii!i L tending that they ahoulrl reflect upon the po... Htiry principlee which influence Uie action of anv man, but entirely as a rebuff to the int. UuitouiJhArge,,tiiaik doctrine of State Righta ihe supporters of that rrty- haditt ccumpUaooM ". ' .a ' ' 1 . . . . . . - - atgns.-tn tnatwre trust we iiave oecn success- ful. " IC7" W'e.confcsa judgment upon the charge of injustice brought against ui by the Editor of the Camden, Journal in ai'utqtioting the prices current of the Camden Market. , But we lay all the Maine to out I'devil'a charge' which is a favorite phrase with, the Editor we hope however he will pardon us for the plagiaritov We promise to attend more strict! terr'after to our "devil'i doings.'' ' - 0 ir ft x ! r ,.! f,a. by trf. rrnc la in tx'n fron th uf.- of the U'liird ?i!a!tl Ttlrgftjiti, In be fiii'id In ano;hrr cuiumn f our pper, lti the nr of t!i" o;eniitg the UVm ladia Trade ia oH'-iJ, an I 'it the freal !f nt wai to 1mu tilt prucU.nati n in cmf rmity with the act ol Conri M, pitted, during the U aevaion iivcn. tempa' ifn oft paciAt actt'emtnt of that ipica ti n by o'ir prcaint Minuter, Mr, Lean, to whom the g-atitade of the American people la due for hia unwearied aaiduity in thue proai cutinf the intereite of brl natian ahmad. It U j'iriiy uf the (aji people wf tttw? (jiilnn, but many there are who deny iti ytiiif) to the com' mrce of (he United 3iaie,iand e'renuouly contend . that - it. cannot - benefit -ur trade. TltT7ireaJerlnutuowi re"on(ir tTie few t5 af 8 rriecoTOr(tTanj.mrTr a fullower of Henry Clay and bia American eye taria itfiiifiiidaa Alui. ja ly am intr,iiil in fraa tra lei Their indilTcrcr.ee about the opening of 'dut valuable trade, which eves under the heavy rtatrictiuna of the Bmie'i policy hat been never thelcie valuable to our ahippinf intereat, grow Mit of obttinate and wounded prid which kada them to detract frum every thine; they could not oirjpiiate Ibeaitcltei, or having originated co ild not conduct to a final and favorable iaaue. If it waa a matter of no cimirrjuc nee, which ia Wdly aaaerted by the Adann and VAfy piny, why ahould they, when in power, have urjred iti iw HiHance at the Court of Hi. J.ncP Uu Uu y k d for the obaervanee of a principle on the part cf the Diitiih Nation wbih ibty li rrjardod, and did not even acknoalnlge ar bixiie. How contradictory waa the poiiry cl the late admimttratioo, or more correctl) (peaking, bow muoh wat it like no policy at all i Tbe urged the wrtdom of the policy of free trade before the liriiith Court, but denied it in the Cabinet and Initiative eouncilt at home. They atked the- British government to take o(T the reatricliona upon the Wert India trade with thit country, and acre at -the tame twne dai'y imping them upon tho DritiiJi country .rUee the? YfTbar ofi liberal poiiry toaardt that government. They Immediately reciprocated the manifeatationa of frienda:iip and unrestricted intercourse on the I srt of the present administration towards the Krrg!l1r got eriirnehr." Whir letter 7 "evidence can we aak of the axlvantages of free trade t More conclusive and convincing could not be adduced. Cj Hie Superior fJour of Law ami P.quity com menced itsaeaaionin this place O'. al.u:b) week lat, and eloped on avuttireiay. Two ciminala were tried and convicted. The first waa negro Sam, charged with an atterrpi to commit a rap upon Mr Swiuk. He wa arraitrned and afjer Mm. 4.J.aoJua lion of! ihuc .m4 cuuuatl the Jury briuflit ma verdict of Guilty. 1 he prisoner's counael moved fir a new trial upon the groui.d that two of tha Jury were nearly related to the prefeq iti'yt Vrs.Swk. whwUwaef!el by -the Court. The prion er'a counsel then moved in arrt of iu lament ment, which wa'likcwie fu-d by the. Cmirt. pcr-Tdeath ttp;in the convict. His day of rjecution ingly and elegantly expressed. His rriind Ta certainly above the ordinary et.Tbii h the ciuicreni name, nu Dern tnea ami convicted 01 the same offence. We will publish hia state ment next week. The Hon. Hugh S. Legare of Charleston, S, C, paaaed through thia place on Thursday Iu.it on hia return to that City. -: The Hoti.7 Afhsm Jtcnchcr, srrive. to this Tqwt..IaalJVK--M r. "" A DIAUY. -The Courier r'ntncai styvthat the- new Hittg of France had already demanded of the King of EogUtnl -tho rismaifta-of -.WwpoUaw -front 8tr Helena, to be deposited in the column of the Place. Vendome. ' A statement in the Engtih Journals says that Prints Paulf Wurtemburgh haa accepted the candidate for Congress at the ensuing election,' in Mashuett It is said that bed are making in London that Wandlhree months, tliese bets, we presume, are bateO Piii'siiiianaMf' aaritT n'nf Waw Ji- rTii-VAjlliav tvaw ikt iTtaa-JS fun"";"""1 v -5-- This would increase I ue ferment irt burope and something serious may grow out of it. The Hon. Mr, Everett, a representative.from the state of Verm,orit, ha been posted by the Hon, Isaac Hill, of New Ilaoipbire; a a A'or; It u Ua.i. lt aiiranf ttl Vilar.kU Ea. PresiJeStdied lately at Oak llil,.hls seat In Loundon county, Virginia.1 Her virtues were those of the most estimable of her sex, and her memory will be embalmed in the, affection of her relations, frie n $a4 a . quaintaneet' 1 he Prnidefit of the V. . r. t if j J t a' i'i. ington City, from hia Uit fu tlto Wr at, on the i'Jthult,, In gon-l bralilt, Jii'!;'e llav.of the fedrrjil C uirt, a.) a Pnn in law of Cid. Monroe, de 1 lately at ChaihtUa li-ww oi ioi. Monroe, uiC'i (amy ai uuai'ttt .. . , . , ... ... , . .. .. ' , ,- .. ,iM tj-ili andatthi-ir a'Urcaet.lat- ville, lirgima. Ju lge Hay waia Uitiiib'uipied t,,,,.,; 0f fjiwyer whilst engaged In the pwliie of hia profrwion. He wat a avnin) and ah'e od,tirlan, and a gNid writer, flat write under the signs, ture of llrtenu. He wre likewise the life of tha dii i.iguihcd John Thompaon, that precKtmie genius who wrote the letters of CuUiuattf.ai4aurUa.'4toU anwuia Uie..pultuoJ. cwayt f fomef diye The returns from the election grouadi in Maryland, as far at received, give majority of t.wt tjtj ;jU, litililxtha. wcAittSxMtiTiduti. A different result wat aot anticipated by jhoie fi( ndly o the present d7iin'it'Hiiin A fire broke out In New.York laat week. UUf litaww ww4wwty i4iana-wfw- elewtarywc) ami aeverJ livei bin. The amount of property uVetroyed ie not entlmated. It ia reported that John Hare Towcll and family f the great agricuKuriat) of Philadelphia were among the paatengere and crew of (be packet ihip, Mnnongahela, which.aadcd for Ii vcrpool in Auguat laat, and wit hwt at tea. The Hon. I. 1 Parhour hat been appointed by the I'rrtident of the V. . Jud e of the U H. Diatrict Court for the Uiatrlrt of Virginia, nrt George flay, dee'd. It ia not known whether Mr. Baibour wiD accept the ap pointment. TUB r.IAIlilETS. Aaiir Pricti. Qrt. 16. Cut ton io seed, 2, cl-an RH. corn 62 to 6J, flo ir 4 to X). .Vef 3 to JJ, bacon 8, molaaaet , jar-l 8, salt 1.1 J j, sugar ;i to 12, cHfee 12 to 16. CAarlftf.n, Onthtr fl.. t,'(4ton 11 a 1?J fluuril afi. Whiskey 27 a 34, bacon 7 a H, hams 8 a 10, beat kind uf bagging 14 to 2J, t .It 44 a Kt, corn 6S a 6 l,cree ltl a 11 J .North Caroliua bank bills 2 per ecu'. uUtountj Ucor. (jia, 1 per cent premium. fuitiU-xiUe, Orr-iAer 6 Cotton 10 a 11)) ha&iO-S iU, auhUi taaudy aW, cotl. jlafCil l a 1.05, fl.Hir, new 4 a 5, molaara 26 2A, su gar 8 a If, tall 7) a 75, wbiikey 371, wbi at 75a8U. Columbia, Gel. 7. Cotton 10 to 11, Flour bbl. 6aJ, butter 25, bwoon 8 a 10, llama 10 II, Camtten. Ott. 9 Cotton 10 a 11 J, flour $7 a 71, mil of t'je wagon, Camden Milla. f,7 a 8, wheat ftl 1-8. corn 75, (it'll', salt 6, whis key 45 a h), bacon 10 to 12 J. Vocsve iwwl ltUW AT CIUCILltr, s. c. J. SCOIT & A. W. nUAM)(.V. ar W formed a Parineraliip' 6 th i-ur- kM "tce tA-MEnf!H.1.Yti1T. fJVW.t.traymg Ciii fuft-HMW othee BtarleonmwtifTe ot the Cfwntry;' Their asaortriunt of "Merchaod'lif wdl consist of "" Gfiocrm wsZ- uf' every deacr.puoH, on a Urge w-le, n thai Merchants from any part of the country conven. ient, can be supplied with any articla of Mer ctranrtijtP wh'u btwwymar wiivtw troyvr-wrteri In the Grocery line auch aa '!ttnf:-CcaH-fear. r " r in the Hardware line such articlet aa MHI-Sjics, Crosxcut-Saicg, .u'iVi', Vices, IIim's, Chains, Iron, Steel, JYails, Hammer f with every other article that can ba mentioned, in addition to which they have every eatensive assortment of ' - J)RY GOODS, UaotUomeJy. aeledcd, aii i-f whicli they pledge themnelvea to sell low upon very accomnmdaiiitg term, either at wholesale or ttetai cuo tHhrff-et-lJrtAttPWI; (7.mi. OrrAr 13M, I8.W. Head Quarters, SALISBURY, N. C Ocroaia, 15, 183a HAT1NP. appointed Mr. BcaTffw Caatas, Adj it nt mid Mr. Willi f Locks, Deputy t4rtee.-Utee-trf the 6Jd Beginiet ci tbftit.T Caroliur ihlitMTTiw TJmcers wilt respect and bhejniii'iTi'k'&W'duig CTOlf. -are hereby-commanded to appear In Jl the Town of Salisbury on the SOth of October, 10 o'clock, A. M. with aide arrea, fur th" purpose of having ait Llcction, for Field QlRcers, Uy order of . 2t42 E. Y.MIUROUGII. Cat CamVi. B. Cwatctai Jlttf ittmt - -" LIST OF LETTERS TP lSmi J.ik.-1-on. mJa .nn'ihal at wafJaetlautaJ flenoaiee" John Alexander John ... K Aaron, Servant of DoCt. King Soawell K. Vi, 1 hoaiaa If nrown'Jiihn Y" UallewC John Barber 1 ho. Daruharf John D Dyson William Dean William v E EpleyJohn .- . . F Toi J.ihn Fox Austin ' ' If . Haywood .Charit time Josiuli 2 Hwdrir.k.Herry . 3ma- f.ei;ihack Louif ... LaveniierM Wa, Jrl JIooo Fot.'rJck Murphy Xiam McWrath.P. Joa. Worrit John 2 Moody Charlew V t Patton James Putut John r R Ric!iard WiUiutn 8 Spaekn Benjamin ' Swann It. John 8 rels Wiliia.n Sinirleinn S. Thos. MOW r 'r.t i i S'i 1 'i il l S'.- . St the fomrr hii'im rioutti Wrw i,f l!m t'unrt M i l-', we! ki'in a Ja peg ; ; 1UJ, COOPS, Cnwpitting a'tiot ery i'icte in the dry Gm hne, a lne aitp'y uf llIS Htmra, linnets, X i l l'ery, Hrdware, ar ! Cutlerv, t'tu'ia OUte anjQurt na war, Stun4 ware, I'aiii's, Dye u n,, lie. k-u 4000 bh. Coifcc, ' rrr "lkZthctiH6 Hi rj ,Wfrrrr, 300 U. I J) if A''ff, C Jhm V.vrch liaitint, "3773.1 tt WMWrtCT LCtofa. Coheres MiilJ&iils-atior. , trr, Uc. ttY. bV. The rhiena i4 Ireded and the '1J - 'ii,gi e nun! let, are invited ti rail ami eaamine tW assortment, at every l.tdueement irt the wav of variety, and extreme h)ne4tif prho wi4 be prrarnled to them. They hope by el'-aw attelU lion lo business to merit a rontinuti ce of tint patronage lof w Idch they f.-rl n mucii liul .b'ed to i liberal and ditcerni ig commim y, ' toumnlt; fA i. I J, 18 .0. ii A IM. r J A till 'tlX Vli.Vl'U Workraiw ; COMTANT F.mf,l..rn,en' aud vigei will be given to a'ftVt ra ' - 'fix rum: tn,rUuin ' ' of atesdy aid induttrioua hhiia,oi, who ie accuaiooied to wok on linn, rt lachia, 'itliury, Orfalee, ( . 4hf - i " 1 i i ..ii It he DuUars VvevvarA. 1 fry rre in.g the 1 i U l-;tt. r n 1 . JLi 'he nui.i Kuad between Htoke's tern and . .. .-..ury, a roii containing betweta firt, Jiva . auu ttsy Uoiiara, aa weil a 1 recollect, with -he moiity aie i or i. ten dollur Oiiia, and ihe bunco he a l luur (Luhw Hdla arj'ptrlnpt a irna aioad eba g. aUj one note m Cha haie -i,!, tsM- Ujirty-tnat,-Hr,rf tmrim' Wrtfrti4 ""' ftira lor five dollars one on Ao.a'.am L fof one or tan dnilara, and one receipt from LauN euce Itnnkle for ainui twelve w fireeii tli,'H, t Tbe paper that it ia rolled in is tint in a Liter , piece and linn rolled in I icniuac piece of j rll&tr wipJ)Tiig pa'prir." " Any pcraoiit finding the above fjll ami dellfa ' erii g it to the nihacriher a!ntl recii e the ahovl reward. 3t4J J0F.L KIMBlLL, OtMtr, M."0. . . ; ALE. fl 4 ffpiOt i ,.ri., ,t rhiladelphia A'e,1 iini'XI SL9 jut rerrited aod lor aaU by A'.Mt.N H UUILNS. oer'!utiT-4ia J mitk WVM aaaMJla. atkl Jrwfr,-r -L'ta J $, 1f fM'P e Ot rireyi jr ot 4r: . Vi naiar r4M4aWiw4imtneterwTi t j?L of Sttbury, I hey oeciw ut the Xtw Sh, built by James B. Ila.np'.ofl, dWwflcJt.d1Hr.fr.S doors south olttie Court-llntiM. - -They w ill carrfnlly Kepair Btf tfrXst of Watekif-" ei, Chx;la,'aiul Tuno-Piew'a, and waifahrthcr"" ra"terftitrm"wett,r"Anrrirr ewire-fttn mr.Trufao" - - ur, auu ,iu ut:u uti uanu jut anc, au. ue.aca j p t t, t - - t. i e. - t - tr . . - - - " tionaof Silver Ware, such'aa Soflr.a, La lka, . fMigaeAwga,-! - Wrrlr wrnvmmniUMflCZ-i will be promptty executed, and aa;dTeturnedi " according to directions. ' - i A good sttortmeut of JF.WFl.ltY will bit kept ; conautntiy on hand, and sold luw fnr.ritA. , j. " JAMK4 It. HAMPIOX, ' . JOHN C. PALMfcK. -k .' sKAt, .iprii W tan----- is - - - - James U. Harotou tendffa hit grateful ae 1 knewledgementi fu the .p'.iblie fur the l.heral . " ptronHg-hitherto exteisdod to hitntelf individ' 'm ' , ually i and respectfully ak a eori(iuaiie. of it , ' k tit firm ul which.. he. iA partrer..ilu-Jl..,... Thoae indrbteu to m, arg earncsMy deird. to tlquidate their aecounta as soo.t as t oitie r as ' rTTfe'w-'aTTaTTgeeTtrTCa scores should be aetticd tip. sX o ungtr to be " ui oCi." pinHP' Notes and accmintt of A. Toerence, ait't v JL A. Torrenee h Co. are placed in the hards ;s ; of C. L. Torrence, for collection t a d I would v adv'iae thote interested, to call on him Ae,r ten ' imye WtrrViiytm .-..-..4.-., rilllE fuhscribers having qualified as F'.ew tort of the last Will tat Tt atairient ct'Jeate" Hargrave, decaaed, at the Aucust Term of Da. hl"l pTi iom L ll0tic ,ff manda against said eatate, to pretty them for . payment, duly .authenticated wib;n the timn jjfeacribeci by jawyatiihia notifc will be plra.i 'S ' m bar of their reeoTery. " " -- RAMI. HAIWaiVr-. Kr''- - All peraoot indebted to aaid Ettaie am ri.. qtietted to come farward and make payment, aa' niiKtulgenot.can km pnnt.-;'':'-cr'"" ' THE auhtcriber reaptctfully iP,rmt the citJJ enswfDttvidnon, and the tdYvaet eaatulil tiet,-trat heTOTrtiweftcariT cmr hw Shon m Lexington, the bueine of Main CfTTO.V G1M3, equal to any manufactured ia the thi'M v ' stalest jnuecov. i-4iim are prefirrwl to a'l s othera, by those who have- trie.d ihe n, and luu-wi m rv aie lorougnmit a la'iro es - tent of couotry. , Ilia piicea hah he at r'avi. y able at at any ..other shop iMnr Somha-a oountr. . - All orders 1 will be promBtly-nf Tended to, nTe Gini nnnhed id th ahorteat possible ti.ne. ftepatrinff of Glut will be de-n on the VioiN ' eat ftwlice, and in th moar .ih.Br,til manner, by the public a L;nble servant, ' - ' 11ENKY CLLXG WON.- .CeWngtws, Jrr 2nVr8t . T ; - - - ? -' ' 7 . - ' t