i vnrrntY. rv u..n n" ki!!'C w in m. l.'iinnr I m liu f.r, th-vf r-;ii-t I fit .t'tiC wo, , im! i'i ft rt r, and tho.i, l.ke m rt r,r-C ChNa thy In a nrrr, rie.vrr koow Ibe jagt " fy wretched hrvt H r.T. . . . "-, " . ' (UriciU y. y my lathe rMs hitTieiriJ 1 hd a ter finer, fwt kind, and trie, Jtil.nfthr, kwiWJff, 'l art Vef, b I mc tearw Im-1 b CwV eye? " n r?rtr tutynx fur ww fi ''. - The free sod iioa sbi Jfrcstt. jrill fit, A't.i I'.fi imUxih.1 pefefulslrcTi, 'Cj thou J pUKl fth'VriVy'ETIo!n' V hopes lit burWd i n! tomb, ' .I I II I 'il New VaiUttimlAn & Cmj ItfTTk lh pleasure of iiig t hi ilU. friends auHmrs,arJbf"Me in gei. ml, (liki b w now open"'.?. I" old r.ti.d iu S!it!iury, It chgaiif trln "f Var FashhfuMc. V Cheap Oooiu t from the c!iir cf Pf.iVMplii Mew. k'm k, and arleeUd by li'.nW, fVoft. ih- ntf p,H for J1j prijf of M'bicll ho Ollrt a In ! sy bt WrM quality Can be bwgHt In th't nwket. Hi a-wrtmtnl , eom,.rir every rti'-.l uMaliy kept 1 1 btoria ' rurchaier er lathed t all, examine, Mid J0lr for thmrle. " 1J - , llevutivuV I E.-PECTtXI.Y iftformh;.rtfMonifn,nl i II.. L . L. - . ..H .H t 1 AV'w Goods. a l.r X for.tt r.nw brf Vvt to ! IX. IH'if frirn-K f'Mio in tn- rrl iStt itu l! hi fcnrin epriinf llitir !-tfr in u'rll,Xtt 'l'" f.trmffly ril' J t Mr . f"hrjHr4 h htmtnol) J it"ir!in:'if "f (ft Hi tff, wltLJi f rt ICU'I fr fire. hich I'l'f r dc1erirlil lo Mil M IP Wiit il Ai f A f tirfuKr it ft,ciuiiy iiira m mi 'rnwrfw f w hi frl; thiiUi. Cttiiot nl other mercha ilble produce UKit in xtciwiiiff'. ,' " " """ infrre )iiki li thi ir IfKlt I 'J ld 'U.l -1i fr fti Itbrril ti ut pirwf thrjf '! h-ftiof k retivtj i-f nl liop by cl. ftilcmlon. cnn! n J fir iltliri)f, to mrril etftini.ict of the uti. A.r.Xl5PFl fc CVI,. n. n. Thaw ih fim of t. r. k Ca. t id cltM ttir .iic by ci-h o' "v-, in orL r thl ihf ) b tin". I'll cl Uul oncrri. A. U C. b Bi'' I ,.ly tif 'ilot il3 no rrc'iiiii'l i'i.iiif finW U'je 'id f' "t' every kiud vf , - GOODS s itU J o tt f Be" fiB'Uroi i.f !. Uirff Jift,i(rti., tmlfCrd by l.iir fr '( .iii tieli cr So Hi' W'pfci n4 ,r t.ik (fl b-iM Holly 'l ri.tirt y ff C"U.- Parr'nwn il lh f.b! f ii,til! 10 Cll lt.I rtnliiii til M'trtlBflU At c'y iiuhicrmrnl m Ihe ir of fiy J 'rfc l,int. fi n i.l b lifemilM loMi,. , If ::' wfinrH-l r iuv. 5. ((.iher Mh (ho 1aoci; of ?'eii'i r. I Dlfvn hnb b lie - nic! iaiia Jkft, th pub!io)tener!lr.ilii ! rrriMiff d Unff f Mr. M. K, Cli!ll ill "" tnenee nb lt tnwiKUy in Nwemhrr next. T1 leu KHUMCZKIt DICKSON', Rout an .Maker Si Dceif.ii'r inf-trnn ih in. 45 J lAiHjnt of Mtlirbury, trxl ItJ iw if tiboi'h'WHl (tenemlyt tbl he Stiin trird by Tim i M ill. Jr. rid ttai PI rtrr nn Hi hU'CwM m uiil In irtc rrrr .. ; m r..onr ...j .(.h r,;her. . Qy "Pi on ., Ti'luf'l bhnpi "r o rJI oi liim. Hi itr be ele- T mil 1 1 . Iowh iw Buw)Uf y i wntr;" . . ' . ' , . h4 W f i?',riwr r di iroul of prcbiBf JS. thi kttmfrt'l JTMJ UOKH, for hich lly l.' a lrrrJ jric in r. Af plicttioo .1.4, t tn'liT. erltff bv Unrt or in pertwH o j.nMii utirlnM HONro.v,)ff ;fMiin in 'MtSbUi'i wbo will b r.!y at ll limel in rcfi.m njl tbom 'b jnmy wb to e..ii' fr ropn fr eb. , JMR Mt U, JOMAIi JI'vlE. r 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 r ' 1 " J V ' 1 W J At. VI Oil ' f.iirt.l t-uit In lli ' hi U prepartdto ee-r. ill dcripiiom of : ; T.ilLoni,ya, , " f er Ui ticatcot fhion, and on te h"rrt! - prt'vm t-4 PKtfiare J. iii oike !l klnJj. uL ' rinthinjr ! the (U ric itvle, ba.n in U " employ ait Of ieen firat file aorknit-n, lucli " ," cn'i' bin ib ltifirl . ; ' ki kind of Cnif Uul tf (j.ru.t-iil f ill be drne on ery mud. rate lerik. All odf from a tltianc for wrk, it ill be m."t faiihfully r itciiird, accoiiliajf lo dirtdioiw, s and iihin iht ttorleaf rwrnilile lime. P. S lit ha jut weived Ihe lieat fasliMm (row rWaiUlphia mt Nw-York i whidi will ' wobble him to make flu Coata, Uc.al tr the Bo appro edl'ylr. 1$ l-JUlithipTh'Jfrtl 1 J. 1 850. fgl IK Kce or ihe Satiaburr Turf, will cow. JL mitC4 on tV'edncaday.tno i7ib of October, a' d eoiutnttc three da a. . nrvjrLiy two mil hli, fret for any borae, rnic, ur gtUinf i Second day t mile bead, free fur an tiling tierpt iho WMtning borae of precctlitK dy i I Ui d day coumy purr( ihrre brai in A, frre lor any liorte. marc. or.celJinir, raiacj aitd lb malerUU ! ownt county of liuwa. ri. . tfi (hal can L. nrnrurvd aiiv where, tin wi.ilt hiU not oe et;died by any tur oritncw kill I .lurntiiliiy. Il krt-p tli-'wi of all anl qialiiirt on bo pur. u iib to be .D-'i. J i'h t'lot, Sno1 proi nre llirti chrat a t;irv ran cb-J m iuMcii.in if lite cctuiiry. He b.i nt o.i by Mr. Gen. H'. Brown, mrr. chant of tint pir fir a pply of No.-tbcrii a.4 l. ''irr i f III fii-at q iibiy. Aii4 . I, iHJ.. 35 f A h'tcii Oruv Overcoat Lost ! 1 Svcean In th? Tu cn of Sliirt, for idc. f ai'H1 propertr ii platntjy ntotis3 '".I U. iniht a-rrraWy put of r S2A.tl,w ,n4 t ttry .,ii.hl f..r 1 ".! fm.ly. rh lot i ajwci.HU, ll rinia.ni 1 er) fxl ir !rn, witb miKh nr. ftfuKxtf. Tii term can bt a.l ran-, at ihe nv-t of the pur thi a mitne ean bt Pad b tl l the Wank. a th lil J lrrrbf atcom'!)"1. 'e wirf.injfti pur baa-, can pil Mr. E, AlW mor.. er to IhI P. CaMH, P... (trbo tbontcd to make title,) and tht trrmiean b knu.n. . If. C. JOM-V im:. , - Ufr'OF.IfKlTKIW W) t Vt MMMJ in lb Puil dfc a Cor fi V ir.ron r cs tht lit dxy f ort. Wm. tf. t-r. hibild Win. S. Ail'.ou Jeph rVrsbeart Jno, C, Bimlirarr 2 David Brailahatr Pcnelopy Burnt Gejrr; Biger Srak DraJj.a Hiraa B'ackwtUr . C CbaWCamr!l 3 rrpauT. tiii- i Tho. Mutlry Mom Maul.1 UraUb Itnbt. L tlourihy Tboi (J. Martin Mitt Mary Mcret TMiu Mitenhamcf loa. a. Ickmb-y Kaih. Miriih fiirrtwa llrkinle Cbmapbar Crldtinjir Abn!i w;rnhmcr2 Sirel irty Ovtrcoat ucl it.i'i to the tub- .itiCf ji 1m In t'ftirUrtecr on the roatf briwirntln and Ciiariolte. Any perton who citii rive aiiv intorrraiinn relative to it, or wbo may hare it. in their pooiettton will piM aJ- d.i. Ma note to Jjv U. Hampton ol tlitt ( lace wlmwillteo'lfor it. .6 - riiil. n III i R. . -ai'IB Ktbaer'ber .reaprctfullv inftirnit' JL JMiblio that bo will carry on he " fft tbe llmia formr!y"occuflea'"by Thcii Itilton. at Tarern Tbe bou on il-iin " tlrert frw door rat of tile Ciiurt-llmia. ::z'toa5.''.wrjr bnjwt mo.-e J (MmwreTT tnn rer w h-w rotfTBtcriafrtll or of th?r -itkly,aul , -4 ..kk...warkuxecu'edj,ru tlirAje, hthlonanUi " 4r,T" TirffcUt" ry1 T oj- hit -pnCT aliair'b " irtoilrrat to etirrerKmi whh the time. C...lrr.irom a diet nitcc, luf . sx.Si'le!hrU t liar cam; - V , Dining, tireafjast, Card and V 'isdUl vforking Tables ; 8rari( tries, ami working Iksh ; - Candle Stalls, JYuth Stands, -- Bed-tkads, We. 1 ' m! bt eseeuied 011 liiort ootut, and aHictly iu icrnHaaet wilb direct iuna. . . . . . . ... t Th aubacribtr lolicit th4 pronse of the public, ami ho iet he will mrii it. -1 ; . . :z. HORATIO tt'00 DS0M. N,.Q-ljVuotiQiw.rc.turoali llianki luthc pnhlic, fr the bberal pairomjrc he baa received f. .1 t . - 1. ..11 :n t.. aiwieir nanca, aim nvpci.n win wniimucu. rnVintst .Mttkiv4 Wiuiucfts. PSl'lr ii'ifriher hi opt .ed a b-'p in ihe UL (ibnribno f biiaiiiena, brl d.cr. be M'. Juni-'i Tavrn, and formerly occupied by Prtrr Kn(trr;nit-m t-wbr-b i pre -tmnrrto Firttw iifuirfHiiHiMit' cwftF lta all kinilt r f jmiutitrtm the atxne line, ucn u J ... jidebmrfUSecrstnnrh. . .. Z . . . JUrtuux. . r , Corner, Ciloirdi, -zlrcnkfu$l.ylinneTal,'Ait. lA'lki Cribs, Wc. We. He ha in hi employ two or thrre first nte work wen, a.ul the brtt 01 tuiiQrr, tclecteil D) h tf. -: Tf? n1eribir bnpw by (W-aUejaiuali LIST OF LKTTKUS "Ell F.M KIM Mi in tbr Poat t)Ac. at baliibir. Hi, N. Carolina, on the lit day ot). UO-J, A John liuA'lui 2 William il.ihet ' J r1hi)tpiwbjt-rr; II I. . T . iiaumiuu rfouca Tl.oroiit Alba Mary Arnold J4fu& tnnz?--A Wicbaei Huker 2 WiJIium Berber - J' hn K. Haktu J.lin U.iM William HfPa mhl Blaudio; Ilavull Braver Uilliam Ili-and m Mircu U. HiMiwick - F.b Kem-li Thoina kincads, , JaiiH-i Juncade J2 ' ' Jiavkf Keiiny Mary Kerburight , John F. Kebmoa xvHu-inrrt, tn ero-ive Ui- Ji.o f UUoaajc h Ii merit urMtua. S'tt Ay 18.X C" Iaar-etiiran Jacob Ctub'l .... fcjTn cwiTr?'v Th'imat (!. Crmni A w-Medical. College . : ' . -OF SOUTH CAROLINA. frtllSLoctuK o tbi IiiiUitutioQ wiU bi re. ..rr J - Hwd ibt SIond.y la Kovcuibcr, vll and continue ttnlil March. s .JMtrtwi, John B; llolbrook, M. D. .m'jttu fttriirJainU llaaaa'IM3r.:.. """" " Iiutitutt and fractic .HtSciHSTXt'entf '.Pickmn. M. IX :toauiM:Jrt(L lie tirT RrFrost.-M I). 'MJijryiintl th4 tkttuin f IFtme and . ia'f 1 not, u. rnoeaii, i i. , -. 1 fAr,a;'ffrJf flid Pharmnrn, Imumi Ratentl, y . tf..I. , -., , Pathdo'icat mni Surgical Jnultmy, John 1 ?ner, M, P. ": ' n:JXnfltor.7nriy,in MiD. f k V HENRY &. FROS F. ffean, V t.fMl 23.U830. . I0tU :f A-C' 'Sdper.hr 'Qoitrt of Imw, " " : ';'v-WIIL-T1tRt,- .-r-.-t- riilr'ART CHAMBERS w. Henry Chambers, peaitnfs y tne ttHiwaciiori or me coun, ma me defendant it not an inhabitant of tbe State, It i :i f rel. W (bi eoHfi t '- 4 reek in tht Weatera Carolinian, that tbe de ;fendant appear at the-fcext Superior Court to b ' keld fir Rowan county, at the Court-IIouae in Saliebury, on She 2l MomUy atter the 4th Mon d in Seplember ner, and ptefdtr.naeFlsf demitr to d peMtion. or theme will be taken pro confetao and heard t xpa'rte. Witne. Hjr. 's iilet. Clerk of taid court at office the 2d Mon '! Cy after the 4th Monday in March, A. D. 18Ja . '4tl " HY7CILF.Srf.x-fr- JOB PltLVTLSG Of ETEB.Y DKtLftirToV, JXtCVttD WITH yiATKttt.tf DttfJIXX, Stoivll.c 'riiicrXImpo PrinU IttMD Mary Cook Kowltnd Crump John Clint ,; Willie Coatt Lydia Cmort Uilliam Collins John A. Coai U Joeph D.ibbim Mary M. Uickt-y Jiiim P. Du ican DaviJ Dawland f4ie,4taet or lleory" William Ik-er Mary IKnld Sarau Dinkens X R Joel Ellit F John Ftby IHmv Frf- '; - George Friek (i t Thorn Ohei F. IL tiibaon Fiiabetb tiheen Kichard Uilleapio Joaeph Gordon Charles Uriffelh MAiN whi wll-d hiiuiroc late, exchanged with me. about two weeks since a horse which proved to be stolen property, and ior which he received a dark bay , stud co!t ; about five ytat$ old, between 14 and 15 hands high, with or.oeye out. la ad dition to the horse, he received twen-ty-rwe dollars, as the difference of vaiuii :"bet we en"lhe twcTTiorBcS. The f xxbi cTibef -w arn "alt persotj' f nmrtn-' ding for saij horse, as he was fraudu Untly .obtained I ivt dollars reward will be criven if thethitfis arrested and lodged in j til so that the law can uke hold on him. lie is about 5 feet fx&rtt&itar: a oil' thro Viidgei "wUrhis"frnnl''apptir teeth out. JOsjEPII PACK. Fu?fonr.1az?tthrx 6 30. $ t tf 8olicit"the-EditorrT5f'perr1fi"ihts part of the State to take some notice of fi t ' 'r .1 . t e tnc .uesrnption 01 iiie tniei, since they will confer" an bbiigaiion upon the cfmrnuoity at trge, T WA(HN?KR?,7 Ih ieins to Fauetltvil'e, rcmence is provided fur Man ti)d Horse, to mak them eomfortable; at the moderate charee of 25 cent day" and hJghU for. the Wrf ilefre of tbe TartJ, the u or a rood bouse, fire, water, and atoltHvAuefat44k and I'rojrision Store, Bread Slwp and Conf'ec ttonry,am a lloua it Boarders and Lodger, in a plain," cheap, wholesome and eomfortable )tleV Fftm4&-JtprH isttim. II John (jarncr . . Joteph Grabarn Geo. II. Ghecn -''It 'ailamLaodef -: Faec lt JiCub Link.. tliiarfl tttflvr - Fiward Laverty : Xaui ti ii'nw ::.r:r Henry U. Lamer . EJeard U .hltr Jaintt Mumlord William Moure. A Ired Moors ThtM. Mcnccly Cuarlea L. larluu 2 Forrest Monroe Joun icatte John VV. Moyer Thomas Matthews Samue. Marlin "Henry- Mcfaimora : , Thomas Mirtin. Jicob Ioom June Mronsughry Wm. IU Uclionald N John Newnand William iVcsbett P Dd-J'tiston. Aaariah 'Pact1" : Jacob Pool - Ebenr. Parks , Aron Pirtkatoo. ,. Joaian IV. Powers Jotepk-jCotte'w"-' Louiaa M. Pinktton Cbaa. 0. Prlton a . William lloberttoa Williim Ktmgii Tito. Carter inb.a;ok haac CriMingef I) Mit !Ccy Dail F Jna Frcaaland Ca br.i.c Ft rtll O Nelton (Goodnight 'tltinry (towger , Francis Clal II Abner ffarrnt An-hiSabl llmunon t Mit i-'i H.t.laon Jno. Ilniiltoo im Jcnum llixiiton Mm Abby Marrii Tbos.A. Ha rue J to. E. Ilendt-raoa I That. Irin 3 Mis Uriah Jcanj 9 Harrit Jordan Jno. Jobi'An K Hichd. King Kobt. Ke.lo'igb Henry H. Moore Arcliiha'd Mrhndt Diireu Mcm.t This. fc J. MctSri N Jno. Nina P M; Mary Parkl Jno. Prtry .Va liaii Pnilipt U Aron B'd'nhour MtlUmer Ibivid K-iaa-lt, ten. Wm, Robertson A CIk Superior Court S Henry Smith Tbot. bemt T Senica Turner IV Vli'l Wargarrt WalTic " Robt-ei.-Weddingtos) -Jj II. Welch Ju U'ofl".fil V Juj.yun;an, V w - I J' r .li llury or l-.r'y tl.mjw.J ttn givJ"l n.,ti!utr it id Mh cot.r,.,, N. C, .:jinifg buik tiuaij 4 - imm til toltllit and the 'Iciitirf,, j,,, ' on lit cf and nl.rtS. Thii land it inrr,, cif into trails vf from COO to 1.0 J r,f and Iht qgaJuy i4 each trtrt it Ctrt fluj t , ty the turtcjoe, who lit mad a I lat tf lm uryrj wliirli nuy bt seen on spphciUn 0 Mr. In jjalii t'tiry, Mr. C. C Wen-It in n f.f IJale. mn, Mr. Thoa, . Forney of llurke county, or t 5 lb la'jtcriU-r In AJieviMe, piincoinbe count A Urf, portioi of ibis land it si rood at sny i.i ftbJHltt-t4 M ' ba dicover4 to different parti ofthtlurviy I'aitJ g;jl br fjuM Ji:'.":i''lt '.tfie elimtii W tH w I alibr !! dtHjIi TuTTa"lSt'worfJpa.'it"al'iW ' tr diMlit ly, tbl snotrnitii feSrlon tfNurt, i i Cxuliia Jliujr KCVq..! 5 J?fi e, rrj of J?icJ L.laa. lh Lan.l M It limKoit.1 a.il 1 1 tertd.-Thetrtct marked -14 qual.iy nth - aoU a 7cAtt (iff .cr-tii.qa;iijfr i cents, anj JJ iuaiity, cenii per acit, lbs payment muy b n.ade In f.-ury early inrti.' memt with imerett until paid and ihe tiibtn, ber aid give bond to mak uUt on ptymcnttf tht money d interent &j ravoralily an opportunity Tit ob'tmii! eood and cheap f.mi, was lit re r btfors oflefrS in thit tiate. Tbs lit I to tbe land is indii9na blei wtTunrr? deels will b givo u p-nc'iaj. e'. Applicatioa fartttrii.lornaiiunl tad lor piirchatiug toy part of thee btnd, can made to Mr. Whit in Salisbury, Mr. C.t.Uea; dtr.w in l.iucbluton, Mr. Tliut. J. THrjvi Dune coum, or to tua tuuKnoer. . JJH Siiow.y. ltrr.br KM. 1313. iQOtf N. b. The tuiMcribcr ahjo nfien alxiut 90,Qir acres vi lafta in PuncooDt n.d IUyood eoaa. tu t. Manv ot the laiKia comam sums of ibt moat valuable minerals in the Union. In s ihort lime tlia lbcriber will be prepared (o kmi t Mne of t!iee tracts lo companies w!k iiigbt bt' disjiosea to wor R uto vmuabit mine ot irvtu kait. silver, and jroM, which they e unlaw. 1) hat a'ready leaved out soma of tht tracts, iaj has had fair offtnjor the of ultti'rs.Aay. part of these lands will h ail J, very low atj worra. titles mad to purciMtters. J. fir. 3i;t STORK F.. P. M. LIST OF LETTEK9 nr.MUM.Va io -h.- H..t; wiUseat Sute. B.4V ville on the 1st dav if ikto-.er, I in). Ce . '-V. Jor.cS Juo. Julian I. Ri-v. John Lea Kp Iew it Dj'iirl Lewi Shrrlv Lafertr ' ArR, tvmts"' " UtTj 'M- Lower H "John McDonald'" G oadric k Moore Thr-t T. Monro Ceo.iIcIIeory... R. G. UcCutchca Milut MeLelland m UrLcJlaad . ,.MaMvKy William I. Alexir.Jr N. W. Aletander Isaac F. Alexander David Air undr H Dovf y VI. Brevard llenr Brailef ; Iwton Brt .:: '.. C .. A. F. CalJ n Kev. K. L. Caldwell Sirsh Copke Jobrt &. Caraoa D Jos. Daviilin Armi-Tfieaton Uavid Uicky .... EihelJr-d Ellis P F-" Jordan PatTfricn John Feeer a i O rnoM aai ciOM to stf.iituar, ... '-T?sr.au Taken au& Commuted, FH1' the Jau of Rowan county, on the Irih JL inttant, a Negro boy who says his name is iA,aikl belongs to Archy Cowthon of (Iran ville county, N, Carolina, and left hit master wnt time in May lat, in tta State of Georgm. Said boy it about or Z3 yean old, common site, dare complexion, a feel J incnes mgn, speaks quick when tpoken to. The owner i reqiietUd to come forward, prove property, pay charges tad take him away. Saml. P. Kou ls Green Redwine William Smith William Strickland John 8tewrt Rudolph Susler'- Niclif)!a &imptoq Wtliiaia Simms - Peter Smith, . ' George Sweef PoiW Lanef ' ' y. jy?.r,r?r"".'i''"'r Daotej Yerbfe W Edward W. Wilkins Augustus R. Warner Fraitcit F.Wafd 2 Thomas Womac Edmuud Wood ' WJIiam Williamson Jesae W. Walton William IL Henderson Or. E. Woolcot. 3t42 S.VMU REEVES, P. .V. Isaac Green, 3 John M. Gunn - -Grumberry Gtilher Crawtbrd fc Gaitber Allen Gill John Galloway II Martin Darkey !arah llorton Jas. R. Ilouifi J Nath. Jmimer Zath.- Jtrorn Si42 Jobh Riiiintai'il' Th.. Hcdmuml Tho. Hutberford ... H Durwell Shoemaker Axel Slurpe Margt. A. Smith V Matht-w Varultvtr w WUIUm Ware Sandy R.-Whita Jrem. Whale -AiliKimiieT"': Alutre3Un..vbl. 1 -W. KEEK,'..V. TT?iDjK tbi arrarigamcol, tlus . staga rua. J t a ice a week, and goes through in tw- day, tach av Iba aecomTo.ltion M rood. Pattnngert who are travelling Irom Raleigh to lialiabtiry, or Tenne?, or Sooth. o Kalibury. win nou una io oe tue neareat, cueapetf aa mi t eipeilitiuut route We of Raleigh, Ft- tencers who are trsrellmg from Salisbury Port!j, w:h find tins route, by the wsy of Raleigh and retrrvburcf, to be the ,nesre, cheapeM t men eMtiii jQUS JCUte .that can be travelled to lba,7toriV-fJr;tw.o fJayvusHe.Mgsr.: wn .; travel tlitt rout Iroia Salisuury, by Hie wav OT R.t'rgtl nd JPetenburg to Waihington Lity, 'li . . " . III l -. .i . w Mt- g h hi v oy t, vu wit ipse p ure ui, u-i out of fivo all niebi. - - --- - The1 Ctftitrnctor- will pWaa LJmaelf-to ke Rrrr rate- Ma'l t:oachrrtd good genti horse- and drivers otxht beat kind) and be will I'ptre' frvyi4a trying to render those wbo patrotiiJ " mm, comiortabie, and tale tnrouga ait ronte. P aieiigc r wTiFaf tT it nicqukinted" ' Wit fi ThH rente, wi1isecilm?ests by application Mrv Bv- IV Guiun's Ilo'el. in Kaleigh knd St Jur, W iilltsuir It. ?fn?rtsr's Heii9njeTt--'----- nesaay amt anirtia1 f , r aim a iu- Kalciigh every ThuradaT and Sundar, at 7, P. M a.ij will letVi i Kileleh everr Wedncwljr d Sa'urday at 6, A. M. and arve at' Sarjsburjf" every I huxsdav snd Sunday at 7, P. M, . . GEOlKiE WILLIAMS, Ctn.TCrrtrv vwHfA, 13 A 25'f LIS P OF LKTTKUS REMAINING in the PoilVffice ar Lttlflff. ton, N. C.October I, 1630, which if not taken out bture tne firat dv of Ja-warv m St. mil bc imwtrattt io tue uenvrai t'ost utace at dead letters: John Adderton William Adderton Leonard Allen "'i.":v":"B Jacob anil fffUctick, Adam SITnng Beck, -7 John Norshi.i. iolia liruiT p C I . Drvtiit PrsiSfi .i L . rtwaw'B"wa,wwtr wsr- Reuben May ' Henry Miller :t. .Mccrarjiir., Jacob Mock Thomas Huger Anthony Hatch RrchartBIarre nSorifernoatT; William Qi Hndsofl Cinderella Hix lhm Hanet . Daniel Hand i iirner iiamson Ilcfiry Hess ' - John HoUibaugh. Elisjibeth licndersoif B. D. Haden William llightower Saml; Hart .; , . . Martha Hodgens John Kail Saml. tluie Uujrs Wauted. A liberal price ill be given, in cash, for clean ISl linen and coiton Rags. Apply to J.H. PE CA.RTERET, SfiXPjFft Jurat 14tA189. 3?fl Joba Canoy D Cwtheufte-Day ILchael Day Juha Davit Mirick Davh . ............ F Reniamin Fer&oee Joseph FeraheQ Jamet Floyd Catbain Fouts G Robert Quby R "J!7nn-trRerir- I') ti n nr.OTwit-i 'atlian Roger .Conrad andDai.iel.-6ea- -'-. S Msttbiss Sink Fredeiick Srnhli Moil Sluder T ttrihanr As tialhmprt. Frstterkk ThUttloll eTrpt4he-1et t-aadtut..loe.s 00 V e' W.a fteaibka. -1 be o Piflcr l icfs , AnuT Gregson base GordF ; JEphraim Cots Henry Grubb - II Blake Harrison John Hogg ... ;v- K Joseph Kerrtck Jacob Easter L Thomas Lanier Peter Leahard John Loftia . Cbarlatta Lore . y ... f Fdmund P. Wade Joteph Wtggoner Hiram Ward Jonathan Wardf amuel Warftrd Joha'Warnef Jrob Weeaner ' Peter Whitaket James White- ,-? John H. Wilson BoydWilVon . Vinson .Wood '- Y lamuel Tokely. Atntc.fiC aVtt CtkroUno, pATiintoa'CoaaTT. v ' '..' " Court Plent amt Q ianei1 Stt!n$t- v amii. rrnw, itov. IJIUlIA JOiNES, Adm'r. of Herjamin Jonr. J dee'd. rf. Philip Jones, Bejmin Jooev "ITrraMiTrOsOoli; rX8oevi5nesT.Iiaj RFtarCl." Sarah Richards Daniel Richards, Rachael Riga ard Wm. Osborne, Philip Jones, John Jones, . Kainey and Caty hi wife and the heirf at law of JameTJTtrinib'iTirnUtf'cTttadr' It appearing to ibe satisfaction of tbe Court tht . luuiey aid Caty his site, John Jones and the heir at law of James lonet are not if that publication bn made six weeks in tne Wr tem Carolinian, requiring the raid John Jones - Rainey and Caty his wife ar-d tbe heir at law of Jirte Jones, to be aiul appear ocfunt tne,Ju?lIcet of our next Court cf Plea tmi IJinner SewtiMMtoT re"'netur fdfDifldsBH Count v. at the Court-House In "Txinetonj the 2nd Monday of November next, then and them to answer, otherwise it will be taken pr eonf.'fc"H ami ailnuljrtd accordiuelr. VitneV Davi.l Mock, cierk of said Court at OlBce, lb' 2nd Monday of August, 1830. , . , fi'tl f DAVID MOCKt'Cfh' 'iixken 3 and OomtviUtetH rmO th Jil tif Rnwin emin'v. on .the 7l amev ana oeiongs to tne ';.;iow stwey nouw t.aroiint and was ntred f""" der Imrram. Said boy s ahwit 21 or W year old, 3 fet 5 or 6 iuehet hL'h. very b'al: cornmoa'tiae; ail of bis toes off of his right font left ownr? is requested to come forward, prove firtpeW p enarges and take him awar r- Sau,j, 7th, Sept. io50. ar;f . Writinsr & Wrappinj: Fnper, TANLT4CTUREn at tbe1em Panewnll'tJ iFJa. for sale, on' moderate terms, at this offiet. " Jnnr, 1330. ' 5 iv ' , p' "I BLLK DEEDS, V eiL an Ice, OF every description, eat!y ' printed Aept constantly for tale at this office t-ip Jifi Mb AT THIS VIFICE. SatiiiiB-v. I7ih, SrM33P. . ?7tT . 'FOR aAlJB HClfe. . A: --i V"- W'-- y':''i'rjT7iriA - t'.