la aUt.iu I am U, Inch, hottr aft g,Rl m t.fin Sri, the tr mMaftca t( lrtCJ't!ii, ' in lb heart of ll.t cliiim, n. whUh w.ll bt l4 '.!' .'.! re mores. Ht Won cf If r!al.n U finl BO rriXJliM tapcia!! id 'f,inf tavl On Contcience r 8AU3liUilY, ROWAN COUNTY, N. C..........TU H3 1) A Y, (J UTO 11 1 II 2G, 1C30. vol, xi ;o. 5i; It U rtcn w .Ti-(-.-f tttw-'e""fdeiirtd it. he would tell vou of ms.lfruel. eanriclous dettinv! Pulaski af .hum""" " . 1-7., m a, I I It Ca ll i,litM ' ' W , .- n ' ' ... 1LI M Ik.. UlMH nt tf -i ACXZr.J -ivi.rT.w;U f he7,5-Vhfl re"ch Hf t rfo. 1fc0,w-.dii he, io firmer -c rm,nw' .... limn. In whtrh hir himhan-f. ihnilrrnf. from the Court Journal.. r . iK the leu. " . " r . " iborwar and a lew, paces irotu it iTL hont emaciated old man hea odv the King's Coofesior the Car. dinit Archb'uhop of Rheims never ,.iWhim but observe the lady to Wirt'""" . T. . . i t whamheistalkiog. , etieisnowiooa. lag in tbis direction, so mat yuu nave full viev of ber features, mere," io nira urucr wn agonizing cirtum ntd my tooductres, ' anda the ob- stances they had parted, fcet of our search that is the daughter Xbir extraordinary narrative pro of Louus ZSh Madame the Dauphi- curej ftr the astrologer still more j,,," illustrious: Tisltant, The Puchess tvut a onert, noroa, and yat aouoc tmntgntM Rash was it not aUas : j et ia it -I- .hi. instance a sure inde to the n.r.n of the wearer. . cae has not v. .r.Ktrat confidence id ujy one ol Freuch nation. 4 How can I, ahe has more than once said to me, after .11 .u. i have wuncsed 16 the person I did once oeneve mem iuj a.u i-..-.but the events of the hundred daridHsiptr-d that deluiioo forever?' Years as i nave uccn wui m.t I hive never seen her smile. And if she-tiobosomaiierJecluBgi moreiu me than to any other of her nouienoia, '.i i. hrase I ant an Eozlishromao : the self same principle that leads tK ,t.if-.heaB de Berri to prefer the Due it Bordeaux being under the eye of my husband 10, her absence, oecause he'a a Swiss. As to the D-uphiness, hnAiK bcind but mVself is aware f the fall extent of her mental tor tures. She lives 'm the eo'ustit anti cipation of misfortune, jn the daily and s'tiThaktn xpecutioft -of t bitter Nat that she fears thera for there ia a-lHo' heart -within that tttenuaied - frame hut that abe. may. be prepared to meet them. Sac is, ic fact, aa me iarsicnu v wf . tnlyan4xXhe family . Alaa J the Ioor40omcu..x4upuiucoa . it rinnmed il? jl Have you never heard the etory ? BfVereardf hef tlusibtdiiai"c TvmMVn!.Jtcommendation cf her braver in harangingthe troops t Bordeaux during the eventful nun lred days ? ahd his questions as to ' krr ferlinPl when she plsced her life io auch imminent peril J Fear, Sire, bad no part in them, i was aat vet alone: and your Majesty w'.n r-m-mher that can dk'ttrtiu in famUitr--WhYf where can you nave -been living that all this -is ne w iayou 1 listen, man errfant , aod gtow wiser, "Amone others who were ever wel come aUIaTtwell during the period the late monarch Louis XVI II sojourn ed there, was the Ihron de ; KoUe ! Generous, amiable de Rolle ! .a gen ileri " 'tle r avebler Vplrit'waiiiever encumbered with a prison house ol chy ! But each man has his weakness j andthis-was theBaron'e :-attll -xher-rishiog the. hope of jreturning to his beloved native country, he "was in easy prey to every adventurer who preten ded to rjoaseia a knowledge of Com- -fcg-ent.Arni-wRy44m were thejests .whtch h.a passion ror good temper endured . Oneway in P!"' ht"me dT ? Ii-Te;,Ulbound for Havanah, from whence "iiuiiuii V inc imy " I trnlnnar a Xf ThnraffnlrUrn. Vhst-1 rologer, ahprwaiascn. nn. irrj if A ever thts man m.gbt in reality wia shrewdlv ausoected at the time ol feVtubatqucnf flignHent colbu1rT!vr There" wias "much thai ?wa 4tniccoontalle4n all hia proceedings'. V . ... 'aw i tie exercised his nominal profession with .reluctance He was-indifferent tonecuniarv reward. He was not an- gry if his predictions were disbelieyed cr hia threats derided. But H you aaaWMaSBai a-' " , f Fnnn1r iti AMi d Latil. Hit Eminence a arreated at Vauffirard during the Uta con uVmt,and diapoaaeaied of the load of jeold, lllata. Inil J..l. k. ai.a rnnvin-awar In Bit I rrivnd in Enirland. 9 0 9 j which you uciictcu no nnc i but vouraelf. lie wn intrn duced to the' Damn,, by Madame Bt, 1 Miuri to. whom, he gw a proor, it n . .f .:. i.-!..!...! " . Tl.I wtre the oTd ,pif?T The Ttaron hid Leen inrnr'ufd In i L ":i ..i j .! ' j iiimnr ounotr. ncimu mm, as the event proved, truh) he should die to England; and somewhjt iuddenlyi but , he pained de' Ilolle still more aeverely by mentioning' the t . IJ .U W. L.l ! - oi ,m ,n e"r,.y ,IMS "wwi .m5 d 'Angoulcme resolved to waiton him. I in oroer io rrr nis nowcri, rcai or T - - - a imagioar)', to the utmost, ahe was dis armed in the drees of an Kneliih arti- can i and remained through the whole interview r veiled ad s ileot. ; Ifcf companion presented him wth the date of trie DacWssVVirthTTo the precise . L I ! year, nour, aou nimuic. tLAh. som tune wava near a ihranri to ascend it. .The daughter pf kings yet rnuih more truly tbe daughter r)rmUfonone!Fetefore-yojrr storation to the country and palace of your fathers then an agonizing in terval of flight and degradation, Again the banners of Royalty wave over you, and you advance a step nearer a crown. But all ia finally overcast, in the gloom of deposition, flight, and exile. You will live to be alone. Your JasT de (ermiotion will be that f closing your day's in a convent it' will be frustrated by datlu , Dread the Aotub, of August j'ior irwTH:bTcme-oitt of the most unlooked for mortification aod " ViaiiMeffWelcom JanuarjfftiiorzitbifWi rd'wmUs :you, llmugkbythchanixiolencjj repose, aod yoor reward ! ' v" : From llie Afttti Chrooki! an3 14vsruef. MrrPembcriony rr..SiictJbcTcryjhhgayhe present scenes, or adventures in your . i.r. l i j k. .riw. Mni. At 1 e length- the tennis ball of for- M that horrible e.wee ,f u t--ts t,i.,s-mrr-Umn--tlAnrrd lhanrM rrTinVTiliTn A wile yet not a mower, ai- imD-tlur. .ni lr,..on. -hlrh eourta etdonmeu never I nmerdaucgtQthatcxtraoTgtoaryjtu roah7LxraYiTTtr!wi3,t,enttTe,t pf a name lony-illustriout f but he has iog to your readers, more particularly no iXCtsion for the glory of his ancca when counled withlhe name of Ptit- tor. t render himaelf celebrated." ? asxi, I herewith send you a short ex- tract from a If rencri worit, puoiisnea ;n troA avhWhU ver little known id this country: whertir. it seema that inc great piriu iwiii( "-iraie f enueavor to imuc w nut, I... ixxmaiiti ' nAatrl nf trulvl-n.l rllAi. timr aa nnaiihlft the vropkclit spirit, in relation tfljaome i t . ' ' ;-l . . ... oi ne.mo5ijirnpwiiiin cun nia nic iigftated the whole oTEurope. ifni"! may say, the world. The following, ia riven, bv a Polish Officer, who was a constant companion, of Pulaski, both in prosperity and adversity and was hia steadfast friend till acain. b ULASKPROPHECY 4 . : In his last Moments. It was in the Spring of 1 376, that the insurgents of AmericatTearffl :oT the t vrannv of an inland whicn once beasted of TrroVnliocrtTea", resolved to redeem their violated rights by force of arms. . " My .country bath lost her freedom, says Pulatkl to roe, 0nC d but, ah, let us still fight for K t board of a Tea- . ITkilai r Wt TCDair tO X IUItUCUlllB , Dre 'tft withk cam- p.( - v . - , army , Wut .- ' ; shine Pulaski, consumed with a black raelanclM) man to whom Jife had become insup portable la atwayrta be found at the most dsngeroua post, and towards the end of the fourth campign, is mortal ly wounded by myViaTeing' car ried to his tent, 1 instantly repair thither to console him. L "' " I find that my-end approaches,? savs he. addressing birasciflo me. qu t W is but 100 trufc, that I shall '-" .. . . . i 1 1 9 WW. IWV n 1, w.i-" I ee my native, country again 1 IncVCr e 9 9 ' inc i oiri inn cuounu iutci . . 11 My friend, my death would be lo- deed horrible, if tray oi hapeuie not .i in i l I t a- aVr . .,rA coniblFoe DeUfiHloiei. Id proachei I behold one of the firtt oitloos 1 the world wakea!ot from a loop ao deco iluntber. aod rr-deaiandioff of id violated hooori, aod iet ancient t'iffhtai' ita sacred imnreicr'iDuble w f 1 r tighu, ihe rirbti of humanity I be- i a ooiu, to an loanenit capital long dit k i i r. n:... i . trowd of aoldicra ditcovertoir them elvra to be chifteo and millioni of ciiixeoa becoming aoldicra. Beneath their redoubled blowa. trraonv ahall a, 44 be overturned the aignat ia already Riven irom ooc extremity oi toe cm pire to another s the reign of tyraota ! I 1 "LI it u mure i . ncinvwriD pcopn tometimea an enemy, but always wor thy of deciding upon great action, ihall iDDlaud th se uneinected effort!. r , ' crowned wuh auch a a needy auiceaa! An, miy a reciprocal esteem com mence and. strengthen, between these deoominatepoiJ) aid. out. no. ob stacle to prevent this fraternal re-un- ion 1 14 Koble rivals To talents add phUos uphy, Frenchmen! Englishmen! sua pend at length, and suspend forever, those - bloody- ditcords, - the . fury., of which has but too often extended over the two hemispheres no longer de cide between you and the empire of the universe, but by the farce of your example, and the ascendency of yoor genius. Instead of the criiel advsn taef of afFric-htiosf and aubduioe the Duloaa around you,-dlspute between yoofslIvealhTmore" lolldglaiyof 'stoj m . m m m ft lighting their ignorance, ana prcaaiog their chainir" "T -u Approach," adda Pulaski behold at a Jiule distance from,dJn tbe midst of the carnage that surrounds usi Warriors." i warrior- celebrated - even in the totdsrof them, by his masculine jcouragey aVua)eB.ta7o4 bia ir- ulvieDublican.IlT Js" the heir u ItTja' the great, the good La f At IXTt fjm hongr; to France, ana a Ln,nitn ivrantt f hnt he hat "aciree begun bis immortal labbra! Eavy his lteps - o! -ao , greats a - man. lie, , the 1 ;i r It. .k.ll wormy pupil oi a ifuiujjvuu, auan beibSe irWBBf'nif 'tr-tonBs try almost at the same time, m friend i it is at that memorable Lpoch of the-regeneration ol nation s( hat the eternal iustice ahall also pre sent to our fellow citizens the day a of vengeance And f liberty 44 I -t h ramsn.hranaf.A of OUT initl- riea. and of our successes.' call forth thy)urigejiey many times emnurDled with the bload of vur enemies, be still turned against those oppressors. May ne)r trerowe while thinkine on our ex doits 1 May 9 a m they tremble in recalling the name Of Pulaski J: ..-. - . Saying thia, he expired. rulski was killed at the aieee of StvannaJr, ""Ibout the veat i 78 12.' iw Unusual r).l viriirr-r1 in fheKthuvlkill. whieh UUWU WSVMI W. -W mr-mw-j - ' overflowed its bank and. destroyed a great deal .of property. Among ma'ari' old gentteman named ': " t: .. l. . -ti..... J"'r-'i'2Y'" LOOgStraw, wno.nay couccicu iuicm 1a-ftr building- i - milt on ita bank, which was about to be carried away. He seeing the danger, after etriving in vain to nve hia nrcDertv fell on hia , knees, and .ptayed that the flood might assuage t and alter prsywg aome time to that purpose, the water still rising concluded with Oh Lord-AI- mighty did you ever i. ...)J ' L. sea sucn tails a martyr la American iioerty, an I.L - mi ; l -Q tj j L3u. damrt& piec of wcrk th?jv av T I the Indians. We are highly gri tihed io being enabled to announce, thst the . Secretary of War and Gen. Coffee have fully auccecdcd in accom plishing the object of their recent mis sion to the Choctaw Nstion. . A treaty w is agreed to and signed at Dancing iwtuii,Ltrcti, lj which ihe. Choctawa cede the country they no occupy, and - within three yeariprre to re wove W eat of the Mia sisiippi.uch oX them, kowever, as prefer remsioiog msy mike reserve tions, and, after residing upon them five years, possess thcol in fee. The General Govcrntneot may hsve the country surveyed at- any time they think proper but no aale is to take place before the removal of the Indi ans cor until then, is any persoo to be permitted to settle io the country The Commissioners, we learn, bad thirteen days of most fatiguing duty before they could bring the negotia tions to i favorable termination. Ira. mediately on their arrival, it was ap parent that there existed, between Le flore's district and the other two, great distensions, and much unfriendly feel ing. Tlte first abject, therefore, with tbe Commissioners wa If possible to brine about a state of barmoay aod! good feeling between MHem. This was happily effected on the second mectiPZ-tn Council by feeling and forcible addresa from the Secretary of War. The three Chiefs aod, hed men met at the Commissioners' Quar tentalked the - matter ovcr.ia their creseoce screed to be friends and again one pesple and expressed their rcadinesa to enter on the busToesi if of which ther were called together. In tke course of the negotiation proposi tio of-vamua kiods and character, and discordaat feelings had to be met and reconciled oh tbe part of the Uoro missioners. In all the interviews and conversations had with' the lodians, they uniformly admitted that they could1 net live under the laws of the State that it -would be ruinbus'and deatfifelvH individuals. -"Thepcbnce'dedlrrts; idle to dream of future prospentyunr derstlch a stste of things y andjthat their only desire was to arrange-Vnd conclude luch a treaty as would enable them under their change of 'situation to"befreTand happy.:rill at every step in - negotiaitonjrdifBoiltiee- and cooSicting viewrAftothe best manner of.sccuiifg these ;lresulthad td.ltt encounttrtxlaodovercomeAVout J,000" Indisnswtre 1nattendance; whose wishes, and. wants, jheChiefs had constantly to consult, and hence the delay met with. h . . Tne crops in the, Choctaw NatTcns, we understand, are bad, and nuoy of the ladians are anxious to remove even UUriug ino enmiojj wiuicr. Should the -Treaty- be ratifiedrthey will doubtlesa apeedily depart. -. Great anxietyprevauawjinjmepiw uo no. There ia a fair prospect now, thitTery soon our Indian friends will be com fortably and happily settled in the VYestr"Tbe - perplexing questions as to the rights, and with' some, disputed sovereignty of the States, will then be dii nosed oiaU coo fllcts aroided and the orosDeritv and happiness of the Indians, as we earnestly hope, promoted A"aiAriie Republican GOOD CROPy It is stated in the Village Record, i r 4 t rL. .... ..... I Pa. obuioerrasratrfrear-lU and a half acres of land, 807 dotes cf wheat."which yielded 203 buihels. Thia compsrative good crop is men tioned as the reault or tne lime ana manure on soil naturally-uoproduc- ... . . . i . tive it being aopposea oy we grower that the .adjoining grwund, without suchippnancea, ' would not yteldv, 5 bushela to the acre. ' 1 PLOUGHING. Make it a fixed rule never to plough your land in wet weather, and the ob servant farmer will,, no doubt, bave often retaarkedr in the same field, the difference in the crop on a spot plough ed when the soil and weather were dry. It is only on dry,, sand or light land, that ploughing ought te M car fried on trt moisjt wrgrtT, . r r'firiivraiaajrn-"irffr---r'--r"ir wi''-st-aa-pwaai ' Account uf Hut I Wikj, TVt singular individjsl wis one cf ir nrj licit emigrants t K;r."ty. Fror.i the time pf his S'.ttta nent 1 1 t:.e c-n-try, till within a few yesra pj.t, he re sided a few miles Siuh of Korr Wil li an at the mouth ef Kcntuiky rivrr, on he""wsters of- Millreek; The placeLbli aa ode, and ma Mylsri living are aot more remarkable, tm the-chafacter, f the individual l.Ln elf t Aoi all I cjouU Jcaro o f aa i cp a ceraing him, is ia perfect harmony aoi good keeping. The habitation in which he spent so maay aod ht'py days, wis composed ef round poles aod Kentucky mud. It consisted of two apartments simply, with no out bouse or cellar. Durig his residence b this singular place nfabod, he I came the husband of Ire wives aid the father of 45 children. According to his own arcouat of himself, he was born ia New-Jersey, in the year 1728.' itt is in height about fire feat six inches. His mus cular frame and strength of constitu tion aeems to1 have densd the decs v of ytari: erthe hardships and buffr ings of a baciwaodl life. The scientific and curious . have examined the ton- r. . . . . .f .kt. .i.rii. i f r, is practicable, an! they reprtieot Vis ribs unlike those of his fellow mrt-l sepstste aod distinct but as united tr- MkA.- AMlaxawMk SJ an as v i " gtl4JWF IVIIUin VU (BVil IU Si 1'riii sheet of bone i ia short, that the vital part is safely deposited ia a "strong bax" defying alt artacks from withnut. yvv mc Q ui vy, c w iu meotof eatire health j '.his . teeth all sounds hii Wtight.ahoutJCpi .an ihi$ muscular strength truly astoaialiiog. . He never shook hands with aa ath letic man, but be gve him auch a grip that he was fain to beg for mercy. At that advanced age be could perform; more tabor than urdiaarv 'men could io the prime of life. ' His neighbor mention as a proof, not only of his good constitution,but of his undimin ished acuvify,- that at hie advanced . rtm Um mrniilA imar fr. m h .errfiUnAl aod crack iuirtcttipgeihcrijwuh th agility of a boy of sixteen; d.V. uuiv aipni. w f. 1 Seme five or sit years since," he ts- x . . j .. v i:... .l ... k..:t K'.m. . Bit feu ill tuuiaua, ukib. u vuuu u- self a new habitation, plant a de w cnl-- onv. And become the father. of a new : ' .f-ww . race, tic is iuw iiviug ncai f i::-n-i:.. -.r. . I-j: . :.u t.: . tea, jitpiey coumy, touiaac, wiui nu sixth wife,and has twe" children for theiew stock.:: t Imcrlcan'Famcr Jifuf aiUiif itF-FartuM.k vo'u n ? " sdy4 native of Martinique, and a trcJ ole, waa wn a voyage to France;.wu!i the design of being educated there, when the merchant vessel ba board cf IrTU . mi.. Ma...nv. ait jantifrrt ruail bub waa y aaa v " - v("' by an Algerian cruiser, and fsken to Algiers.' The fair captive was at first overwhelmed with affliction; at the prospect pCcsptivity before her, ,but as passion gave way to meuitatioa, u " csmejo Jier recollection that an oIJ neCTeassorp1redrclcd"That ahe i"w 6'uU one day become one of .the greatest, Princesses in the world! Ahr ex, claimed she, - for 'Snperstitiou vvr.3 ia this instance but the handmaid of i t- , cllaatidnilt is doubdess so, I sra to be PHncesszWel not ; p ir rel with fertuoe. Who know V. may come out of this? Sw stn mi.A ALlaV. BaaBtjrvak niawftati An r-ri i'Vfn f1 young lady, that ere site reached t ' v Barbery shores, ahe was as much a i-j tslist la point cf retireatim us any ueajvcw IB iaiwitJUi uium V I'.ai devotee ia Iilacniim could poisiVly I imnc- diately effered to ransom his country woman f but no the fair Creole wouiJ net be ranaomed, for fear of offendir ' fortune bjr resorting to t a vulgar a way. of recovering her liberty. So to the' Serigltw" of the TJfey of A! fters Ihe lady went and strange indeed to tell, frbrtt hia Iighnes,, Seyaglio, she wa sen! as a present to the Grand Seignior who, was sol: atrocx witn) ner jacaqiy,, lad aarinm"(ioMtt iivaaj ex celling) that ne elevated' her t- the dignity, of his favorite Sultana J .Such waa the atngular rise of tbeiate Sul tana Vallde, who died in 1 Si I, , and waa the mother of the present Grand Seignior. , ". ', " 'Pride. II a pjroud msn msVes m Itc my diBtancst th comfort ia Jr, Wtj,- st tte same rixnev . ' '1 I t t ' r 'M 4

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