1 i 1 I t l . . . ' Lit I '.' v. utitl a letter ,un .'iq'wiSer, iin a lit f the j'nSn.''f A ! u in til of toil de I ..It.. 1. . I . . wan, " i " t. i j . ( . ,t I ii ' r 1 ' f 3' f t f I TO ir (,if I'll H ' I f I !:- if , 'i I I r has icer e( e,ne ( In con .a'l. u.Uh. in mslilntr a shipment t . much rtvwcb) ry few Lw ts-J.eraht;': .pi'i...pJ JH We lute liken trouble to obtain, front '! t f. ic sources, Ihe InbrrDHlw Which re ;rc;: 'n Jenf d'.trttAl'. ou j Hhl J '!- iii confined io 'cju1'iin tf '... by Treaty, it hat been IhouKhi htftl i adJ to ti ibe cases oi 'liaueiiioo If limitation and pro lunation, pr. ti,-nin that l h H Inform , Ion tWo would ti ir cr iitt jla la our readers. The whole f re t y w ., '. i i i i , i ;i t K t t ' t I if l-uf i i, . 1 Ita i-ii. r c.iij the ii o i f i, ! i1 , ii, n 1,'nl y t ni jit p f If J il ..In t t l it ii j I uf 7 dj!Ur 'rt liji .tt rifil hit he f any i Jf ' i t nu'l Ui pf euro fir thin I'nn we can gel it forf I will tick la Jtki -in, I knev h wit r,ooj siul" " wi' ri m J'ftm la John .1Umt " A frren'l hit o'jlJirinlf ttleciei Ut ui (hf followiiiij Utter uf Tho'nit Jcffriya, written een yetri tloco- The itr ill fo rtt nit a much ln3rt it (!.! lima, tnj fait nuy;et h italkited iU m 4ouM Id . 1 T!l 9-rrrh j tf tft ffliner f Utilit mp:ty n of iheueiMn of ia'elktt i ml accuricr of obert4Uio httir wertf h cturjcteritticf of t j- i Mtntutlh. S'httmbtr 4. 1123. Dtr Sir Vojr letter uf A igtM the I5:h wt rereit4 in daa tlmi oJ with tha wclcj'Od ftf eterf tbi'i wukli comet With it i opinion on iho Irorji ou inlonntiiufli we kite been eVe w collect i diniculiiee of reroJjtJont f'om detpoWat f.-f.i lutnemlc eotirce. iieooulftd In h0 frceJoni, I very tniicii eoocur. 'Too tl.e lf.Uoirtj; ttttementl . I ftenerttiun whicii com'ien'-e rofu I. The vrtult of the 17. Slitet, n'1 1 tlxi,ert rirelf cwnpldct i'. IIitttficJ l.nr tTrtn, ere. bf Tri-ir Admitted Irani their knuntr la pitt vilnjitioii ti? the lime term with nuonai vevioi wvtw ana oitoa to inmr hiok anJ t into Ibt forte of the fullowlnj Ni I Priettt. iHer are nut qu.li5rj, when cI- li ir.u , I icq oi to iBinH and provide if the oe- U'et Priiu', by Tre.y if W Jul ISIj, eon-1 I a4 lliir Inexpericoce, jf aoranee and biitrf ouka llim liittra mctitt often in the bindtof the Uuooa panel and liuridct, in lefat their own right and rxirpotv. Thi l tba prctent kltuatluo of Karot nj Jjixnili Amtrica . Da' it it not dektieirt: Tue fbhl wl.lch Kf n -t of Ciurf ttof "ih jn. I8JI, bea hel oo nunVift.l by tl art m1 iJinlni i tinj duilet of tonmt; and primluCj hat eiuiucotly cherijjM ibe cow Ltjpor , i tntPtnrted in the porn n( woilJ., Aa veMheluhi tu the Uft,. J Stitetf a retpecti the t-j dawned on tbt ruidd!ini( clne only of timfi! Wi 1311 avt 18.7. Oii'.fil Anrrica,h Ir-cibr 132J. nMk,35'h April 186. , r Ira and Norwiy, 4'ti July I87f, ' . i'a Tount, Tkk Deenlcr 13 3T. au, lit May 1823. , i U'.h UeccmUer 1829. ' ItUMii, j. Hii Nithcrlanda, inJ. Sardinia. ! rab'jle, of erjyil Ignorance, he nut yet received iit .rtyi, but ii coniiiiuca to 'nreidfcnd while ririniinir ia waterva J. 'Diit tufxn.loo to condon at lane; at it Bn no inoro recede (bin ihe aun return liar cxemtW) afeallijo Jl(wed.lo loiia courw... J rst.aluima. to racavai ....... i . . . - vcs-tltol the u. txatci 10 toe portt oiittHi tuM of veil eovemmtot imv f.il; lho aailoot. ' , vt may a teconirf iMrd tec Dut at a -The vetttta of tho fwllowiojr-naiioni 1 yountt and iuaroJxittuclBil face comet ar aamuiea into i no portoi in w. in icniuucni oecenia mre aai tkateai upon ihe eamo fooiinir with nt- more lcluiiie, anj a fuiirih. a fjfih, or tlonul tettela, by firtue of Pruclama- tome tutwquent one of ihe over rc- lioni liiued by ibe Prciident of tb 1 nedt:empit'lrnililm'ieytuccecd. Un.'iait Siaa. umlar iha authnrW a-1 In Franca, tha Oral alTirt Waa AtTtuxtiA hv i Iff In hla.br an Act of Conrett of I tioocipivvre. tut erotf by tJ.np r, i y r wunuu uy umjoh. II l( !! l:i J 111 tit n i' f i f l!; r i or w.i ti i. ir unm" I .t t eve i re il-4 iL.il s 1 1 I ! i i ' ' - s " ' i (,l !.! Iit.jicv..!. it tn .'' i'U'i1 f J ' itu.ej tefifi la l-'a ,;.! !l J - ' t:ij a .ic r- I Cil t'u! brt..ei Vuitc to it.i riufi4"--t!i4t ttillf lilcnce i.ithholjifur eerf nvtf whtti Vu Uaiue wtket ll with the voire of thuojer 1 In tarh .ku:!oo it it i npoitibU not la fnel at f.r clar.nJ in min i at in burly, above toe petty ciret. the fiiv litii pur mitt :he low arnVubn," of (hit nether world. If any e j deiire ,,l K opper a.r !, ha couM act the fc-cfl ti ' it - i t!.in elw. end Hut f ontcj'ierr.iy 4:.y proJutid wuuld be tu l i --h ' ljt to what could h teen firodacc epon the oi l princi.le if tlo tr-rthe.-- TlU aiJitioit wouM n"t only JJ w ' waahh, bul it would uble hint to jive hltrhar wa ea than Ufora to bit mm, lor u m'ta oi oain vif reilly to fj ibattlUt vanity berr be Unitt J loot of kiy, ba tbould bate, at low if In with to catch a g!irap?a I tbo the end of the turve.i, ono bum jr. ii. yet aodeveloped cap.bilitiet f bla Ba'of bay and thwtnd butbeU of wheal lure, of thoo myUerioit donln;t. afterltssldca. b ouM ei lently afford I to k wliich Ihe hairi of ma vr itnly yet ooikia lborra a tuo liberal rcwird. ' Ut hi in waadcr that It It Indiod Hue. Ibit If aew invrn blfhar AVrn4 alooo.- - - ition In Jtbot. isvlnj Jt IntrtxI-iced Into ""Zttntt M thlf tjf itrM itrti-'itJdmanotacnirotf - po44iiia --i aw fait t iher eannoi Kn !atcrited. Lin. Dorarr loit of mDiovmenl mibl hiDpan Jtu!(et wert formrd in the plaid and, id limited numbor of people. Put ti Ibey have no wnrde adequately to repre-j would Dot Itti lon. I be euact w acot tbe aentaiiona which M mdtt have invention would b' to rnikt the article 3rianced amonj anourtilo e:enery. which It waa appliedi cbtpar. A mwt rotr Pt all bit life lir townv Cheapnett would incite con.umpuon, and the hauntt of men, without knowing he pmioiett wibiri him tuch fatlinyjt ta tinlo day'e chimoit hunting will awaken. A lighter and a' purer air It breaded there anj tha body being In virr'ed hv xeitii and tetoperancet lender! tb roiod mora ctpable of enjoy ntiot. TbouKit earthly toundt thr are none, I have often remarket! amid tbit aoUmn tilence.and ondeEnablo An wl.kb yet It e .. avnd, but teema a il were, tba tilll arnaR voice of pature com munln -wiih tha heart, through other teotet tltto we are cootciuut of ntteii- .' v ' ' " " :.' lf er my' earthly eplrlt bat been rooied to a mora worthy contemplation of the Alrrjighty Auth'or of (7reatioo7tit bt been at turn momrntt at.theie when 1 have to6ker4r6ahd'"onf Tau-araphl' theatre of forkt torn by ten thoutand t'iKin, and of Alpt clothed with the tpot Ion maotie of everlminjj tno. Above me, waa the clear blue vault of heaven, which at aucb cUvitfon aeemf to parcfip'-' libly nearer and more uture ur below me, Ihe elacier, from whote chilled botora ftiuea iheV.future. river, .'whlcn1t(bere commencing in ion(j courte to the ocean bk'h over head thote lev jxnntclea on which cotintleii wintert havo apread their dueling honnrti who It there that could pb May, IIS8, qpon' hit receivtnjj the 'third h Louli 'XVUIrand hiialliua i"e ) noiUrl hit toul elevated irom SuUiiaclory (vidaoce that the tame e- wuner u yet to cow?, ant alt Larofi cmpdon it allo'tved 10 tba vtiaeU of the Ruta txcrfited, h ucaurht the tfiirit i and ' U. Sutal inyhe portt of thoe nationt.i a vM attain rrf.recn'fiive gnernutcnt more or Unfierrct. Thit it now well unJeratood to he a r net e it ar r"th&eV"on mire firuJrHl it'eAinf;'? an t tune Yin t exterminate, -To lln all thiu tiver oj f 'n& Pucby ef Oi.lcnbur;, by PrucLmaiiun of , la n or pi, injii, Ania, U Sd it 24. rr li'ti- i ,n of Uiht, do- lat JiiTv.'T&TT." JUgtUuilaaa of the fope.do.TtU'July, 1W and at consumption, very often augment in a greater rain thin the pricea UU the reiult rofirht uliimitely be, that there would be a demand for more operatiret than were originally en ployed. Thit hat manifeiily boon the caae In rcy;trd to the cotton manufacture. Tea peraont are probably thi day employed in that branch of tnduttry throushou' Luropa for one that wet employed 3d yetrt aajt uut the mott tnlDable extmple of ibe trut of thi propoviiion, (a h the cite of the art of priming. Tben (hat art wa firtt put lo practica.it wit probably at far be bind ibe art at it emit to day, it it wat ial ol ihe manuscript lacihtee oi that period. ' Tboae who obtained their living by l,h labor of writing, oo cfuub( lbouy,bt that the diacovery of printing would ruin them .all, by throwingihem'out of em pioyment hut what wat the resuli I "hy,- that for every one who could pro cure .employment at manutcript book maker, probably thoui v ! obtained era blb'ment 'aa "prIn(eraj . L .ri, ifflibri bookbindera, piper make: s, type foun dert, and In the varioua occupatloot which are connected aitb pilntingY to liy nothing of the counilett mUlioni whote- employment! could be traced to tha civilisation effected by the ' wide dif- fjvioa of knowledge contequent upoQ tbo oncovery of tte art of priming. T. r TurijfJt goo J "Jugury.-mK ; cor- f js.'l'iJifit of the lianncr of the Lonatu- ( :u TtiLUni In Ctntre county, i'ennsrl biond mHtt Jttvt and yeart nf Hrsutatipn patt over) yet Ibe object h :ori, rivert ;of blood and- yeata of dc-' Ution.-' Vot what tnhrritanea an ialiuMd na mm v rda, who ia thi i by the' Editor to be a leave to hit noaierity "The tftmt rfiht tre nile.mmt of reanecuointy, tayi mat a I Stnmnrd. and hi Jtallu i,l el , .u t-inl a tri'f t rr lat ivkA In lha ioan 1 . r. t " t - T' . t.e tyaiemrhaaoccn proditced upon- 4he; I fat Je".U&trimlhtti t-it Hi,, T -He mlad lo that n ierter, through the feat thi atroewq. violaiion of the L , ruriianlulua lk-t IUIU1. 111 l.i.a In. J ..i .... .I.. II.l 1 : w ... ...m......p, ......rr..,,.... n..UOq anu mm, uiuiir vmcn li i!.:.vi in t teverat attociationt Baa oeen organl- ng i and the w uJim am firnme ,,f th. fed It diBerent lowoshipi.9LCentreaod J CorteinriLffan-Me hope, that thai a .aa't.taai a 1.1 Mu. i t countiet, cauea working me n ' uoiMnr wt rule d, f.ot vies mat incy meet ever? oaturciiy hretetxtativt zovernmtnu vtUhan t.rteutivr a . . j Am I " . ' mg tnn teao, ana aiueati vinous Ifirofierlif borJtitti fht Portutn ichi iuaiccii--Ksrai ruucauon me I Ilau. Araa'ji. Hermann. P.rrn-t. ... , - . , .' ' . 7 "- mt ti(t!Am.!alUntM.Uriir tr.ia.n r r. ; V - a , ,, . ...... ...... .7..vu i on ana 5 entii toon down irui i te r.Rhtt he powcrtof the gen linAther orMnnih-, f .,h;... trl Rovernment, ftc-thtt the tociety of roenta of into, which will H.I in the joyi h b l member always have one J even of Heaven." Til. Jtt r- . a. aT 0 . At I . . - . . or more copict oi toe manner oi me von4 1 ' . dilution before them that t!icy read and . -HOLY IXfLUEXCE lorm i,x.rw vp.w-wp. I-ht MUwIng piragrapi ar. from an a k m v-n aaiiaiaa ti lA lAfliiaMNAJ Im - iVa I a & m a m " - ,K - " arucleinthaJtiaw Noiubly Blieja-ne, po , - aciaa ucuywwK wviua-oa greai pvM-,,nir l0 be from ihe n i.f . Cn.t..nl. . . ..j . k . u sr. w s . .i - - . " though bat abort time ago they trtj. M Tha P)nn:. t... I . . n . B..l l. re a;i tue otner tue, a meetlni; t ti.M.b.. i.n.. i m.... ' 11 8 wm several aoctetiea wit ftmidat -whleh th.,1 -M-ara n,..iM:i- 'it Kaiil At thi maelin i e k ai" iYTw T i " . - .,--1 ... t crtna lar.lt tyattni wat taken op, hat Mruck mc lhc M(in tha i iwv ui.tK,ifis vn auiat a. ' iuiivwijj-HivMiMioa oy . iuckiian.oixiuut.4m!lunui 'ter. thot how Jitiitleia are the nity,-the A!p, of -hit .tap ' Ci 'i fewndt -loJeatroy po- od-ovarlaatioguntaa-i) y of ibe rretidenf, wherever In the tea, wave tocceeda wat Ettett emblem, hnd conteva the dee nut following-anecdote,. rUte4- by J ImpxciUon,ofi3oiP.iaiaacnitf end euix pnroichible unta-ubieneii wava fnravp i cortcci laioriu: mn are at Land loreveri hi ow awella nn kiii.i. I and you tea no end thereof. But msnt , i, c ui iu. cry ruuen uf i uceiu a bpectacie at ocean ever . at all ur v lately, ami tome ot the timet, and uader all atDecti. k at ill can. astern who re forabla to the inot be enbred without aoma allov. li :an Syatem, are 4in(r that fact lo tmuit be teen eitbtr J"rom ahio in which fii ..en- our country farmais Trom the ron cotert much j or front the land, t"rrftrl- f Jj''tonv One of theao' a which agaio breaka ibe entry of. the Idea. i . t riiian) eaii.'i ia i'S" Ibe rwheOay I "The effect of the aceaea ataom? whit" tmd be, Mit Ibe neU they My 1 which thechamott banter Uvea, it wak Jark. i i r '""!? o in th country t be encd by no luch intruaion as ihit. ' Man! a;.uiis i-nguan iron 10 come ii ao workt enter not there. ; t rom the ma chess' thai all ouf Iron otk will be Imant ha onha tha chalet i.i kIk k.. troWni ,s and Peonsytvaftia l! go to ttkeh;bit thon rett,"ntirtU TeturnTnai i .1 - .. 1.1 ' .. - ai ' X .'ir ai'.''- I. - .. .-.v -. -.v tca-ructK- .a ioia t,a '.wacaton naa Ttees Wtricct of ntaa f but dwella krhiiinftVi.w;-r-i--j .'.1 f.. n.- t.JJ..-.t in r . - tain and tba torrent ! land of the glacier end Ihe avalanche! who would wander amidtt thy toliludei of unrivalled magni fircace without catching a portion, at leaat, cfjhe inspiration the f are jo. f ' nl ated I lit true f I womfer-rmt that thy- too, Cradlea among iby even matehksa seen' ry, atiouid cuog,jraa.auch nliti ' ion tn the mountain breatt thai nunc J them and vesrn for their native cot amid the Iniuriet of foreign ciiiet; when even a Stranger, born In eoftcr landl and f isstnjj rnlf- a fttr tnontht pilgrimage witltin th bwtlcrt, y et Felt himself at once ettaehed t" fre ivtneecoftd homet nor jret can ntjr i:noit cmwion tni sonnai inti re mind hint of thy hills aad &edoaaT'XL f thi ju5rii or tii foimTHior. , An invctvion hs been l iiely rmde in "Uriculture, which U likely to proJure.! fiiiaitrou an eiTect in that branch of indut trv, ti ilia discovert of the a'jinnihi jenoiet end power loomt produced in manufacturert.' Il it a mowing machine, by which, upon level ground, one " mf) esn ! cut "down,, at mucV gratl at twenty m;nwith Ito common leytbe. "Thit in vention will throw out of employment ao many ma wm, that the greaTesrmtTreu may be anticipated throughotit the coon try, ihr.uld il be generally adopted. .We are decidety in favor of demolishing ihia hideous we anon, which reminds us of tha picture of Time, - in- the spelling-book. headed by 4his memorable xoupleU . i5.-sK-i.Hnee cuts ilowo alL - ' oth great and amalb - What can be imagined more ehrtnintr at-ihe pretcnuday5rhca agriculture is Overdone, than to tea-nineteen out of twenty-men deprivetl of theirnioaos of tubtiateece by a miserable piece of in genuity contrived by tome inhuman anti- working man'a lnterett . rogue f . If these tot meddled wlih the price or iron. Con- j scenery stamped only with lit Creator's giett had taken some of the duty off of j omnipotence and immutability. Nature it always interesting. EUetttAere the it Iovt"y, beannful AnTf she ia awful, tub- lime. Ettewhere the throuds all ihhm m a tempora'ry repose, a,; lo clothe them in turpastfng be miy and verdure. But Arr there h no ckonge ( tuch at the firuwinter-fcehelJ ihem, iftey t , tprang from the hands cf their ( -a tea, coffee, molasses, he. will you be ru i,r1 'if, you get lea ant! coffre cheaper ir.-iii ever you got it before!? He ' 'J nocture not" will you be ruine.! if yrmget youriron for you; p!ouRh,hatrG.ia jnn norse anoca tor i.rte ccnis a y undt Vl v t'l. said t'-rr.t v a! tl v w t "J " maiij -t t. hat it all this noue "- hi." aait I. lha rn.).k " ' ' i ii'w -ul nil ::r j tLl.ir irtm over here ctcipcr Architect, tuch they still ere .li: self, tacbacatle ind iifcapprc: aiior-sauing inventions are allowed lo eo on, mo lime will come when not more than .one person in a hundred will have any thing to do, and the other ninety nine will positively starve. ' ' The foregoing is. whst thut clast of aniciii.au yjaicnj rcaiouera wiii ssyKtvno ook upon employment as evert thin?. ana upon tne rate of physical power er pended upon any given production, at no thing, ' 1 bete people are perpetually crying' out; that the chief caue. of the from the introduction of labor aa'vinc'raa- thkery into manufactures. They sup- pose that if an invention taket place, by which one man can do ! what it before took ten to perform, the public ft injured, and consequently, that all tuch discover let are pernicious. Those wrong heads, however, wa believe, are only to be found in cities and manufacturing towat, where the people ere not at clear sighted at they are in the r s air of the country ; T.t wbtill rjnic:, . :r.i$ririh,t,t!)er5. AnetdAr the Mother of 'General urrrf..i, ion the msr ladies who dtttinguuhed tbemtclvct, for their pa'ri e:itm charity. & other cood aualltiet ia pur- Revolution, - there ft- -one whote ftime ought not to be forgotten, and who, inrnr opinion," is eqna? m tnertr te tuv Dwriin-fl in- wif emtniry, end ther were many t the lim Alwut the coov mencerntnt of our; llevolotion, and as toon at it ws ascertained lha Nathaniel Ureeue, .afierwards General Orient, , h "nl,.? jom "r ,rmf ! defence of.his country,-e dct nt .q of, Friendt, (com monly called Q take it, and to whose tn eietyhethen be! ji'ed.N h or1.r-ftf i Ki . ATeetTng,wi'ed on him i to ehifeavof iof dissuade him front it,' and "after likening iq t.i '.neir ir-mncntt oh Ihe tubjeclV"he informefl the , th it I n felt an irresistible propens.-.r, r ,t t h; , o overTTrom loin ing hit bn hern h armt I Jo thanked them for tl.a interest they had taken in bit welfare; but hs rou hot comply with theif reqnest. i'hen the Jeputi fion took an aOVciionste leave, and left him. hit mother, who hi heCn liafe i.ing, whh all the anxiety of ond Dirent. used her heat endeavors to prevail on' him to y at home; when he told her it ' loot .-..-ar. an.... - . . . Viu,i0,c. Aiicr a pmse, sne f,...-t hho tears, with this rermrkjbfc obitrtauiin " W Nathaniel, if iIim rrlui: go, it is possiblo-lhi.il mty4iear cfthy death, and if it it. God't will ilui it shall M hm,.n. I hope I ahull not have Ihe moriificatbn to her nf thee being Wnitnded in Ihe b-tck; rComrnentli rieedlt aia Snar tan. root her couk! .not have aaiiit more',' but Mrt. Greeno Mands pre euinemly superior !o the m-theri nf antimjiu , as ti.'"rx7rrtrir''rr"""-'Tr,w - - . 1 - "r.T ,ju' unni w jj so umcrent ne rrd vt Vknttitmr . r '1 In J c .'. . : i ' ,rus 1 1 I r pi)-:r- I. 4 'li XL t ii ri rt an.r -A'o7; iuku u i3i). r- - aWhU thawalaaa4 ih. tn,.,.. , lia.tin.-' aJ lie CitdtaiiM tf ,i, kaoat,- , aadtijma, lb.1 m ajrhteq cWttr J -"rt euU p4,ui hf -K.,at4 f.,, froa objections, ariiw ualu .! Uf ! ffnife euCriantly jihua and I !tU , , Ixroad ctoulM and mi.tttJ fa , kigrMta. JT hae LJ a ra i nkiu jli., (Wa et what we bavejuat aa.J i, , Ufl0u t Av.mfiJe71.etio. p,eJ -;u, ,Uf 9J iff oterTTua ao.t,tstiaa, Tare K.r ' 'f t fine of it aaaUinf wit ih, biulUlrwUf, ' MM ume at tHter, I aubjct of , ftatlonaJ Irg'isJature aa lo ita ()l beanng. Vj iik bow anuch hn," Would hare regarded, tba rr ... eriofaindtUaaaibledtoemi i r, I fabric fl .1 1 1 ta it " ia it., 'ox . " fi Bi .-, i f : '' H k ' c li.,9 ''.id..!.,' it .' "ni of a I to b) 'cfct it i.ctj: iy .'i.-: . r, (. ' x.-.!-rke c i ite of,' ioii.J . i te Jin ti. a; eto, (.89 4 hut, hy: r . -:" I" '"'.llvl I ii':;!. t ,71 '.r I got thit anecdote oh board bna of the steamboats, some years stnre, from ta old. Quaker gentlemen of Rhyle Island, whiS tnformed raeThe was a ilmolmsie of th Generart, ; and thai his father and GfOf prctno were hear neighbors. Ar.emViiTbe follnwini. MU taken of Mr. Berrien In Rak-.V."' Skatchet of Public Characte't t I."' Prcs"V Attorney Jencral John jci nerson nerrien, It rrom Qeorvlai, but 1 understand that he ita.il.. r Pvn.. - Y. , .. . . f imo- oeirnta. lie is immt rUxi..M Inibenatrhowitrmodoiroc Trmm l......tr..( .t !.' 1. ..vv, mwviiiui cior.uiion.- ria tmr ia be the only man that Websler toftened hia twenfo, whexi he turned from his tear in address him. Their it hot the tlightetf dasfcin hit manner f it is as grava as hit pleisam. Hi .(... ... dear, and he meeta the tohjert manfully. In his ergumemt there is no flemakal phrases of his constituents no tirade tr abuaa agajntt hit opponents, or of the section of countrv from i.k.... .1..- . 1 F ' ' " .viil.H - UCf 1 inieir , . 1 liolpated U n tof thtir 4 ft can o. fr a an (Hit; t . lanrusre delivered in rent... ! d'frereot charac'.cr rwltkh t lhtr-a vf g'-crii.f . ' 'pted wbea ihry o 'e.-c-l 1 , IbeaeopUof ikrwc. olTpr;r.a;atheirco!,:. '.J t peri 1 u:u h sbfTiCiIfy l i ; f waariwn sboold fc rur . Governmcat aiul n ' r their 1 aever oould tbey l.avC e p:ud , , hour of ibiir ttwfidued anxid Lr t.. tbii rjtttnak, when oucathcy cpon, and written on ihe labia '.:,t v tu,U Lave been the nmrce of r. jroariog ewlo"t ,f the Jai-. define tboae power. 1 0 (he gu point! wbicti aeim to Lave tr" roost iborouh diUnio4 in at Ihe powers ef the Utntnl ; 1 renurkt ibaU learn, it) the C, A, eur plain underaiaij;;i u a .i fceliogs or party intern a mj u technical distinct! ' ejecting a better tu 1 ilii 1- for "to beUef inforu -uuii of o-ir r tbi'se wfio'irt hare been earl-1 . fe the sovereign" source L j , ami legitimate power in republican 08.' i:itloyour wakerilvi-i!1- inj the outpoaia of our Laertiea il lok for peVjeiuatlon id our u: .1 ! . eonunuatioa of tj, manyblenM ,i nnnenoauenjeaas." Wekrowef nr.' oT greater modWnt or of nwiL.y ; ( than tbo vtolatia.f tbw 'pU'in aenst-, tniru a pnncipicaw toe lcafr4eum.ti!iiu(),i that I - ment nhich hat htfirto bound 111 t ..v.!. from tbo mo: noble incciitirti, , iftly waft ua, ith cominuafiou : i pacific and fiend! reUtiong, to t - piichoTeii-v. 'iinthefra.leaof ; ,. ,e . barebtfen r- cated!y warned of ihaiL i,:er t?' tyliu'h s'.nitM(rliHiViiabl su: j tt ourwlvcs if. wa pitiat ih ijiviot; twtriict.k, imwt to a. comti'tuiin of Jinin I gran. I r tlal and ipcciSid pnrpiAt i. . linse f ,nd ot Crsvhi in-' "eef and-r,...: ..;g f,-ow "nn-il -y "f. ;y. !i hiIJ iitv;r t!.uw-a t'.-s ionsli:o,i.iii tt' C. S. aa their .-ui j :i:t. It ia too picc'.wui an I; ' i. meiil 10 I;? tr.C 1 ttUbUlt!at ui nic;, , '(-" ial inunncr. . ; . IdJi h';io rp!Jo on,!, .".-j t bC3t ea.iaMn.n (.ft'ut which ., , . U'm'I J'ft I' ("'1 ;e nc-tdnMtjw r. ; IV need 11 t i-,i(trti,i many apprcbtn " 10 wlii'.h ai.S : the ot.ority of the pep- ' . kan Att! UlU-sUj of swicd . poaera ii iL.t grantcd'to the Caatm of tlio trmttid Statu to fay and cotbstt txca, d't ; iicpoji and eaciseaa To pay the ilib'.aaud pro- r tide for the common defence and Gemrat Wet , irrof the-Vnlaa-lt If T1hdi!rCovertif thrt i exprewioii of doubtful import that the fedend tffuiature claim to A, n ihiii'jji which Cart ad- " anc th commercial andagricnltunl prosper ity of the Union (to use their own , kngtUL'ejt J'.Jhor aeearety against lha da. j.'ers of foreign' tod domestic aggresii,' If tlioie who put a eqns-rchon upon thoso lerrt.i ' ifolite ibem from the parts of the conntitution to which they havo direct. referincvtben i' deed i there sdmeKore pfauaihintl.jn ar goments od in the; ftipprj Af their ye. -Ion if : that Mrnnient." But ' auch not tha dir and received mode of construing thit meaning of a , partkiitar paragraph or eentence to b found in a . Lbody of written regulation " All the parts ratiit ' be Vnken together and compared lor one f.-e nicotry hat direct reference to the other, H thialnnanre- The Words, General 'fart, r-r ' m y to those powers given by the eonstitutio. the National legislature. Their ol tiaua mr ing ia, that In klutln ron those ml j-r' over which t ( iwer is exprcsly gran' ' V v

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