frf If profit are lastEifnt nt WsH Infirosnl, they will t ones set lbs cm! of lb Union of the ditei, and with id (onimuttion will ret s! Ibe blessing of free government, Tha people should examine freely every poll'1! 9 for thefelvcs ml then ? tey cannot be ioN4 upon. They will then I of nji7 of particular measure and tbey vi0'K ibcn b dependent upon the tficum of a ssUgnidcd dcmagrjgve .. r . The Valedictory of Philip P. Harbour (wbn )iu seeepUd bw appointment) to bn o! J con. Ititucnlt, bave 'ed ' of grsulieav ion, not only becu it it we'l written, but by Tit -4UfVT -Mttl peUJoUfck, aclilirQcnl wlueh breathes la . almost every line. Km . tubal UaAmrlJaJljSS!iWih!l detrcd bun to tbt friend of civil republican l0 y - tLiougUut-lh- foiled Suui- - TUc Union i proud of him but bow muih more s Mg,t Virginia ti be. If Virginia knows hit worth and cm apprecia'e it, why ha the turned a tar to In ealli upon her ton to rally round the a'andard of ihe constitution the nandard of tit il and political liberty Uie Hand. rl fcf our common eointry. Vrginia ii not what ihe used to be. She l.j deteriorated' in t her ardent and ralous it'a'hirlnt fur eonstitu tionsl liberty. There ii riot the tame aeiwtive new smung b r oitiaen. There ii nut the iane sbborrence of tyranny which was a peculiar - 1rait of character among ber t'm of the Revo f itimi. Dov not Virginia are the necessity of tier adopting a more energelick courae of cm 4fyct if ahe a'uliei to maiutain ber in the national council? Her influence hai been on the wane for sobj year pai, but we were tf bupea that the refent evtnt which have trnpired in tb State would have given freah tic and animation to bar eitiaen and have opened their eyes to the necessity of a more Vigorous and decided aotiou io the expression of brr political opinion. In the day of ber ...4tnry, -hex JdlcrasjA.luu. MauiV-al-tUUttL mheriof the nnte tamp, the we elaty lure, moil in the expression of her political senti ments. Of late she appear to be a avcrmg and undecided to be vacillating between two opin ion, though her very enateuce depended upon her taking the etrong ride- Een upun the mot trivial (juestions, o far a her immedi ate intereati are concerned, ahe ruauilcats a tioVi Jilv, a bckwrdnea and a eautiuus action which none but the most weak and imbecile ever oh Serve and which i itrong'y calculated to impair "the confidence which other State have rejoed ?n her opinion, became of ihe'r esrly and fear lea expression. We hope to ee the Old Do. minion retrieve her fallen condition in time. There are yet great men in Virginia- and it i .io them that we f look for the re-eitWihmtnt ,.. -uf bw political influence.. May. we not look In ..VK - ' . ... U ia truly mortifying iu tee into what riuku tjHia extrcmea the apirit of party oppoailioo will tjjn men. A New York paper convicted iome tune ago of telling a wilful and deliberate falte ooA of Mr'.' tlaudoipli' conduct on the board toncord hii given circulation to another rur. , n)ou; ,aemnt afp.t Kandolph'a .eeting in St. -WershTtrghT-whieb i evidently-fil fur mau? " jeaaons. However great aay be the odiTtiea Md pfculiarities of Mr Uandulr.ti we are sure; 1 , ' , . rri.ideaa of propriety are too refined to i'm.t Wm tn .utAr the dignity of the Nation he rep-: tennis at that illustrious court to be sfTocted in ; the MiRhteat degree by anv little improprieties ( which are deemed excusable ia Mr. Randolph j at home. We are pleased and delighted at hi aingulatitiea at home. They afford u 'untrue - tlon as well a amusement. If what has been Said of Mr. Randolph had been said of him whilst in the United States we should not have looked upon the misrepresentation in ao hein. oua ,a right. -r Aa it to ye ropk upon it aa en at- temnt to dearraile tha National character. We i o look, upon it as an atrocious crime. We do not believe that ii impo,ible to be true, but we are very much inclined to think it fahe and calum nious. At any rate, the account should hive come from the most undoubted source, and directly fernn the nermiM ahnm it i iiirl. heard hi Con- msatiott and iaw U action country eome . , .,. . . . come to f The opposition snatch at every little thing and convert a'rnole hill into a f tmmntain. a there no sorrcctfre fwjihia enor tnous mal practise r It is only to be stopped by frowning upon those guilty of the sins of mis- -representation and exaggeration. P. "S. We are happy to inform our readers that since the above article was indited, we bsve have seen a complete refutation of thi slander upon Mr. Randolph's conduct at St. tetersburgh, which is from an officer of the Concord. , ' A DIARY. The lion. Mr. Hutkiason was killed lately by , trail road Car which van over hifa and fractured aeveral of his limba. His loss to the commercial popolation of England wi'd be isreparable. He was an enlightened (Utesman, a profound law. Jfer and a polite scholar. , Us was tbe friend and adviser of Wellington And w july sdreaded by all political intriguers and demagogues. The parity of his character was proverbial. ng will England mourn his loss. Tbe Ne w.York elections commenced on the inst. and lasted three day a. We bave re ceived partial retunia which exhibit a large ma fcffity fpjr it RepubKcan ticket. Vi (nd U a pna4a?pt U tVf U Courier anl K rq lirer that fljigiuit baa here !:! red free and that the King, if HtHatd ht recg. nurd itr In e;enJrnce. Pru"ia hi aeknnwU edgrd ui Philip, a R'g of Traitrs avl da. dam that the will not fn LI'e U the afunjof Belgium, ftnrn and "ala "live alw tckuowl. edged tha oewa 'ate of fair in Prance, Prince Paul of WirtemSurg bit cotiHnttd to become King of Greece, , The electron for a member Con great from Doatoit in pUee f Mr, Uorlum. baa reaultrd ta fvour of the anft candidate by erv mijority over Mr. lm the ami lriff candidate. Tbia mut be irratifying to the friend of free trade when thr reflret that MrU e waanppoaed o'fTlimel'lTcbalerTfrT toll and other diiinguihel men ami that "fthm he wie ? " 4 Majnriiyf :ount of the execution of Ely'di W, Kimbrnugh and negro Carey which took place on Friday the Jtli inat. The atree aiyt the Reginter were literally filled with people. The number i ta timated from J to6.0'J0of which the frirule constituted the maj rity ! Mr, Editne q lit poli tick and commence lecturing nn ftmalc deli cary and refinement. ftijlivar hi been e"ed from hi retirement and re-appointed -President of Colombia. foii max snirs. The, icork of Urm'ulion si ill 110(1 orantij on ! ! ! Recent BTounta from Europe are highly in. teretting. Tin- whole continent appear to be in a itate of general fermentation, and no one part of much importance In a poli'ical point of view l.a eacaped the .Revolutionary epidt-nic hich ha tprrail to rapidly uf late among the Kuropean kingdom. It appear ome doubt are till enter'aincd of the durability of the pre acnt French government. Several faction yet ing different political view, concur in opposing the preeat government, the evutence of whicti mut fruitrate their d ign. Tbcy have not however, s yet, proceeded to ex'remitieY Matter are (till in an anteitled ttte in Spain. The following ea'ract give rime account of a reported inurrcction in lluvin. It appeara, that t-veri Ihe' cold 'bloc'! or flic Tluvsian Tia been wrmed by the inju.tica of a tyrant. It truth however ia doubted. The account of a military insurrection at St. Petersburg ha been spread on the fith of a letter from 1'iankfort, of the I Jth int ; but no djte is given of this extra ordinary event which, if well founded, can not have taken place (ill lubsreuetu to- the 4th of Septemter, the date of the last letters received a Pam. " " - The insurrection it said to have brok: ct oijK amongst the If oops who ere en gaged in the war of Tuilit, aod in cd atfjuence of a diacotitent which nianifes ed itaelf amongst them respecting the refusal of Ihe rewards that had been promised to them. It U uddeTtHat 20, 000 men had been killed or minded dur ing this insurrection a number which evidently, bears She mark of. cxatgera ' tton.: but obihtn of : U"Po4ttteir! effects, or Hoe pe rsori ioft heTEmpero. ,y . l L Howevet, it is :o be re marked, neverihe the time of the : insUrrec,imt brcikill? nlU ,he deh of lhe Em peror . Alexander, the first notice ol that commotion arrived by way of Frankfort, 8nd with great celerity. xe Revolution in Saxony and abdication of 1 King Mjximilinn is positive and certain. The j two f s,ram following w!!I give the reader all (ne dired information : REVOLUTION IN SAXONY", a!d ABoicarioit or cimg Maximilian. Lpspoi, ept. 2J. Priva e letters Iron) beipaic ol the 10th aiate, that ac counts had been received there of serious disturbances at Dresden. The Sot- ereign of Saxony is another exceedingly fitting inmite for the Royal retreat of Lulworth. He took it into his bead late ly, to abjure the faith of which bis fatni- gallant and zealous tie n Roman Catholic : and i lenuers, ana io turn . ' . , . . inot content wkh his own conversion, he must needs prevail on his people to be fter4e4&ockM..duct in the year 1830, is more deserving of pity than of censure. The people of Leipsic rmfned t he ftliafr4 impudenfettewf to deprive them of the noblest liberty that men can own ; but the inhabitants of Dresden, it seems, were not content with merely repelling the eftortsof the royal big otthey attacked the Guards on which be relied, and cast them and him out of t heir Protest ant n pity, T he hot el of the first Minister, who ia looked on every where as the instigator to mischief, was burnt to the .ground in the struggle. LoNDOKvSep,!.- 24. Th4Ut- news front Diesden states that on the 13tb M. de Gablentz, Commandant of the Nation al Guards, published a proclamation, io which the King of Saxony annouces that Prince Fredrick is appointed co Regent, and that Prince Maximilian, father of, Prince Frederick, ba renounced bis rights of succession So the crown, in favor of the Utter. .This proclamation, accom panted with the dismissaljof ..Coynt, Ein siedel, the piime minister, r as received with enthusiasm by the people of Dres' den; and on tht) Uih the King madft his entry Iota the town icconpiriUrJ ly lit Na Hcgffi', amldtt cnthutiitlic accla mulon. Prhea Fredrick U the rcprf lerttativt cf all enligbtened ideal of the country. Known at tbc friend of inV re iormi claimed by th majority ol b Jiaiont, hit app liniment to the Ittpfncy, whirh U i real acreiaioQ to throne oc eupierj by an old man 7f yaarafeff4e lurg pUdgf that numerout reformi talll be auccnu!ly fntroduced Into the politi cal ane) adminlitrativt tyitem of Saxony. Tha afairt of the NetberUndi are fatt draw inf to a criaia. The meaaurea of the govern ment appear to bare been peculiarly oSnoiioua. The attempt to introduce military Circe Into The proclamation of Frederick, Prince of th N'ethertanda, w Imrnt in the treet,, Sincf ftt trntt wyrtrtrnmgtir tWi Inrtttigeuce; bne nvrt .recenl .hat: juatbeeaaanouoced tabicb bring more important n?w. There haa been a bloody con flirt t llruaachj between the K'mg'a Troops and the populace. The fosner have been ditcoanfttvd and driven out of the City, In several other place tbey have experienced the same fat-, for the want of room we mutt deler a dc'ailed account of this transaction till next week. We bave received some account of Revolution In Bogota uf which we will take some notice in our next number. If a make the following extract from the aoeounts of the re- cent occurrences in the Netherlands. Pausu, September IS. The citv is again plunged in alarm by the sudden rgturn of the Deputies from the A,em blv of (he States General at lhe Harue The geatet confusion prevails, it is r xpected the King's troops will occupy Hrtmels either this evening or to mor row morning j their presence ia heartily desired- Agitation is, at its height, and tho Belgian ptrty ire) aoid to wish .now a return to order. We dread a starving, snd infuriate mob- - -ICeurier,' Hausr.Ls September SI. For the Ua4 iMM4lt drums Ivave- weew beattrrj- hv rms, and the tocsin sounding. I bo ad vanced posts of the Koyai troops are at our gates, and a smsrt fire of musketry nss commenced. " The disorder is fright ful. The people's minds are exasperated Six hundred ol the Burgher Guard have been dimmed by the populace. Part of Jhe guard have juiotd jbe people. t.very borjy i hiding his valuables. The women and children are leaving the city, which is iui;,.ved and barricaded. How will all this end I I-ikor, September Ii. The greatest tratiquiliiy h p evailcd here durine the night. The Cin Guard continuea to do duty with unabated it,. Gen. Van Geen haa issued a Proclama lion o lhe iahaUicou'rtbc city,ift tx'uh he Informs them ttiat-he hoped iq-spare the peaceaUe citixena the intonvetiicnces of the measure which he had long been auttiotized to take, but had delayed viz. dtciri i; the place in a state of siege, but that he had ju&i received orders from the War otfice to delay it no longer. The Hague Courant of September 33, says t According to private letters, there was sharp engagement on Sun tfaflienra arMonsT between tbelfoops and part of the iuhabiianis, which is said o have lasted three hours. Ao attuk made by the populace on the house of the Governor is said to Uave beeti Tine firat tau-e of the conflict. Tne Governor was oblig d to fite grapt- shoi upon the people, snd in the end remained master. Ac cording to the last accounts, the insurrec tion was put down; one of the superior officers is to said be severely wounded. ratftXfoxT-oi-Tai-Kii, Sept 16. -" Events in Germany bave, within tbe last few weeks, assumed a very aerioas character. Hitherto the disturbances have arisen only from distinct grievances, each Stale acting "on any General combination. But now a general and well founded cause of com plaint appears to have united forty of the States in one movement, without which, success would have been impossible. The great part of Germany has risen against the system pursued by the Direc tors of trie Customs, vr BieS" nltepWetf the coirotry o'f that freedom of trade so necessary for the expansion of its resour- cfis. ihe joiiowing intelligence win oe troly aurpriaingr andwhicit jouiiljnot find in the Austrian Observer, or any pie of Vienna have revolted against the Customs, 8,000 men have coalesced in order to release some smugglers who have dared to act in opposition to the will of Prince Meiternich. Discontent haa begun to ahow itself at Frankfort. The,i. a(. .bread .iauhc cause 'fty whet the pretext. Ooe of our Burgomasters was bung-in effigy this morningi.before tbe Hotel de Vtllc. May all these events'! terminate to the-advimtage-of hecorrjri try without a repetition of those excesses which attended the first symptoms of insurrection in Germany." Talc en Up BY JOHN BtX)UNT, and entered on the ea ti'ay books of Mecklenburg County, a smalt sorrel fane, five years o d fourteen bands high, the right bind foot white arid valued at 27 dallara. HUGH J McCAIV. Kronrr. WtoAavi, MtcMinburg, JV, C, Tnn MAiurirra. Aa''- tntn, .AVw, 13 t'otton f la ael, 2, clean corn 624 to t$, Amir 9i to 9,iL eef 3 to J 4, bacin I, nmlaaae 41, Urd & mii I.i:j,si4gar 11 to 12, coffee l? to 16. CUmh,4, . 4 Cotton 1U io It, flour bbl 6 a 6), whiskey 3$ to 4U, molae 31 to 41. Fatttuvilk, fVar-27 CMIrM. 1Q a 10J ( bacoa 9 a 10, apple brandy 40, com 43L naswad SI a IMS, lour, ne w 4 a i, molaaa 27a 30, au iui) a U,aaU 70 a 74, wbukvy 37, wheat 80a8J. CkarUmn, AVofw&ee I -w.-Coilon 10 a 1J flour It a 6, whiikey 27 a 34, bacon 7i U hama S 10, beat kind of bagging 14 to 23, eatt 44 a 50, eora 6i a 61, eoRea to) a 1 1 1 ..-..North Caroliua bank bills 2 per cent diacount i (Jcof. tf$J4ft cent jpremium, ( ComJtn,S'r. d.l.Cottcm 9 B l)f, Imir $7 a 7. out of the wagon, Camden Mill. 7 a 8, wheat 9U 1-8, eora yioat 3f, salt 62i wbia Y7. aC:f.Wn TO UT2ld"rZ.:T' Town Ordinances. WIIEREAencroachritentihave been made from time to time, on tbe Public Street ol tha town of Salisbury, by the erection uf Fences, Pianas, fWhr, PUtform and other Building, by which the ntuen have been in commoiiedi and wherea the aubject waa brought before tbe Town Commiasioners at their but meeting i It was thereupon unanimou'y (hdrrtd, that all fennea ami other encroach ment, wherever fitum! to exiat, shall be re moved by the firat day of f'ebuary neat, ia cases of neglect, all person so offending will be im mediately proceeded against a the law direct. It was further Ordered, that no person shall be permitted to place any Hoir, llhda Barrels, Benches or other artich-a, by which the pamget of the citizens may be obstructed, in the streets or walk, under the penalty of $2, fur each and tvery tuch offence. It wa further Ordered, that the law respec ting mad dog. pard July tbe 9ib laat, ahall be repealed, and the tame is hereby repealed and of bo further force. It was further Ordered, by the Board, that the above Ordinance be pubtihed in tbe Westers Carolinian and the Yadkin and Catawba Journal, 4 weeks io auccetNon. - BENJAMIN AUSTirf, CT. -StK,8ur!;-.i.m,Tm. ' 44S NEW STORE Wagon Yard BY Z DAtTZD OLATT01T. milE subscriber offtrs to his friends ami tbe 1 public, a general assortment of DRY GOODS, viz: Blue, nlack, Brown and Drab Clotba, Castimeres and Cassinetts, Fine London Duffill Blankets and eotree blan kets for Negroes and Saddlea, Red and White Flannel, Camblet ami Plaid Cloak, 3-4 to 6-4, Unbleached HonvesTiwirwnd Wenched Sheeting. B k sjubn aoa cotton tjamonck, Calicoes, A good aaaotlment of high and tow priced L.I onens, Ladiea Stocking, Iro, rentlemen's whole and half Stocking. .1 large aasunment of Domestioi and SUkav - Cultnn Bagging, Bail Hote and Twine, Cloths for Wggn Covers, Sd(l'es, Bridles and Whips, A large assortment of Hat from 2 to JfJ ' rtnciur t juapafiir jynlle.Ten. '"-, . . . , , . Writing pap -rand patent Medicines, Hard JVare Crockt-fy1 and mss Ware, Hoes, Axes and plough Moles, Nails, Black smith' toola. Salt, Molaaaea, -Coffae, Sugar, Tea aml lW Sugar, Hum, Brandy, Gin, Whiskey and Wine, Mackrell, No. 1 and 2, Flour by the barrel. The Stock of Goods together with a great many articles too hamerou to mention are of fered low for cash or country produce. I aanure my friendi in tbe country that the goods are all fretb and of good quality, my best endeavour shall be to pleae and serve all who may favour me with their custom. My North Carolina friend ami others are respectfully Invited to call and examine the quality of my good and their prices. 1 will buy Cotton and other pro duce and will give tbe Market price at all times. I win also keep Wadf wide Ctothr otr hand of every rdeicnption, and will make up eloath to order at a abort notice and in a neat and fash ionable style. My Store and Dwelling ii two doors above Mr. T. W. Jolinsoo's 8tore and Wagon Tard, Kins? Street. My Wagon Yard is a tew doors sbove my Store, in the centre of the foatoo hatjqeas corner of Ring e'HLCannon, Streets, Mr. viewer's old stand. The. Yard ia in fine order in every reipect, having undergone com plete repair. The Yam is high, dry and large, with a ranee of shed 165 feet long with troughs and racka4JL Dump of waters a new house wu4ca. ja.enGviH;si.wjui ..aTU.aH.Miw. . MsmtSt.. Mr. W'tengs will keep tbe house open for any asjasv ilaar alanat sTaaTlaiaasfnwsll iVsaT , them. Corn, Oat and Hay kept on the pre mises. DAVID CLAYTON, Charhtton, Ovt. 27A, IIU). 4t4S North-Carolina, IREDELL COUNTT. BY Jonathan Mason and H. Cone. A sorrel mare 9 or 12 years old, 15 hands 2 inchei high t both hind legs white, snd spotted on tbe back andold ahoaon before, with Ap praised by Jeremiah Geather anol-Greansbury Oeather to JJ18. - 2t46 J. OLIPHANT, Ceunjr Ranger. 'LTie Farmers' & l'lanttts' . lALMANACj. r - KJ. 1 f FOB CakulatUJr the Meridian f Salem, JV. FOR SALE AT THIS OFF.ICE, c. Price, per dozen, 75 rent, Sjngle, 10 oenta. Uuuie am lioU for Aalt . f IIir. s.i'i-rilirr will ,,r rent .. f l 4jaw hi houe and bus ia llun'a t J 1 1 f k'irry court, it ihe Sb.llow C, ford of the Tadk'.n. Tbe hois ie pacKMis, my'sf d convenient. If In eibt rnom,ix 8r places, and alt tli necsary tmf , houaea, such a stables barn, kirr.hex, fc., to, i-h a very fine well on 4h lot. Th- above house will amwft either lor a tavern or dl ing houae. Iwtff, the patmeni Will be made to suit the onvemsn'? n it.e purrhtter or un thttrtlf A great bargain may be bad In tha. alr1l this property. Isr"n aiitiii.g m pur. elbse will apply to Prt'y C'ingsmon, fci of thnvtlaearov ts Vt DnevMlt f wwrfieat,. . -villa or to myself SMt fae f on talibiry, ...flfM. r. STOCKTON . . . (T: -7 THE subscriber rep.ectfuliy iuforms tha eU tiaena of Salisbury, that be propose giving" a course of leatona in Ptnmn$Up in this plare upon a system which has been tsught in the Northern Cities and more recently at Italeigri snd Chapel Hill with unprecedented aureus, Tbe course of exercises is cateula'ed, during tbi term (Itf lesson) to give any one, with applies, tion, a free, elegant, aod mas'erly buainei hsnd, combining legibility, compsrtnnd facility of execution, Tctimouila of ehaysoiar and aue etas a a teacher of the art may be seen br sp. plication. I'erson intrrtsted are aofici ed t call at Mr. Ilaughter's Tavern and estmins bis specimens- A suitable room'will be proceed. sooo as s ela can b fu med. Ao trill be taueht an elrgtnt t'utri if or any r f 'he Or. numtnlul Aowa. Terms gt. Riatlonarv extra, A. MACLAt'RIN. SWi.aVy ,V 13 A 18.10. Iw Notice, I win hire aeveral vtluab'e Negroel and fM i valuable Plantation lying on the Tadin River, tha former rrtiAjir tJ Um r. tita. dee'd. on ibe 24tb of I cember next i the bin ,g will take place on the premises. It r ilesirsbla ta Aire and rent In lh aim k.m.ui lit ..r.l IJtal tAft ifrgroa.majL Jbc. .Tttav. piainanon in question, oesicira rr,e upiaiwja, ai r-dy cleared, contains a large body of bottom land in a h gk state of eiiltirauon. The Negreee are valuable and atifTi'irnr to mnrk rt to adan 1 tge. M sr William Chamber and Williant 8. Macay will attend io the butines aa my agent D. F. CALDWELL, 6W4un. Xivtmhtr I6M, 1810, 6143 The ttuhftcribiir WISHES irp Mil hi Plantation, aitoa'ed in tbe county of steck'enhurg, mile) south-east from Charlotte, containing abtuif Serm hundred Jcrcs of U7M) generally of roo.1 qua'nv. A tiold Minr hs rea cently b-en (lisciered upon Ihe premises. Fof furilier particulars, spply to I)r Samuel Hen' derson hying on the plantatimt. THOMAS I. POLK, Sumtr fhn. .. Ct MWJ, I m. - -rsm-.v.-r.itto..- RtlBERT'ltr nURTONVEiq, CUecttrf thi Catawba .Vaii'o?irn Cimjt iwy"' Dili atai IN pursuance of a Hetition of the President . and directors of-.the ('ailffba .Navigation Company ealrrng wy-the Stockholder inlaid"'"" Company for the fourth and filth inttalments oat -each and every, share, you are hereby re.;V quired to apply to the Stockholders for thai same. . ISAAC T. AVERYrrritJmc- ; . . AcaeaW J1V . .4 4S - - Jlcn DoWat ?feiUv arAA RANAWAT from ht sTibiert. ber or wa kidnapped, -Jtsftimn namoil-JVUftrvbts- wa placed on my farm in Kaaan conuty, N..C. She ia aoout 35 year of age, of the common color of negroes She is stout, well built of rather a sulky eminten ance thick hp, and baa loat some ot her teeth t he lias likewise a scare long ways her r st, Anp person apprehending said negro, and lodg. ing her in jail, sw that I get her again, or deliv. ' ermg ber al my residence in Cabarrus county shall receive the above reward. JONATHAN HARrSELLi Xev. Bth, 1130. 4Jtf P. S, Any person purehssing negroea ha! better examine closely, since I am determined if she ha been kidnapped, To prosecute all con cerned to the. utmntt extent of the law. . I think: it more than probable that she has gone toward Lincoln county or in that direction. J, H. Notice. IirBSU ANT to the Will of the late Dr. Jsme -MUll, I will eH three aharra of Stock in the Branch of the State Bank in Salisbury Tw 9 ot toeae snares ere brqueattted to the "Trus tee of the General Assembly of the Presbyte. risn Church in the United Sts'es of America'' forJbe.aHipporliitMiguaiie the direev tiM -of eaid Asmbty These two thire ttiA Trtisteee bave given ne a letter of Attorney to meft t W Tiiisft rith'eS other'share taaEeT qneatbment to the Concord BiWe Society whirJi I propose fop safe as an Executor of Dr. Half for tbe use 01 that institution. SAM'L. KINO, ' " 3t47 Auvrnry fir thi Trtutm and Emfr. if thi , Dr. Uu& Navemher 8M, 1830. , lauoring. , - THE atibwribef would respectfully inforal the inhabitante of Rowan and the adioimrne counties that no liaa eommenred' ihn ahnv K- mm Ti tineas at: the Veaidenee of hia father, old John Beaver, eleven miles South of Salisbury and one and a quarter mrlesfrom China Grove Post Of. See. As he has been for a long time engaged in tbe business, and aa cuts out- gameirta by Ward's Patent be trusts he will be enabled to cut and make garmenU at well and cbeapef than any tailor in this part of the country as tho following list wilt bw, vie : - For making fine eoata front 150 to 3.0), - do do eoarse do da LOT) to t. 50." do do flue panfalaons da to 75, - . do do fine yeats do 6?J to 7.v DANIEL BE iVRj'. Jl.m 4y. AVe4 ! 1 tMr.1 ft J "

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