rw ""l Vc'c tiooth. U frii. Ihrif fiicn.!. ! lh ptibl.O W (C' Mure Ness utu V!tun (ftcn $ Mcman F'lT.rTft'!I.V the iMeUi L . ttey ant " "jMT.ifjt ! f-H w'l'1'7 " hit will fee t"iil, uwL, Un;, "Vr.l.t; i . I 1 ! !.!.,. 1 I j . , i.-, I. i a: ' J.TIOJIAEL CA07N R R Ik. hUlMN l.. IIWAlti"jJ t .ll It.WKRTrV l,V..)tTA i si.r. r i.j in r,l,J i (' , 1 m I ry bi;'h .tU.f Siora io 6U'e iMMe, lla """f f"-7 ftr no lccelmr rnl iifieiurir f tht, i3l Store in 8liJjUf. J4irlJ mKi ,S w Sljh Fancy and Staple erTtlI i l "P,'""I.T ' ,!,,M ,0 1 Ccuefl Virtmcnt of, f ,'; "77..". . . .1 fl II . I ll ... . . . . I 'i i, nr ( i, ii. r f.tit, 1 . i ! I .t.m.m' fry 1 I -. t-i i- ir'ii' 'ii itinUii. niVl ' ,. ,t h I'.i Hjf. ,- ! i !.'! I s t r,i.'iii at Lit pliM'l , Caislaurts, Vutlrrs, ; . Doixitlici, CitH'drt, ' Ci?inrtlt Turk, ma Mitciru nj ..n,..... T ! "I;.. V."r;. ,k-i..- lrH,rt.r,0r.i in :i.rmr..UUn. i.ich IIm p.,u,i. Uf U. Spring fW., :! , ; ..T; -flol, u U, M fa, ,.r f ,h, llii, t orr fw Miy hp " a uw lor Tlirv rrmrctfii !y tm-rf their tMmm M U r.nb.lHM.Kbl II-.'.i ; n,,c, h,y J f fpSL.b&c c-ll d U,e2 T Sit,t, Salt tut, ; rurcMem r - - ' . . ., -ll .n.l 'KWrt. l:. - . ; i b.tjbrrnrv hit. tor: .ii' ewl c'f Aroil M.bfi'M,Tiil Ei l.i M inifuJiin never dr Ji . b mj pea-tful cot. I. ! t with fi'r coftpflenc, I find tit m.fta'j never en II. -!li an I tranquility frf "linJt lkn choice! (pi"' J i!1' Hooks J B ibles ! 1003 wl.f IW JF BOOKS. ' - c.7ju floor ,:.v sTjriojitr. Turner T: MugUva, A T th Nufh 'r"'"' 'ui'iii''i Il-vik' n. t(e,o d'loi a'.jtve tb. ft.t.-fXfl-c, ll. . t,ri!!ef?tt, lUS'ii, ire rT-mif.ff, io addition to tlcir pre, ni Stock, Urge and vev general iov rtrv I ; tomprriu,, -i !! k,r. Pi'y 1ft th r.rious lrpartv.; (f l.w. .MtvKim, rnut-'T, MiwiUiit, For. Tar ni FiCrioS: alio, Kngiit'l La'm, J.-fvii ml! Jr-.-ie Hio-.l li.w-ks of every J a. i ,. no. ' -lft'.r with Uic ir.iKQt of bTv.ioaa.Kr fcri fintf article. inatruroenral 1 a U''" coll.ciion of l)rr Jr nts r.n(fraina, t ar c.lurr. and elfRa' t H a'er fl'-el fiiitirrj 1 rdftd, p-H..nC(i ..avii Xikin arilir.f tfjer. 0 Wm .uuliti-i lratt.f and U noi ri i'aper 1 Uafion.'a u.trrior abater eUnr , I.ckI ft "Cila ami t,ravci., U-a'. nd Pencti) Ja'iin. Itrd a:d Unrnl.l - Ink , In. d a "uhherj Urik, i'fkel and Cork I 'md, bcaliuf Wat. kVfer, fcucl Saiid. UuUla. Sand Bo"! and L 'tr i'. ntt Hof-rn' bea''a arvd lUaur hlrp; J.'to Tocket and I'm- knitrel j a-lfa!urpe.iii "tilfer IVncda ; S.ltri Silver 'Bonntrd Spec;ac!j Walkinif Stick a, tiip ami twiif ruling Vhip( Paptr lUnK',rlr,, F'owcrd and bord-rmi; Papri j tr and hintr Srre-na ; I'ajtvbairdii, Wrap- A lo, a frrrai variety !' HivaK Itnoa, mii.r b e f-irC"rki fW Courla, U- lairra, Shf .-.(r, io I l'chanii Memorandum !..k Copv an I Cvnbenn do. 1 lientlrmen a i I . l.i ' I'm kct JKoakt pbjwdJy.jkvi-Aibuj-i..Xoj tann ntr hrwika ' 1'vkn and .-ttlantit Vori, foi' T5-i I, eitiu.-l. I tt-whlrrt-!Kitirw -ayh-iaUreiliujt. li'trrary matter. .Ja fcw.-t.-THM trrta nfth faS f'ni ta .. .' ygl. a f . . . . .. w III V IVIW V.M"I wM .-j'!r prlrrijji fine I'lre a;f wrfl buuoJ "Tlift wor5 . it IfcrtMat jbe rduc-.d p ice of and f J . three or aVpre Cop, are takrn, the pnre w.ilj b rducl'to Svl per set!;. Lhura F.ipoti.j - lion of lb 0M and Near Fratim-n., lenWuiy j - hjond: Clarke'. AitMMmeinwfi i-ic, .. All new jTrTcerrrrit Tftuive V;frTjrrntlyfTrTil':;-rifr r-fc . Jlaoki luM ve to be procured but in l:w Mom. j Ii thf Lir tlrpartrrt'it, thdr colhctuin .. -tnv ea'-"aiet TlH-V-ic-iff'iH- -ial'0 yef.y rofal havr)j t.kcn jr-al pania to prneure itamiartl woi k Tlih i ;v 1. lit-noniiiia-1 linn f Chrittiaoa. They i'ivit . ?i ..: !u-u'ion of. f,,u.Mnra of yu h, to th- ir nuv of t'l.;sicsl Pr d totnakrit complete. IndrVu. a :'l a r' -ral and e'e"aive of tKaniiary' ' 9 ka, I'l f vrrv branch of Pupt.Ur and vek-nli'lc Ed iration, poMti-g for the mot' part, lii-' ' . r it. .... a... . ... ::.. . yexrco Ol eact urmr, t.'Him uc iimnu in voc , .i.!..-ii nfanv B.wik. er.n tiir S'ate. Th& f. 1 lsirfr. nn diinrallion to boa! of thia. tbev have only avaoed il.emaelvea of toe advan. ,. ta.a wUicti have come in their wat b-in ibe utooiird agen's of aurne of the moat entcrpri. r": f"PUhraaud. ileaiext in lire Union. . ' Gft.Wmen of the Car, tliuae in lite tudy and - r.L-tie of mrtlicine, public, private i.od ' JLibrartet, Aeademiea and School, al those " ayjio purchA to aril again, will be a ipplied nn the ovt.1 reasonable terms m'h all articleaia Ih? Book and Sia'iona'y linej including ail the publication printed in tiiis S'a'e. Alt on v to, , If the articw orderea i not 00 hand, it Khali be procured either in the City nr from the " -2S"oTthTwllpde'ittw '" ivcver eceed'.g that at Viuch k leli in the 7 IVoniiern market. ' Peraons at a dialance dstlroua of forwarding pOfUflT. wi;i naTe a ratn-eTiirnf nppnrmniiy tot rarmitri''gthe'n throtigh their Kepiracntativei 4J1 the Legislature. 4VUK fit AUC VIOX. ? TTRNEH tt HCUKKS hate also on consigni " Tpenr, a large tjuantiiy of Book, which will be f nulvl at Puhlic Auction duiitijj the Sesvion of the Legialature, Amon theae, are many valuable and rare Wort.,. , . !TW wWW1q4:uvtihtti;ulvK, as the vrtU be sold. Htiptvrt.v vt-morT rk- ' tB. A'iit.lfci f 'oi f.Vui ti pirn ha ITnle, .,4.. .t kJk.,.pfivm,'M'Mtx A. fe ed im thi tVy lij.!e'gh, October 19. 1830. TaUen A5 atuY t onunUUvl; fW0 lt 7 jrVil of Rtsw an couuly, on "tlse i7tb i.ors,t.t, a Ncgrq hoy;w tuf'says hi name is JbAn, and belong to Archy Cowthon of Grsn Vilje county, N, Carolina, and left hi mauler dome time In May lat, in the Male of Gecrgia. Said boy it about 2" or 23, yean old, common tM2c, dark complexion, 5 feet T inches- bigh, (ek quick whin poken to. The owner is reqtiest d t com forwaid. prove property, pay ha gei and take hitn awav. r-i trfr 8$. liwij 4r - J. SCO'IT 4- A. V. nUAXDON, If T. litmed rrnrulHp Uit Ilia Hir. pw of MLHCIt.t.VDIZI.SU Uui. Oi MM and oilier Staple Com-mMiiira ol ihe ririMl.y, Tbe.f ai-ortor.l of rcUaJi4 of t iin'i r' ll'i1 f llWt I HI of tvery defer ium, on lare !, W that U rclu lU fii a.. .art ol tl.e cotutry ciiien. irii, fan be anpiisd Hii art arnc'a of Vlrr. cUittu tiicu (Ucy in.' Uh M buy, or oficr. In lUi- iiro'cry linj t-j. b m Smart, Cnfftr, Salt, Tci, Nniritt foirir,n & D-tituslic, JMotawt, Uiseinf, Honing, Fish, Jilts. Shoot, Siltfrt, In the nr.!'e !iueMich article! u .- MS'iirs. CrbSicut'Satcs, Anrils, Vices, I lnrs, Chains, lion, Slat, .Vails, llam.nm with errjr uiher tnick thut can br inriiliorif d, H l.lmon I j nl.ich they Lave i.ry cteiiivu nn v coons? handim ty ; t-cteii, all ul wincit tl.ey plrdife tlirii.M-Heato acl! low upon very a.Lui'tutu(l.i . Icrin. eUirf:' at iVhol--v.U r lu'a.i- GUti mm 1 r I; KAN Ou.N. UtHitr UiA. M3i. ATTENTION I i IN conneq-icnce t the djy appcinttJ , , IlltyuiMi, r ,C -r ;tr- ' refWUeaiat Auhumavnad.oa the sbortitd ; COCilu-.' o (.-lirtatm s, . they wilt 17.. .I" riM- .t.'f.-.i-a .. a, ..- on the rt t4turdJ7 More, (;hritiH-aUilhc l,ihf,,,-. --.,-, moderate trm. - " I5v orJcr of t apt .in, . n. 11 Din, say , r, . ...1 . ... ir - .fa w. a -aaUiL LJYJOtivlU'AUlieiia fme Cjats, fcc. -.1. iP ..?.L;.1.J.:.l-.'.L''J will !t: '.v 11 I a nt-'it a.M od w agn tli il ra'c 77.V rilt t: IVorknrm an. I i.ulu.ti i.h: habit, one who urcu: io.iRd lo wo.k on Tinn Mac'ii-" . DAN ILL- U CUtM. 4 hi Negroex IVanled! 'i nt. a 1 L-'Ciijeri. are desirous of purchating '" umL-cl .St.: mOLS. (or which they Kill pay hberal price 't ruA. Application miy he made,, tiiher bv le-lter or i.i per-o;i,.io J"i i Mritih Mn!GN'rnX,or J.vmk Hon in SAi' lM.L KV. who will be riady at ull times 10 acco;r4riiikl.f iliiiie wrho mif rtb wti ciiauB'8 Netrro ;roncrtv for JA.MK3 uric, JOslAlI IRtC. An 22-1 1330, 5 CaViiel aakUvi iiusintft. rntltf J -sd!rscWBrr' "rspecrfatiy"informs the jl. public Hut he will carrv on the .7 Vattittl Aldking Jlasincss, " in ths 'ttotue formerly occupied - by Tliomna Hcttoii, a Tavern: The house ia on Main Street a h . dewrt ciit. of .UieLCourt-JloiiaeJ. Fwkefe h -Ut'Mtrt yon -the -above owarnwrrmore eitfi.ruvelv than evr was done in thia place. 1 lie material, ahall be of the Fmt quality, and his " work" eiocuied in a durable, tashionaole and elegant style ; and his price shall be moderate to correspond with the time. Orders, from a dialabce, for SitUluar'd ; Bureaus ; . Dinirtz, Ureatyast, Card and Indies trtrr.Vfljr.fM ' 'Secretaries andvvrkinfDcsB ; Candle Standt; 'Wush Stands, . liedstmMr-c executed on slinil notice, and atrictly in accordance with directions. ' The sdhsejiher aolicit the. patronage of the public, and hope he will merit it. ' t N HUKA110 W OODSON. vi ui,i830J N. n H. Woodaon, returns bit thanks to tbe public, for the liberal patronage he has received at their hinds and hopes it will be continued, job rnhy 77.VG?, ' Of EVCttt tttSCRIVToj, i " at tics orncE. ii fa-met copa. a. f o.iiom ol cafrjrr e i lie buiii . m il 'i notllbta..cbrt.iiHit' ! sS?Z0m rmit'Mirjf. p he .if "V. " F ' ' . a.1 ng ... "- , " -V noon min i ."'- - iry V,J cniuily llcpmr m iiiirr.f Watcli-, n, t'loektj tnd i nn- rirc- a, and arrant ihrtti j ' i0 WT(f,a mt Ami re prepared t maniifir. i ,1(rr rMJ y hrrp nn t.anil lur .aJc, alt d acnp- j U.m.i of Si!er Ware, tucli aa (kh . UUlt-a, fwiar fon(. fcc- v rl1 'r"m 'I'1"6' ul o promptly eiftuteil, ami iit iy reiuroeu axemdiiiC dueci.ont. A Ru..d atoormei.t of JCSV'i I ItV .ill je kept WiuUiilly '0 baud, and IJ I" !' 7 JWIKS U. lliMIT-JN, JDJIN C. PALMtR. Jme B. liafipUMi IcnUera b a ratelul ao knuwiedrfcucnU lo Ibc iti C, I " ie norra. patronaK Litberto eler!ed to bimaclf jndiI uall) . and reaptcliull, ak a cjnli..ul.ce if it to the fir n ol viliicb be ia pu.tntr. ,i. U. m- .mlefcted to bim. are earntrly '!e,r u m Ii.. iidie tLeir account aa auon ai po..iblt ; a hi m w arrartfrmeiit mkei it nc.nrj old d. Up. , Vo Urngtr lo Vie, " nl off." "Visit No. t a and aceouuti of A. ' Mtcucc. and .WL A. Torrence L Co. arc pUcrd ill tin. IwimI off'. L. Torrence, fir to!ltciim( am'. I would 'U c ttite intereated, tu o-t In'ri 'cfnt o-;i I du.t tx-frre May Court. A. I DKIU.X K. i" UcmnvnV TIWAL1S DICKSOX. Tailor, I TI-p r.Spr.CTFLXI.V infoi ni. biai U!tomrr,aud j D IV llie public generally , that b- rcmovi d I hia SHOP, to the building formerly occupied t)y l.owry and Terap'cton, and more recently by Uaile W, Hampton, ai a Tailur'a SI. -p ; on tin firt-rt, the wet aide, a few duo. a from the 1'ourt ll.iuae. in the town of Salisbury; where I he ia prepared to etecu'.e all dcacnpiion of io llie .fi:t rale aule, haum; 111 bit ;Vipoy ait or arveo Ciat tat workmt n, which i e.ai4a Uim to da arrk-on tU,Uoet;al Jivtice. n , -..Ti-arntenta wdl be All ordrrt from a dialance for work, will be moat laithlully e-ecuted. acctlrding to direction, ....I .I...... .1 :-,!- t,m. ll.l WKlil.l HIE . 'V,,v-. .......... ....... .. .,. .. 11..J.1". " - . froto i'liu-Uclw.. wLkb will a 1 a LA a a. w m. m mi a attcr the I moal wnpoad atylev I SuHttmrs, .IpriL l.rt. 13.0. Notice. T HF. aabacribi rs liavii, qualified t ETfat- tut of 1 he l-M Will ami I eiuit;..t ol Jm-e i Harprave. tKc atd, at 'he August lerm ol Da i fid-on county coilrt 18dU, hereby Rfe no4ic to ail pi-iuii. hani( eiaiin-, cVlns dui, or de roanda .a'am.i aa.d .a an, to pie, nt them lor Dvmeni. a.i Uemiiia id wi'h.n the time priaca&ed b law, or notice will be plead io har of their recovery JAMK! vViStMAN, SAML. HAHlillAVt, .Yaruil t3i4. ajJ. All person ii d bed to id F.tate are re. (jue.ted to come forwaid ami make payment, as no indulgence cart be ifit-'n. Colloii dm aMttk'mg. fBilF. ubM;iiber respectfully informs the citi rr,...-. 1..." ...1 .i... . i: . aeus 01 Maivou, miu. uie a.ijut-ciiv i-i.un. ( tie, ,... . l ......... I.:. Cnn I uiai uc iiuiiiimmb tu mil v 011, hi ma .-mi 1 . in l.exincton, he busineM of Making COTrON GINS; "equal to any -maotifaeiwred in thAJJailed States 1 indeed, hi t.ins are prefeivcd to alt others, by those who hnye Irievl them j' and have found i ready sale throughout a Iaigc ex tent of country. Uii price shall be as reason able as at other shop 4n the Southern Ail ordura will be promptly attended to, and dim fJniaheJ in the aliorteat powible tiii.c. Rtpoiring of OIna will be done on the abort. est nwtice, and in The most substantial maimer, bVfhe public's bumble servant, 77171. 1IF.NUV A, CLING AMON. . frjinglon, Mag 26 A, 18 0, . - 21' . .zDririnjs ta FatfcUnilfo J Wit jVmJ rt,0'4liir advantage, to stop at the If Wow TurJ, where tverv con- venie'iice is provided for Man andj.lorse to make iGerneomfor'u cents a day and nighu for the privilege of the Yard, the' ue of a good house, fire, water, and shelter.' Attached to the Yard, are a Uirocera nd I'rovision Store, Bread Shop and C'onfec trormry, and a llous for Boarders and Lodgers, in a plain, cheap, wholesome and comfortable lytic. FayelievtUe Jpril, t 182$ 11 1 1. j - "" ...... Writing 65 Wrapping Paper MANUFACTURED at the SalemTaper-mlll, for sale, on moderate terms, at this office JLWK miltlt lATS, TOR SALE AT THIS OFflCE, i. i .uiZ. . ..-'..i.i- nmJu tiltn i'l .ii .1. . .rtt i f,-nf tht ir t. ...(.T,.,. a. .:.,i .j ikk.,. a wl ii.,r nv citw; Ktrnf.on, ranitid .d lair ikalmf, 'o n.rr.t ! cnntinuaace of tbr- mxii. I ALKXANIH It Ii COWAX. nr l.ii.W.f. ( fc ;it wj; ,iMKI cm gli K,te y h ju (((.ilrr lU, ,r) . ma) b, ellMl(itl, , e!lMt. ,tl concern. A. U C. . S'pt. 7th, fiintoO r 'S iio rriciin2 tul t pt-iufig ' im "ior in Siiburv a Uie ud I'retli uj ly of alaiort : eery kind of j GOODS, wiitc.l Io all ejiMtn of lb- yrar. nr ffvle n. I nait -rna of the l.tfat importation!, arl,nr I hr . Lima. If a-vl .n nli much ca.v in Pbiladtlpb.a a i l Ne Y ;k ar.d boncbl wbollv and i .tirHy , f r r!'i. Piircl.fri and t'-e public are infi'r d ! ,of l and rxat ini-llir av.rimriit A eer' j inducement in the ttav of variety and ntrtn.a. liiwnra of rrir t preled totbi m- J. M I !- tha' by uiirernittcd n rlimntO Iff iSrr a ill. the .iUnc' of utlrntivr a'nl turn f .l a'orr-krrpera 11 nil rit a conlinuantr of tliat patronage for liirli he let-la in murp mdrli'ed In a libreal arwl neeTm(f public 1. . .More .Vi'rocft Vvi1m. f 'IK aubrribf r wiahrl to purchase durtrtg 3. the tail and winter a number of neroea, fir liirh tl.e nrnai lilirral price will be-'iven in rj,h. He wi'l br foM.d in Salmhury al all tirti' b tln.a lo call and rc him. All Ifrt'fi Bddr-rd . him fmrn a dtMatice miH le proirpiU aMeiiilid lo. KOfiKRT II' IE. . Oct ?;, wn. v, t Es'iminnlion. public K xinni't'i'in of (lie pil il in the 'I'l.ln ry 1 e man A .:!. 11 take uiace on WedieaiJ"), Nov 4!li, and 'lit' lillouing diy. :!t-!S t.'f.H. I.. BhFW fnnnMl ' tl iV ;M a W U mil c rnun RAICICII SALIaBCIlI. &tl?fr, .'"--r' ?'Jfr i 'f'TJ&'M 4 r.' 1 1 -. J. - .a a I, -feJtL .V7'.?f7f; '..., S5. II f.MlLU thia arrangement. llu: a'apa Jiiili. tt . " 1 " ."T ".7.7. .77. "Z " ".7! " " B " T. ; ,u iii an up a. . a. v. m i n m n ub v -7 iwii . -e a'icoiif uouauo.i la ifuouT... , , , 1 ,. . ,1 . v. i i . . . ,1 , , . .-tfc !faauitera wlio arw lek;lHiif trum lUJeiirli to I l.ll.lliir. n- I. ,,..... . t . ..f-.l:, i' ; w ill find thia to be Hie vii. iv i. 111 jinn 1. 01 nuurj 1 ......... I . . .1 . cat, ami mrt rxprtfmontTuiirerWi i ' p-f -t-i tr ' ...i 11. , 1 . v .. . - rs,. -"i;i wuuaicwavruiM irum .-..iMiiurv .onil, avill fiml tliia mmii. I- in- ... L.l...k 1 ! i. I , . ,, , " . l rUr ourp. to Of tl.r nrari'i. . 1 iimir.i m,, ....... . ... VII IIBIV-.ll IIU 1 eti-r.-burg, to be tl.e iiearct, clieapeat and I mnt i-xp. aldouH Mil's i'.m cn In 1. availed 'o ; the Norib, by two tUv. , iw--iigr wtro; travels thu rtmt from aliitu'v, b. tl.e wav of llileigii and I'eu re'uiri. to tanii.irtoii tiilv. wil g.. it in five dava. and w ill sleep lwU U tit five ail I.I !,! " j out ot The Coiiracior will pledge himtelf to keep! firtt rate Mail Coechi s and jj.iod ;eiitle horsva and drivers ,.f the bekt kimi ; an. I he will anare I '' imn? i-i trvtnff to r? ruler ihoj-t! uhn iiMimiiiaai i htm, comlortable, and ufc throuL'h It.s mute. 1 V. , , h . . . , . r'. 'ers who aie unacotia.n'ed with t us .,,,,. I? . , , : " 1 rm: e will cure seatt liv anphra'.ion at Mr E ' P fin;..'. mi.i i 1 1 1 . .. i'-i . - - 't I. iiinmi s Hotel, in lUleirh and at Mr. Nil ham 11 vi.i.,j. -j . 1 c . . II. slaughters rtote , m Salisbury. 1 Tl,. ...... 11 1 . . 1 - 1 ... , I lie stagej will have Sa isburv evev 'Ved- nevlay ami Saturday, hi 8. A. M. and arrive in ' ti:K - i-v. t t.-... .... .. t,tii i oumoav aiu. .tiuikuv, a. t r, ..I. win in.v iiMirii:ii ercrv k.-ll iv. II l. l .1 1 , . , . ' Saturday at 6. A. M. ami ,t w.!,'.-..'.,- i. tanesaav anu --- i v f 111 1 aty u J jevct-y. 1 hiuatkv.. and.iiuuUy.L Jr IV .Vj,...i, liLURUL WILLIAMS. Ctmxactor. -Jmt. Hi, -25tf f "fc. ih ln.k i j. ; Of i 9 ,., 1 hlr f y "om my p'sn'atton tn K Jonfs foiintv. in m-groes, one Tirat ' Tiamf-if Vt;tTivfTTnKT -- f-a 'v ii nn'a'ion tn Tiamttt WASHINGTON, -about year 01 ae. a verv bright mti.auo, on one of h.s hands there is a scare occasioned bv a trin ! -h- ill -v. ' . .---... v unlive o.a name and endnvor to pV, or, fe man. The other named JOHN. common mulatto, about 30 .Le2 glJgjMiSffl?..;. hftJwOj.cob.i: !, a, the servant of,,,, t,,d chau his name. rewar.l of?", I..ii. .. : v . lor the delivery of e.ther i,, anvMUHltat. I IMohtr lOW. 2tf ICPThe Georgian, Kvnrulj; the Teles cop;, Columbia, S. C , d liichmopd Enqui rer, are requested to pnbJiil, theabove wteklv untd forbid, and then forward Uieir account, to J. LAM Alt. 4 libera, price will be given, i.,, for clean IM. hntBirjd cotToitTrags."" Aoply to ci v , in 't tARICIiXT, Suisiury, .hpai llik IbovJ. . J2tf ; FOR SAU iiLLF, uken 1 1 etrTun(rTfirtiftr N. B. II U L.Uwi 5,"' priIrJ tif the scimnioJuiion of ti... yi - V...,..Ba fivrilJ. be ..:! by lite inbrribrra. to lU in. niiU dtl.i.( iiuun of tk e Tb..r. Chan.lirn, or. tl.e VaUkio Riiir, ( tmj, our l.a. lv l lua',lo ConiaUU( of men, omen, bo) t and j Xty Honrs, iUultt, Calli; llox, , ' '; Unrip, It'iigonf, ' Farming Tools, bc0 A credit of . n.ootbt will be give ii, b) tU puriiijrr gim (f JK1.4I, witu two or inore ip. I"""' wcuniua Tbe Sale .ill Cont.riuofii4i day to day ui.r.ll a.l i. W I. CIHMP.F.U". AVr. (nit) CUAMU1.U.S, .tdu'r. Suvrm'-ir 2nd. I.!u. 3,44 J)lrx. K. Hughes ..i.S Ii fe to inf.rm her ft ictiia and eta Ii 9 om..r that 'u li-a received fiom ibf N .- fi and oHera I. r-ialo at bcr dailh'-ig, IjUswiog article,-vij. sttmrntdr, JitllSIlS, Ji' li d FilF, Cream uls, 11 randy muh'r, A to, CD lu.itl and I .r aaic !tt 'j. uin;. Rock, ' Vrppcnnint, Cinnamon, Lcmnn, Sponge, Found, (Jinuer, Seed, L'jce, "1 CAXDIB J CAKES. I J Wr, Fiejlt llr, ad and Crac.r. 2)5 kh k. k z hirt) ttic'jF looi ttml rtof Mukcr z E.l'il.M ZI it IICRS'7. ns" Mil . a.Jtkituily iiJurnia. ihe.i&f. ni.aiiaiiii of s.iu.buiy, and nctghhorhooj i;e.itiaily", that u hat purchased ihjI (he bbor mv kera shop owned by Tho.i a Mult, Jr. and br he ta.ll carry on the bu ina aa usu.l ia tl. ame liJive. where he wHl be g!d to acciimm : "e ci dae the fit CWoiRcra and aneli olflrra aa t.l I rhooar t e-ll W t- l.iw fk. an; ofiLcfiiM ordkr, hii woiLmcn (lie iiy. t , . k. .i 11..1 .. .,. .... . .. .. ui ii,. I " l ..... , . . ...... ,.,. wLi'a, .iiAo iiv". u.a.i..k.i-u v)..auj- jwi. -u.iuuvaa ... 1 "t uiii-o ,.ty. "' .ho of a'l aiae and iptaliiit en II' .1 nana wn ix sirani:;i;a pfsiiii :nu woo u.kj . . ' W.-.U to bi" upplictl illl "UOif., Liuots, :.(.' cau. procure tl.r-m a t li. ap an tin v n be pu."' ih.tcil in this Section i f t!te country. H- ht irnt on Ii, Mr. I.eo U. Ilrow.i, 1 " , 7,'" Tf , fV So-1 leatlicr of the bm ll'iaut). chant of ti.i place lor a hopply o. "5tf a wVtal lHvvWin, In the Tnwn nf Stnlislmrn. fnr tnip. . . mm.. . -- -, - .-, . 4 Ax rjin. prupertv . pieafiiit,) sTltiateS V. 4 ,1 ". 1 ...... jL. in the most agreeulny patt ot uie iLiJUL. . ut i 4 - "' - J - A':riSitar e lor a emU le -t . v, , j family. 1 he lot is spacious, and contains a verf , ... ' . . go'd ij .rden, with much ran shrubbery. TM ? l i 1 . r i ..... . .. . . . ..1. cnae money can oe paia oy ante 111 tne nana. , . i r , . ., .. .:.i'... i . . ait.. I'll ...v HKI.I tt 1 HIB Ot ttVV.OIil IIIOl litvlUil. ICII"'" 10 -"rena, can apply to ir.r.. a.. nionjr, or to David F. Caldwell, F.sq. (who is a thorisetT'tr mikeTarT known. . C. JOMA VA. 20rA, i 8"6. ' "? ' .7 VorU of Uvfc Tiri' fl 1 nieeung 01 tile sunscn;)ers 10 wit A burvJocky (llub.l.eld.t the Court-H t a meeting' of the stibacRliers to the i"'' , ... ti 1. ... . ;. ... . . ., .1. r..i:, jr. mii mifumv fev..tioi;. tin1 III.1 ' lil. Hl liiiiii-i injj.f'eptlfmn were unannootiaiy fleeted s 1 coiomittee to up' a ('.oiisVitH.ioii cnllilr r.asi of the New.Markit liuhs as al0 togrtU cure ulciio. en. THOMAS IJ. 1'!I.K1, JMKi I. l.n-.(j, ItFNRV CILKS; , 110BT. MAtJN A VUCA, -.V,1CWillMi.W DUCT, v SI. J. I'OLK. ITefeSfter lEe 'tTErHpontinue the Crnf1 Pure and appropriation tor the Ball, it is understood tlutdvw.h or removal from the State of any subscriber, terminates his subtcription. J VvWmAer y.A, 1830. , ' TakejVoiiceJ: . . ii LL persons are hereby for warned f.-oa Hi ' !ing,with my w4ftj Margaret on my ctjint ss I am determined to pay iio tWbts of; her contravitiiijj DANILL OUUBB. Vaiidton c'y- A C. Oct 24, 1S30. 43'f . m.Jl.K V ev ty; descriptioik neatly printed, ifii k .pf cba.4Jitay tii tJfi at Hi v-ffioew 1 - s't

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