ghtcmmt , It U tun u to abstain t urn ba, h.cli, tuer and good themselves, hare the lemblanca of inequality, which fin.! po rrspona- in hc.rt of the citiiVn, and which will b eta led with little remorse. The wUlooi of legislation is tfjKcWIy if en In grafting U on conscience. ,, CAm, . . .. " , i "',,. w i-. u. m e.M'. J sAUsiiuuir, iw.m county, v.o... tuksday, January 4, "two. VOL X!.'....M. 0 r itjll W..Ura CtnHalaa wi ft . ' kti 4 an a. er iWm .Monday, Deceiver 13. i twelve o'tl c, tnc Court ul 1 in peacnintot fur the trial ol Judgt Ict,L oh'- J,?MMMri, was opened in due lorin bl. Uran, i 1 s y. by pr icIimUi'ii) Irom the Mtrstlall ul the U.fttrtt ol Columbia. ().i motion ol Mr. Woodbury, the etrelary was ordered l inform the lliuse of Representative!, that the SNtwe iud oigauiacd Itiell into a Court tl I noc-crnncul f r Me trial of James II. fV-k, Judge of the District Court Jiuc UuucdStei for'ihe Outricl'.i Mim"u' aoJ were rcAtly 10 procce to the .ral and that teats had beco prepared lor the reception and atc4m. rtodattonofiheMcrotxrsoltnc House fcj U.presentativet oa the occanoti. x . gnuiily after the order was pasted, .ve correspondent, accompanied by M, Win and Mr. Meredith, his conn L'aoncared at the bar of the Senate. ThWwere cojducled l- scats, wuh ore thein, prepireu lur tneir enienee, nearly Iroutii.g the Chair, VaiiathrrlO l. le"-.t (Vw inmates, .Air. iucfianan, . ... f . -cj . Hid Mr. iir:' mjnaccrs to Ci-ndurt the Impeachment on the part oUhc Ihuje ,,f pkrprrscntativf8, also came in, and i.ok their se-ts to the r'uht of the Chir, but neirly n front. JU. Storr , tie oihrV "managcrV'tlTd not appear, Mr. K i-Iiui "c and "'nl. that the mna. -r.unti'crr ur,,-- H inc f Ri-prctcnllivei vrt rrrW prrwrnt the repliciion of th( II ii.-, io the inswer nd plea of JTf II Pec, idsf ! !--''i1 Coar' "f ll" L'uiied 3u.c Urf Ujttnct ff l'"win, to the ariiclii o irKhnrnt ehilU'l agVm't hitn by that 'I'M. TV'hinrtle fcntleman th mtf ttse . r.-ii ' Su'rs. t.iMrrToii;.leriTthe answer tk! pfca 1.1. m Perk. JmL-e ct" the. Umrict Cm. btauih WifelStfi ""nfrfth. People of the IVite:! St,t; reply. I tht )h Jtact U. fect ui:ui!ty. in auch , nunner S De a'anaa i'nu-atin.ti, .i. um 11 Hl-e 'of Reprnenfaf'iea iw1IM ra Xf To prove t'v'u- cturtiel Sgaiust him, at bitcIi convenient tiaeaaii vUce .M jfiaU. Iw . app-MlUd Ut thai r.'jrpote." -, . . . Mr. Bj. Unan then." on the leha L L the i.nfccri, r l us ed the nam.'!, of Uie uitnea- 0:1 it,e uiV ni the Uoue of Itt'prfsentalires i.i be c kJ. I iia Secretary accorjiuu'ly e!td tUm , iiui't ol t" rn anma-ered tiie call-10 or 1 :,!vc pnved to be absent. M- Hcredith, one of the counj:l of the rt-omi-ii!, ii-iJired that the liat of iliieaiea on bt hAulf might he c!led, ill Order that it tropin he asoei tamed Whr.ther ths ru pre tent They were accnnDn'y called, but ouly a part amwettd t their iu:c5. Toe was then m motion, post poced to Iond iV nex-, when the wtt nesies tnd the orhcr manager, Mr. S;orts, will Lc ia attend mcc. Tuesday, lkc, 14. On motion of Mr. Dickers n, the -following'um U'as adopted,- and. the Com.iiitiee t whom it was rclcr red consists of Mr. D;ckeron, Mr. Saofotd, Mr. Woodbury, Mr. Sey mour, and Mr. Grundy ; . i : ni. ... I .1..-. .i.a f.o.W, That so mtuh tif the President e We as relate, to th dimnbution cflhe surJ Tttis rundi oflihe rmfeOtatcir after the ay. .jaent of the national debt, he referred to a Se lect Committee," to' consistVof ftvemcmberSi-MKi' to report thereon by bill or otherwise. The Senate spent 'ne t,me tn tng eonsidcraiion ol Executive business Wednesday, Dec. 15. The following resolution was sub lunted by Mr. Clayton '. j RtmlvtL Tint a Committee be appointed to rnmiiie aid re.oort the present condition of TeTortD the heir redialing that U;partme..t are ad- ed; t,be distribution of labor i the uurn- miniiten Wcf Clerks, and the duties ajMiirned to each t . die n luber ol agent 1 where and hou. employ, the compensation of coniractors 1 and; general! , the entire management of the De. . putmifnt ; arii whether further, aid what 'egal provisions may be necessacv to ' secure the proper a l oiqtstratioa of its affairs. On the reading of the resolution, Mr. White mived so to amend it as to refer it tn the cormrrittee on the Past:O fi:e an I past Iliads. A, short debate took place upon - the : amend ment, in which, Messrs." 1'hite4 Ciay ?h, UiUnes, Grundy and Hell took part. The motion to amend war lost -by two votes -there being 18 yeas and v The original rcsolutiott wat wn adopted ,; ..' The Frcsideut announced , the ap po.itmei)t of jM'i Cl-ytoo, Mr.,Gru,n "Yt Mr. IMmet, Mr. Woodbury, and inc following ',. arc the Handing Committees oi the Senate : kWmiL-U 4Ul. HlMr JUi Lud-.... kWf -MM J '. (lit Cmmcrti!-Mar. VlV,!uy, J linton, ?iKh?p. Hanfur l, ! rVri. On Vitntf tci -.'!. Iliekcrton, Uuj. Klrt, K'urfM, Krimour, aij ll ob, . IcMfi. Mtils, Hj. yumir. nanl, Ti'nij), N iJain. ami Iretli-ll, On Ck" lii'iu Ltr. Ilvnard, I'rclituf'itiy cn, CUvton, Nnblr, ai! Ilau. O'l Snxxil iJur'Scr. Ihyne, Taaettcl', flolt iiiit, l.ivinfixii, anil U tr. On I'iAUc f.(j( Ie.jri Barton, McKinley, Ka ie, KU'I, a'nl H;rj; tc, On TritHjic inJ C7.i Mrr. Kane, Buf. Dei. P.iMlmirr, 'iniii.h, and Nau lain. Vu luj,.n AJfwt-' M.a. VUile, Troup, llfiiilu. k. I nlr y, ll.i.'on. On Vluiu M.tvra, lljgghi.'BclI, Clmie, P-Hd, ami rlrown ' i Oi (A Jtnli4rf- .MfMra, it iwan. McK nley, VV'cbt'iT, II ) c, ai.J KrclinUu) v:n. 0V '. (JT unj I'ait Hv.i.ii-Kru't. Cruvi), Burnet, f'jrsyth, hlljk. a'ul ymuur. On 'mawit rt, H j me, Mrk, Chac, ami (:hmt-:r. Oi W Ditiriti r'i.fiin Mt r Chan brrt, I Mi r, H i! nt, :!a,(oi, anl rjiic. On lAt r$nnreU Fu.tJen. Iredell, Ba ker, and Kmghi. On t'.MifrmtitU fi'llMnilt. .Irkl, jl'ej, andtTilttr. '. On UvuiU unJ rM'ii't--M"itr llendrickl, I'yltr, K'ijt,'!,i uillt-y, ami l'oiiuk-x tr. : Tknrrtny IhrriT. Mr. Wcbttcr of M .siachdsckt j, ap peared and tuk his scat. A incs&ge was received from the President of the United States bi:.U i J. DjncUon. Kq. his private Hecreta. ry, stating th it, acc Ming to informa. lion received at the .State )-pmmrrrt, the taking of the censu will not be completed vMthiu the tiitu all cd by law, and recommending the imm ili ate passage of on act ti e time for its completion. T e mri t i(je was on moli in of Mr. W'tbster, relerred -to"ttivd ComiiiTitcc" on" the Jtsdk-Wjr- : : .1 ''-'."""""7 Tie-miiuii Ilepttrt-of-th Setrelary of the-'J'r aufyjw4- frivnl r tj motion ol Mr. fitlUbcr,-h.e rea and 1500 ropirs ordered to be pnnted f0r the me ol iviiate. -ill. a. 1 1 I f (tic rtlic i ol i 110m is l. i'rt r. wi In, I wai fiacd under lhc'cld sedtuoa U-r - (Jti motion of Jh --rianf or d, the S -n.ite proceeded to the to.-ibidcratioo . I Liecutive business, und span suirn. lime in secret session. lUL'sr. or Kr.pitr.sLNf Tivr.s. .loi lay, Dec. 13. On mntion of Mr. ! 'U.lrigc, it wni QrtUretl, Tliat the bill to au'hnru? a iuhcrip linn of atock on thj part ot U. State, to the W hiding (J II nltont bndrft Company, be re c.iinmultd 10 the Conmittte on Internal Im provenients, with ins ructiona to r-purt a onl to provide for tbe erection of a bridge over -tlic Otuo river, at or m ar the loa n of Wheeling and appropriating' a cerUiu u.n of money for that purpose. Mr. Ilaynes, of Georgia, submitted 1 hhe following Rrsolutioti : Hctn'ive l Tlwl the Committee of Ways and Mean he instructed tu enquire into the expe diency ol repealing the duiif on sngir import. ed Iroip loreign coiimnea into the United StuteH. Mr"ierliin. ri-qMireo oiai ine q .e, oc I "tMin upnn tnc ciir, or mB . .... . and Mr. Williams deina id-'d the eas and iays wt..ui.atitfu. .i".lio".w.rAprreOit.ihe, House, and" being taken, stood as lollows: 8J to 99. ; Sithe House refused to considei the resolution. Tne whnle of 6ur del- legation voted in the affirmative. . The fcipeaker laiu o;iore .inc. ,uc the following letter, which waV read ; anu on movio na;. . . (jj rf:iuee of Agr'lCtllture : upin.iiuv b PhihJifphid, 7th Dec, 1830, Sir : You will receive Wtlu tins letter a aiiaen flag, bearing the colors of the United States. Tbi' flJ? ia m ide entirely of American silk,reei. led from th cocoons, prepared and woren by Mr John D'lfarhergua, silk manufacturer. .The colouring has been doue by the best artist he could procure in the city of Philadelphia, he bituaelf not professing to be a dv'er. The stafTof this flag, with the eale, measures abou' fifteen feet, the 8g itself ia twelve reel nd a half long, and six feet wide. It is woven all in one piece, without" a seam. I beg, sir, you will be ao good as to present this Rg most respectfully in my name, tO; the honorable IIoom vtr which you preard.;, a a sample of American industry, thus applied, tor the first time to the most, valuable of American , .nd as a result of the efforts they the first time to the most, .a..Mmn t and as a res bar. made during the last 5ve years, for the promotion of the imgortarft brawli ef agr.cuh lure, tn h'ich f ewa the rich material of hicn this Bi(j ia CumtwuS. . .1 tin hunnrjo be iih tie lii(heat res. peci, r, your mi obnimt tm mm tiiimMr Vrrsni.1 ' '" f 1 1 tMTWrovcr. ict Hon.' Avdsrw RrKfiafov,. Spiaktr tf th Ihui J ttrfirrunlativft. ' iog Suadtan Cummittees bur,,,-, Uml xpb, Jubaton, ol Tewn, Diichanan, aitd i: .l- iii. Of iPny an J Uram-errt. MoDuflie, VfV,.la iciil)iht, Inpcrtoll, Oi!mcr, (erton, and Ate n.ler. On UrumMettra Whi'lrtey, Williama, McCy, Barber, of C na. NLIniyre, llainaey, and Lea. () rM,Wrf...!ti,n, Chamhrrleny, ifor-ha-n, II trvcy, Sutherland, lluard, Loyall, k f.amar. ' , Oi 1.- I'uhlie lAtnrl, V ar WickUrTc. Jtn ningt, Djucati, Hunt, I'ultcr, Irvin, ol Ount, and CUv. On tKt I'm OJin and I'un (a-Mrjrs. Jiilinaiti, 'J K. nuck), y inurr, Mijfee, lliufgei, lt'ia!. MViMfffy. aml liii. Oh li IbU ici nCtlum'un -Mm'i. Povtra, Al'tn, vVa.!imgtun, Vartiuin, l'litrro, Ihrtc, and SeniRi , O'l l4 .aJiiiarjr-. Mca.rt. Uo oanaii, flat it, r y'(.V iiu, Klita-onh. Daniel. While ut l'u "hianajTirJcr, and O-wd'trt On Hix.UtUnivy ( iuhw.-M' (ra, llnrci, l)ickinta,Vingtrf .Yancey, Ut Win, tirwit, and C'ie. 0'Mi,c Htpii .ifwreiMfaT llll, )aen port, ! .n, Wi tty, Sieirtf of Ma.-)Ianl, Tb6in;"tt'i "fO1 kr-l .fin. ; - On f'nv 'itLiinJ Uimi . U-trt, S'erijrere, Sue. iilt, 1'i.itia, lli lor, Uinny, DviCev. and lUi't' t" - Of yttnufatturrt -'fiVairt M.l'arv, Stanber r, i: i. dlhi. Irvin ,t V , ..Uaiia. Mcnell, Bar. I)jir. of Virginia and Hii'itinjr'nn. .i,f t'ninv .M.IWipn. vi'i nftnrrYwk 4 R'latif, W 'itann, Hiir, nmuli ol Ha. Standilcr, and CliMl!or. On 'w6u.i . (jfUi't Mi ira. Hell, Lumpkin Min.N, M lira ul Conn II illurd, Car. tier, and l.o,a H.4ft,W ,ty.,rvr...MwrT, frrrnn.i4, D -a',.. I....1UI-, Blair ol S. C, M.Kbell a. it! prtK!ii. iri1iiiij!-ifM.t..'&, Cu-l HI. IJ 11 III, .iiillri, Lara-Hi, II jia', Ul'uol , . it ul Vii.l.'iton O'l h'nri,;i) .iff, ! Mesan Archer, F.rerett nfMi.a 4)ljr, I'ulk, Crafrd, Uarnaiell, and Wauie, On t!,e ''iTioiiea-.-Mrsara. Clark, Strong, C'ritiiun, Arni.'lrong, Anj,'tl, Cruialea, and W. I) Sl'ar. . . - - LtJUiiiUirj JawNa.laar Trrevanl, L C'linrr. I',,, I, on, Ham nont, llockee, Ford, and truimix" : ' "" "- . -- . 4ht-Hr-n 1! ri'iff UnftifftHft-Ruti ini Mravti Pi arce. il -i d, ad i'terewtt. . -""rin'.Tciwin - Veer. " 'STastrelTorNeW ToW, ?r't!, 4 Hr.nHi(-ail. - - ..kUX I'XoMVIirTtKH.. 'O-i xirrrmeU Afer. Hemphill M.t-t. I '.iir of l enn. llainc, Letcher, Vinton, I a nl t ran;. muu. u( ' the. u plut . fcxieaucuvMtairSv I'.iia. i.ry. Lard, Jam, laviu, uud .ii, h;. isj m,amic,. , ,. ,, "'ilmriti'-r. vit n the Cvnttitv'ion Messrs. Appuf. fi , t'"ik.-. Sai.fordj Sttplii'iis, Il'ighis, Green, a .d U .iiher. Tuesday, Dec, 14. Til : memorial pn eoi d by Mr. (' liter on the sultjett of Sunday Muls recommending that the . mail sli iu!d be dic mtinued on the sab oatn. On us presentation. Mr. Johnson, of Ky. objected to giving the petition the direction moved ov the gentleman who presented it. lie obstrved, that if the authors of the petition had in advocate, or advo cates on he fl mr, he was perfectly willing tint the" Report formerly made by tiie Olfice Committee on the general subject, ahoultl at aay titnc ,b called ip. Let the House hear what gentlemen had to say on a subject, rthich he had alanys thought, and would now aay, ought never to have bct-n brought tut the Hall of Congress-. He wasaicirous-to-hear what 'could be said In favor of Congress in .isxXciijng. wuhrcligious cao&idefatiuns. The Committee had acted on the sub- unless compelled to do so bv an ex press trder of the House. He hoped ihe gentleman from Pennsylvania, (Mr. C 'Ulter,) would acquiesce in the motion which he would now make, that the petiu6n-iye4sni'ptt,bet ble i or rather, that it be referred to a C omroittee b( the Whole on the State ol the Union t and he made that motion. Mr. Coulter said that he felt very indifferent what clirection should be given to the petition He had always considered it proper, when the House was addressed in a decorous mtnner, m any subject proper fur legislation, o give the petition a respectful con sideration. In the present case, as the 'course indicated by the Chairman of the Post Office Committee was likei ly to effect the -very object which the petitioners had in view, viz. to have the subject discussed, and obtain sorrie act'un o( Congress in relation to it, he was eotirely witlioglt ihoufd be d p ted," lie had made a diflcrcot mo tion, onlt out of the courtesy which tTuctaUrrnarDnTcc IC suppose Committee, and in compliance with the custom of the House, lie had nodoubt that rtieiirjffrtirmir6riftrToi1 Office" MVmmttiee w as: Votreompeeet atHiUUiwweuiusk,.aail.aue, uf.xhejlycjbklluiikt. which it would doubtless avail him self of the privilege ol Uebai'n g the question without being speiially invi ted to to do by any one. Mr. C. said it was not hit. purpose to avow him self at their champion, at he did not let! himself pledged to any particular course in the matter, he should en deavor 00 this, as on other occasions, to do what he coosidcrcd'his duty to his constituents demanded. If that duty led Him to advocate- the cause of these petitioners, he should b: readv; in so doing to rnect eveu the gentle, nan from Kentucky. Mr. llarringer subitiittcd the follow, ing resolution : ' ItenhtJ, That the Committee of Ways and Means bt inat meted to report a bill rcducinr Hie d oy an bar iron, made by hamm-riuf , 10 th a oouiit of duty im;oacd by (be law of I8l6, Mm, to reduce the duty on cotton bagmr to to ccnia or atpiare yard, ntao, to rducetle duty on coanc woollen fx It, c6arin(f Irae tlian tAy cents per apiare yauLat ihe pUcc whence 4up.irvi, ta an ad talorem duty of twenlt c per centum. Aiau, tn reduce tbe duty on coarae wool. cutting Via than ten ctnn per pound at tbe iiU;tiu:Ufi. iflipuricii Jaau ad aahtfa-aWty it taenty per cent. Al ), 'o reduce the duty oa brown mgar to two centa per pound. Ur. Cuudict demanded the queatiun of con uk ra'.ion on 'Ina rraidution j ami Mr. Finch ..cIl4.d lur.ih. Vtaiul .Sa-ou lU-auiuo, I T,,e .v Wer OT4rrtd by the H mie. and being iiaken, itooj aa folloti Ve 96 Naya 1 14. Mr i Jenmnts submitted the follow ing Hesolution : Itflvnl, That the Committee on It iaji and Canli be imtructtd to enquire imo the eipe-. die'.cy ol appropriating gMI.IVNI, lo the com pleting the CuiutierUnd road, f r.i national riad J in the Itmita of the Siate ol Indiana. (Jo the q lestion being put to agree tu" this reaUiAioriT'it was deuded in rhrorgativeT - The Sfieitke laid before -thtilauatL1'"- aubscriptiun on 'toe part of a letter from James M inrocj late Pres ident ff the United States, upon the acct.btlia.iUam3o .tine JQ jivcuii ment nf the Umted States j which was referred to the committee of tbe whole House, to which is referred the bill .for - his relic 1, reported a: ihc.ljit ses sion of Congress; and ordered" to be printed. Wednesday, Dec. 15. On motion of Mr. Sutherland, the bill (commonly termed the light-house hill) 'returned by the President at the cTimmentemcnt of section, with his objections, was rdercd lo be printed aud placed among the documents. On motion of De Witt, it was tlettlveil. That the committee on the Llbrsry be instructed to enquire into the eipediency ot re-printing the Journals of the House of Repre sentatives, from the Ulli tn the Olh Congresa inclusive. On motion of Mr. Drayton, it was Reithed, That the committee en Naval Af fairs be instructed to enn tire into the expedi ency erf makiKg an apprnprialiun for the -laJual survey ot the coasts, inlets, and harbors ot the United States and their Territories. The following additional commit tees have been appointed by the Spea ker: 0a. the Jjrlcndi(nretJji.Jhe Dtpjirttnent-af Srafe. -Vt ssr E trll, ill and King, of iN. Oil Expenditure! Mik D4fMfmenttff the Tiea mm M-essrs. Ieiper, Crocherf naml KendaH. On the ExpentUtuiri in the Department of War, Messrs. Misr.weil.oiVa. MuPenhurgana troefcet On RrbemUtwe in the Department of ,'av Mvtars. A. II. 8 be p par d, Banly, and Lvans ol Pa. On Expenditure in the PoeuOffice Depart, ment. -Mxai. Vancy, Bunt, and Scott. On Expenditure in the Public Butlthngi. Mexira. Spring, Baily and bwilt. ' On iAf,tt(ia-rraearSt . Inompsori, .pi,..ueo. KTng of TarBarrihgsr, Weeks, EiicaiJ, Jolius, and Cahoone. Thursday, Dec. The following resolution, submifted bv Mr. White, of Florida, was talren up: Reiolved. That the Secretary of the Navy be directed to communicate to this House copies of the correspondence of the Superintendaiit, and reports of th Overseer of the live Oa,k plantations near the ?(avy lard at rensatoia. Mr. Speight offered the following amendment : And that he sbe further directed to communicate to this House copid r ii I'-.. AA 01 ail COIlCSuuutuit,vuii m, uvvu or other papcra,' connected with the purchase of live oak. land in Florida, : . . - r '..Ll- .1 : in the possesion vu 9r wtintn irtctua trol of, the. N4vy Department ,th: quaptitv purchased j the from , whom the purchase were m(r the prlceiTTeaT-IuTWFen paid, and 0:1 what a it.'K'f ny tngnhrr. With all itiformati ,n tc-tlii to shots'' the vaJuetif such lands at rhcttine I a . - k . u , Cm f. n titl n.lllki.1 auit ti ii iui h4tpi u .iii.vp, Mr. While, nf l'l .tida; tuid, h did,, oot object to th ; amcn.lm.11t prirvncd by the gentleman Irom Nru-Carolia oa. and would accept it a m inrxlifica- tion of his resolution, aldibugh all the . information called for bv i. had i the; last tcssi iQ been tomuiuii Cated ' ii Congress; ; The resolution, as thus amended, was agreed to, nvtil cvl. . V Mr. Hemphill submitted the follow ing, which lies on the labia1 . fur jona day : - ' . 1. -' Kftthtit, 11at the PrcniJent of the Uni Stalea be ri qucJed to transmit to Ciii grf-t a statement of the eipendilurrt heret(fir mini a for internal Improvement, apeei yinthe arrr works, and ihe eiptndiiur" upon euen. Aisn, a statement of the eaiiiti.ft'J tspenae . of tt.e ' 1 workiof Internal ImprovMnrnt of hirh at n s veytWe been ma! t tfj-.thtr 1 b a hka . lUtement of the et'iroati d epr.e of o hrr orkf pr-j&ct(d an.1 par(ull-iire' a.k . On motion ol Mr. .S;iif,, it was ' HettPih.J.JIliJtX .tLe Loa.hiiUca an. rt ada and Caualu be iii.irucjydtj i.tfLir i'iVi,t!iipe . diency if Biakinan sjifrftpr'utioT fir ttTe en." '" plete repair of thr t'uniivrlan 1 and of aduplia uf 1 fin v 1 1 i---M priaerf aiion und tLat lity rrpwl by bill cr oilier Ue. Mr. Crocket submuteU the f. llow ing Resolution, which lies no the ta ble imc day .J , .. Rrieht't, That the Pratmavef Oenrral com. muuicate 10 thia llnuw (lie amount i4 money arrvd to ber-pwd by himrtmrirrthe-re win tract for carrying ilie mail Innn the City of Waahineinn to the City nf ILlvn -rr , !ao, th amount of uionet l.ere't f.rc j-aid bv li.i prede. rctaor for the like JefMceS. The Speaker alsn laid Kefore the Mouse a letter from Dull' llrrm, ata ting that he proposes to pulii-h n stereotype editinn 'of thf laws and-treatfes-nf-ttrr- lrtednnnriZ3tTd Congre is j wlik-h a as rea l, m l reler red to the Committee vtht LTUiaiy State LeiHslaUire. sr.s.tTE; ; . Wednesday, Itec. 13. : Mr. Meares, from ihe Judiciary" Committee, to whom was referred a ' Resolution instructing them to enquire into the expediency cf appointing 4 standing Hoard of Auditors, in each county a the State, to pass u,,on all accouuts of Kxrcuiors, Adtnioistra tors and Guardiaus, made a lavotaole Report thereon, ate "inpanTeJ By a bill to provide for ihc final stttlcnu tit of Kxccutors as.d Adm nistrators which passed its first ridding. Oa motion of Mr. Mrres, the Sen ate resolved itself into a Committee 6f theholejMrrHmmn-of Wakrin the Chair 011 tre liank liill. Mr, .M delivered bis riews egttiosuhe passage of the bill when the Committee rgse, reported progress d obtained leave to sit again. , On motion cf Mr. Ne'wland, the Senate then resolved itself irto a com mittee aifahewiiok,Ir.-WiUon,-40 the CbatTT jonithcitiif .taircctTOtBf.a part of the couutiea of B u rk ejmrl B un combe, a separate and distinct jcounty iy..thc name af Yancey. Mr. Nrw : land apoke at some length in favor of the passage of the bill, and when Jie had finished, the Committee rose re ported progress and obtained leave to sit again. ".'4'- lulls presented, uyjiu .11 . a . hdrtocxemplbtesrnSm Lc uttoh, , By Mr. M', a bill tr intorpo. ftethe Fayetteyille Rail Kaid Com pany. ' . 'T These bills passed their fiirs readirj and the Senate then adjourned to 4 o'clock. . F.vkiviso Session. The bill to vest the ngnt of electing Constables in the county of Cuoidtn, in the free white men thereof, . waa read the second time and resolved by the Senate, that the same shall not paSS. "-r ---; - ;- 0u motion ol Mr. '"Murftgomery, a select Comoiuflt wa appoiuted to en quire into anu report the--amunt of proovs made by the several liaaks i.Q oa .' ' i I i - 1 ;

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