ihW Suit, and the amount ef profi' mads hf the 5uu,fMi ih shtres held by rr h th several Dinkt, tnd lh amount paid by the Sun for iU shares., A narnSer of prW.te wils sent fioti (hi Hsuse of Commons fur .concurrence, were read the Rrs lime. Thewngrossed Resoiti'londireciiflg the Public Tretturer to receive from ihe pur ctimri of Cherokee landt.h pfpl - f theif bo , the notes of Soutn Caro lina end (irorglt, eras amended", on mo tion of ifr. M K-r. by trUire ot tht whole of the ordinal, resolution eieept the word Itetolved and inertin the ..fuIWmr. vici M.That the Public 'I rea ' ., w -,- , sii- -. . . ( Lie e.trt.,ta,l (A rKrlVA 10 ieDOMt6 vw iipiii tivie i w r I Soum C-rohrt end Otorcu wheneter of (ereJ In oinnt uf la bond t'twen by purthjri ef the Cherokee Undi, end tht ej.fer he em pf out oi me Trettary, euchnoteln pf ment of "he xpyC of th PT ho hell ge crecii for the leme et the pr ,eloj bwtthe' weenreer lb Trcaiurer hell be fomptlied to pmoflT nid noKe t e leei frice tbm the jnr r-!ae, or" mif Incur kn elpehie lo etrhnlr; Kh hotte, each l'e w b m-iuIh! hf the drpMiinr,efld U hll Tp-i cre.li' Lr So m x-e ike tbit rest vmIuc u( lh4 ii'itci dpovi'ed." Vi,,., Dee. ir. MrT to4.?l-pf fWflteJ lheeTiaoi of VTilliitn IUnc Ke!errd f Ihi Uom mi'tre of PropmMtoni nd Orieticet On rn Jon of Mihcw, sirewge Wet ioi to the M mie of CornrOkm pro potmir, i on th' (Joe ernor eli-c end Kcrwin hen it ill be co.ieniegl for bim in jjlifr. l propHiiion - wei concurred h. end Mretre. Illntol of B-uf'n rtd MithKwe of the Smite and Mei-. W. J 4 rinjgr aoj Nichoq oThe fljuf, ereV,poTnteJ rne Com B)iHrr. Me Ktw4eftd pffne4 te-mof ial of euoHrf rimeut of burke pryinjr, th Jt Medical IJuM mjr b; created Kefcr red to atlert Committee. The Senate reaoleli'elf into e Com mittee of the whole, Mr. Wilton io the Chair, on the bill to erect a new count f in the We. After aome diMHrthe Committee rote, reported progreu and ob aiord leave o att attain. On mo'ion of Mr. Hintoti of Beaufort, ' the Senate re considered the vote, et terdi Riven on the adop'inn of ilie amendment offered br Mr. M'Kav to the Resolution concerrjni; the purchaser of Cherokee Land. 1 ne Ke.olu'ion and . amendment . wre then laid ea the fable. Tne Seha'e pent tomo time,-in Com :-'tnlne of the holey U coVtidering th IS ft BiirrburTdT"Uid (TWeT5 genhro wi'hu, thX7ornmTtteeroe. reported pro- great and obtained :.leaa A9. fJ..aA Saturday, Dre 1 1 The reMsnations of Doi.l Xcwlandi Colon I Commitidant of the 91t Het;l -. M u f,T of the Krgtment of iha aamt were read and accepted. a, coniHerible part of the i"tof? waa anent in-tommiute of the whole, Mr. Mjrtin In the Chair, on the bill fUm he fee of the Cfcrha of the Coun'y and Su , n-'io' Courts and Sneri(T.' feet, but no qurinon taken on ita pataae. The Com - roittee rooe, reported progresaand obtain leave to if acam A number of private bMi were read the tecond time and pasaed. Monday, Dec 30 Mr, M Entvre preaented the prti'iun of aundrv niij-tn of Kuiherlord, in favor oi the restoration to credit of Jine Ward, Referred Mr. Hinton of Beaufort, presented to -the Senate, wo letters frornih intend arvt of Police of the town of Waahtng too,. : tn telalton to the circulation of aeditious publications and other indications tending to creete auauecnon amiwip wm oiavcs in this State. Referred to the Committee on that part of the Governor's Message relating to Staves,-IT- . """'" TMfnMtfftwfftnemmtnwV r naance, to whom, was referred the Reaolu 4 tion instructing themjLoenqajrjejQto.ih.tt. - . . ezpediencf of providing additionalchecka i i . .. I., J ; On tne aisouraen?enia in puuuc monies s s also, into the eapedtency of diminish ingihe pcnaltf of the bond required ol - the - Public -Treasurer, made report therron, stating that it is incxprdieni to )er the law in relation to th auhjects elrredtotheni. toneurredin. flrllUafeirTrom that part of the Governor's Message, vhieh relate to bluve. 8tc. reported the following biJN which were read the first Hme, via :A bill to compet retailers of CpiriVibi liquor bf the smll measure', to take an oath and give bond with tec a rt'f, before receiving licence, not to sell '' epirituous liquors, powder, shot, led or fire -)" grmsto a slave : and a bill to amend in ' " ajct passed in 1530,10 prevent tree per ' tons of color Irom migrating in'o this S'ae, for the good government of such pervns resident in the State and for otb-nuT)OSej- Me. Guinn presented a Resolution fcbi'h was rejected, inducting the Judi. eiarv" Committee to enquire into tbe exL ' T "jediaMf I aolliotj the public laods that re enfteyeJ and" reeitle tiwi1i tbe county of Macon, the r ntulng K 11. 0(t motion of Mr. M'Kt. the Senate resolved Itsalflntwe committee of the whole, Mr. Martin in the Ciuir, on tha till fuinq the feet of Clerk ant Sierlfft, and af;cr some time ipent therein, the Committee lose, reported pwgrest end obtained l,tve to tit egtin tnli afternoon. ' DiUt firttHtfd By Mr. Mearet, hilt to mend tne jurisdicion of the Supreme Court. Bf M Farlaod, a hill relatives allowing couttv claims, in Richmond counlf. 'Df'Mr'rDicki bill to eevnpt from eieeu ( n, in rticfe therein men thud Ci M.. vniihmiof r ilin, a hill to llmir tn., ..D.iii mil of JiHe of ( the SopHor Coertif'liw en Eqwrrnnihr fcroOTffh1brrntfrtctiertf Tmi. fceii 7- 1 th"C lpeirii"TI4l -f ftdwrirr t " rtvive 8Mita. The whole v'tcln,; waao.-.eupied la com- the bill Sstnc thefeeiofClam.an lS ier iffa. It s fii4ll rep .r.ed o the Sen It f rep red tie with tundrf amendments, and at araenJed, patsel lit accon l readi ig. Tnet4yt Det. 11, The Senate went int j co.n niir of he whnj,oitoe Dik Qui. Mr. ilm in erf delivered hit vtwa In favor of the bill, when the committee rote, feported prort unJ u ttained leave ti' again O.i ino:i. of Mr. Nevlnd. 'necom ' niittee of the whole were cliaenargcd 'rom the further contidera'jon ofthe bnj Jo efecTTiiew countf In the Wst i od the bill bein; read the tecond 'im. M. 3 ier raid moved to amend the bill bf aJJing a ntw ec.iion propoving to erct a new county ui of portions of Wavhe, John stor. Kiecnmh, and Natti, ny the name of Stagfit, which i nrndm nt wat not greed o. Naft J f, Ares if Tne quv lion then recurring on the pattage ol :ne hill, the second li ne, i' was deci.le l m erirmii'ife:..Aye..3Llt.Sif.,5L.- There he in j a tie, the Speaker voted in the afTumi'ive. The trifntf exempt Uintes from exr'rti tion, being reat the aecond time, Mr. Ma'th!4 oioved to amend the tame bv rendering v an i'di :tale offence tor any !e '.n 1 1 a-II a Bible given them bf the Dole SkIc'v wmch amendment was not ajr-ed to. Mi. Crump moved to emenH-ThebtHi-hrrnvening Hrrrm Uookt. ' lr. Uui'in also moved to i amend it bf adding " TeSJamenit," and Mr. Ilioton of Uiaufort, mived io add rnt.p liimki." icnicn xnenamn t Hooks," which atnendm were agreed to, and the bill as amended, ' . UilU firttmted,. Ut Mr. NewUnd, tend the ttti!tlirg of a Court ixou'ie, W the coon f of Doke, and to prescribe the . L ., ...... "r-f,r manner, in whtH.nt ShetifTs shlf pay T n , ,r-r 1 . - .. over me earn, uidior ibsvbutldiae of., toe aamc. tf oir. uutnn, a Dill to ex'eno the .jurUdictioj) of Juttices of the Peace, in certain cases. Thete billt paster! their firtt reading. F.VBtiso Settioa. A number of privaie bills' recejveI from the House ol Commons for -concurrence, were read the Qrst time. The following engrossed bills patsed their second and third re tding and were ordered to hs enrolled, vix : A bill to re gulate the time of holding the Superior Courts of Law and Kquiif, in the coun tries of M. .ore, Montgomery and Anton A bill to amend an act passed in 1824, 'o appoint Commissioners for the town of Clemmontville, in Davidson county A bill to amend n act pasted in 1839, to authorize the County Court of Burke to appoint Committionrrs to view and lay off a Turnpike Road from the Lincoln line to Mull's Mill, and' the bill to incor porate the Winston Ferry company on Chowan River, between Hertford & Gates counties. . HOUSE OF COMMONS. Wedne$day, Dec. 13. The resignations of Ed w'd Yarhorough, as Col. Commandant of tne 631 Regi ment of Militia, and ol Walker P Allen, r km . . .... Lieut Col; "ofthe "Regim-nl of Lenoir -MiiiHaf wr-Tejd; utt acvep(ed." " " The greater pait of the sitting was oc cupied in the d'scussioof the bill .direct ing" the rSuremeouft'to be held altera vtir at KTtetgti-wd'aitNburvT ihich was rejected bf a vote of 17 o 50 Thurtday, Dec. 16 a Mr. Wfche, from the Judicury Com5 mittee, to whom had been referred sun drv Resolutions upon the subject, Report ed, a bill for revising digesting end e1neonn k Administrators, which passed its first reding 3!r Vm. J. Alexander, from tbe Com mittee on the Judiciary, to whom was re ferred a. bill to discourage malicious and frivolous prosecutions in the Courts of this State, reported that it is not expedi ent that the said bill should pats, which was concurred in and tbe bill rejected. The bill to authorixe tbe construction of a Rail Road, Iromhhe town of Fayette ville to the .River at Campbelton, out of the funds of the State, was taken Up for N second reading. A considerable de bate arose, in which Mr. Henrf advoo ted its passage and Messrs- Pearson and Cooper, opposed it. On Mr. Pearson'a netieoj it tr indcEn'mlj postponed by t e tele f II to S3. The ted ef frac tion was tuotrfjuji'lf retonndered, for the purpJte ol rnoling Mi. Henry woo Introduced It, purpose an amendment, withe view of convening ihe oiil into e prltete one, thereof i.ving the ilme which would be necetssrilf consumed in the Introduction of en en'i'flv o Ml. Creer Settioe. ' Doth Ifomet met 'this afternoon, w the purpose' of reeomme ntfing Field Of ficeri efihe Miliiie and Junket of me Peace lathe eeveraltoun U.-. frifaf, Bet If. Geortj'C Mendrnhaii, te otmr elect fromOuilfprd, in the puce of Amoe WeTer. w 1 1 era' refr.ilf ectd ' Tie tll o iuihsj'-e V'ihe coni'ru lloft of ril r Mt U m j ton of Favitte villa m the rive'. Ctm.ilH'on. out of Mhe fund -f u, a;e. was a.tn taken ' upin-t or, -n .-ion ol Hr. Ik.,re, amend cd bf tt'ikiH out me wnote tnereoi ri ten s bill." an-l iiiseninii in li u thereof i n bil inc riKrfe a nn 'pinf atfi'-d r" t:'r t'l Kit! flad Cm)in?. Tot nti pa d i't eiof'l and thi'd 'ediug ao'J n rdefed to b enr,otd A. S,er, f -n 'he Commi"ee on H ' jca io i, fit1 i i d '0 enq.ji e in'a the etpedi- ii- A .i; iMriaU i the intrreS! i ......... . . Ol 10 . Ulierai V r ao ' io me eouca ion i to-nmr rhtrt--TjTeportf l trirt'irlr nor ei; dieni. a' hi time, o mkc 'he ion templited ipprnoria ion. anipafeiio be ntti harged from 'he funhef rontie'er tion of th. tuijecu The report was conrurrfil in M- W.J Amder, from 'he tame committee, to 'i-m wat referred a Re totu ion tntiruriing'tnem to enquire b'o the ei(edien. f ol granting Of efpreat (madmen', to iheJulgea of the Superior CoUfTa Of Wwrjviw'er " to TttU'turing - he term of said Courts, write f vmi't re lurnable to-o n daf if -said -m -or the pti'p iae of romptlling the attend ncr of a greetcr number of Jurors th.n were originallf returned bf the sheriff, when the trial ol atif person charge I with a capital felony shall render Ihe xrciae of tiich a power nrcetaa f , repor'ed a biUdireciingJhe minner in which Jut ors mav oe vumm med in certain catet which bill pattrd i t first reading. On moion of Mr MGeMei,ihe com mittre on th Judifi.ry were intirurlrd !ii pnnnir in;o the expedtenrr of pro law for the punitrtment of j f D? ) homicide, in cases wh-re the mortal I wvuiiu la kitcii til ii,i of r 'r i r t u a. - "0-mnuon also of tu-3. the esme v:- - ; . . . -conimP were- invrHCted to enqone tn- t. .- --J trr tn TTxpeflien',y or so amenuing the J ' - d 4 ii sections of an act parsed n "18 f I. to "pr'Tvir- fo' me punishment of t-fvint fiiil'v rrf certain nffences therein me m ton t d. ft embrace ces for coun terfcittun gu'd and silver coin of the Uni led States-. . . .. .. . ... - Aanrrdny D't 18. Mr. W"hr, fr-rn itu1 D-nmUft o! Finance, won ere inttruc ed m enquire into the 'Xin dienr-v of pr, vending the re issuing of such Tensor? Notes mav ho received at tht T-ea,uier's nftue, re por'ed tni no I, nisi tion on the subj ct is necestaif. C ufurrrrt in. Mr IV ir report) d agtinst the pis sage of ihe bill to provide lor the redemp tion of lands wnicn ma? hereaf'er be sold fir taies and stru k or? o he Gov ernor of 'he S'ate. 'Fne said bill was ac cordingly rj;cted. Mr J. Whitaker. presented a bill to es'ablish an entry nffi e. in the coumv ofj Macon, which pasned i't firSt re1n Monday, Dee. 50. MrT'Jr Whitaker pri-sented the petition of sund'V rtiicens of Micon coun-y. prar ing that B. S Brittain and John Stearns ma? be allowed to erect a Forge for the manufacture of Iron on the public lands in s.id tountv Referred. Mr. J v A I fill, .from the Committee on Internal jmprovernen?, to whom wasre- terred the Memorial of the President and Directors of the Cape Fear Navigation Company, reported thaUhe ooiect of the Memorialists is answered b? the bill now before the House, to annoint a Sunerin- tendant of Public W.irks. Concurred in Mr Po'ki from the Commi'tee of Pro positions and Gricvancei, made an unfa vorable Report on the petition of John Thomas for a tension, which was con CUrrrdin.- M'TJ'riCTlilli from the Commi'tee of In'ernal Improvement, to wnom was re ferred the petition of Sundry citizens of Sampson eountf , repprted tliat the prayer of the peirioners is sufficiently provided far 6y n act passed in 1784, ch- 337. Concurred in. . . Mr. Barringer presented a bill supple mental to an act passed in 1129, for the better regulation of the town of Concord, which passed its first reading. ' " The remainder vf the sitting was con turned in the consideration of the Reso lutions submitted bv Mr. Sawyer of Eden ton, against the Tariff. Tuesday. Dee. 21. Mr. J. A. Mill, from the committee on Interns! Impmrerasnta, to whom was re ferred tho petiiioa ef the TeaoeaseeRi- ferTurar'Att Conspiof, repafl'4 to amend an act, patted in IH6.I0 e tahlith and regulate a Tornptkt Road In theeounif of l!tood, kj. Uead the firttnme. The bill to punitb idle and tlttorderlf persona .fbnh teiet, read theterond time and potiMned M' finiielf i on ,the ground that the act of If 14. lor the re stralnt of idle and diaorderl pertons." provides a rcmr df hr the vilt contem plated in (hit oill- ' - Mr VTeavef peened Ihe petition of sundrf rlmcns of n.inconir, praying an appropriation "f M (m for ,he W'ln0' M lun'ain Road l-ading fmm Joaesbtro Tenn. ,o Atheville in this' Uiete. Re ferrd. Mf-Wr JrAleTrnd4ra-he; - Jediff - I a V VOrBmlUCB, n . - " inquire into the eipedlhcef 6t a amenn - log tbe laws relative) to the imrrttKiment of debtors, at to make p.'tiM'n for pv log the jail fees of euch rlemrs s m be imprisoned, Reported a bill. hi h had its fir reading, io amend the actsrrla tie r, I lveti' db'ott. The H..ue now proceeded m the ordrr ol '0' -I. -a.nl rtolvrd iel ln',0 a com miiiee.T ihe hole. Mr Blanch in thr that', on th- bill to ffrmpi from escu ion, a cer' iirt .lO'tion of tne Imd of t ic ctiitent of Nor'h (rolina Af er torn.- lime spent th-iri", ih com ni'tee '"t ...... ii i.k a'iu eior i a tne on io ine uuitr wn m rd thai ihe said hill he ro"r"nrd in d'fi i'elf ind called fr th- Yrit and Nafs. Thef were taken and the ques tion decided in the nega'iv, Najrt f I Y.aJl Tne bill wat then laid oron the table. ! Evettto cEtiue. 0 i motion ol Mi I) a -r . 'he Jadifiary C'ru-nitice wrr- int iurtd ip enquire ino 'he ra?edien.v "f rrkinc'iiitf the provlng ofaccrruiovne" oiih df the peison in eretted . against deceased per- tuotnd outers. M- Wniie. p - enteJ R'')!'j'in thai ! ' he app-.in.en uiDra-un William li Hi lor tne entung rear, ueai tne nrn tim hill prrtrntrd ?' M Bogle, a bill ronr.mintf ihe Mi i ii of Ir dill county Bv Mr Love, a bill 'n on.vi te f r com (fnoa'int; ersin Juror in II coun'v. T"rte hils pasted 'r' reading. i wood first In the Setute, v,-vi d a kttrt from tht Secretary of the Trcismy was re ceivt d, Id. accofJauke UU reauluuon ef ihe Senat ol the Sfffhbf'M.f lasr, whirb- will be. J..iiih1 - hi-ant -Senatorial protccdlrijurrrne" Mnroifruitaitsg ihe piymi-nt of S per rent to the S; t of II linois of ihtf - public Urxls sold in- ha State ; for authorising ihe S a e of lilinoit to relinquish a tonshi-i of Lnd. granted Uu.Hr, a.knditerrs, M.Sic1minl!li?,lb) "' . , . ik. i.. i ...... n.. ... t..u tor purposes oi euuiauo i, an to octet,K., , . . ... , . r ' . I rial iar.rwf u.rm nr n. m t. k . . . .. John Jlit d artfl aoHfi Brjh7 Jfrthe re- i f .i i ihn ! n.rttiryj -i"i ' r 'here lirf ol S tdu'I Noel; were, it- p c ivtlv, reads serond 'in1, and od rri io a lhird reading. On motion of M . Foot, and hv uianitTt'.us t undent of the Senate, th fol(ovi g 'lilu ( i-ead .i rhiril time, and pissed before 12 In k i I "r tiill for he relief of K n m M-x an-l TiJoiund S ot'h ; lor the r Ii f In i n llouer t ; lor the relief .' A,mn F aralil ; anH ffr the relief of $irn-on C. Wiittier. Af ter spending some 't ..! thp eonsi Irri tion of ti rurive husioett, ai twelve o'( lock the Senre having orgmiscd i'.sclf i into, high Curtol lmpe,rhment,'fr,riKina"y W"B They aurrea. the trial of Jude Perk, ol Missomi nd Ju'tre l'erl; wi-h h i Count, I. tr.5r. ge 1 erK wih hit Uount I. Mrssra. j Win lnd Meredith, and the Mongers on ' rn ot" the House of Representatives, Messrs. Buchanan, Spencer, WickuTA, '' Duffle, a'Kl Siori s, uf New Y irk, tving j pt sent, the trial proreeded. Mr. Me , D iftie for ihe Unred S ttes, opened the -n, v.mu-iiii ii roillin tAfl Krf . . . n . , n. . n . n . 1 . . . L . ' , I ' . T HUCH IM ';,mift r- ri..r Re will, it is supposed, conrudes m mor row. As we in'end to give as full and correct e report of this trial sT possible, llaeartturaeius -.f the M snar-ert anrlVritc g1" canUitJCf it 'wwnU ba "MUtharaCt the Cnnnel fnr th r.n i . ., . the Counel for the respondent kill be ai asm atata i4 asarl auk ... J . . I . . prepared and submitted to their revision before being put to tMe press. The Ilouteof Representatives, af-er some preliminary arrangements, on mo lb r of Mr Hoffman, proceeded in a body trthaaifoeibwpttf of prosfecuting t he impeathment of Judge Peck M-. McDuffir onened ih. e,. eight of the eigh'een specifications con --- m t iiil' I a r. ii m rwwiawsssv mw e VI uinea m me article' written hv Mr Law leas, an adjournmen of the Court took place. ?lt. JlcUufiie will resume thi.l flay, l he Mouse then adjourned till 1 1 o'clock. ttN .- What atrange times ! We shall see m a lew days, all the federal commer rial r. . . f. v. t- i . rr"-" i"- ur, support na a i j . " r uiau ana si narrv i i... i ; the interests of eery man in this torn. am '',': mf . ev s r . ,j law Biiiii.i i.ni . . . j - rr uiuuiiv, vonsistency : VUTitfaTiTit t)iT lairal. MXU.1UY 4,' 1811 Our, eorreaxndcnt from Rilci(jh, uyt the Legialature tt eipee'cd to rite ot) latnrdaf U$U line oir lat, Mr. flynum's reaolgtee iilcli, it- will be recollected are actio rU nneiae "A the power cf carrtW on wqiki ai . Tntemat Improtifsfent'Tirthe7 Territory of tK( a " .. in nrni uaTf OeCS fakrii tip, " nur sorreo"m!eni (IiTnirfhst ; thrjT will not be aced t btfvre l! ItKtalature riKt The llauk Hill wit ljt In the.lenstf, by the caitmj vote it ta Speaker. Tie llonealcad bill haa paawj. aa Cl. Dam NuM.Atn, the Senator frnoi Curke. having been elected Counsellor of Statf, hie Kat baa heoiae vaeabl. lie pited thrwig here on ttsiurjay lait, on Lit way l.oro-. In our laM tt.por a iuke of the prabStf of our reauminf the tnjs.t M'. !savtt'i resolutions that probability ),n beeii reJuctl in inc mi ii-iia rr. me retxiunuwa aa mm v have before fa id denounce tde Tanffof 1828; aa a dangeruui tnd i-alable Infracilon of As' cona'itutbm. The debate wtt opened taji taa Ilepiter - by Mr. Hill in tppmot, te the ret. olution, and tho' we have often admired tbe eloquence of Ma language an the eogeaey vf hit rrsar.ninj, ct on this oecation, he wsi aora forcible anrt frlie.tooa then utuaL" W bearj Mr. Hill wt aerejold he wtt a talented rats we TikeJ ttie beauty oi hit fangoaire) and k'e manner of deliveriijr ', but tn say that there jwaa a- his Tf aronlnfl's ould Vela" uy wtiat we dont believe and abat hiaipeeck will not aupport. If the alenunciaiion fboe ett opinions bune-tlv exprrtaol and of ike men who utter such orxniona, it cog eni reaaoa ifif then inde. d dott Mr Hill's speech ileaerve tbe t pitbet. Rut On the other ba . I u auch t cuurae arisra from the weakness of a causa sail" I '""''"'y t0 ,ho ho advorate (liferent opit nine, tlsen. we wou.d ra .er csJI bis apeech tbe ebulition ol" a diwppui.it, d madman thaa tbe eaauning of winlmn. Il.a object waa to a'araj the fear of men and then to force upon theso hia otherwise obiuxiuui opinion. For tbi be eenainiy tletervrtihe ep;thet cf cunuinghut it that of taten'edr " " '.' "JZ The Edi-.ors go on and ay that be proved eoncloaively- to their ftwrvls that the rarifTwst boi'oiJ) aulhuriaed by tlie aonatitutHm but ws one of the erjaiary $ljrltfr wait il wiiftrntd TJisf i Tariff Is'auTiiorlseii hy ihe coiiatitutioa edu nm deny but that the TarifT of "187ST" which ia a Tariff for protect on aanelioned by f?nied fv.r .ilie objects of nisiag auch a Tariff . we da oVnjr. 9p long at t Te KiTional legislature coofine,! thewielrc tq the Tailing of a Tsuif fur Kc venue they acted within tlie p!e of the conatitulion and their acta we:e nv tuineil by theSouibt but when they f.iru the rtori Jfjr which the States had jieldivl to them the ' power of la; ing impost and exci es and putt : lawa which drain tht pockets uf one portion w , the union for the purpot of filling those ol an. j o:her part, they acted without any attthoritr I aave that which corrupted ambition gave then. I The rijht of layinjr imposta, at wr all know in. I as the Editors of tbe Regi-Her must admit on dered this right to the Genl.U.jvernment sA i ur iiat r ot mt mey m:g!it r!ve tne orui ern f.knufacturer a pren.ium upon hit goodv but that a revenue mignt be raited to pay off Ihe debts of Gov. This being tlie cae where did tliey receive authority to give the N'orthfH j manufacturrr a premium upon hit apinninj j geni,- ' They could have received it only fro I the Hxatcti-. .And we Lave aeen that the Staid never gave themany aiich poer. Henee their authority is that which it Riven them bf power. And if " power ia -right" at some con tend and as perhspi Mr. Hill am! the Tdltbrfef never eave them any inch nmver. Ilener - - ,er wi'h ,ome oflheir 0!her doctrines) tahal i rw tawaias I' taa llta '). Itu? IS. aa sL'li ter wi'h aome of their other doctrines) 'hen deed Congresshsi the right. But ve ill find tfl one hardy enough, ime perhaps Mr, Hill and ibt. before named editors', to contend fir such a doc trine in this Republican land. II' then the Tariff of 18?8 ia not authorised bv tlie ronttitutios uiu enter our solemn, protest against it. It itast onjf intereet it it not oar duty? Vi'e hop The Legislature of South Carolina ad on Saturday the 18th inst. Though there at majority of both Houaet in nvor of the call f a convention yet. there wtfhota const itutiontl one of tweuhirda. That suhjeet snd ti e eler tion of several important officers conswmr d tM most of the time of the Legislature. 1lie prii" . cipal kws that have been passed are a iar tending the powers ot the eommtwonert .t .' . . ,m eamtv. a law eoncernlnr usury, makinir W principal, though not the intercut and costs, tu recoversbfe, and a lw coecerning horte etetjk ing, substituting a hipping for hanging, for 6f flrtt eTena.' '. " 1

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