f3 Ceploui litruli J CongreonJ pro ving wi9 ronnj en tV n.f page of our pfwrpftmiajr. foe greater part of th time payees concerned in the trial of Jul(t Peck. yVi Imp X" nde of pum!iifif sack of. fisct anil be found whic!i will (ontuni lew i, a.std ictt money than the ant wLich b no , Wl rrff'et that too SmaJlness of our paper - mbU ut front publishing tbe dKU-aents, so. jpsr.ying the Preeident'i Mege. The rrut lidi'y tht rasnifirai in eaeg of the ar. ) report of lh Secretaries of the Treasury f nv.ofthe Njf, and of th Pom Master ea. ftfHy sustain i be eliaacter of the prcacnt adaums. iif ut?e, " Tbete" dxamc nu or thcttiscTr.s .. Mi id th Eih iliittnf'j'ffl af btl jjt Lbe -most iblr thai have ever lied. i vain mi; iIk oiywti'jon decry their men. hrri. Tbey are too elevated to bVrea'-.licd by he shaf'a of oeh disappointed expectnte. A DIAHY. Col. Alei. Huckner bas been elected Senator from Missouri In place of David Itarton. whose Itno of service expire on lite 4:h of March wit Thin may be looked upon aa a great tri uinpb by the fr'wnda of the administration. Tbt impeach"? nt of Judge Peck la going on. Mr, McUuffl. aa one of Ihe managers, on llx aarluf tie HouM Of Kcprcaenlalivea, (o'"con. duct the impeachment baa addressed the court at considerable length. A memorial bat been presented to Congress y Mr. Gordon, signed by Jl of Ihe moat res;ec Ubtc men of Albemarle couny in favour vf (be dsiaa of Rt-PreiJent Monroe, upou tbe Gen era! Government A graed review of the National guard of France hat lately tak. n place by the king. He ttpryawd himself weE-pti-ssed rth'tue dl:tpr line ia a letter to Gen. Lafayette. -k Cog it talked -of by-the-Enm: poet to aettte the affairs of Balgium. Trance it ia said Km acceded to it. B) the lart arrivala from Europe we have re ceived the tpeech f the king at the opening of Parliament. He aeknowledgea Don Miguel a king of Portugal. The ej'ieation of Kfgency in the event of a dsrnise of the crown will proba My be the tubject of a deba'e during tbe pre wnt Parliament. . Mr. Wilkina has been elected Senator in Con grwin p'ace of tbe Hon. Mr Mark, after the 4th of March Kelt He ia friendly to tbe ad mini tTation. Thia tnakea a gain of two in the Sen ate fur the administration. Thti ftytymt to rest (be report that tbe oprwaition baa majority. . the new French ministry W said to be more popular than any former one. Mr. TsieweiTbnhe" rniled" S(a'a Senate ii detained at home by im!ispo;tion. There nerer were more itage accidenla in one winter. ftao there baa Been this. A Resolution hat been- in'mjuced into the Hreof Repreaeiilattvea by HrC UTckl'ifTe to aboliah imuriaonment fiirdeVBy tirttje of pro. rtti from courts of the L'ni'ed Stttei. A committee of deiegatce hair been heWJ aW Frankfort (Ken.) for the purpjae of denouncing fie admi littration and of nominating lly. Clay fjr the Preaidency. After a great deal of Table Oratory had been displayed, they choae tele delegmtei to meet tbe "National Con vention" which ii to meet in Washington for the pvrpote of nominating Clay for President. Conper'a water witch, aaya the last Courier & Enquiier, ii now in the handa of eery novel rea !er in town. The Editor aay it is very good James L Peltiru haa been elected to the Senate of the Legislature of South Carolina in place of Hugh Legare, f q. who haa been elected Attorney Gen. He beat lr Laurens by a bare . r majority. He an old lawyer of high standing, and Mr. Laurens quite a young man it cannot he called a triumph by tbe opposition. A fue was discovered to have tken place in the store of John Cox, Esq. of Edenton whose . books, goods etc to a large amount. - The Resolutions which were.introduced in the fieorg'n legis!atre. disapproving of the coure if 8outh Carolina with regard to the Tariff nd internal improvement have failed. llff 9 WWW i A bill to erect a new county out of Burke nd Buncombe co'ya. waa offered in the Senate, ,iy David Ne wlarkl, Esq. the Senator from B-irke, ttd referred to a select committee of which he wsitbe chairman. Ihe committee aubmitted .. t'te following rwrt f thje lloue hieb wa "mered to be printed. Report of the com. for Erection of a Pj totmitj out of a vortion of the counties of Uurke and Buncombe.' The ulctet committee to whom aa re ferred the .bill nd tlie ftcrompatiftng toetnorial, to erect a new county out of a) Portion'of thje tountiea of Buncombe apd urke, ha?e attentively considered the ubject, nd respectfully Report t That the new nd accurate mail of this St'iti pofttele submitted to the Legiila ore John M'Rie, Est,; the enumern Jion within the present year of Ihe irhab Jtantj of the aeveral counties in North Molina under the directionor life Mr hal of this district f and the report cf the Comptroller, to the present Legish S5"! lon the state of our finaces, furnish acU clear and utcorf tt 'u)eu;i uyon all (he pdriti of inquiry, as to leave noth ing to conjecture, and nothing unknown, which can be regarded n essential to en lightened legislation. Tht facts which the committee deem material are briefly these The coun ties of Bjneombe an 1 Hurke, ferr Inac eurately delineated upon the Map of Price and Strother, are shen by Mr. ooyrrory isrger man any 01 b r counties in the State, and the territory out of which the new county is proposed to be erected, la equal in point. of extent to the couniy of Orange. Strike it off, 'lO-they wilL remain largar-ihan- three aoi .inlrtr coua.leioJLu-l.i Knrth-- C aroltrrar-Ar-presenf" eitfrrr-of Lhmj.'lC1 a,,tl3miin asxUaiaie- iao ante or it node"! stand or lfiriwarrnd Sfreilef f bh'l rt i counties east ot t'te . t ho wan mar. United they are bcliwed to be ol larger lermoru! eitent thn either of the Slain of . Massachusetts or Connecticut. The population of the two coun'ies ia ascattaiiied 'o h 4 075 one third piri of which is I l,3i!t The taxes paid into the Public T:ea sury durinu the Ut GiC4l year ainoun' ro the sum of RJ.OIiJ the one third part of which it $694,7 1. Witn these facts btfre them, the com mitlee believe that it i not cliiri:ijjt to demonstrate the propriety and nere'.iiy pf the? menurr proposed bf ht bUl They ire not disposed to en'cr into ah stract reasoning to ;rore that from me nature of the thin, the end to t obisin ed by the creation of new coyniies, is ihe promo' ion of public convenience " Wis ora- is philosophy leachta by eiample From the institution of the " hundred," iu the days of Alfred, duwn to the pre sent period, the history of civilized nun leaves no room to doubt it. O r statu c book in the-preambles lotfif ic's "ererT ing various counties, affords the most aiisple prpijf. Thc incoot enieni width of trie Cnown ia assigned as the reason for creating the couniy offices, and the difficulty ot crossing the Alleghany R4ve l ' . .At r . . . on m io ine. io attnoute a niilerent muiive to the foundersof the Kovernment, outd be a libel on their memryi The tyrant Napoleon pnused in the tnidtiuf hutriuinpiis, to divide Trance ir.tocircles, in order that a precise measure of con should be administered to nil. In this Iree country, where we boast a wri ten charter, in which- the humblest peasan reads an equal inheritance of rights and privileges, with the mt fjvorable iudi viduls in tbe land, the convenience ot the cim-n ie-regaHeif t matter of minor concern. That he travels" trjrice ne distance lo attend a court of juiii. e. or to ittitn other objects hoi iota acciin p.ishtd elv ner o, i hat ts ttrrtllco far ihe same purpose by ciiz ns in other sectionr of the: Stat,' would, tri the davs of the itvolU'ion, have been regarded as tyianny ; and it will be difTkuli to per soad those v ho sufTer, thai u is not t now. Can it be believed that a ciiiscu 6?rthe iecliort of Vounily cjUCJtii when he sees the Stite ol Tennessee ii- viding the same eitent of ouBry of pr- cuely the same character into ail coun nes, establishing towns, and in(itutiug . courts to the advancement ' f civilizition, od prepare the desttt for the rctep'ioo of the emigrant, iil not reflect upon he nature of the government that claims his .. .f n allegiance f A navel of seventy-five miles over rugged mountains, and, through deep uvrrs, to attend as a wit ne;s, or serve as a juror, is well calcula ted to siitpujcitt inquiries of this nature to! oon ihe dullest head and coldest bosom. I' I Mommery those itsiding in more favored sections! Mn-'io of the State doubt it, a political rxperi ,0,110 mem. which hi.nld rtmsniidate a hall doz- t'e q limons en counties into-oner mtgrft - prodoTe - arf - similarity of views, and teciprocily of feeling. 1 ne iruui is, inai 11 100 ..i 1 i.o.-u uc rficii nii.rl. iSul I h- -piiiidli nf thm rnnntv i , , , ... ..i 111 ijiit aii.jn . kuuui iiui iu iimi.6 .umber which at . present, constitutes the : nu legislative body, all diU.cu!ty and oSjec- 01 ,,,e PMWSe 01 Mc rn-tionaw-svouJd vanish. , Tbe onJy-inquiry IrMU fo would be, whether the counties of Hun- i equ! footing With the Eaat by adding to ihe combe and Burke were tnrvnvitntty orjrf whether the litirens inhabiting the sec- rjgrj to corjtcl convent icn ly suomit to the rate of taxation whuh would be required to erect the pro- per public buildingaf would be regarded as a matter proper for their consideration alone. Indeed, up to the year ' the Lefeislatuie did not permit the citizens to tw'iatFmwiitd leWiy 'tr tli flit, ultTei'-sag 'tWiil nature The wise policy then .pursued being to encourage a you'rlul communi ty in its outset, tour hundred dollars were invariably p'aid ou; of the Public Trea sury to all new counties as a public build ing fund- Since .the spirit of the revolu tion has ceased to be to what extent shall we aid an infant community f end the policy of Great Britain to the colbnies prompts the inequality; in what propor tion con the flay ut for an equal particips tion of constitutional privileges i Placing the argument, then, upon this ground, admitting the convenience of tbe ritisrh to be totally unimportant andtrre levant to the inquiry submitted to the committee t snrt also assumirR a me rue orinciple, the batu of retreientdtton, are the citizens of that section of cojontry tntitlej lollio relief for) VFfiit consti tutes the (rue basis of representation I Is it territory tttcnt f They have It three times tol I. i's it for'whit popuUilon, as in two thirds of tha Sims of this Union f ll it federsl popalstion, as recognised by the Constitution oftha United States f Or It II thfl aggregsie of all classti and cistir .issuue either basis, and they ere entitled to the priviWes -which thet cliro, inian viihhtld.' K third part of no p oqisuoo of the counties of Rtfrke nl Hu.icoube has been aheari to he 1 1,1 . Multiply the present number of Cannes (Ot) bf that tuna, and you have. Mj pjpuutoo Mhe fltatev Mim, iQii. p44biitiy not far from -the te si wwtwfv-BtsTTscwTfre Ifeia1,nem"' h white MatfttrtmTrTolJi !5.!L'Ln.7? ti JSi. bxtycrigt popule. tun of all the coanies in the State, will fall greatly below ihe nu uher, resultlnif from the division of the population of the wi counties before named into three parts. Uut ia the universal principle which prev iils in the Cwstitu-iorj f (he UniieU Sistes, snd the incivi fual Sutes, l no ap plication h.-.ef and shall it, with us, he regarded as ct lutitelv a matter ol inter, est f What would ha thought of the a' Hesman, who should rtf.is? for Arkan sat admission in:o the Union, un i! she conlniuied to the coffers of ihc 0 ,-neral Government the revenue of New Yoik. or even of North Ciroflrw f Buf sunDosV this principle, which, by all oiner civilised societies, would be scouted as jbu'd, to te rongenial to liberty, and in unsiuti wiih our Constitution E. en then, these free men .nat petition usiuvc biui;ht ihispfl vitcge. . One third tjf Te amomt ofties paid 0? these two couu'is ($694 74.) Is greater than the average unuu u pud br noi-e than one hjf of the ou:ities in this ouic. tas wni tie seen bv reference I noneiea s ward 'itrnrrf! fit ol which . r. I nave enjoyra all the rights, pijvi ges ! and immunities U.4JUket4MuaiUMl!. TkT Ml rM''JJU' kreTHo'iafe and Indulgent, this Sute or more tlun a ccn.urr. mestie concerns, he delith i ne cuims presented to ojr Commit tee are simply these: Tie petitioners labour under inconvenience unp..-lle!ed io any other section of ihe Stale perhaps eT aha Tfrta nn f .. - . L . 1 t . . t " " v"6 umJ 01 ,ne PP"- II in o. the I wo counties has been nen, io uc grorfier man ihe avn ce population of all the couiri-s in the Sute , a third is proved to ronirhu'e m re to the gen crai wciiare tnn one hall ol all the cnun ! i a" .1 m lies in the Slale and the day mav yet1 arr ivethat willtest the proportion in which ! ihev aie able .nrl willim. In -r,nirih..i in the common defen To an iniant cominity of so mueh present promise an fa ure 'liap, who k t our httds tht tqujl partlcip i-ion of rttrhts, intended to be secu-afl by the fttitkatLiristtOftstyutesUf1 bottdT"1 tft ia 0jB: ' - - ol Union, whai ausei snail be returned ?' n - k lour. Commtnee br.heve.jnat a.ppiopilile and itost impressive response will Ste, the p s ge ol the bill referred. Itespcc.f .!!. ml ted - DAVID NRWLAND, Chairman. Ashe g3'J (J . 997 15 iDX 12 612 iV 47H 99 '.,70 JO I 790 29 812 25 r: t. 47J 66 3I 93 741 4J 670 St 310 71 4 (0 03 7JI 63 861 93 613 10 RViea-vt 603 2rt KiCimoad 8;S 77 i Anon '"Drufiawick I'vrrtdl 4t7 i9 - Washington 356 6 Vilkea 374 56 Do- li'i S H6 ft Mt' -rd V76 7 J ill mi 011 95 86 ' ' ur,.,,,cl- canden coIh.hous Cabarrua tireetie jV(je nvvrood Niah 904 42. Prrson 927 0 ' Kand i'Dh 94 26 1 Sam:vin 9.U 62 ! Davidaon 9"8 2il! ones Lenoir g 3..H7 r lluncorobe gl.UU5 Jo Burke l,OTH 25 J 82,0-4 ii ; 735 12 " Ihride J.3,2T 57 (the smounf of tases paij D' . np!l J mnti mentioned wmi.n; Dy 1 34. cives R634 91, n Y;.i-,i a 5 nux 01 ik .mnl.n, nfi,... n.;i bv Ul,rke t(J B lt,.om(,e, by 3. gives g594 74. When the bill come before the house, Mr. New- t con.ider.ble length in favour number of the Western Members." The bill bus (passed two readings in the Senate and we have been tctd witt probibtypsss tn third. - We-xre orry to add that it will probably be loat in the 'Commons by a considerable number, lYhen shall we have a convention t Will nothing be done to repair the rotten fabrick by which we are governed"? Shall we always see such an inequality in tbe ipmentation of dif ferent parts of the State ? We hope not." We trust something will be done when tbe Census shall have been completed to change such an unjust system. . ""' raas WWiWWJ) FOR THE WESTERS CROL'jJtIAH. At meeting of apart ol the nfficers and troopert gf the fiegimcnt pf Cavalry commanded by tbe late Col. John Zim merman for tbe purpose of testifying Their respect to the memory of their d? teased friend and commander. U. uol Henry Fulenwider wai called to the chair and tt. J A. R imsour appointed sccreta ry The following resolutions ere of fered and adopted.. Rctotvtd. That whereas by the trotni mous recommendation of the officers and trooperi f th Itejiment f Ceyelry at- fachid to the 1 slh Hrigade of lie 5th Division, Cot John Zimmerman accep ted the command of that regiment and fulfilled Ihe honourable trust eposed in him to the evident end entire satisfaction of all under his command snd feeling deeply Impressed with the lor they hare sustained by the uispensstiun of Provl dence in calling him from among them they will wear the usual badge of respect for thirty days. ' RrarVrti That publication of this tnee ting be made In the Rutherford Spectator the Miners Journal, the Western Caroli nian en Catawba Journal, and that copy of these. resolution! beftTsTiirrrrrred ta the rt Met of tmj 'dftetwd. 8t ti r.?t rtT- m.Trvf pray cr rr-i.-tf.-itisnupg, stt'y. 1 Maaano, In thia eountv. on tbe tlet ult. bv A'lam It weman, tan. Mr. John Troutma to mim ,Mry Kitctiie. AUo. tn thia eauntv. on the 30th uh. br tK lU-v. WillUm a. Hall, Mr. Joseph Crena, to niias Debecca l)ent. SXCD. In the Porks of the Yadkin, in t'uia county, on the With of November last. Mr. Daniel Orrell, in be rid'h year of his age. He haa raistd a rea. pectahle fannlv of children, be waa an indulrent parent, an arTectionate Lunband and an obliging ITIgUVOUr. omru.inv. (t'oMwvaicaraD J Tiio, at bia residence In Liucolnton, on Pri dav the lth December, after a severe illrw-aa which eonft ed him to his bed for three weeks, Col. J.ihn Zimmerman, in Ihe 41st jesr f his l lesriog an affeealonste family a wife and five rh-llrn to lament with all. his aeqnain- (s'lcs t us amictive dispensation of rrnvidenee. Cot. ZnTjmeransn wsa a wrmhy member of the r. ....... D.r...l . ..-.r..i I a good neighbour. The lota ihat hia hterratinr tamii,tne einiena or the village and or the av . iia .i ..a . c"uny aiiaiainea in nia ueam ia iwcaicu- em, aiienuve io uit concerna, he delighted to dwell in tbe boom of hia fs-nily. Libert,! in hia views he waa devo'H to hia education of hia cbildtn. Aa a neighbour be wa generous i aa a ciliten he wa vigilent in the promotion of every thing rtlciUted 'o lmpoae the morals of the- commu- n.'v. nd in .hot hia nersonJ frieoda were maav hU enemiea on ai m g nTW 4 TP FW 54" M av!i V T i Jl VT BTta A .VAT in Mav ia.i. a nejio man named ll av Jacob, six ut .TI years old, fii'Aet ten ,n '' -' ni!h erv black, quick spoken and feat ' h cir 'is leO. leg Any uer.ou delivering him to me near Salisbury, sSall br paid gtlJ, or $ JJ if confined in any jail ao that I g.ftii-n again. AIXCHT7. u. c AKTtx. : JaituWlit,1dTt: 32:T N. fJ. The NewSern Sentinel w pleaie'li aertlhe'above W tlmea and forward their ac- - BUiW4 COCSTT, Xorembcr Scmons, 1830. IFFFEHSW. KObEttSQX and other ti. John Kutledge and wife 1 Petition lor sale of negroes for distribution. Oa owliun of the nlaiuiiff bv counsel, and it anDearinf lalb ut- , . , M T - ! mfaction of the c urt that the defendants are not tnhabttanta of this stater Ordered by the r,irt that publication be made in the VTtern Carolinian, published in Salisbury for six weeks tor the defendant to appear at the neit court of pl and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Rovan, at the Court-IIouse, in Salia- turv on the 3d Monday in f cbruary next, then snd there to answer tbe said petition, plead. or demur, or the same will be taken pro eonfeiso and heard exparte. 6t57 JNO. UILF.S, t. e. State of Xott-Caroina, MOWS COCNTV. Notembcr Sessions, 1830. RCF.L WALLICE v. John Buckj Attach ment levied. &.c. Un motion, and it ap panng to the aatiafaction of the court, that the defendant ia not an inhabitant of tbia State 1 or. f dered by tbe court that pubbct ion be made hi the Western Carolinian for six weeks that tbe defendant appear at the next court of pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for Ihe county of Kowan, at the Court-Houaenn Salisbury, on the 3d Monday in February next, then and there to plead or replevy, otherwise judgment will be entered against him Tor the plaintifl demand and cost. otw jxv. oillsi, e, c. State of Vortv-Ciirbma"1 .. - tlOU.S.1 COVUTtr- - - Superior Court of Imw, OCTOBER Trust, 1B.)Q, TLFANOR ROBEKl'S vi. William lioberta JLi Petition for Divorce and Alimony. It is ordered by the court in thia case that publics tion be made for three months in the Western Carolinian and Yadkin and Catawba Journal, that the defendant appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Stokes, at the Court-House in .Uermaoton, on March next, tLen and there to plead answer or demur to the aaid petition, or the same will be taken pro confesxi and heard eipsrte. 3mt63 - Test THUS. T. ARMSTRONG, elk. atate ot VortU-VJaroVma," rroks coiriiTT. Superior Court of Law, OCTOBER TEH-, 1830. rRANCES ARNOLD t. Jamea Arnold i Pe M? thion for Alimony. It is ordered by the court in this case, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian and Yadkin and Cataw ba Journal for three months, tbat the defendant appear at the nert Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Stokea, at the Court House in Uermanton on the third Monday after the 4th Monday of March next, then and there to plead answer or demur to thesaidjetition, or the tame will be taken pro eonfesso and heard eiparte. . Smt63 - Tetf TIW. T. ARV5T,N. rfc BUtc ot A'orlU-ttaroUnti, lacortt, cosait. In Chancery HENBT BONE ve.iaa. Icaa MJ where. Il appearing to the cmirt that the defris danta, William Hone, Joba tVaaann anj wile, Anaineaia, Joaiah Waan a'wl Wf, Urjr(rtt4 Ullliam liafkrrlml Wi"a tuaann.li, vr,iui4 ; MeUonaVl and Hif Eliaabeth, resida wmU-mi h limifa of the tu(r, it la thrribfe wtTt that publication be m le tnr the arsr f (;( , . wka in lb Uaatarts Cmim, tm4mt siii ' - - defeaxlaota to a, pr b U4t Juda our . lurvMor Cont of t'M irtv I j hdd ftte tha county of lred. ll. at it.t I 4iiTT4a In Stales villeoathe 4tH IMmlay afr lh Vh M.nd.y of MaiTti.- A.-1- HJ t-,-wdn-wrTi fle4 or da J mMLl'lt Mall oiniLilnl. irf llrnrUiue. ilni ifart ws4 kmmti arf-e-w saVtisrs wnde tvsiiS)a?lTi tSiM". as Jiiht 'W'i;itraf f."frk 4d MaJtrr of oui nil Court U OSSkJU thavicb. I iUijJUi the 40l Jjlondar.of 5ej)le!)b jJi 6tJ7 itniM ML'HIlAT.i.as . saaaisaBssMsBssasaawMasBsaasMassMasasssaanaaaMas - New Goods. " . A LP.XANHEK U COWAN, beg leave SoU." ' , W. form their friend and (hw publie In c e. rml that thev are now reeeivlng and opening at their Store in Stateaville, (tha Store formerly occupird by Meaar. Shepherd as ftimraonde) a geneii aawrtmeiit or , .rti . 1 1 . it 1 . consisting of almost every article) ialty kept in Store, which were ae foe ted with great care, . ' by W. F. Cowan of the above Irm, and pur ' chaaed for Cam, from tliaj Uten importations in . New-York, Pbiladrlpbia and Mew.Ark 1 of which thry are ttetertrrned to ! at trm fof . Casts ha rrcvli of lha uim auititv Can be nur ' chased any where in thia section ol the State, Purchasers ara respectfully invited to call and ' examine, hear pricea and Judge for themes!-. Cotton ami other mercbanUble produce taken in exchange. - . 4 ' They would a', respect fully present their sincere thanks to their friends and. tbe ptibUct for tbe liberal share nf pationage the have heretofore received of them arvltiope ty eloae attention, candid and lair denting, lis merit a cootinuance of tbe same. --rr. ALKVAMDF.R k COWAN. -N. B. Those owing the la'e Arm of VT. P Cowan It Co- wi! plraae rail and settle the same ov cs-n or noie, 111 or.ier mar mry may 99 enabled to cloe lli. t concern. A. k C. , Spt. 7th, 18.10. .mtr TUP. hf lewlon of the Wllkcsboro' Acau!. my will commmce on the fiat Tuesday of January 1BJ1, under, the care ot Ut. Kichaxd lltll, a gentleman who has been sometime to gaged In the initituUun, and who i a graluat of our University. He ha acquitted himself to the satisfaction af the trustees, and all concerned in the' youth u A der hia care. The Academy ia situated in Wilkeaboro. the climate deligh'ful and healthy 1 a.id board and tuition at a mode; ate charge. Hoard can be obtained in private families or publie house j at not exceeding sixty dollars peg; ai.iium. "T".-JI""iMie 01 i eirioavT.'.rrr''' "7Z, The Laiin and Creek Laaiuisges), per annum, . Enylwb Uswmwaenssd tie "gray Reading. Wrilingand Arillun'tic,. 1Q JOHN riNLEV. Pre. llh Wf.. kermber Urn, 1 830. - 7-3tS- - t'.nttiin tln A L n - i vviiiuu u 111 .uuniiiQ, - rnil K ubcriber reepectfu'ly inform, ihe eitJV JL- anar laavUsost, and the adjaaivM wn." .if y -ti-lW be coaiiituea U carry oa. at tua Bbopi. in Lexmcton. the buainess of Makirur COTTON OtNVrpl!l to any manufctured in the United Statraj indeed, hia Gina are preferred to all others, by those who have tried ihemi and have found a ready sale throughout a Urge ex tent of country. Hrs prices shall be as reason, able as ut any other shop in the Southern country. All orders will be promptly attended to, and Gins finished in the ehorteat possible time. KutKiirine of (line will be dona on the short eat notice, and in the moat subatauliat mannrr, by the public's humble servant, HF.NRV A. CLINOAMON. yjin-fan, .Vjy 26A, 1 830, 21 Wz WeA lands lor &ae. PiniiE subscriber being about to I at X remove to the West is ant. I ..teU WN4IUItjllWUWIl IHII1 iaiSasahe now lives lying in the. rorks ol v the ladkin near Outchman's Creek, fifteen . miles from Salisbury, on the mad leading from that place to tireavea' bridge. Thi-re is ahmit 200 acres in the above plantation, all of which, is first rate red land. There is a good dwelling house, out-houses, orchard, Uc on the premise. Any person winhingto purchase the abore rand " can have an ODDortuoitv of viewiiix the premiaeS iyxailing oa..tbe aubskribet...wba tny.lt,all, ., ... times be found or the premises, i tilLES POSTER.: - JVVtser 20A, 1830. ' 4Stf DEPARTMENT, T3TENT, I ?. ir, 1856,' Washington, Nov fENsio ass aorjsrr LABD &COCLATIOX. . fJlli many impositions which are attcntpte 1 , JaL in relation to Pension and ItouHty in$ Claims, have caused the Department of War to ' establish a regulation, which declares that no -attention will, tn future, be Viveist isnotiejttinBw jTrd m pefiofts vo act "TsaTi 'gz iifaTt u .ewsniTi ey" are known at the Department, or are vouctied for aa respectable persons by force ona who u known. Notice of this regulation is hereby slven i anr! that all may be informed thereof, it Is requested ' Hut publishers of tbe laws of lbs Lnited States, -In the respective Stares will insert the same, on the front page of their respective pspers fof s three months, By order of the Secretin rf Mir. ' J. L. KDWAUns, 3mt60 Firti t:terk Pein Ojjlce. WILLIAM UORDON, . - Hntt'lerk liuunty JUweJOfcev F evrry description, nes.;lv Printed, a kept counanrt ior u'c at tlr-a ouioei ' I.'

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