TV 0 i. i i rv. tnrH 4r r AD.vutirif, Th f belVi .f f,,r,itjt may bit vtjrtfXtng la or cofnin-M ' f qu v'riPe A "1 Kirk a .l-mra'ao by 'Mii.jHjr telim. OMririj and prnlinir, ml(Mfk'!,l But tUe m th f.if cor in twri!ry or Vi'y. , VV h,tn b o j and i! Uut'.n r lr la Iter b." . ' Wha cheerfully nsrhle . nit'ieu- ililly, !?' jdyir.f fit rjf i fij"'1'1' .fTI'"l -. - -,-k It'UHKSHht t:-V1t ir.i rrM-. A eWm 'b'Jt "'"' t: A m, ' , T tHM ! bit rmiury ii-vtr bit furiualitd do keen and unfnnjf, prhSh-il dirt i ' Let be inty ilrrC' i, H p5.-'tH 1" I bnri.t-hciJ, - An4 1 h i ceruiu oi to ichi.i,j Ue hcail. B i'iiii, r itiaiift-M. '-' !Irti'-i ByJ-;ntffie:.j'f. 1 fii'tmi ith ' , . .. t - ...... T(W nrtf. blv'rr tc low hrni. i;fUtir,i Ajpfr o log!) i r m or i A (fM'r C'nenrJ 1 k-C'u ril t.ih!-, Fi.'S l.l.if rfi'v '.litr ! J lain h-f jurt '. EetfUi'i.'iK llir '.t t il g or Ul'lr. nil I'lvn.r iiir nc(J'r wnli exirimie rt. Van cly. ; C&7 fYt"L'htr.So uvnn ding ive M i.tiieai Ch il;ri ruiilti wriic Other thin ( r a PaSVph J.iring:;n. flPi 1 for .1.- bhir,sui)hi.r and oh i- hn wratner u,l ill t " ,r.c, or nunmu r.e IcIC J.h over.. .1 luiri 4 I. .)U jJcr t ut uf 11 nce' -l or cur K at Mii.ii 11 war in Hi r in?ers i..r a mi i'jt s at 11 t ,r:i d-,!.-. . - 1 man'a idras Vrf - 4 tncy t'jlj, :in ! it c ftropjiinpi of hit imagination harden Wire; rapidlv than milird'Lad In Hi pmr fr.xn the tcp ul a nliot twer. - Anjr-mai mat Ihedi tcr now wi'.I g'rat duturbantr up h the pavr mtnt, (jt it will evidcntlv be .1 mil at rm ! And thm thi inhni'iu in fl icnza ! H ho in the nane f ment ! and phytic4l ftiiiJi y 0 u!d he v. petted to sav anv thing cntihlc, while wa . couShipS !' y.t feuntjuw: that "otild d credit t mioutcrul - metiher, ilrttrmined to p it d rn 'OTipnrrti in ' Iftealt . r in T '"". .,1V J. I III 1 II II4HICI11 : e.AOL-a O ior devil n( a Alitor, whn . . tf employ a auneritt'ertdent of his own niViie'j and i irUe at each para. -.graph o the daftjr of kneejf,ioe'.every rttonofr hi Coat J Te New- lrk ( uner and Knqairer folk have Inq irntly edified Ihcir reader Lv :"TlhciT3il55crtation3-ttpnn Cbltie,, . - aiKi..i have even been h it deaded enough to Yltig? US by an occ isional push uf a hot poker; but the puldic always gave a Verdict of " Clance Medley." wnich iSiackstoue saya is more propcrl) chttt'l medley. They never fairly' 1 . ' , either ootburtit lis, or burut ua out, thanks to our mrire ardent latitude, and we should like now to know whe- 4her they tan ootlreee us. ft they can, let them forthwith import tin ice- - berg and cut it into warming pans. - Ctirndm Journal, Awpcsooff .-.p tiri g there voluiian ry war, when drafts were made from the militij, so recruit the continental army, a certain cupiain gave liberty to the men, who were drifted from his Company, lo make their odiedions, if'v, A ' '--- thev h-if n ' w I -t'w Jersey, wh one M .inlay .driving they . had -iiv against g.i g into thel T , b ' b f . At'CoriJincly cnie t them ... 13 ' n aervice .ttJwJiacL ao4ftprJMB nt- in h is- speech ; 1 jtaone up ta- thr titatH, w hen the-iol ?, lowing dialog, euued : it. . Contain, Wnat is vour obiec. tlon ?" SoMier.u I ca-ca-aant go because -:I ai-s.itter.''-"?- . " Captain. Statter ! you dont go -rr - -"to ulk bar fight. - " .Soilien-Bixi they'll p.p-putne ha-hahalf 4 mile, h-fore lean say wh Wh-who goes there f Captain." Oh, that is no objec ""tibii, they will plaje'some oiher eu try with you, he can challenge if you can fire." ' Soldier. 'Well, K-b-but f may . be ta-ta-taken and run through the gu guts, before I can cry q'l-c-u-qu-q.iar-k ters." ; The last plea prevailed and the cap. tain, out of humanity, dismissed him. '.. C'-hhett aays, that to Fr mce every thing is n itional, they have the Nation ol G lards, National aongs, $-c. tf-c. but - in E jrland they have oaly theif1 .Va " the wironivo r.xrr.riiTift. We have been permitted to copy the Mlowing letter addrrsted to. (he He t rctary of the N'svy, on the aubject rl the ex, hiring ripediiio it' t. .V. TV'. Valfahui), fppt. U 1830. Hut Trirer- iranen wtvi Icf the seating Wig' Seraph,' Capt. Henj imin Pendleton of Htontogt'in, arrived nere this morn in fj' from the Und of Ht. Miry'n a liuls imh..f tiicfptioi, t. p t t.-ut the rri,3 A-anawan, C .p . Pal mer, on board ol which Mr. KeyooMs and'tr-trcr" lciririficgittfrrnCTr-wrrr pturmg anl itti, W4atlli IiUud hry trrmr frn, Mrtn hrn Mtyx'i lf a.Miid'j.i t li iJta (' ra4mlj4ny diacovt nei, in cuiurqur nee id (he d (fruity cf kst'-pin the crew in order fisjht -,! tthum'lcft lu-r near liCf on fine oait of Pra aftr vie left thu in jiyUit. They iv Mr. llcnolds Minlf'.! at Afuc otr or ah.. at ilir 'JKt' :of.I ily, nh.iwitii Mr. Ilunitoti 'an f I'iidjdelphia. infnded to ff.nif b", 1. . I trul i this pi j c Mr, W 451 h' out iii a a atm'djr in the icalin hrig S-raph. I fcrl uiislied rd th ir prr.. fect .fety, rod .m of opinion, that ih. wiUl wU-du'v -iiwr -iulwi uni'uiu from iht: obivrvtitioiis and resrar. h- uf the sanguine,; lion of Mr, Uc)nild, thanouldlp pi-Ctrd liud the project by ea bee: o tioued ior the time intended t- he d. votrtl to it; The Arrieanai c -unlrv i ilie fmctt of South AuirriC!. Il ird. r r ""f vi..--. , ,,; lhat Mr Krv CM,.;, m'rl with aliove trruund. In 'uttire .11!. - v. .1 r ..l.trt .il lilt Tlvl 1 lllli.r. jll m.l u..,. ...... f.pcif 1-a "jynn and clpihi1it1?T f.dfr 1 . 1 .1 ... ... i 11 Ul IIIC Ul'MX-U V41JC t ) m iMtui' pa' ert, 1 lie flr iott ol 1 r w turlice, like that of thr. A Mia. N -thrriand-, u tLaaic injie .mU ia winter, -witrt a greater dcrre of hjat i:i aununei, which .re longer. Tne failure of the Anna wan U prfinl that merchant vrsiels drc lutallv imfi fur rxptur'mj, ship ol w r oiilv ar 'alculatcd fur aervic", requiring dn and j ! order. Tn 'c ac will 5 lo-i warm .vith runaway seamen, wno, for lupj) n, mut lec..nie prati ) Upon which" VUJ?i V I" oil jnothei occuaioo, t4e the Ijlii rty of offering yna an opinion foa ded npri ' nme I .1 1 ' ' ass j re uu of the greatest rfipectsyf, kill your inoc - faithful . and "Wdieitl ; .rfTatiN MI0H AKL-HOUAN. 1 To tUc llua.. John Kr.akch, - 5t r. of Ihe Niivy PuMic JIceling. Nr. Webster has - itMwuf -at raotftng the pfrlimw Miaries of puolie meeting, to nominate I his friend Mr. flay for the Presidency. 'Having prepared the resolutions, and j appointed the persons to spea!i, (who, . bv the bvo, are ni tne old tecJeril party) I he has proceeded to Washington, and 1 . , ,, ... . . the ball opens this evening. This expeditious movement hss been made by the U. S. Itank, which tore-organize the old federal partv, n.l imite with the clav men. V- hope they wilt not toinmeuce thetr at- tacks on the working mee, as original - ly cootempUted.- -We ahalLaiatdil lo - notice their procredinRa. i' r r . I . LOW . fcl'. , . . , . a horae with a wago., towards K .stoiT, . , ? , Itkihn Via o,a mt rv 9 lff-ii-min whit was g nng to churt h, nd took trie op- II. Slaughter' Hotel, in Sahibury. poftvVnltv" tochide the traveller for a! - The- stage wHI -fravr -Salisbury everyYeJi" ' u l 'f .l ' ci ku .l i. ii i i 'newlay and Saturday, at 8, A. M. and .arrive in breach of the feabbath. My fr.end, RaIei Wfy am, Sun kVf a, 7 p M itid' ht,- thus it a 1ad way you fennTT wilt leave Kalrigti every Wettncsliy and 10. UCH I nmCYi aia ine irisa- . " 'l . kt a.i w'l m in ' a.H ia'n ( tho tnrnn', ?' "Ves, .replied the minister, "but what 1 mean is, that ydo are in a bad state." By me s ml," returned the a' ..,Jy il'i""m:pr "nA -h'-t' "tnit- rnniigk (Ul' ' " V M Wliii '! w v VUJ State this, and Pll get into Pcnnsyl vanu aa soon as I can.' up, honey! Js Y. Constellation. . Jl hot place. A Preacher in this city, who is famous for the fircry na ture of his discourse during the late excessive warm weather, is said to have described hell as being ao muchrti Vtrmf.Trt9 & YitllWl&' hotter than any thing of which his audience had any knowledge, that if a mail who had been there dotrg enough to get thoroughly inured to it, should be suddenly transported into a furnace glowing with tho hottest Lehigh, he would freeze to death in five minutes. yV, 1'. Constellation. A!,mca rScUmA. A Tee her Ul el.atvie.aJ itiir.iw.i. r!uta j , Vl- Collf-jre, Will f it He-iunf ' . . . - .i-.k -i ill fiii .1 fibniary. li'.IUCh ibtUni ml " U J trWhki 'I,th,trr br.,,fl,. . mVK,, tir..ffnpNv 1 Arroooay, Kci-bn. Wri.i,J ! Klt'i He ! . i.iJ ' ' m'Hit appr.,vrd mrib-i-Uofir - Mn)f,til.far'i,iM"'fpuryf M h tmrn M t traeti only the !?- , lit hiW brtHw tii.BAcfiA. he A no i'tnftei vr. M U.oi blic lint -!wW4irJNJM.ii.:M atLAirtiMiuU hr,iita., iJlUSZZL. . , 1 1 1 . in 1 1 1' -' n'.-U Ir.rir I'Uilit-t. Kt da id! b blratt'.l t- e.iinnroctf l ibe nnVninr of 'be trlnrityvrm ht fji cwmnten f -t-pn tn-tci-tfr-'; -7-71") saraiFfiriirVir.r.'rrfiisr mi tia ystomn"itr tttt -ef-t-t-imr w w ;" 11 him hi. il I H..I.IV "irir in'-ntlwn Ur "iln Store rjid.;I far Uic "hmUim.ii 0! P'r. rtihrr-'if!. f.-.h-'r, r.l r"fl'. A.'SfiitH., wholfcu,,, ndiiijf Id To, Mli l(r it..l inn.i if ml W't'd i t mkr eiif!emi.' TU prioe of 'iiitio i il In '" ''irtrr. tUt. HiA. H.5 J. WfctntiVuV '" I It I.I V ril-ifiinhil' UiUrr,llil hr :i-i.!ic - 'i, r'ly, IU !. !' ri-'ii J Sil 'P. I:: 'he H n Im I inifl) i' C'ipic J by l,'irv aiiil l'-d;.!et hi, '.J im-"- rcti Ml) by VI W ll-'nti' . a. a iVil.i'a Mnpj 00 Nti H iT'' I, 'hir 1: n i'-, fi ibor fmm th CMin.-ll mir, 11. tin? .n of Slib-ry t where bs j prtjir I"' tv cu'e all deacripiiuiw of ifirr Se p -iei fjlii'in, tnl on the ihorU'd ti'irr; anil it prr r I t-i m.k all kinil. ul ( ' iilitug in th ft t rale vlr, l.ainB' in Im ..- ,1 -t .i ul Krri finl late wurkmili, Hhicll - n'llr lii.u '. ilu tiufk on 'tic tUditrtt italic All kind of Culunf 'tut -if Gri:tntl will be Jjiif on very mo'lrra'e r-ua. All onl rt from a (iture for wrk, ill lie mnt f:4t' hfxtiv cf r.ii'nl. ccoi(li' )C to di'v jImih, iftil willun Hie 'iorti-i i) ii';.- linn;. P. S. lie j ii rrT eil I ic lU t faslmitu from f hiU'l ami Vi w-Vorc ( wTticrti iU lublr him 'o n.k - line Coi'i, he. fer 'he ti' pprorJ ul 15 . Wi.Wy, ,. t.SlA. liiJO.- - ' 4 .Yew Fiihiojis! ! M IIOUACE il UEAUl ul'l. re ieiiTu y Inform nie. n ia n of Sjii iU' r 4lid JU in- ijpiierallf, lit he 'i.ii jui reccited trie Lhhioii Kll F'.-.r. Hint, by way of Phtljd Iphii, wnieh wi l nahle him to cut 4nd nuke jrm-n .1 r the latest and moil ipprovid Hyle lie. will continue to d Mnrk with his ii ml pnnctuiltiy ihI neatness. He h removed hi shun lo the room lormerlv octupi.-d lv Wjde W. 1 1 a m;i on . m sllru. nil. fliifir iiilniip Ailvtlll fa I Burns' tlrii iSiort. N. . Mr. beaid reiunii Ida most in. tee thank i lo ihose wbu kavc eatendeo1 to him their patrone, wmle fie has Lrtn in butines and htrjrr hf hit untctntttetf ttenttO'i to merit i't cniiiinutnce. . November 2 .... . . .. 7tt. FKo. ii t.Kir. ii 'i H'.i.isntuv. sr.iu!-. Fru:i:. S5. B"TNl)i.H iliin irran'ein. nt, ttie cape runs J we K"" hwuBti in two davi, each av The acc;im e-nia ion it (food, Vmgcrt who nre Havelling trom IUIeiKh to 8iitmr, or rennc-e, or South of Sahbury, fi,,1 llV 10 be naarwt. eheaptH a.Kl 'will ftml this route, bv the ay of Kaleiu;h and ' Prter-birir, to be the m ares, cheapen- and t)f N()r, l)V lVk(, JiVS. A )14i.en(tcr w!l0 1 . . . . . . .... ..ii .1 . , travel thi rout from Sulisburv, by the wa iJ vllaluig!!. ! u K,' iu e ih' a ul W ,hrec ni-htB I out ol five all niK'ht. fhe Contractor tvdl pled.'i: h'unwlf to keep first rate Mail Coaches and jrood gentle horses and ilovers ol the bet kiiiil ; ami tie will upure no pains in trvinS to render mote who patrniiwc htm, comlortablg. and a(e throuRli U;s xuute. 'IS'" are ''"qiu.nted with us route, will (ecurc eat by .ipihf ition at Mr. L. v ...... .. . . . t, ' c . . t . 4? a j . . i't ;"niay ai , a. w. na rnve i auiaoury ' T I J c J. .. tr n i. rve,7' ' "urmiavami mmoay ni , I . M. (tEORGE WILLIAMS, Gmrrartor. Jme UM, I8 W. 2Jtf WAGONKUS, 'Prmngttr'Ftitjt'.ftn'ltV, ' WflLL firid it to their advantage, to stop it I? the lforit furi, where every 'con venience it provided for Man and Horse, to pake them comfortable, at the moderajt; charge-of 25 cent a day and night, for the nnwiexe uf the Yard, the use of a good house, fire, water, and (heller. Attached to the Yard, are a Crocera and Proviakln Store, Hread Shop and Uunfec tiouary, am a Hous for Boarders and Lodgers, in a plain, cheap, wholeome and coinl'onable ytle. Fagetierille April, tl trtl.' II ALMANAC, " - FOU CaMntfd Jor the Mendum Salem, A. c. Foil ALK AT THIS JDFEICE, (rice, per dtJien, 75 ctjflQi. Siule, 10 eenta. Mutt '.Vftss nm 0cav If ."' ' 13 blUllUl ,,,4 BJWIillg M ihv.f 4 ' '? 1 ' .1 tHi of X iU'r 'n T" ?' T, .,0 'irtry fll bldplC (llMlDS. Mww itiiw " irt H.ilUlpb.i ( N ., ,u""n ciU - Miut cw bt 1.1 im im p" ' . , 'it 1 All kln.U of llrrchvitile pfu.lace ..i toiitriueiit for biirbin.; aui tcJutg Hrr. SuUiitirf, Xv y.. tiiO. 4 ' I'.IIKMCZKU DICKSON. n H.M'71 l( IMrss tJ I i n eil iiy iif..rm. ! m Mv 1.1 i'iburtiooi) ,eiirr!y, tlmt li lu p ire'ia-rcl out the Stioc (Ti-k-r ho;i i iifi t.y Tho k Mull, Jr mi l Mml he ill earrv on ihr bu 'n-m i't 'he inie houe. wlit'rr he itl he gUil 'o ecuinm" J4l. Um ulu uutuincra mJue.'j oiril at Xy thouv to rail mi. him. Hit ork khall ! eh' IJB'llU aii-l l!i-U I'ull) i Xrfil'lll. Ilu 'lulfri.iU n of he Hi or ie', i-nl I i. aotk urn the bpt th can tic proeufl nv where. Hi wi-'k hH not lie ric- lied bv any tor nrtiie kinJ duraliihty. , Hi keep, iboei of all iirt and qualities hi'id lierrrni;iM ; .-. .jj- thro' uho mm wi.1! o he ripli di'h ', lt,r: r.iiu pr-ieurr them chn u 'tirv cu b1 par eheii in 'hit e-i"n if thr rointrt M- ht "' on iv Mr. lle V. H"in, mrr chant uf i hit uV fir a Mipply oi -NortLcru toal lr''ir f 'll fi-f iuht. VWifOur;. V ,!i,. m Mure .VertieA YtuUA. fV Ir. ibrihf i Vi lo pufdiare dinnt q the I4I1 4H.1 in1 t .ii'iibrr ut nrrurt tor nhich the in'.c liber ;! ;irire i tjc guru III ' S.ll. IIC l' l I I HI I 11 '.Ul ' lime hv thoai w'io i'i to ell mul e him. II llrtcr( (Klr-' 'I lo hull Irmli a ditu:li:c will be pri;n,ll) bticiidid .u, itonntT hi IE. 4'.'f .Vii VmYU' u vvvt off " fBI II'. S 1 -iaiLlar.- m.iM jf . i orre icc, :vl SL A. r.. Tc i. c li I'.:. 'f placed in lln. lands ni (', I., 'ur- n;,,!' i c j'1 ' t'"io ; am! I would . nU tli'iiie imir,iti i!, lo c ill on liim 'rfirt leil uufi H .rr Hh l inirt. v .A. 'JoKtiKM.fc. T .-n( lM. ISJO, 15 A')ficc. Z rITIIir'MiTiv;iiIj"ii It.ivn qiiaVTi-.iI a F.vecu .1. lurs ul UwLj! ivlaiul I Lv.. .J Jne lt4itt4Vc. dXckMiiUal lU Au'UaL i ciiu . IU-vid-on cuht court HlJ. Iil-i 1 :e .'Tie notiee to all person harm rhiiih., dt h's, du i, or do maud aaiiiki aaiil m-, to prMi-ni tlirni lor l.jiiiirir, diilv anihc-iiti" 1 d urhiii Uc pfcaiM'Jc'J by law. ui' tiiia i.ulicc will 0e plead j 111 bar 0! tli' ir ri.-rovery . . jamts vi;r.MN, ) . . " smlv ii!t ;nivF, ( -rr- W HrA, ,V U. .Till' l ;ijron i'nl S'-t to did .re' re- (ii.-ti ii to c injt- f iri.l a,i I i,vaKe payiuent, us no iiidir -iief cn !) e;v n .Su.cnor Co.ul ' 7.ft', ai'Kii. ri.n u. 1 ,j ) MIY Cll.V.'.bl..- l'fl lUiny C'liatiilieri, I'elitiiut for di vitrei-, l i thi cae i! a:i- M pt-aii'i tu 'lie a!isf'a':ti-)'i of t!i c .w that the dclfiidiiil i( nut ;i ii.Iij ii ait ul l)i atatt-, 11 ni ordered liy t le eimr; lim pi: i'k (ii n !- Mud - 1 month in the Western IV-ah wi.. Umt lie dr. rvnuin'. appear H the ifvt ?n;); rinr tlinr' to be held for It. ivynii count , ul Co in il m in I mI s!iui , on the 2nd '.n.idaV :i!' dou-i il':,J'Jn..!i;tT'.tni')f.r r'fVi yt. plead, ;ii!swir i iU-mur to said petition, or l!,e same will he taken pro comVtrfu ami beard eV arte. Wi'.nesi, Ily. tiller, Clerk ot and court a' iiliiie, tin; V I M hi- j day aMer i In 4tli 'duiid.iy iu -li, A. 1) i omit in. till. I. s, ( r. State of 'Stirlli-Ctipolin:!, 4. IV. .. S-i Jlllvfr:.;..! ''aukiiu-Aie-sdiMVe,- trrt-. Kinul Kill. In 1:113 t..- ; it a ,n; ari.iL- to ti katisfaction of the co-nt t!;M tlie doe ri-iide beyond the limi'-i ot tlii l!,:;ii.'-- it i', therefore ordered that pubhcatinn lie m' iltf t'.ir six weeks in the Western t'atolin'ein, printed in Salisbury, that the 1 feiidini ..p,,-.jr aud'answTr a the next term of .mr Mtp -ii ,v Ceiirt uf l.a.v anU fcqintv, l.eld.lor tin- emiuty of rus, at t..e e m Cone irrl, mi the Mi MoikI'v iiftcrtht)..4tti iMundavii-Mrrh.;lSi!, am, rri gurmatii lltrllngta'.r.Oo?itin7 to enmp ainant's 'rh'mand. WitneM. P It llr. riiirer, Clerk of the- Court of Equity fir Cabar rus count-., tho 'Mi Monday after the 4th Mon day in Sept. la.xi Ct5! '' . BAISRtVREtt;-. V. A libera! price will be given, in C4th, for clean linen and cotton IUK. A,pply tn ' J- i)K C AK l'EUET. Notice. few reams nf un-'m..' ... r i ... ; . ,,05 " , " s i'i'rr ior sie aj i. Office, at 9:2 5(1 ,,, ., ,t, . r., . .. 1 r r -' icw reams f d I"5 wm of wraomifr. t the ,i rifir , t o 47 4 JOlt ifV77.VG, or xvtni HEscRiPTos, - 1 AT Tirrs imov ' KijIch Meciuin KtsPIXTH I LV inform the public iWe'. Ility r oprnim their fall wpf l tf rh'.ch tttll bu IwuihI, u uo-l,, flirot,J,!f' and ibrij , , . ' Jlrori'lrtothi, dmimnrs, ' CtlMiltftlt, Short, S'fllttry, Grocer ist, , Qunntware, , itoiiusticit Vnlicort, , j ''', Vr7iif 44tk w Sain un female A cut! ill 4u.n: .jL.ri.4iiuu uliiu a m.u.uM e 1. .W.....U., '4.1. 10. 1 lie .'ij ft of udy will ht Spelling. Je. di 'K, Vri i" Aothui' tie, .Iir4fia-, tie-jni. li ly 1 lie im- ol tW Olubct, lliaturj , BoUny, Dhviiinry, Nmural nkopfTHyylt-tjl l.i 1. id r. 4'id t rmiiif, 1 i.t u irr iii r -l'rtr- C.ted by ti. hi. 1 ul S t tt idtrr. VI hti mhI irriic'urt il ... - n !.! I, nhotiUI tli iiu.rttel the sctuwt ic iiUril o.etary.- ', . Jue,.r m.l he iloiJcU io,i twu Ste-aiom dt liie iiioiMit i.ld i Ik tt rid will bs '' r ,l rilK 11 yloR tLA,' ' sji.-llinj,'. Iti-iwfi ip, W ihnj n l ' v-' Ariilinutio, ., i per flidafer. iR'otti ti.i, ' f ThrhnTrltitirairmir 4, . . 19 .,( . , j tuv ur ah of tlie rcmaitiinj . ru. hi-tin ailditmii, . 12 5? "'i V0C4I id Inniiiiental VTiMe, 25 , .- , : U.-4KIII, ''"Ul,'l - IS OE'i, J B iKfcsJ' Dfitm!- tr, J 110. 1 " 1 ' JS(iJ 't' If t uHi -ieiit nu nflL-r of vninr I.adiiHi fotil I lo) tiiuit II ami diuli'iis 'imi iAk b tern.!, Uwr trH!,, !- ew tmaff hgrt, to lie cloc.ted hi h Im oi., h los tl&M M'ii:i li'tiJiiOrauiUaufMrrtrieidenec. ff. t.B, T.V Va AVtiYkman C)NS. i t ni,.,. .i.rii. auu ftUod Vir wiii be ciT'-n to 4 fiM r'e TLV PLl m H'vrtonnn - of r'caily iiidua r. iii lul-, , ooe abn!! scciiiorrit-d I') ork on I' i Mnehinr. UAM .L II. CUM. Su'iitu V, Ot.ttr, iujJ. 4lU Vivjuu w mH foe uU La-ff-TOViiaj'iaiBi rgllr. t ib.-riti t a ill II t tu A !.'HI-t ami llt in IlajiS. ?C -'V.'Virry r-.trrrtr. at the Siilmr A-lvjJ,'- 'r'l"f 'be Yadkin. Tl.- hou Ii i -.m and eobvcaiuAt. k-4ta -eiait. roms ux r.rp pu a. n, all trw neri- otf- huU-.k. rue!, a. stab'. tsnv, k'lctic -.?i..T."tst w iiba rehr fi te well on tiie-lut" aVW hou- i,l h-m r ci !. r li r a Imv rn or dtlii In ox-. 11 ;.il, the 1 avmcn'n w ill be h lint tb'i eifii?" ulei'iee" rf fife" piitrV'i'r"r' rt cli-eri. A. gnat bargain may he ba4 iitf- alr ot thu priperty. rVNmvt wi.Iilhi to ."liur. will iipplv t,i Peter C mjfainon, f.j of puce or tai.ui. )ii.-r..u, uvint; nui lluaU vtt!? or to nivnelf not lr tr,m SutSvii"- VVM.- P. M JC-hUXtt,- Ten WtWar1 UwtwA. 0 Fit S.VVvV 1 1 t.- ? ,')! b r i.r ii 1 . . 1 D T I.r il K I l in h 11 woman naimd II '!!., wN' ni! 1 L.ed 011 my lai n 1.1 Itmi ruim v, N, C.- Sli! is ani i-kt'i ul l(r, of the CU..I1I..1 1 c i, VJ bile is (ton', d . t,,.. built '('cither a sulky count' since tlnek .i;is, r.iul hi- us' sune ul liTtrr'i: ! h-: liai likeai.-e a acart-; way Ik r f1' A tip I' rioo nipH'lii-inli f k,il iicjfi'o. and VA, j iti' hi r in v tieii 1 ..; ;l li: r i;slii, or il' ' rrie her at mr Tf .1 n ti. ru'ianurcouii' i shall n.rcive the t e r rd. JU.NMinS IIARTSr.LL .V... tl:h. !8R 4ttf urT. 1'. S. .zX-U-'S'Jn puiuLuiiiijne jrovS.W, j better exann.-.e c' sely, ki..i i- I a a d. term il s'li- tias hei-n kiil,ip)ed, In jr"'ecute all i etrii-A to the ufn etten! o tlu- law. ill"" it mine than pr-'bible Pia' s'u1 lite" cone toatra I-in'Mlii foamy :r iti tint 'line ion. J. M. Rmuticiiy C? " fN 1-!' uf Scn'entb f -lt-irr)tr-TnylTianati'i-' ji 1 Jnn'-t -rtfr rri- wt tie frnea, tutm.d WSHlNiiTO.N, si' vears 0:' .i,;i ., a verv brtjt- lilUialLu, Ul) liilnl lit til BU" there is a beare oretl5lollfiJl'!', K'm j he will rlianire bit and endeavor to- p-u-a I n a free, m-iti. IbeMr iianii J J'JIl.V, .a. o.iiiiinc.u rriulattn, abo'tlf , vcara of are. vi re 'niiflli-reiit -. be will Br"! pas as the servant of'W:is:iin(rtiui, ai.d tWl A h.iit iu' 9 tt.illtirt wiH-ft P (i'i i: - il tv r in urn- i.oi. mi 01 cat get Uie.ii. - J.VMF.S l.MA.v - (utebitr t6;,'i. -f I M ' i-'JO The Ci-orfiun, r.,iyannab 1 tl.Tlf cone, Cnliiadtia, S. C ; ami l:idimum! E"Tf r;u,-ar.' n ; ,.-,! uV ; ."i 1 1 I isili' ,l i?--rry -rV W1 ant.! kirbiu, and iliun i'oi wai'J their acc'tie"'' J. LA. CotiuvAUtil-' to 3aUi TN Cni,,hrOr. n--Ku,tl.e if j 1 ntr-ro buy ly the iiair.e ol 131 LL, a- 24 yetrs of age, d.irk complexion leei 6 inches hich i.aiJ boy s- f18. luiiKsto Mi. JjIhi Kiefs;"" fiour.iy ini Georgia. '1 he owner quested to come turwaid, piove rr tyj pay cbiutises and take him .4 -' W31 0. IAllAX,c. . ..JfovembtrtOthi, 133Q- iLjrt tiQtirrv nrKfi " " - FOR HW'.

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