M-ruce,hfti: Preimm of tnt U;-' lie. Mr. Mrrref cVsilcd the btMO.y r the etaini j ri!s'mrt! the greunjs up on whkh it founded 1 dwell it crtJ length onihe tnmiorioti services ofthtl e,irnifitj ni concluded ') an ' rpieni ij t- (he ympthie flf ,ht U MHf, in hvh tir of ih disihguWhed Ren llem.n fur boe relief tba people otAl bcrnarle county , in Virginia, end oa the tlty of New York, had petitioned the Home. Mr. Cambrtleri f ilbwed on the itt tide, in irif quIlf elu tj'nrv. The bill was opp'"l with Rr' rte ami ric tir Mf. Chilton, of Ky , and M uu iiinlf , f Junio, v.: ffrt hffnre ihg-.qotvi.-." taken jf . rilON" OP THK laws. ; daeicd by tlj General Awerobly cf .forth CaritliMi it it mm fa I '3 31. PUIlhW MTH- I. An m extend ihe provision oft thr An f II JS,' Rran-in further urn luc. .ne r)'n,.one o. ... . ths tVsr 1131 1 3 A n tdi tjt ihe act of If 61, chapter 8, c. S0.-prrf.'iUiij; the mde in which epprensltr bodd ht be takflt. .Pro vMetthr U' n hfindt hHbe mJe pay Ll io ihe Ootemor i4 hii loccttion in - -nm-vY- : " S C.mrnnin? Ihe liinritMt'hn of the punii urn o 'he polire amhoritiei, and lop'oidJ in rate "f ineaiion or lnur fettlon. (Ptofidft that ao many Hind cjf rm H1t be At pi'f d t the et eral plafei rteteio me ptioncd ; and thit the A 1jU!eni0erteral. bf aod wiih ihe conen jeLibejO'riiort rnaf urant to the polirrt r nuihoritieaof nyToiTii'ljrllftafi1T-pun , Tgilf. bnd "i'lt stiffu irnt .-t oj iiy, if tc- q tiftd, for (he fe kfepinj; C;f hc iifle J .. 4 '.. Bl dying end amrndmg the ol iriJpioviding a re.'ter.i:cfonhepynient tf-fttftT1! tiTmrnrrtTTiiPTrfif jDefOienV"'Tf rpfftt ariificiat curio.Win. ' fUeful inwnion not io be comidrred nmfi tl cut inti'iea io the pro Iiuvij4iie:-Abatejitked.irt. J. Fw ihe more perfect ',iriio'M'riioo ef pu ire In fipi'jl cse. Provide that - iurtee hll hve power, hen the nil - ef a cpi(l cite ha teen commence), to n',)irn couii f rom df -to day umii the Hiding of ihj jury, and rehdr'n, Ihr -" - jn -mrnt bf ihe la thtfott. t Concerning the lumiuonlng of ju ' -J. ro.. fPoMi.i (bat i" ftholl not be . "fut foV.teriif to lurirron freeho!drif uT f "7 inyBef jKetrlfifitf J15S?OXtE for r klimen j Jp0n Cajjia! CkCl. - 7-fteHn-lhe freftHWe-ieI: . ..oLTiiiIJ limincjeT .4. -11" ""-'t r in- rein nmed, and mnending : tlit p oiion of aid act. f Provide ibt "''J olR.frf iht County iCour-, eirfpt I h rrift, nv? rem'd frM ' Hire ' t m'piil'y of the actiiig ju'ire. three ',i.,loot,ln noiice being preniouily Riven to riiiiii( of vuth inteoded remoesl ; or any - iurrme court my oe'rtmovea by meir ', tr p' -r cot iipwtfliwfftRihrte 'tnnth noiice of iuch intended removal, f. To prevent all perton from teach- Inff ilavet to read of write, ihe tise uf ;.' figure excrpied. Provide that any : " pcrton who snail teactt any tlave to read - tr wtf or gire-or-tell-to-ttttm-any- bwk or pvitphlet, ahail, if a white per ion, V' fl icd not lesi tturt 103, nor moie th n 200 dollars or' imprisoned ; if a tree 1 JMsrviiilfolorji be Jintdi iiwpiiaoot-d or. ; -wtiippetrai thii discretion of iht coon, . Dot t x eedmu t9, nor ri than 20 luihci ; ' , nrl K a alave, receive 39 Uvhri ' r?.Am c rrdrn trt h e-act of -4 8 2 9r to fr ? Ur tut the fliviiioti of negroe and other chattel propet If held in common. - Pro ' ,tiJc that when the court shall order a , iaie of the property, the clerk of the court - ' in which iuch petition is filed, or aome -other-pcraow- ppoiou4othAjMS. Ihjll, after r,ivir.g thirty daya' notice, sell tuh pioperty and execute a Utlc fr the larr.f , ' t : : ------ r- I0.Am?.tnngj.beicf nr.!A?i;?!J. the right o electing htnui in the several cbuhtif 4 wilhih rhlf Stxte ityttisjtt-white ' ti,ta trierenf.; P'ovirtes that the shrriff elect shall cue bonds under the rules prescribed by ihe above rented act, on or be 'ore 4 o clock, t M. ot the secona day " Cif she "lourt that In case "iherc. ahouid riot he' a mjoitv of the acting justices - p r.sent on the secowl tiay, then Ihe sher r iff&hiitl u-ivc iuch bonds on or before 3 o'clock I. M- of the third daif 5 ihtit no f.irmk uhenrT shall be oe: initttd"io irive - 6tit b bonds or te-enier upon the du'ies of hisofii.e until he anew ucn court mat ' baa paid over, all 'axc, collected by him t fd that no person shall be eligible to the office of shciilT bo shall not hold the freehold -required six ro.oD.tba next preceding auih tie tino. 11. Cxempling B.bles and other book therein mentioned from exception. E "tmpl ,lon, xceution one ftible, Testa fiien, H)mn Book, tic. in each family. jj. To prevent the burning of court liou c : "d other public buildings: f Make the boriiinft of , the State ILuse, ny of the public office of ihe Saiea3y court house. jailVrenal, clerk, office or jegiteiJ ofiicci feiouj wuhout the berjo- Cf of fku;f $ and cr.y perna attcmpslo? .1 tmri iiirfi pn die buildings, j4l be whipped, put in th pillory, find and Im ,rivnr4, at the dhrrc'tan of tug enrU JJ. flapcaiiflj'ihe 24 tncii'Hi of lb act of I806.li revise in militia laws of ibis Siste. Prnviles tint any person up p?! from r.on:ientious icruple In bear arms, ihitlbs excm,v fro.u per forming miiiu-t du'y, except in time of Insurrection cr invasion, apart pahg i lex oflwadotUri rt 1 fif y cents annually Sn lieu of such, services. Sijf h tx,to be COllaaed of the sheriffs and tpproptisted io 'nf ioicary iuo i iurij 4Viu. ua -4iaruAU4-id stner 13 nnr:tinx, with unlry ilternion end f)fli'tms the set of Virlnij i -irrr poraiinj; the retcr'jur iil H.u Cow pnn, ' 18. fur the dtf iitiuMon of " ir'em of l.ifinttf liu nirii.ni for the ni i fj c f f-ntr" and "A iffiMf r.x;r:ie t& o lmmirA,)n nf F)e,j Aniilef. V,- la u . t).ff. mung (he BemaS miJ u o(ricer (jf this S ': I Dcclarini: tint the ripeil of a me iw! no: ajstt snits biouh! brfore tl.o repeal. IG For the relief nf the Univcr,t v of N;ilh Carolina t'Jran s a Iojo of 3 J 000 dolUrv to the Ui.i?fT;y ; wntlTT i.j, . witeo male, and bmd foit-d by thr Tiuveca, shall create a lien up'n th propcity, rxHH real and personal, belong ing lei the inli u'lon. 19 Amending Itie act of 1328, emitter! an acc io amend an act, pa:t d in ior vrr IflOO. en'itle I a'i aci ronterning wrecks. (",ijri (If sea const in Hyde county in til tnreo-4Uukht.wilh a wreck m'er for ar-hi" ' " -v r'n"f S). A.ner.din the act of 1836, con rerning the en'ty of Und in thi- 9rr. 1 .u,UajLtJ .tuxi .ukci lo.re(.eift.eb. ti les uf. inarili or i.o;i laud wiien ihe ijijrfiriir in any one iii iiviit Witmp doet not excrcd ? QOCI at: re-, T.ns a. i not 10 rxteml to anv LinJi wnicn havr been ur -ty r4 tr ettgnr-f -JU in view io ihe difiij( und retliminrj tin unit. 31 To prohibit ihe firctiitiort in thin Stne, ifnr '.he doir tl,cr. in rnrntiootd of li i.k tole under five cioll.f . itiucd bv the l. tin of o!hr iri I i ..'imii i tie r . , inillJH in IK' I 'in i i 'ii ,n. !-. f U( li notes, uu'lsr th n-.n.cv. ol o fcilini; ihe uoouuj Jtmuuui Ikcit-oU and IftCUVjing liat'COv.tS i Cf uil;. J : Ar horiiinij - the .ppoh;mnt of commiuionera - to I ik e .the.Lkiiuyh?jg. ioeiit aui proul olilv'rdii. and i" t uiiicni TmdrrsFat.BTid ritpostri7n?r Aa'hnTiiev the uovrrnor io appoint one or more eomttmsioncis in eath ol ny of the Siates mcnt, &c, 8 i Fixin the fees of the derke of the County' and Superior Courts, and Sftt fees. 2 1 'A hie ndiogl he "acf of T 8197glin (j tojhe Cuurtj of Tieas ml trter Ser sions power to regulate srpjrate tlec tions- Provides that ths county courU iktialt hve power to fix und alter the pla cet of hokliog separate elcc'iioua. 25. To prevent the circulation of se U:4tu pooUrtions and for wher ptir poses. Provides that any person, who inall knowingly biing into the State with an intent to circulate, or knowingly cir , . . ,. . . . endeavor to excite insurrection, shall, for the Grit offence, be imprisoned not less than one year, be put in the pillory, and whipped, at the discretion of ihe courts and for th acrond offence shall euffcr death without benefit of clergy. 36 To picvrnt the gaming of alave and to prevent free persona from gaming with them or sutTeiiiig them to game in their hoMse. Provides that any slave or free person of coTor vlotatrng thi act. baU.he whipped j, if a, while Pffaon, be ofd and impusoiied - - 37. Amending the act ol 1826, to pro- hibit the traTng wii7rTaveTexc pt'lrFtKe waniwfwuwibd(MiideB : Cwth- ttrrkifttrowMif ihe wt 'ort immedi aielr fdlowing the words "whi'e ok heading," in the first section of said act, and inserting the ord .Mor.' 28- Tu prohibit free person of colour from 'peddling and hawking out of the iimnsi-f the county in which they res pectively .reside. Piohibit iuch ped dling without an annual jicense from the tiuuy court, under a ' penalty 'of J$50j and further, shall he liable to indictment, and on conviction be fined and imprison ed at Ue-discretion .of sh.ec.ouri.: .... 39. For the regulation of -Patrol. Makes it the duty of the county court in each'countf, should they deem it necea sary, 10 appoint a patrol committee In each captain's district, whose duty it ahull be to employ a patrol. 'The said court to lay avtax of not more than ten cent a on each taxable alave to defray the expenses of the ptrol. 30. Extending the jurisdiction of the Supteme Coiku Provides that the aaid court ahull have original cognizance of all case where it my be necessary oo the part of tha State to institute proceed U. Directing the rtlimrU blfh ihe ro-nr to pif the expsmei ofj the Lej(U!jiure m, S ny iuorjen! f! .... r.t 1.11,1 ii.i.'i I ..-., 1 1 hrirrn if.. fif..r(w office JliP noitetiion end uhuj! ln oi n '! Invito ticati and repeal inv !etf f lent f ir fraud, lalia suggestion or other cue and bll nave pwer to rescind such gran or letter patent should it ap pear tit t they w-re obtained by fraud or false siiestloii. .11. 'A-ovtidin the ct f (III. to iu h lie if cotjn'f cuuff in nii rite firrct sHf tirrlfo nil an ilaff tht mif Ke 'ii' n up nd confined h srf jiii if i rgniwif ifier ifefUto length of lm pi-nimft 4d public no i'e. fPro i4i thit if the owner he unknown, or tho lUve dt. or be rem f cd fiorrj he by rr jtr4p'ocn brlor" me time of .!ie.. tnd f-u o!'i-f .ihi oe,. fPro yule ini mrMir lrlwe' ire ne thite or iree pcrwio! roiour anu rt ,( tiall ,. ri.tj nl nl ; nd rlerki 'if f"J't it'll :t(J i;. r ,.M, i,f, rrrny rtvn And je'i' rnvrrii? urn pet ion , - t ff f!ii- d n! itijrinici 51 M oe IT io t v o 'i'cc? the 4. i ic ,-',f io the pimn 1 1 ! a drc .f ..is or her rt?)i . fM.lies 'he land of ok n dcli'tri li fn loeir det t fr io ye r tf'vr ih pHi'itte f thclf lt will, or , t -n'rdttra i a hran'ed. 31 To tl ni hr lioi 5 Mn Wiicb p.r-u- in'et 'd 'm I cUrn t t-i of rrileinp'ion m p'",-'.l o p y m real 'er m r t: ). d. t 'urr oo ihe prl t -he m-oTfoi T.e-fjrm rhe condl ft mi in the -no-ttf ig for t i irart from the iperifi d ime. bo's all rl.im in erpji v to perso ul proper'y so m rtg5c). 35 A'norin ihe Out nor ii du miss fifld olfi-1 r In cr- ;n cie, o"d hr o'her ptitpose. I Au hori-.es the (Jtveroor to rike from tho lis' any col f.ni I who no (y f,il to m ike return, or re fuse or neglect o enercise.his regiment n-orderrd o iw do lv 4i.reviewjnglMkers......I.- VYt-Ua n of. Jl? ma iiVitca.iUit. Ltt-I-. Umc. t, jav.rin nffirer x and difds the Adiolan' Oen-rat o tiring suit against anv general oflfirr wbu AtnlL-teiin be lore he, rcea bit rnnn md. . 36 Amending the act of IS26, to pre vrni free perorSJf colour Itom migra' inu inio Ihis Stale. &c Provides lhat if iny f re t pel soaifXolog rm i gaie io another State, and is aben' 'JO d ys, he -lull not return. unleM delated by sick n-s or other unavoidable Mcurrence. ST. Amending the several laws regu J.tiop quaran ine. 33." Ainendintr the act of 1 82 1 p'ovid . r..' I .'l; II i. iiuii.i.iiii. in iv iw,.,.,. ,uS .,. !:.!. . ri mjinuining runaway slaves,- imposes a penal: v of 100 dollars on ry person who sW) tn!iceanyiliire. from hi. .or her niriifr""-"-. T.?JZT'.r. t--; -J3 .T-ojwMerv the-public htiHdings in TITelgh,"rProvV!le"s for tfie covering otthe State Hou and Secrrtary cf StateV nffire wnh copper, tin or zinc. .7T 40. Kxpi iining and amending the ect t)f4W.l823,te!4'.ive io inwUent. debtors. (Pf oii!cs ihjt where an issue is made Hp, ai-f Uie jur fiVl frnud or concealment, nd the dtfcndrjf U comniitted ta h may avM ,wi f lfT m.;kig .' fU TiTosu'-ri upon oa'h. of the benefi -of ihe art of 1823. " ; '"The public's ion of he jr"vts Acts aid Re. olutiona are, uuavoidaUl'-, detcfrrd until our next. Stale Ijerislalijnk. SENATE li'ednraday. Dee. 39. Tr. kilt ... ...... ... Il . 'iv uiii i'f Tai uc ilc'O in rirtidiif iti the people, being read he second tjmt. Air. Horden moved for it indefinite gos ponrmcnt, which was neg-iiivcd 3 :o 37 w4-tt till ..Qrderei1 in f ihif.t rtt if'g- " """ . ; '"" The bill to prohibit the circulation of .Note of foreign Kinks, undsr 83, being under consideration, vinous itmrtidnienis were offered and -some of them agreed to Mr. M irtio moved to postpone the further ioaaldc.ra.tion of the bill to the 3d Mond.i in November neit,' '.whtctT msatived 33 o 36, snd the bill pssedl's 3d read iTJL.34 io 3jjjJwjls$cjiiJ.itC.JiriUAg lor concurrence- t Mr M 'Farland auUniiwd ah. Mrwwiwg Resolution, which on motion of Mr. Mc Ky, was laid on ihe tablV :. h'enJved, That the Public TVeasuev he author bsd use any part of the Literary Fund, should it be necensry, foe the payment of tfie contin gent charges of Government and the redemp tion of Treasury Notes for the ensuins year, and that he refund Shid amount ooed to the liter. ary fun J. (and report the same in bit annual re port . . .-" - '". ' Mr. Srieed. from the committee of Fi nance, appointed ta examine: into and ad-' just ihe"jiftc Public Treasurert made a detailed report, in wmcn be sute that hi accoont hive been fully and fairly settled, and recom mends that, they le balanced on the hooks bf the Comptroller. .1 Fridiy, Dec 31. . Mr, Sneed, from the committee of Fi nance to whom wa referred the memo rial ot James O ant, Comptroller of the Ireasqry, and also certain resolutions in relatkm 10 afTording additional assistance to that officer and the public Treasurer, reported a bill 10 enable ihe Public Trea urtr and Comptrolier to pcrfurm tho efuurt ttHirt& tit 'Mm. JtetJ tie Crit To. U;f f .h. rif of the Uniterilf ofN-jr.h Crolin, beintt rnd the rronJ nd hr him rroloetnlf .o-ihy cf uin time, Mr. Wjtn mo.ed in ne..nent,r elr.fd I rejidca of the United S tJ which' M tejleff, pro?lHi. ! " , lMvtJ, Int thete ri,l0f . k..M ta'ihf UnifcrtltT, icnil r.f irt aektt of the Srn.i. .7. toUmilthe Trter ther..f cwief o the Hie -ker,of the l!oueof C ,.!,,' itii!nrf fund. Hie wk oword bf them,nd br (r-hil'Ud bf thu otrnoe,0n. Id the Nrbfa Ilink.'ii lecuttif l r 'fe re pf meot or tr.e ioin. ar, m it tnoed to i M m ,.d.'i'inl iecM. hih wn eiri'd 3S o.26. prifMin htt fild lointhouM not be conHered flde, until the Trutiee'i i?'iiff h l'ife hl bill roeodrd, ead the cciid tiroe and pie-l 40 15- I.vkmo Srmne. the tr,trroird tiil io eifiMiih ! Superior Curt of L and i qunyt in UacoO county, was rrad the third tioie and ordered io be tnroilrd. The till far the relief of ihe Uni'tiy wis fed ibe third lime. M. Lifid moved for its ind fni" fos'pmcrneh , which was nrga ivH 4i : . I nd the bill pjstd its thud rrii!i ,'. Si'rt'i ly. Jti I. M . I F.rl-cd um " i Hrv.ln'ion to j -urn oo t; 5 of J.tnu try, otr d; C.fciii(!cratlr dt-bate enue ' on p"" po-ti'ian. bu it was fi mlly laid tipm ""e lMe Tie hil' limM thnpoioicnl ' f JtHtrs if ihi Sjpriior Cour s to Jow years, wa re-H tc second time and te jccfn 44 If. Tne oiil ovithe rithi of alerting Clerks of ih Coumy and Superior C i utt f the people wjs r l h third nine. " r m .d 'o vmuod it. by adding Ki,.rr, So-v-.r-". Con'a.rs t.nd Ki'ry.it,,- ,,.,,, ,r !- ,7(Ter; 1 . .t" ii-iodefioi:i- "'tta nt, which mo'ion pref'1'! 34 25 - vxia .iui4a, . Toe reolu-io-i u - a i . . d in iheoliw J IIou.e bv Mr Hvnu n. nd the-e ulo.ired.! was received fc ronu'r.mce. Al'er be- inir rra.l hhsrr.' innv- l lnl liirv !eJjll.3i.lbiLjrjiJiiJLbl earn !' ItlP'iS It III'I'F'I, ("1 IV -Htl-W II III t- .... ..t. (ol Auk) , , llilll II' i-Hri.. J'int- g.-rr. 1.1 i.!i.v, M'DanicI, VI Kr, M'K .tyr , .JT''-.d, M'Ncil, MitrsJiallj Martin, Ma'iws,-M 1, fr.hnr Murchi,rn, Perkins, Itav. Jelly. Shersrd, Wil K i.(of Mart in, J -r4 tT";';: , . ..T'. uho V(,H :'l h the negn'ivr. were i - At Mear HH!tos-HHM M.eH. Iti nstv, SpuUbt, Vanhook, Ward,. m'lmniv ul!'kJWj.-U4ani-aV The bill to exempt from execution, ce.tain potion of the hm.o the Viti T w ..m.h .ffi mvive. w re j v jj 'eSrdT& .r-M .. .Ajke. B?r?B-.,lev.BI.-.k U-yd. M,nd.h,l, HJl Cil'. "itlm, . ..... , i oik. I iire.f l 111 e-ii, t'r-"wi v-uriMin wa rein tnr ( ;Tr,,,if! ,r" ,r operation and oppressive W. cond time. Mr. Barnes mosed for itj iue Soittl.ci n SiBtes, yet this legislature iijo' u'" " W3yo',ieiucm wiucn was ncg.t, lived 37 to 33 The bill then pjsned i:s serond-rcKitngv : - -. ,cii;y,.Jjn...5. . The whole vWing "t'i- Odi" up'u-d To rne rnnsiflelttion ol the enrossm! hiil to t empt horn ex"e'ion a (ert.nn p.rii;n ol I th land ol thi t-i'ii ns of Yirr Carolina . i". i-. t . . a"cr nuvinK ifll iejl the third !l ne, d iundrv smes dments bri oT;ri.., M; B. ni rnov-d th..t ih b:il. if,' t..e stvcal orendmen's he postpomd unil he 3:' Mondav of Vovcnvver ntx-, hici. is agreed to bv t.'' ' -s'irij; y lp of So--.tie r there beinu f Vras and 2$. N ys Thosa who voted in the ul!ii iiinrive, w- re : Teat Messrs tlsnv-g, nrowr r.Crn-nn. Ilirk. Hare, llinton. (of Wake) Hoke. I!yell, Jen- fliw.. h'f p- Mllfc.r.i.1 ,ICI...I, LA 1 !1 . hew, Mrsres Melchor, M-xitgomcry, M ,t;Iv, ' 1 eSC Pw,P,"f'n 0 amend Bltd Move, Perkins. Ssigkl.' Sby, Slierar'd Sim!',he nri merits of the subject, an mi; mons, Skinner, VsnhwIrWVtan, and Wilder, j mated and pi o racled debate ensued - , Thr-se who voh d in the negative, er j Torse il -solution and amendment were ' B'5ff7?rM!M ?,ek,,M' BUckwdvowd i.y Mers. Rainger, GmW gTZ.'" 'r. itmNro;- llarrhi, tlakiiis, Hill, Hlhton. (of Beauf n ; 1 lsner HnJ era.oppos9ed hy Mear.fy Ii,Uv Al'lv-M'Eorrrrr . st Rarnaey . llav. Snee.l, ft'.rd.- v.'eicii; Wllliai m-n - were-finaHr a.pi-and the Jf Wh)h!,: ULU.oaiJamendrd. er retried 10 Mr. Henry mbmitted the f'.l!nin.. IV. - ! (nlniinn. iKi,l. j . i . . - -... "vie icii; ann uid upjm o ourcreu to-1 nrioirf uetoivea ou Me ff.-Jine e' Ccwnont v the .SVne nf V,.-,, i m General Msemtly convened, Tnat the I gener.i poiitv and pmmtnent measures of the tederal Government meet with the support and approbation of this Gtn eral Assembly. Bl-t)h1 Thnl .III. ... . ..." - - we mil rontrihu'e our q.Mto any.fhi ie, lcvic.d Tor purpc se, (jf eevee ind defence vct e cannot but consider the exists Tariff Ls unwise, and unequal, and oppressive in theii - ope ration uponthe Sotltherri srction . ...e ,nion, vmutmtj the spirit of the tonntru 100, and renni,ina such a modi hcMion as snill udant ihuM , .1.- s eats of the whole cnun'ry. KtialVfds Thai the union ofth... e ' . ...e sncei ancnorol our political .,f.;.v. and h an objet: peculiarly dar t5th I Ie.;n of every pan iot, and mutt be firetrryrd Retailed, That the disnne4l A pnn. bcaerytcW.oia4ncrelAsa j4Cjj;o !. .1.. . . . -' ..'.wvum '!u Ht patriotic 4nJ peti!enf t,!,,,. Inri'lo.i of the fleieril Goternmeni .. t'Hle Mn to the confi Iem of liU ropy inercoi to toe i tfiuuKv l'r,i. 1 a.I Hi f.. . .n.l MtkmkA . n In Congress, to be Ui4 before tha Coa grentofthe Uoiied State at its prtktR tesstoti. . . - .. 1 The Uoute to,o ip for con-,iderjl0. lbs Itesulu'iona of Mr. Dyvn!B, f merit, the Comrohee of the W'HoU ' " - . -.--... . Mnrrmi conM-leralion thereof. Mr, Worth cd tht nid uetolotions be posiponedin. definitely. The ql-hn t hereon, determined in the negative, 82 0 44 Mr. J. A Mill, mnved to amend tha cond paragraph or the Preamble, by i'rikin? out the word uch at the m,l.' 1 ini ni n ,ji,n inu me ru'iing bt Uim). nd iin the word "of a local charge trr !. local purpo(.vWi The' que, or, i hereon, ws derided in the nei,ii, 66 ol4 Mr. Mehane moved to add af. u. ..... m , i,i iouitiuiiii stares, fhj onU more iptciCc.Ilv enunierited i rcldcni's Veto Massage" hf P m i ion was rejcied and after undtreo. in aome verbal amendments, die Fi' wfrrrms were adopted, Tff N y- 4f .Tnon who voted in ib lfj;r m if wrr t r.t -Mewra. AleisnJer. i Anvt nre-nsa, Sl, Plat-. Boflc. Rrr. 11 ltti It . ,.,, r,r,. H oarer, Brjs.i, lUjrrin, B? .-Mt.mn.. Callnaray, Carter, Clark, Clem , in mm, i,a.wway, Carter, Clark, CteaMa: '"P";. '. imvhw, i-mrli, rmonitoa, pX I"- . ,..,, iii'MI. ffV IIIIBSII I j lalk.i.. H.lf, e. N.tUos., O'n W Ir-U Rhiwtaa S .ckai.t. w,.ncr, Taihem. H'a Lii h ;.i7 ires-V.OV:.T,S; W7Wle7. S. Whaler, kr. vv;,.lly. IVi W Afritmsrc-a. W.w.w wj;cho, Zigla y3. echo, Zigl.--73. ? Those ho vo'ed in the negativef W'Tr "-'- AIxindfrAIIiiot, 'RarrinperTliuK Clieswn, DiL r:. ...... I: , .. T li liL l,m Kiwi Kbin. Sik . immmie, Skmner. Slosn. H-lpheni, fj. !e. Vte. W.nvon.CHWen, Worth WnirLt a id B-rnrd -47. ' rt Friday Drc. .L On motion of Sir- ll-nrr, the II mi fd i'lel f into rx com mine f tb w-hy,;VMrr Wghe.ir, . the tJflana: I vi ied iv Mr Wn'th. vii ' eawerfv hy the -cnerrAenMfaf jN - Mth Cirulinn, that although the TttiS tlH!I.i.rL canno: concur with the fi:r.m. iotni C7. ohoTlioctrincs of Nul.ificBtion rnfii- t:iF..i-.-nd- Krs'ohjrd. tiut ir the icntimrqt, "th'i Union must he nr-served." principle, whir.S hllcn,ie tho Dorobav 'ti.m of 1 'Vfc !?ennSlic.,n and whirk pr.-Tii-,r m save ths Republic from dis lioiot, .nd nrrlty- Z.Z'IL..,:,, Fishe- moved to amend the rcsi U'loo b lout uinir, '.he wnrt'j jq ihe4 opinio!i of ' this Legis(4ture,M after ths wjittl -rt THttt M r-ftirrfncTTnovcdurT i STikt oil all i!o si t reio!ii if,rriir lhJ otrt Lrgitaturf, m insert, doeiilOt Lret ouoiic eonsiitu'tional, rhe ricMof n individual State ot this Union, joBUr Itty a Ijw of hi Unitf ri .S(atft' the II )ils, and re.ir! j fnlloui ofto Gjrniiiu, thar alihodh lf.4 Tariff IjJ8 lii thr nmv avi, in rhstnin in of thi Ligislaiure, unwise, unequal in tnetr opcranon and oppreve 10...1M Sotiihern li tCs, yei this Legislature duel not rccnguizs 9i constitutional, the right m an individual Srate of this Unijti itnlijff a Ian nfthe Uniicd Stales. 1 e second Uesoluiioo w reporleJ in its original shpe. . ",. Mr, J'.iair movf'd tint the Resolution be posfpaneJ in Ji(iiiclyaad suppofted rfis motion in a brief but spiriud speech... The motion w4 negatived 88 to 26. Mr Bynuni moved to striiie r,ui of th first IkeilllllillllV. all af-av'lh wnrAt Southern Staff, ami insert "ycl thi It' gislatute ou,d deprcra'e any doclfinr lenuency yt wnich' would have in effect to Hisfliee!' the Union, of thf . ta'.ea," On itijs proposition some debate arose, in which Mr. Byntiiri Soppoi ttd and Messrs. itmoiis,twi,'St Cooper op posed j;. It wjaiTdeciJc! in the negaiive," 79 't 37 ..: M-. Spaight moved ro amend the first BcoIuikrn, Ijy strilth.g oftL trfe rhoft! i a