io:4 THE I rn olMK. Mi.MoKY. fy the A iihof of "Wi'm.' N fTupwItf d Jof, S recur !. i J; uirpe fdicl, riJi imam. 1. 3tnd an i funeral mound, Far, r.r front a'l that love ti t With a barren heath arno, j A"J cypret bower Wve thee i And think, while the sad wind frtt 'r'iftii .nJ fif i'ijf'!.,!.ei. ,u' " ,f ritamer. ir.d su a w's re. . Sleep her th thunders 1 Aero the lowing billow thy canopy the ilrr, AmJ the ortf deck thy pillow i And dream while lb thill e-ftn In mocker dashes &te " )( the ch. t rful besrth, end the quiet home, Aiidtb kiss J her that bore tbee. in! Tatch In the deepest cell 1 ' Of tbe foemin's dungeon tower, ) Till hope! roost cbeerJahrrf pcfT Ha loat it cheering I" J.nd lng, whilMhe gdling chain On ef 7 tlfrjimh freejr t)f the kenWMo hurrying n'er the plain, Of lb breatU of (he fnouft'aio brT IV. X!k of tbt minaret lut The warrior' high endeavofir, ftlien the bonied lpt ire mute, And the itrnng arm crushed for ever Lok back lo the unmer ion, ' Trum th mist of dark December frbta say Jo the broken-hearted one. ... ... - rupinnnHoremmber!' ; . . ".. . - - - !--- )Yt? ALEXANDERS COWAN, beg leave to In form their friend end the. public in gen. Ttv-al ftaUuey t nowmetvlngartl openlngat ihelr Store in 8isleille, the Store formerly occupied by Messrs. Shepherd ft Simmouusl "general assortmeuf of , 1 Fresh ami Seasonable Goods, consisting of almost every article usually kept In Store, whish were selected with great care, bv W, F, Cowan of the above firm, and nu- ebtard for Cain, from the latest importation in he York, Philadelphia and New-Ark i all of which tber are detericincd to well as fee fur Cite aa goods of the same q iulit y can be pu chased any where in this section of the State. - Furcbttcn are reipecifutty Invited to call" sod "uwm ind other raercha;lble produce taken .. lii excha'ire. ""' . ' . ... - , joey wxiu aiao, rerpcenutty prrirox ineir 'sincere inansi wineir inennt ana inc puoiira for the liberal re-of "pBtroneejthry..have t;rn(ifin. rtniliil anl Ciir it-litig n n:rll ouUnuoce of the wi.. . B kUIIA.I. , . ....... , N. D. Thoae owing the late Brrn of w. r. em bv eah or nut, in order thai they may br - Sepi. 7t, 1SJ0.---;-: - mt60 II f. now rfci'in ind oprmii at their 1 Store in liJ'iry, a df tirUe ' k of ' Vrw A7yf Vfrrr y ii'i .V'c GOODS - -i'(t4 In thr Fall enl tinier aawKi. pnrchaaed in Pli'ai!e!pbi ku-rfev-Xark, f the laleai lad imnnrtnti'in, Which tiny ul arU hi ww a an. (uhVi tn be lu! In thii part of the country They rtipectfu!!) ir.vitth-irculumrri ami the public (jenerally, ta e!l n l ei4iine thrir aa- w.rtwnt, hcar fricel, ana Juujje iortineui All kin! of Mrchintile produce Wt.l be ... L...n.:. ji. ;.tf . u ?r Jj L5a.'?f Rtjiie privided fr the a c;'tn,.KlUin of p.r ii. liiling to Town, with Hack and Tmughf convenient for hiuhi'i)( and feeding llorci. Srt,'lMrr, A". 1330. , f UHV OK I.KTI'KIW K !:lAlIMi imhe'lW um-- kt Silihury, iN. Caiulina, on tl.e Ut January, ItSjt, ftmiirl Hand ftil'y D. lUdrn Jamrl II. Ilufmad Ihomaallatcber Kylcs cSv Mcemin John A ten, K". William V. Andrraon 2 t dVorgc Andre William Aiuioraon Datault Rtavrr Jacob B,it, ;, Manjut I) !! ( tck Mirharl rtjat r John U Iti ard llic'.acl IKktr t WiHiam llarber t John A. Uku Nathai let iirojbdiaii ftpencer llcwm rraiicf A Hale &bt.Briitbv -Mictiiil -lr' " Usui or. t ..J)u! Coo Daniel It. lei ii Mure .Vti'ttft Wfthtv-A. rjn;!E awbcrilcr wiihci to pun' ia i' iring JL thela!) and winter a number i f nfroe, fur which the moot liberal pricet wiil bo given in rxh, llu will be found in Salnbiiry at all tlrr.ra by thoae wltoili to ca!l and ' him. Itcti-r aJdrefH d hi bim from t'.Utance wiil be promptly attended to. " UUCLUt III-lav. Sab'tiur), Oa. W, IH30. , 43tf THOMAS DICKSOX, 'Tailor, JTm ESPKCTrULLT inform hie curtomers and B mr the rmblie renerallr, thil he berenivl his Sll ;r, to the bnihhng formerly occu;i?d by Lrtwry ind Teinp'.cton, and more recrhtly by Wiile w. Hampton, a a laiiori sn'ipi oti Min e'reet.tbe et rid, few door from tht Courtdluune, in the town of Salitburyi where lie li prt,i4rnj iu cxrcuie an uraci inwn ui , ' ,T.UL0M.VG after the neatett fatUtona, and on the ahortstd noticei and la prepared to mak all kindt of Clothing in the tV-it rate a'yle, hiving in hii eihpToywJWaevth'fiiiT rato" work'nMnwVicli enable him Ut da wurk on the thorte it, otice. ..JA JmU uLVuttt HgJJut ut Jtlarmeou will, be done on very moderate term. All oriLri from a diatmce fur work, will be moil faithfully ekrcutrd, -cording to direction, and witlliu the 'irtt-t urMwble time. Ifom rinU'lcipiim anil New.Yorti wMicn win enable bim lo make fine Coa.a, ko. afer the mun arinrnvedTtTtrr lt .Vrtoury, Jpnl 1S4. 18.13. - Notice. Juhn Hvde A'lrn llerminghijf 0 John Hall Itev. Vm. G. ll.Jvntl II, C. June Jo Jmtke -i John V Kebmans Kfid ed Kni'lit ' l.ydii Kemfiher ;hfiii'i KciltX ( lvil K. niiy ' I .I.. IV I M OlIcfLaiirS Jamrl J,Liii:g,m Wiliiam LoindeX . which will be louml, uwal, large, fiuhionahle and chrap i4aAUofll-al!c,JacJXli4La4iy. Wool-lot Br 1 ltd (teurge tar'nie l'uncan Cai pltU l)in Caunle -Uaae Cow ait ilfft. Caiigbemouy Sarh t'owal Jacob CbMe " Mr Caughrrnmir s ;irv. Hi ii run Coe !ic Cowan Win U. Callicol Wiihan t:o Cailurine L. Camthert Mir II Campbtll John Mmcy - ltcn Davy . rah Dm lien 2 J411.C D ivii J.M.n P. Uunkm 3 Itrnj. P. Dunkin 2 trfdl)girntl, John Diamuke Joar h D. Dobbin rinoa Lann'mr Henry Ledf r4 ' , I) bi-rh Uaaop Jme Mun. ford Vi liaro Moore 1 Cl a'InL Marahalll C ire. lcCooMUghef r(i,,1 Miller " Hi or M. m inora) , JjhnMf.Atre M N w(mor f WilliiH Nrabitt Alkn D Ni wMita Moii i 0en Left ,- FiTtnoia Pif kaion Jopil Pa.k Arti.ur b PiAter , Joaeph Pharebce JaCob Pool William Pbelpi ' Julius R. Pond SamXl'ewles Wilhim Phillips Cbarlei Prudcrt Michal Henry or Wm. William tabcitsna Maria L. Ellis Mi Hh'tb Rrnbirt t Hubert N. Fleming Join, Foltv Dr. 4, L. rrrvnd ' Kobert W. Ford' V1ihm Fuit Most Fun-"1 John Fulton John Freeman David "Fraley, Kdward Flanagan Charles I. Gee Rev I L P. Goodrich e J R'iabeth Gibson John 1 C. Gowen, Esq. J'rph Gordan John U. Gurokef :?;Twr'iri.u J -hn Ritchie John W. Kobinton II. F.'son 3 John Kitcbejr Eiixabelb Poblef V Matlirw 6ephcnoa KandolpH Scaler John Sniiiheelj Edrd Smart Gerkmd Sholen arrer Jyiun bhumaaM.-,..,. E ijah bmallwood Ca'.harine I. imith Rebecca Smith William H Troy Zacheriib Ttiomaaon Ur. Jim s Wilon J I'homa Womack Fdom Wood r IHIE luhsr.ribt rs hsvinr tmalided F.kccu i lorionhelait U HI ind l eirtement of Jue Hrgrave. decpaavd, at ih Auguit Term of Da vidon county court 13J0, hereby give notice to all peraoiu having claim, debt dura, or de 1 tnand aii nit said e'ate, to prevent them for pajwiemi. duly iithentlc.:ed il!!in the, time f prraciiftil by law,-or (lit notice will be plead iu oar 01 jney ri-covery, . ... Lba'lt Grifletb lennard Garver 2 Thomas lluger William Henderson John C. Ilamptob ' Snidanlli Hicks 1 fV-t m arm ar-W WW.T a a V J M. ' - t N V AY la 1ay Uaf'i negrie man naaied lit! . . .1 II mj JILUU. IVVUI V.J T I UIU, .ITU IV.ll II. II tn.-hrakiifh.venr hlaek. auickanoken and fan wa.'k, hat t scar en hi left leg. Any person delivering him to me near Saluburr, shall be raid SUO. or Zii if confined la any uil id that IrMbiKaeiin. - AUCU'D. O. CARTER. January Ut, 18jI. ' - . 311 . . . r . .1 .1 I I n, d. ne-aAuiurii..j,w ocuihwi will pleae intert the ahove luurtimesand forwinl hi aoc ont to th" OiHse. , , ....... telalt ot Vorth-Car oWuft November Sessions, I8J0. r .Mnn.llll.im3UCIIU 1 . t fj Johnltuttedge and wil'et Petition for tale ofngroe for d.'ribotion. On motion of the nliiuMtf by counsel, and it appeuring to ttu sat. ' LfaCinn of the c urt that the d-fcmlant are ' sat inhabitant of this state: Ordered by the court that pubHcaiion be made iu the Weitern .f lirnSitian. nubhfcUdiii5iJilwiy P-aii weeks f.r the defendant to ippcar at lite next court "f' 1 ... I r,. ....... C .. . . .ri d ,n K. I. .. I 1 f ... , fl . pica aa( iuai icr. si ivn. in . vg in-ivx im . eountr of Hwn, at.tlie CourUIouaes ii Wi. . Inirv en the 3d Monday in February next, then end ihetw to the aaid pe. it ion, plead or r ' , cicnur, or me same icii prw ciwcaw and neard eipne, 6157" J NO,; GILES j e. t,'. : . ... nowaa cocaTf. : . ' ' . V'Vw'tifjp Sirnsifint- I ft in. ylVVIIilvl .v'-wwiuiiiii . "Tl14 WALUCP; we. John Buck I Attach- I S. 1 . . i . . I L-i . fin mlilutn un.l it . i . La I UlCUi v . . ' ' Wei jo itiiMi'vi'wi1 " in I v Mm 1, imw iu, de'eodant is not an inhabitant of tins Stale; or. dred by the court that pubiictio,'be made in . the Western. Caolinian. for si weeks that th fl.-feiflant afpear at the ne court of ple and Quarter Session to-be beU for the county ot llj-varv, at the Court-llouae in Salisbury, on the 3d Monday In February next, then and there to i rirderv. otherwise iudiraent will be iritered against him for the pluintilfa demand ,nd cost. J NO. GILES, e. e. A liberal price wilfbe given, in caib, for clean fiuen sod cotton Rigs. Apply to , , . , J. 1L DE CARTERET. ' SJiibury, Mgutt 14. A 1830. 32if EQUITY UL.LVKS - FOtt BAiJS lilllE'. f'r. -J.VMEw-WI3F.MANr uzutt U.A iaJ0L, u JJtf. ATT berion irultej lo saliTEafale are rei queiteii u cone forward and male pa) incut, ) no kuUulgeace caa be given, SCairof .Vor 1-Vj dr oUiuv, utrwett-eoetiTt- II -r.-r .r-. In -Chancery;' t ENRT BONE t. Jas. Bone and others. It appearing to the court that the defen. danta, William Bone, "John "Wa'.iOnJ""'Wre7 Arteinrsia. Jsiah Wawan and Wife, Margaret, William Marker and Wife Susannah, William McDonald and Wife CJisabclh, re.lite without 'he limit of the State, it i therfore ordered thai publiCatiOir be Wade fonlis)' "pre ofsis weeks in the Western Caroliniaji, notifying taid defendant to appear before the Judge ot our Superior Court of Jl juity to be held for the county ol lndeli, at toe Court-House In Sta'ci vill on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday of Varcl., A H. 1SJ1, and answer, plead or de nunathrHtH of com ,Wwt-f ttcr Jfune. or the Bill wiil be heard ex parte and decree made accordingly,; Witness John" MinliaV Clerk and Matter ot our said Court at Office, the 5th Mon day alllhatb.Jsloiv!vy of ScuttmbrlSlUJ 6tif ' JOHN MtbUAT, .., dlate of wVot t-UaroUiia, " ' STOKES tOCNTV. . ' Superior Court of Law, ; OCTOBER TERM, 1330. I 7ILE.VN0R ROBERTS vt Wiilijm Roberts f Ji" Puliiiim fur Oivorco and Alimony.' It k ordered by the court in this cai that publics, lion he made for three months i .in he3Vf stern CsroTmlan ind Yadkin" and' -Cats. wbV Journal; that -he dqfendaiit appear at the next Superior Stoke, at the Oourt-Htue in Germamon, on the third Monday after the fourth Monday of March next, then and there to plead anwvr or demur to the said petitiuu, ur the same will be taken pro confeaao and heard e apart e. J n-6J Test , THOS. T. AUMS rUONO, t k. Stale of .Vortti-ljaroUtt STOairS COCITt. . ; V Superior Court of Law, . October Traji, I830t. ! fJRAXCE ARNOLD w. James Arnold t Pe . tilion for Alimony. It is ordered by the court in (hii case, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian and Yadkin and Cataw ba Journal fjr three months, that the defeixLant appear at the ncrt Superior Court of Law, 10 be held for the county of Stokes, at the Court llou-e in Germknton on the. third Monday alter the 4th Monday of March next, thnn and there to plead iniwer or demur to the said petition, or the (ante will be taken pro eonfeiwo and heard exparte. 1 SmtCJ ' lest t ".T1I0S. T. ARMSTONt!,?. DLJJVK DEEDS, F evory description, neatly Printed, and kept coastantly for saje at tiii oflioes Grore Harmon Wm. G HudMia Anthony Hatch -SAMUEL William Wi'liamton Chrtles Wuolner Peter Walton t I Elixabetb Williams James Wanchop Jesse W. Walton Edm'd. W. Wiikin Philip Yot ' a 9(55 REEVES, P. M. mrcn i 1 1 V infi.rm th& nubile that , 'I .VII l ..w , a. they are now opening their Ml mrP7 01 1 .0001)3 Uroalclotl:, Casst inert!, Cassuidt$, lints, t ' Shoe', ' Saddlery, ; Gheerict, Caller 'j. Domestics,' '.Calicoes, , SHU, Sattini, Ribbons, tfc, 4Jif -'I L.V-VAawl V iV-W otkiiiou. CONSTANT- Employment aud good wages . will b given to a fiM ratsj tlv. PI ATE Workman of steady and industriou habits, one who ccustomedtw work on Tinmrw Machi'it. . PsaiM. .it V'1' mm S:iai4oua, House uvA ViOa for IE ibr.ribrr wins. It 'r rent his iiouc and lots ia Hunt. - tie, Surry count, at the Mi allow F trd of the Yadkin, The house it mv and co iveioent. It ha emht rooms ix fire placea, and all the oce Miry out-1 hoiict, such a ttahlt biri"; kitchei, tc. wirb a very nte well 6n the lot. IV above house will an wer either fur a tavern or d tiling hottae. If sold, the pavmenti will br made to suit the eonenienc4 f the purchaser or pur clmers. A great bargain may be had in the sate of thW properly. Peraons wi!iing ti pur chase will apply to Peter C.ingamon, Esq f that place or lo Col. Uurrett, living ier Uunta vifli or to myatlf not f f im i!biiry, WM. P. ST0CKTQN. AstwaaAsr ,.13Jj, 48 "S'f "" CoUon Uln .MaUn. f JMHK subicriber rerpectfully iuform uit .;,i M. lens of luvidson, snd the a lpce, ' tii i, that he coiitinut to carrv on, at lui h,. in l-raington, the busint-4 til Making ('OTT'iS GINH, t J lo any manurctortd in th t'B,ir, States j indeed, his Gins are pr?rr:J ta other, by tho- t who hnye trud thetniiij have found a rca ty sale threughout a lajgt tent of enuntry. Hi prioe shall be as ii,,. able a .1 any other, ahop in the Sou'litr counirt, .' -Art nrd-rs will be promptfy attended tuu Gin nuiahrd iri ths ahortcit ptm ble time. Itrptiinng of Gin will be done on the 'inert, et nstice, and in the most substantial manarr hy the pubhi humble servant, HENRY A. CLING AMO.H ! LtxiflfUtUt ,V4ii &A 1 &.D, rt-'r-''i., VfeH-XU4Viaiua for-vititr JZrzXJJt. IVim J5?saUic bt'w'g iW t- V'i 1 1 f' ' fen,ov t V w'et is iav .Mill!.. ioU tO sell the Plantation ah Uii--Jl" '' in the Forltof th- tadkiu near Uutclimin's Creek, f,fte miles from Sahiburyt on the road leading f1(J that p!ace to Greaie brjjge. Tbre is abu.4 2j0 screJ in the ibove plantation, all of which is first rate red Iai4. Thee is a good dwellir j house, mil- house, orchard, &.& on the nretitttt. Any person wUhingtopurchaie the abovt U.i can have an opprtunity of viewing the premitet by railing on the ub riber wba nuy at at timet be found on the preoilaH. . ,. , ' ' : GILES F08TEB. , VfemArrWA, 1310. ' ' 4j'f R LIST DF LErrEUS RMAINI NO Wh -0-4: ' N. Carolina, on thf It January, 181 Jacob B wton Whiil-ld G Rron Nathaniel Berham John Barrjnger Jnaeph H4 Phil'B. Darnh.-art-MathiuCline David Coulter J A. Callans Jnn. F. Dry Elijah Davis , . Jacob House Jno. Har Rederick Kvdea Samuel Irwio Thoa. Irwin. - '. .. Hugh Mc debs Thoa Moilev i Jnt. Mcl.n re -Jas. Wi Morgan - -John N-wt-ll Kth..y f riior.h Dr. Wm. Parham JibnPolk Liuiaa P'lifer Rutha L. R ed i'iiibeih Rodg'-rs Hr. John Rubersoo Hachel Rodger Sherwood Rowland Danl. R. Ridenhour -Naucy Steward - n d MuiAwuia iite i oti'niee-at btncttln it eVtonr. Carolina, on the 1st of Jao. 18J1 EnjiiOtWnathji ilHott' of Ltncortor: Jacob Addrrhult Paper " ' '" WIinVnvBaiJy Daniel Lut " . Joeph Bosta -J, .AUJoMichael George Daxon ,lJ..f ancy, JJuaney.,., Jieph'M. Brevard Vincent Morriaa . WMlird Boyie John Moodv- Kobert Brown alary Ormond, Cphraint Black Jo.') 4 Ore - - Henry Csuble 2 John Coulter . Lvi Carpenter- Henry Carplpy John A. Covington Debi-rah Kndley Eliaabeth Friday . Nicliola Falkner Adam t"mwer ' W illiam Fulenwider Robert Falls -John Goodaoo , E. Graham & Co. John W. Gant Antlionv Hatlman. Jo-hua Powel Michael Quickel liehael Hern - Thomat Hozxel Fhilip Rudwsil 3 John Reinhardt y Lydia Reynolds . Peter 8!imej" - V " Cap'ain Slaglo ' Daniel Sigman George Seaglo , - George Si llers ' John Vickera Ti icent Wood M .xwell Wilson Henry iloke,sen.-r--)vtd Whttstine Abne Hull Elith Weather Uenry Hans -J Iac We I's Michael Hager ' Jo!iii WiCon' . 355 ,. Taaie Wrrt. " ' CHRLF.3 C. HENDERSON, P. . V. , LIST OF LKTTERS REMAINING in the Post Office at Lexinj. ton, N. C. on the 1st of January, 1S31. Sally Adams Samuel Michael JarretBall Daniel Medlio.' V Frederick Billing JJ.Ballyers ZlV.. Ezekiel Collett Aham Owen Andrew Crone, Ralph Pickett J Hgfc Cunningham Meechor Urr WjliiaTLDArii -John T. Dodaon W'iliie Fillis ' - "Godfrey-ttats' Jolifi Roach -L'akh S1110U CaiySpraket C. SariDenficLl ' rhilip Frank . Will Stout ' Amos Grrgon . , Suan Seers - . , . tMiacGordy Will Spurgio Frederick Goss Fred. Smith - Rsnsom Harris t Jesse Sea well William Hock Lewis Tyre Amu Lambeth 4 Oldham Trotter Oliver Lambeth John H. Williams Henry Lander ' . f. Waggoner . Plessant Langly Hiram Ward " ' Vhohias Lanier . Eliza Whitlow -' lienry Ledford Jonathan Ward ' Charlotte Love ' . "Thoma Willis ' James Mitchell . ' Boyd Witson . Jonathan Mills Peter. M. Woods, t1 If said letter are not taken out before the t of April next, they will be sent to the Gen. end Post Oflice a dead letters. 3;55 B. D. R 0 UjYSA VtLLE, P. ,1. By LINDSAY ta G AITIIER, Ikputin, JOB P!II.TLG, or EVKKT UKMHIPTOS, txtcrsn trim MrAiJt 'j osjP4rcjtg Uriah,SJoana'.--I-lilIjgh Smith iter. Jacob Jempbor .aulo'd ti. Slayton Mnn tra; - ---- ; . iikniei Hiuga John Lafs'.tcr '. Jno- Wilson .AJrjrarj7.."f"iMihim Jno. Y!"man. t-SfKP,-r it LIST OF LK'lTKliS EMA1N1N0 Sri lihe Por OlBje at Mo-Mn. ton., H Jarorrna. oiUiel0ii.iiJl Al xinder John B'imgitetirr Tltt" Biek -'JrisrpV jfr. r Brarkett Adkins . Craig Thos " fiigsml. Clnley.J6L 3 Chreenoy P. Jobo C (Tey Reuben Crisp Clesley D bion Jns. 2. E'igland J-is son of) the Rev. Jame ) Fox Austin Gre'rn Thonas Glaxrbrook Juha Ha-per James Higgins Mills ' 4iee-GeegS) ti akins Each. ; Kin Roawejl "Geo- M owcaT Augustas MrKnxie Alfred Murphv Wi'lii-n NtrrtnrrKJamti " Oa'eni Mary '- ---'-r. Oweus Clinton C. 0tpii SamJ, Pr-tKi It J. Raider Divid " r: ' Reiuhart Audrew Rice lri! ji. Ru K.l zabeth liam.o B-isv Spt-ucer Sarb -S''mhriir Pvtr 8 mih r !ee J'ttMcrJlamsim . W lk, r Rrubta HoUie Josiab Wither Nam'y Kciier iartin , vl!'S Oscar Ktncajd Arclu Wil.'U K-mp P, - Ten UoUur'a lUwutd. fl CP ANAWAl from the ubscri i,y.v jlsv ber Or Was killminrw..) . rcRiu wosnnn namea JVUE, who was placed on my ftrrh in Rowan conntv. N. C. She n uKn., itli ears ot aee. of t he cnmn...n of tieg-me She is atmit. . built of rather a aulku hfek lit nd has lost Some of" her teeth , J?P 7n oijet lo be " yut oCtVt fRl'l'- Not, snd aecounu of A. Torrente, nl JL A. Torrence fc Co. are pUeed in the hand of C. L. Torrence, fur collection i and 1 Wwj advise th"j; intcreMrd, Iu call on bin) Utfvr, Jam bfr Ma) Court. . A. TOIUtE.NCE. ..' irr A. IS50. c - , if , Jhmamty - "Ir'trie-IOth of Reptemb 1 r' J " T. ,atf fmm my p'antaiioa il f-J,rf jorira riMiuty, two re grots, as mV'V4 ra,ned 'VASIUNOTON, ibavt ,.. 2Z.yurs-oX-jige, a very brij r,Ji mulatto, on ore of hut harj fJL xttt cre occasioned by a gmi he- will cLir-e hi jtutt and CDififatjf'lo piii Lie iL:c uLt.Ti htr -named JOHN, a common mulatto, about 30 years of sgc, very Intel'igent i be will probably pas a tbe (errant of IVnahington, and change his name. A reward of 25 Dollar will ha give for the delivery of either in in v Uil m thai I can get thr.n. JAMES LAMAR. Octdur 16M. i 4Jtf .CJ" 'rheGeorgih7 SsesnnablTthetelt. cope, Columbia, b. C t and Richmond Enou rer, are requ.-sied to publish the above weekly until forbid, and then forward their srenunt is J. LAMAR. V aVtVw JSlaU Uoute tB.OX BAt.tlG? TO AbllSVKT. ' - -, - ' f ' ,T - TV. 7 TJtGEFJREr-ZSr TJTNDEIL.tLi arrangement,. tha stag auSu xv twir.e a weea, ami goes mrougn ini dv, each war-The scciimrnrKlaiioii i g")"A Psssnngerg-whaire V!aeflirtg"fronT Raleigh ttr fSarti1)urorTenneeeV)r"Sotithof'SBhbari will find ihia lo be the nearest, cheapest a ill Bsf xttpeili'ijiiiis rnute AVTVt-Tf-Rleigrr.-- f aw enger who are travelling l:-om balisotiry norji. will rind this route, bv the way of Kaluictk M I ... L. .1.. K . .. . u . 1 , i. . n. .hi moatxpHditious mii'e that cai be travelled W the North, by two dayi.. A.paaiengcr wb trxvcls this rout from fcalif!urv, by the way of Raleigh and Petenbuv. to Wliington Citj, w ill go it in fie daa,ai.d Ul ltep three nijjlitf, out of five all night. The Contractor will pledge himself to keri first rate Mail t;nacheand good ptrntle horsrt' and drivers of the best kmd and he will ra ito puins in tryiiig to render lhosf who pairoi'U . e i i . , i- .i i. - mm, comuinaniv, ana snic iunn;u hii rvo r. Pussengers wlui are utiacqitiitited with tliisi rome, will secure seat by splicalion at Mr. Et P Gummas f fote4, M ttakigli audAt Alf..ttjlli.. U. Slaughter-'s itot in 8a4isl mry -zrs:T "i ' The stairfii will lave Sii'mbunr every VFeA nesl;i7Tnd.urav, afTTATlrtnamve''iT" Rali-igh every Thurday and Sun,lay,' at 7, P. w'tl-1tft'ver1lleigh every 'We'dnenlay aw Saturday a'. 6, A. M. and arrive at tlisbutjr ever)r Thursday and Sunday at 7, P. M. i : GE)RGE W'lLLIAMSt -CeafnarMr,? : June Uik. I8i0.' "Z 25tf J sTtWS1 sue uai UKCWlcte s scare lono ..... Anp person anprehemlmg said negro. d lod . ing her in jail, so that 1 jt her aS.i, or d-ty. enng her at my ..fetidence la Cabarrus county, halt receive the above reward.- r- -. 1 v n,x ,..n J0NAT11A-( HARTS ELL. A no. BrA, t830. .t P S. Any person purchasing negroes bad betie examine closely, jrince I am determined, it she has been k.drrapped, to prosecute all coi. ceroid to the utnro,t ex'.en'uf the law: -I think it moi than pYobable .that she has gone towards Lmcol county or in that direcHoV- - J II With fimi 4tiVsie-wdantagei to stof the H'arnn YnnL -hr every CO Ve"ii-are is pfnviilVd for Mart n,ni,reTtaaurL nts Vftrmfrs' & Vlunteia1 . ALMANAC, iCi Calculated for the Meiid,an , Salfm, X. twi SALK AT T1II3 OFF.1CE Single, 10 cents, 45 C. Price, per doxen, FJ cents. Asw ,16iA, 1330. them comfortable, at the moderate cUnte rrf i cent a day and night, for the privilege'tif tlaj Yard, the ui-ejif a good house, fire, water, " ihblter. T Attached to the. Yard, are a Grocer nd Provwion Store, Dread Shop and Confe tioiury, and a Hons for Boarders ind Lod'V iniw plain, cheap, whole some S'd condort"",. '.ylc.t'ayeUevilleJ,ri'., lr H ' VJommWttvV to JaU TN Concord. Jf. C. on Nov. the ITiP, lrif gro tiof hy Ihena rjii ufBlLIkbout 24 yrraii of egi djrk ccupplcxioii- atlfi feet 6 inches uteb ; ssid boy sjivs be be ; longs to Ala. John Bufan of Kchmon4 county inr Ueotftb. The owner is t tUeMtd, to come forward, prove propcf y, pjy char pis and tke) luriiiawuv. O iilAHA.yctVcr. Xovmbcr 23iA, 1830. '4ftf . - ' r " ; - Notice. A few reams of rriting paper for faleattli 4 A. nriice, at 3 50 per ream, a few refr. S'-'t and a few- raasn w rkppirg, at '-t-e u