m hui ll is even wMto abai-a from . .Wcii,"ho,;,-, f ,1 , th.,;, Sr. ie .ambiance of inequity, which l no rnjf)M m the heart of the eiti.eri. and which will be ev.Jed with i.tJc redone. The wiadom t lrri.!tiuB ii l)rnllyPt;ii)r,fl,ngltionconicieBce. Dr i Unning rL-.rf m4 ,' ' " M f y .!.( f t !. rntM, J jHUdBUlli, IK VA V CO U S T Y, NT. C...7.. . ...TUI5S I) AY, JAN U AH V 25, 1831, VOL. XI 555 m$um I lt ... uauirnJ I.. ...f l.r . I ( t-l StatLcffislatMrc. srr " Tuesda if. Jaiu- Thc bill to enable the Public" Trca jurer aod Comptroller to perform the duties reqnrea ot them, was rrject eJon its third reading ; the bill direct Pg the ( jvcrnor to convey certain hods to the county of Mcon ; the bill to exempt from execuuon the articles therein mentioned and the bill to ex empt from taxation property held by the warden of the poor, were reject ed on their second reading. The bill t prohibit the meeting ol slaves in the night, and to restrain -their meeting in the day 'to the pre. nce of three white persons, was pjit. pooed indefinitely on its second read- rng. - - - - Wednesday, Jan. S. Mr. Hioton ot Beaufort, presented a genet of Resolutions concurring in those from the Legislature of Alabamj which recommend the re-election of General Jackson to the Presidency in highly approbatory language and call ing on the Legislature "T North-Carolina to imitate the eiample of Ala lin3a,rrrMV M irtin moved that they fie on tKe ul)Te until tne 3d M'Jnday-nf November next. Negatived 38 to 19. On m tion of Mr. M'Kay, the said Jlrs dutions were committed to a select committee, with instructions to re port thereon as soon as convenient. This Committee consisted of Messrs. MinMn of 'Beauftrt, M'Kv, Spaignt, Hearts and Marin. Thursday, Jan. 6. Mr. H'oton of Bea jf rt, fr -m the select Commiree to whom the subject was rrferred, reported a Resolution declaring that the coufUence reposed by the people of the St tes of Korth Carolma - in the-wisdonr and : parricna Km "of Andrw7rJEon and which induced them to yield him their .al most undivided , support at the last Presidential election, remains unim paired, from the emirse which he has pursued. Mr. Spaight moved to tmend it by adding a clause recotn- mending Oeo. Jackson for re-election, EJhic,ti:was negatiycd 42 to 23. - Mr. Wilson movecthat the Kesolu- tions lie on the tabic, which was not agreed to. The original Resolution, as reported from the Committee, was then unanimously adopted aud sent to the House for concurrence. Resolutions were recrived from the House of Commons, approbating the course of policy pursued by President Jackson and recommending him lor re-election. Oo motion of Mr. Mar tin they were laid upon the table, Ayea 32, Nays, 5. Mr. Wilson moved that the Sertate do now proceed to consider the Re " "ioTutibns, heretofrTriTdlipr"tRe' table, protesting against the usurped powers of the General Government. The Senate ref used to take them up, by a vote of 36 to 16, - - -Friday 1 Jan. 7. A messaae was received from the lot immediately for a Board ot Inter. ""Bat f mprovFtheVitnri i the ensuing year, and stating that Lmis D. Henry, Cad wallader Jones and Thomas Dozier are in nomination. The Senate refused to elect any Board for the ensuing year. ; Mr. Askew, from the select commit tee to whom was referred the memori 1 of sundry citizens in the county of Burke, praying for the establishment of a Medical Board, made a report v asking to be discharged from the fur ther consideration ol the subject, on. the ground that too little time remain ed for the due consideration of so im portant a subject. The Resolutions passed by the Sen te approving the acts of the admin istration were returned from the House of Commons, with an amend setting forth the great necessity hich exists forthe-rerelcction of General Jackson. The 8enatefefus td to cTC4nhjeamendment 24 to SO, and the House of Commons were (j informed. The I base returned a message insisting on their amendment. U.I motion of Mr. M Iway, the Reiol. utiona were ordrred to he upon the table, Ayci20, Noei 16. A protest was trrntcd bv Mr. Sp'igbt Signed, by Mesir. Spaigiit, AAewrMontabmery 'Ward. Rkmoer. 01 the sss-natc refusing tn rtcommnd CrJiitioj-Tufihe jiext Tjuldcacv m which .they stated, at Imgth their reasons for the Sme : It wjs read and entered up n the J MKnal of the Senate. Mr. Hmton ol B' auf .rt, aU presented -ii pr.trs tog-ther witn hU res ns for the same agunst the .me VOIC, Saturday, J in. 8. After an intcrch nijc o( M -stages between the two II ues, staung that all the business let.;rc thrm had bren hr uie'it to a cioie, on. nutim "f Mr. Matthews, 4 RfHohitio.i w is Mini mously adnp;..-d, returning tnc tiMuks ot the Senate to t) vid F. Cldwdl, their BpcKer, for the 4ble, itr-partial .Hid dignifi'-d manner in which he" has dUcrurgcd -the duties of trie Chiir. Toe Speaker returned his acknowi edg msctsina ricat nd appropriate address, a. id then adjourned the 8cu te sine die. JIOV'SC OF C0MV10N9. Tuesday, Jan. 4. Ssmuel F. Patterson was elected Col. -GommandaiivAnderson Mitch- elI7Liruteht.nt Colonel, nd Win. Witherspoon, M ijor of Cavaliy at tached to the 9ih Brigade of the mili tia of this State. Mr. P Ik, from the srlect commit tee to whom the subject had brrn re ferred, made the f Mowing Report, which was concurred in, and he ac companying resolutions ordertd 10 le mgr.issed md sent to the Senate lor oncurrcn e. Ttc committee to whom it was rrfer red to examin", collate tnd iTange in proper order, such parts, of the J 'jaraU ul the Pr vinciaJ, Assetublics i tilK'jf tsCMtr"--V - re! ate:-.-t the I)-cl rsti- i of It;ep-nrlfnce m de by ttje pitrkitk men of .Mrckta-ourg-Hi M-y 1775, arjd also such measures as relate to the sime rause, adopted tiy the free men of Cumberland county, previous -to the fourtU ol July, l?7o, in order to the publication and dtstri b uion of surh documents, having per Xormd4he duiy-.siged-4hem,. rea. pecif illy Report : Tht upon an attertive exami iStion "f the JnutnaU of the Provincial A semblv of North-C .rolnia, which met a-. Halifax iif tue month of November 1776, the Committee are of opinion. hat no selection could be mad from the said Journal to answer the purp iac of the II juse. Bat as every thing re lating to that period, must be interest ing tu those who v.due the blessing ol National Independence, the corn nitiee recommend that tne whole of the Jour nal be prioted, and receive the' same extended distri butjon which thje r.es o- iution of the House contemplates for the proceedings in Mecklenburg and Cumberland. This coarse is deemed by the committee the more proper, bf cause the Journal is now out of print, aud it i highly probable that the copy in the possession of the committee is tM.;niv.;0.nj;mow.j: Your com-nittee have also examined, coll sted and arranged j - ail the ducu .... 1 1 . ments, which hive neen accessioic 10 them, touching tne Declaration of In- dependence by the citizens r! Meck lenburg, and the proceedings of the free men of Cumberland. By the publication of these papers, it will be fully verified, that as early as the month of My, 1775, portion of the people of North-Carolina, sensi ble that their wrongs c old 00 longer be borne, without aacrificinboth safe ty 'and honor, and that redress so often sought, so paiicntly waited for, 2nd so cruelly delayed, Was mi longer to bj expected, did, bv a public and solemn act, declare the resolution of the ties which bound them to the Crown and people of Great-Britain, and did estab. lish ad independent, though tempo lary government for their own control ana direction. .''This & st claim of Independence evinces such high sentiments of valour and patriotism, that w6 eauoot, amd ought not lightly to esievm the honor ot having made it. The fact oh the Declarati jo shoaid be announced, ill lang.ia- sh juld be published and per petuatcd, and the names of the gallant representatives of Mecklenburg, with whom it origi n ited, f houjd jjc pre scry, ed from an oblivitn which, shouid it , 0 ypJKJb.t.'Ot .would at raucia.dUhoaor. us, as jnjure tjy rn. j!f the thought of lodepeude nee, Md not, firs t-.jytxur 1 0. them, t; them at feast belongs the proud distinction of having given lan guage to the thought aud i should be known, nJ, fortunaielv, it cn still be conduively cstablhhi d, that the revolution received its firit impulse towards I .dependence, how feeble that i npuUe migt have been, in Njrth Carolina. Tne committee are aware that this assertion -las elsewhere been received witn doubt, and at times met with denial t aid it is, therefore, be lieved to h.; ,nare strongly incumbent upon the House to i&ber to the world 1'ie Mckleoburg I) c.'aration, accom panied with 8ic;i testimonials of its genuineness as shall silence increduli ty, and with such ere for its general diffusion as shall forever secure it from being fo'g uten: And in recounting the causes, the origin and the progress of our revolution. struggle till its final issue in acknowledged independ ence, whatever the brtllunt achieve ments of uther S'. tes nuv have been, let it never be fort .tten.that at a period ipfcdarkTJClliaud oppriion. without conceit with others, with mt assur mce of support from any qj.rter, a few gallon North C irulinuiis, all fear or consequences lost in a sense . f their c untiy'n wrongs, rcl ing, under Ilea. ve, solely uuon themselves, n-'blv dared to assert, and resolved to main tain that independence, of which who ever might have thought, none had ihen spoken ; nd thus earned for themselv t , anl lor their fellow citii .ns ( North C.H'oln'.a, 'he honor of giving birth to 1 iv- li 1 hl 1) claration ot Imlrpendence. - The tommtttee-reapiTtfully recom- merid ir adoption; of the fdltowingj re loluri-s;- :iz-' Ali f which is submitted. ... - Tn vg Q p0L.K . Chtrn; JOHN BRAGG, EVAN ALEXANDER, LOIJIsl D. HENRY, Ai;EX. M'NEHX. ResuLced, T'ut his Excellency the Governor be directed to rause to be p uT)irsh7(Ti n pamph i e t f jrin t ;i c above Ki-nurf and the :.i romna i vmcr d cu mrnrs. in the m.inner and order to.:3reM 97 nav 9 4 k iu, I ne Mc. Klenburg Jr claration, wit 1 tne names of i r ,Dclegtcs composing the meeting 2 J, The certificate .est,- . 1 ,- tying to the circumstances attending the Cvcl .ration. 3d, The proceedings of the Cumberland Association. And that he be further instructed to have reprinted in like manner, separate and distinct from the above, the actom- t .1 e r.. : 11 nanvmsr Journal of the Provincial At- sembly, held it Halifax 10776. Resolved further j That after publi cation, the Governor be instructed to distribute said documents as follows, to wit : 20 copies of each to the Library of the State ; to each of the Libraries of the University 10 copies f to the Li brary of the" Congress of the United States 10 copies j and onecojiy to each ofthrExec of the Union. ' wedmAAfjmrsr Tbe'Go ve roor 4 r admitted atoromu riication, enclosing itesoiutions irom the Legislature of Alabama, approving t..c c.mduct of the President and re commending him for re-election. "Pney were read and laid on the table, Thursday, Jan. 6. The bill authorizing Judges to grant writs of ne exeai n certain cases the bill for revising and digesting the Public Statute Laws or this State the bill to amend an act passed in 1831, providing further punishment for the harboring ot maintaining runaway Stives, and the bill to amend an act passed in 1828, to amend the taw with respect to the collection of debts from the estates of deceased persons, and thelw io relation to the levying of Executions by Justices ?,f the,, Peace, ere respectively read the second time and postponed indefinitely Mr. Wheeler aubmitted sundry ft. solutions, approving the whole course of policy pursued by j)e prcient Ad ministration, concluding with re commendation of General Jackson f r re-election, to the other States which, having been superseded by similar resolutions were, oil Jnotion; fit, Mr. Bragg, ordered to lie on the table Thticjolutionsijwctofeiaiynit ted by Mr. Sawyer, wt rr, on motion sCMraJyiirri credj and after Undergoing sundry amendments and modifications, as pro. posed by Messrs. Henry, Bragg and Hawyer, they were submitted 10 the House in the following words, viz. Whereas the President of the United States, at the list session of Congress, rrjected, as unconstitutional, an ap propriation to the Mtysville Turnpike R ad, thereby incurring the denuncia tions of those who advocate an unlim ited discretion in Congress to appro pr'nte.Ahe public money to internal mprovements a discretion, in the opinion of this General' Assembly, alike impolitic ai d dangerous to the sovereignly of the States and where as the freemen of North Carolina uni ted with others in the election of An drew Jackson to te Presidency of the United States, under the full rxpecta- lion f hu reforming abuses and re storing the Constitution to its original purity l . - Be U therefore resolved, $c. That A drew Jackson is entitled tothe ap p'obailort Assembly, for the firm and sound exercise of his constitutional privilege in iherrjertion of the Maysvilte Turnpike R. ad Bill and others of a similar character. . Resolved, Tiat the general policy nd prominent measures of the present Administration meet the approbation and support of this General Assembly. Resolved, That the re-election of Andrew J ckson 10 the elevated sta tion he n w occupies so honorably to himself and so usefully to the country, is an object, under existing circum stances, peculiarly to b desired -nd highly necessary to preserve the h ir mony and promote the interest of tlua Union. ' Retolted further, That the fore going preamble and resolutions bel O 0 4 I signed by the Speaker of the Senate and the Speaker of'the House of Com m ins, and be transmitted by the Gov ernor of the State to the President of the United States. TheseTesrlTOOMweitrmtfoir sent to the Senate fur concurrence Tea. Mtsrt. E. Alennder.Arrinirton.Ilat Brow, Brower. Orysn, Burrin, Bynum. CI)o way, Carter, Chrtnoii, Clsrk, demons, Cooper, ; . Mmonon EiiM,n Flem, !i'K' lowersr loy, rredenck. Gary, GattonL (iieiin, urtndv, uwynn, lUiey, Harper, Henry, Tliol. Hill, Milliard, Houlder, W. Horton, J, Morton, Jackaon, Jarvia, Kendall, l.aiki ii, lw aon, Little, Lloyd, Loreti, Mcbane, Monk, Morria. Mullen. Murphy. M'Aflee. M'Orhee. rM'Neill. rucholaon, O Bnen, orr, feopiea, Phil, Hps, PurceH; Rand, Rhodes, Rowe, 8ter, Saw- 1 frtkef -Bimnrons, Stflrkton, moan, Smith, V..-. ...u..' m.RL. sLvi Sought, Spurgin, Stedman, Stephen, Stockard, Swanner, Tat ham, tule, Watu, Weaver, Webb, lWherler, 8. WLiUker, J. Whitikcr.. Whitley, Williama, Willey, Wilaon, Wiseman, C. Woolen, A. W, Wooteo, Wyche, Ziglar. Aiavf. Meatra. Brnrd, Bernhardt, Jlarr irer, Buic, (isuae, J. A. Hill, Mendeuhall, White, Worth. Friday r Jan. 7. The. engrossed . resolution from- the Senafte, requesting the Governor to pr acuf rctflitn TntdrmliQbaHTeTauoa to Banking, was laid on the table. ! The. engrxissed resolutions, recei red from the Senate, approbatory of the administration of Andrew Jackson, were read and amended, on Mr. Bragg's motion, bv adding " That the j re-election of Andrew Jackson is an object greatly to be desired and highly! ecessary to preserve the harmony and promote the interests of this Un ion and, as amended, the resolu tions were adopted and sent to the Senate, asking their concurrence in the amend me ot. A mesiage "wai i sub nequently received front the Senate disagreeing to the amendment. Mr. Siwyer moted that a message be aent to the Senate, informing them that this House insist on thcir.aaid amend ment j which motion was agreed to, five or six only voting against it. w Mr Blair presented the following pro test, which wss 1 read snd ordered 10 r inserted it large in the Journal 1 Whereas, bt the 4 JUi section of the Cen.Mltiiien ! this fiats, It is jivitt " Ihst an? member of either House of the Oenersi Aassfnbly shall hay liriy to dissent trom, and protest )faint ny set or resolve which t may think InjuiMUt to the public or ant inditidud.snri hsvt the reasons of his dUsrnt tntrt r,, iha Journals 1" and wherrs (his IIomm of Cowmans rfidron ' f''id".yttheit'f''(l f of December fail past, sdopr t tunk pnt ' jc rvlytUo nd'woa'rtat alii. 4--, .l : .11 .-T 1 Clause OI.JDC Dfii. OLJOl'UCIOiM'lTlU 1 ture does not recognise, f 0 sinu'wmil, ' the right of sn Individual State of this Union to nullify a law of the Ufl'rd States 1 Therefore, the undersigned ,i. ing himself of his constitutional priilrxe4 ' . begs leave most respectfully to pr teot his solemn protest against the doctrines ' therein avowed, as insidious in their character, designed to red d upon tn conduct and impugn the motives of .1 Isnt and patriotic sister State, tending to prostrate the sovereignty of every S a') of this Union, and to raise upon their ru ins one grand consolidated government ol unlimited powers, subversive of rhe lib erties of the people, and ullim tielr lea dinR to despotism and anarchy. he undersigned avowi, most distinct It, sn ardent attachtnrnt to the Cuns iio tion ol tr.i Union, belietln it the no blest strut tore ol humm isdom,. iidsflf.,,,!, long as ill letter 1 adhered to, o ionir thrpowenrnot expresi!? deb galed.lfe) '""j reserved 10 the states, so Ion will it re tain its beauty and regularity j but when- -ever Congi ess shall .presume. Jo.il fee 1 power and forget rlf hi, and, by construc tion, assume jurisdiction over evif thins ' or any thing, so soon will ltd beautiful . -difica W found without order ur orpwri..., tion, obnoxious to the people, and by their fiat raced tn the earth, pile of splendid ruins. Then will we be called to mourn at the tomb of our rtepaited Rlory ; 10 weep over the relicks of (ho last, best hope of he wprldtjO'LloitrL again promulgated the soul harrowing, tne degrading dogm that man is luca pable of self government. To avert such a calamitr to p esrrvo the legacy bequeated to us bv our fore fathers, and consecrated by a htih ex penditure of 'heir blood and tieasuit , let us confirm the Cons'itution to l' legiiH tfiM oouiHls j let o4hif be done bt con airuclion or impkiiri ijdd.JhtniiH.. Oted, the ?.4.W,nton vtiU be preserved.?- Tte under siimcd does belie e thai thi'-J -L nuttfieation of a law of ihe Uniced Sislrs." J Su f fhe IJnl,w, -ouM be but T.. lull .ikiui nf . Ii..f ! . J J I jUtle short of diaaolution of trr Federal- Compact ; snd a dioujion of. ilia com pct 1s6hly fobeuTe'rfas! to aubmIi'4on ' to a governnveni without limitition'of powers but bedoek believe that exlg'en-' ties may ariso when it would be the part remedy. t Let him for a moment, by way of illuP tration, auppoe a fane. Tba-CVnthiK 1100 of the United States reingmzes nuf right to our staves as ptopert. SupMie the Congress of the United States, acting in a spirit of blind fanaticism, 01 UU0 philanthropy, to enters I. . drelaring the sfaves in tue Southern i5. ate free mm. Would not every citizen of North Carolina "boldly oppose such a law f Woidd it not be oar right and boon Jen duty to declare it. null and inoperative in. this Sute-sod to reaiai its etcrudre toy fofcejT" if necessary f This may he called tn ex treme case But such a case may occur and eat feme- esses are only to be met by extreme remedies. Tho undersigned repeats his Wrong st tschment to the Union, snd fervently prays that its band may not be severed until time shall be no mora. (Signed) GEO, BLAIR, Ctovm." 7 Houae of Commons, rjanTrta,-1S3T. ''Yt" ' " Saturday, Jan, 3. -M..-Spaight- presented Mhe-fVifrowin protest, which was read and ordered to ba spread at Ui ge oh the Journal - The undersigned dissents from and protests against the resolu ioos declaring that, although the Tariff laws, as they ' now exist, are,. In the opinion of this Lrga -Mature, unwise, unequii in their opera tions, and oppressive -to the Southern States yet this Legislature-dots not ra coffniae as constitutional the rih; of an individual S ate of this Union to nullify law ;"of ' the United Ststes," p. ,: by fha ttipQaec'ot'' Cem6hs'6n''iir.e 31st c'De 5 cember, A D. 1830. For tit the reso lution denies in unqualified terras h constitufional right of ia S.ate, in an event, to nullify a law of Corerrss, howa everpalpably unconstitutional and danger ous to the liberties of the citiavns. Tbe dissentient is full aareofth importance of the Union ;nd-4 mise ries that would result from its dKsolo don, and is too warmly attached to it to ' hawrd its preservation by a report 0 rhe -"extreme remedy," spokn 0f "for ligatasad tuptet MkeV' Ant when ft IL

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