lng eeii.-t of Ti4c:)rnnt on our fights have evinced det!rmiostioi to hroilt and d.troy the excellent Con 'lMiihn under mtk h me 'John exists, , tf which alone It ii and will b pre served, H then becoit the cuty, at well at the rijht of each State to later Tf re fr the presemtion of the Union Union for which all profess, and .it it toped, chedth the fondest affection I'odeny tht a law passed by Con Crest, in open violation of the Constitu tion, it oid, and to hny to a Sttte the tight to treet imH a U at void, end ex- . erce uVider the Conttitetijn. the rights reserved to the States by '.hit instrument ods footed by tucb law, Hauld in the pinion of the undersigned, be tint wqicb tncvonsmqtton tii it VH1'' '' 'Wf ?55eiAie jrKinhtnrflKflTnw name, MYtiffiiiTimiiinhTlitiirZl " crniWT-hre,nTirrr3T !nM i. .it. I.- tlon, my fee constitutionally rxcrrued by the S.ate, although the exercise of luch f "Ijhl be prohibited by $ Urn pined by Congress in violation of the compact. An sltempt on the psrtef Congrcsi to interfere with die reUtioo between mat Ht end slave, a relation recognised by the C'inMi'u'ion, and regulated end sus tained hy a vrral States, undr rights re erved to them under the Cons'itu'ion, woul'l present case in which the 'right ould cl 'irly imf undrniibly exist and in which it would be the imperative duty of a S'ie ''to interpose to far at to ar ret! the progress of me will and thereby "topreserve the Conviiuiion itself, at f II as to provide, for the tafety of the P n ie ioV.""" h $ iio iir i ft i mpr nHghT be made bv Congress to impair the toy err ign'y of tnce Smet. bf prescribing the placer in which their Legislature! thotJrd t lert ihetr R epremt-f fives in the Sena'e of the United Sittes. - Cn If he denied that the Lee,isUire of ny 3-4te would have a Ctnttiturionat fight to 'wmlIe 'at' any place tt might elect, different from 'he place design td in the law of Confrrcti "and that 1 a" Sennor elened at tu h pUce would he. tjodrr the Conitj u-ion, tnti-led to hii teat" In the Senate of Hie United Sittetf Would S tr, to dureardinj and nullifying lu"h a law, he exercising the riht of fevolution i Certainly not. it would be rnreljr tctlnifunder a rlgbL reserved to It by the Constitution. Miiny other cases might arise ; but si though the undersigned claims for the 'is, 'in woiiauiuiiuiiai rigni iiiua iu hi- terposej yet he only claims it Tor them In ciireme cases, when the lives and liberties of their rititent would be endan gered, and their own sovereignly jeopard 4 ho wouWaje&reea i' aerciae- by -them eeep orr orctviont deeply, rr:ib::Pl:'re.m;!'z::: H.:tl .- sarmlyMraheh6 lhe Union, cemented a It has been in the. blood cf our for e fa- - therai -and -nno ated I bw mntt hoJy 4 "sve.l aare of the disasters and fiifat con: equenres thtt would flow from itsdisso Ki'ton. to desire losee ihe right exercised exrept in cases in which submission to JWriTtonrwoTiirirljerTquinyTSTtMMo: ou'Jthc.ntei and h? bopciof mn s the conn queoces of disunion. He ardently hon - h-t every Jvate in this Union would ' BufTe while evils ar, lufferHble," rather -i thn resort to this remedy, hich however aerfVrl our right under the Cons i'u'ion to resort io It may be, might tend u to . abolish ihe to-ms JO which we are accus tomed." Bui should ihe time ever arrive when ' a Mng train of abuses and usurpa tions, pursuing invartahlv the tame ob ject, thall evince a design to reduce" the cintrnt of this nepublir " under an abso -"lute despotism? It will then become the du'y of the Stt'et io exercise their Con tltutional ribt, and endeavor to ' arrest . the ' pi ogress lif'The ' evn within their respective limits the authorl . , t'es, tights and liberties appertaining to them " And if, in the discharge Of such duty on their part, the fair fabric we - bay reared toLiberty thall be overthrown, !l. und.whh it the hopca '..T maukind, let the . execrttiona of posterity rest on the party '-.MhAt.Murped the power, not on the one ' r th..'t exercised therighT: , (Signed) CHARLES 0, SPAIGHT " ll8tft- I 8tb January, 1831. ; On motion of Mr Singleton, " . ' Rftvlvtd smaan5ay, Thas the thanks of thif House are ,du, and are hereby presented to tha? H iorabie Charles Fish ' er, Sjjeaker thereof, for the .able, inipar tiaOnd dignified ..'manner in which he baa discharged the duties of the Chair '. slaving I ha ptesent aesston. j ; .. Wherrtipon the: Spr made Kit ae knowledgments to the House in the fol lowing appropriate address, and then ad ; journed hame 'fine. dit. 'v ' Gentlemen af the flout of CommoAt,- Tne retolu'ion which you hae just idopi ed Jnjittfh flattering term, a pprotr ing, f my.'condW as presiding offwer of ' this House, 11 my bosom with the ' sinrmesi e snot ions f gratitude. I am too arnsible of my deficiencies, for a mo ment to fancy that I merit all the resolu . Uon would rxprenti but to f r as it t peaks cf mj impwtiality, I feci that it unot uo'le'.erved for, from thtt chiir, 1 Isva known no mm, hut as a mem er of th Home of Crmmon. " . We ire ah'nit to teprte, mmy of u ooduuht, never to m- i iin. There i tomethinj metanchQ, in the thought, end to me it would b painful, hut for tne aecompinyinm r- flftiio, th-t we are re turning in our cont'imentt, tod etch to hit own Sre-iha and dimet'ic . circle. There it aomethtniji too. ioiereMln and cheering- i-i witnettin thit pruicai oper ation of one brsnch of our political aye tern, and in contrasting It wtn what it now going on in the goveroniots of oth er onions. , t While Kurope is tremuioui through. tt her whole enent-tier governments nnflirK. 'h hinK; ofjnoral volcanoes t'prHieflilon her Uegialji Iittireat' inrh nnl I . r i . . . . .. , I hi irmi-wniii is our nappy conainnr ft the repretentaiives of the peoole of one ot the sovereign Spates of this great ConMemcythavc met toge her in pra e, and in harmony, have legislated on the wants of our tunuitiients, artd now are ready to fall back, and he loit in (h- gre) m$s of the people laving alide ,our brief authority with at mo-h ease at the way faring man throws off hi' cloak at the close of day. If, at timet, toiali tt citemrntt spring up among us. what are they but the breexe of headh tnat fal ters the roiit, k purifies our political at mo!.phcre I " 1 We owe these blessings not leas to the !l!Jj!n-?Jlifliin-1t-ll par gro ertjon,7lin to the wtid.m n : valour of tho?e who went brfore u, and tyve ? tt , td that benefirerit Bing,. wno'hoj.tt tions in hit hand, and with the Ttcfltn ? trr Hj ptre r TfiiTTRT7m'I7 long be the condition of our helov, d coun try may Heaven vouchsafe to gr-mt. B'fore I Ulil you adieu. I must hank you for the indulgenre aod kind forhear ance eitended, towards me during, ihr whole of this long and laborious moo i tv )ki!teMmsLm. brim I -lac said or done aUght to wounfl the freliogt of a tingle msmonr, ,ra ycju to believe it was done i'hout intention. That ou miv reach your hornet in afetv,nd find all well, is the fervent wiU 4fny-haart. PRIVATE ACTS. A Capiionol such Privfe Actt, passed i . , , , , "s --" "f. are oi m r' lo he people of the VN ettern section of the State. An act amending the act of 1828. t0 appoinr mmmisitonerr on pifl irToe road rrom Xorg .ntdn to Avery's turnpike j pocoln to aesignata the time and pet l io ssid county where personal proper! thall be sold ; A nendingMhe act to alter the ttrrre- flf holding-1 wo of the counry ttmr', ol UHHHrn t - Repeating the act of 1831, to increase the number of jurors in ihe stipetior courts ol Lincoln; Altering the time nf holding the county courts o' Ashe 4.. .Repealing the act of 1 913, conv certfihglBe public" lands in iTrwoorl county o far as resptcts buildings on said lands ; To prevent the falling of timber in or obsructing the channels of cartain water courses in Lincoln county ; Concerning the county couns of Iredell j Concerning the county courts of Rowan ; Appointing an additional pUce of public tale in- Rutherford- county f - R pealing the act of 1129, to divide the regiment in Mron county ; Concerning the poor of Stokes county ; Appointing commission ers for, and incorporating the town of Rockford . Ameodin g iha ac4 of 1 838 , o appoint commissioners on the road from Watauga in A-he countv, to the head of Jjtfhn'ijiy in Macon county j To amend the act of 1929, r authorising the county coun of Burke to nppoint commissioners to vie and lav off a turnpike road from the Lin coin line to Mud's Mill, passing through tho Uturci Uap ol the aou h Al .unuin v main i Ueducing t he numhee or ru'ots to" roads in the county of M.con to five tng fit a High Court of Irapeachmen- freeholder j For h belief reiruIatioiLiitLlCM tne coWltfsMvlroHieysve !!'!!n.!IC JLmL.iBSffl!fliJle?i wood. Brunswick, fitt, , Macon, ;Nrth - pt, i. a , j. o ' "rr . of. finance; Supplemental to the act of 1836, for the better rcirulaiion ol the town, of Concord reincorporating the Kayettevllle Rail Rod CoiiipBny j Dir ecting ihe aheriff of Macon county to Day over certain monies therein mentioned j Concerning; the mill ia of Iredell county Aut horising the county court of Stokes to regulate ihe compensation of court offi cert i Amending the act of 1830, author ising the- county court of IU,herford lo hold a court of probaje Etabliahing a superior court of Ja w and court of equit y in Micon county j Appointing commis sioners io soperinteod the building of a court house in Burke county, and for oth er purposes; Altering the time of hol ding two of the county courts of Ruther ford ; Providing for the compensation of certain jurors io Haywood county ; Amending" the ect, entitled an act io amend an act to establish tod regulate a turnpike road in the county of Haywood, to bo called tbe Tennessee River Turn- pike Uos3, patsed in 1136 Anpointict;1 ,o,rinit,i mars to view, nrk and lv of a road from the ni ph'MhvKt of Fori D lnnfe, across the Bms Rllif . t i me torojitii? roa I tt or njar the Three Faik Nlccmi,' lloui- i i Aine duntf. ; BMLUri)N. Adp'hn fi oH5 lutiM,pissei by th last ltn. K,m't ily of this 8 a't, at are of general in'rat or of in'erett to the people of this section of tne State.. " AKuwla int autno-rdnthfl comiti'tec of Fi M iie io burn ocn Treasury Note as are uufi fi cit action 1 ,Au'horiiin the coos nrtee of Finance to employ a clerk In favor of .ne lejpl fe preenta'ivei of the ateChieTJuitir Taylor i Autior w a - . t" a r Hing a lon oi arms to uniel , ir. ntoi?. Tf tjIT" CjhTiFoT Tg ih"r"TiTtertry Fu'ia- f Aiitnof isci iHtxTi eisuret ta en er on ihit oU 4 lery-Ttfi4-t eetaioum due from 'he es of John Hywood ij Directing lie 0 vrnor o trans mit to our m n rs ol Chtgress copies of the reso lu ion op the u ijrct of re-opening Roan oke Inlets hru ting me Puoic Trea SUr 'elatlV! to toe 500 d nlr re-u-ned hy D. L. Sw.ii ; Apj)niiig W n R. 11)11 Li nariait i Direcii.ig W n. HoOtrda, late Tr iurer, to bo credited for the amount WS V ' t-v. . o lreury ?iotet burnt; Uirertitig a copy of the State documr-nts io be depot iiedin the Exa'u ive'ifn , !tc s In fv-jr of J in )W !. K-q jirts that the Pub tic Trerf X?tH no' bring tuit on his londs bet - cemher ont, unlets the f.:tr of the debt should otherwise ie q''rlilJltL4UncJL0 ttitixhiin fif lh59te 4iinst the Um .d Sates. fit -quests our mrnbeitol wogreM to urge a ipceoy p,,n. nt of taii claim; Authorising re Orfirt io,th Q'lvernmet- House and Ca L pilfll iiAtt nuruing -J. he Pu.jlicTr eau w orlnw upon any of ihr p'jMic fundaJ provided the charges of govttnment re quire the Sim. For the public tion of ort.m loeummt fuircctsihe it jvern or to b ive published itj p.imphlei.fo- m t.he I tumens relative o the Drtlaration 01 Independence by he ri izi-ns of M cklen 'U-pn id-mber in t htsii ate J pveu in h S ate Lib-ari'tn to pu-chasc tnee co pies of ibe Journal and 0. t'es of the F del Convention and S'ate Cooen lions, and to dis on inue tbe sobscriptio'i fir the Norh Ametic in Review. , 21 umtrj'Stat ttny si. SENATE. Monday, Jan. & appeared jnd look his eat as Presidetn of ;ne St nare - Tne Sene, as iHigh Court of fmpe icliment for the trial o Trijge; : Pttrtrcnr motron ;'iof :MrT;T xe w e 11, adjourned over w Wtdnesdav nea. Af ter a short time spent io tho considcra r t ij.. j a-tjourned. iot, oi demure uusmess, tne Senate Tuesdav. Jan The bin" p'ovidTne for the and eouiDment. of n.rt nf th. , rs theUntted 3 , res, for the p-otection .of ihe mrand trade to Mc aico ; and the joint resolufio lmrhe Hotise of Rinresenta .ies in relation to tho transmission of ..kll .. . - uvvuiiKii-,1 pinncu oy oruer ot v.uiiKrcss, were severally read 'he third time and passed. T ie Senate spent a snort time in the cotnid ration of Execu live business. Wtdnetdau, Jan 3. Communitifwi8 werr rectived and read from the War nd Nvy Departments, shewing the expendi dies of the contin gent funds of rhose Depart men's for the last year Mr Kane, from the Commit tee on Public Lands, reporied a oill sup plemental to the act grtnting ore-emo- ion right, to settler, on the publ.c lands.! ' r"d SLLVuJTT iLwBentan preaetyted-r-viemtm fwm-f e n. day expewnce'' -he American Society, established in hoil' " " tonrnFthePettiement of the 6 re iron ' ' R V""". '? c,0,e crount. with I erritory, praying that a military escort and 'ransportt may be provided, and con venient military postt established, for the j encouragement 8c protection of emigra tay ffttion to that country. In the Sena:. .1, . . . . n . .: .: - ".r-j.""- 0 lca(lit flUOjrbft.prindpk,on which fence was grounded, and the evidence onii?K r icn inev snouia act. Uobert WUh. Eq., the firtt witnett on the part of the ! j- . .vnucnij nn tTB nis evtaence in re lation to the opinion of Judira IVrk in I . .L. . . SouUrd'a case and the publication tigned " a viti?n,' to reply, which gave rise to the proceedings against Luke ;E. Lawless, , tor a contempt, and the subsequent proceedings hsd in the case in the dis trict Court of Missouri; ( after the cross exsmina ion of Mr ?alsh had been concluded, tbe Court adjotumed until to morrow. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES Monday, Jan 3 Mr. Carson called the attention of the members to the proposition submitted by Mm last tesion. for the establishment of a branch of the United States ilint, in the gold regiont of Nonh Carolina, and intimated hit intention to brin th h ject again under their eonsideYiilrtri. fhe commi tee, he stated, aDDointed in purseance ef bis rcsoletion, at thst pori- rx), tn) oot feporiei u?a If, on eeceual! ofsorm papers containing vtlu'le Infor m I'ion respecting ti matter having been I mUiiidi but they were now reegvered,1 and a -native would be based upon them. Mr. VrplJl-k. fro-n the Committreof Wavt and Meant, reported the Nty p propriation bill for the service of the yer 1831 f tnd, after a first and second rtsd idij, it was referred to.ythe Comrai tee of the W,,le n the state rtf the Union. M'. Jaif. m ived a re-couslderatioo oft of ihn vole of the. House on bis motion' that the House thoold no longer at tend Jhe S.nte chamber, In a body,! on the trial of Judge Peck. The ' re-j consideration wat directed, and a die us j In our lat we mentioned that the IrelJ.! lion follow -d i but beforrrecisbn w a riiad closer During the teisiniL an .li-. "Mf trrlved at n thentjestion.the hour for t'-e ; wtiicb were published lat wrck itr D connideeation vtloVinivl t40i$;!: the m-vion-of Mr Rtr h-dW.irhe-o.-4 fwjn(1 in Innthpf ftf . be, , .rOie.Q.It5JAiIiUl'LiZMtt net wt ins ructed to tnfiuire I it tne possibili'y of exedi iog the puidic bu i ness A neia-e wasVeceived from he Preside s, traomi Jog eopi'S of the cor respondence, and other d 'cuments con neeted with the nr.g.i!i,iif,n. fr tne re new of tit W stlndU r d. j and, on mo' Ion of Mr, Cjnrekn. nty were ref-r . d to the Co'imui-f nu C -mmerce. and 6,000 copies ordetd o bi-ji-inted. TuridaytJtn :4. Mr. S'orrs, of N w Votk, Irom the Co nmi'tte on the Judi-ia y, reior d a bill enabling marsh, Is of the United States, who had not m Ie thir re'urns of the enu neration of the inhabitants of heir repe jive dis'rijtt othlst ol D C. last, 'he time pieservietf hy the law of last session io do so by the I-1 of June next. Ii appeared that three fes of this character hd occurred J one in Ten na tse-o - Jh- Idianarn4 wn W-4h city of New Yrx. , WJi ordered to br engrossed and read a third 'ime,. Thei Dill to est ihlts'i unilor.n mllKIa 'hmuih. out the Uni'ed States, was, on mou -n td Mr Thompson, of Georgis, eomm'Hrrt io the Committee on the Miliiia "Tn. M ouse derided, on a dlvi-i ,o h, yeas and bt;: i;:-;;r..nT ys ar-rrr-- uavs, uv a vote oi IIS - - OV. Oi-oen at present, with aitemlin in tn - St-nat-chamber, on 'be t i,l of Jurtg, Prr. On mo'ion of Mr Cjttoo a r'e-olu ion a lop'rd, appoio-iog , select comrnit'ee of fiv .r. to i qui e inio ibe expcdlenry of establuhlog ai sia offi e in Ihe gol I 'gionsof tne Sou h : .f'sr whjrh. the Ilous. went in o Commi'tee ofth- Wnolc on the state of the Union, Mr P.ilk in the chair, oo the hill- making app-opua tions foi I idi.n iretiea, nd Io- artear jges in iht Indian D, prtmcnt, which piised ibe committee and wete reported 'J..!j..V4?.rt hkh.efterwarda cut into the tpetidl order of ihe dav. tlioM TH caROSKI.B asp ADVKRTIIXa. A NEW YEAR'S G'IrT. How thote who are not in liir ih- .... may he their own adminittratori or up your books to this dav. and uv ,ee ,nal H accounts that l?-0 -- " Mancti n g . r 7 fm tm an un"td ac "j L . ?.n 0I1' vear "BJ'R mm .ocre is a oill against ou, and fiU don't k now the amount, it in in,... diatclv, credit it and st.ike the balaiue 3 If the balan e iv a ,in.t y,u, p,y It withou' d-l y; if in fa,or( and yo; cannot get vour p.,, be sure to make a setiiem nt by taking a note. If vou ii. ve any long standing ar counts, don't flauer vourscll that .you. m.tn, and . will rln "H" ir'i rnaneet to one bui he will teil your Adminivr.tor that hc knows nothing boU. i,, 0r if he acknowledges saVhat'ti rii.hi .1 . , "... (Jirinu a SCI i ff l)ich Mill ' " cornP!"n' called in nT ! T be "urrd that meit mi :! y bl" 'ainst vour C3' ; ' " ' T -:. wnel,,er owe them ; r- -every recrrpt yoti get ,T m - 1 r5 wo,,h one hundred k i:.-.. t t ..vnuvi , ,-uur ii ie I miv not contin I herfrrai if .. i. i morru ohH.:,l"X;: ' 7 l if """'K" ! Pinullu if i yi nave anv matter in UISl pute settle it, or refer it tr arKi....:- else sue or be sued without delay, always bc.nng m mind that you know much more about the matter th tk ' k "u cume aner you- g . . v w"o Reform.-a the Naw Denartm.;, when uoder the direction of Mr. South. iu, me expenditures always overrun the appropriation nd Vmsitm Was called upon at each mecting for addu tional app;opriations to cpver the de liciencv. Under the agency of Mr. Branch, we fiad, that the appropriations (ot the Navy, have been found more than sufficent for the expenditures, and ttiere will remain an unexpended bal. ;n;if,?.b.ab,y e,1.ceedin8 one million legal die.8rSeme of the public mo- H -4. riav jcsti nt tear tmi vm. Review of prwnding m legislature of mot, , 0i-acta--!!d; mmmzzr?i- J- , Vfrf In looking over the whole flat of these teh.' there are but few that strike us asbe!ngof great importance. Among the moat mponZ is one which we brirfiy noticed in our last, ft g, " An act forth"! relief of the Umrewity." ' The 4 1st .ectlon of the conatituUoo of the State. In the foil .wing words-" rhst a school or schools .hall be eatablithed by the legislature, f, ,h, convenient intintetion of youth, with such sau ries to the masters, pt, by the pubiic, a Mr enable them tt toatruet t tow prrfei) and j na-rul learning shall be d ily encourseed pro-noted, in one or more univerities.,, ' Th.li we aee, by the ousiimtlon, h a miif irtw :rative on Uu,Lf Umun to enctrarif e ful lea-t;,g, by tb- enal.liahment of Khoolianl univerMt.r. AccordlnKly in the year Jet the r;f?. Aaaemnty influenced, 6 rUbt if" wtl bv tliit ifiiiipii.v, i " .. , ivea. pa.s.-d an set eatabh.hing the univenity of ft. Crolina, and inrrpratii) tb T ht-r- of At the larne acaiion. H.. ..a . the inritmion, with a giri of Mch property., ir.igbt, tmti time to time, cVchest to th Suttv few years afterwards the l , l m - . T raataCal " 'h Trustees tbe sum of ten thousand dollut .-t--?t"' -- n i--.r - - ".to men aa titetwarda relmqniahed to the Infi. tuti-in as a donation, litis is all that the Kate ever has done for the university until at Ac Srawtn juat eloaexl, which patted the act abeta alluded to. Tbts loan will enable tbe iniU'oiUoa, I to rniere Itaeit Irom pending Kretufitni, ss4 also t pav off the debts due the Itankl. ve until rnat the L-gii.Iature did wed, thai they acted wiaely, tnd pa'rioticallv to m ra the downfall of the only literary ingtitutkw is -' u or cci. nnty, and one toe own anu iiakUteaiMlvest ershle President a reputation e.i!eaervedlyhifh. V? oope.this rerHjUUon may increase uotilthe universay sUll have acquire,! a sawi teeomlM they hid dohemore.-thaT tfiefV.a:"fcai the ejample of some of our airter' ?tat tsJ have taken the institution under th enpeciif careaiut patrwaite trf the State, and tbaf ihey ft I t m rtaa remict-a the pnee- f Tuition to merr ncminaJ sum, aod plawithe wholaxCuncWst.. a looting aoas to put it in the powe of the poorest vou i g iiikii in the community, to obtaia t ne i!estngt of an education. " When we reflect that the veiexHeelf our goeernment defends on the tntelliffeno and virtue of the people, the legislature eaaff not he better employed, tlmn in eneourtipnf naelul learning, by the establishment of Schiwh according to the solemn injunction of the cot- Vitution. SsV whs' people may ignorance if th radical catine of our depressed conditiet and it can only be ameliorated by the diffoiwit of intelligence which alwae etcjtea enquinW amnn' the people that never fail of beinr; at tended with remits the most beneficial. The neat subject which claims our attention, as wed on acwnnt of its importance as the el- i,e' "hi cause for its enacuneatlul " s.w.u.e.oaummm ?r r- . An Act ,0 Prewnt ,he rf tious publications and for other purpoaea" We underctand that the introduction intotSii State of theuwawi H'alker Pamphlet gaws rise to ;he passagi- of thia act, and oi aome six r et'ght others, or branches of the samrsuhjeeir tVe believe that circumstances called tar aoaw letffSuoTopon tliese subjects, but there it "J" wavt danger of goiiig too far w hen men act Utv 7TC"c,,mPT, r we ,h Tioweverto he under- I awwi not S tntimsmr' ttrnr th.e han irnng tar in trie present case. It has been very confiJently predicted thsf rnend Swainr Rdi'.of of the Greensboro' M riot will fall the first victim to the new l , the aubject of sedition publications. It certainly mortify us very much to a?e on" f d Editorial Corps" 2angling in the air, or in phis Rngliah hanged. Fbrthe .credit ofthe curp we hope he wi!l4 take timely warning and to" rect his "ca co-lo.gy" as Dact. Panglms aarst if he d'E not' aud they overmatch hun about the "fiats f U'itmington, we will under-r'fM for him, that he wilt, never isaue any marf j Seditions pubticatioiiB.". We will next notice, "An set to repealJbe 2d Section of iht id of 1806 to review the mililia'Tawsof thisState,. This is n'o'liipg mere nor leas than the fam, quaker bill," to much talked of, llcnce f . cpiakere must either muter or pay at an equi':f alent an anmifll tax or $2 JO. There is 'no f fate in the union whert the quakcr can find exeraption from militia duty. -t t ,rA sret rft'srnhfhit fte e4Vtt?sr'ofl. J i