8 !i dity of the trea'iei'. " - Whst inruadt theibii Georgia upon the comuitution, thi 'Hind of whicli hat been rer terated (rum ,1 f the continent to the o her f A panl. . jti ,! bfen drawn between this cae and that ' 0f 0' n-ted an X the it ate of Pe.iny!a;ia but -e nt even ana'ygous, to prove which we fuSpttW Mrs foot of uf remarks itatemeivt of that ease (hade byJudg llopkinton. We truit that the good tense of the corrlrouiiity will pot pata sentence of condemnation, upon Geor. ri tuu htiiily that the merits of the question trill be fully cX ninod and a deliberate opinion pawed upoo them, ". '.; , -'Fddral puWi:r.ia.,nixiiig 4oaut-J Supremacy, , -If a state.cmnP.LP-?s..enl y tly, the ffyVlto d&.whicfr baa, tteTeC.beeB.dg i led to tb-Mn i former timet, without being Tfffawfl vtf" before ihej Sapi-fiu tiwHj of what Tallin o(;r liberty ? If such a doctrine it to prevail we will begin to mike ready Freedom ' winding sheet and to prepare shrouds for the butchered Constitution. - But we hope better things. U may be that th;se ailemptt to crip. pie State sovereignty may result in the awaken ng of the public iTiind to the confident ion of tliii importa nt branch of our governmental poll cy, and in the end to effect the object which the viie and the good have alwayt had in, view, that it to di fi e more clearly the powers which - belong to the Genl. and Slate Governments. Fiom the National Gaaette. -.. T11K CASE. OF OLMiJt'EAD. gium on the Hon. Buthrod Wathtngton. Wnile I refer yon to these instructive volumes for a knowledge of the decision of Julge Washington, I should be unjust to my subject were I to omit to remind ;ouen by sny ci-ieen of this Kepublic. I, is a lesson of duty so impressive, so-ihon orablo to aU concerned in it j and most o: !fcjf,otbc"c immediate member I allude to the Ha of General Michael Bright and others, on &n indictment for obsirucung the cxecu lion of the process of a Court of the Uni- the Spring "f 109. before Judges WiQ in'ori i and 'Peters. ' ,r It u unner.essaty tor my purpose to state all the clrcuaisunces of this ecle brated case. It i ufli. ient to sy, iht during the wsr of our Kt volition, Gideon Olms'ead and o'hers, having fallen into the hands of the enemy, were p.it on board of British sloop, is prisoners of war. to be conduced tolew York. Dur inir ine passage, Ounvead and hit.com - nnion rose oa ihcB tuistx ere w , took the vessel -from the nvrd Peered -fo port In the United States. - When within five iniles of surh pHtf a brig, btlongtnu to the S i ate of rei)Dslvanu, came up wh them dnd c iptured the sloop as a prise She was brought to Philadelphia, and there libelled in the Court of Admiralty o! the state, tnen estaoiisnea unuer an act rf tlr: Sia e LegisU!ure. pinistead and Kvr.f y ite,- m vpi . - tiis associates fiTerTthtir c'aim, and judgment wis rendered, p,ivinj one fourth to il. .Sii- f hrnnJ';',el;R!tcllSlJ,e- 1 IljVC Eeert thus pai-j tylvania, her owner Olmstead appealed to the Court of 'Appeals, established by Congress; where the sentence of the Court of Admiralty was reversed, and the whole prize decreed to Oimstead ; and process was issued, directing the Marshal to sell the vessel and cargo, and pay the ... ' ' - proceeds Accordingly The Judge of the Court of Admiralty (leiiveud to David Kirtcnhouic, then Treasurer of the State, the Mini to which the Stlt-c ws entitled by the judgment of t (var Court,iuT w h'tch , by i he tttcte e'oT. reversals belonged- to OlmsteaiU .Tots money, in the form of certificates, was in the possession of Mr. Rittenhouse a the time of his death, and then came in to the bands of his daughters, as his re preservatives. The property was in this situation when Olmsteai! filed his libel in the District Court of the United States, then, established under the xtt w .Consiiiit tion, praying" fot! the execution of the de cree of the Court of Appeals A decree was given by the District Court, accord lnjLi(Lll?.li!fvtrxif -the IbeL This .wis. HTInuary, U3U. Thus fa the Sta'.e of , Pennsvlvania had made no movement to 4 assert her claim built was now neces sary lor her, either to surrender her pre tensions to this inoney, or to come for ward ind defend her cin-rns wno were holding it ojify for ber use, and in doing so, were exposed to the whole power of the federal judiciary. Accordingly,' on the second of April, 1803, an act waspas-i -ed by the legislature of fennsylvanu, requiring the representatives of Mr. Kit- ten house to pay the money into the Stste JTreasury i and direciing ia suit ifiost them should they refuse, The Governor of the state was also required to protect the just riglits of the state by sny further measures he might deem ne cesssry j and also to protect the persons and property ol the ladies from -any pro, - CetS which miirht issue out of the federal court, in consequence c-f their obedience to this lequsfon. The Act of assembly ""declared that the exercise of jurisdiction - bribe eorrtXp?eatsWa surped, in comradicjion to the jusi rights f. Pennsylvania, end that the decVee of feral .was pull and toid. ?a f tho di- - . '"--f i v.-.- ' -i''-V .' ' creo of the District Vburt. Psme, tor 1 moment, to observe the awful position in which these two sovereignties, that of i fit united States and that of Pennsylva nia are now placed1. ; The United States were bound to support with their whole f jrce the txecuilott of the judgement of their Courts ; and the Governor of Penn sylvania was ordered by its Legislature to resist .me execution 01 that tucjement with the whole force of' the State. We tremble even no to look back at the pre cipice on which he stood. A false step, on either .tde, might have been, ruin to consummate prudence, the most disinter ested and Utt g rrttflimooTpaTriottim'couTJ M!C.J?X9Uiiat. Ui Wkly ikruuijh.lhis mor tal crisis. I ne District Court hesitated to nro Cfeeo-t i Jtc question was one Or great ditTicnlty and delicacy j theanticipated conflictjjerrible in the extreme. The proces'wis suspended, that the cae might be subrnitted to the Supreme Court; which, after s hearing, stood firmly to the Constitution and the law, and commanded the District Judge to issue the process retired. It was is sued. Many of you may remember with what an agonizing anxn-ty the result was awaited. V a civil war to ter the en trails of the state f and citizun to meet citizen in a deadly suifc ? Wg, our hip py and Drosnerous career dtomed 10 he so shoitf Was thit glorious Union tolc"' being comtneneed it was not only the diasilve iu blood, fcftet a fvw ve'rs. whicli j bfcd- prw4 6(4rallrled txcttlenct pour, p.coieousiy, oounues upon ! ourl.ndj h.d raised us from weakness, poveny, anc ooscumv to tiie power and j ui-iuty 01 a great iiauon : wntcn DtC given liberty, security, and wealth to a virtuous ""T"!?!?1 1 ' "fc ("ui.ui we inutil , UIIU II1C Ullli Cr tf hc Court had no choice but to execute it; and ..to cornel obedience to it by -the means given to him by the law. General Michael Blight commanding a btigide of the militia ol Penn)Uanij, received or dcrs ffom the Gosernor, immediately to have in readiness, such a portion of the mimtOTdeT h'io n necessit y to execute the .order, and to employ them to pro ert nd defend the persons and property .of the repre acntiitives of Mr. Itittenhouse tainsr any process founded on the deciee of the LM-rict tourt uf the United States. A KUiid was accordingly pl.ctd by General Bright at the houses of these ladles nd I he, with the other deleriddiits in the in diet ment, opposed, with force, the efforts of the marshal to serve the writ ltsued to . - - - sS I m I trfr vt hiu. m was t tat iat t - . I.. t 1- 4S-S.4 iba u ' .la r I I M UA1 I hot I llau . v 4. h- Vi,..4 . by Diyinir he -m.ier aCm.itt.tr to the i judgment of the Cuort.- Tms is rnougbi'1 10 i!!Jbia webetwve of i hi hisinrir ot this interesJnv ris inr be tL - true version of the ttory. Mr. Cl- our present objeit. li was lor this rests- i racciriathe"" process of a Cdurt'cf ffietS United States, that General uiighi ar;d , othert of htr-psrty, we"re trittldiedr a;tw biought to trial befo'e Jud'.s VV jhii I., i. .n.l V.t&n. Kttltll.M u t irnl 1 ..... I . . 1 , - i . : ttcuur Hi giving meou line sot mis cause, oecaue, it no iy wrms a remataaoie era in me uie 01 t.ic -u.igc, uu ,ls u uie . ... ""MMp,r,v him from his friend and t tow dir . , . j.,i , r- ample to a sutcr state advancing 100 far far in the path of opposition to tiie feder al power. .... ea)e The following are the remarks of Mr. Ren- cher. our representative in Congress, upon the bill toautl.orii a ehanre in the ditr.naition of ' the-ta ml granted tor-the lUinois -and Michigan canal." Mr. RENCHEll said he should vote for the bill. The work proposed was one ol gicit importance, not only to the State ol Illinois, but also to the whole valley of the Mfsissipii,- and to the National Gov crnin.iit. All such works of internal fimpiovtment were circulated toenhanre the value of the pujite domain. It should not be overlooked, that the General Gov eminent owned lour buns ol ail the lands in the S.ate of lliiiiois ; snd consequently, Jbi..ibejpanaJIwas constructed, the nation would be the eatneTrfiT fric "incfeasffd value ol the public lands, ol a propoitioii of fom fifths. Would it, men, be asked, be just, to throw upon Jh Jt Si a:e the bur den of construction, wnen not more than one fifth of the bcnvfi.of ihe contemplated impioveinen; would accrue to her? He had no intention of entering into s discus sion of the propriety of ifie passuge of the bill which originally granted the lands in question to the ata'.e of Illinois; nor would he sny whether he should have voted for the measure if he had been here i the questjoii now wast whether the Hpuse will give value tojlie appropriation l of bnds'then made, by paising the bill on , the table, lie oeggeo lease h say, tni i muco ol the lands in the vicinity of the proposed csnal was of little value, and would so remain for a number of yjars, unless that canal should be completed if tnat were accompnsnen, sno-.-Tjnus would rise in talus, and the benefit to the Treastrj of the United States would 8,,t J Illinois was not able, st present, to petfirm the wok rne Geoersl Government was; nd U nltion t oold rech ton fifd ' Jj.-. .:'" ','.:. A indemnity lrost the success of (fat mea sure now proposed. Pass this bill, sir, ( sid Mr. R.) and that part of the country :nt is now wilderness a ifesert will become the most flourishing part of the State. We are authorized to state the reasons Khich induced Mr, Rencher to aupport the paaenge of thia bill. It will be recolle-ted that a bill pawed both Houses of Cmgrett somr aeationt back, letting apart certain tands which belonged to the general government to enable the state of lllihoia to construct a canal which would unjte, the., ,f tera, of Lake Mich ija with be inoit river. A portion of tbote lands have been sold, arttf-lhencinit cbmenced.FroW1iiome Cause or .'other, no. talexaa-b-fouad- fba-tbe asauadcilBftfrfsetit; bill pedpotes etro ment in return for which the state sskt a new grant f ir more saleable lands, in order, to ena ble the I'a'e to cimpUti the canal, the construc ting of which was the design of the original btl Mr. Itencher conceived the object of the present' bill to look merely to an trchanjt bf land in the passage of which he did noi tee that any principle, but mere txpeditncg wat involved. The figiu of the general government to make a donation of their lands for th purpotes of in teml improvement, was decided upon in the first instance, and the present bill did' nut in vohre the question, whether the exercise of this power a right or wrong. He thought tbi' duty but ths interest of the government to vmMk 11, li,d without ihit iichange ttit oV. ject cruld not be tfTected. This explanation feat btn.ii made in order that Mr. Renchcr'a volt may be properly uudirttood The Cause of variance between tin President, and l ice President. It i.d that the different between ihes two dialinguished individua'a wat. first cred by a lette'i fronr Mr. "Crawford '' charging 'upoii Mr. Calhoun that be wat the first and mostatreo. uoiit mover of Mr. Monroe's Cabinet for the trial of Geo. Jackson by a Gourt Marsbat for tip; obedience of orders in the Seminole war, when !l.IV - .1. - . L t. l l . .. dciicto urn ne nau warniiy oppoted inn refer ence of Ins case to a Court-Manlial, and that such a proposition wat mstajoed by Mr. Crawford or some other member of the Cabinet. We know nothing certain upon ih'n point and mutt ait a farther developement of facts. We undenitand, however, that Mr. CalHoun never J nii-d to Gen Jackadn that he had re ta m .t n commnaca, as one 01 uie rreiiaeil'i I iibi .i t Council, nit triul by a Court Martiul upoti ua WUMCU UIUUWIIV W SM'UCTV tHt UHW . ... O !-H4rlllJ fHH-tvfH . J r V f iendofRen. Jickon. nd Umthewhtnut in- W b,t eenduoa.by. anv p,m huh wa ai that time, discharging the duties ol - CTHary of Wsr. and in refieving bimtetF frri u ; obugationt impuaed upon turn by those du 'tSe coutj "douo otiicrWise, it be believed Uenl. ,Jkiun had been guilty of a disobedience of . T .1 . . - il f I. ' .1 I . I . . . Sj Ur ;dr..Calboun't cour.cianot censurable. ,d we irusuhe Pretident hat liberslty enough f0 U in IhafirghCaTHrir hTiil)eentm d hy My dFtung klltVe t0 tention in nia ranka, that he will at once acnt . ,. , ... Mr. Callnun of all improper motives in the dis charge of w bat he co isidered his duty. We cannot think to lightly of any Individual who has been in the Cabinet of the present at.d ) 1 ,rmer wm.n.sira'.ont as to oencve tnat ne would deny ay of his acts when the evidence I i i . u! r f..i. .1 J e minute it made by the President of everj'Thlrig said and done in the Cabinet Council If Ur. Calhoun ha been guilty of duplicity and falsehood he should be exposed to the American Nation. If on the contrary he ia in nocent and hat hot diiguited hit course in re lation to Genl. Jackson the treachery of bis enemies, with their names should be laid before the public in order that the people, if they have pUcec confidence in them heretofore, may be , dunbused in time . JAMES B ARBOUR, ExSecretarj Wur, reached the Legislature of Virginia, by a lean majority of four volet over his conifetitor. It will be recollected, that, on the first occasion, bit teat waa contested and that the Legislature sent him, and his competitor back to the peo pie, to try it over. The second trial gave ! him the sea-it majority before mentioned, and it is said, that his test is again contested. Shortly after Mr. Barbour took hit seat be in troduced several resolutions, proposing amend menu to the existing laws of Virginia, one of which is, that emoZe tught not itibe impH$aed fr debt. The Bdttors of the National lotelli gt?ncer applauds this very much, and in our opinion very properly j but they teem to treat it at something new in thit country. In this they are much mistaken. By the laws of North Carolina females cannot be, Impriaoned for debt nor can males if they, bono, fide, surrender their property for the benefit of their credit, ore. How d.flVrent it the policy of N. C. in this retpeet, from that of Great Brittain, hov much more humane I We tee from a late par, .that on the 30th of November last, 'application was made to the ertf King's Ctncb, la Pulstto, for the dlichtrgs of a femile, by tLe Lame uf Darnly, who had been in pr'uon for more than thirty years, for a debt of 11. We think reform, indeed, it wanted la the civil as well at criminal code of Great Brittaio. I ,11 care Jndebte4-to-tbe Hon. A. Qtacat a, for the document containing the correspondence between Mr. Van Bureo and Mr. McLean our Minitter and the BritUh government. We are sorry that our limits will not permit us to pub. lith this interesting correspondence. . Those who wish to read it can do so by calling at our office. tCT The Globe" an administration paper reeeotly established at VVuhinglon, tayt-that hf it sUthoriced tiJtSJKl?9l.Ml!iSi States wiU clcctUaiu Ja-cajosy tolhe Preatdcncy for the ne it four years, ha will obey the sum mom. " This sets all our doubts st rest. " We are pleased to bear it, and we have no doubt that the Intelligence will be gratifying to the Republicon party throughout the United States. Cf Mr. Wheeler, whose notice to lecture on Astronomy appeared in our paper of laat week, has, we understand, been unavoidably detained. He will certainly lecture here in the course of the next week, or the week following'. We will give due notice uf his arrival, so that none who feel any interest in hearing his lec tures, may be disappointed. JC The report of the Unity auxiliary Tern- perance society, is necessarily .deferred until our next.. . .. . ... '.. ftnmrnral. Mabried, in the Forkt of the Vadkin, on the 20th ult., by Joseph Manet, F.sc. Mr. W. II. ilamner, to Mitt Susan Picklcr, daughter of Near thia towi., on Wednesday the 2d Inst ;V the Itev, Mr. Stafford, Jaiuet 11. Hampton, r q, to Mrs. autan A. Uocxe. In" Llncolnton on Thursday the 13th ultr"by the Rev. Mr. Thitchcy, Mr Klkanah Caulten, to t)is V slvina Wilaoii, daughter of Mr. John Wil son, of Lincoln county. ' In thit county on the il tb intt. David Smith' Trged 3-yeBrr,"month vn&i wreksr" Alto In l?vidioiL ctmntyDiLJhelQtb JUL Uavirt Waggoner, aged 4J years, and, '26 days. THE IMATUTETS. SaUtbtinr, Ftb. 5. Cotton linseed, Spelean, 7, floar 4 to 4J, com 6J to 70, beef 2 to 3, baCxi 10, molastes 50, lard !(X salt 1 5. sugar 10 a 1 J, coffee 12 to 18,flasserd 60 to 70. apple brandy 40, peach do 45 to 50, tallow 7 to 8, feathers 25, beeswax 16 to l&Voa s 30 to 33, pork 4 to 4i wheat 70 to 73, bagging 16 to 1 8, rope-tO to U glass box 8-10, 50 Ucet g3, irun-a, Putter 6. Jo-tt South Carolina Dank bills 11 ettr dia. Georeia do 3. .: . " - ' FayttteiHlte, Jan. 26....... .....Cotton 8 50 a9i baco .6. 7r apple brandy 4ft a 40orn. 6U4 65, Raxired 1.J0 a 1.20, flour, 4j a 5, moliweS 30 a 3d. sugar 8 a 11, a4 70 a 80, whitkty .0a42i whi-at 80 9. J . -JYolicer I will Sell, to the highest bidder, at the .. Court House Ja Salisbury, on Tuesday 4-e !Wd, February,- the following property be longing to- the- Etiateof- DoctrFemirrd,-decd; One handvome Carriage, tnd hari.ess. At the ssme-nmeand placp. w ill be hired until the first of January next, Several Negro Women, terms made known on the day of sale. II. MACNAMARA. Ftbruury, 2d 1830. 3t59 o TaTitt ot lVices. FKKK TRADE. Earthenware, Looking Glasses, tjftr. THOMAS J. BAUUOW, Co. Importers, ea IVdierst.. New York, g?YZR for sale, tbe largest and most com. W plete assnrtmenr of irrAenware, tJldii, China, plain and gilt Looking Glauei, tie. which the New York market will afford, comprising every style and variety ot. tbe newest patterns. They return their most cordial thanks to their friends in the Southern States, for their aupport in the persecution now carrying on against them, for their refusal to join a combination in fixing one tariff of prices of Crockery, throughout the trade. It is mainly attributable to the influence of our Southern friends" lhaf we na ve" beeiTeifc abled to survive thus-far, in this most try ing sit uation i exposed to the combined influence and capital of the whole trade, endeavoring to effect our ruin and expulsion from business. We ftlwtir. mirsetvfB to Dtir IricruU to i iva ttem every satial'actioh in bur power' m regaroTlhs81 pt "tfobugliwiiTIi. year. . All quality of our goods, the excellence of our packers and the lownest of our prices for Cash or City Acceptances i and in return, solicit from them a continuance of their patronage, and par. ticularly request those who have influence with their friends to exert it in our behalf, aa we trust the cause is one they are all Interested in, and mueh benefit will accrue to us from tbeir friendly act in this way. - It has been said, (he Combination was broken up. As it regards prices, this is true, and all, we think, friends or iocs will allow that we have effected this chanre t but we do assure our friends, that at no period since we commenced our system of unshackled prices were we' In gt eater Wanf of assistance than St tbe present moment. I ms combination of men are leaving no means tin. tried for effecting our ruin, that they may re vive the old syitem i our credit and character are assailed in every shape, our importations wav laid and stopped In everv instance where threats are sufficient to intimidate tbe manutac. turers from supplying ut in fine, no vexation or trouble which tbe malice of men could de vise has been neglected in this struggle to sub. due us. We once more call upon every friend of s free trade to come up to our support, and pledge' ourselves to give them no cause ' to re . . ft. r. ; pent Ol ittCir liuermuy. oiu : ' T.J. BARROW a Co. 18 rPcr.i7rfrl, Hbtvf $4'$'if. NOItTII CAltOLLVA. LUcrary, Scientific, and MilitarJ LVSTITUTIOX.' CAPT. BINUIIAU retpcetWly nforroi ,n cituens of North CaroliniL ihM tno duties ol the tbove inetiiution will be.j-etumed oa " Monday, the 10th of January nen." Thecour of education at thia institution, u j, fceii,., i r so well understood, that a panicuUr exposition at Uiis time ia unnecexary. . Tae tsiitnencw and wbnervations of the past year luv ugges. ted soma Improvements in the ttuHutiUie U e ? , institution, that will receive l.tiHH-die stten,- ' tiou bpon in, rc-oengi.. Ji Jciai. 4. 4e expenses of young emhiim-.n, i wjUld ob. serve that Jews"rJ&gLj&' suss.:-.,: mediate supervision i and ilia; no cadet ba permlUedJa. purcba.se juw.-atticla -ewtrsct- any accounts, without peruiisUOu. AlUoewmtt - letpxmsiMsrrwrthri ticularly requcaird not to pay any account tint it not approved and endorsed by mo. VAH ne. , cestary expenses will te approved i thuse ihat " J are not, will receive no countenance. 1 u , amount of pocket money which students te quire, will necessarily be very little. ine Cadets will botrd in cormnons, and be under the immediate tuperviMOii of the S. prrintendent and officers of the institution, who will bestow upon Ibem evtry necessary care, ' ' Any further inforruation can ba bad oa sp . x plication to the SUprrintendeuL ; ' ' . Tkums For thoae over 14 years of age, 175 per annum. Those under 14, 160 per annum. No extra charges except f" clothing and boo ka. - -3u Oxford, X Ctwettmi, pte. 13, 1830. ' .. - , ASTOiOJi. . o' wMii. wuvaiiiiiau, r I ftO POiES t driver to the citiwna of this - place, and the turroumlinir euuntrvi a course of .fatrtnaiatca lelnrtt, illustrated hf the Globes, Orrery and illuminated Diagrams, jfor plan and terms, see baid-Wlsv:6tf--M?'--Satubury, Jan. 29A, 1H31. . ' ; ' I'ANCY-D liy.fi Ot m 8TU HE. - cop Jin T.stiimiw- rilHE Subscribers have entered into Copart. JL nerthip under ike firm of A. U. k F. Coch. ' ran, and have taken the txten.ive premises, 13J Pearl Street, for the transaction of the general Faocy Dry tioods Uiaiiicts. A. G. COCHRAN, - 'a, l ERGUS COCHRAN. jytw-iorl, Sept. 21f, I j30. G.r eoeM: f, v AV h -il(diriitint.Ticn'aibHffii:",ir T -Fancy ttiiottt krlhry Relieve' 1 noi iiir.-"; passed bv a js ther aa thia eotsntrtii ia .-v-srirw and selection, comprisinir the followimr urtirlra W Canton, French,- llahaa ''ewf-Fancy-ritbtP uuuui z j ' t Blk, and Col'd. Italian Lustrings, imitation, plain. and ehsmrcsbte dor Blk. Col'd. and cliarigeable' ' GroTX' napl! Fi'Xoor4w ercoS-Tsrw-fy-.- " ' - lea, Col'd. changeable, blk. and blue blk. Mar. cdlines. 5-4 Blk and Col'oV Bombulneav"-i;-"-r " Crape de Lyons, plain and uVct Mandarine, "r-lain and FlgU roptiiiCAlgeffnet, Palmerynes . ui iuc newcm styles , French Priiita and Ginghams, and Foulard Mus.7 . V line, ' Pongees and many other articles for Ladies " dressen, Spitalfield, and Pongee Flag and Bandanna lldk'fs, . , , . . . Qoade Naplea, Cause and Crape Hdk'fv an j -Scarfs, rrv7." ni .'. 1'-' " Blk and Kid Stocks, and Fancy Cravats, - , BtaclTand Colored Italian Cravats, Imitation, do. - Buck, Beaver, Silk and Horse akin Gloves, - -Grot de Naples and Gauie Garniture Ribbons, Cap and Belt di of the newest styles, English and Freocbiii!k -Hose,- and" !" Hose" Embroidered and Open work do. 1 Luica ambrics au4 Cambric Hdk'lT- : Blsck and Colored French Crspes, Worsted ' V Barege, Drown Coteptily, (.a. -Sewing Silks, Twiats, Brsida, fancy Duttona. l'V Hooks and Eyes, Uz. c v ... ' - - Tbey will also have an extensive assortment v ' of Lace Goods, consisting of English liobbinet ' Gimp and Thread Laces and dgiiiga, Cape Cajes Pelerines, Chemiaette s, Black and White " " Lace Veils and Bhowla, with a complete assort. i ment ef 4-1 5-4 7-4 and 84,-Thrbtrt snMrimi i Sbawls, Casimere and Merino Ldiig SHawft, tc. - A. G. it Y; C: have selected th ir stock with " a particular reference to the 8outh rn and Wee. tern markets, and as they will add to lTJt- f '. sortmenT Cbhstkntly aa"fresh inoda arri ih; .- sonmeni consianuy aa tresl of which they now offer. for sale at la or nr!rM " a id on the most liberal terms, and most respect. fully Invite purchasers to call and examine their Stock.' - ----rv- . ' Orders will be promptly executed with mm and fidelity. T. . . . Atw-Ttrk, Jan. 1,1331. 12t66 WAH DEPAUTMB YIY V ' " v Washington, Nov. 17, 1 830. ' , PKfUIOS aSD BOCrTt RKon.ATIOB. " . rglHE many impositiaiit wjiich are attempted 1 M. in relation to Peinioo and 13 mnty Land Clairoa, have caiised.the.ipartmentnf ..War to establish t regulation, which declarrt that ne ' . attention will, m future, be given to applieaiioni - : from persons who act as Agcntsvuoless tbey " are known at the Uvpartment, or are ouchel for as reapectable persons by tome one who is known. - '. . . . Notice of this regulation is hereby given j snl that all may be informed thereof, it ia r-naete ' " thai pubtWocrs of tbe laws of tb United States, " In the repcctive States wiU Insert the- sa.uc, r " thf'.-anl page of their raspeotive papers tut -'licit loon'ht, . . fcy ort.tr of the Secretary of War. f" T - T ' ; t J. L. EDWARDs, 5mtl Fir Clerk Pmmrnt (Jtct, '' - IS ( .."luuas uusuun, -V V 5