1 : : It is cren ie to alouii from U i, wbic however wise anTgood in tbinaelvet, hay the semblance of inequality, which finJ n6 r,!, heart of the citizen, and vbich will be evaded i0 little reraorae. Tin wi.Jom of legUdation ia .especially see u in grafting ! conscience. " 1 .. . ' , ' Ifr, Channinj, SALISBURY, 110 WAY COUNTY, N. C. LMU.VDAY, F&BRUAUY. 14. 1831. VOL. XI..;..o75537 ?"., ,tPr rill kr ti.i, .1. l .1 U. - .11 Irftt.- vMraMirf l lh . ! " WwyTTT'irrnt.xr'i. Tur1 i:vTc-"t-ttr and am. bus M5f fCa.l-tjii-tim.ba- . " w w y c v e r j watery rfcollrc'i m nl the part Pnnm ill the tr'nl of Q.iren C.ro liiie,.ii regird ' certain opinions i;ii-p,;u-.l to th D iljrr of Clarc.ee? : Th. 0 ike Clarence, it was -ronf-)v ran frd, ha I fl'Jaht occasions 'o rrrH4 himself wit.i warmth a'inst i thes' ra nni. D'.ian heard them. A. h"' i incrra jiiitu, men inc-u- bc iiJ to have been rainltej under a hypothetical case, lik? Junitii, upon tne icing, or ir vvmum uj-tidhim's, in W'alple time, ujiot. George-the II.. , It m pjlptile j it W4i beaming. Tncre w a flash i over the home i an irii) itix. ornnvicti'nJ." uaa.JvLlLr )LJy xTu ty," with tho orator terrible dr nuMcwtjon. Stndf'rth thou jlaoder rri Va every whire read stand forth pnssiMe to mistake, thus revives the L-nllrcti m rf the part t.tlccn bv M'. I-Vanldia . GranvH!e (Jreene J liv wood J-WCSL:.. .1 )hnstoo lTe7Jetri-" T-i t;lA,v mensem in him. as " 'n--:s lirT'Tns'iiCciJ naifte or t,i:s -1- 'ip i'i jsisiic-, Irom a sourer s-j H. riuhun h.d alrca-Iv .p-lcen j . ..'.-ij-n, !v wu'd :av : t.ou'ider. i :-':h til V vengoncr, have , i, : i j, a fr ii ' mountain. ivii'ii!, rv Willie, ims? vnom ,ii T.i.'i.i'ir 1 ik wrT.ii wtild Hvr' ,,n, V. Ikri-n-s'i was no great '-wv-3- hind..' iLM1 h mightv gen ius f te s'or,-n, was an attendant, "jnlh.1 si'' ' -f tir inspiration of ifsb' .stf. ! ' ''J.n nin up, he arrives iMne "pMn; for noticing the ru'nmrs. A-palpUttin.g.silfnce cs-ies.; ' Kverv eir listens, every eye is fined. S 'n m-nrrs nove geutlv mil of thetr a-t, tailing ,up a position to hear the Irtter. At length the advocsf, his tone chnqing, and J di iified, 'nitre j)it anvrr, burning n his countenance, thus bursts forth : '.Mv Lords, we hav heard, we JVuv hear, witn alarm, na1 'here arc persons, and those not of the lowest ,,u;liuon,. n )l confined id iotiividiiils rtonne.c;7d wj t'i 7Ui'r.IlJ)lir press, ' hot even rci j Lr;l froin vo'ir august as emhlv, w;t) are inda-fntivly r.ircnla lin BtrocioiH - cslum-tf-s acjains- her - hjtv---C0"-"-ia-.hjJ-.U.iL tredi h it rnss-ble i i a j irrraan be he subject under trial, the 1 . w tells us that we mav call hi n as a wines t he bar. T-is it rar law -in-fjnl and, il our shield. Coon: f rward, wc in iiriv ite cirrl .s it passed in whispers or in titters : rn.- boys shouted it in the streets j and in ihs windows' of r:nric t ture sh'jo, to whic.i thousands flock el, y-u tn ght tea-! in capitals, under a fi ire the likeness of w.iii h could not oe missed, (ven if an adminl's u!f d'ess and t ie iinigni l of a prince rjYil hid been, wantiug, stand foitb th o.t hli )d-rer. How rem.rkible this whole inci dent 1 witl'sn how glorious ! T tere is no mistake h -nv niTative. I have not done, 4 Ivv -r Jijta ni,'(Ji.. a a"p ech torM". IX-am tn j I !uve given his vn words, from i r'-; rt ot tbt tti.d. It does so fall o il too, that ont o1 the caricature piiuts lies before ine, with stand fmth thou alindrrer tinder ncath. Sordy. the incidc U fit for history. '1'iie denounced has became a sovereign j the denunciator, one ol his hia;h o dicers j appointed by his sovereign 'will, o;iniussioiK'd.hy his aovereiu h'd. Wiiat a fitld lor foil Coiunietuat) hen rr More M 'Otgornery Martin M coi Mecklenburg Nash Northampton Ne w-lliuover Onflow Orange Taquotaok Perquimans. .Pel via ' P.tt Richmond U rherford 11 .neson K inrlolph Itinghm 17,738 0.177 4,593 10.9J8 7,63J - r,75?' 10,QTl2 8,54 -5,390 20 076 8,492 13,103 10,759 7,814, 23,875 8,615 7,417 10,0,J7. 12,174 9,325 17,557 9,355 12,460 height of 100 feet, and with a trunk lfi lectio cirumlereoce. It is loun. in fertile place, surrounded by otn plants on which it'Ta" no sort of in fluence; The juice of the trunk ii t' a bitter taste, and exude copiou'sh when an iociat m i made; The exal atiotis from the tree aTe irt1ramirrnr which proceed from the poison sum jc oC our. owa cauntry. Like the . juttv of the aumack, it produces on som iT6irntatj8irra ewtr in? within the ex tlations that proceed from it. Great irritation of the akin, md Damfut swellings are the conse quence, while to others it ia perfectly harmless, Lcschenalt employed a Javanese to procure flowering speci mens Irom a tree ) but before he bail rcahrd the top, he was affected with nausea and diziness, and was obliged to descend ; he continued sick several dv&. Another Javanese ascended tru same tree, aud procured the desire.; specimens without experiencing th. least inconveuieqee, The various an imals which inhabited the trees in the vicinity, were as frequently seen on i trunk as on any other, and birds w er as often observed perched on it branches. From the liaf-'i't liextrr. CLims.jd.Xarl,acoiim -. We. hae the plr.tvir:- ! pi cs-ntr g U 'ur readers in to-d-iy's Uf ster- an exhtb-1 it snewi'ig the prese.u total population ; of the Slate, and the n imber of nhab- it mts.in eac;h couu'V, re jn etivclv. We are indebted IV 'hi inftmaii'n to the Mirs. il l the lisnic', w'no o.i permitted .is to consult the returns filed in his ( ) .lice. On"- total population, it will be seen, ia 733,47'J. If ih- ratio of Ii pres n- t-MUon beTied hy It owan S:okes 8any .firnpson . Tvrrcll " AJr. shingtotj. Wilkes Warren AVake Vavne 20,796 16,196 14,504 11,763 4.732 4.5GJ 11.942 11.877 20,417 10,326 . MRS. FltZllEnur.JlT This lady w o once;.exCrcted such art impjrtant inflac nce en the fortune of the Pii i:e A Walrs, , erwardi George IV. was so deeply gffrctecf ' vben informed of n'n hit Jkljjesty' d'.aifv that-he has.vfver 'f.hten wnlined ti" hirT?niblfr7TrTv seri" ualy ill, and from her advanced ge and CO n sc q t j en nnfirmi ttes71rr reb v ,ry 'is considered ,.. doubtiiLl IIri ! naiden name was Tatal, 738,470 in 1830. d . 638,829 in 1820. T'i? Ihthon Unas Tree. We havr s?rr) mjiiv fnghtf d stories of ti e fatal consequences of coming wiihin tht rr-;irh d this far-famed poison Tree. V l)i(aoist who vts sc-.t to Java by Bon.tp.irte in 1810, describes ti'e Upa i ; Uuted ..i.Da.alleyr-waterd by rivulet at about forty miles distince from Bitavia, ,., The hills ia the vicin ity he represents io be entirely ...barren,., as the pestilential vapor of the 'IVe f. t ... ii oil causes destruction to an veoeu'ion. wherever it is wafted hythe breeze. I leaav thepoU on is .a gum, which, bke.ne.c inaphi-r, issues from tie bck ; I'he increjsr of wVt-s is 5 j.M3 i oljand th it tn.iiet.ictors are the only per- r,rm: 4t,515--tn frre color-1, 19,575. sons who arf compelled lagatlicc-th-at .,.Oi-i.w-..Uimettatttri wnich has t- deatllv gum; that the devoted crimirt tn nlic in . ir nmolati m. bv far the jU remain in the vicinity tint I the ong.ress,-t-45,XK,- we. shall gauian ..additional m-'mbcr in th t no.ly if SO.Oy) Ik design itrd at t tVe b asi s , we "s hall ToVe on e I n'1 20" the tttumeratioa-Dr.tsfuted.jil.oUl 638.829 souls ; h th it the l ist ten hemg rather mue th n htteen p;r cent mav siv. and let us-coufront V"0 t let us see if n 'splanaii on can be given j greatest propot.i m hj accrue I in the ; wind bl ws in a favorable direction so ol vhf.p.i i: i;e, r efutation rif e-counties west of this City. The in-Jas to bear th? effluvia from them j and iii3l!f .'!'. .-I I', if to ..nv .tt.i .vhJ.r-n, 5-, .h:i' norti'.n rf ihr State. ' that aUooutrh evcrv nrec m i m ii made eo ild even be suspected d so hue a prit'ec is uri;.'.:r;;og r ibimnies to Her Ja.lge, tlis.i'i-ng leprous ven-.m then- ear-, tie (i i m'ht well clu n, 'S' url t j't:i to u Slanderer, let -nc see (hy . ic- it thou wouldi 1 I c nay : si.it -d at a'o-it 71,0JK), while j use ol to gu.rd -igunstte pestirero'is in the eastern serti ,,i n hai an uiiled git n, not nine :lu:i thirty, out of ii it '2,8,0 ) )! I eight hurrJred heingi, ho have un- ex-I V" ?i h-r fr:frn to- returns the , dertaken to collect the poison, have urn ..,.!,- J ...... w . j , , , j tons' :,g I Sca'e, !4.'-.7 t, tnat there are in the j returned alive. ndividu.d who are both i the Msgazine of Useful knowl- .iu-il the respecUbd'ny evea .of an dcaf a;d dumb! Of these, 615 are jedge is a cieouhc artide, on this sub 1 . .hi .vttt.e, stand forth before Kvhi e, 851 are c.d -ted. iject, which we ahou'd be happy to t:-.e nib!- Juleps, and speak outl We wc re evi nliv surpnse 1 to find, j transfer to our col im is entire j but as rh-iT y-Tu ki-w. - As tnoti art, th 'Ulthat, therr are tn North Garoliaa, J04jtts length forbids that, we nvisi limit g mv ccusers lace to lace, p ot IOC) years ana up thou an stabling me unseen, n l con-149 only are white be remaining two verting thy pVn m-d S iletto into the hundred and fiftv-five, beipg colored s. ' worse than a 1 ass issin ; for, whilst j jCro is who h ivt attained t" the age ourselves to a hasty abridgment. I ammeetiogrnv .ccusers face to face, L,f 100 years and upwards ! Of these, 'fne true hist r,y of the Bihon Upas has of late ye irs been investiy; ited ; and as usually happens with in st ol those relatio-s which so highly inter est the imagination, all the maivellous ch iracteristics attributed toitajefound to be perfectly reconcilable with the ordinary"' laws of nature. It is-1 be rmretted mat the pages' oT natoVaThis uiiv, w hich uu ght to. be the r ecord - . . m a ail aemblni.-.e ol the rvord of "Justice! I w old fain say, mv L rds, that it is utterly impossible th t i"is can be true; hut I cinuot say it, beca is- the fact . meets me every where I rad it even. n-the "public paprrs j and if I haii nor known of its existence, fr the dignity f h I'Bah hfttaVcTi U to be impossible, that any one with the heart of a man, or with the honor of n-er, should so debase his heart nd d-ira h's honor. I would im ach him 't a judge, and if it were possible for the blood-royal of England to stoop 'o such a c vurse, I would ; fearlessly assert, that i' is far more j'ist that it sho ild deprive, him of his ight of succession to the throne, than . that " all the allegations .igaiust the ueen, t iking them to be true to the Vast letter, sh Mild warrant your Lord rups in passing this hill of degr jdation nd divorce against her." ahe house was aghist! A shock Went through aDd through it. The ubli- echoed back the'-rpeaker's 1 nrds. Every Wody knew that the ' RuVe of Clarence syss the man. No- persons! Vhit stronger evidence than this could be adduced to prove, that constant labor and humble fare, whilst t'hey''prrtmjte"'"hi?Httra1so con tribute to length out the sP,,n.m.1.n' exTsfe'ricT." " Hut to the tab! e : Anson l,08l Ashe 6,991 H.rke 17,727 Bertie 12,276 Bineomhe 16,259 Brunswick 6,523 Bladen 7.8)1 Beaufort 10.949 Colimbus 4,141. Currituck ' 8,716 Cirteret 6,607 C. swell 15,188 Camden fit7'l J Craven t 13,735 Cabarrus 8,"95 Chowan 6,688 Cumberland 14.824 Ciatham 15,199 Duplin 11,373 Dividson 13,421 r ; Elgecoinb . 14,933 TherrjvesfJjrandihenRiglu boring places prepare a poison ftwrr the juice of the Upas, with which they point their arrows. The juice is used as an ingredient in a mixture of sev eral plants of acid properties, wh'ch are boiled together until llie'decocti is evaporated to a proper thicknes -. Then the effect arc extremely power ful. . Mid, Gaz. TRUMAN CUSTOMS. Treatment of Woman Tnr lunu- ry of the mod. rn has several points of resemblance ;o that of the ancient Per. sians. U nhrellas, scdnn-ch.irs, ar pcts for the floors, ood several uher conveniences and luxuries, hjvc bted transmitted to us from the ancient Persians; Large -g-rrrJetrs afford a-solii t a ry walk tm the w meh'of he greaT, whom jealousy, or conventional deco-1 rtun-kefa- alxf -from the new- of strangers. But -though we are led to consider their home as their, prison. such is the kindly influence oi habit, that the. mere, idea of giving even, the in st handsome womin more liberty, sucn as an opportunity of being seen irdmired,- thmigh ai-a. respectable distance,. by other men than their hus bands, would be considered a degra- ling insult, preg4taut with misery. ft r K. W, l'orter haa hn curiosity gratified with a view of the anti-room, r private apartment of the prince's pahce at Tabriz, in w.dch the ladies and female slaves are lodged, ft is rose-coloured, and occupies one aide of the square. The windows are par- icularly splendid, their frames being subdivided into a variety of fanciful patterns, as ouari, ctrclc, paintsand a thousmd serpentine conceits, flow. ng gracefully into each other, while ire. separations are nuea wttn the most brilliant stained class of all col ours and shades. Adjoining in this there is a series of elegant bathing rooms, and spacious dressing rooms, the walls of which are covered wi h mirror glas, and the floors laid with the richest carpets'." WthTn the "pre cincts of the harem, the wives im! Handsome- fe mate " slaves 'lire treafed with great indulgence, which is some Tif TTgid truth and-faetn hmtld 4e soj timfu camJ tiTain' luipr uTTenyfit TiW3I i iier in lmfrCathte-'hlerotty nciem and respectable; fa nailys and previously to her connexion wiih iho v Prince, sne had been twice married . ; on the ftrst occasion, when Only 15 vcars of age, to Mr. Wield, .the- 'jim- ' prietor of Lul worth castle (the place 1 . 1 f! ni 1 v ...' asaiucu 10 inc cx-iving t,nanes ,. as a residence,) who was desirous of n heir to his extensive estates. ' In this, ' ' however, he was disappointed, Tor he died without Issue in less thao a year . .fter marriage and his rstates passed to his brother Thomas, father of Dr. Wjdd, who theL.Pope,hsa JjJely .in Vested with the digoi y tpf Cirdinaf. f Fne lady was agam married before ' she hd completed her 20 h year to , Mr, Ficzherbert, but io little m re than three ycrs she w g-atn a wri . 4trr nw, ai.d remaing f slnglff hlltlt the pe ' ' riod -when the heir ppreait t-tb L- C-owo saw and was fascinated bv her harms, then rip-ncd itit.p maturity llcf- virtue,.. . however, .pi-ftaJLiiii-r-. against the temptadons .f brcon.ii.ir the mere mistress of TTuircT,rtl ""'""-'' cy were privately in an i . 1 1 ''iccyr ding to the fo-f-n b'tth.of the pff tes tant and Catholic Church. Te Ho rn n CitSolic pnest whu m sfrie'd tn-m xonaulted his sifrtv H-y-TjTiitt'rnjf-" Rnvl.md inimedi r ly altcrwr.-ls, and he was well provided for i 1 another country. A separation induced frnra pr li-utiil eoiKidera'.ioris, afterwards took place j but there seems, not with- stand ng, t have been 4 strong mu ' tu d att .chment j and afterthe Prince' ' ' ; unhappy marriage with, . and scpara-Z-- lion JrumhCwljjjaCiaiajaroiia Brims wick, - the- -ic'oiiiritfytttTpyai"t,e-i newrd, .. .. :..-,,' . - The lady lias f-or 'nmlrnyyeafir1rvfI in comparative retirement j she had ' in allowance of 6000 a year fronrTtho ' Krng, the con tinuance" bT""whlcTTair--Oecn secured t her Upon hishj?,? tvi rfeath. She-'h-Ji" b'eeri-i'ntfni'sf"""' intim icy with moat of the other mem bers of the Roval famTfybop;htnal-3 and female,: and this reccivedVfrbrtv-r-them visits of condolence since tho death of their H0v.1l brotoer. " ; Calelaiian Mercury, The following scrap of Church His- 1 " tory, taken from Worcester1 's Chart V of History." ruay be iiue renting to , many of your readers There is a di versity of opinion among historians.,, : with regard to the time when several m of the -drnrrmfnattons--tooVlh.nr-. It is certain however that f ie Waldn- , f , cs and Aibjgcnna were the. first ,;V. rosi up it opposition to the then uni-t - versal Church of Rome. They are ' therefore denominated bv the author from whose works this is extra-tvlV . v -Ihs fust Piotestants. althou-jh it t A. j , well known this name Was uut adopted Vt', " until the reformation by I, nher and fe. Caltrinr-T """T "T Rhlfrnxr oRgin ptthe denominations, to which ( they arc pre fixed. often disfigured by relations either fab ricated by unprincipled ana mencla cinus narrators, or credulously receiv ed from ignorant and superstitious na lives, who are always willing u mto iitcr to the appetite of this class of men for the unnatural and prodigious. I: is not less to be regretted that such is the proneness in mankind to indulge in these monstrous creations of farny, that their Influence often re mains long after their utter falsity has been detected.'' The poison called the Upas is used by the natives of Molucca and the neighboring islands, and has always heen an object of much curiosity, from the wonderful effects that have been ascribed to it by the Indians of those places. The tree, as described by Leschenault is large; rising to the go that these fenvdes, by an enormous expenditure in frivolous article of dress, ol tca ruin the richest master a. The Persian ladies regard the bath as the place of their amusement. They make appointments to meet there, and often pass seven or eight hours fo gether in the carpeted saloon, telling stories, relating anecdotes, .eating sweetmeats, sharing their kslioons and cOlnpletirig their pretty forms'ioio a t r a J ail me fancied periections 01 ine east j xlying their hair and eyebrows, and staining their bodies with fantastic devices, and nor unfrequently with the figures of trees, birds, and beasts ( son moon and starsL This Js spread over the breast, as far down as the navel, to which point all their car ments are open, lor the . drtplay 0 .1 ;e.s.r v.ti".-i tncac ruwtii cuiuciiisiinicnis. 1369 i4or U5T: icirf 1525 Wickhffiies, or Lollards, luisltes, , Moravians, Lutherans, Biptists, Church of England (EpUcnpal,) 1534 oaivanists, I'resOytcriaos, , 154G fiocinians, Unitarians, 1545 indepehdents,j6r Congregation- r ' - ansia, -v 1616 tla'a"esV'orTnendsV" 650 Methodists, lyon " Sweedenburgians,t -1 '17 sf. '" 1 short-horned; Butt.- Besterday ' ' ssys the Crabant Courier, yesterday wili add a bright pge to history." The reader iSas seen Joe Miller's dialogue : between a German Jew and a Dutch one: German-" Doeshitrain thomnrrsi? DutUi Vah it vahV ' V"'-

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