! r.ntizzii nv.sstou. . ' ,' ; '1 ' ksnTF,,. ' " . ThurtJayf Jan. ST. V rious pcMiiin, an( m moral were piesen'ed; among which was o.ie from the M,.,ikeri ir. iron, in (be city and coun tr oft biladelliit, praytnic fof re modi iV.tin of ths tariff upon that, article. It referred to a select committee,' con fcUtim; 'f .l-ws, Hayne, Dickarson, K.nc Hell 8nJ Tster After ibe preSenta tion and consideration of several bill and re. solutions, the Senale again resolved If vlfin'o a Coun of Impeachment for ihe tOf)tir.iinion of (he trial of Judge Peck, of Miivjurj,' Mr, Storrti concluded his rgument it a qusrier before 3 ..o'clock, vneii the dun adjourned. --..Mr. Buehan ft will aHttm ' '"ttie fl w tsmdrforrand' . losing, plea, on' ri,of!l,jflf . Hoiue of ftepreseou.ivcir "r"""r"""'v C-..,,,,..1!,. I'ri4f,Janiitr- Tfc-eeVoTutT"!Wii;cd'bi; Mt'LVsV1' tr homing tbt'rn'rfjp." pointed to t-xstHi.r snd tport an the ... .- . . . . r, .o'luuidTi in me i-nfri l ost uuce tot -ki . .. . . i-- S3 rr;?m-l7M c . 'cvnt iiiirfimirrn a rain mkim aiM,.A ffou tl: Co. n mi', fee en Public Expend ture-i, on the subject of the coi.pernsii.ir, of nim ri of Congress, retrenching t,he perdim aUowince for such days they rosy be Wnt, tl'iless in the cise of sick ness, a'isehce bv leave, or on the public business, watt disrt,se.a ;anil finally ps c,d,bya rte of US to 3 1. The bill for the quieting of (he tiUerof "certain pur chasers of bods between the linei of Lud low and KoSerts, in the S-ste of Ohio, wS taken Utl in V Cnmni'lM f . th. Nhol rtii Jfrtt lIoBrtie.J IVednrtdav, Ft k. 3 ir the transaction of the pre limjn. finest of the davi Mr. Camoielrnir rie t-ommitiee. on commerce, re of ex Af- ry b from parte a biil to repeal the charges imposd on p ror nd r learancei from porn in ho UiftVd State? t which was ted iwicr, net 4dered lojbe rnyro"d fr a third read! v tomorrow. I h Mouse on, mo tion ol Mf, Johnson, of ICf-nrucktr. then prorjd to be election of a printer to l v. . , ... ' ' -r I I..- ... t'';.1 I mm i i mum mi i T - a it . . . . . .... V i oror ;ur. Jiowsro in tha rh.ii. ..w . - ----- - conidred til 13 o'clock i.t which hor n ,'(T l'- k " r0"" the il,u,e agein proceeded o the S,n.,a i l'' Jr ' h'7(J, "rS'T?1.1'-,;", ehamber to attend th tria of Jqd,, rffk. lllVAV 'iTV.'nT ? On returning ihr, tn.A 'V?.. '.i 2nc "'Wreddripht ... , , ker I.Jd be f re the lousy commtl?lc,.; Mp. a eivrn also. - two of which werr Two hundred bd mx members Uon from th Secretary of Wr,.wtih a if ui inc unilffi Sfari. rnmn rl tn . . - pursuance of a resolution of March iVh, f 'iou J e,i TarTouTSs 3hf4f vommlrce.'.j 1 h House then adiourntd i' , s I ,in . , r jTrMtty, Jan. S If Pr side il t ' Monroe " s take ir li pTaiv ffxupied .thf attention af (he lJoue till ....,. .... j . . : T , .-"y.' p tuieu.iw aueniion at (he uouae un Kill r,.i .L ; the clerks in the Tom Office Dfparm.ent ; Ml JJt - w f SITC Wnarsof the Irtipcchmrnt, addressed Ihf Coo-t at great knitr, in niont elo quent and artcumep''ive speech, in re principally -o Mr. VV)rt, and in faaor ef the imprxchrnerif. Mr, l pre. wned, will conclude tfuniirrow $atudav. Jan. So. The Chair announced i mTuoril from pristiona f jr the Cumberland and various othir roptis,' and for the necessary-sur veys thereof !t w referred to i Com oiinee of the Wl0le, and m.de the ordrr of the day for tomorrow. Mr, Polk, from the St:lect f omnii'tee on the subject, pre scntfd a report,' in puraiunre of rhat part of :i,e Prcid i otne outrtbu:io of the su'pliu revenue i ca f t at I k . . ' ' V . . OR Tilt wr.TKHf C4Ril.IlK. January st, 1831. UNITY, ATX1MUT.- To Ac Amtrkan TrmfieranCe iety. In aubmittin? our first annul report we have nothing vrf intcresiing; to re- lute, we would briefly notice the forma tioo and progress of our Society. In the Sprihir of 1889v a meeting was held it Unny Church lor the purpose of Uodry Inhabitants t,f PhiUtiVlphia, pray I r, , , "u P'.U4 rev"niIe ! held at Unity Church lor the purpose of -.irfTriacir fcndtt was referred 'n select committee.; ' . . Le ;rft.T--. ...:.. if... . ... vt in iJir Biaiiiiiif ri aa rAioiiiiian t i uiiiii: n i cmuci aiii r utiririw, n rr ivinp, an1 l ylcr. A mcrporail tdto pre sen-re bf the Pre sidctit; from eundr ci(ia:na of New Jersey, complain- in I f the hlKb duties on articles used in slliiutlJWit, an4 -prayiog f,,,-their re . du.-Mon A debate ennutd on the motion cfMr. Dirkersnu to refer thia memorial to me Committee on Manufactures, and " - the motion of M r; Illy ne to refer it to the Committee-on Commerra j- i wKieh br first motion was adyoca'ed by Messrs. -Dukrrvoiv pj Foo ; tnd opposrd bt Messrs, II iynr, Benton. Woodbury, King, nl fotyjffr, Tft hour of twelve o'clock f.aviitit anTverf, the memorial wjs, on roo liotyof M.v Wehsrer, ,td rmhe tablr.-. .On the opening of tha H'nh Court of Im- Seschmentfor the 'trial of ludge Perk, Buchanan resumed his ntKumttit giinst the lespondctit, and concluded at Italf past two o'clock j when the Court ad j'urned until tomorrow. MnniLiu. J m 9t On tha onenlnir nf thi r,..i t ,Pechmentfocibe Jril of Judce Peck .Hu.,nttr n llj ll'ltll ( . r - - 7- ..... tlS terms tl uffi'.e'of the Jnfli. nf tk.. : J Strmon wot nrerh-rl tuifrrt In lh nr llill Hti. ..u ,.t .1.: a..: . . . j. .. .... Uft as of hi inf, lini. .iv;k..n.i. . -i.r.i.J ' 1. :" ... . . ... . . . vown as-oi tne interior irtbunaU which ' :,. f ... ,-. . wn w noes, neativrrl h , ,ai. ,r itc ... n I'ltineu. A roiiy o: the consii'utiori sent The Mil to compennate the wiineitTs 1(n by the Sodetv to hrr Auxiliaries tending the trinl of . Ju.l;e Perk' ped, read, and s paper presrmed to get throuL'h torn rnit 'ec. and wj nrrt.,r,H f .... ... m . ,, i , siiiiicrioers, wnen nve ;tuie iirmiers report 0t ttiC commtssioosra of the navy , ill!,. '""V" petHibh fund warpreserite'd'rnnd ordered i ')' inC done matters were permuted thus to bp primed ; afier whic h the llousea& 'O.rcsl unul the I9th.of.SeplemberT whe n . - . Ts .ii.Mu j v a Usual, jiiended tbr8e tha progress of the lril of Jtn!(e Peck. Satuda Jut 39. Tha bill reported tiy -Mf- ; of S; Carolina, from the Committee on the Ju di ury, to repeal the SStb section of the -uninii act, subj-ctinn the decrees or we had a second mretine on the aubiert A f'er some rennrks were made ..pleading ll' ?5 a 111 9f 1m Pr.f 41 niC ft ! iditional nides handed in their nimes, signifying willingness to join such a Society. A constitution whs then adopted upon the yuTra-riTU si!r coiiin. FFimVMY 14, 18 U. tjr iinliisiry) to jteneral -withnni r, ' , to. any particular brand., n. .. . V waa never .entruMed 'roi!l. "'S ,heCon.tit,itiW.fr ,W the one just meMiiT.fd n ' j will proler .W!f hfUrT Wu,. the constitution had .jearnr d from enee'of thas mother country Adam prwved Hao clearly to the whole Till now w- hft.e tid oo ron fur tX'racta from" nr rrmirlra Annn Mr. Milltn'a report from the committee, on manufacturea It ia of course, ftvortble to the continuation of the taritT, aad hoatile to any moiliflcation of the du tiea whatever. A report of a different charac ter from the on before u could not have been eipected.from the aource, from which If eman ated A Majority of the commiftee 'WeTr'aeiF ed;jdyocaieax.a,hi committee take up the Pretident'a Meiaaeeand the report does not contain much els? but' a Vnrthened reviewf oeiMwetHT-'Tlere port .lelenils the constitutumabty of aa-in upon precedenta which it atmimes tohsve been furnished under every adminii'ration of the government. Jt ia unlucky for the author of thit report and. that portion of the committee who sanctioned it that this aertion, that thi conatitutionality of a tariff of duties for pwtc tin has been admitted by all those , whose namra he has roistered in sunnort of bis de- clamion, cannot be backed by the evidence which is to be bad bv reference to the l.iKlnn of the progresa of our (fovernthent. Adirit however that everv Preidert we have had. hai hitherto rested under the belief'that a p'ttectivr tariff is ciinstitution1. is this anv eancti m to cohimlf injiisilce to vioiatY the compact'of Union between the State f Ia robbery to be jua'ifled by precedent f-ifio the mail-robber lately hangei! would, iu ail hurran probubilitv. hae been now it the regular eni,vm--tit of th-. """N the frsmers of the, conatitution could B!a ny opP who were iterant of ih. r... frsmers ,(f,hiHr,,rrumfnt n nert f im murument nevfr ron,efc the part of Conrr.. .... t-.. dom.-.tie ...du.try, tPfpt w(pf ( i minted a policy at ot.ee iith , tireln tha, aW power iaPiv,n,:; retaliate bv,hr.dp,ioo.i,,VtImflrt arnoHcy ltiabeUerth.nl. p,i i . " ('""er to re.,' , domes-tc ir,d,a:ryihr,(l r3tiftno In theirsitribove t?K oient of tboaiyeand tuml w.t has been rhe rkw 'ti'- - '. - fiibandde.triu..i.-fci:.. . - . ll,t'L . ,.vM- or tori wintn prtirciien rti. "fforded to it '"(Tit rutin,,,! It ii oaid that trotftii ' enable those who ' turinK in .hi. country, ,o,1H);l'? mi'; "en,.. The impo,iif) of-exltorb. , f1 llnotrffectlh.tobierr: n. ... V 'he tendency of such ik,r,. ! "''H n.pcy tothedoorf hundred,. r. w,em.e.ve have declared thia t il the truth, of which Cf(IJfd brin, n m W exales. Vh.. ,!)f .,"5. m,mf,a, .taiipoo,,,,,.-. uy that the lirilieh r.vPrme.,t X ' 7' be spirit witb which ibe i ..Tg1! .'stantly balanced accounta hv . ', tiona. We, duties u,i-,, liot i'lifl rann.il . . ... ... . 'e id r.ir.w, inaiiuliciuiw in ll.ffi . . . . vViv, ui v.imiiu'iuii was uirn iiuorurn upon judgments of state Courts to Ihe revision . i r . . rd the Supreme Court of the Unm d 'V f ,,,"fBC('!"rtP, !Sliaft. u.-ua ,1... .,.. .... ... the House Mr Crawford called for the previous question upon it ; and the call oemg sustained, the main question was . : . , : ... t (MJI, ano i ne oui was, upon diviinn'k hathe-Court-would rherT pfounce U ,. The resoion -.t J I c B -"aiva.iv on orown sugar imported into aked I each Senator whether the respon Sutes, w, upon ,,e motion of as a medicine) and Society havinc- the of fi era usual in such Societies was fimed. We oex met on the 1st dy of J ni'v. 183. A Sermon ws prfeachrd on pe-xialxeeAt-br ihe-Hrn; J JUhkln -and an invitation given to all the well wishers of the cause of both males and females to join us. When twm les and twenty a matter of right and not hnv it e sercite aim .. - - i - pbrt'-d bv nreeedertt, which rU)e if dopd mint strike it the rood of ill civil anriety, and deatroy the permsnenet of everv frpe jrovern. ment. The report containstKe -following sen. tenee.j - . - . Fur nrotec'ion "apsinr the mmi l. RsK'ind d?s'rurijve noliry oi foreign ri i- ions" e-.n he serurec! bv dute on im non. by 'htm alone. Then tt.ey should be fdjuated to erure protec'ion. Thirshotifdbc Ihe Arrryor,jecf Thr protecinR power hwvine once hel in.rfd to the Stuffs, and now trmnferred to th Qeneril fiovernmrnt, ji rxy he used as the good of the nation drm'nd for a piin-iy, nor a seronfljry, otiert ll outht not to be looelr mtarherf lo 'he skirts of revenue. Domestic int'ustr. m s single, preat, even pre emmcn in hi mm -im sniindai.e. in !.:. .. ni ... .ui, vuuiurv. Wll !r 'd pocl Wu ,he nrnnnnSn. -r i..?- ed out of the coumrv. .L..Vij t -- ' i'"" . , . " " .'ch oy the ad'Hitin. or.h,c,Ur.sM.k,,,-t:ittthsft,(un U-ited S.n.ea. th.n befor,. the i,, dune, upon ame f,.,e maoL-faeiure, of Gfl poverl.h.nRthe m.ny. . f rri,h;n - t)j ' IrunwrtfT.nw,fi7int), he.rn.tur.1 abil.ty, for in,rf.w ,,d . nt. If the a, .Ui. ,he neeaoarv l-b-ur will vrref,te tblJn ,m WUhout msturinir i's growth nni f "n. Let til then anph o.,rely r... pursuit., and in du order f time w, will re.a a more abundant b.rve.t. L,ye do ne.tie is. .uurr. -o protect itaalf. and no fe.r rrd be .a, terest of the natkn. It K.s beervntrwJ trl . ' 0M,db- Mloguy:iiM:cAre.fif.Lh demand ih . . ' PPnrre trie pMplp rf - JT.-. TT-- i f " tr J ,r A- roindexter. Kobbins, Snford, Smith oT , Maryland. Smi h of S. .Carulba, Troup. ; Tyler, and Wood'-ury 21. Those votitK in the negative were: , Messrs. Barton, Bell, Burnet, Chae, Ft,FteIinghuysen. Giundy, Hendiitks, II dmes, Johna'oo, Knight, Marks Nau f1io, Nobie, Hugles, Setmour, Sitsbre, -Vague, Tstrwdl, Webster, and White 83. The Yice President then pronounced arnes ll. feck, Utstrict Judare of the .United Stales for the District ol Missouri. Hot guil'v 'of ibe charge as ejoihlted pgams; mm vj tne Mouse ol Ue pre sent a A..,.lie . . .. ,........ - - ' Wtdnttday, Feb. I. Mr. Benton, in pursuance of notice giv ! , f n on Tusdiy, after an able and argu ' ynentattve speech ttgainst the Bnk of the ; United S aes aked Irsve to introtluce .. jnlrv resolutbo, declaring it at iht tense . of Coneress. that the rh.nr nf thai I....W, ( . -- r ' - w wt i i sen 9t ; ' Ouht not to be ren.ivUlitO-teking'thle lor the introduction of the resolution, ea Sl.-nt SO. Rr Kilt. itiej m resolution directing the Secre lirv f purchase for the use of the Sen ta. fill eonirs of thu rfti In " tioniloihe adopHton of the Cona'i ution, thr United 1, ! Itif. i ire. r . .... . r :.. .;:!. r.v."'j.iA' f uuicb,..uii .inc. I3fli""itr "AugtV 'ihe'-'Sociery had Bnoiher ... ... .... . . .uiiiii, wciii m.o ;i uom : . EE.- - . . er.f.n. n..,!.. r P "L. I".V t r""rc ni ne """" .VU.e..Mt, M,r.m - KMctKrnLivinesionM , , .... e wen,,e , waa rend the third time. and n.,.fit. T . r f w pc ttioaa were prtavivted by Mr. Taylor, ,. praying indemnity for Treath pdiattoris nd a or i i' ion waa nrt-sented he 1r If.... - , r ----- - " ' - .'Mi 1 neu from sundry citit.-ns of Ooio, pi ay Injir for the reptal of the law of the last se-ion of Congress, providing for the rr- "Ttirtvat rt the Iudin$ brtbhd Ihe ""Missis I .i'tppi. Mr, King, on lease, introduced ti'l to m nd the lawgorgsnizing; the ter ritorial government pf Florida. t ' HOUSE OP REPKESF.NTAT1VF.51, Several i pon m .tesemed etdr r chmlxir, tontleoil the i . - -m ll is. us, . Ai l o'clock they returned, reported, and d'ourncd. Monday, Jan. 31. After several repon, nl been m-de and cted upon, Mr. Cmnrelenp, from the Committee on Commerce, introduced a bill for the cons'rut tion of custom house in the city of New York; which was read twice, and committed toa Com niitteeOfthe Vhoie on the state of the union. Mr. Mercer, from the Commit ta on Roads and Canuls, reported a bill to uthonae a aubscriptioo 0f 8t0ck to the Alexandria Canal, Cmp,,, ; which was disposed of in a si-niUr w.y with the fore sioing bill, and ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Johnson. ftfr..,..i ' it was resolved that the iloun proceed, on Wednesday, to the eleciioo of a prin ter for the next Congress. Upon the bill for regulating the compensation of clerks in the Post Oflke Department. Mr Rm sey offered an sinenilmmt. nn..Lii.....i... lsurh additional clerhraj rniVni r.fetfn4- I fclla. hisuTi1 rsrar eA-sa. .i . ing 8100 per annum. Te use thi n weni into a Commine f Wi.,. at. , V'" " is attend the trial of Judtre Perk. A, o clock they returned, and reported that the High Court of Impeachmenl had de cided, by a vote of St io 3l,hit ihe Ko iiiai mm lofltvidual hd not oeen sus;ainta. various bills from the Senate were then taken. up, and passed inrougn ir.eir proper stages and the bill aoihortetng the trabsportation of foreiirn mcrcnanaire, oy lanaor wTer, with ben e6t of debenture. wa read it,;. a ,: and passed. 1 be mo'ion to re consider ne vote rejecting the Illinois and Michi gan tanal bill, was taken up ; and after sinne diicuasinn. in iiSri. M....' at. Coy, Duncan, Vance, Bell, and Irwin, of Ohio, took' part. it was neiratied K. - vote of J09 lo 2. Th -r - - w atwsi-i'S5r Ui the titling, waa occupied by the further Ttoe:eT.ngT only iwo addi'ions were m.de. J of thc cburch this day Gve enrolled their n.imes, making a total of for'y three whr nave entered in tne cause Uur societv like others of the same nature has bad to contend with opposition both without -and within the pales of the church, we believe that its growth and usefulness has been binde-ed morehytheoppnsiiion of church members than all the scoffs, ridicule and contempt thrown upon it by the unbeliev ing. But ihe siorm seems measurably to have abated. -Tho' we cannot send you the heart cheering news of Drunkards havine been reclaimed, yet we believe that our Society hat been the means nf doinr some good in the neighbourhood Houses re raised, Lmd is t-leared, Corn is Husked, and harvests are gathered in without the use of ardent spirits by all the members and by some who are not Our Society numbers two owner f Mrtr). 1? now dptnanHv iha .xv l,,-, -. ..... sitv V " SV-V that .power-whtch the Stales have surten dered, for its promotion snd preservation. That Safety to our domestic industry atrtinst " 'be ar'Nt l and destmctive poUc ff foreijrn nati'ma" can tnv be accurnt h ds-nori9eny.'Fut' or destructive pohev of foreign nation f the- ' enforcement of. which has t reached tit. and hteii calls fa-pnuctiin from our government . eujeetiorwhicMhat governments Cre.M tt rrm mrxiw OT TnsrTlSIu aI a". - J e-J """"''f sming waa occupied by the further lh Introrjufi Ibe jomt tcipliima j ejiacciiiaa of Ifco bill teiaUro lo tho clajrjsjj science sake. Our Society slso numbers one Merchant who formerly made profits ny trading in ardent spirits, but for eon. science take, has banished it from his store. While we rehite'tha! a f . !' . L "IWIISI ilk nive en H. .1 1- . r wrong ior thm in pervert the blessings of God, and turn them lnt a curse-andthereby increase hS tTifrwdgSSast rhe cost and nnVe I ... ... ' pi otnera, we would also lament that still a ieft. .hav-have promised to Ii. r. Christ. and none other, and to abstain from tne appearance, are still makine, usino. and sellirj the deadly poison, , All of wbichls respectfully submitted RALEY, ec. And if ao, U the present a nrODer mr,d r, measure nf protection f We have never heard it p-etended before, that the preoen' ta-ifTwas intended as a prtitctitn aioiinit " the most set. fish and destructive rdicy nf freiKn niinng . If it is not. which ia crta'mlv the C4e. thn the present mi!e of protection uncnnsiitiitinnal mce the enifencv haa-not yet arnred which calls fur the aroicr,', interference of the Con. eresa ot tne United Stat. ,, when anv f.,re;h nation wilh whom we have ,nv r.ommrci jn. tert-ourse thinks fit to adopt " a n lfisl. .ml A., ttruct.ve policy" towar la us,, it i, tn,n f;me enmiK!, 10 co-s.der I!,,- mode and mea,re object of a tarifTof .Tiiii,,. . the coomitte; who have a-Iopted Mr. Miliary report, n, j, wanitestlv a rrat.iitous assumption, not wsrrr,t. ed bv the constitution and is at variafie ,th the u-idcratanr,n?, f ,hse who framed that inttni. met . H,,ut is the p, w,w tnd jW .wrw,cB ne powers to l.v impo ( A. Wa. ma... . .. . ... Ki'-'i iu onfre,s. Th . - .... . jj.jwrr lo nrmetye,- ansi tnTniibml piiCv of Kuvernemsia ciearirwhhrn the scone 01 me penerai givermrent-it as the vtr nlneet fn t.tc. ir.ir..r:: r r: "v ton of their aenwfa. tha a 'arifTf.r pr afamwae w-Mr.jrMrc, r for the tptcial encoar agment of J.Ue in l.,rS ii conaliiutkna as- esista. th. 1 , .. , ancrai '"""rarm on,y entruated with the power to lay a taritT of duneafor rewM. , ,he i w maconai.tution to lav i.r;r . n....l.. t . " 'HI ex- ., -. iur rsifcitoH. When we sav that rh ....- A lha Jar.l .... rcr.ment. in oHer to under stand ar.,rht the nature and .bieet V . " vi S,ill COIli cession, we mu.t hsve referee .L . sifnfor which this power ... . . in thi. .t.. .v... .. ""u 11 is led. It wasto meet this erv .... JiS. P" repeatedly memioned in toi which f-reaa-hl,, Nation with whom e Wfw. ' , M 8 the Cona-re- V M "Hfcmd It is no lonper a matter of epreol.tion wbtlfc er GenL. JackatMi will be a candidate f,,, Presidency.' He haaeor,leied that l.j, lillL nert to servf . tf,e iuii0 il(,1rr fwp ahould be officially announced. It has beea done. In thiav we ratnot. belie. that the fresiden. was actuated by ny other mMira tUsn a desire to ferte. hi, countrv u. t -ink that he w.. mved l,y ambition, lore ef ,.Ueror any other inordinate ,,,.,iw, ,hicfc n..ght well have been .aid of hi, predecerand 4 bmsnval at the present time. We have every reat.ua to believe, n -,e eontr. , ,,, kn auAon,am: a conviction that tlie. heat snd direst interests of ihe count', miifhf be endanyered by Sii ,lec,in;ng a re-eleciion, could alone harei, duredhis con.,nt to be cous.dered s candid.te , for re-election. He could not ri.t, if he hsJ Uiimn .. Wndneji in.hia buaom, the ma; enrnest calls which have been miit imiui him. from various quarter, .0 serve his country a 'eeondterm. The critical poature of the u ternal concerns or the na'iou. with a ddirete re-establish the true .d legitimatV principles which sh.Hild firm Mi Usi, of rrJr n.iioi.kt l stiti.tin, doubtless, had their nrmer due, nf at . ' ' " President. We r.,n, t --its i -i"". . . iiow.rycr, as nil ben acrioudv charred unon him. th.t tha cmrts ofibjef ,wleJll Has -been innomiittint a - at m ina Orst m..ge, h- prbposrd ta a-itetui; i ment to the constitution, so a m llmli M. ,i;.lr oiniT to one term. In h'-a last n,es?e. he aA eerted to the same subject again, and surety he - outd not have pressed the luhlect ao ranalf upon the notice of Cgnrres If he did not. in truth, feel ansious that an amendment of the kind should be msde to the conatitution; Th President'i proposition lisi not. and e.nnnt. b ' fore his present term of a-rvice eipires, becoma part of the constitution. Was this the f.uli tit the Eiectitive f Wat leristxtiorr ufwiii that pist .fi' . . ... ... !7 tnes.re retartfad by the PreaTdeat t ad ttiia amendment been made to the eonstitutiefW he would wiliinjrly have retired frons publie life. But since h's proposition has n4it. an far si ha it nformed, met the approbation of the Repreiee ' .uvea 01 me nation, what paaajble bblieat-oO ' -an rest ujo,. the President to decline his ra. " flection, apart froai bit awn tanlinaiiwiia 1 lad.-. f ha auflTM li!nn. f..i: . 1 ..u.iii . ' ; "eautes to protect - ' iscuiit iv vviuruiicu : for the pablo geo4-f be aer.(lsfs perstii' , -- e

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