p. ililicst !. ry" o .proper1' t3 tie exjcutci ci a I pnvar ta i.npase duties upoo inijrts. ' tiiz'y a proposition need only be stated -" i i 1 i' I ri . - . . .If". iM'jr,,- l.'rn.trt jmi. 1 ' Hu i luiiuty. . 1 ne Net, is .y i . , .' . . - - - . . i r i . . liiaL mi n I JJfr m 1V .in, I rn irt 'an J. r is unpisote t r a,) . 1 .. . -.v.,". a.m n.ntf. r.ad this production "i,nu ics i.c. wasg.vensoicly and . f . ... - r .. . .. . . "XCl withy ut Ite'.i ,f me m it serious lusivcly for the purposes of reven "" . ' ' : " . . ' - . ' ,, , J value cf. the precious Oetati. Jfr.l fn c.x.::r vrordi, ve have, shown, t!ht,f that c'nunty, and tint h Mttl try insm, on the contrary, that i it a road was constructed srvenl ears icared, that the tj the ptecioua metals were never more ! befure it was rcqaired, the comm. int. avlvauia on canals aiyu igiaMh-m at presents and that the ty would lose a value, equal to tae an u iortnna-e lo price of domestic eiai.utaciures is entirely awing to domestic' compti- fori, an 1 to the ad imon they have apprehend, 4li AUnn. It. is with. , , 1 " '""X mao"et trn ; m ,d-J to ne great supply ot the world. out exception, th most unqualified , u15s lc syo.i-ni.unoi, a.vt loe ".'resnisut recommends, as the smdicati n ,.f trie sv.tcm which has . m the ' sCt lhjt tne Conventi.m can-' Hint and f airest mule of determining ever vrti,Jltfd the uVlc'r4oJhe'of "J.9reJ negatived a propositi m ; the cliim of any p -ticJ ir interest to the nr-n!,. Th. n-n.-n in itf l? esi uongress wi n the power ot , prots.ion, that each should be fub- aid mrrelv ronVidcreJ an argU. P'". eX"cis.og tSi pwer, mittei singly .for consideration. M' rnent. w.'mU beuit.rlv uawortliv of tfl,;.relorif. Congresi ercis?i a power. Miliary armly repels tin prptM. frious attentnn. Even the NeW. w' ot be found in the Con. ; tin. w ledio? directly t Mai York Gimoiercial. devoted as it is to "'onwhich the Ira-tiers of ths destruction of the sys-em. The Pre Clay and the Vncr.can Systera, con- t';: "(used to p,it there -and 1 sident think th.tthechef object of fme thai it is dest.tute of the liber- Wh,ch cnnat be lortured. tnenai- daf-es" should be revenue, although litv- and hc e?3nd'ed and states !v ntl latit t necessary or proper , they miy be so adjutcd io encour. . u:u . -k means of exC t ,ne the. power r raiss aire mirnifacfiirer-' Mr. f.ilUrv nn teriza a Co,icrViM it Ilcn.,rt uVom V f".-ir,-i-4dj itogf VTsi: the" co urary, onten 1, tlfat tne chiaf .laci nothi'monorUtrfaaamcre.r th: hr' Ve -:d 4Tprn4t .t'Tly Krl . the Tar.ff p4rty. If it nad enveyed Wc c" flPl4,T1 l S .whilst, the pro. , of party spirit,-and eanwstiy adjures the onfniodvoriewiniff.t! of Mr; Ml- u uuMauMvi,iifm.w v T iitfti aii'iw Jiny extraneous cotu I try alone, e should m prob.bly an?st the enumerated prtw. s.djratioa, "such as a desire to s.s. have psed it by with pWy and c .n. "' he federal legislature, and ;aii a general syiem,x)r io p .rchase lempt. Mil uivl irtunately n express. , v' t sutri ior a uuirreni interest, " to this sneer. and cotn- at llH vely lor revenue, smd leaving ! t!if 1 ..i-rt1linr. minz-ij. 1 1.. ...... ' . - . - '.-iviwh. ui iiiiuiv i ill. a 1 V . itin, tiy, UMt the mfnuf icturing in m-fFi".'.-rafeBdecr 'i&?jys 'wT'?r"::rjvy wacwrj ;ioTm;ijrt8 pi revefl- fit rill rm . h. is . ..V. ... f I TL II I " f I' I ' for political effect, aid 'iddre-.' . .i J " ..-..V1 tKa intfrr-sit -fl,'t nrIM trat tf I gratuhtioh than regret. Bdt 'WnltConir-eis aff'tinst the nernicious eff-ct r, too clearly to admit a doubt, the ". ,"1 11 w-e.uai ntwsnce fneir acuoerati-)n on Titer! d:r,ninmon. the ..rrmrant and .v,,c vrnupjwer, tne. ,.j arm tm ! inip-.irtant auhiecr.. Mr.MUarV, despotic b.t irreverMhl- ft it, of the" , actua,,y wdj a lwgly thaaks h.m for hi c.-uti m, Tariff mforrtv in Cnrress. He. ' . ' ' ' I" ". '" I men -inotuinaty lupines v? " r.ral TnlhrriT5iTrrrbl!c..mr9 too a secondary, . fci.Wnn of sroait mm mi," or w f.;un,. h ......;. -j Jc" i"ieau 01 enacting a i jrill ex- is' cenersl v more lamilurU- e. LIU1I imp' tolcmn f r contempt. W e nuv de I ise its rtirrovness a v d :l! iDeniitv, manulnct.-tres to derive what benefit tht?v mit;ht fp'im a srsnrw" hTTTreTrtp w : , Vib-WVVM v .rv ' ,v 101. II i nun , . .. . ' it wields over thr drs'u ,ies of the regulated by the B-tuth. I' seals our doom'. It des- "Ml ? "'SW ( t1 ..govern- ;troa complrtetv, and perhaps f ,rev. frf and ivowedly' er, the Vcmot'.t prospect !f relief. "tl:1'!' Tar.ff of protection. If It rivets the Tariff o.i the Southern lh,?,!s not a v,0,at,,m of ,h.e lctre.r M ,overtv . rfr. Pnt " ConMitution, then and carrlrftsJv, to poverty and degra- there .... I... 'l. .L'. r ,larinn. !. tell, th.m nl.i.W an,l 1 uc nw "!,c" ininC " miraction .-.tmpwilv, th vhatever mav be their "V10" . 111 ufferings, or however their rights and leH U' 1 r:"(l 1 (,0-"' thi,t ,hc -,. - v.... of the'sv'B'cm shill be altered. feFFsR" wilt make cornmoti cause that j.f they expect to exist, tiiev must act in co-Kcrtthai they always have, and th-4t they w4l continue, to pull togeth er. Hat th.s is eough to show the diff.-re'ces of opinion between, an and this thorough p tced, champion if tne T ar ff. Mr. Mllary indeed s .eers a.t.thffctidot.tnryLaKboat his whole Report, and evidently U'tours ta in i tre hi.n with the TanfliVi: hv ide in the States, and that it must. ! mc an imDre&sion t .at h i ho.ril .Hiifca-4w' - ---'" lyr govemmcnr,' or be extinct.- Th,re are one or two aarts of ,hi. must I i ni m n t au t t tii tuiat 1 1 in imm nmnr rw rut. Lt. t j 1 r rr ,r T w T '" "-proterr manufactures. They can pro. serious refiectioo of every S itli-rn . Veil be considered a prorlitnation of n.nik.i.k-Umi;.. Tk.... i , . ' " utiurn i i . . t- l' wet tnem by bountie. 1 hey can also, man.' Here we have it d ' ncdv political vassalajre tothehnuh, we with iK r., r i i ,, T , , , . C1V . . Ll Kh ,i;.nn.5,;n ... T,lh ,he COnCl of iflSrcs'' ,a' du- av.wrd by the lender of the pirtv, that disposition to aoaly the reasoning by which this most ex. Iraordmary determination is sustai' - -ti . Mr. S fill .M.IIM.... . . I A.K .. . A .v '"1 ; 'i j 1 " . , ConMitution requires, in such cases, the arbitrary ronduct 1 the u:iiority, ti, ,k. .u. .i...- . .l . h tiui ue araoiro m me lam-fbr inl0 ,hr ' ties upon imports lor that purpose f ! protection is the primiry objeci of she ..u .iu conscni, r.o aouot, could al- . I'.nH. Who now can doubt the inten Uat'S be nhtainrfl. narririU ji-Wr a. iK. ' . . ... ( . I . ' - .a ii , niu ui me uw ; T no now Will HIS. tify it co'istituticwiality up-io th . r ...t . i it1 sn-in lorce in 1 "it M. f ro irr'f)f J.t 1 PruvJ.;. ar. n.h.i . revenue that could have been cL-rived' folhwia, extra t. trim, !'ni T frm the capital expended in it cm- from" a IViiladelp-' i ,ti flL't; . ir uvuif ...... . ........... . rfii.v .j , l-e ' i i ' . . . . rmj in'ise several years, ir some pur.; s-renff nen tr is suit of agriculture, comtnerce, orj there he a v minnf.irtures. nreciselv -i the name . s tid. thr urmi... . . , T . .... , . K IIV. Hi tL way tht a farmer would lose the) equal strentn, t.. Utu.c n '.'V. profit of fiveyeirs upon a thousmdl 'expenditure for ra'l r M,, 1 i 1 dollirs, if he sh ald be silly enough evidence have we. thu r' i-i p.icn,l thif turn in hiiilrlmor a h .rn nrn' rl ... .,..... . five veari hefore it was w .nted. v I im.irnvf m-i. .i...u f,'1' ' ."l " "iv.i Will j,r . jti ciiuijuic'teu irirn phi i has recently called to another vieui 'nf the hi presents the impolicy of anticipated anl travillijr 0'fl trie 4 X - expsn.dit.arc in .alight so.9t.nkittg that Tyd vitJLthe.A ILalt-.Kt.!..'1' noue can'fait to percetv now to be -pretty g if we are to i.udat; ments Kw-akmg-plce - in-' E igla'td ' il of tnetHmj- r, som'""'! .nl . U .. ...-.r) !. ."... 2. . H Ml mm iu nn u;iii nit ii4uiiii-ihj'h nt i v..n.. m t ic u-mnxrvj a'i(I (riy IO nin lit U ri . ...n.MA.ll.rl l.irKK.t. ! tL. J . t l. . . . ...... . i" i nmn ii.i i, au jjf i v.i.itiu lump, ike i-nn i I '- '" Of lnpfnyiij . projected to run in the neitrhhoih od s "rt of th.most rmi.,- , nf rin-ili ,lrulu r.-iilrUat onrl . in ill. t-i rt i .... '...-I. ir ' ' 1 .......... iii.tnu iuiuivu) uu 'I,, 'j ' p ''"l t.ltlj IS lVj( routes where there' cannot, farfeir ' of Lon-lon, M H -rtUy, ; f ' r io lomc. oe prontaoie empi'yment tor a . i.aafni', oj i ri-t . 'vj waawtntrd. imroveniruts which wiipr,., ' friend in Pmladel-j duce thc expense of the ir corisin railed onr attenti in! "Smce I have been in fj.(.,JC'l')"; the subjret, which lain, I have Md ao --pp' rturfi;,., tigot so.9t.nKtng mat i y vnine..- rajt..1jrj,t,a;-v..i trcei ve if.'"" I c" hiiem; fnfl jto" Rip. lutjlil r & geer-dly" admitted,' to- I nikl m I, ih- Live.n", ,f ' "' both. I,i suet) rase, it is manifest ier, and M . isevenvn of !' n i mat, snouid me cnais be rendered yc. wtio umie ui oot.ii .n ,, ...i.-. i . .i. . . i .i-i , '. i"-ii in vameifss, tne capital cxpencl'd in heir construction will have been wh'd- ll inn i ki 1 ar., I . mil it u.n,.t!.. that, in s ime of the cases, this nii?f lc Jtlr hilatior will have .bse!L.ft:4trcJjoej:a. sioned bv the impoli.y of anticipated expenditure . Rut, to illustrate what we men, we will take a particular ew. ''he of 'P.Miisyrva ia nas, within the last' few years, expend d OeirjAsiej ai Lallars ia-4 Cases aut d ft ra 1-wn i mil; were s.i-w Mo . ! i " . ' ' ' Or. 1 ' 1 jj'ir l'Ht fre the CQiTipanbiv iapnwrri wproveme-.ti, , ...cjr are (j. ! i, HfAT ( i!!,VV, si'" ve cannot ties and sophistrj, with which the ted St ates. aQCument AtKiunutr Treasury of ihe U i- Hut the ftorth e rnjsr a t e s t Tt course, however thev mav 1 .ve " . 'Mr3niry'gratuTatca th'e Tar. ' ""''es, wotdd not Jike tliU'-r ICU 1. . ur t itsiucni. i nc iguineni oi the President is, that the power to lraP?JL'llt,r uPor' imports originally toluljust those duties witn a view to ... protection, is so completrly incidental -riose-the existence "of one without the uthe r thst te States have delegated the purpose of protecting them. They prefer irlimtfly that tms should be rrTctted by a system of federal legi!,!-twRwbkinyihrnMirahV--twrir cipally on the South. N ,r will it do to ten us, as the Resident does, that tb jpfuttcuve policy has receive J the sasCtioo of successive administia ions. e delegated j No leneth of lime, nor the sauction ""tlierr-whole authorlirover Imposts tot nf "all the President on rnTi r. the Generl Covrrnmrnt, and that this authority havir.g thus passed fmm them, the right to jccrcise it for pro ' tec ion d es not exist in them, and tau.t either reside in the (ieneral Q yernrnenf, rr he ext'mct. The ar. ; gumeni is i genious, hot it is utterly untenable. Ours is a Government oi limited and enumerated powers. It is admitted on all bands, that no pow. r can be constitutionally exercised by Ci d gr cVsw hTch 1 s not riihcr express If granted, r abnoUitely necessary to the execution of a granted power. " The right of promoting manufactures, , therefore, to be constitutional, rousi a'uher be cxprsly given by the con v Ititution, or must be obviously " or. cessary and proper"' to carry into ef. feci lomonuroeraied DQwtrBut it jTU PQA-i' f o by . the cut sti tution, . b. cjsus it is no where to be fuod in , an portion of that instrument, In. deed it is nut tn'y not given, but it waa expressly refused by the N-tinn-l i t w - " 1 "t ra fajj vfcj-wflitaif n ii si imyt lrglixe wrong, or consecrate usurp, tion. f this were the case, viola? ion of the Constitution, provided tnev are persisted io, would themselves give a .ijjht to violatg that inntrument. Let this monstrous doctr.ne be admitted, and there is no power which the Fed eral Government will not first usurp, snd then claim as a rikt, from the mere circumstance of their haYiug persisted in its exercise B it let as turn from the President's argument, which .Mr. Miliary rnnatd. era as perfectly conclusive, to other portions f thst gentlemen's Rep irt. l a these i will be seen that he differs as decidedly with the President ii. re lation tu the details, as he sprees with ham upon the constitutionality, of the ''r -il bope lost, nd aJv-.c ite the mrfir- j-W--S-Tr-rrV.rr.--.."- - .- I ai ui. ground tnat it is a K-venae A t, .m,l that the protection of mao.ifacturrs is "nly iocLdcotal L Here, taur wc arr 4)mIv t4drihat the mnaFacrurrt? wilL cpotioue .ta mak tsvw fjr. and act in concert with each other. Who How expects he -system i to ne re. pealed or in dilied H. re, too, we I'ave the most prtcioua c nft-ssion that if. the items of thefar iff arere exam. IwdrngVlt-wvmtvrijOT ten. 8 the people .n: to continue t be enormouslv taxed to supp art a system, f which rvfn its dv-catM idrnil that mere issc.iKt lv single portion w'.icl an present such ct iais as will justify protection. W't there ever a m re ut.f. cling or arroyrant avow d ? Aid yet, even with this prrci hjs adaiisM-m in thrir m utha, we are t .11 pla nlv and uirq liv aallv that thr w-o!e svs tin oppressive as we feel it defer;, live a.-d unequal -s the Prrsidrnr prT. n unces it shall rrma n u .altered. Whxl will ihe hoping party no v sa ! Wnat do they now thiuk of h-ir rrriit- land deluded brethren? Whrn- a,r now thrir haprs of the rt turfTrijj jus tice and magnanimity of O-igrcss ? Where is now their precious s heme f atucki' g the Tariff in de-atl! Above all, what wi!l they now do? Ma,y of them have drclared that if the present session of Congress passes without .tT.r'.n ... .'.I.. f .k ... .....jj nicy WOUIU COn . 1 vinous parts ot ner territory. S.i rt.c t- ot these canals were called tor, and some were n -called for, hy tie aci tual Circumstances of the C UU'ry but, iitrad of commencng on n'k S n UJb aisbirajg. ti auMoaJUKtaiiMivt, economy dictate d, h- n gm ui, ot - three -m mi-rr or rl-iHim - m nr-.r , wttho it having hjd tne satisf cii n rt seeing .ne of nirm co npieted. N i ;, it l very evidrnt, that, shonid rail roadi anawer he rx!)e( tations of ih r who have compared tlv ir dv nt.i"' s with thos- of c-,n it otic pr ibi- bl t' at some of these canals will tv h')!lv soperc-ded h'v them, and ft::, iU the vhol- c pit d h e br-n sunk a! togrt her owing b xh i WofftTrct' r: j' the . jmnrovrme.'.t -h -fnri H. r'"..v ' sms- f awa-i::-T-.- - i ... .... iiii'i-i ,.iij . - a.. -.T.r.. u luvtiv far ir.-had"ar?T-vrI; " - pubKw,,. d, will o, u .derstand us .thiKlwt f" ' a cmiMMity should bes.tate t., r. .. ' ,M n,r " ir,i win.. nnn,i his Ij-r, ,1 ,oe in tl,r !,s. 0r f(1 " tV-IW cr !Si-1 v-r :.r. - r-rr- i u i i. i i ' , Democrsry B it f..., m h".f tV nirtv r. ,1, r ,.(P 'ii..rn iiim pn-.,. whf "I ''"Lfs.-lW iwsI,hv .loin , r ,'.! V fl .... .,, af'io. .h, ,,,, , r.. s 2 7'""' I'- V ., :,V, , ,..,p VeiV hwi a-i.- -- .- - -- w - - --- irat some unloreseen iTinrovrrn-r' f o. , 11 ;;. might occur bv such , course, ,!,., bv r.r 1 , "" th, event thus trended to hr guvded 'V ' . : ' ' ' ' ' g.'f.nst,-: l.aU,entrrpri5t5 :iaere . U r-..,V( ?.f.. , v -tt ri'li fl some tision tMs score, and e-ipeiiiily W-U s.-iu-rl o nt tne present arje of invent'icn ; tnis rise will alwavs e. ter i.,0 calcu.atnns of indiv iduah. an. improvements ae rft to t'.vi, igrmrnt, ntre n n m (ch I . K ,nnr.k.n I.J ill-judg, J,utirfiec mg,uns!m ,dr of larcing unrr-irr" Trr;py"ve'i n by thc scrambling p.-n ir,i. ,i,lt n r iMIt t ie Win--: nar- inniif.i , ! c i,i ai i!rh .it.-. i, i -1 J. r' vai u i '.'. Ii , n i I'm 'J l l inn; S Tit 1 Hl'lf. J!(t 'Va- ri'v l',rhii I, ! ' hr -.n if ;v'r. I J! i'i l'i R'rl i" 'hii n.v f a'gues, f-.a-.. aiihuali a f n, ,rt A and R is wanted, .nd one between in (--r'' ' -.. i ,.iVit :' C ihI I) will mffcr wa ited fcif ten i-nrr -;T?tTSc Tf-n-T'T.v MT" fM-tr'ifni iiiiiv ( ,t , ha u Vh ( . r. -i irr ill . ...Trxcaiileni-tbak-4he-Tsrfff de. fective. ar.d retommtods a tevision. Mr. Miliary insi( that the svstem is as petlert a it ca b. The President thif.k t ., It . tav t . v. , m , rrl. "Jim bsiare injustice and correct atm.e.. Mf. Mallarv insists that no ahi..-a .., iij jst ca have been practised. The President think; that m -ny romf rs f, Vfe re tnec unr,cessarily high, U Mallary d-nies it. The prefidtnt thinks tb protection 'houldbecon. fnd to objects if national impor tance. U. Mailary imiMi ihn Coo rfes Ins a tt to prtei I tncol ps cll a national objects, and th t th whole system taken together, or In thr mmutest detail, national in its char, cttr. Th, Pretidect thinks tint the I' creased 'lres ifmaruf.ctnres '. ptinejpally ttribaubtc to tha iocrtased fatr 6ri"CooVenu,.ii T "the people. Nw then that all hope.ij lo$tt will the V verify their dec llfatiios, and supp -rt the iate I Or, as the only other alternative left them, will ihev ft g oret to the encmv n.l in heir adhesion to l.lay and Webster naintain, with Judge Johnson, that ihe Tariffis beneficial and claim, as their reward, a legislative Compliment from the State of Massachusetts? Charleston Mercury. We have, npoo several occssions, in this journal, todeavorrd to draw pntaic attenuon to the impdicr cf constriiciing rosds sn 1 canals .heiorr they are .ctnslJy called for by the real wants of the community. In doinp .his, however, we have limited out e rarks to the single operation of such policy upon the productive nowre f capital, iti upon tl.ft capital Itstlf. j mslc-s tlir.r .,r ,, ,;. . , fSM i H'!l C.i-, , , r vf.i) tlnM, f..r l' M:r-mr,T !' Mi.. H- j . fi l"..r.1.l . ... . 'I'i ; T n, . -i.-iiie , I i-if iw-tnf the principle upon uhith iU i..-; i. M""'v .'.! ie N I rton of rertBsiU aoTYI... .:.: : - . "n.. ;,,;!,'. . . ... . "tsu cotuiuC.. vears to come, vet m( xlt. rr?rc,pn. tatives of the country lun ''eteen C and I), will not vote to expend a mil. Itoi of the puhl,c. m mV adenntsgr. oushj for vcu, unless you , P to expend an ther milli-.n. disdrivi. lazroiwy, or our ben-hr. - . S,UtllUVBaM i- m I . - - - ted, eve- sn ce she e.no.rke.-l 1 - v r 14 " " -w-i-rmr-jjjy in turnpike toad,, ,r f ,!1(.re "U rs-s.l Vc- WiVvwerf 'oember of her Senate an ' IU, ' i ' ""' " ''" "f " h .r",!4. flc presents,; ve, who w 1 1 , , .", i' ' W f .:-!" ft;n,ft)un!l T"-U in the'r prediciment . f t? inhnt ; i' West India island, at.hich a Vr.kte captain once arrived whha.areo of cheese r.r.d grind-stonr., 4Bf, a scarcity ,.f e former. ard nrt Je. maod for the latter. f. ...i .. . , o sen any i msn a cheese, th W0VtK, jW 'I gnncUtonc ;t witS if on this suhjett with .oespenme,..! tal keo-Wre el the r,vt, ,nc we; gre,nym,suke if renr.U. .J mduons of d0!lar, ,u or,e - f b.icio.,)Ucmofog.ri,in5; , Nrt lonp sine I... ' - , . ..iitrwji nut sh. Jd from a Pen.syli ,raveP , -I'-naiitM ,,U rotlds of '!, tw;.;l... i,n,. rt f p..-tiffj, 4 I Na'ional it -Wv in t;m nrcinV'- 't'pu'Vini.n n:li,'f,. w. ... s.-."! IS lN- li l,i p.,, miff. .(,,,., .r l l'.f 'rtt'lS'S Hr ."iipf f? .Tt.fS y nHfH s.t. Jflf r-. inn'i tl i tfr.'v - lir W.l-'m i iri(p vfjr h-mr,ie ih. ..t,iil inki ' who e.inti . i, r ..i.- 'iiii.i ..I laV n. t'ml.-ffie Itanner of lln r- e.ti'Muon f t.v t r (, r rj.r n I i,f rr'.v cm- Se pe""' ei.eynf S,i,;e ft -pnM, ,;. r.mf! n its ettc, Rfr lt, vrir ,rm til jr euiwiitr.nr eon-jiie e,!! tvith l ttw f vir .Met I ,-,. toith fi.r vo ir wrap r ff 1 vlvemrv. Sun,l ft s f t 1 Ppesr be mit csser henesth jmf '"V. jr. N.iio,, Rrpnhiictnii esnirt " pw ttr .tq nbr 8aiU.a rri - m . X 1 ' In that Kndy, to cor fcr this power, and it was explicitly rejected. It is ' evident, then, that the prom -tion nf .tranufsctures is not a primary granted power. Tit is equalls clear ii our mind, that it is not se-cndarti. or Incidental powi rt aecordi g t tUt true intent aod.rreaning of the C. titution. A aecondary power, it. cnhl.eg' to' that Instrument, is one which is indispensibly necessary,' er obviously 44 prdperJJrtdesrrf tn . effect me--wher powriprrssl g'Btts Now it surtly will tot b msintained, thst the power of pf. mot. laj otaaUcturM is cither 44 oatcssa

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