CP Fein, r.M tedecype, , pJoa of,! I tCy Tie Editor of the ' C.a Joorn.1 k .0TiT"mirs -urj ij')ea - weaaian," we are compiled to defer .Its publication for'tlitY pre" enl. . J),"ifWittfi.i afthirSurfht Iieventte.-TKee-nlu'io-u nf Mr. W,rt".3of S. C. upon the tub- Jft of the dirt-jStition of the en-plus revrnue . emon the eiit! StVes UkeTJusFand ration. ' view of v wihjec ,4nl we have wo'n.ltrt-d vry m.cl.''hanhie atVmit has ,to met with-a-i . t . i .. ... i r .more iiTKi-ii iii,.-i!u.n tm the AntiaHf? 'jjjV2?y beretoiVr. rite p?!sil!sii:nerit of uch a . . pni5!w m .the fc;ln;iiiHtratiof of! the penrl , p'v'rnmenf wo'i!(lhs 'hit certain mean of dc. jVvlnj- the .repeal of the tariff, and in "the end I: t hb' !"p'-Usdd a pnlicWlwiiioh; we deem ford. ' fin'M t"iw .lAatnend.the contifui ' lion- y a W ' ernrWtwe p. the .pen.. raj jreron M..ii.WtiU,)....l4w-t.-.., , -MIII. JC seconding the nomination of i,i.. c:.k ... .,tr irpsmency.rDatle bv r.,.,.r;. dehn-ates ,he qualification, which would p.cu. u uiin tor tne otticr. and tava iv. tin.. - : - -' ' ' t I . lie riH.ln Jni!m.I1..l..!l . ' ; J !.'"" 'tln-ct fo tee the Misrule and ratimat purty uuao.ous in hi. nomination kc. kc" We hav. .k. - ----- VVUIQ up (-at- same eoi.eh.s.oo but bv a'veT;dtf,.rt.,t p,, thjc!4o.rohHnrfcmd (ohe n,u,h influence in c.'ntrojliujr the action cf the .JL r"'f r'9" ''- Par.r ,'he Editnr of the' tT,(!?n Journals very aaWy veteped hi. on prtv, ' We clearly op!.,it,n,thai the wsii.ot 'manl:iit would be produced by the well known fW.tnf h Udi roid'of '.Iv..,. S-.lmportnt'nMliRttt!nV'w . uwv.i j. , , ........ . v A . 'T 3ihrM f th; rnta j.Trtaili''i'll'lit'iti liirliiii'li''ia.1'1 '""!' i - ,...,..,r,.,i-.,,rl fl-nvfromem .m,tp'v .refliiitiie Mtne prorter disrtham r k : - pu -rrrq i - - w we. think, if e ; . .ui. r'i... . ; - ' 1 1- . " '-' cnraiier, f ; wm t.-n be told U U"t matter of j e,. it' tje MrUf revenne c H d? not t--'o ,1e5re t':at.hc f ene'r,! f '' - rhvi-t-l ri!fn'e thaiBanBer In which t " -'d ri.; V-i-'renne, If the grpt r 5 i r nf n'. it f - r th-m S indirect tnt- ... r . , -.. 'Mtf m.,,t ,Sl:l,0l IK-....!-. - ..it.. If : , . . nlyfWu,,,! .B5i,l..,the r. : vV-ti from wij.., f.ftJ)p nrf) ; .,vr rrfiirn. hlr iw tn? i of v i-d mnfv f enHert rf eeni) for v hVh h 'VP " HSeve- f U ir nnt-.i.:i.t r",. rV . -! o 'ke tJ injrs of our play. " f ' M" M'bo -jf thefe R.olHtion."?S,t ',f,. t only Hfrneerssvyon the prt nf the r.,. ,t ?nVe'nmi.'n, hut wouM r-ertainlv hi. . (uityiehaveape vmttKnf nf iiimrhe'waSa n.irs; 4tt;eim and phvatcsl rnerpy. If we are UTonc me hbrethe RtWof therr.m.!-. t.... irW-ITTTiTrTRTiirifK,, heTief of ti. "farm. deficiency h ffronnded ayn the kn-WpP r v..r hu i t ,ti- mtreiw.on of Conj;rf.u mmm pcto if!t defuiir- In h ht'er tinp.i tmn we are npported r his mov.-meht. in the Senife of t(-.e t'nlfd s,M. u,, j, Ittramr; Abe,it w.no1ic,COn. istetv ve wi'I rot diipiife. We do not cn. did'y believe that Jtidt- Smith ever af.rhi him.tff to .nV nrty npor, c,-. We a'w' iewfd him as a ' wv-i! r j ..... . ' 'wiirn unit r-cyuUcrd mun. pursuing, thst eotjfe whicd Yrty is it that w cainoi et Kew.Torl t f?? .... ' . .. I P-PrTi nyisit tbat we tioneare debarred ironj ine same opportunities with other print THE LIATtHETS. XEirr0UK WHOLESALE. A?kV IlKYUot.Us STOHE. in this quarter of reeeitine the tarlii-gt ,fMlnt. I J W'i'hr. fti: 18 -Cotton fin seed.fel?,clean. of Foreign imellitrence Laat.k .K-rit 8"r i. 70 to 75, beef to 3 Y.v v 7l L"teek the Editor Kcon 10,molaes 50, laM !CL salt X SS of the V.illrm ,! Ct.-k. t i .... I ... ... . .' .1 - . ' 4 3 uuFnniii in i n cf i nmr iu 11 lAcnnrt l.m it flrf mi ... r i . rji.iK MinictjDrn h... ... received New-Tork papers, lut none came t0W brndy . peach da 45 ta 50, tallow r J- :'ners!.ip ih(Lr !:. fi ( A Ql ''rZh, us. Tb.s week It U the! sane thin ivk.. " Mie" 25,la 16 to 18, oa s.JO to I ran, and have laaen Iientiv-; i ;i nes Is' stale and I.. 1. " . J J?' Pork fltl . t;g"'(r W to! ?H Rlif-et.lor th- t,.r.SsClioil 0f tl fetlli i.-i.i. , .'. " " 8,rop 10 to 12, ifiawbot tUlO, jj feet j, 'ancy Dry tiofeb buam4 '7 ..7 wmrc or ri-aarts. Lvrrv nanp nmr. I .fun h.n . . .. . , fie . V " r'1 1 - r ' I ' VI. VUC1I. tn tut m,n'- tvrvi..t r .. -A e...,K i: . i. . . v l:i. . i ... . . I , .-t A'f - .,.. nv1 iorea man we are. lit uvu mm cia, aw. oeoria trict ria'minatfain Wm m..t .i.- .... 1 4 3. . ' t I favcfim, r-A- io ' rsan fti oi. ff UWW be foun.1 that Ltl ,.v., 1 J..........Cotton 8 9 T " I COn n a T aneJ.iraiw1u all in n.lt. 7(1 a 1 . . . .. . ' V he liberty at their own pleasure of throwing ?5. fla,Wjt i . 1 9.L i . i m.jL.. M AIf: ' n 0n. l. ,Uc! " wawtmeni ' . . . " ... ..t : . zrr-i . 'B7 s. ... ... - . wwr. n7 wnere on tne road ?5"V " r1' 7i, wuiaKey pasnd by any ether i mi .:enM '-u Z . : JVe.rf, .yr. !(, - i m w wi i,s ucn ai. ... .j: Fancy O., wla. Ve , .here thry lie for w.k. bere they come .4 nS:i .... ...... v-.vm, , 7. r iour 1 in uaniDO. r i-ftnr.n. na ian.aw.i b " y 40. molanet 41 ti 50 Goo,!. , . .J " , L , T' M :"T Saful. We r.,criv?d ,om, n.ner. JvJ,?fl' -Cotton. 7 to 9. Flour to Can . - r 1 1 hoi. nisv .in in aji mrvio. J i r.i 1 f:..,i. . m DecemHer, Ute In Januarv. ,1. Camdmu Feh. 19.-... Ctt..B 7i .0 l..,aJn:, . i 'ki" .V-KirriiJ-i V:- ?'r-; j 1 lie lion Himr v 1 1 ih. i tA I a . 1 titled, to our thanks f,w Mr IWw. the Unl. I 11 Pft-Det kinduf bagjrin U ; ' " ' ' " ' 1 ' s Mir entire Wl.iqh l .1 . a. 1 n 1. . F I 'vmpnisiii owpoaen ann ma'tirnint disnoait'r r .'pi :i-d t. to irtl tea'W them. JV '0H,.'.,wb'm he deemed ..Ida - . .. ' . 1 ; ;iir-w We.th.nk th.if nttnr.J infirmH nd-th.rf fr he more liVeU- to (rovem M hit morem-tts. n.it ti,e F-h'or of the Cam.'en JoMrn,! when he , v . rt ;,, p.opl.. We do ak. andalniMl feel vamd ' r-r' Mn.'!ni so simple a que.tion, W' rtV i 1 iw r'rnmminui... .l 1t fiT- irff.-?r ii the wiinrww' is r.h-i..e r,ilUr.ic, a.-rtrf)n.mt nf e, ted States Bank, and th r.w.,t f it.- 54 "H com 58 a 0, coffee 10 a l3.,..Nort. Crane de Lvons. nlain aiui M f ' . rr-, f :WV-', FPrtnUwdWgh.mi.indFouW;,: the Surplus Revenua among the several States . JC Tl,e E--inaion p the Ftmatt Ktlmt, Kna, - f - W IM Iu ef the Union.- - '. in Statesville, will take place on Thursday thi- Pongees and many other arUdea for .v . Vi : s)a 'ast day of March. Commencing at half paa 9 dreasea, . ' . 1 j-w o "tat t receivea no papers trom Wash ..t . . , : -r . ....... rarroneand tnendsorthe School, are rpeci. ineton of a latr lat ik.n Kit. w le.ti- :;.j ........ 3 ' . l'vci- reisional aummary by consequence, containa " M. A. CALDWF.LL. non.np ot a recent date. A DIARY. TAILOIIINO BUSINESS." TlVniVt : lVa.nl .wt uviijuiiuii ' mit;n The Jamaica Courant cial snnurtriation vifT SpijalflWd, and Pongee ijr and Bandann. Guie and Crape fldk'iYna Jllk and Kid Stocks, and Fancy 0rarats, BlaCS1ld"Tlored Italian n,-.... !...:.. n .... " .7.7 --'--. fi.i.aunn, (to. iiuva. iicivrr. ai a an i M .paav.. r-i a . -..u tuuie uarnitwis Kiubon. 1 Can and IVliUn .r ii.. . ....... s , . r , .. TTAVINO received the fateVlW SrT10'," S1 M.tet etjfe,,-. 7 V' l-.ln f ,K i ,u re- . "?rk Bttd rhlUdelphl..Fihtotwf Kmbroidered and Open work da. , t v lawon of the death oFS m.n -f:., . t;, .'uJ"pr" ?ar g0 i.' nediedoffpoHumptbo on the PhHs, and will continue to receive H'k m,Col"",I ftnc Crapes, Worsted ' tnem, rom t,m to time, i. they if K .... . .5 1 I U..k. I f ... .1B. . rrntt nttil ralhnnt parv dor's not r..t therrhy irtetid to denrmVinaV thote onpn.. ', the Camden. Journal, W liHe InoV.rf - f such a renimer fro.T. one whncuM . in the ,atJirL&ti.t. lwft-a'b haf. V-wn!d .-frrftf titrr'oJT!ot7s (mmistwtioo. . ;n k- ... ... , . J mht of 4 1 54 7-4 and h i vt.:.. " i A. he i, tne ARent of W.rd Vf pj, !l inr ni ma s niiiiinn a a . 1 . 1 ja luuia. aiiiii 111 itiip r i, w eau w..a.au 1 w ' 1 aaa,isTaar ww nni v ai. u ..a . . . . rtltb., of Which the Hon.- (1. G. OtiJ'fi ,farhe rL of-CiM so'tlmTvconaianHv -'eh.htr.tn. m?. c.n apply to we Mbirrilr in .,.k will be keP. ihrOT; ! a!S " ' N there r ;,nlirv in i there a-ry j rA '-,, r' on i-h men a. Tj-trh-.. W.vne pn(; sf'ntnistrntion. ... r.niK nj nern new in lioton jn In I.I.L. (mill. ..1 W ... ' I frnra7Mra.ti.ia:sLnkind;i. .1.. r.i:.. '"" ,rie ""'"on M tmpthonment ..fcy.!!u..'ut;i:eaacd.t;aJof-the.wh(t.y.t. t" 'th n. e .v heir compVittll (1 it to d-r. -',.m h t:!e v-e T!k -e i, mi.(im im " t iii"r. Pn,!,h"-n po' Yo'. 'u rc 1 - -.v.- . T1 - Tne anJ o pr.--iiir, i of be ''' ''Vi? hen i. n? and 'a'jAnt'y 'ilritril I,. H- rou! hi, rat U r,:.r,' ! ,..:(,... n,t, , 1 1 . . . Xir ' ' "ift ' fr th- vu ,r r:' " S m" ' '"''' 1 1 'it.'.o l, oi."c! rr !.- hh' it t . . .i.jA..cii iv.ri.ir'4HYf-a-.. tnJhr tTibirt 3 -" il'i'Uf. a-vl we- -wmx TW Tave r;io ..irv'Jilv.. - hltterttil. - t. . . -1 n r-s- if -a !"'. . .. .. ir; a! v r"fi n - ' ; i. ' in t, ,T . f h. v ..'i 10. curacy f. tlit .worth, r.iiuu,' t'ona we ran isurr him t a' It U o!taVf.n the puh'ie. ntimer,t of ..r-h Caei.lina vrV much when he wjuposfd lt ;. 'fnxioii." o' even w-riMjr to vot- f,r Ju,t.,. a;tr, for Vie Presid.-nev Of i'..? roraihil'.tv of hiaovrr. whelminf n-djerl'v:.. ?P.,i. f,',-o'i a and 0.nrjr TIenrvUlif on the Stipe. Thcmana- g.r of the American Theatre, jn N'en--f)"?fJ" invi'rd Mr. Cly to. attend i . The Alexandria Garctte, a Cby pv P-r "of the IdVtT y A rrt.wdid h'.tue rerrited him with the most en li ttiitic afP'"", snd thai on his dep.r ttiee -dditional eidencr wassfTordrtlc fthe hold which he has. on the aflVr'rne of tSjIisbwrv. r- - -...wiifc uMii int !Mi,SMlUth Jajaaaa.:aaaa,atiti-llia.'-''--' f.. . , . -Mcr uraaie at n mrM. . . p,i metncti liberal w, n ,net. ftillv invite inii ciiaa.rat.ir.il ... j . . isti aauiuie loeuT j stock. " 1 " " ... v 1 . v itat tin me nr4 irns w" "vno'!l.v,s1'L.v.;tHi hotherato!K;. f.n ;,; n n , 1,. i-hi'e, if !he ran. Oio nmMm.H.. I K "' 1 lUdraphnbis was rsRinfj to sn alarm' i-fu'e, if the ran, ie neoMcaa'icsl aiser'ir.r. and i.WuM. rMc . f At-,- Mil4i'r"Fr'nrr, W Wv. r'onrur fcJtT le ihei '11 mi-re on the 9iW intir SevTl persons o4rd 'h.t i i, imendd u s fanvi.,- Pr.,ci. I "ml mmises 01 OR cv Jud been -e hae Trr.muljaed row 'he etl,nr",,r1 One cf the cormpondenu of V Krn j" til" iraent tor iT and l'..-v li.. i . . .. . r .. . . . - uicay p prr nives tne rii or an account laan wlvith he a-vw in Jossmine According; to ibe arrtVun, h' . . I rr,",f "" ""'v W' ""'pl lucky p. pr i .i. i uare we to think ..fthia hveired nu-raee '' id 'no la'err ... v j . . :i i f - rrJ r '- i-i I--t"'v T i ( , . j.t Th- r-'MuiIf ; upon (be gond acrsr of the cnm.t iinilv and so! ,ou, lh'r 7 ya n lenelh I plhl and gaj.rtSt a Hrnr nf the rrmr. t ,,d Ml f placed in the middle of iit frchfi.ct with - f-e like a Bear ttc. The EieMh Wonder oflhe world surelv ! v n V,. f,r. f ; it,. v t,. m- "' i f.-t p- n-, f ' n iv.rLr.ir.For.. " :'f.;vr wek u'lirh ce- i 1 I r r. .ivi'ioo and 'ho tamper '" ' it ' -e'retp'-nae. We t-na -.'v a,! f.irth- of our ' ' Cnmm r"-rr-r.-d n thr ftl . ., "I "ini ai nir o't,ii in 'Hit reppr! Ue me t iH not prrv.ij. I . . , ,. ., . 1 r opanly uiful'ed. Wha are me to d Shall if J hi tins pper l . .... tauo'rd, reviled and naiihed and n t rranirrat t' e h aat ;.'ir.t nf r-ertriint ? If we jopen our :;p, we aro ci'.r I trii.a. If ae ! ........ ...ii' i i. ...... ml. - ,'im- int.. ill... nr- f--rr i ' c n .ir ir ! hv 'iho.ii fou.-e. If f rrmut.itrate - - ..... . . ,-r It '" J' lK. -n.nr. ... W.. . I ...... . t-rr v.d en utr r.v.-.i.iiiVera ol france and fm,u..i... . .i- najiry oien i-irwo'Cii (1 i!.f an 1 i.rn0.i ...... m ,h.iii nn,ina.in i, ... - i i.i-ce F'-'irnat la peculiarly l.- . . , . ' ' ' IWaathrre lirrurh ... T.. l,.'i.. ..... ,k - " - ft . I' . iif..u ndr'ttsndirgaitf sfirnuoit t But let it pss the day of trtnhti'ioi mar yet rem. Opprea. sort brwire The fit rf rnr.pac and Vr ton. nftiet (r, ah in vimr r.'Col! -cti(ii. If mi do Old mrfl i'h the sn drrinv preeise! tou mt vei harorn to tare .r., H-iirVrnto DIED. In this plsre ne auodav he 30th, inst. Thomai lianlie, ami of John II. Hardir V r. In Sttrrv rvuinlv. on lha OOJ nil l.l, II. ton, ngnl 81 raes 4 months ai d 22 data, the or.r rarer I , , , wife 1 1 llcr'T Hamilton, a-n ui an A.tKi...i..l "-vTiirii a 'tei ear to our retnonatraecaa, AL . a .T :. V . ' , , . , ACgTTinr which ahrboraith chn.tian t-rr i!..I enliafhlrnrii nnr a ir.l.l 1I..1 iK. I ...,i f. . 1 ... ,1 .1. . 1 . waa mrmoroi inc .)--i.ii,,l f, . i;r ,,r .11 i,:. ?rf?rrtv and honors, srp. " "if - ".d children and W in o be ctviHv d. ad. He iscn. r - s remil- I r of hi I f.- to the th M f ynm"l S , MU harl ,., No.ms k 'Iff-.! hv Wi'tit,,. tr IV' l-a w'-'l - - d.' at nV- , p,,., Wf.c T(.rv n,,, ; 1 "h l. !. ,f ht ,tnt..rce. n ' ''.!'" e.t::1:lin Urge mh-ra i' d r!'e l j'uu ! for condign p,.i.. Ii'-'ed uti'iti P t;;"se anil P, cr.'.1 .UlT. hv tbat the ' "'"t t'irtn y from '' r ' ' . ' ' t-i i Vinr'mnea nmil '. ' . ! '. :K,M? lrt.nl 1 lu.. Ai T ' i tn at f . . -, r f "1 i' at t. . r 1 , 1 sa retipne I his n' G'lardi ' .1 -. .11 rsv. 1 . f tpirit 11 ;. - ..f rltrn . ,'hn t i' V ' -; . (.! tfainaf t! , . r.r.. qirnre of ar-n .1. ImatiV to ! St Vrrful,1 . 1 hi H. U c., ,U rahla ai. 11 hrt -I iK.rni'i. s. The n a. J " " ' ' il.' b.U are p f..aed tr.the.Vi P"'"-'-'erlrit:, trliM-. lh t oes are for. fct.orsiTir-.f. ard ther'c.rr. will pot abs'f )'. V . W ..I .1 . . .... ... a 1,1 4Pl1 ir . n.n 0,, e,.,tiB.,ti Turn are c:i '4'iH v.uio a'ir uora aim c nlyhlened per'e a- trld that ihe j id for a Img -imr, ah was a ro jecM f'irwhic'.i d itirt ani urpo.i ,rr 1 Bap!it Church f-r a number ol vcara Her I l.iV.'l! I V t , . . 1 ' 1 .. am lypg 111 Hwmri Of urr rM 'nir, td aorrnsVitnee, ' was eedeafed to af rho kn lr a a christian for hericnplarv a'k ao.i niv p"u a-.o.otvitiuiii Bt a rn .thrr and m!reea, and dotiojr wtte.- She la f oi to prrUnre a lui.py immortaliiy in the arm f that eihrnrri hom on earth she loved snd de. v. utly worthtpted that all the blind but knew Uim, And aould be advised bv me 1 Purely jUI they has.en to him i lie aould cause them all to see. Lord teach oa this one thin to cbne, Vhrrh thry who prrt can neff f t.,.. e'safwaafYnry e e.irq.irmr. J , , , , ... th mire of I'iMi'e and numiri'y ard rehae us Mam in pica I. ... , . . . , r -m !!irUI m ano. 1 n.. mir mana'es maty w 'h ae. Whrn 'ha'l e Sa-ain e nj .v to po I'lralrrjiinntv ao.lii -di-pmT;n'e 1 Onl, p"ooii a time and i maTlw- tiat e iaii a t Ihe T"inre i)fmr Uak-rraater XV" l.ani fr .m t'ic driver tht thv Ral. r'ifh ra e which carried ont tSe m' from thia tare i-n Tuesday list, in attemptinp in croaa e l haTe in Hand 4pH Crmn'r w ty-( f a - - w M ,imt., .. r I f-i.r,r,; 1 " L'cr d f J. i'.r t r rf fore pn intrtn v, wl lrh U f ri -jtancr we hs re only mule short . . .. .... 'ifxr.a t'T the arsainti t eeiv4. dn n the afeam bv tbf ranidit v if the enrrenl fme nftheborsra v.t drowned aid the balance ml aard bv etit'ine the S ar loo.. The at are. iter rlpif ma; dnwn the ateeaii a e inaj,rrble 'j.v,nrr, lHt d a'it at w timer. from i.rrxe it .(hiaine I the njxt dav ', tl. 'Pj'd ui'tepirrd The .aTrsm if ri!y swellrd 11 d 'a a vrn rtjid oae The drir attritxitr 'it fi;,.i're to ttt" the a'rram ta one nf b.a h" S that emd.t not swim, and therahy entanf led he ret in their eeae hh preveitel thra f.om samirciri mitanh the rsc. We. of fo"t. rj'itece, received nnn-of thy Noetbrre pv,rr vIikIi we gel by the Hal-'-sh rail Stare, and indeed by hf Ihe rater foaher comr ll at route. W wadesatard that sn oeilrr ol 1 Court baa b ea (ranted te conttrweta btilfr arross the ecuaury runuc JSOTici:. -TnirTir,r.:Tr.Trrrr-- Itiu iiuui 111 cnnutirr are rei 0 . , rafalrv informed tharTnarvfn.f.n- in l.x lists from the 2d till the Gt AViaT..,; j.,H. , i2 J?g6 , ;. M.rjh, ir,el,ive.-the Law panic . Mon UluU3 UMTul l.y require, , ha, : they de.ig.ete the ,N a B t' N I M N t L f N n A H K 1 r " ' tqoaron which thr.r lot. are auu-r, 'TO m of 0.,.d fh t u.U. as al.othe number bv which they are 1 -d o.her prop,,,,. jit9 s '. " i l.twinrr j. .-ujbrtiitttd as the form of Jh pu'd. be it daily visi tti by tp- . the tax I'm for t:ii yewr. ' i!ist, ah .r funds ttr Rru-, who . j . i . ' ' .T" i .. .1 are deairini. ami .r. . .e .Icrri I IMM MP r. . . - J mt- .....-:r.-..VLj.'jj'iUJOn r ' i . r i-"i" imrpir. led or unimir-nvrd.k. is.t . iMnrl. I I Aiiiji' . 1 r-n '. T ' 1 t - . r."Mr.:;Tfrn Mi .oma i Administrator's SALE.. . -" intcil (none at reaaujiaU i avcureiU-awciuld in.. a j ' ' ....wai ai u anasneattf money in any ws, nrovi.ld "r,t,B" ' no wish in :i it- poly othTuirrlr ,. .in...... I . r.iwniMnia VfatP' TASrCTSITCasSAUvillEV. h.vin,rl"nr?i'WJn,ereilfc'T.e-. J "rninis:rred upon Ihe estate cf Al oxnc Hail, dae'd. late of Ihia muni, all! I ms .crorrlanee whit the proruion cf the i "1 d, ' pe o the Ttrtitr.- . - li.i ... . . . Jber b mail, . an oi aiieniuiy in sucn f strs made and , - - wr eceiiry . proytdrd, ripm to 1.U on Wednead! ln.,0irmkU, J inirmrtion WconpaKJed" .ha Inih A.m..t . lh sn advance retaining .nv.. i.. . . he I6ih iLv .f March r ---- - - J- - miata ;be following preprny to wit i VaW 8ttn In WltkeaSorn', N, T, an Tlmrsilay sviKht the 13Us tual,. fetaa f hawheth Vsntroy,- cimwi't pf J i.-l Vanoov. r.wl in th 31d mv nt k.r an. . , - - -- - - - - - . - ' . a . . . l.l 1 . I. v.. . ' M. .. a I i i. fi i U.ih. n..a iim. I W. . .1 . .....'p, .....'. u.n .... ov.u. if II I. Ik. .t.. t . mat. If known, a paatine tnhwta of reapect to hi f memory, will not be vnmented. in feet, by three who had frrsjueat oppot uuities of w.l. ' .v. : . . .,! t ... . . ' . nr-mng '"c unwi rcau'i uuurs aotca aoe aa rafted on to perform, she araa Conaidrrrd in man) mpecta an eatraoedinary woman, llaviof eejoyed but limited advantages in early hfe i though powaeaaed of anaind d srnmir.a i.iR mind, and a vijroeotta lalelleet, u iitrd to 'he moat unt'ieina; indnafy, and a natural apt. nvaafor baaineaai she appearad In atwrnottnt . . . ,f ir.ii. .K.i ,mmmj iia.tr. ..j . . i... -a"" 1 , au iv above every ebwert with an ea and faihty prtprritotwa ta tne mimoer ene i sn ineneoun ... (.. v.. L.a. . .1 ,1... k cZr' Jlortrt, Caltlf Host, """Shop, a qianiitiy ol Corn, Wheat and Oat, one four wheeler. Carriage and HancAs, ooc W.gjjon erd Oeaa, f4rmii,K Uunsija. Household and kitchen l urniture, or tOOU Wti.ht bf baron, wi k a M..-.ll ... M Libtery well selected, wraor varloui otuer articles not enumerated Twylvr tomb's credit wi: be Riye n by ihe pur crir, s KltlOK tMd siiih anpioved secy r:y. Sale to continue frourdjy to day till all is sold or disposed of. JA3. c. MtCONNAl'QIlEY, Admituitrmltr, A'camecry, Ftb. 834, till. 1 , I'; Toe NVeroe hhdHKlrj fo the lboseXaUte, 17. or II in nvrnberrMsu, Women and Cnildren will be hired "on lheame day with the above property. They will he hired from that time till the 1st day of Jmu.rv. 111!. R.md .ht. Aprofed ruri'f will bf rf Quired. " - - - - - - - - fi Runaivmj ON the 10th of epmbrt Ust, from my p sat at Km la Jotvra rounty, two n frura, one Mmed WASIII.NtiTOM, sbowt 27 years of ajre, a erv bei(ht wnilstto, on one of bis hamit there ia rar ortaaionrd by a a.. . I.. .k . ... . ' . . " ' va..ga not ajamv and endeavor to mm Utrlrrm v . k.. . - - - - - . . - . . ... wmri named JnUN, a common maUtlo, about Jt, jeara w afe, very ntr',rrnt, he S iJ! probahl) n!ie naa trO a diar Onanlata haauand and ( nu a. lk. ...... ..t i ..i.: . . ... ' . . i ...... ... ., ..Mgi.in, anq cnaorr area little chikJrvn, la wUoae proan-n'y am! ins tsanv. 4 reward ol 2i D,,n.M .:n k. a'vanenswnt la Ufe, she bad rVrvrded herwlf Joe the dv live ryot eilber by any J.d. ot",. a iih ilia a aria J Ir.L In nvnu ra l!ii inva.nkl. I r.. ak. lm. ith uiwearied seal, to moire their iervperabhr ...... ... . iera nut wt i orai retemoer, inr. eona themr!ve with the redeeirasv, tbat sa te ways aJ IImici ara dark ant taaautii. la t. . k ilat to reatft" ihewaaalvrs te i'S ditoenastrma, . " . . I itaiv to rraura tM-Malvrs te i'i diSpena.irma, arross Iht .Lha.-rrd oscibrf n. sort is ia a, ihat theit Ums aaar ba Ur wr.l I ... j ....vai. i . raofvtthe.it. JAMLH I.4MAR. fklaW lo4. 42,f IO The Ceorf ian, Saraneab tse Te'et eope, Cohiaibia, K C. and UkbtrHmd rKnii. rr, are requr red te pubbab the above weeVl wttd WrWi.l, end ilt4 forward tbOr aerm,ts U i- Milatt. I, ' a r w.fh .n advance re.s.nin,, olBce fee o or glO-poataKe in etcry inaiance lo U 'GEO IV. EVERITT. tl.. R,,., Srsv:d a'".",A"r' nd GeorRu p.pf ?j ,he one m.min and send In their tan- . . r J. 11)1 ... mau or .VorlUl-.urtoUuft;- morSmirijLuw, D H.r ly. Dfe.ilU. CbrUien.f Ale,,. Utbiscase Itappearinj to the .ai,f,e. ' !KM Of Ihe Cou-t Ihat tka A.t.A Ou tl. r, . n oelendmtt Reuben, Tboma,B,Ml end Lah.nH.r,y. ' Ihefrhde ordered that pu:ra,U made weeks InlbiWi..... 7 w .a.-..i i , " vaioiinisn. nerior Lnutt nf t . - . ... -.7- .r.w s- neid ttf thai T" coon,, o. D-eldtra, ., ,fct Ccmim HcH, J 'be 4h Moi.daslnM.rehrtcxMr.dplsad nwtr or drrottr. or ih ..J.. '. : . " in ii gaj :i r ""n'viitr, L-trk or . it iUM !, ,f M r r " the 4h iMotKla, .mSeptemher. IIJo n. ir. E ! Ntiviilv . . , ' " k-t- c. s , JYoticc. WILLbehirfdonS.tutdsyiheli.h' March. stih l.a ...Sj ... . a ... 7 - .iniutms ei Matthew lckedre'd. all th. tteKro-i te lon,in tolhe e.tJ1,eonaU,lnltnf ., w v....uKu , rpcii m t,.. months will be e-iven with tw.nA ..i . . ; proved secnrlly. Those Indebted to tnei' aiste are requested to torn, h,mtri, -settle their account, ifld mik, , . I lb rk Stat) kaiealama al-IM. - . t - iti k "hst estate ill ptr-ent th rn W adiustmr nt V 1 1 tun aiia.a.... aVMa . . a 'H U'.f fc. t I

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