'4 ' - e. I the tU;f i;;usof cuiK'Sd..-- , V.y J 4 Juan, f rtr effj-miitu in KU't.ltrrvi'U. . . '" Vin you fr- bue s-ae. v : To t'je !;:, Carr;;'.;.'.. .. be fcold it in the st -raw, A-' id rirb .wine in the bse-il; -Ybr th i'mmqr.J aj fhy, J 1 ; ' '.Are spkrk'iritf ' tojji'hrri ' Jb3 tlia. i?if'ttn aw, wi' the' boj .-." .-, From 'h.ir il'iiiert' ..i.'-.' SYill you gte, WeeV ''' '''i ' To the jriM fe rVnjr mnuntaia i . s., . To the root vhidv rroveaj v' ' t 1 o tli b(bl i(r fount!! . Where youth, hi 1 ,h and beauty, Vriiich biuw one ta aniibcr. :--'---Vill Vmt jrae-,-lae- ?ae, : -,-;..j.ri : : ' To the" clear TullajjMwe i : ' ; Which nn Vh (Uliijbt, ; ," XJ''ln wi'h 'heCineeei ' . . , ' Vhert love and where frieO'ldiip . " Strive onr With he ithcr:' " M'hkh mav Kit e nn df licit ; v To the ju or tbt bl ither. j Will you k'. I' ?'?t -;Jr; Tatiiel'vlv tweet wateri Where the rnil4V bloom f Where the jci'id p'.-anff quarter iVhere the fr.V fcl'iom of naime, '' 'Ad'jrM'etery ' " . A"l vmirir l"t in h't ariorta, . With tar rutiTc inide (tally. T " a JVill ou tf, lwwie car, " : TothebuldJ ifinjrf 'U"(i ' Wbef-'wirt it m free 1 -I A the mtM o'er each mountain 1- yUr i,.hM Vi.it the f It.-nn V rre (ht- rail of his c.niirtry t ' y mer UH Ind him. . T' fl'f ba;.V r i he riven ' , )YH-re Ihr t-ou' r.hnke 'he ttrcasa, .4A.'---WVr.tbert.Ti )e44Eji-Wl . Kh'-re wet'th and whe e 4cici.ee. " " .V" t'nitjry 'hrir JOyfrO. .. . Jit!! rifo-luc new deli;ht For itiv Wie rax'h hour. Will you fae, lawie gke, W i'h vour Harm rdent luvox Xf'ut hmt cd you, fir e, Who will loe you for tver ; lYill you eie to hit co?, And rrpty hi drvotimt ; Wh't with you in hi arn, nvict ia prinou ki nortion. . CARU1LL iUlYHiL " ; .. TO THE A JEiUL'AM SN'QY-BIUn. "Je'ri'TWhitrtf Amerit re- rai teiira no jig ")T2Jt? '1' : R V A . f 1 J lKcirT'y liV h hanc r nin 1 it- Uiat - fv. iJa the tiftt approacn fi svinter. atulxl the farmhouse, jpnarrntlv driven bv ihc InciemencT i f theweathrr to rour tl,e a icictv of man. Whcucr it corner, ...to ne c' trlf, anii wiiijicr it g'M (f7r ;Jti.Stt U wU'r .' . CP.'ranie,) Ver, Channl. Inrteisa ir, nriR 01 mo.i inch U passes a-.rus the nii 'd, len ; a. If C I fhr Wr-k ami dreary Un Uc ipe, dr ier(rd bv all ftHc lc ants l ihr jir, it nlv rnlivened with ti e pre. ' ce f'f the m-tumful Snoir.IUnt. Y-t rvrn, i i ti c biarrest wrathrrj hr 1 alwav p,ay aod l.vilv; a d the "fjrs.dl I n nt thr wT-enefr rmi4 4m aecit to have rtn sudJeninjj cfliCt iip-.D i i ihrrrful heart, Jr" di'tant litr-es, which none ran ttU, In d 'St f bricht ami changeful hue, Tn rV.-TetrTeentaale Jia iirr cd b iome t" he, in realuv, . . . JCr- JV SeV-4VrTT? .... , . . , . I his one hIso mrcis ' (xl u a sij.'e -iT5 r.t'f.: t Jtiti' th ' h,rl'.rt,1,V 'h,a! M ,l i:",8 h' f,. Ud.i.h : A, MiIiimi ," alM. mter B'SH """ ..rr.,t,Mepo. r, ,hf MjR, ,lnr (m (i, k. l&t&fSiZ&Z ua Urrn aoadtniy au.i tot.reiv v . ... IWel-on. t;. ,,. And... M... '...--Ti-U. ..j; w. t ' J ti,e b,rd beloved 10 -ell, ' V ncn chihlho-d't Itourt around me flew. ---- g-re, tv-rWW. H-n u-t . Twe (-v t. Id and tree. Jh. ir Wtv are -t h him, if 'dt koJ gav a tiMt.nl a the. J . J tar wit that laf bin; 2Ti',2, Ita blur -bird mrs-.tgrr mty o.n ft '. b but tore, to bring - - The tno--bird 1 bat alt lm n flow oft, ia chil-hood tliiihow k-M-, I'vt ttstrhrd thee ' the'ik"!' t 'ie ll.Jog ibet hm the rwhlrtt -'-r-, Till eml "" ahoukl brraihe ajcain, pi I how 17 -u'hhl eye wouUl ifain 1 fnrtu'ingt" 'be aaywtrd ntekf . U i- l'e t, ee.l 'be atiscttv graio, - - Tt b'if thy wowdtfiiig piuion back I tc. gen'e b.rL I miml the lima Tu'ViV ti-orted round m w. ij iweal, Tbaugitle uf ev il, -f eri ,) $ f.ra-rd, it wouU ecm, y fc to greet- 4vi4 f. ediig with cotif. l.ng at.), On tiay cmirN I threw la ihre Jgtrv ha, tae-e cruel, to baua Tbere brekdie. I in eve lasting iWeit Unknown, but f. )t uneen. bn beard. He clo'.hes esch free, He tint each Cower, Hit rra protetU my tUrlinj bird. Let winter come wh'h stormy foice;.. Let snow. real's crown the highest hi'V He bids thee in the atorm rejoice, . He ee protect, ami feeds thee s'UI. ICyles S; : JIcennn IT KhPECTFI'LLY' inform the, public that jH. they t w ni. i e their fall tupply of which will be fouwul, as usual, large, fashionable and-cheap " ' -, ' ..---'.,'- ..' Rrohihiytfo, - Groceries, . . Citssrnrrrs, Ciitlery, . t4'Cii$intti ' ' v . Qneemwaret Saddlery, CONSTANT Em;d j ment and" ifuod wages will he jivfii to n fint rate TI.Y PUVrn Workman - i.f tea!y ami inJjtriou Inbiis, one ho is ucutionicdto rK on Tmn i Machmni. 1 . I.MKL 11 . CttKSS . SaHibwv, Oct), 1830. . : 41tr rW"T TO DANVILLE. "T"MI1S Stspe vill leave Wjrrenton ev . erf . Tuf if and S juf dsy . iO V'rlork P. M .rtivt tr OxlOtd ame (Uy : Leave Oxford everv Wtdne(ly and Sun lt .'.L j 'r'' k A M .ind arnve ji i.m ville at 9r tl smt d-ys Lrave l),ni villi-evi rv Mmd tyatid ThHthy i J a A . mm. o - Ik k A M. nod arrive it citron o 8 A. a .futtti rt V a iw -? me? - le ve Oxfrt'd ' 4 o'rtok A. M. t vety Tuesday jinl Sa'urrt andanive ai Wttrentoti -in - - north to I terboi L'. .iu.i-jLoiiiexam.b.tnE?.. vjrtr " ml Imli'irs tuan mojt rotitrs-in toe s m hern country ; and hr romfni aod rrrrTrrrtrnrrir't' Trm-nurpisTf-di VeewrMi tuvtllii.jj to P ie ibui Kahmoiid, or inv lai-to the n- riii ran enter the aiae dt f.i.iltf eiihfr M mri, or Thurd.y at 5 A M arrive st Mii" n 8 o'clock ai'd st Vt rt iiton ncx' d.iys in lime Joi the tg unit t n)i'hid ai d dtilve at !V 'rrsAiu1 1 W, diicsday nd U'djy by 3 nVloi k P. M Thus p riDiminj; :hc i''i'e f 177 Mile ii thrrt dyv l : I 'ice i 1 -VW'" """ ."-r. i - t 1 t . t. m ta- ,4-tu l 4tn-tu. Y'Hk in six djtslioui LLutillc or Miiioii. Pr r Mii.s . t ri UUfi souih c an h ave Pc a. . U... . "t..Mi.ia. . V . . 1 I nnuiii;.-STcif.xiim.jj.iiuu.4.r.urjui,. u-Me 10 uxe me iy,t 'o .mil on or u ,.i .nttrtcc....t;.Wre0.0rv the -..ii - Min d ily line running ''irth or ijnu.ti It ahn meetsahe N'.,ik hoe too Mm frrsbnronKn .ml tl..li T-x N. C IVrsoos travelli'n; nortii wto do not wih m o .hn-rr.er.h.K.r.nKin,hit line to V1.. mr,,, . i,.K ,,f s K., ,, m Lnuhbura V. i.d ur.o her lfm K.i-m. t. twtre a ie'k whii'ti cstrmS r.i4 M .1 ar,thn. tiiltidlctown, -ti.(t.tUU Uc. 11 the S"h The PmprW pleura himsrir ' ' ' ' " -". i.i..n...r-, .,: la.e tftms, vvber rnt il-tverv ; trnl bt lheo incii'i hvpes to ubtit vh.ro p.'ifin.c I ... r lrrtl ".ntn'ori td Dinvtllr SS.OO Ail H .)C and Parcel ai the li.k of the o nei. jam r.s w. jErn.r.Y.s. A HM:T tn- h rf He ftmher. 1830, t Ntirio Wi.m.n he th t.-i,.. ..f - '1 V ,V at M rSt - . r i riiin it ii... i.- , 1...MH. H1 -I '' I I a.' Mji The atagei il ke S ..hnry every I . . , t IrrilHIVV III VIA tiel P.rU, .f M.mhk rooms. H.i.n.h . 1 is urge ni.ca vonue, wtiu ri, .booni 1 es't ti' ice. middling thirl lint, and at near aa iiciolitci, aiU-U kcr oti her lei' ut. tt'henahe vtni.w. .he hadnn white homespun frock, and caniid wnhl hif a caliio, and on other rixk, not ie fidleciid. An persons itkinc up said nev' n omn 1 l Induing hei in tt jail to iliti I can getter (hill be hand-'melj fe- aided, ai. ft i 1 tjr itid. i.i.u!iai.i:t halm. Jatio 0 II ar fvanfy (i turpi. More Vcvj siiuYXUea rnnnT f 1CKE TT fj MIL r, . ... " "...: -- i ti...-.- u i.i;.Kpv. nlnMr fctfc!t if Xew Style, Fancy and Staple ' rrmthvi '.: - ; ,U,,,,U3' auitcd totn rail a-i v,nieraeaons,purcncu. in Philadelphia and New-Y-jrk, of ibe latest rad pb.a and Ne-Y-(rk, oflbe lateat ria.; i.Portationt, wbicbey.w,ll8ea.owat an. inporwinro, wuiciv.incy win acn a. vw .... GOODS can be had in tbii part of the country (il)OU can be had in tmt pan 01 tae wumry Thev fetpeettully invite their customer and toe ortwent, bear prices, and judge for them- kind; of Pantile taken In eichanffe for Good. ' N. B H fif L have a, lot back pf their Store oraviJed 'for the a-commmlariun of r.petv sons ridinK . iff ;fow with Racks and froUgh 1 u.jiivcm. cm iu unuiiifi iciuiiiji .i " --".. TTrflK'h.P. CPX' lahnr' ... . , .i tn.Lir-ll-l.l,fl!.)rm!mi;ii9W.iun i k:... ii.. ,i.uii..hu.rr,.i hi SHOP, to ihe bui!diK f irmerly occupied by Lowry and Templetou, and more recviitiy by iie . tnropi in. a a i anor a a:r.i ; Min street, the west tide, a ft-w doors from the Court House, in the town of SJisbury i' where he is prepared o .execute' all dctci ipMon of after the. neatest fashiona, and on the short :st notice; and is prep.irvd to mub.' all ki.nl of 'lothinir in fi'-st rate rvlc, fiavinr in his eoipluy i or rven first rate orkm n, ivhich j eoahl.'S him ti do work on the shonest ivtiee. I lone on very moderate 'rr-Tts.' Ml orders' from 'a distance fir work, wiM be TBI' IF. Nirtttand account oi A. lone-xe.an.i and wiihin the shortist M-ible time. ' ! nfO. I.. Torrence, for collect Urn , and I would P. S. lie has just received the Uit fashion dfiae tlioi- in-.trcstcd.lo on him 'irr.-e ten from Philadelphia ami ;.VewrY-rk v. Jiir.'.i will ilav,trforr Mav tlourt. A. TOftllENCE. enable htm to muke finfc Coata, JSicr'atcr-tbef:;' ilptt 130. . - .; -. most 'approved vvi".' )$ - j : '''"' ' ;''v-'-; xtr , . T- Satiihur,. ,'lprd ISlh. 1330. UoUOU V1U MftWltt. 4 ouantitv of ifnd U'alriiil. r,.v and CTt. A d Mi!e. iAa ik. ftr u liich a liiira! mice. ' , ci, will be given Apylv to ALEX.. bTLi a k it (.F.-mtir: FitAI.EY. N. B. Two or tlirje J in'n et ni'-H u. th:- Tub- '"TTnrT - Tiijixi'ir nTTMiTBT-'-iT T-miT--tiT,TT,Ti,;-TTrt- -fT'' :.. .c. t...: - k...: ... . t ....... -,. t ii uic nunnii; V 'i'i i ' i v" A 15' H NO CD). FltALEY. " ITT " iftjft.lir Jen " 75A"! TTT. m-'VriJ i)U.VYA VlesMLVvV ACIf Hi Pckn II -ok contiin iiiff apvards ol Ooc ! landre r utv I) illf in y.iH, t g--;h. Xtes antl Ucceip's nuJ no.1 with tes antl Kcceio's u l ,aCi .i".i.ti 1 - t i.T r-.t. - tt Aaa.-5iJUDc Juiuairj'i.3..i.'.a. int. - ivii - - L dii.2 irom Vj 1 m II d ic'.N ; Tb : m as 1 II : .V'i nS .n r . hu.h ..Tu .m . s ! . m . A .IV - L a f I i rw. vrM4 4 -Uirr 1IU4, Iftfh ,ir m rnlu.? ,,, thr . ., ltiHta.t. 34- -T" " ti) tTu" irm f .'ttl rcV 'Vt " rir"ir)'VV rc rl- . ''"' .'J LI. ' J.v i F hr"ar" IH . i v vi 1 A MnA QUltl a tVIIS' a r.HlC.H .1 l.tl". ST.Klt. t lull. Si. JTt'Ftt iJii' af-vnrrinrnl, tin- ti'r twtre a wkek. a't ! j-ts t!innih in t' '' rr v The a-etn'.twlii'i'.i- it e ! Piwmren -ho -e mr, ilin 'rom Klcic!i I" j to " Te.ine.e. rr S.mth of S.Uun.j will find fint to lie the n. r, 5, (i.r4rMt .ii ' ni.-v rt.e.l.li..ii reutr W, .t ..f (h. P t. i eneit who are 'etieliingf-em SthViry Norh.l ol 8kI 'hi ronte, the - si- ot Knlcijli in I Ps-ter-Hjr, tw-W IW . turareai, chMpet mil etpe,ti!iou' rtie that en He t,vri?; d the Nmth. bv lao dj. luvrrerr iravru nut rum iio-n sjim u'v, rtv toe 4 ri Rileil(ti ami Petealiure, lo U imf-tini 1 . ill go it infiie lUmtiJ ail! tloip thri c i..h:i oit ol fle all 111 ht. The (Vmeact ir wi'l le.l,re li.nrelf to ke-rp Brit rate Mail Cotrhel and mnl vntU K ,r and ihircrt ,A Ihe het kind, anil he will ijisrr eo iiaimTn IrvlnirTTfrii i lrr lli.iw- 1., "r..iV.,'1v - htm, ennvfn-t.hle. d sfr 'he,irh hn ruite "Ser b" sie unerqu.mted nub tl. mute, willM-C'HTHtt. hy a-vh.atiimal Mr. jf. tmn-s it.Mel. ih H.!,.,. an.1 .1 Mr. AV.ir.au. . . ' s,'"Vf tbntl. in salu.urr. 'Vr. nea-Uv and SatimUi. at 8, A M ami -eri m a. .. -.. t.- v .. Wi -ill k.', U ,7. rt. o U.-l. I.- i . " - ' T 16 satotflav at n. i. m. ami arrive al Haliabui) everv Thnrvdav nj Su.uUv at 7, P. VI UEOttUK WILHWls. C...r- .wiia, ls o :j,r lae ot Vtirth-i'aruUutt, ITvilli lacvrt. SufH-rior Court of tsiic, oiTosaa lam El.r,.NoRKilKKlSw. H.l! Hubert.; r'etitt.m .w Ih-.rr ,! Uinum,. It i. .onli.dbytUe ei?H ,h,. ea. it ee ll at rwblir. On m he Hetrra imn d anaat lure, rmu.il,, , h. H,.. 'inaa amJTlk,H ami t.ttwb. J taiawb. J'.im.l, ta kclt VnfKK tt. 'he Jrhrmla.it appear a1 Court i4 In b hrl.1 Female School. rsri'IE subscriber's ris noaannw nrjioot. J. (withiiMine-milf jjiJIdlf.-MV.) is opened -.-.. j... .t - ....ntum 01 Scholars; I erm t bo.r i mil u n,'- . tuition, ! ' ano1'" j - - j c. ,.,k. r itnl in scliomr-i win i. ro.Ms, A t n nerind of th tfsU'n, ani !AHnLtt I'be cor f atudtet will be m fmprchentre iinnili.!.it with a thoro'ieh .instruction tn . . -..-..t brnche 'rtruc,;0 be provided far such at de ,n(truction be pr, d lh. f"nchU3 . . . yu; pontine and ne rrenci u ... ,;fr. ch,rtre4 8i61 fh usu4 eStr4 c,rge. 3ioi, & w ANDF.RSON. , - r.i t . : U rrTiTi ihur.V. "THlE Subcr.iet mum their IhanM ; I i0 the lublic for. the. liberal patron .lfH ...-nded to Thei': Tailorinj estib 1 akm.ni in t Jniirnrfl. aiitl UCK ie Tnffnr'ftreitrtniar I tulTh ieh nvrwr-xxf ; wm , Warh TWv reirularly receive ibe laieit.t njtcb. I hey reeuuriy r r , .,' . , .; .i u... t. 'l4shmns from l hiwdd )hu, anc np ihey will not only be aMe to turn out "Oi wjtri lin.uch, but be also aoie toimu i oatm a neat ana eicant "T- ; ft rm s will bo Bctominodaiingi 4ihvii efforts to .pUMo. Untfaing. Ordei IVom a distance' shall tnutl the "l0, prompt atien'ion. Cu tinR of A descriptions will he (lone at thi ir -ior immi-rli t lv on appiii-a'ion. Concord, Frb. ,11 th, 1831. 58 f ' """n . IF M.i.f.'n r nvpectliiHv infi.rm lie ci'i- -zrti-ii JHvidMh-n4 lb 4iceiiUyiUii ti. s, thf he contiiiUft to carrv on, at liu s mp I Lexington, 'he bus'-ne ol Making; COT i'O.N t.lNS, nurd to anv iii.i.iulac'iirrd in the l n.tr.l S''M: iudi-ed. his tiinit are inferred to t'l tTi i . by" 'mre fnnirJ a rr'W ' trotihotit a l'.e X- tint ..r K.i i.ii It'. T.i-iec ftha!l he aa r. jsiit. .)v".).iTir I"' - .' :.. .1,. c. ... j- . :rn.....r, - - " . Ml rTi.V n.utl.e-ili-i the sborint posrihieiirW!. ;,;ii' mr .,f i.V.t a ill be ! on the .liort - est iwiice. and in 'i.- .;ost sabttantial manner, bv iHr pob-teV htotilit- s-rva, HFS'tY ' I IN'JAM 'N - ;r 1 , f ir tnli'Tili ' illi l fill fC ' ill.. t'-tC tmla'-l "li'ili r a "iiii'tii r uf irue. fur w'lich the ""s1 lS.-rl pi n iM be gnen im 5-h. Hi" iii'i ht t urn I 11 "salifhiirv a :.ll '1 r.i 1 h thiwr wVomis'i I 1 full lO'l ire liini. ll ;t"t ra addM-CH d ;o hull I.Oin a -ili'-HiCC Wl I t--.- . -11 -- uacprumtiiii a'ltnit'J '.n... .. t'j 11 " Kr IK- ,-vway'v M f : -W-- - - ) Stntp lf V r.efi rsteHii ii H. Superior C:!ii t of Isnc, r,i.t. ih l 1 ..---. f AMR ft, Wtil j LEY w J ma:!-n.nL."hrl. Priiin'n I ir I'lvur1. In Out cif ii to th.- v 'sr'i"n t ilic rim,- j 'in- 1 f ndatv 1 i t. itil !!ic firr T'a ..f ih. .t.. m ... r.., .' ... . r..i t .1 ..... tir.ll'in hr m.ii'e fur !h.h ninn'i ;mcri'viM 1, ' J '')' tYrs't rn Cir'i'i' ian ai.il Miorrs md Fit in. r- Jua .i. i 4t l.i.u . ..uu cur 11.1 "i:-'cr nr Civil to he fr'd f r ,l" r 'itnM rf t ' M eV!..t.,ir;. 'h' t T ri l. titi- i I'tur'.-.n, t I a eh '! ',n 1 -;i.nn "( r m iie.r.'trt"tlic m,, ! i on the r-'h VlitmU ! t-r I'.r 4.1 Vlr'n (ll I I'c I'.t'n.n. o. t( 1 ne v 1. 1 he ' i'ii ".ri r ni 1 1 '"dhif.l i;i'r. " '!. s. S.,-.... I ll-r. - ! I v 1, tl'-r'n 1 f 1 nr I i 1 ,- v I ic I it,. Y 6'h 'il i' ! st-i-r.h- 5 ti M 1 tn 11 '-t 1 ; t.il 1.. s V i. ' 'i1' .'' . -, , f i 1 f't. 1 , 1 .1 1 .V17 ; t Cn . i l 11 f I, hue, j l" . 'LI 1 . ' ! 1 J. ' .1. : r tmvns "N-.; t ... i,,, vP...,'. r. .'. I ti'ion l-r Ai.n .... I .-. re ! 'i. t 1 "'" " " r- ,!'' .'' '' hr m, I. ,n ., " v..-..-r. .. . i- t . ,i. 1 ;( ,. ,,. 1"- 1 Vf" ! m : v ' "' ' "' ' r -t 1 ..... r j 1 i . 1 1 . !.( tt'.r t.,j-.r 11 i..ri.jh' '! on !., r,! 4 'i ! 11 t "i ' . ti '.. v, i' ) ! . ' 1 a.l ner 1 ' Uw 1' f of l.'d I t-ie7. 1 I 41. I 1il;'- 5". u::.x.t 1 1 " - .. , , "' ' " F.. I JUVt)7S .HlCt4 f Ft, Sf.N u. -11 I . if- 1 I. et-n--tr , nn h- I h : ric m.n, t,, ' I..- i t. 1 ji In, nn. ! . ' u '. 1 1 . I r,i. SVm l'.n- ( t r"V I ..J 1 ... . .. ' lhfM .1 ll r It r t 1 ..r ' ...ci j H .,,11 ,r, , '( , "11 a II r. 'i r', .- 1. I I V I I 1 1. . e.'n. I-.r -I, p i .. t uKe hni , . 1" ' - w i! t i .Ii. rt. j i.l ', j. i tftiHlan, .V I, in I. ' Mt I ht Oil l ,'. 1 Dnn".': in ' ,' . v. nru.i.fi.d 1' i. .. In t.ii 1' tka II.M frft .K.-v rt .... . ' j;-? I .. . .1.. .,1 " ,. ... 'r " V I r'. " .A7 fc . '" :r""': th' W.Ltheu.Aas.,,;'";:" ihrlter. A't.rVd 1. !!, V.'.L in.' 1 - lire .N'o Tariff of Wvcts r Ff-EK TRADR. ' Kftrthenvcarr, -JjtmMns V.hd TSloMs3. IftTTTioTv, x' hiworkrs, 88 rtr- . .V,0. il t FEIlfortale, ,tle l, anJ2: ttfe Nef York mtrk.r ,i!K:,d nr ,cl1 very-style ,m! wt , f , :e"?f,l They return ibeir mottjsmliaj tb,k, to for thu-ir r, lawl to j,i, "a comu.iu ., A B,t trade, rt mainly tmuuiab!e to the jC ' uf 011 Southern friend that we have fc I- ' abled til surviva thiw far, in ihim.Mi untiiin expiweJ to the combined '(j .' ' , MpitamtUewholejr,nd,o,!nrfti: oar rumia-id .expulsion fr,, busiLi T. pkdire ourteh-e to our (rU to e-ive m f nMelflrjCltaccrrtnce and Wtv.J- W-be their iriead to eXT, o,,r beWft" trust the cause is one they are1 all inier and tnuch be-icSt ,,11 irii-iHuv mi in Mill way. It h ,, " Combination b,k t . the. price, ihis is true. ,t tt, mV foe. -,ii an,, whvlu"i:!:& change; hot we do ai-ur, oor frl(.,k(lu .1 "r-.: otirtJ UHF.IAI.I..C.U lricjs were we in a ..i. distance than at tl.e S-; combiriilioii tit mon .!.... ,. i " lu.1 tried for tftM!r " ,.n" .nk'w vivc i the old aitem : (,? rJi. . ;"M are ailed in evetV Axne " CiUr"- var!ids:, l h-oPP, d in .eV -1S ,jr,,h'1 .n.ea.sHrefT,c,f,u,(,intiT,ldueif; or iroV.le which the malice of mentouffr ve tv" nppM'fi '"'m "Ki"ti d-,e os. We once m-,re cs!l upon every of a free trail, to come to ottrstml, w pent oHheir h ! raljly. . j J' noff'vc JjiJrt:ta;.t ty ... NY A II rJKPAriTMKsY" naxiinqtonYor. 17, 1830. J" XL M-rfttHt-' tt- rflmnii !.... ! ClairtK. h,i ...! .... r . . n mil v- j.i i i .....v i.'iii.i iiir i-iiuiim..... r... ...i... .. . "inn hi vytft i '7'", vijn (Iiirjri'i ih a-tenti,io wi!l. In f... i 'nM M . "i' :l A "er.ti .1 jare L, n i ihe li-pjrten or r v I!vt ' Cor as-resptcta'ile pewna bv tome one ah a , know-i. '' " i Xittce..iif :liia r. w(Nii.w U fJ'., 'hat ,av he i.,f. r., ,1 7.eJ 1 1.1 , . . ' ' '. '" "reotM t u"","cr or law of the !ir.iiet, . .. ' i'i-'ti 'ne tame, in '' 7' n-pectiie 1 c month. ily order or tir Irr.retnr, ' War ' l.h'.ViKDv SrntM i'.... .... r ": ik ,r '.'. u. ' ..... . . l ti.i.i i t.(r) Win,'. 1,4 ' UVi A .1 i i,i v .44-, . w, m, ,-! Javj., aUou ..J cr.fjt, hvy '.g-j ,t m .in, ;.,t!;n rrv l..a. k, tj nir S;ktf i:iJ y -k. t.-i -,r on h Ht; ir r. s ptjyji .Irliv,j.,n I,,-, l ,e tl,r ,!i.im-,a.aa bj n", or 11 l .,. n .. ii in .,.,1 i,,i .iwt 1 1 f . I .''l.1" xmy MWt'IJ. (I. t'.vaTfi'i Aim ir I J8.ll. s:t U'lch Uet miu, far 6t. AjTrV r5',r- "hv.-tihi r Uvi ,g jSeul tt -'SI'J " ,'"",,r '" 'be Wft itlit- Sirs 4 . -a-at "-. V - no l-1-ri iv n the F-kt ' I !-;' h'i.a..'a Crk, ficeei Ir 1 .ti 1 i til liu.n ! 'it , 'a ! Ii niin fV ' ,a- p ni - l '1 .r.' J hi n n t 1 1 t!,, Ii l r i ' c 1 . i ' i I lN ,) , 1 . I'h re .1 .Svut .'' VI, ill 1 f k;f ' 1 - .'.! ) 1 .1-rll-; ;e . :n- n 11. -i r i! pTija' h'.i. 11, 1 at J ...'.US FOvTtf. 4-i.f ,'l'l. "I il i'i. ., .' K ' - ... 1 i."", "' ' .11 m ;n 'ii - .! Ci 1 I r. 0 ' : ' . 1'.. . ; rn 'itr I'lirl ).' I !".-. i in Ii 1 I iivir 'I rr.ii. I T I. ! ' ..11. t 1 1 ,t n . 1 '. ,. nri 1 1 tvc iuti'.a:it Ct-iv-Uc-MuJ-; 1 .r...- ... ... .. I ., v r.a i w M I, men it s.e " .11 v . r rd w r,s s m l tic f iven. :r 31. ' ttf. . , U2i .y-A-ilDa S V , I Uui ... f.V I . r .i ' .'" t .1 M c, i.e.jru niiO atiotl J y. ir .) tea' ' . 1 I.'k 1 n(e'r! .,T, it t -a , vt.ft . -.x-n tTvnrf ; .-. v '" ! '-r--" Jf trti 2 in. nc h.. 1, '-'CM 'V li'liil! h ""I S TV. ' I". 1 I ' '. l i vr t -i .ii 1! 1 i oe 'i f I. if. 1? 'T, cr It'--.. ; hi n ,1 ri.nti I rr i ne c .c, tnJ I 1 I li.e .0 Ji. . !.i ,1.1 V .' I-H II It. t . I V j 4 I li l 1 C .t Vu Mi- 1, ', . iv 1 ili IT "he 11 P live inf 1' n .'ili, w j .i.: vvnrw F.h T, 1 S 3 1 JO f.-' 77.W.V" txicvrin with ujfiiil''ft,N's AT THIS OHirf. IMOIHII ir" 1 1 f kt pt inlin-h f..f i'e it ihit gj luj.YirTiTi n u. . v lu'tTlALS Al IHW lltf'' 3 -.

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