4 V I.J 1 ?- It is even i.e to ab.ui,, frotB I,,, wbicllf howem w mJ jooJ . th(j ,enib"talic."rf i,yt uhkh find oo re.ponMwth.hart of tSWeitiasn, aad wUieB will b e,tde(1 whu Lud Ieinor$e The wUdom of w leUlly en in grafting laws on Conscience. IK tW.. i,S,rt at Ik LWM ,vi4rM. J , iiultomal l'er mlai or two rW!Urf ..It, it ...inf- Pirl"" '' ' al Ik .Tf - -4 fcK"tM .hi iMtil t ttlm forth Sril w.k,wl M ?JI cl lt r . ih.rnr. IMI JJ 4 .11 iriuA 4f W t (titan, iw IMjr Ml ti rtiri t. , 'A ' ' ; ' . ...Hi V cn'lRfiSPn.YDENGJZ. ii'lra fntfcti Saes. t ...,.,, j wMrot.. ruao the point,, that .-a--Jen, f.-rt-Oftv.-- B1), . .which was nw ' "tnnWunicated to yoa.-whkh-teari5 ja'ts long, after you occupied St. Marks, ind subsequently to the lime yodhsd drtermioed to occupyPensacola, (see 1 v'our Utter of Jane 2dl8l8, to roe, "published with the SeWmole docu ment,) could give yimWhority to occupy those post. I know that, in quoting the lettes, you could not in tend such ahsurbity to authorize such an inference j and I must therefore conclude that it was your intekion by the extract to show that, atthV time ;' ion that the orders under whichWou act. were intended to authokiie ihe occupation of the Spanish posts 1 Ntvihig could have- been more remote ' from mv intention in writing iheletter.v JheVw w wliich l' have'aUays taken of your orders, and in direct contrad.c ti )n to the President's message of the 2J.h Mrch, 1818, communicated but a tw weeks before to the House of Jlottr natives, (already referred to,) and which g'ves nKirrttif 0ppW1 r,nstruction to your orderr. in tact, the letter, on its fce, proves th.t it m tTrcintentio of the - Govero rre .t to occupy the Spanish posts. ? ferrnig to it, you will aee that 4 c..r! ,scd to the Governor a copy of mv orders to General Gaines, of the 1 Gth December, 1817, authorizing him to cr ss the Bpnth line, and to ai: tck the Indians within the limits of Florida, unless they bhould take shel ter under a Spioish pot, in which tvent, he was directed t rf port im. medi u-tlv . to the iDeparxmcnt, which order (iovernor'B'ibU was dircctedjo t Jcr h hi autWity for carrying ' the war i to Florida, thtts clearly es. 'lu " o . m e . r.b iii ig the fact that the order was i?.ij-red "sinru.fuTcc,'aiia--obt perded by thatwyatirtrwsag' t assu n: the commaou in ocuu ole war. - N it cn mv letter of the 6th of Feb ruary be, by any sound rule of con rttruction, iaterprctei iuto an authqri tv to ccapv the Spanish posts, or as M.mtpninrino. on mv oart. such an iiitrrpretanon of the orders previous ly given M you. Your, letter of the 2i) h January, to which mine is in answt-r, bears date at Nashville, be fore yo i set out on the expedition, an 1 r nsistsof a narrative of the mea sur . 4dopted by you, in, order to bri.ig your forces i uo the field, where th-v were directed to rendnvous, the time intended for marihiog, the or ders for supplies given t contractors, with other details of the same kind, without the slightest indicating of v ur intention ti act agiinst the Sparrisu pois, a.id the approbation of the Pre sident of the mexsurrs you had adop ted co il l be Intended to apply to those detailed in vour letter. I do not think ih y ur letter of the 13th la t in, oresonts the question, whether thrExemtive, -orrwrlf Uced-the true construction, consideterl as miU itary question, on the orders under which you acted. But I must be per mitted sav, toat the co .struction of th" f jrmcr is in strict conformity with 1 mv intenti.m in dralg' dp or d-rs t nd that, if thev be susceptible f i different construction, it was far front being . my tntenihn they should he. did not then suppose, nor have I ever, that it was in the power of the President, judder the constitution, to ""Her the occopTtiln of the po"sTs"fif 1 ati 'n with whom we were not at wa fwhatever might he tht right of the Qeneraf, under the law of nations', to mack an enemy sheltered ioJerjhr POH of aneutral poweri) and hsd I been directed by the.P'esidcot to ts t ue such, order, I should hive been v restrained from lepm plying by" the Vgher authority nf the constitution, which I had aworn to upport, ' Nr will I ditcun the auistion whether Cfc qrdct 9 6eofTl lnhibii 8AusnuBTr,nowAr county; nc..:..:..ahoay. mrc h. log from attack he Spanish,, posuj, (a copy of which wan sent to you,) was in fact, and according to military usage, an order to yrni, and of course obligatory until recinded. . Such, cer tainly, was my opinion. I koow that yours was different. You. acted, ok yoaf"TOMtrucUQablieviniiiu.cjrbe. riglit j and, in pursuing the course wrtuch-I- hv dooer I jU;nt.aa ttral right acton the construciotJ which I Concevied to be correct,-knowing it to contarm to my lutentions in issuing the i prjeri; But in waiving now the question of- the true construction of the orders, I wish it however to be understood, it is only because ! do not thiok it presented by your letter, and not because I have now, or ever had, the least doubt of the correctness of the Opiuion which I entertain. I have always been prepared to discuss it on friendly terms with you,' . ai appears by the extracts from Mr. Monroe'a correspondence, and more recently by 1828, covering a copy of a letter of Mi jor If. Lee, in which ! decline a correspondence that he had requested on the subject oi the construction of vouf orders In ' mv letter to Maior er trr e public documents o ily for the con- stVuctT)n which the ExrxutvvTgave to theorders, I infer tlut in this suhjer.t youXhave not,iud access to 4h Gen eral's (Jtckson's) privte papers but it I he in an error, and if the c..n- sTru"ctup ivliicfi" ''We',"a"3mThTsTfo'n' gave toyrhe ordefs to be "not stated with sufficient dintmctness in the then President's correspondence with hi m, I will cheerfully give, as one of the members"ofhe Administration,, mv own views fully in relation to the or ders, if it be desired by Genet al Jack son j but it is nly with him and at his desire, that under existing circum- stances, I should feci mysel! justified in corresponding orthis or sny other subject connected ih his public con duct to which ! add in my lettej to youf...,xoy.Ming..op.y.o.t..tI)e.lettcr.'.of. which the above is n extract, " with you I cannot -ave the slightest objec- tion to correspond on this subject, If addition d information be desirable." You exnressrd no-dcsirrfoV further CTtoTmairai?'! loirlt- forwted that Mr. Monroe's correspondence with you, and the public dicuments, fufiiished vou a futl and clear cot:rp. lion of the construction which the Ex ecutive, gave to .y(iurorders ; uader which impression I remdned till I re ceived your letter ol the 13th inst. Connected with the subject of your orders, there arc certain expressions in vour letter, which, though I a n at a loss to understand, I caonut pass over in silecce. A'ter announcing vour surprise at the contents of Mr. Crawford's letter, you aik whether the information be correct, "under all of the circumstances, of which you nd I are both informed, tlut any at tempt seriously to affect me was mov cd and sustained by you in cabinet council, when, as is known to you, 1 was executing the wishes of the gov. ernment." If by wishes, which you have underscored, it be meant that there was any intimation given by my self, directly, or indirectly, of the de sire of the government that you should occupy tne spanisn post, o i '" wxn- nfor md. I had nottnej slightest koowleage oi any sucn inti- - mtion, nor did J ever hear a wnisper of any such before. H it I cannot im agine that it is your intention to make a distinction .between the wishes and the public orders of the governme it, j 1 fiid no sach distinction in your correspondence with the President, nr in any of the public documents j h,.t. nnthe contrirv. it Is strontly re- hutted bv vour relvine for yoar justi fication constantly and exclusively on your pib'le oirjers. Taking, the i7 the 'wishes o the goveromept ' m oc hui another expression for its orders, I must refer mhe proot aireauy oner, ed, to show thst thu wishes of the ipvcrnmeot, relation to the Span ish posts, were not such it you as sume them to be. -Hiving, I trust,, satisfactorily es- ..ki'..v.l tKai there has not been the 1... utmie as to the construction of lyour urdcrs, l wdUovr proceca to state the part which I took in the de liberations of the cabinet. My atate; ment will be confined strictly to mv self, as I do not feel myself justified to speak, of the course of the other members of the administration t and. in fact, only of my own In aelf-de- lancejuodcr -the- xtraerdinary-ctr. cumstancet connected with this cor And here I roust premise, that the object -ofricbincr',coanciiia"inr3f "16 bring together opinions already form, ed, but to form opinions on the course which the government ought to pur sue, after full and mature deliberation. Meeting in this spirit, the first object is a free exchange of sentiment, in which doubts and objections are freely presented and discussed, it is I con ceive, the duty of the members thus to present their doubts and objections, and to support them by offering fully all of the arguments in their power, but at the same time- to take care not tec form vropf otointtt all ihr facilin views are fully brought out, and everv doubt and objection carefully weighed. In this spirit I came inti the meeting. The q testions involved were aumer ons and important $ whether you had transcended your orders j if so, wh n course ought to be adopted what was the conduct of Spain aod her ofHcers in Florida j what was the state of our relation with Spain; and,' through her, with the other Lurepean powers a question, at that tims, of uncom mon com plicati on .. and d ffic ul ty.: T'iese questions bad all to be careful- y examined and wMghed, both aepsr- ately aod in connexion, before a final pinion could be wisely formed j and never did I see a deliberation in which every point was more carefully exam ined, or a greater solicitude displayed to arrive at a correct decision. I was the junior member of the cabinet, and had been but a few months in hr administration, as Secretary ofWr. I was more immediately connec ed with the questions whether you ha:l transcended--your orders and, r if so, hat course ought to be pursued. I was of the; impression that-you bad exceeded youif ordera, ' and h ad acted on your owo. responsibility j but I nei ther questioned your patriotism nor your motivesT Baievtrig-thii-where orders were transcejtded, investiga tinn, as a matter of course, ought to follow, as due in justice to the g-ivern-mcnt and the officer, uiless there be strong reasons to the contrary, 1 came to the meetiag tinder the. impression that the usual course ought to be pur sued in this case, which I supported by presenting fully and freely all the arguments triat ocrured to me. They were met by other arguments, grow ing out of a more enlarged- view M the subject, as connected with the conduct of Spain and 'icr ojfL era, a.d the course, of policy which honor and interest dictated to be pursued towards her, wi'h which some of the memb-rs of the cabinet were more fam. liar than myself, and whose duty it war to pre sent that aspect, of the subject, as it was mine to present that mre mm diately connected x with the military operations. After deliberately weigh ing every question, when the me n hers of the cabinet came to form their final opinion, on a view, of the whole cround, it was unanim ousjv determin ,--1 -understodfis-iw-ef thejls-t-mef-aml-e x remely-Wim kal t course adoped,- and -wh".h- ws - fully made inown to yu oy mr. .ionroe s letter of the 19th of July, 1818. I gave it my assent and snpport. as be. a a in? mat wntcn, uuuer an uic iiaum u . . . . . 1 . ttaaces, the ptibHeioterest required to- be adopted. . . 1 shall now tnrn to the examination of the version which Mr. " Crawford has given of my course In this impor tant deliberation, beginning with-his " apology for having disclosed what look "place in the cabinet meeting.'1 He s'avs. In the summer after the meetinr. an extract of a letter from Washington w is published in a Nash ville nsner. in which It was stated that I (Mr. Crawford) had proposed to arrest (ieoeral Jack son, out tnat ne was triumphantly defended by Mr. .... a.'a asMi a Calhoun and Mr. Adams. 1 ma let- iftUnrti would nrobs'jlr ha mora cor rect, at least si ippliesb'a U nt sssmbsr of tnc cnbioev. ter I always believed, was written bv Mr. Calhoun, or by his directions. It had the desired effect 1 Gener Jackson became inimical to me, and tnendiy to Mr. Ualhouu. I am not at all surprised that Mr. Crawford should feel tha? he stands in need tf a - apology far betraring thc deliberations ot the cabinet. It is. I ucueve, oi ooiy ine-nrst' instance-in our country, but one of a very few int taticta to bet foulialB'finyHuory; or any age, that aniudividualhasfelthim Self absolved from the high obligation which honor aad duty impose on one situated as he. was. It1 is not, how. ever, my intention to comment on the morality of hit disclosure.) that more immediately concerns himself 1 and I leave him undisturbed to establish his own rules of honor and fidelity, in or. der to proceed to the examination of a question in which I am more immedi- atelyconcerned- the truth of his ap- ology. ' I deitreww speak harihly Bf-Mr.ilv7rK" Crawford. I sincerely commiserate hia misfortune. I may be warm in political contestsj but it is not in me to retain enmUy, particularly, towards the uusuLCessful. In the political cony test which ended in 1825, M" Craw ford and-myaelf.iook-oppoite-AidajLular-i -cannot lav my-hand-o-th but whatever feelings of unkmdncrt it gve rise to, have long since passed twty on my part. jThe contest end. j ed m an entire change nf the political j elements of the country t 'aid in the! I found myself acting with many oi he friends of iMr CrawbM 10. whom I had been . recently opposed, and op. posed to many of my ft i cods, with whom I had, till then, been associated. In this new state of things, my incli nation, my regard foy his friends who were acting with rat; and the success of the cause for which we were io'tnt- ly contending, allcontributed to re m ,ve from , my bosom every feeling towards htm, S4VC. .pity. for.hujnLs.. Wtu ne I -wsHd-tKt -apeak -a-bara rrf rd, itl-oukl avoid it f and it is cause of painto me that the extraor- me--em-m-idMftnc;To Ivtj UvlHi' y wvai V J HIS VUilNVVWII I ipearnn this plrfcwlreTisjen is I do that his apology ha no Toun- Jatiooln truth, lis offers no rcjis.n for charging me with so dishoaerable an act as that of betrayiag theprocee r r.u . . 1 u t .u Jiuffsol the xabiuct, and. that, lor .the purpose of injuring one of my associ- kte. in the administration. Thecharge . 11 l- . . rests wholly n his suspicion, to which t ' ' .l t oppose my pusmvc .nacriiuu iim n tin r i'j il 4 l 1 is who'Iv unfounded. I had noknowl- edgebfthelet.er.orconnexUnwithit, nor do I recollect ihatlevcrsaw the!,. B.i 1 ut why charge me and not it . 1 1 1 , Mr, Adams f I wish not to be under. .toud as intimating ihat Mr. Adam. had the leastconaeJion with the affair. 1 l . . . w,i S 1 I beneve him to be wholly Mcspaole ot such baseness. 1 had then been bu a few months-in the administration, anJ Mr. Crawford and myself were o the best terms without a feeling, certainly on mv part, of rivalry orjeal- ousy. In assigning the motive that he does for the letter, he furgets the 1 1 1 , 5 . relation which existed then between ... if 11 . 1 you and himself. He says it had the j jfl-..u. u rij desired effect, thstyoubecame friend itremelinimical M.-HJo-.reUr vour hostility to him long preceded . - . . 0 " this penci, and had a very different ti .'i j .1 I origin. He certainly could not have anticipated thst a copy of hi. letter - . .t t. t . t . " . . i . t Wftum w pi'SCvti1 iw yvxxr ninu. These are not the only difficulties accompanying the apology t there are others still more formidable, and which must Compel him to assign some oth er reason for disclosing the procee. dings of the cabinet. Mr. McDuffie's letter mf of the 14th instant, of which I enclose a copy, proves that Mr. Crawford spoke freely of the proceedings of the cabinet on his way 10 Oeorgis, in the summer of 1818, and datea will show that he could not at that time have seen the extract from the Nashville paper, on which he now rests hit apology. The deliberation of the cabinet took plac The letter of th UV Ceerf Udufi, Appt ollc nwk4 tt. betireeD the 14ih and 25 Juiy t 1818 On the former day, Mr, Mi.roe re turned -to Wash'u t'ion from Luudon, . and on the latter a general exposition of the views of the Government in re ' latiort.to the opei atiutis in Florida ap peared in the lntelligeiweri. fher let tgf of fCMdaroe vihTrStfr Jtujy-jaiflLjxei pmbably tht A Jt ,, the final, dexisiotl of th cihltiei, Tt Crawford passed the llth Auorust. as. anoounced'm th papers of that city, on which day, or the precedinfr, his conversation,- to which Mr. MrDufhVs letter relitetj must have taken placet Oi a com parison of these dates, you will tee that it was impossible that Mr. Crav ford could have seen tfie extract from the Nashvila paper when he was tn Edgefieldand he must consequently, fi id sombthe'r apology for his discl. surcs. his was not the only tnstanc of his aking the disclosures . heforei he saw the extract. He was at Mil. 18 18, a few days after he passed A " though Augusta,, and a little . after, there appeared a statement in the ' Georgia JourUl, somewhat! varied from that made in Edgefield, buj . agreeing with it in mostot the partic.' article, but have a distinct recollection of it. You no doubt remembsr iu CifCumstahees fixed it on Mr. Craw ford, and it has not to my knowledge been denied. T L:.k.. t . c TV fttK i k; own motives and actions, it would b unreasonable- to . suppose - that -Mr Crawford's statements will prove mora correct in what relates to me. I will now proceed to examine them : Hev first states that I proposed that you should "be punished in some form, nr renritnanAfA in annua Cavm " . LQ make m coure more 0(lio t ' .UDDo.., he adds, that Mr. nalhrtn-.- ;n Ai "i 1-;:r-..f--. - - .f.fr,rtnn; .aH . - mcnt which on ( f , . , abfurd punUhcd without arrett Mfl lria,r 5J.!i?t?.u'4,C. rny under- . 7 sunQng-very4ow,".'x::r::;i The next allegatTbOequTrea mucfT'""'' more attentioa.-. IIe.says,iIadcedIlZI. my own views on the subject had on- T J . . 1 . : acraone a material cnanee alter tha ' it -at 7" v . - "b.net had been conyenedfr (ral-- iTt 7? t.letur: that General Jackson had wruteo to - , .. , lit the President, who had fortrotten thai , , , , , he hid received such a letter, but said 1 t . , , . . . thJT . . fc . 7 . (lis csninei luu orouROt 11 out. in II " . . , 6 General Jjcksnn approves of the de ' , ... t J rt 'efm'0' 0 . Qf" k UP Amelia island and Ga v. . town 1 aod gave It also as his opinion . . .. . 'a V ' l V, c, DV.'? . uoiiea niaici. 111 aaoeu, ll -might. : be delicate ratter for the Exeeutiva todec.de, but il the President ap proved of it, he had ouly to give a hint to some confidential member of w -"7 T 7f V. would do it, and tike the rei-wmsth U- ., ... . , ,, . . . iL i' .7 - tr on hiinselir- I -asked the Presidentrr . , .. . ... . , . f the letter had been answered r he r ... , . . . - ... "fJZlJZVZ 'pjl'JJlS. . u . ,' . . f lion, ib takinff IVntarnN hml,A Um " 'j. " "k.k. i? ws doing what the hxecutive wished. : , w.i" 7 . . " u " , fliction of punishment on General Jackson, who had consideted the st- ; lence of the f resident as a tacit con- sent 1 yet it was after the letter was read 1 that Mr, Calhouo made the. . preposition to the Cabinet for punish ' ing the General." Again t "1 do not kniatr thirl vertilotedwatlhe letter to the rresideoti yt th- tc'.ur had most important bearing on the dclibt eratlons of the cabinet, at least in my ; mind, and possibly on the minds of ' Mr. Adams and the President" j but '. neither expressed any opinion on the ' subject. It seems it had pope- on the ralod of Mr, Calhoun, for it made 00 change to his conduct. ; It will be DO easy matter fjr Kl- Crawford to reconcile the atatcnaJ, " it" . 4 - ... 0

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