- niitder;efl Sm if in. l; course in Mr. Monro's Cabinet. Hii aflu ..m to hii conduct there were only made to ,hev its consistency and openness tad the evi dence of it was onljMitT.iPtled m the beat refu ta'in of'the chaiye of duplicity. Mow then rn this be looked npnn at any justification by ilr. Calhoun of his course in Mr. Monroe' Cab ;nei d-liberst'ions T. Nothing cam be mote re irioved from the semblance of truth. No aaaer lion-cariloe a mure wanton intuit to Mr, Calhoun. Mj there not eomethiiig auspicious" continue the filbe ''in the wr length of Mr. Calhoun's teplv and the accumulation of hit documents r' An honest mn'c nori nut sutler its concisions M to the truth or Mwbood of a man's defence o he rated or measured by the elongation or . . 3fevtty of hi publication. . Circumstances may 'nrinrmvtva&v; irin this cswrthsr r man : AArfiiWnv his character from foul imputation mrtrtwe" r atttfectTYif not T.ecesary '.Mr. fslhotin published the diinterete d testimony of those who were associated with him In Mr. Monroe's Cabinet -with the exception of hit ac riiser, Mr. Crawford. This he did to shew that no one of the Cabinet concurred with Mr. Crawford wMch of consequence, render . . ! . .J.l...'""""i';"""- ' minrrprrw-iMB'i'Mn. nivrv glaring, it is no ressnnable objection to theft ith and sincerity of Mr, Calhoun's defence that it eosVr JSftghm pay- Some of the greatest men that ever lived hve written volumes to refute a lew aeri. w charpe thnrt'tbe one against te Viee Preni. dent. W tMk that Via defence is sufficiently ineciiier, and he ptfea over in a few words -sewa tw where- be might have amnlinVd and instated with ereat advantage. The Cnbe makes the President ask in his letter simphJ what Mr. Calhonn a course was in the Cabinet. In continuation it says that the President does Bt ensure him forhraaeis. lie only biarnr vt l-.f.i! tcr.pt to jutii partial spirit of If Ration. TLri are soma of the strongest objections sgiinsttlie existence of a momed institution organized upon the plan of the United States Bunk, Mr. Benton objects to the renewal of the charter on account of the exclusive privileges and arULrepubUcen monop. oly which it fives t the atockholders. The truth of this objection can be made aDoear bv the production of numerous examplea, "The Bait is conducted upon the revenue and credit and In the name of the United Stales. It it permitted, to pay the national revenue In its own hote. To bold all the uudrawn balances of that revenuo without any premium or com. pensatkm, , To exclude the reception ' of the paper money of other Banks in the payment of the revenue. To establish branches In the 9tst.ee. without their consent. To -be exempt jauch intrigues tor.lesatust he had any shaae lu the conduct t We challenge the history of worm tor an example. Besides U is in perfect keeping with Mr Van Duren'a knotfa repute- , tC7 The coDduet tf ,. North Carolina Jour nal has been relinquished by Mr. Cameron and transferred to Messrs. Ilybart juid Stranee, In tlieir prospectus they promise their support I it ' ' y X l-fcren t JNo what evidence bave we that Mr. f'slhotin evr tri'd to irrpTa flenV Jackson's mind with 'he belief that he did ljo favour an .,enpUv:io Ovemnr BihH and Genl. Jarkon solely relied ..uponi....I not, Ana any Other tei(tjnionybef n j.n. Irodueed ! Not a ti'tle, What U the fact in re htion tn those two letters wBic"K7were meni fioned'm our lcsf "number f. Why that the one to ttnvcrnnr Rtt'b was writvn some time mhse- Biien' in lhn'C"ri,'fm of the 'Spanish Pos'S hin "f N'OTbrilU. prior to hi aMtinp out on his enr",c!i'innraint tbe Seminole tnbe of Indiana, am! hcfu'e urb a dfnifrn a the takinp nrwei tinn of Pfineola and St. Mnrks could possibly Hwtwenthmip'tit of. Nobody, Xept one in. tr"'' wih (He gif of pmnherv could Nve firr-tnld tha the trinns would havr taken shel ter umffr cnner of the Spanish forts. -Could t letaetToT the SilaBi.'oKTrar'rwrlaeal'.IO tbe .enrsmafidina; afncer appronnp. of the. Re.nern! drrjTi with which the exnedition was planned .Ve .(riven propectk interpretation aJ be mae to eomprebend a f"dt which oim'd not hv nVred a mind w4ih the moat vbonnd- ! -fttrewsbi I So- that the . impreaaiwia . of 'he Pres'dent seem to rert solely upon the lanfruajre of these two letters the dates f which -he. baa .entirelf Jt!l!aken. ,: Upon the whole we think the apology of the Globe for the Secretary of Sae is very impotent.-Its SSfertns utler' nalednek" We fin4TKHfr; Cstlionn' course is renerally sustained through nut tSc (Tnited States. The imnnrtial nrinti I every where five -him the credit of having triumphantly vindicated hi character from the unfounded and unjust acenaaiions of his ene mies. We have spoken upon this subject dia- nasinntelv. We are frient'ly to OcdI. Jack ion and n hi ad-ninit'ration, but when we see a nart of Ms Cabinet f.rm sn uabnlv Alliance to rdestrnv the Preaident's eood feelinr aod confl en-e in in honorable and high minded individual, v'.nm the President himself toasted aa" ao hon. man, the nnblrat work of God." we feel that e are bound to vindicnte his innocence anxl to mote the malignity of his enemies. This un fi'incip'ed junta, wickedly bent upon Mr. Cal koun'i political destruction, who is considered dangerous m-al of the Secretary of State, have mkmatyand successfully toiled lo poixin the J-alous mind of the President against the Vic rfsidVnt. The President candil and above roneeatment himself and detests liypocrisv and "1 iplicitj in others. We arc well convinced if kt Were left tn himalf ltli,l&nwa.iuiUl siwl hrr vnuttntrTrrirtariciiiaiT-The- Vice V...:j . ' iaem ana ao turn justxe. We bad not an opportunity to bestow that TT early attention upon the able and enliglit. tj speech of Me. Benton upon the renewal frow tiablffrrimifir-fkniire STW'SA have the United States for a oartnr. lureif iters-lbr partneraire' ie' eivmnt WWgkf-'idmlMisrratlbnT Justice' ToFfhe 1V43 State ot Nniv CaraUna, tionflrconducunraIlhisache!Tea hviniriiMi- ltothr,r..n.j-.:..s iu t.s - J inner rexSlO)lS, Mr. Van Uuren mnun o'.tl, a ... :ii . .; ..,. ... . J I nitin "s5ioivt ibji. - .v., ,,. K.LC in v u,u.i me principles u lias n retotore aup-l U vuumj otAruKQ , ,h- ..... r thiaaner with hit 'f.M k-f .!.Uj.i ' ' ., . ... r 7S t t w-io it)). s o! lirftw m.,1. unn 1.:. ..... I . . .. . t I It-... w- .. i .... " " " "I 01 : f " " " ' irw wVie was iw owe Kignia and to be 6ppoaed to the Tariff t " mm 10 "Urise it anreirin alluded to indirectly hut U t. k .-ITh- in j.. L. i . .. . 1 1 ik. r..... .kT, r... i, 7 " PPa.r ,n(C J w -stwve mivrx ucbuiiiD m "vi win aiu a nisi iu tnisnsasfw rn i . s v aim viiui . nai m.j m.i i rn , . w a Mi.ir..v.. k . . . I . ' : ... .iu.c V :. one i jnej " vwi. uuren ssiauon to make aucti i cnancter or th Jmimi .hk -:n w ,'1 nein at law oi trie aaiit wum. n . ,. i : w...v,. uiKvuri iucioi,. ,. . .. , - ii.joiij i rhr nuaiun me pretext for appearing in a public Miccese. The have our beat wiihea, !lm w,tn0 W tl.ia Slate It pnm to vindicate his character. H ahould . . " ""eretore orcicrca oy ;be Court that natre waited for a direct reference cyb this transaction. Attorney Hamil New York haa made his appearance in tinn -r h a i. ,i, tt. ! . ..... . .1 ... I rllS, IO OS Dcla In VOtlCoril nn tk. ' . .wi.u . in u iiin bii niittflArl I.. . . . I . . w n, it. Lllir&i j with the sgencvsvhich has been usirned him I. ."v3.' 0Connell haa been arrested for con. Ml'r W April neil, to Sit, (use, If in the conduct the plot for the dotation. f ZZZ " W. P? . wUuiI. Mr. dU..-He Vay.be had no Other motive ijuuStTT.- - - 'LW K'h.'N Et-.e, e Tor the (04 understood Mr. Calhoun's conduct In the Tj9TP7 PJJ1 prrnnnn ' I ' fitif . all fhese Sabinet in a verv diflerent liht from th.t ki,k 'ST FROM EUROPE. .. Ctr C C. ..!!-- e.w; . l m -r. -. t t t . ... . 1 iuii.u.. WI nirir ciiarier. j o nave an ttieie icaoiuei. in a very umerent light from that which f -------- I - ' privileges soured to them aj a monopoly, in f-t was made to appear in that letter. Whorn, , . ccountl "lf definite aa State Of Xort CftTOWnn nl. Jackson that Mr. Crawford had T .7! ,?M UP00 .wiitlMtl - i ; Wttljn 7 upon the.contlnoot ettled state. There rumen afloat that change-was t.J... r.k. ..Li:. c.'.L . . .. 1 1 ..1 ry i . . ....... . . f - r. w " .... "V.. K(l. ,IIC HKF v.". I,,, ..VUUU 1 1 1 B I .11 T l.nBTAM lift. I . 1 . ."V. VVI,V,I1U1m I nw.MM , nrivitrffeatn kna nl,. Awkn.n., fll.l... ! m,..,i;iT,..n ...r.i. . . . ... , . I cnKMM H Still in an -Unsettled tta -Tl,- I 1..t " ni t r . . ""'.' n miot rc 'cu.icniciiimuieanairirom wnat I . . vvwi or icuiunu vuarlCr iSeWi',! Ki...;- .!n 'l jt. ,t . i..L- . i..j .. . , ... nve been rumor afloat th. r.w.-. ..I ' . . . . r!?wwt which the Mr. Benton haa disenvprpit anrt Knunrki nitnt!nnol v . ... : ..tui .jnu. .......... .iw. nui nuorncy ana oe-1 ., .. . - er, and which are certainly en toved bv no oth.r cretarv rs imtm H.miltnr. h ... ,k "uon ,ne 'nner as first Lo Bank ite privilegea enjoyed by b1s,Baiik;Genl. Jackson had all along supposed to be the , " rumer tlt chalrr, sedulous and myesviating mind of! 'me one f Upon this point there is s guarded and J ! ! io lbo M'7. that Peel Qi . k.'.'l'iir.'ir'j . .. !... ... ... . and Weliinsrtoa wer tn nmo ,k. il umvuvcrcu ami wwui torein-M".cimimii ience. ".is not Attorney and Be-1 ------- ".u uuuuw.i -; iuiun n rdof the Treasury. nm. of Wilh,m t,rks, cif t0 ea not appear to be ch,rfT Estatt). In this it sb. . ; i""""S mo inusiacuon oi me wotirt w - vrftVI laWtTASV anrtir lii AM'L. STANFORD 10 in. sr1 unanet nam' Jbiefutora ti th y u - o " " hi.viiii.; Miiy op. fratmn Ik f - 1 and which are certainly enjoyed by no other ' "etary - Hamilton the Ver? mauwho J , .omer M fint of lh Trei ank in the United &te)d must therefore t' "f"ned ttenL' Jackson of what Mr. Craw- T ConJec,ur does not appear : a monorwlv which is Mntrarv to th 1 ford was willinir to tt-... .kl .k r .k:. ny "W"idaton. The Revolutionary soil of the constitution; The tinnronitinu. .m.Mn Cabinet transaciion n ... kt. "f'ana gamers strength as it proirreases this monopoly ha. b4 severely felt in everal ! of A.tomey and Secretary Hamilton hat "M fth. tJnUi, aet.rmin.4 on. Mr, O'. f JJ "J -Jot th part, of the United States. The United State, j Oenl. Jackson etpreied hi sieaUe to see Mr. CKm " The f. 7' V ,h. n ,f r? f Bank with hse privilege, has with the -hlch Mr. Attorney, and nln ..nd " nf v'" f ' pJ C 5 !ri influence .bir.b. thrrrhw ctm..J it J. 1 Seeretari llamilloo. uromiuil .luLl k. .."l0.? J" J,r?'nkl he COnciliatorv.aJ ftn- W ,i.....4r - "- 7 r 7 "T:.4 ;ri ttt" r "" course 0f th. t.t,.. ;.:;- uiwu"r ,o ?ina ppe" "e ..ruyeu ii.c permanency ana soivencv or several j ' '"' wuinaiims letter of Mr. Craw. I . f . , """" "'" "me, nuounty Court of Cabarrus, to be held in through the agency of Mr. " , ' meac,'n of the malcontents, Concord on the third Monday in AprH U cu..v . k.-4.' Dul 6e nfluenee sufficient to aHav It I next, tn aheo ir ... ...k.. V.. ' - . ' ' ; fwisv j - r - vsivavsvii t iiriu 1 ! ltf syL p ' I U wwwsjvj if Off VIJJ power of this Bank to bring destruction upon ! 't is very easy to evade the true ooint of diacov. K. v Te Nicholas has issued pUnttff shall not have iudement of eH. other Bank. eveff the Presidenrof of Wm. express terms. These afe hi. word. , fhrr "r "'"o"- He does not say whether he . cnarges e revolutionary .pirit of rarM art ttryfew Bankt vKch mirhi not hove hum ' 'd. levied on or judgment Vi'I ...1 tart liamilinn II. ,1.... -,k..k.. k. 1 wn,Cw 08 charges the revolutionarv anlrit f , knew how Genl. J.ckwn came into Wssion u',u" ,ume U''ted n:oi,nf.tor. b ""Ording . s, if,, r - .. ." . T' rr-? 1 SMUlst -ma aiiHiwtra trk ill-uh . ii-ii : i,c cxuonsine roies to rferlrsy In" fover Vnkii Hank? HereliTof the knowledw of tTi. fcrMh.i " , -f afawiat ms ClltBWiiy. e et nroof of ita immpna,. matrniemli. n,l r! hal ma,i th.. : i return to their former alleeiance. r - n - w, . -..-v., v.Wi VI.IVIH vw vu wiiunr io idieb . ,w . . , . r W(.at .it prafeaaed. a strong di i!"1"!!! ,hd?Ilni mMfaLjtt. JLEuninriati of th, iW ,trW po.es. mis is a dangerous engine in the 1 ",re ' e ""t which Mr. Attorney andSecre- . ,c &ing aoa r - rJ."' ' pncera inuriay th, . ...... ... . .. .. I not annrar to hmv h.A . , 1 'sst day of March. Caauu. 1. .ir .... . . r r -7 iimwencej. M..IMIIUI. :......z:. !..-?. H.ftSSl Jf , :ance, to listen to -Wttnraar JAM ESOr SPEARSr ffihe United Slates Rank charter to which its S'U entitled it. Kver. now we have only f able to give it a very cursory reading, Mr. jfcMoia ohjejuons to the renewal of the char, f' ,r strong snd powerful. He appears to !t considered the consequences to the conn 7 bull their bearings, Mr. Benton identifies '.Properly the povst 'ofHie Bank .with 'he of the Purse which he comiilers, under touting organisation of that inatitutionf "geroui to a free governmenW Tim direct 'rr of the Bank may be equal to ninety. piltioniof money, whilst its indirect power is calculshla. ,. Itani.fluence over tha pohticai of the government from the interest of faany ot its offiera In tha Pink ita ffirtaence J'tofitrolUng b) rronryed tyranny the elective Jrivh; l.t. ..-j . 1. k -wb wiiii iig icoaency 10 acitrn, wiicn rj Intern , tb dbtnttfestec! and in- poes. This is a danperous engine in the bands of the stockholder? and mieht acatter ruin amictionortne!iTateiTS"ltitJ)eingccompnfil:iedor hmuht under entire nibnerviency to thi? great Natimnl Bsnk, how unlimited must be if power tni influence over every order and rpnk In 8o- .div..lbe.l!nite brought under its yoke or there must be greater t.ry Hamilton promptly pledged himself topre- .15 .ducofortheintpectionofCenUackjoiu Who 7 tU .""rb"' "" ' S not A,e he be. of hiVSl does not dt test the banenws of (his artful and unprini;iIrd reprobate, Hamilton, who. under a pretence of defending Cenl. Jackson's character from an expected aasault touching his conduct of the eminnle wary- pending the- Presidential contest, strives to betray Mr. Calhoun into some f , 1 w ... . .u.i.v wisdom and virtue in ita adminitrtors tl.an 1 unguarded expression which he might use to ver has b-en known to prevail in any age or any qimrter of the world. The power of a great monied Arisfocracy is the most potent aud formidable in the world. The moral force procure Mr. Calhoun's destruction upon this very occasion I But Mr. Calhoun's unrirhtneaa and honesty frustrated his base attempt and he now reaps the regard. This Hamilton was a and power of the human intellect with all islwVm Pol'(1l friend of Genl. Jackson, as wss rare and combined talents cannot witbrsnd i'l 1 likwwo Mf .jboinr and when; b called on Influence. Great men mOt have monev and : t,,e 'ter irentleman to get information of what .tpe.v wi!l a!'acrijnemieivea to mat body ol per-! w" "e 3inei, ne aeciarea 11 was son who can snare it w ith the moat taie and ' to Vindicate Gent. Jackson who was about to be wlttr geVtest rea immense Revenue the Bank can control tha Ulents of the nation which will constitute 1t the ruler Jt facia ottht LL'moiU-Jft'hit mu.tt.be.lhe, reauU f auch avatate f . thing! : The conse. quencea would be inevitably certain. We now in his own vindication he says it was asked with, view to bring about s reconciliation be. twean Mr. Crawford and Genl. Jackson. What shameless tergiversation j What a contradiction) It is the best evidence that neither was the design of the information sought loos our political independence, which beioir i n,"''l't thedt nnr anrrn(trrd wn mint mi viavipii uwjrn Wl VHSJ HUfCI ihiii iiib 'aaw Sav3 Choice of tbe-tJiutarSlatei Binli Wgbt select to aet over 4ia 4"lia reault i nolat all improW4 lemarks by way of supplement t hi ... . . 1 . . ri.mv.k1., Hfli'ik ,1. 1.-1 L. n, ahle since the Hans m England witn a miicn 1 u imu aeicpfiwpn. n less flatterinir becinninr has in the maiesty of Pblw) tbem next week if possible. Mr. !! atrnaih Knulivrd that nuarrful Kingdom I Crawford's defence of bimKlf in hia letter to Isitmrtright then that we should orchew the Mr- Calhoun, published by Mr. Forsyth, is eoursr of the Enrlish s-overnment snd not by""'k aml unsetisfactoiy. It is aa is usual with . rn.1 of the charter si.Slect our. n hv writings of late, full of contradictory nriir rnu.1 nf tti rhartpr auSlrrt nnr. ai-lves to the pwsible eontinirencv of beior en- atement.. They appear from note appended Ihralled t The establishment of branches of this h " published in the Telegraph D.nV In ik. ui.nl Statra. without tb?irnirl 'SSI"1 roirion, is a dangerous inroad uprin the Sove- IC7 Tothereroarki of " a citiien of Raleigh', reignty of the States. It ia through the aeency jin the last Register we only think it accessary . ..... . n . I v. , ' .n ..kI ,k.l Ik. ....., 1 - ; . . . of these orancnes mat me jreai 1 enirai uana V7 wimcoi muc in uur paper .... ..1 ... I . r.r , k . ....m. . . u. . . A kM r?... - 1 ... J.. expects, snu wseiy 100, 10 exrenu us unooun-;.". i1 umcraur uwra uu- ded influence. When it lias efiVtuatly sub. fc" 'be progress of the election for United dued the sovereignty of the States and. tram-; wmvt is substantially correct, sod that, pelled upon their rights bow ittle will theere,t nectsary, we could corroborate what Bank lack of having acquired unlimited influ. "'"J up b occasion by aeveral re. rncc f How easy will it be to shiA their funds P'able cittiens or Kaleigb and or this place .n,t hrino-. nn hv one. the aeveral States under ho were witnesses of the conduct of Governor ,K.rlnev. and acatter ruin and derra. e, "P that occaaion. Vf we Said of dation through the land f - There are a tntrosand.vernor Owen did not proceed from any boa wavs in which iu poaer may become despotic. m,9 him but from a determination to nd-uVtro Xlt liberliea and -fortune. of w -?Wirh the true history ,0 the election of U. S. cWVV-k.JhaLtle.oppoJie.nloUhe4r uoTcrnw wwen ia a sopponer of Bank will prevail and that the proposition te thia paper, and is, so far u we know and be renew the charter may be rejected. - ,iee. f' iend,r ,0 mxcceu- Whatever tha wniir ia in nogistcv may ociicve, our staia. ment ia nevertheless true ss many citizens" of Bilfigh know apd btif f . We peseeiva by tha United States Telegraph tha't Mr. Van Buren in a note to the Editor of that paper frquests that he will pnblish for htm a general disclaimer of all knowledge of or con nection with the subject matter of eomspon- ence between the President and lice Presi- d' "t. This rfiscisimer should nm, sna can noi benefit Mr. Van Buren. CireunutaMid evl- lence is too strong against b'm to acquit him of all connection with this bae tfannction po bis own assertion unsupported by any eorroberat. Hg testimony. The more disclosures that are made the more pslpsble is Mr. Vsn Buren's .u .ir. .r IV. .k....U k.i,. OOllOeCllOn WHO ui auair. .iiwhu tnt-mj n entire Ignorance of the bumaa heart if we hutild place any reliance upon Mr, Van Buren's disclaimer. , Cowd we suppose he wtmwr e- knowkdra his connection with a plot so infa. mou and unprincipled f t'id r man yet a ho was found mean and low enough to en $ age mj attempt, Thy were baaerr defranded nf tttvm .nd. we .noP tnir '' 'H prosper. If any people ought to enjoy perfect liberty the Pnla ought .None deaem their freedom awe,.4 none are better capable of enjoying it. The Revolutionary apirit hat extended itself to Swit. serland. Many of the Cantona have establish ed conititutions for their government with the most perfect order and quiet. Belgium is yet without a King. Prince C-tho haa accepted a previous invitation to ascend tha throne of Greece, er-l PatronaandfrUnark. a.L.-i . tk. I lull invitort t a .1 v..l . ..r "77. , 1 it 1 - j ... a'oj M.A.CAU)VVKLL. BZCD. Klve conv.nt employment to four or uve -ourneyman workmen at the IIin ' ness and Sddl making buslneai. Lib eral wces will be giyrn. Fth. 7th. 1831, 59lr S40 REWFirVrr -:; Jacob, about At mmi,L.. .... . . 1 walk, haa a ir kt. l-n ... A-r ' T" . " ' ml c -oy-pePrmr uw "t u,2 ' m" near Salisburv, sl all be . ..IUjQllS COUntr On Sundav mm.h W a. a . - -.-"- "t'!. H. t.tUl IL. ' "J lea-n larv. tn mwm-t - wmhms a omi vj . ability and sentiences, and t... 1." w vo r...., lU MuatryBhe wLZ. HUMS STORE. .1 reemed and betoved.lei dtath muat ba rir ' 1 - mnESubwcnbers have an,;;,d ioT-,, rU .A. ftewhip under the . k r... i. . ."infive premier 4. 2 Paarj Street, for the iraac4i, of Vh,Tf nrlt fsyDry.CMdie . ' A. O. COCimAN" " FERGUS COCUHAV Aw.r.r, Sep,. Htf, 1830. VULUKN UAVEnowon hand, such an aortment KM. Fancy Goods, as tliey believe is not sur. pasaed by any other k tl.ia coVntry, in variety Qood. IUlwo' ft1 Fncy BsUi.li BljiK : mlJft :"LC da naplc-i . .. ... n: variety, , . , t 3 eelHnesT blk Uu a a ...... 4 " s-a hie. anauoiu Bombasines. ft .Jk'llL.f9mmfiitoa. to the Wea tern Carolinian, or b bik ... requested to come forward and make pay ment by the lat of July, or they will find their accounts in the hands of sn officer lor collection. My shop 11 one door (rom -onn jiurpny a otore, where I can be lounaat any time. - JAMES B. HAMPTON,,. Sali,bury March 8A, SJ. ,f N. B. Aeeota are renatrl tn. m.t. .. - - , iiii returns of what they have collected ss soon ss possible. J, B. H. Notice. Utof Barnsbst Kri ILL be told on Tueid i of vourt, be IIoucnd kfiils!. arista nine Is,a wfujVSs(asi lifts Jil lot.on credit ofTwelve Mooihsbond and security will be required. 5 6d JAUUB KKIDER Ex r. March UA ItJI. Notice. AT January Sessions, 1831 of Mont -f omerjr mrotjr ourtT6f PU is and Quarter Sessions, the subscriber obtained letters of administration on the Estate of the late Doctor James W. Craie. -All . i s a . i . persons roccjicq to aaia i.atate, are re Quired to ihtfe Davmnt 1" And ki. as m ' w --..a 1 iiwivv isjt inar demands aesinsl the P..i.i. . quested to present tbem for psrmsnt, nraTkriavrtei aiirhAttiatAl a t reouircd bf Law. or th Mm f a bly, for the proiectiortof Executors and a . 1 ...... 1 1 . .. nuuiiiusirBiuransHi accessed men' Estate will be pleaded in bar of a recover. Iiruillliu vntn .'. . ' Jsourtnctviltet $d March, HJl. 5 64 Crap, de hmrsUi and Kg,!, MsmUrineV" tfc- French Prints and Oinghama, and Poulard Mas. una, t Pongees and msny ether articles for Ladi, Spitalfield, and Pongee Plaj aod Bandanna Rtk and Kid Stock, and Fancy Cravat., " " ' -: Buck. Besver. Silk ami ll..r. .v,. r, ' Prwit Naplci and Gauae Gum fiiuboSa, - Up and Belt do. of the newest styles. rVhZ ..Tn" ". t Hose, ? . Lihen Cambrka and Cambrie Hdk's. - ' Blacjt and Colored French Wnf,.y . r , . UJSJ r-cy Dutt .na. Th ;n -u. t 7 iiiti BI ex:env aMnHna, h . r iwn ana Mgliiirs, Cans ment of 44 4 4 7-4 snd 8 4, Thibet snd n,nno tArfl. tf-r. c. havf seteded tbr stock wuo " a particukr reference to the Southern a d VVVs. stock wiH he kept up througbinrt the vear. All of whb they now offer for sX at Lm riZZ no oa tna moatjibersl terms, and moat reipeet. JHytanu purchm to call and as.mint?JS . Onlers wi! be promptlir eaenuU.1 .iik - smlndeltv. . ICJ" We have given no Congressional sum. mary this yets because the length of the cor. respondents between tba President and Vice President excluded it Our readers will not loose much by Us exclusion since matter of such i intertat supplies its place. The supplement of Mt. Calhoun to his. first Correspondence we hope to publish next week. This additional appeal to the people tu made absolutely ns cewary by ths publication of soma letters which were suppressed but which it was afterwards thought proper to publish. Other letters impor tant to a fuN tinderstading of the conspiracy are yet behind, and we presume ftterels aot much likelihood that the will bs presetted la th public aiaee tbey would reVeal too much base. ' ness Tor the safety of tha fcuai and. credit e those eqncernefj,. , ' Tl.V VliAT Wotkman CONSTANT Employment and good vsges will be given to a first rate f. . TLY PLATE Workman- of steady and iodustrioul habits, one who l "cuome f k " Tinners Machines. . , 1 . VAnifcL It. CHESS, SdHiOcftber, 1830. EQUITY HUWKS

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