, r formv. Or, Truth i,i Varrnlksis. 'I really take it verv lit.d, tthi vowt Mi-. fftilnof rl f hv not aeeo voij surh en (The wretrh has1 come lo Vnnrr!) ,Vii!aii-hrr. too. what loves 'oTgiraV What Is fV.r pliers' -enles! JC'ioi? here tnil k'ia the infant deara And give it p'rhaps the braalesr) tour oliarmipg bs I e are at horn From TWerend Mr Rowell'i ' JTwm very kind bring them both-. v'f" tat'f.ooUf6r'm View BmurTiiTJ""'"' miff tittle ai ,nm ''" ' W( now 1 rail that thh i - I should ttsve-mvert lo mss ner (A libby, dahhv, baby!) ; AM Vr. S. I hone he's veil, Ah! tkough ke lives so handy, ' . H ti-f now dmi in t sup J(The better for mr bjn'Jy ! ) .Oome, tke 'ong to hef About Mti!(l' ntriuj;e; 'Vou'r eome, ofcmirffl, t Pn3 (helay- XThank He'n t her the carriage !) , Vht ! tit you go? Next time, 1 hope You'll jfive mc lonirer measure Nv l-tliail M you down the tiira With mot uncommon pleasure !) IKKlkve! iroojlbye! remember M, Next time you'll take ymt dirtnert .(How l)i, mind. I'm not at home In future to the Skinner !) . Variety. Wathngton Irving on JrV The fir rsnnflirr between man and mn wa the piere ce''(nofl)l1y1C, forct.unaidedbjr uxilary wiponhi al-lrn 4m Md bucP f.. k(a (i.n h'n mace, k broken head the catajtrophe of hT ancountera" trreedel b (he more rued one of ..;n.r met-.t. As man advanced in and bis cnihiliti became more exqtn ite. he crew rapidly more inRenioui and Experienced in the art of murdering hia tAinw heinps. He indented a thousand device to defend and aaiail the he!m t, the cart A, and the buckler, the word the ditr. and the iavaline prepared him to eltide th'elirouhdT well to launch the Wow Srtll orcinf he brilliant JOTlopiciTetfr -ftrintewionrti nlargtslirTrniit5ewi i ft nee and iniury. I he artea, the scorpio borror and sublimity to wart and mag Bifv lit glory by increamlts desolation. &11I' insatiable, though armed with ma ehinery that seemed to reach the limits ttd with the 44 nf reVenpe stilf tleer.r researches mnafba nudf'iiMlw diabolkal .r-ini4Adphivap.d ' . ..... .U . t. It ! 1 I t-..... ; da. oftht srthtetqijsrntdi poisorj rj bui 'mtheral and deadly sal' me luO lime disrotery of gunptwuUi .bWs upon ihe.world and, finally, the dreadful art r.r fiffktinw kv nroclamation seems to endow the demon of war with ubiquWy ' And omnipotence." - ' This, indeed is grsndl thi indeed, V Tirks the powf r tl mind," ind beipeaV that divine erdowment of reason which distinguish' from 'he animals our in 'iarbrs. The onerlightensd btutes con unT thmwIveti with Illre force sMch pfovidenre has -assigned them. . l-7he angry bull butts with his horns at Ad hit progenKors before him-the lion ..i tht leopard, sod (be tiger, acek only with . their . talons rnd their fangs (o gratify .Heir sanguinary furyi and even ihe suV .1. ..m darta (he same trenom,, snd ' . -r - . .... ues the a.m ild as did his sire before the l-wd. Msn alone, blessed with the, Inventive mind goes on iron aiscovery io !iirovery eniafgra . - poweri of destruction arrogates t etre- nsendous weapomoi , "tikrrrestlomo assist h40 xourdex. i r n.Si iiaiiir. )g h'll l'rother worm. Thi Washington Telegrsph, that WBlch there Is certainly oa paper in the vi0n more iesloualy devoted to Oeo. ... aVservicMtotheJsCksoop.ry,basbeen ".m. freelt accused oflate snd by Jack- :ion FMe. too of being bos!,lt to he SesiW U l edle" ! VZ;? L Jccost'ion is unfounded, and that It has ' Mise. entirely ' from causes b.ving no . Stion Twifh Oris. ,h" crr 10 h .preaWeney.; Jwo ine S t ionlraryr Telegr.ph .la.es, .nd w, - C;c"odoubtorthtfacl,th.tit ha. fro- in svhh certain other paper, in their oom - 'SaSw of Mr. VanPuren as successor f f fl?n Jsikson. the Mlihg are fhe remark, of the Telegraph " on thti i subject. Had sv" insiesd of repelling thig ear ; L.ttamto commit the country upon VSionofwhooughttobe therein we, should new tave beard wbispe of - enmity to him. roi u was our refusal to respond to (hat article, ad to unite in the '(tempt to sacrifice to in dividual, who, lo say the least of him, contribute s much is any other to the succesof'he prty tn power ana wna, by the f xccllenc of hi private life, his past public services, experience. ano pai- 1 . .. . . ! -,.! ........ lk rintUm, h the highest claims upn 'be tWWtty.wn ew ": i . i . .. .i .. , am uiBUvan us in ike confidence of the people. The tuVke tbuH rendered lo lhl lnT ! . i ; ...:m.. ,iih n-v.! .K.irhial i nnt inrnmnalible With a U3- I nnri,.fGen. JicVaort. We hav. tivt' . ert if. A - IV. kB niixiu. it ' m.'mlv ittrihutible to th port oi wen. ' .''.. . ... . more t:mccioufy rendered, than by expo- tinir to nnhlie incftnutioit every attempt :- I t--- , . ui eery auempi lit carlieit, moat ..j .... to separate him from Q effict?n' ann . ciniereMeO, tMWfjis!aWaw , Mnwrwnd .erf rriendi Jackion will guard his lame The true, of Gen a leiracv lor hi country. Parasite and i Batterers, would reduce him to mere elecUneerinK iget(. acriGcinK hia own popuunty, ana u.nK ,ne pron.s. u s t I - U 'j.. I I (he government to promote the personal ends of othera. Charleston Mercury. Too Bk a Booh. A man being about to purchase a young' horse, was . f'l 1 t-'.-i .L. A tear.ui ne migni prove saiiusn aa phrase is and in order tn test his stead iness, or strength of nerve, directed his boy Im go a little way off, behind the nejtt corner, nu ne womiu riuc thtlkmo jpposUo1indi, when the boy shonld starf. suddcTfly out and cry "booh !" and if the colt could stand that it would be proof enough of his being firm and well bmke. , The bov took his station, "and the man Tnrwnted-wFSIong came opposite the corner aed the bov jumped out and tried "booh," the con tbrew ive riaer picKea himself up soon, however, and rub bing his ahatilderi and : shins asked thr boy what"h''ltl w Why faiher," said the boy, " you told me toTay lo'.h. 1 Ye said the old man but there was no need of saying, such a big booh., to-such a little horse., Sittimn Mercury. TAILORING BUSINESS. a HAVING received the latest New York and Philadelphia Fashions', together- with those f London , and Paris, and will continue to "fetelv'e" change, nnd having a riumber of good workman; he is prepared to do work on short notice and in first-rate style,, MhiclTwiU he warranted to fit welL Orderairom a disUncefor As he fii I'trie i Agent of Hard of PTiiIt; ut,-.an apply, to thc?uhscriber in Salisbiir. BENJ. FRALFX 6mt585. Kijles $ Median KF.SPF.CTFULLY inform the public that they are nw opening their fall supply of (QJ)lb3 which will be luuod, ai usual, large, faahionablc and cheap Broadcloths, Groceries, Cutlery, Qucensware, Domestics, Calicoes, Silks, Salt ins, Ribbons, Es?c. Cam meres, Cassinettst , Hats, - Shoes . Saddlery, Stationary, SaHthurf, Jftv. Vnd, 1850, 43tf oneX VsMoneyU .Muie U in ABUNDANCE IN MARKET. rpo owners of Uold Mines, flantstions, and other property. I he subcri ber begs leave to inform his ft lends and tbe public, thst he Is daiiy vine by cap italists, whose- -funds atff gret,.-nd who arcdeiiroys ?! jniioMJliJ! wholes or shares of properties .impror ed or unimproved who wish to become proprietors or p-Hnert of gold mining companies or would loan ana invest . . . . :.f :i I ftrured would invest and advance their money in any way, provided they were secured and aatiafied or realizing a fair tnd reasonable interest for the same ih.ss.iWa those who wish to sell, or morteace property or get cash part nets, will do well to spply to tho subscri ber bv mail, forwarding esery necessary Information lid' ihst ructlbn cco'n jpahied withan advance retaining otUce tee or i or to Doatiffe in every invtance to be mf r r ' , PI'dGE0. W. EVER1TT, Re.l Estate, Broker's, Attorney', and General Agent, No. 33 South Fourth it. i2 -r thUadtlfJum.s "it." B.ThiSouth and North Carolini nd Georgia paper, will jopy th tbove one month and sod io thtir tin .No Tariff of Wvcta. FUKE TKAIH5. Earthenware, Looking Glasses, tfc. THOMAS J, IUllUOW, 3f Co. Importers 88 IVafer-st. yew-York, n'F.R for sale, the larirest and moat com- l" plele assortment of Earthenware, ClOM CldnA. tiiiin and tilt Utkint Gltxe. if 6. hich 'th Ne York market will afford, comprising 7 ?"jrZJ"ZL fTh.nk7t, their. friendi in the Southern St ates, for their support. uc rciui n iiiii -t t. - --, for their refaaal tojoin acombinuon n xig cr-t .rr.t.u thmnoKniit the - t.riff of nrices of Crockt-rv. throiighout .the trade. It i mainly attributable to the mOuence l..r... c,ik. Mtmli ih.t wc hiive been en , : r 7 v moat tryinir ait A il Juence and ttp-)tjj 0f the whole trade, endeavortng to effect niir, and exnuUioo. from bus'meas We oar and e ipulnon- irom ounmeu pledge purieiiret to bur friends to give them MtiKrartimi in our Dower at resrards the - . SJ c.h jorCitv 'Aecepuneet and in return, aplicitfrom ,K-m enntimiiice of their oatronaire. and par. ticularly request those woo nave innuengc wu their fnendi' to exert .tiu our m inai , u In 1ST lllc s.MilltC lit UFIC IIH.W ' V iiuviv"im 'I . wi,Uc-rue to u, from their fr'intlv act in this wav. It has been amO, the . . . ' .. . Combination was broken up. As it reflrdi prices, this is true, and all, we think, tnemli or foea will allow that w have .effected this l..nM . hut we (lo assure our friends, that at no period since we commenced our system of unshackled prices were we in greater want of afltsjrsinCa thaii at the nresent moment. 1 oil combination of men are leaving no means un tried for effecting our ruin, that they may re vive the old svtterri s our credit and character an aMttiladin. efery.hape.jouriimportations aid and atonned in everv instance wnere threat are mfilcient to intimidate the manufac hirers from supplylag y m&aexation or trouble which (he malice of men could de viae has been neglected in tltii struggle to ub. due ua.i-We ooce more call upon every friend of a free trade to come un to our support, and p4edge ourselves to give them no caose to re. oent of their libiralitv. 6t62 88 Water jtrett, ahtve Old Slip - i AV.A.VVFiO 4 auanlilv of "eood "Walnut.Tjher'ry'ind Curl IX. ed Maple, plank, fo? which a liberal puce, in cash, will be given- Apply '" Attn F.ORGE FRALE1T. ""'. Two or ''Oiree'Jounie'vm'enat 'tte'Cib inet-makinir business of steady habits, and skill in the business, can obtain good wages and con stant employment by application to, A. BUIS GKO. FRAI.EY. Soliibury, Jan. 25A, 1831. 56tf JCo otgeT to be " ut off." THE Notes and account of A. Torrence, and A. Torrence & Co. are placed in the hand, of C. L Torrence, for collection and 1 would advise those interested, to call on iiPefirt 4m day, before May tJourt. A. TORRENCE. JlprjlYTth, 1830 I State, of .V otA V wroVttm, . it kcjc.k aflKo , xousr i. , . Superior Court of Law, rAi.ttiiii., raraatfejiwathan R. , a yyui i a in TANE B. WHIfk WhiN J sppeinng o the sarisfartion f tbeeatrt- ihat j the df fendani resides without the limits of the 1 ... .1 St a'ej I before -nrdered by the. Court .lbat. pub-, licatiua be. made lor three nion'ei auccejsircty in the Western Carolinian and Miners and Far mers Journal, -for Wmt to- sp,er: at : our oit Superior Court to be held fur the county of Mecklenburg, at thfi Co.irt House in Charlotte, Starch nrxt.and plead,inswer ordemurtothe said on the 6h Slondav after the 4th Mondav in P4ition, or tbe same will be taken pro confciso and heard e l parte . Witness, Samuel (lender son, Clerk "f our aid Court at Charlotte tbe 6th Mondav after the 3 h Monday in Sept, A I, 1830. mt69 SAME HENDERSON, -.., e-1. State oS XortU-UaroVma, STOKES fOl'KTV Sttfrr for Omrt of Jmw, OCTOBER TBRW, 1830. 17IRANCES ARNOLD w. James Arnolds Pe tition for Alimony. It m ordered by the court iii this case, that Dublicatitm be made, in the Western Carolinian and Yadkin and Cataw ba Journal for three months, that the defendant appear at the nevt .Superior Court of Law, to be h Id for the county of Stokes, at the Court limit in Germantonn the third Slundair after the 4th Monday of March next, then and there to plead answer or demur to the said petition, or the tame will be taken pro confess and heard e i parte. - - - 3mftl Teat t TH09. T. ARMSTONU. r. State oC 'otti VaroViua. Superior Court of Law, pVfr!wfi -eo-STtr EMJi SHAVER and wifeva Joanna artly. D'UMlla, Christena, Alex, Rebecca. Edith, Rruben, Thomas. Basil and Laban Hsrtly t Petition for Partition. Inlhis case"H ppeaHftgMo"Tbe tatlsfaf :ion of the Court that the defendants Reuben, Thorns, Basil and Laban Hartly re not inhabitants of this Slate, it is therefore ordered (hat publication be made 6 weeks in the Western Carolinian, (bat they b and appear it the next Su perlor Court of Law to be held . for the county of Davidson at . Court-House in Lexington, on the 1st M or day after the 4th Monday in March next, and plead answer .or demur, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard exparte Witness, B. D Rounsaville, Clerk ol aid Court at Office (be 1st Monday after the 4th Mondav on September, 1830. - 6t64 . I. D. ROUNSAVILLE, e. a, e. It LJIJS JCDE E DS, revery deacriptiqn, Ready Frinted, : kept cowtantly fur ade at this offiset -ill ma th ni'V J.L' : '"nUIS Stage will leave Warrenton er . ' I T J .. A Q...H err i tjc?o7 " o doc rr;,ii. arrive . r u Leve Oxford every I j- t A rt'clni k A ! ville at 9 r. M aroe dJy je-T0 vrlle evirrv M.d ir sndTnufsdjy at 5 o'clock A. M. i nd: arrive at Milton at 8 m - ... A. M. .ht at Oxfrod same Cays; leave Oxford at 4 o'clok A.l. e'very. Tuesday and Saturday and arrive at Warrenton in lime for passengers W, take" the stage north to Petersburg. ' - ; --...v--r--,w This route combines more advantages A ! . . a- a.Mi r lit .i liiaii miiit roureh in uio aniithern country : and for comt'Ht ana cnwvieiu4UurpMacr travelling to Petersburg, Kichmonu, or any place to the north can enter the stage it Unviile ettner m maay or j"mu-, t S A M. arrive at Milton at 8 o'clock and at Warrenion next days in time for he tae gOtr.g northward and arrive at Petersburg Wedneiday and Saiuiday tf 6 o'clock T. M. Thos rlorming Jhe route of irr Miles in tire e days, f rice of Fare thro. 8 10,00, and arrive in New York in six days from Danville or Wilton. Persons travelling south, an leave Pe tersburg every Monday 'and Thursday and arrive in Warrenton next days in time to take the stage to Milton or Dan ville .. . This line intersects st Warrenton tKe Main daily line running North or Soutn. It slto meets the Norfolk line via hTUt freesborough and Halifax N. C. Persons trayelltng north who do not wish to go thro Petersburg, can go in (his line td Norfolk and there meet ihe Sr'cam Boat, direct to Washini CiiyBjltimQre &c Thisiine also meets at Oxford a stage from Rnleieh : At Milton it aho inter seels the stage line from Fredriicksbtirg 'V'aTio r Poweltb&rOoi gia : And It Dan " ville. meets with a line of stages from Lynchburg Vi. nd ano'her from Slem, '''"Criwite'i''we"k;:whtctr extcndf:-v',: Morgantorj, Brindlctown, Greenville 8tc. to We'ibufli " The Proprietor pledges himself to keep comtoruble Caacbe&,.fixiLxale. teams, sober and s!edy drivers ; and by theae mean, hones to obtain a share of patronage. Puss ge frnn Warren(on to Danville 85,00 All Baggige and Parcels at the risk of the owner. JAMES W. JEFFREYS. February, 5th. 1831 6' 65 Wemovftl. TllOMJS VICKSOX, Tailor, . RESPECTFULLY inform' hia customers, aod the TpubUc gP r$ly ffiM jhe hss removed j his SHOP, to the building formerly occupied by l.owry and lempieton, and more recently by Wade W. Hampton, as i Tailor's Shop i on Min streeuthe wesLskle,a few donrsfrom the lia 11 nParuiroi'1 In Vsiia all ny-iitliiiai r TJILOMXG, .fRr.!hjtJ!irai.aidna, and on the shnrteat JiotjceT indi P Clothing in first rate slyle, having in his .employ iix or itven Krst' irale WOftmen,-which enables lum to do work on the shorten notice. All kinds of Cutting Out of Garment will be done on very moderate terms. All orders from a distance for work, will be most faithfully esecuted, according to directions, and within the slux-trat ni.ihle time. P. S. He has jutit receivel the latent fashions r,.M. 1 . r L .. . . , ., tMTinna' tm -nnrinni wnir.u win enaoie mm to mate nne boats, fcc. af'er the most approved style. 1J Sahfury, April 15M, 1830. cprr..v IUGUE, Ult.UKS. HE aubscribets return their thanka T' to the public for ihe liberal patron age extended to thci Tailoring estab lishment in Concord, and beg leave to inform (hem that they have employed a sufficient number of w oik men to enable them to do business with (he utmost dis patch. They regularly receive Ihe latest fashions from Philadelphia,, and hope they will not only be able to (urn out work with dispsteh, but be also "able 'to (urn it out In a neat and elegant style, their terms will be accommodating, and their efforts... to please, .unceasing. Orders r j:.. L . irom a usance snail meet the most 1 prompt attention. Cutting of all descriptions win be done at (heir shop immediaiely on application, tbnaoerf, Hj. )th, 8i. $Sf cotton Oin ; THE subscriber respectfully inform, the eiti aena of Davidson, and the adjacent conn ties, that ha continues to carry on, at bis Shon f .1. k...! . . . K i.t.uiuii, vc uuwneta or Mating COTTON GINS, equal to any manufactured in the United Statea, ,ndeed,. his Gins are preferred to all others, by - thofe who-baye tried themi and hive found a ready sale throughout a large ex tent of country. Wis prices shall be as reawn. abla aa at any other shop in the 8outhern country. All orders will be promptly attended to, and Gins finished m the shortest possible time. ' Repairing of Gins will be done on the short eat nwtice, and in the most ubstantial manner, by the pubhe'a hnmble svrvairt, , IIENRf.-A.- CLING AMON. TsTtnebm, Nay 2S4jl8fl ft - JOB I'RLS TiJSG or xvert MrirTosj, txietitrio wtra iatxs agitate a. AJ.TJlli WFICTJ ,'maj.-y a! Oxford tame aay - Mte rekidnce nf ,4' Wednesday nl aun- . oi c u. ,i ncy IH ne sold. ,)n . treii " W and arrive at Din 1 nine months, the purcKaier ornn-,,.. 01 for Sfill 13 mi MSI ia . oei'ii"i? (o 'he t,,t:,i V'U'1 rfAlexsn. ft, i I L I . J . 1 . I. ,M J - ,1 ' I I oc- uuc u.. u. win o exposed " sale gtvlii? r,ond wi'h ..pproye-' r1,j,r JOHN LOCKt.. . ) , RICIIAKD LOCKE J Rer, Salisbury. lf;TA 4 A 1831. a..' Notice. rpUE. subscribeN having sdtntrhterrt" I on the Estate of D. S,.k... rrrrld,..dere.sed, req(.:ij to whom his Enae is iod-bted to nW,J! by hw, and (hose who are indebien i. his Estate, in any manner, are rtqueca to m kf immediate pivment t 5 j R. MACNAMARA, Jdminiitrator tbith the mil antoxcJ March 5th 1 83 1 X LOST. ,. !" A Calf Sk. . P ickc Book conMii ing upwards of One Uuodred, an 1 T utv Dollars in, Cash, together with Notes and Receipts an I account! and some JiuU'ments, on the Roai IfiUlK .X?.SyiHiarnf IJedrlci's. fb-mas BroVnV"'"7rom ThnmV Brown's to Diuthet's Mills, l?.ok was lnt on the nieht of th 1 10th m ,rnn? l the I ty.Mo. Any person nnfJing it, ,nil ret.trninit to the owner shall rect-ive :he"ah,,v u2iA JOHN A. tEUQXY, frbruary 2ih 1831. 59-' rsiiii. siiiiscnbcr Oeli.e .bn,. & rtmoe to tk vV.t nun. fi to sell the plirttttioii on hidt "I'-i-il ie now live Jvinir m 4lnw fwtvw Vadsnr near liitrhrtati reV milel from Salisbury, outhe road leadine (m 200 acres In the above plantation, all of hmiHe, out.hous.8, orchard, &c. on the preiJ """" f " P above W can navp an opportunity 01 view ins the iNinM by calling on the ubs' ribe.r who lhay tt ij tiroes be found on the premise;... GILES FOSTER, JVwemAer '20th, 18.10. . 45tf A wVcw sMaiV Wtmtt . I'uofli BAi,i.ioH-rt-siTTTrft'nT;"" STJIGK F.IUE, S5. , TTNDRR this afrsngemntjjhe lJie f! twice a ""week," ami goes thrmig hTw dy a,: each-way The steeotnitrndasnj- if fwi I'assenger. who sre travelling from Raleigh ti Salisbury, or Tennessee, or South of Sslibuit, wiilfindts to Se the:n most expeditious route West of Raleigh, F fnge r vho are travelling from Sslinbury Nor,-' will fiod this route, by the way of K'sleijpTta! TetorAurg, to be the nearest, cheapetf ul most expeditious route that can be travelled the North, by two dav. A pateiiger tw travelg this rout from Salisbury, bv the ta d j Raleigh and Petersburg, to Washington t'itf, j wil' go it m five days, and will trep three aigha . . .. .1.. " out or nve an night. The Cuntractor will nledire himself to ltf first rate Mail Coaches and gool gentle bfU and drivera of the best kind and he willipan no pains in trying to render those who patronin 1, i r ft..-. .. L l , C . . L L. ' . ..... ....... vuiiiivi uiuie, aiiu tie tnruiigo nil rmm . Pass-nges who are unacquaintedjritk th route, will secure seats by applicatiosat 'MrTt" ' P. Gttion's Hotel, in Raleigh and at Mr. Williaia II. Slaughter's Hotel, in Salisbury The ilagei sriTT leave Salisbiiryeverf" nesday and Sat unlay, at 8, A. M. and srrirs is Raleigh everv Thursday and Sunday, at?,1; sod will leave Halrigh every WednesdaTM Saturday at 6, A. M. and arrive at Siliibtir every Thursday and Sunday at 7, P. M. '. (iEtiltGE WILLIAMS, Contract. June 14fA. 18'.0. . 25if , j dtatc of VorUv-aroViwr STORKS (COtJItt. Superior Court of LatiC , . . ya - k as,-1 830. ELEANOR. ROBERTS su, WflHam Kohf; PetTtlon for Divorce and Alimony. ordered by the court in thii rase (hat publ tton be made for three months In the Waste Carolinian and Yadkin and Catawba ifitm that the defendant appear at the next .8open? Negroes .H.u'ti' h ji Dur)iic auciion. on nunr.l,.. .l "" J . .II wi.. ... .L . I . .'. 1 C. eri thy- Stokes at the Court-llofiie in Germanto, j the third Monday after (he fourth Monday March nes(, then and thertf to plead ! demur to the said petition, or the same takeo pro confess and heard esparte. '3ibiW , Tests THOS. T. ARMSTRONG, t. - Driving to Fayetteville, WILL find it to their advanUge, to atop" the H'ttwi Tarvi; where everf -, venience is provided for Man and Horse, to them comfortsble, at the moderate charge J. Cents day and night, for the privilege' Yard, the ue of a good house, fire, wter, shelter. Attached to the Ysrd, are a Grown nd PicVision Store,1 Bread Shop and C& tionary, and, a Houa for Ikurder and Lon in a plain, cheap, wholesome and cOffl!orJ tylet Fayettevilte Apti, lal 181 , , 'Ml I1F.1IT. -

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