0 ' ' o Il i even eouU f;, UiZ haoertr wut anj fooj in themaclvin, have the aemblanca of inequality, thich iii.....'Sr."-.'Tta .if wftiKitoifchi ui M ' ' nun M " t u .1... .... tknraaftaf . fflt.it - STATE IlIGIITS BALL. I Agreeably tj pteyjourranemeou 1 thi fcij.i'TiiiTcl iT.l pairiiuci'cte'1took i; place- at tha Theatre on Ihursday ! n IjI'i " RfVen: . irt il was! Jin l BVIUII'K' - ----- . - ; ? i . - if s.t.J f..H .. ;. lsNar.auwLjwtju . - i r & a ' ttn an.l excellent tvriici magistrate JAlCis HAMILTON, jr. a.nd in tea timony of the devotion of our citiaens w the principles promulgated by our Ircislntore, niof which he is and tiring champion, it aff rda us much gratification, to state, that it was every tav worthy of "the individual and the eause to whom it was desigued as a tribute of reject, and a pledge of ap. probation and Hupport. To say tht It equalled public expectation would be lens than justice. The general yoke t -W and unrestricted in. 1 praise, nor have'wt conversed with a ingle individual upon the subject who does not pronounc it incomparably the most superb and magnificent spec uce which has ever graced our city. Nothing, indeed, was wanting w filch 'lisTe" Cmrtd-xmKeivr-Wgenuuv-j:x. ecute, to render it effective. In the u .-mnninns arrangement of the orna- liaim".--,' t . .... I niiahdj&te appearance ot the wnou:, every "o ducemed the master hand to which sitpil"- evidences fit teal and taste. R th the ex erior and interi6r of the ''TcaTfe"'wxr-dMW-t4-.4Ji-Afi-jniiiit. so indeed thatit is difficult to deter-, mne which wan most attractive or drw forth the warmest and most gen eral commendation. The decorations however, beautiful and varied as they were, were all emblematic of the cause of in-: A) ith, and calculated at once to iminmrtne-soirtt of - n-ttriottm in ev. i"-ry4rt,-aa44fcUe.-.-thftv-watmet. devotion tj the rigrtts ot man. ivi emblem was there wh'i&h did not rr. lia !)rrtrin?8,-' no inscri ption . which did not recall the services of some dis tingolshed patriot, who had Reverted his talents, mkeU his popularity, and endeared his name, in: the support of M Liberty, the Oiist'tution,' and thelVin;r fEwaf IrMf -CCafKoa fetcbcadtiMd and endeared by tr olina emblems honoring, is t wa- fhtendld to honor, Carolina principles and Carolioa worth vet not forget tinp. as it would have been uagratelul to Wget, tho-te of lu r Sister State whn arc united with her in principle and feeling nor those enlightened and patriotic mert, whether iu the Kst or the West, who have sympathized iu the suffering and maintained the doc trines of the South and who, beard ing the luo ia his very den, have 2ealouly supported the rights and sovereignty of the S ates even inth se sections of the umon whicn have u righteonsly combined to rivet oppres sion and degradi ion oo the Suih. This was an it should have been i jst to ourseh-es, and grateful respect to our friends. The exteri .r of the Theatre ws decorated in a svle"of beautv mag nificenre, not oj.Iv unequalkd here, but probably u surpassed io any other of the portico was a beautiful trans parency, exhioiting the name of the honored individual to whom the festi val was given. Immediately below tk it ir,rt Kriien the nillars ot the ia w w w - - - Portico, were three other transparen oies, ot which the centre one bore the jmntto of the State It gnu party, u Liberty the Constitusion, Union," and the other represented, respec tively, the Arms of the State, and l'al ttetto Tree. Thy were, all well exe cuted, and would of themselves have been accounted a handsome decora lion of the front " but, in addition to them, the Pillars were hung , with in numerable variegated lamps, giving to the whole an effect indescribably beau tiful. nd nf which it would not be 'wravigant to say that it' might well e compared tp the sparkling, magoin mcc of a Fatry Valance; Sgjcaiid, hoyrcvcrM was jhc ex ternal decoration, that of the interior of the Theatre fally corretpoaied in design ana cxecuuaa. yue r m floored for the occasion, and derated to a level wtth the Stags. The front of the boxes were removed, ta a!b free communicalioo with tb ' fljr. Ia the cetttf'thlthNKr' was a l'aimetu an entire tree of eighteeo feet in altitude, and ia ect foliage whtchJiaa becauaas r. fted t siitheHVom its iiiwe"fc;4iOTTati stately and beautiful Tree ihe em blem of S.utacrn brmnes and S iu:h- ern glory connected as it is with the proudest associau ms ot our hm a . 4T4MAiHwfi'fca tatlttonrtroaa ialracttpntl'thrtjotmltnw a . c i a future and forcibly reminding Caro linians of the price at which ihc.r erty was purchased, and ofiheir solemn duty to preserve it Sor them selves, and tn transmit it uriimparied (their children attracted every eve. and was the theme of general and ani mated conversation. L wa encircled with coKnired lampi, iad byre around it atraoaparcnt lbel " YW ie Tm gere" below which there wm a Rai. tlesviake whose- warning is as Log and loud as its bUw is faul coded at his f;ot. Above the entrance to the Pit was a full length likeness of the Governor, u-m6unted anJ eo- twined tyflagTr rie inw 61 lV a a a - a Doxea were ail aawrara witn ever greens, coloured lamps, and tne norttaka-.idiUogMjd-- mogst thehuer we particularly re - - marked those ot J inn Jt uo:pn, whom wr hwpr stori-to -cr-- ia v a . t "-' . W. m m i Congrrs-of the galJaat Metric, t smili'ig approval of the "uiterei.i!Og!tcderl us irpation and State degrada speetacle of thr sons and danHtera fubn tiiie 2Jth auction of the Judiciary CarolinT rronorfng the pmetplrs-Act ()4 John Tylor, wbosespiriied he consecrated with hi W joJ, aa J atlLnsxcr to a certain eight-point letter, ippropriately adorned with h:s wap a: appropriate commentary upon ralmtto of the patriot brothers G? hle temr of h'n poli ical life erals Thomas and C. C. Piockn-v, t ie ! Ot Stephen D. Miller, the firm and former of whom left as a iegacv to co ttistetit supporter of Convention Carolinians his dying injanction &evr!h fearlessly follows his principles to cease until theirs shall be regained, 5 wherever they miv lead who did not and"! new cmpact"mide.aod ot rrrbbaodn the people after having led venerable Mapr Ila-aadtoa, .., j lihta to the precipice whu will aup still as fervenUy derotcd to the caaiej port ia ClhUiflt the doctrines he or ireeaow as wnen n nervca nu araa t and insbircd his heart at Yo:tioo s aftd"Trc1ton.'TOT''wmr-'aTrrai other portraits which we have no time ihe staze were three a-chf, hujg wH variegated Linasr fruai the cxa tw xi f ....wbich- - w - t-prndrd " the iremmed::! from . the. ... 10 Pthers respecuvcTf, those of our illustrious Jatkson and b-bved Lafayette. Extending from proper and efficient means of saving ihese, and occupying, oa bom aides j the C institution "at its last gsp," the whole length uf the Stage, were (and the State of .South-Carolina from other Medallions, embroidered withxrvitude, poverty, and degradation, the Siar of Caraixaa, and eowreathediTbe doors communicating with the with evergrceus, displaying the ass - j stage were arrayed with arms and ciated names f ihoe cmiocQt aad ' olours, wsteftilly disposed, and ihe patrioiic men, both of the Revolution !wh!e of the interior of the Theatre and of the present period w ha hate was elegantly lighted with variega been most signally distinguished bvjjted lamps. . Bands of Lisic were sta their support f (he Gatati0a aadftiooed in the tipper boxes, nearest to the Rights of the States. Of thee the stage. we should neither da jastke to our 6ach were th decorations, hastily own feelings, nor totte interesting jj and imperfectly described, of this tru occasion of which we are giving an Sly interesting Carolina Fete, account, if we did not distinctly record j At an early h ur the company be. those of John C. Calhoun, the pride gao to aasemble, and before his Ex of Carolina a Statesman unsurpassed cellenev arrived, the Theatre was fil in genius, experience, aod public ser- led. It is computed by many that op vice a Patriot, whose spotless repq-!warda of eighteen hundred persons mion calamny has mtlccd mtfMfHeii but CitWlOt taint who is even now triumphantly treading under foot the deaj!lit his destruction, and who rs yt destin ed t attain aa eminence from which he will look 'dawn with pi v oa he impo tent malice of his enemies Of tne earless Troup, who w oobiy preserv ed the aovercig righ't "f Georgia, notwithstanding the obliguo ot an oath" on Adams tg destroy them -Of the intelligent and patriotic Gilmer, whn will never be forgotten as long as there ahaU be a heart jrto Mipport-tbe RighttjarthejStates, oto resist the enchroachmeota of judicial usurpation Of Governor Floyd, ol Virginia than wham there is none ' . , -i - more worthy to preside over the estate which gave birth to Jefferson, aad to which has been committed, at did the Uqmaoa to their srcstal virgina, the preservation in iti purify r6f the iatfed Same of constitutional liberty Of the immortal ' jeffersoa himself the aa- th.or of tha Ocdaratioa of Iadeyca- dene, and of that other Declaration the Kentucky Resolutions of '88?- wit9c spirit apeati from the tomb aod wboe Kentucky Resolutions are now acbteviog and will yet achieve a asort important and decisive revolu 1,00 public opinion, than even jhat waicn etevatta himsell to tae fres - dential Chairof Woodbury of N. II. h Wii the East h raised, M voue to vindtcatton "of th" Suthtf Ileatoa, oT Hunoan, and Rawan, of Kentucky, whom we delight to hail as brethern to principle, and who go hind ia hand with the South in ex ;io? and endeavorintr to remedv - - tioa which arc fast destroying it- 0 our own Hayoe, who, as he has incur, red the odiuai, is writ entitled to the Honor, of the Carolina doctri.es-0( Drayton, who, although opposed to Convention, would be first amongst thV foremost to obey the voice of his tte whenever she may need his ser- kr-Of our own McDufEe, high in iBttlfetrt high-in hnnor,- tad high - n the affrctioa of every Carolina heart of our own Harper, wnose zeal aad anxietv for the honor and interests of the South, are only equalled bv his puritv and learning us a JudgeOf M rti i tfie soul of hon w of whom S.).i- citTipeik witrurrr?nlfatT5n T and aStcttoo, and all of whose ener gies are intensely dev-.ted to his couo- oiiMjksltry! tights OCBif, alwayswprthy f ciafiicocc and fist rising into en vuble emineoce he, who struggled, il-Jmvigbtimarcrssfullr, to strike fnrm :bc statute book that f ul badge of avows m jtnrriat ana support in Coogreas the rights and principles of wntc'i -Carotioa- htscHoseti htm the representative and advocate Of Pat rick Henry, whose; prophetic spirit foretold the evils which now surround the;jkaaMho !?at," of our own gallant and venera ble S-arnpter, who toiled and bled for the cmTon fwConameRd a Convention as the only! pacu in tae icsuvuy, na we nave neard no estimate which does not state the cumber as nearly approach- It' was then that the interest of the scence was fully felt, and all its splen dor burst upon the tight. A few moments before, and the exhibition, nted the zest of gaiety and fife.- Now gaiety and life were imparted in abun dance. Beauty aod fashion overflow, ed the House, and gave to the scene the captivating, dtziling and indescri- bable effect of living decoration aod animated elegance. Never have we i witnessed, on any similar occasion, so large or o brilliant an assemblage, The afScers of the army and of the militia, who were invited guests, ap peared ta full uniform aad added by their numerous attendance to the dig. atty and interest of the scene. Leaves ofHhe Palmetto worn as an order-, composed a part of every dress. ' Or namcDtsof this kind were displayed ia the breasts of the gentlemen, aod 1831. in the heads of the ladies, who a! exhibited a costliness and manigfi cettce ot costume, seldom eq.iall and never exceeded, and whic h form ed an outward but expressive evi J' e A i m ' . ' . uence oi tne eievateti and patriotic l!$X&JbjMsh the. iair Caruti. pave even been proudly aud preemin ently distinguished. At 9 o'clock precisely the Govenor arrived, attended bv his suite. If arri val was aunpuoced by a Q tunuh u trumpets; and,-as he ascended the steps, he was saluted by an immense coocuurae of spectators, with defean ing A reiterated cheers. To these ntumitttn irttecltnTygrTaTiTulty J grscelully responded by repeated bjwt. He was received at the door by all the managers, who then usheresl him into the interior of the Theatre. The company all rose to receive him. with the most gratifyiog marks of pleasure and sppuuse. It was a proud and yet an uilcctiog scene inestima blc to him who wa thus honouied and delightful to thoae who paid tfiia willing homage to devoted patriotism and exalted worth. The Govenor was evidently much affected. And no wonder that he was. Independent of the honor done to himself, this was the first time that such a tribute has olina. . Hitherto festivals of this sort have been given to Presidents making their progress through the Unv-in, and as much, perhaps, because they had been given to other citiaens as from any other cause,. But this otjcwas expressly gotten upy and enthuslastU ca1ly"attehded7 at a Carolina tribute to a Carolina man for his ardent and wiring d v ation- 4- the -rig h -and honor of his native state. Next to the approbation of his conscience, thtt of his fellow-citizens is most precious to a patriot and if we could envy any man a well earned honor, we should certainly envy hit Excellency, the proud and etevatrd feelings which must have filled his heart at beholding such a vast assemblage of .the aou and daughters of Carolina, ap -ntanie-ouly united to render a tribute of res pect to hi talent and virtues, to thank him for his past service,- and: to in cite him, by their gratitude, to renew excrttjnt in thegreaiafie"otcon'- aututionat'Treedom. roents of tne evening commenced and were continued to a very lae hour. R3rii!jroM!iTiO( fa L Sbun'daTcel and of superior quality,, were distri. buted at intervals, ihe utmost reg ularity and harmony prevailed through- a out. And when the company dis persed, evtry one retired, not nuly highly gratified with the splendour and gaiety of the scene, but carrying with hi in the animating conviction that the cause of State Rights goes on tri. umphaatly " conquering and to can. quer," and that the flirae of liberty yet burns at vividly in the hearts of Caro. lioians as when it was first kindled by their fathers upon the alter of patriot ismthe Palmetto Fort. Ckarfexlnn Mercury. Prison of VolintU,--Tne Edin. burg Observer givet the following ac. count of the fortress of St. Michel, in Normandy, where the ex-Miniater, Poligoac, ia to remain for life. Charleston Mercury. The State Priswn of St. Michel stands on aloity. pyramidal rockr aitu. sted in a spacious bay bearing the same nam., which separates Norman dy from Brittany. Been from a dis tance, especially from the sea, it great- fy resembles the rock of Attsa in the Firth of Clyde. The channel that se parates the mount from the mainland may be crossed by pedestrisns at low water, but numerous quicksands and the rapidity with which the tide rises, render a guide necessary. Toe rock shoots up steeply on all sides, and round the base about 100 house are clustered within strong defensive! works. Stairs cut in tbe rock, : and a carefully guarded, lead up to the pris on which is nearka summit j and the extreme pinnacle it surmounted by a stately abbey, about seven hundred feet above the level of the tea. Thin edifice is esteemed a place of grea j sanctity, and it still a famous place o pilgrimage among the devotees of the Church of Rome, As tr ... 7. day.ofVVniumthcConTl, M(U,t St. Michel ua a itronghcld oi not,, and many l.r.ngu.shed nien phi . and perished in Iti -dunpm,,. . -iv- tno isand troops. e w, , -- . i ' ' , . urru, mW fioi arcorannodation lViVe"rr ,,,'''? tress and abbey, alone j anifthe kuhT terra .an apartments, tcn.-pf ;n tQ entrail of the. jrip.uMai,:!, anloU..;;.. 'a-ny,J)lBQdyAnd.JbariArousrf;-.----.- r n"rec0ed,-- form -a lhyrii -(jf - which even tie pffi ials do notQ,w, . ; the boundaries. At the nm. speak of (1822) about dgpt hwa,ej freaaTpart of them for crimes imi uie staif, tj part Mr common felflai. c, ,mone tne norrin t; Cinirnm.. tms dreary retreat i there u ...... v c;a k ii . . in uyss caucu " hi ntfumprir' H. . of prodigious deptlt, which- IS sup. posed to have been an oblicatnrr or concealed trap door upon "which tn barbaroua timea. criminals inimical t the ttate, jind whose death it was tery, were lured to step unwittingly, and an hurried into eteroitr. In nn. pf the dudgeons, so late as the end of ast century, there was a huce cate. constructed of ttrong wooden bar, in wnU-J!PXmueitt-tictiint pined and Buffered, and 'amone "other. "Fran- " de la, Bretonniere a printer f Leydeo, who wasxlandeatinely seiird in ...Holland,, for publishino- Louia XI V., and who died in this fw -nble cell after a long anj ev-re im prttoWmeWtLouu' XL one of h crueeitand.jrnfiaiiest.4ledt4 that ev cr dishonored thn tbroue of ' Pr.n.. ad a great likincfor M jnnrfSf M.s. elf"ajrdmadrfreqaenrpl n.s annne j ana one of his improve ments was the formation of tmhlieUv (pita or "forgotten holes,' shaped like inverted cones,) io ahich tha wretched beings immured in tK. could neither lie sit nor stand, and in to which they were lowered with tha . knowledge that they were" to "be lctTta" " dife 1 - star v ation. :. : .. zs, MM. Cauchy and fiaoiour ca tttr: siontd to r ad the verdict f iK--- - went to Vineannet' u Wedaesdaw L". - I a . . . . tag arrived at the Castle, thev convey a letter t the iWrt, which .hey attached ta. iK. tttarArMwrhrktmrmu KV2!2Vi""?r . rizz- riHPMyeu lotttiat pur pose, l.n bridre Wit imm.li(.i.. owered, a.d they.. were conducted to . I . he dungeon by General D who alone hat possession of ih of the gates. The four Exmini'sten. and even the governor himself, were -entirely ignoraat of the result of thn J ' trial, for the briJre had been the previous evening, immediately on the entry of the prisoners, and no per son whatever hd fram that m been admitted into lh'Gad8IM; Cauchy and Snjou were first iatro duced into a large anti-chamber, com moticatiBg with the sprtraentt pftho ex-ministers, who were still in bed. MM. de Chautelauxe and De Gnamo i Ranvitle were quickly dressed, and ia attendance i in half an haur Pevrannet appeared, and the three then proved ed to the chamber of Prince Peiig- ,ct who had intimated, jharbeus? Ex tremely unwell, he was deVirtmt of ram iiNin .,- f ,thc.cefoi:e,-Ad-Uuhv-jrettta to them the decr ' f the Ce r. Such had been their blindndss itruri their c-nfidence, that they all evinced ri wipfiie and dHappoiatment markaoTe contrast between the firmness and ra- ' signatian displayed by MM. - CHante. 8 auice and Guernon Raaville ai the . leep affliction and humiliatioa of Pey- ronnet and Polignjc. The lauter ca h pecially heard with the utmost coaler- ' nation that part of the decree vhich says tnt civu aeatn is invelv-jd in tho sentence of transportation, hiring;. the readtnir of the verdict the faur prisoners kept silence, On5 sentence was only uttered after wirds, and that wai addressed by Chntelauie ta Guernon RoviUi ,-... Well, my frieml,'-.said he we ahill have plen ty of leisure tj play at chess." ' fEb bien, mon cher, nous aurans le temps dcfairedaparlici (jCceAccj. . 1 - - .- '.. -j .-. . - 1 . " 1 v A

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