pour nr. ran ftii urirAt t,kiU Tlast th i never nct wills eyes unseen on enb Thst et eirsterioue Vgh, f er of f inlihii wore! A om.-H.iniC that di.ttirbed thy hes. to know lVi hidden S'Mirv:. - I Ot lht wlich lido fe-nenlnne. .clear, swept k ai'iili LM.ni.iMa (nrrr. S...X.. iw. .m.l .Lxf lU alream of feeling . reinle ss a drtum. . 1. . . . .!.! !. mf.nt- of th. J VprB ITtJ W IU -rv." f Th eharni whata'tv - ' " deeper teat . , :-, ! X more ufthibW fef and a "wndl, .1... k.,U it vet , lbw sight oan reeh . JSke .n home, i place of r ,kero with a kefing btc-t- ' A4 whit.. tWr answering eleamesa r's each giaace our tear. will throw, . A emUlng light is in heif depth, aa if ffef too ihonldknow A if W t bKereJ hW- loveJ Ar . . '. tthfrt, of .Uen' the myatery starched, It . Mydeepeaa morei ..... ie can but feel iieret a-igt-i, ana yK . its supreme deligl. or mJ there WoromeuJonf i Ae ... I'.-taninr darte " Witk nol Hsrr" w.ft "a&ruplneas ty, TOM - doth of hearts i .- A look-the -ryjfva. S-the slightest smile .willdOi T 1m behind this haunting aith, that one' .,.lu knew 1 "W-, winei' truth weiM idewtood, this v efoaer kindred than of blood. But who shall trice up to. their springs, theaf At VSniM of the mind. Ae wift w bidden. Irt thoir strength as re the J, tW, bright 9JJ TfZJl'L meet. Ad wtkeo nJ fTZ that hour, ntil on eefth ik em tl ) Ad with wddeo Rtadiwtt then, feel ell tht TOFT ' !"" f Variety. It Usaidthettwo prrsons, bclooging k the Temperance Society, meeting titht bottle of brml y, and the vreath. r, beiig very cold, concluded to take a dramVaathey thought it would dthem -g6(t OBf of tHem observed that they 2ught us ak blCSSing, before recciv-gZW-iriWrn-yrtntd the duty on bufr1efld,-irtanngthettmerf prayer drank allofthr Brandy. When the peti. thai kr had not doae. tight, for the -aedptorew '"yj1 vt thoulA wtch 'Jtarria-gt.l' t the grrat mass hich take place over thr y mm. " 5 - . whole world , what por, contempti ; We common place, affair they are ! 1 few aoft looks a walk, a dance, a Aflaeete of the Ipand popping of the nueation, purchaainS of a certain cumber of yarda of white eat!-, a ring - a ctergmao, a aage or two id a hired " carriage, o'tght in a country mn, and the whole mitter is over. For five or -y.jrwefks two aheepiah looking per- .. .... 4.ntior about on each ajnna rv i . fethFrnTirinT boking-at watetfaUaot taaking morning cans, .no g--"6 ine aod cake i tbco every thing falls 'into thTmst monotonotisroutwe:--ihe wife aht oo one aide of the hearth . v...K.n.1 at the other, and little fluarrela, little pic aaurea, little carea, j hildren.. etadual y gather ioud them.TMt .a what nihefy nine cut ef a bunded End to be th deliguu " . rxr;rW;ti of love ano avruo". men any ont : , ' Vithutny tpcsij" r. - -if. and was like a boy. Ealb a. Jr ill TV v a ap - - 1 crifie flow" tbe ficld 'nd- wd kst aa ibef ' m-v v-tbtae five pf i years I tooa on inc n-r-j-v-. pf mylif.w - I love, aaya lfince:ilflne, the .,,.. Af..n.ihl.m:Di butidleblock- WJICHCB .v..-. , .. Iter they Bb, they aianocr, . JhejuiMWe and msoienu if the ricnei 01 vuk i! , - tli eleitsBt and amiable FeoeloDj if the men 7 , iniact ff P.a. If therichea of both lndiea, .taya 1 . .... t-R all inc Bv'"w""" fhr mv love oftwdtos 1 wotiM iptini WiaasaSBawawaB. --i.iiiiii. 'pen ot-i I w 1 4wy--avSt"''-' Mu.iijOt-- In CarriugC'Makiug .Z .. i-r. THE tubtctilitri rtfspeuiuiif iri'irm the public, tht ivlra; eiiwoWed the co pntrterihip with tyf Ir, ?rr, thtf continue 1o cefff on tbe bo Hu J .ii i.. hraornri. inn ire i ' now mklng, snd win in nir F ' hn3 loch work, in tneir une oi iur nm i uuUf rosde in ihii pjrl of the eoumrf. Kepein of ll nu win uo done on the horte notice, and on eery ....n.kt. i.rim. Cnuntr oroduee jwlll be Ukeu b- pM p; for their workt the mrkei pilcei, 'The tubwrriberi ibtlcit the coniinoirice of pMhlie ptroo MtiinuiriCe of ntlMic ptrot'"'it:r,.,-M-BL ttVliiui:1Crierrf end Cur! " .... I in main iihiwi .. , v- ,- . t.t..l .! ixi I hie 10 merit I Dt unreniiucu tn huinei nl fnUhful ,ecuuoa of tend of Cyrus West and Company, a few doorV north-east of Mr. Slaughter house fol entertaion-ent- J . GEO KG KM. IIAKRIS, Two fine pnnel GIGS fur title at this est a!) liahment, which will , ". j .j t r... HE ... U k. sit ttf! m .V It The Fitn. of the co-partnership of Cyrus W. West fcCo. hating epin:d. all those iudcb'ed to that firm are herehy rirnesiiy rrquisled to call and fettle tneir accounts witn Wm. T Blum, eithec by CBsh or note a t this being necessary, in orderTo "closi ilBaf cbhcernr'TTlloie' whr fail to comply with this request, may t Met to have their accounts placed in the hands of an oflWr for collection. WM. T. BLUM, In behalf of Iht firm. -Virary,.183L ?l63 TAILOKIXG UUSINKSS. w T T A V 1 Nil received tf ie latest New- Vnrlr nr( PKiladr Inhi.l PashinnS. . -.If f I Paris, and will continue to receive them, from time to lime, aa they change, and having" number of good o . . . workman, he ta prepared to u wor and which will be warranted to fl; well. Orders from a distance for work, will be punctually attended to Aa hr is trie A rent ol Hard 01 t'mu dclphia, and ol ScgUCZ, of New-York, .' . . . . r . 1 7 - those wishing to learn the art of Cut ling, can applv to the aubsenber in Salisbury. BENJ. FRALEY. 6mt585. ' v T-.liam ;;; - - - r - ii JJI Fv JL I u' 7' "! '., . ' ""," - . . ..... ..t.n.4 tr iheir Tmlnrinor elh A Calf 8km Pocket Book contain. . . . . an3 TKirty TJolUra in Caa, logether .!U Mmvw. t.rt W prMfttl Iftfl Iff AtllitA whii i'vu. v .w -- and aome Judgments, on the Road leading frm-WtlltmIleodrkk!ato T'itiiAl'Browu'a ut. (nm-Tbir!. Brown'lto.Douthet'a MilU JheUith di-patebv butbelalio able f to I or n It Itook was lost on the night of the 10th or morning of the lltb instant, ir.rtnfinfline it and returninff it Any person finding it, and returning it to the owner shall receive the above reward. JOHN A. MERONY. February th, 1831- 9-f State of .Vortii CatoVma. Superior Court of Law, iMVtnsnw cornTt. RESJ. SHAVER and wire tt. Joanna ll.nlv. Riusilla. Cbristena, Alex, Rebecca, Edith, Reuben, Thomas. Basil andJLaanJhrtly t Petition ror Partition. In this case It appearing to tfieiBitsfac r . i sk... tK. AittrA Vn r a. tion or me wum i ' Rnhn. 1 horns. Basil ana ksoan nartiv ... . .nkuKit.nta nf lhi 8taleJil .ro iiui iiiu.wi' v - -. 1 " therefore ordered that pubiic-tion be made 6 weeks in the western Carolinian, rnaoe w w that they be md appear at e next u pernor Court of Law to be held for the . f n..il.n ! ih l;r.nrt.Hntle , i '. .t. i.. af...I in sexingion, on wio .iw. tfle.4t!iMondayJnMarch anawer or demur, or "the same will be nkMi neoeonfesso and heard exparie Witness, B. P. Rounsaville, Clerk ol said Court at Office the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday on SeptemberTT 5307 6tf.4 B. D. ROUfiSAVILLE, c. . c. Notice. AT January Sesaions, 1831 of .Mont onmer County Court of Pleas and rv...i.. Sinn.. the subscriber obtained lettera of administratioa on the Estate of rh late Doctor James . Craig. All peraons indebted to aaid Etat, are re quired to mske payncMJjP.dJLboje.i!.. ir -trmand affainsi the Estate are tt quested to present them for payment, omnerlv authenticated within the time i r-' . nequirea oy -uw, Vi . .... 0r, for the protection of Executors and I iriminUtratrira and daceased men's Estate 1 ...... BENJAMIN KENDALL, Mmr. ImrwcrotSei 3a" AfertA, l$i Stes " it-. .1,-, fift they iff openir th'" fU wpply of ( L I I 1 I 1 ' I J VI f,ieH will he found, $ uol, l-e, fwluonaJle nd cl( Vrofulclotht Groceries, Cutlery, C(usimrrc8t CammttSt Shoes, Saddlery, Qumsware, Jkmestia, Calicoes, Silks, Saltint, Ribbons, fife. Ikilitbury, .Vm. 2i, IBM. 43tf AVA-VTVell w, -U T ,,f , . liwu mint, r.,.-.. - .. r i. '-II Annlilln r ;h k rirtn. AnnlV to . EQKUB FKALET. m n t- n tiw Jmrnevmen at the Ceb net meklng buwne of eetdy babitu, end kill in the buiJiiwi, can odiih u w.Kw ttnt employmen. by application to, 4 A. IlvlS no GEO. FRU.ET. Mitbury, Jan. S5A, 183t. 56if A Xew -U Howie WHOM RALElliH TO iAMISPRt. TTNDER this arrangement, the stage run I I. -J . ll.uiink Sm Itt'fi w; twice a weei, biiu gue im"16 davs, each way Th accom nodatioa ia e;ood. Passengers who are travelling from Kaleigh to Sal'ubury, or Tennesee, or Sooth of Sahbury. will find this to be the nearest, rhepc and . I.,:..... .,..,. Wtt nf Raleigh. Pa- Imsasji C. Ajiviai vsi w awa o trrnrem whoaee UaveHiog fsomSJiaburyJiorth. win n'i mia route, oy iw j ...v.s.. P,Mknrir in ho thi! fifircnt. cliaPt and mot ripeditioua route that can be travelled to ilia Mnrth ktt twn davi. A oasenirer who tiwla this-rout from Salisbury, by the way of Rafrieh and Peteraourg. to vaaiiin(in vuy will go it in five days, and will sleep three mghw I ... nftn 4ll nlrk, firM Mte M,,i coaches and go.nl gentle horars IMi jriverf f ti,e best kind i and be will spare r-Apafas intryittg-to winder thwe h P0""f v.: .r..,.ui m.nA nb Ihrnnirh nil route. - p wb'oare uacqninted jaith this route, will ecure wirflyripptrcatron sf Wrr r P. (iuion'i Hotel, in Raleigh and at Mr. William H. Slaughter'a Hotel, in Saiwmiry. The sUkc will leave Salinbury every Wed newlay and 8utiir.Iav, at 8, A. M. and nrrive in Kaleiifh everv Thuradav and Sunday, ai r, r. "i "... - . . : a 1 - "d will leave Haleigh ever, Wedneaday -and KiiunUv at 6. A. M. and arftve at Saliabury Saturday at 6, A. M. and arrive at Salisbury every Thursday and Sunday at T, P. M. GEORGE WILLIAMS, Cfracier. June WK, 18' 0. 25tf COJVJiJS & IhlG UEt TAILORS. HE subscribers return their thsnks .t, - . I- .rvu. Mh-fJ ,fc - - - tiK - s a - n li.hment In Concord, and bee leave to ;-.r.n, numDer of workmen to"ensb1e' . .i . L ... . .1" vi a 'iiv t , w -..i. .i. ... . .i:. T 'hem to oo fiosirtesa wimme mn hit toe "noi u U-trh- Th reeularls receire the Utest fhimHr-fr IheijtBot-wtrbe able to turn oat-wor-a- put in a neat and elegant style, iheirj terras will be accommofiating, ana tneir efTorts to please, unceasing. Orders l . .. . mo,, prompt attention. Cuttme of all descriptions will be done ut ineir iMiiMiuiMr.. w., y.,v..,u.i . . L. 1 k wm .J.,. ,.l. .rllrillxr ncoftf, Ptb. I W, 1831. 3S f Cotton 0n Moktiig. THE aubaeriber rerpectfully inform, the eifi- ens of Davidaon, and the adjacent coun- tie., that be continue, to carry on, at hi, Shop m Lf xmrtim, the bune of Makinf COITUN have found s ready isle throughout i have found a ready isle throughout a large ei .r nf emmtrv. R nneei ahall he a reason. iKlakt. , an nlhtr ahun in lit Southern - - - r country. ,... , " l 7 ... ;r ' ' Girl jnuned , ,nc ,horteat poaible time. -Repoiring of Gml W1n be done on the short- Cit n9&ctt and inihe murt-subataBtial aMinnfr, k.. k. niikl.'a liumkl. rain. HENRY A. C HENRY A. CLINGAMOIf. T.rinrtm, Ma9 26A. 1830. V fttaU ol VoriVs-CatoWiia, avna-Ea roim r Superior Court of Law, ' - .fllSA I FRANCES ARNOLD w. James Arnold i Pe . tition for Alimony. It is ordered by the court in this case, that publication be made in the West err) Carolinian and Yadkin and Cataw ba Journal for three months, that the defendant appear at the et Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Stokes, at the Court House in Germanton on tbe third Uonday after the 4th Monday of March nest, then and flier to plead answer or demur to the said petition, or the same will be taken pro eonfeaso and heard esparte. ' ' 3mt63 ,. Teat i T1IQCt.Ti..ABM8T0NG.-tit'.' 040 REWARD. RUNAWAY in May last, a negro man named Jacob, about 33 years old, five feet ten inches high, very black, quick spoken and fast walk, has a scar on his left leg. Any person delivering him to me near Bslwburj, ahall be paid $40, or S23 if confiatd in any jaii so that 1 get him again. AE&HT. 0. CARTES. . - I k I lift "i i r . - opportunity el 'iewinfi (the byetllinir on me iuow:ni;f ' time be l.mna oo r- - r, ,.0aTr a. 4Gf'' THOMAS DICK80X, Wor, Jit th public ne V " ,';.! t.- huIllOfX the building kfigt JJjg J Lowry and Templeton. and more receouy j Court.Hoaaa, iw tU town of J.Uur? hjr he ie prepared o rtecute all deacripiona of .ner the neatea't Uhm, fcff notice, and is prep-reU to. Clothing in first rate style, hav.n in h employ .is or seven tW rate wor kmen, which enable, him to do work on th shortest m c. All kinds of Cuuinr Out of G-rtnents he made on very moderate terns. A'J orders from a distance for work. wU he mott faithfully elected. accjrdi.. to d.reet.o.u. . . . i ...,hl lime. P. S. He lias just reived the Utest faahions from Philadelphia and New-Tor. ' enable him to make fine Coata, kc. afer .oe most approved atvU?. tJ Salithury, Jpril 13. 1830. TlX ViATV. VoTcuvan CONSTANT Employment aud good wages V will be gtven to rim e ti v Workman ... . . .....1.. ...i :..i.. .mfHii Imhiii. one wno i accustomed to work on Tinners Machi-ws. , 1 A A I a.U-41. ,L.nr..T.i SaHtinry,Ocihtr, 1 810. 41tf Negroes for Sale. IS OK 14 EUR P.-..-Men, omen .) Cbd- A..n. K-Inn -inc to -Ii h.Uteol Aleian tret Lnrkef dey ' wiW b-iMHi4 to- wlo. at nublic auction, on Saturday, the J i cjy of April neat at the latr residence of the HrhrwIlt aoldTin a rre-Ji. -ol nine m nine months, the purchiuer or purchasers givtr.fr J( kUwutJUieKiVri-rz JOtlNLOCKK. - ofr RICHAIU) LUi-KE. Salitburu. M,reh ith 1811- 4 64 -Hate oV Xorth-V'ttioVina, TOK fol'STT. Superior Court of Imw, OCTOnER TKSM, 1830 I"WLKsNOR ROB RUTS vt. Willum Rofx rlt: A Petition for Divorc- and Alimony. It it ordered by the r.ourt in rhis cnw that mibltca"; lion be made for three nvmtrn in the Western Carolinian and Tadkin and Catawba Journal, - itnat Jhedefewdant-aptHias t-.UiieatAiipefliir. Court of Law. to be held for the county of i ' . . . . - r- ... stones at tne uoun-uoue m uerma uoo, u.i ,k. ,i.;,.i m,.. .p,, the loorth Monday ot demur to the said rrtitton,r the Mme will be ' Iskrn - ----- i . ' taken nro eonfrann i.nd heard etnarte. 3m'6.J r - i -.rntf. t faifVM I IPJll I ll'..1 t. I , I II" MVfii'aisaoRB coWtT. r SuD&ior Courlotl yAi.t term. 1810. -btne B. WHITLEY w. Jonathan H. Whit. ff lev: Petition hr Divorce. Inthiacaeit . appearing to the aatiafaction of the court that i atsA AtanAmnt riSrl. a with. ml1 tltfa linfiits if the , . th.r.ffir. ,,,...,1 bv the Court that nub. , ,,,. . . i, .k. ' ,,. ..-..;v.i ( V HI- .--I - I t 1. .' - L - 1 ,.. ...... ...M.n.:...!.. ' .. ... r. I' ' I..' I .. ' m tne weatcrn i.arniinun anu wnen anil rar i ner Journal, for him to appear at our next j Superior Court to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court Hoirse in Charlotte, "'J" ! ath u H ! n the 6th ,'J0nUy,!MrK,,!elr4th "nA? 1 P,j,t'on' .or ,he me be uk.e" PT, ",f i, r ' .a r 7 . Vk i 17 Runaway o N the 10th of September last, from my hlsntation in Jones connty, two negroes, one named WASHINGTON, about 27 years of are, a very bricht tnutatro; on one of his hand there ia a scar occasioned by a gin I he will chanffe his name and endeavor to for a free man-. . The other named JOHN, a common mulatto, about 30 years of sge, very intelligent j he will probably pass as tne servant ot msnrngton, and change his name. ' A reward of 25 Dollars will be given or the deuYCM-oL-euaccia auv IsiL ,a that I can get them. JAMES LAMAR. October 16(4. 42tf ICTThe Georgian, Savannah; the Telea enpe, Columbia, S. C.j and Richmond Enqui. rer, are requeated to publish the above weekly until forbid, aod then forward their accm.nje-to J. lmak WAOONKRS, , Driving to Faycltemlk, WILL find it to their advantage, to stop at . . . . ... u, wucrc every con venience ia provided fur. Maan4IIor-, to make them comfortable, at the moderate charge of 2i cents a day and nitrht. for the Yard, the ue of a good bouse, fire, water, and ahelter, ! ( Attached to the Yard, are a Grocer and Provision Store, Bread Shop and Confec- oonary, ami a nous tor Boarders and Lodgers, m piwn, cneap, wnoiesome and comfortable Av,Fawttrtl, Apm, Ul m. tj niHB wbtfriber "".'-"" rkl of hVff llK I" "-7- i . . l '.. rir. tinren r-miiiJ .-'.n i... ifaWiil itf, iih. SZl; I -? T-d,r Wd Sut4r . J " " n.,rha the fcooet nu . II. Q l ,M . A hu wkekttUUI WlHltllllcT IV v-- , w w - - - v w ur 7t Mti.swKwftirtifji, ULmTJS K I tWIUIttjy TSt fm SALE AT Tills WmV. - T TO DANVILLE, uv - rv vll,frf niiQaV and i kmui,. . j u i . biiu rriTO at .'111' A. M'i.d at Oxfrod imt c4H k,,. 0ford at 4 o'cloli A. M. eviry Tun!3! anUaturdiy and arrive at Wurremoo . lime for psienKer to lake the , north to Petersburg. ' This routeartiblne,i-roqr and ficillties than most ront. i .k. sriuthern country t aad for mmf,... ... ... -T1Q fjyiveivence ;it l not aurpaasd. Ptrom tri.i'.K;;tO; I .f rsHritiB1imaM:: any pUcejQ.the north can enter she tUgi 4t I).m?itle either M-m-iay or Thursd,. it I A M arrive at Milton at t o'clot and at W.rrenion next'djys in m (w the st;e K'''p-K northward and arrive tt Petersburg WnlnfH-by and Sj(uid,if 5 o'clock I'. M Thu pr.rformtng the route of If7 Miles fn thre dtyt. ffy of Fr thro' S 10.00, Vi.d rri. in jla.. York in six dy from Dnvillrj or Miltotv Persons travelli'iir outh ran leav, Pg. ters!ur every Monday and Thufsdiy und arrive in Wrrentoit nst daya j time to take the stage u Mil on er D j. ville .' This lio intersncts s W.ren'on itvi Miin dtilr line runhjnc North.or It nl mt 4t N'orWk line via Mufr frcesoorough and ll .iif'X N. C. Penom travelling nonh who .)n uc with togs, thro" Petersburg, can no i. t.Vj line to Norfolk ao'i jh-ie miit ih- S . ,-i f,, 'tired to Wihinmoo Cvi. H .1-iin.'e k, ' This linn n mi ei Onf nd .,. irom ivneign : n--T-; T ,- : - rtl ftinmn I ! ah i int. r nects the stage tin fiom rr. d ti'-kibii; V to Powelton, O' ori.,: At, I (r Dm- vine mens wirr ne ol 'v,tn f? fivn'rhhilfj Tj." srKf'anorher froliTleiC N C twjre a week-which exfef M ;ranon, Biiodletown, Greenil- k- 10 the SCQtll. The Proprietor pledges keep comfortable Co-nes. himiflf ts firt ri t e . ms, sober andlileldTlinvm ; sndci lbf means hopes to obii, hrr-f p.trormge.- Pns.Hge from Wi,rrentrtn lo Djnill g.5,00 Ail nrjrige ;,nd P.irre's at .t.j risk of the owners. James w. Frbruiiry. th, 1831 JEFfiEYS. Notice. ??rJk . ..X -TJ' J.-f' , be suld on Tneidayef Jxa, V V May Court, fhi, TtousearJ f-ot of lijrnb-s Kri .Jef r .d?uninaQB''. J ii! ott '?.n crciit.3f Xdf e.Maibbj;aj, and sfcuri!y will V required S'tS JACOB KUinER As'r, , Marrk M'.h 1831. . ?.tie ol Xnt v..aroiUs7 ' CAiiRRCs cnrr.vTT." , Court of Pleas and Quarter .Sasifltt, . r : : : i. yTr "" 18JT SMU EL .Cr AFORD .o the uw d 4-, s-J--4tnms-T;he he res -efliiwS"-W ilium P.rks. I' -hwr-vieit aptKiHfl to the Court 'ha' Ears P.-ks. one of As heirs at Liw of the said Wiliiirn PHI lives without the limits of this State t It therefore otdered by the Coort tint bnblicalion he mids in fhe VV. veiflC oliniio, pulilished in Sili.!ury to be ani appear st the next county Coon, of CUr ros, to be held in Concord oo the "in! Monday in April nev to Shew CjUse any, why the ptantifT shH no' has. Jde ment of execution, agsinst the rt.ilE'W'J of Wm. Parks dee'd. or Judgment s be entered according to srifj. WiinMf,--JAMES 0SP$r 6t6T State ot .Vorti CawUnaL CABARRVS COPSTT. 7 . ' Court of Pleas and Quarter Saswfo JSKVARV SfttlOS, 1831. j SAML. STANKORD io the ue tT Charlea Harris' Exfrutors t. w heirs at L.w of William Parks, scii W eharg.. eal.-Etat..: Ia,JhiL?L..l.'l. peai ing to the Satisfaction of theP?T that Exra Parka ono of ihe heirs s,t W; of said Willism Parks, live without OX .Jimua of thia-Stau It it theft ft I u. J i. . i. . .t&. .viiKl tratlofi mjde In the western Carolinian p " in Salisbury, to be and appear at the j County Court of Cabarrus to be hrW Concord on the third Monday if P next, to shew cause, if f h J"J plautiff ahall not hate judgment of ' cution against the real Estate of w Parks, dee'd. levied on or judgment. be entered according to scifa. . ....JVijneais. fAMESQ. -SPEARS' 6:67 !L H ILT0N andOskes of Concord -A. JL Ke conaiani ouipiu - . give constant, anipiuy - l....,.nl in iw for nve Journeyman woramsn ff. fle anfJ Saddlo making business- v flfl and Sa(ti0 making business- i ral waRea will he givct m, 17ft, 13I, . .. .

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