r,,Jt f ti.a trmmn t.lm.t.inW.Wtrt rt tr ntd 'h 'l ""' l't thii iliTrrrore vi'.l n"' lire! Iho fol.'tr1 eitrj of Mf. fal l,un end bit fiieitdt ' It m dmn their aid- but tt will " drtn.y f''Ksi'h'o t 'h f.'.,lnt ol the' Uni'ed ftaee e-tlonjf it hi ,.r,r.c:,..te .f.'t fc'.iK hi wn. We -t n;,fa! ! Mr Vn ltre.i--ve hive 1 afth jn r.'l we-nld he pleteed to ate Mm re. Wf,r() f ihe of He-cft-inr ( ,,,., -cp nf.t th-M'tre hotile to the p'eteM .rit'm nr;e ,r,.P e tbe Pre .id en t. tn M'tenr y.ifw tWtl w ht found envtnth T' ' - f hi, . l4iW'f.t!t. The V1on,l R. jvS!'W 't""l tlft"! W n1""1"1! j M ! fltSt'"! .fMW hf fnlj of b Hfw'io py " 'hwiU rf H it m , hu kW" 'f"rtufl 'ht C'4 hW Iht , V'twH onlnlfMi fioMil by lh J v.oi' R-n'tfGn Mr. Vo Buren' wo fut. t 1 f It .1 L. ..... mm0 it t... rn Ml n'-'r their Tin if it M to tH --rv of h m,ni' . ... Mt.u ffiHV. wfff known t U miWor hf tH.rlrhrrt .Kfcttom t.Hl.. -.i.J.,V,.,orea from ,hr b h ...ii.il nlvfo I tr .M-iit of Mr. fuT o', """",r , .m o.. th l,"l!io,J 'XM lZh. h-Pf mid'y M0,, M w Mw tt hf VM fiPM1 It- A l. 0ir eT',',( Itrt which we r nno n -4 .w.i .'I )V PruMi when (nU j;p'in sip1 .( m 4minlrrto(i"i"n't t.,1 tV rre U,S .Se Uw, of he United V.ite, wtr n, fr..-w r'" ,,n,n'",,,, ,0 7" to 'h- Vffftr? Of Uo whoh.1 th to.n-.k We wiM h, to h. j .f'nranecet'i! tot rttt of . ...1 In mitt ttl-t Ui and WHIM rner ine , r,tvH.t(fnttircnlumi't .a fi-'O Hi (J t'l MVr. rrar Vib'i'hert nf ... 3 1 !,;.-1 tvra annuel -e na ",rru a . itt 4rMittaf flf .nit wonl' ae rtope o u ...r r. nnKOa'ion were oof an!e. wnport ,1 H 'n-e h-en i.H,1rwn from n nn . .,-! st weUl V1''. - Thank Hal wr.. 1 .t'.' a. V fr 'h- nuMcation of the t W Trv and ir, oo wUe o4-r -Wf . jit iu. ha-wiw? . .VS.. i? tn I - ,,,fM ,n wImmuk futth-L' B'tM'on . -,n.- ''Si. t!iit r will V Ra'e5h I Vn"r irt "" ?!Ve tivrow notalhink -J1" .to.arttJb..r"''-l Hv, vP nta- -reak ,Vfn ' We f,V- to Hear wb klhinka of Vl.C"T ,.w. nf -t h lhm'ri" .t ' "nt Tii-k !0 ar-V .r?TT,JBi'' 11 " h.. hal riCrienlllmt to aicijam the ' "fui.Be n'h'mSoT'ii e"ahitt Kwaww. f. hrr wtii -t hi. o upon the ouhj-rt. Vr "' rj" f"- 'h' I,"br "P',I,''0,, nf ,h' ninJon of the in rrWtion to the forma r onneC" Smne re tkke any .leliRht in wU Hine'V et-eut'.aiinir frir'ttrol to wb'-rth i' MtHWr-t 1ft wor.hv Hditw. We do it for rt ren. The Vm hat tome i.ip port from tub lection of the Rt.t. an-1 tha peo. pV are eery aoatout to know whit th " lAmtt of the cor-iponl.inre. We are torn to Kon-wnd he r,.i'on. whiM at the time -. . M T,het t dirrrJ ike rmb. 1,e wiih. whrefee ak of thenar to tell the " fople what it thinkt of theeorreponlaoe. Th 11ee.pete.Mcicy.-The re.pont;biliy of -Wit nablic ohar?e ta no nmp-rl cnntlderd ht the nnmU. L cona-q.ience. it attach'.'' o by mm of the preatltnsr opiniim the'--it. it an offio of form,nd f nmony without any f the lHorioorhitiet fticid-'nt to. th other flivpof thoT-eneienl...T.hft .YiM-Pretideoi ln .rreat deal of toiltome and mo-nentnutaer. ic to nerform. n? Tt the tecond diemtarv of th-naionf end much caution-abouUbe J)b. ,.-H i t the aeleetion of a proper perton to ""t "ffig'TtlBr.t.1 m ire ntrtie'aei w'i"t the par tie wSici divide thn conntr are pretty equal y ni ehed. Acting upm th- tuopntii'mn thit Sir. CaliwMin eanrtnt be re-elected i( co" tj ience of the eotinatit. unliMken!cntom of the Wintry never to elect the ttme perton to that office t third time we would propo. the nnv liMtjun of Jude McLean at a fit and ftii'aMfi pe rw.n to be roo on the Jackton Tttket for the -Vi:e Preitdency. We dq not 'think a better .cboic..; could bejfcnjjej&wn ai.onthe di'tin. ajutshed men 4 oure'Hintry thnn that of Judge McLean. He it nnuertionabty t man of atlpe- ' tiorabiliriee wiih 4be mo&tnniinpromii(tnB;e. publican principleB. An public officer we fiave had none more faithful, and we miffht wi'b great propriety add none more uteful. Hit aerticea to the country a FoatMaeter General - ill eter be emembertMl with f ratitu le bj the -rilttiee. Ia the tmuagtapent p.f the f ot OtBte f iKn-ri i U .a ,.; -J trt'r feittr ' ' nf hit f'ff -Jrcr Mftrt, vttiUt In hit patent 9C'iin ei'.iV.tt hmh .hil'ity (u letrein In ration loV'ifli.I'dirttiom forth. Vice.t're.i !mcv there sn be hut one Ohmi'in, lie i iVm in hit courte tni (li;nfif in hit de pmtment. With the election f the prrtrnt Incumbent wt d no believe there li any win jn the t'ni'rd PtMrt who would pre tide n Pre Mtfrnt of the Be ntte with trotter dignity. 1i addition to thoti Importtnt ni,nrtfiont ha i t wtrm i;ifiief nf the pretent admi iif io, ! U highly 'eaaeetiat thtl wethotild elect to that Chair one who wilf ylrl.I e'trdht top. port l th pre trot Mm'initrttlrW and who wilt, ak.. . . t . mo hw time rnnri rrvprn ni inniwnri ktppen tHut tht fftpOAMbtlitjr nf 4iMin( w liont of imprinc and moment to th emmirjf bf ii r qiml dUtMoii oi(5f ol p"n (he Ykt-Ttt il'ltnt. Ffom tha rfniiion of lhi - nt th-fi brlnir no ppl( h. imiMirtift .4 iMtwt w H(h U t M4 f.!Uir UutilrRUi J new to orritpv the elmr of FrMnlent r.f tU ReoiteF Ju'ljre. M.-lin, we f' Iirei1, iiM nt hflik from thi Tilthful (liifhi'ye of hti !u lle, 1I h been rix'otimfniVtl hv iy' tibt portion of tlicfitrnfiflif tnfterl it'M m iii no wminir penKio lor rreaulrnry, hut wo hi:ee l hone vcurlnjr hi f W'ltm II Chiof Mie'ifirttonr h roino h barn aSi. 4ooe4 To onnrhi'li, w know of mi iri who romhinKn the mme qmt.flimlori with the mm Uitnt fur the Vice-PrMaUner. It It no !iflflciilt ioMer to penetrate the tlo. ceri of the foi'nwint; Unuift quntel fnti psrirniph io fit number pf the " C;lohe," a xioe-wWoh-w htew twwt wrreittMi to rro upon Kveral oroiiinni. It i unlvcrtaHv belVr. ed ihit tbi poer wn cabtiihei) by Mr. Vn Buren it bit Qrfun at wm n he dItoertt that the Telegraph wmM oppw hie election to the PreVid-ncv. Th ettnr 1 fallow i "The niohe wit tM:.ird. nir) o aid any TnTh-Tirrt frrf emitf?' fbrrirrrnnTitoThe firrtency er Grneral lirknn, but lo f!fefae. ith a injrU hearted nVot'wi ti t irtt, biare.efeeion ! tte ffi'it pririci"l wbirh h bmln'm'm. el into the aiminit' ration rf thf rnvernmrnt. hu Hrn iili iti aKni.tit Mr 'n m.iminnw p'rc niinn'ti in ni -m ill' w o 'Or rrr iient, anl aitempt, we ere not i'h whit mo- uq 'ermino an' t.teov h'tt ropii'tilv, which we drem iop',rrt ohireritof era fi'lncin'ei we thoutl urn our idilliTv ip-Avt' him wi'h 'h' aane prnntiti'iule at we bave re-wHi-tfthe af'ra or Mr. Calhoun." Th-rt are two mitika in thta paraMli wh"heed'.aif nMlv miU or rctdentlly iner. ted It for ci!erii to determine, who knovf at ell at we do thit ta paper (the Globe1) wsii riiibliihed by Mr n Buro to adite b't tuco-tiion to the Prttideney. The fflohe nrttltlinhed not to a;.l k-ht man in a route' for auee-won to the Prri'.ten'y aftrr (len. .ti"k. 1"'" ;.fpe not tb" Cl'ihe etnret to .tety lonref tbn Oenl.")ackl'nV ttrilnlttratiiiircan poamhtV cotHiwie f if we heliw aieertiona it would anpear not.',. Or t-oea ihe fihAe" mein ! that H wi ttwiit txMl in -nU ftfVeeeoMetie - for ihe rretiawey f Thit it teee ia.prol.Hble in rwto paner prrtt powrTB" CWWwill' SiKTmuot takfjMtteo.m . , . tt 4 i tof;Taciton'. .dmioia-raiKin. Will it Send J tunpori to Uv Callioun .whom it Ma etiuitinia.! tt3 ndi!l!?? iont of :Mtmn vmri-Mhom run iat,nei - ! throuont .IT.--Ie-Wrrp,i cottrae cannot be dotroted. How will th't tt'ly with the aiiertion nf the Cr-be that i m not ; t ftablihetl "toaidanv omiin acon'tr' rr rticl eeaiion lo the Vretidenev aer Gnl. Jek'"nr"lbeen nominated In the American 9ftM To do .war the.pee.va.1irr. imnretainn Ihallt.; ,ujube CauUi(3(lte for ,he Vi( e MUblnhttient wticreitert n tan nurrn .na ...... ? k. NifiLVHi Tnai II ! IPlItWTVICHI II" tnbiV with i't twital inainceritt and diwiretiUtton de c'arta 14 thmi to far It it from being a Van Rtiren paper, at hat been antriteated, that ihonld Mr. i pr0TiJef,re procer a Urire quantity of VanRu-en to-morrow pW i'!i!!ia.,apanUblaRar.hlcb ..'tthen t thrTr.a'dni" it would tte h-m. wpyf ... , doe. the Globe ...etheweitplciitea. when theiei,Pcn'"r trrp f""r"1 ,n h,? noth'hR omietton miRht hve nt e r.wtn tor more ui-r' with e byer of Tobacco over them fant'ml matter? Th lobe aupporeta ctwtHt; Toe Sinrneae Twins htte returned to it vet well knew r-eer-wiM hif.pfn. W'- V, Bnren ha. loo much tapacity ever lo nome in'.oeonflKt with Genl, Jackton m a comett for; the Prct Icncy.JHiptxwitiR: him to be personally j hetifle to th Ptetiden'. Hi preneni rrktii.n - to the Pr -tidenT wotitd ntw forbiir if if he eVe , f,y Wlln , tf ,jr a wffy, that it would irtpnte Mr. Vtn Hureii if he aW-l opsone nh'wkaon.tkPtwkwyTbfeXaole mutt awijfn .ome other rct'n why Ihe people that h.nr.r wu established b1 Mr. Van Buten - ; - . fur the ole d- aiffii of promotinif hit euccestion to the Pretidency. The evidence adduced ia not tlie beat of whkh the nature of the caae will adniit, and therefore ye muat believe that the " Globe" belunft to Mr. Van liuren. C7" We have received the firef nutr.berof the "tJamden and Lancatter Beacon.' We are jfltd to tee a ptpr of itt priiicipleiahliPbed in Camden ana ve lieartny witn na imc x.iui auccet. tf We nndentand one uf the Stajjea of the Greenaboro' line aa uptet Jutt beyond the Yadkin Bridge and the driter'i ermj fractured. The unaettine; of tbe 8iaf e waa occationed by jhe fright of the boraet durinff which they ."ran U.b Slae eh $c desiiviluf ' LiR. A niAitv. s- t-f-rx"":. Tf", mmm minr? ' It 1 rumf-urrd taut F-inrt h. ''rtlart. w,f agilnn JTiiMit. W) wait i h anil 'f for In foafirtrtatUifi of tefu!i(jfi The whole Jukton tirkriln, the Porta mouth M, If.Jcirctiir haiheen relutmc) Wriu for the election of tntrnbr to Congreia, o lopplr the jdV ofihe Hn Win, D. Mirth who en elrCte! one of h Judgei of South Carnjina by ill tm Iegaltrei fic beenhatied by the Ooy. of the State. Th eUt'Jon It to take place on the 1 1 th md ?th April mm, The lxt(i,commeftrement of the Mad leal department a;fthe Columbltn Collevi held on Vedtieadiy thti" I th hat. at which lime the decree of Doctor cf Med iuoe waa conftirtd on Un eunr f cntU- ratft.'"- r St. ratricVt rf,v..Tlie tnnif rtary of the iecntoenth March w reteb-itrtl o Chenw by tnny oaiot of the KmeV 'ld lale. J. 0." Bomn CdUur tf theKf publican, preaided. ' The ?mdentt tt (he Ur.Umkvfif Va hate deterrniBed tn puMitH t Llienry Piper io CharU t'eevICa, to be rn'itted the CBmellor. h rtferenr e to ha fr. qilont rhaORe of E,ofi, i he unjee the luperiniendrece' end Cdliorihip of e committee of twenty one. fht fcditnr of the M OtiJe' hat difer mined tn iistie hit paper, is future, dally. The l(Miure of Pa. ha pid retolutJon y rant in gl 090 00D I for lh Conttruction of rnadt and ranalt. eil'l rf.,.t.rJ.PJh.roiijL.!bt.X0U.njJf aayt tho rrratoof CArCnir(r and buwirtr tip wool, jrtnrinp from 4 tn SI rta per IwMnd.je wool to be delivered when the The t'lprfme emiet hive, refined tn jrrant the mmirn for an Intunetlon to aa certain pmrerd'nct iilnit the Cherokee nation. Th pronnd of the dciion w that'the Che'kee nulon waa not a for etee) etta(iv tut dometiio depenJani nation. Scotland and the whn'e Litortry world bate ttJi'aiited a loa 'r'a cr.no - re I paired, hr he fs n J?E,IIY McVTrif! jm. hom Sir V 5.-jti h hit clei'icticn of VViterU o apnrnpritrely called the !l 1l 1 ild 'hii Mr. VarK;han will bo auV needed bt Sir Jtmet IVfclotmh aa minlaiei from E'nRlindV'Wi-n"ih'r."" To thnte mhf) tra rf ith .... rB,r.,t,- ftf - '.1 r" ,nd member of the Houae nf Com- mon,"thiw inielligmce muat be gratify InR-,, - a fmfr Tnjno mecbi'nVi Vzrr etuStaWcaidato for the Pre - " rnC ..... . Mnhiow Uckeron of New Jeraet havl p . . rresiaency Cokntctirul'CIgM A gntUmtn from tbe l ied of tleadt hahi'a recentlt told a Kew-Tf-ek, htting n4dc a profitable toy d . It it .did that the Hon. .Ve. Ttwel1 will resign hit aett in tbo United Stele. S'nnte' ' . , rH0" TUE T.tlTtO ITATM TSt.CC AM. HA letter from a g-entlemtn in Pari, to a friend in Philadelphia, dated the lit of Feb. aayt rtTbe great newt of today ia, that the Duke ot Nemoura, eecond ton of the King of Prance, hat been ehoeea King of Bvlgjum t and. thit, it ia believed, will caute a war, It it not yet known what England will dot but it ia certain thet the it irmittg ehipa of war. ' f of ranee, lb troo are all aarchifg. AH thote of Faria am' itf neighborhood arc to aet off in two dayaj rv tbatweihall bave none left but the National Guard." . , Mank rA, 183r. At a meeting ef the Merchanta and other oit: 'mow of t hp toe a of UttrHwA. U.e fcflo mg ret CuiTciiry, , , . tHut frr Hie (i.tt Jir of Miv next we will otilliee rrfl-tii iiir mm ae b'il uf any i.r 'iwiirar v w . .tr, lit M i.ww... .laVi IrLVtUt .Peeihe eatie 'tjee',,.. tr win twil few I'lf iraj'iij tiwi vt thUhnte, a4 afur lb- flrt uf H.temher wt will ot reoriee cr p.a ay biiU uff detiuni. Ui.tld. 1. at... i.'l . ftei'Min f mm intrf nm liere R4hl, r.nbi-r tht aa aooe aipranloahW w will procure anoie ehanfe la upljr the jtiace tt the eet bill nirtreocy. AWt.r, .H wi 5f notion f.e aeeJL KM clean, fc? ft 7. Imr 44 to S, r fJ. betf ?i te 3, h r. moUwet 4 J a 50. IaM 8, a't J I , aui?r 19a II. h i rV 1 1 ia i& lin,l ft t fu aopU beaoJv M, pt.ch J 41 to JJ, tallow f 1- f Uc""m U1od ke. 0 la K liaiheta 3J. heeawat. 16 lo Jl ot i iof nirjtio.1, end it npi eaiU iKo aatitfac- wheat 70 terjhtcin IS loll, rope 10 to 13 gWmUf.m MU UoiMt.' U hncon A t 7, apnU bramle efl a 4. com T$ H Hiard 90 I 0, i1.-ie. 4 a 5. moJ..-ei ?y.'i;i l"t ll.iJt TOiTi, wbUkeyiOe 45, wheat !W a 95. CArrnw, ,tf.,4 ?4. ......Cot'iie 7 a . flour bhi. r-i.i.t. r 4.,1 7. en, firr, JV , Cotton 7 a 11. flour 71. wit in fie tutona. larmwn Mi . KT Ml k hiat Ji IR.eorn7P,a7Ju.uJ0,ilt7J,whia! aey aoa o.'J. bacon 9 a 10. sua i" . ' 'j ! " a - I . .. . ...!.! 7A? Thorough tired Iforte M.jaju.e.iiii.fJXa 1. TT T1LI ...i.:. 11.1 caon in hit i.4.e r.,.- . f ii . Monday., Tuetday, end Wrdne, At Contoril, on hur.d.,,Frld. and MrtejtVwwJ1' an . . 34urilas. The ien hlit already Conunctirf d,' end will end the hinK .1 die form and mi-, .nd very penerai.v rrrmmirt; their re, n color, .. . . . dy tnd thrifiy. . Gtaat rare will he ukn u ei. Rnecl tatiitctio. t tint i rtnnot be . h!e for ir ridr nrr H rm wl lie" futnShe dJlt i he maraet pore, Q mareawiii fr.n e dit tince. 6t.f CI!A!ILES L ROWERS. olttie Ml t jttroUua, niwi couitTf. Frbrunrf Srstiom, 1831. fJHS MUKHILYCnriMfunfiood J ""iHeejr-V-f'wrM-IeW on .Ho!,?.!,il Lit In Sjbtbiirir on main t'i ne.t t. 't.e Jail L-n. On motion. id it 1P' ' Mihe tethfae ilaji af t bo Ctourf I bat the defendant it not an inhabitant -of iru sine, ordi:ied by the court thit pub Tinuii printed fn Sjlithury for tii week.; in.iii me o intdtut appear it the nek Coon t pls.e and uuner Setisiona n be held tor me County, of Ruai'i.iU -nonaty 111 iil..y n;xt then end there tp ple,6d or f r jarti oJrwiw judgmeot will he entered iiains1 hint r the pUintia! uviiiiiki aim cottt. 6t69 JN'O GILES e. t. e R(IA COCITI. February Sessions, 18JI. t?D"J C It ESS v.. Cbrh.lto Good li mint Aiiachinont levied on one nt L it on main a. reel in Stlitbury prt .. i.o jyn e. ano l,h no. io. adjolointr. On motion, end. it Ippcating lo the iai$ ff'lw l ihe Crturt thit the defrndtnt it not en lnha!ttn of thie. St tie otdertd by ihe Cimrt puhi(:einn be nu!e htne tVettern (rniirjien p.intedin Salishury lor six week., thM the defend int eppeer it the next court of Pleat and q latter Seshioot to hn .!d for the county of How n it the rouri Houae in Salisbury on tbe 'hird Mniidarh May nest, then and there ti friend 'oe tepletyrhyewise jaHft'riteiit !.l .onLeitd iKinslliim.lorah Ph rrfriimrTriti: t-.-:- V JN0. G1LCS tt t. e. -i ottta coesti. HOMAS W.:. WILSON v,. Daniel ; Wird, Orlghil Aitichmcnt Letied on, the.Jundt of Samuel Hicki nd he ummonert Guirniahee. It appcaiirjr tn he talisfactioh oHMa cnuri that Daniel Wird the defcndnth tbltcatelanot n nhabittnt of thit Stele, ir! ordered iy the Couit that puMicaiion be madt for six week in I e Wcnern Car.ilini-n, .hat thei-nid Djnitt 'r.'dWand appi t mr com t of pleui and quarter Wirtf.. o beheld for id county t ihe curt tome in .Mjrgtniou on the fiutfh kMon 'ay In April nt t, then and lot re to plead tr replevy to itM.e o huwise judgment 7 default final, will be entered up u gains' dm. fi 69 . .. Tr.it, JAMES EK WIN e t,g, tiMt ar. fi. i.1P.BX 25'bJult. Seven Unll.,, will be thtrEfd 1" 7 '"0 Mme UI e lakrn pr.o toft f .r be ie.i..n ( Fie DoMan the Single iM h"'l'r'.,e Leap 5 .ml Ten IMU. io r.turf, FUj 6,69 . 3 SO W'WMMT. e. ft .en ' to lie ttini In evert ottmce. r Aii.1ISTnON(l. rf y: SiliAuru. March 24. 1831. rf",HI OlTiccrt f'inpiirt.r lhj Jtt ! I vuioiiftl,f.r4vj,t.i',nil,,oft?. I TISIVI Of IJ) tl I 'J 4 i '1 M,,iti w' N rc hcteSy com m-,J. , ru I'llMSt" e ' i ' i bury Oft l'ritlty thr 2 'o I Apiil tit It ' . l l f .,'. . - - r 'II HJVJUMVU lilt. , at I u ' 1 airctn'r vr'U. W order t.fih C.rtU.htx, Frbra.irv.Kt.tMt. mt I II . n. tjtujii" I km of the Ceurr'bat tk dofrndatit It 0't anhhi.MuntofiM.8t u, Ordered Wfh CoM th.lpublicMiiWh.S! a 1 11 TV. 7.. .. at'pp it it ne' ' ' i 'K irlcr Si!j.( 'or the unuofi; raIUown t tbt C mti If,.... In fi.li.t... . Monday h Mf oettl, llltaiarf iir i be entered eealnat him ftirn,- ii!i. inimtarik.pl.biia . c - JN'-CIg..ff bluii of aVovlH CattiUnsL , icmr roexyv. lbrmrtitermi'' TTTM. J. PARKS D..I4C ainircnon rl tkt fu, l.h rJef' t.dnt li nnl.n Inhatl . p ... ... , v,"iy i ,e C4UM that buhhrai On be xhi iJ C.r.iiw.. lor ,ie(M hat ",'e ' rP" ' 'Vfof "TV- i o ' b V!'l fo h "I y , iUCm 1 lie K h h.Mf A. iL. a. i 0 "B eecnnq tnorUtr tf ... , linttt I riii ci.ntiv Fchntnrulerm 9 fi . TSAU.ICOEt IWyOcMntl 1 .ttichment. ItepptwIngtofheeeiU. ttctwn-ttf t t-otift thai t h ffj jn 'hi? rc h not in inhtUuiHof trfrf nw Upon motion It !, uered by the, ccurj hat p.iblica.inn he nude h the Wetter,. tiroJioitn for tlx weeki, thit the defen dant ppeare the next Court rf Pleat and Quarter Se.tiont t be be!d for the. county of Su.ry, at the CoUe House h Korkforri nn Uu. uimJ M..-J . . ... ..,gna. , rai next, then end there to ple.r,, replete or jhe rame 1U b pw-trmff, A0.ocaed. pi?j.eu::.,.Z..'.-I-,, jeCYjptnr,i3oomvonEt- copjinTjyimsnii. milBSubaeriberth. e.rfej i,ot;aptK, Faiicjr Wood, bunncm. ..J. I? . 'r--z - '---Ai(f, cocimA!t;";r HA E now on hand, tuah m enortmcnt of lanct GiKKJa. at tli. v hiu.- . ... k .... ... wi uiv and I telettion, coitpriimtf the tbllewlic eriieke U Canton. French, Italia,, aaJ feae Bntb I "j inrr in in. COU Blk. nd CoPiLlunae LuatHnjt, tmilettlon. pJa bim! ehungetble do. , r Blk. CtlU and changrebl, 0ro. tla , FikU d in treat virlrtv. - , v Col'd. changeable, bik. end blue blk, VJr cellinet. ' 5.4:k. en4Col'd. Don,baa',nea. ' or?? ' kA bZt,Li:1 'jd fi'' Maodteine. Ptao, .od r.fiU Paplms Algetint Flai.rrBf4 of tbenewcat etyiet, , , ' French Print! end Ginghanu, and Foulard Mutr baa, . Poogeea and tniny other arliclei for UJi.a tlreaet, , , Got deNapici, Gauie end Crape ttU6 ftlk aiid" K;dStoclt,"i.d Faney bT.vate r-' Black and 'ioredlttlino i !r-.,i. j f!ar bntl nte .! A' .i ' ... "Embroideted.a.id Open w (,rk do. ' . . ' Linen Cambric an:i C.mhrit- ii.i...' Bareie, I1ru C,,trBa!V. ' e i SewioR fflK ;T.ifc r.5d Fancy. Butt., Hooka and F.yea, ec, (Jr.; oww'' yThey vill alto baic enex'enw, ,oHmmt riif. r'C""!'g0f Rngblh Dobhinrt Uimp Hi d Thri'ad Larra anlt t.t-: . ?'1V:4 r' Thibet '...d. Mi-rinn ""'"rre ami merino Lon rv partienlar n ferine to tl. t.,i.. 'a .... .etn "'Yke,.,.ttdM they.w,!!.; r ttnek will be kept ,ii tb,oulIO), ,(. r, v. AM f which they now 1oilV t. .u i . V-'' uBytimi. puicbara to ell and .4m.,ir Kt .nyS?" A. with ... I . . .... --.V

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