win urn m fM i IHi'Hrl Kunrii CsRof.m. . T Wffn fiVf, Mirth S, 111. FYm,w fittr,.,., The Tw,m fff Co!?'1! ha fer romped, i-H 1Mb piliicI connex- ion M. n ,M heretofore f SH'td between ! hoold dt ir.jusf.-- to my own ' '"gs trr I In ptfr.ll the occ hi to P" y. without ferwif to yu my mcrra thmiu f,. iht eor8 lenee repoted ,1 mt, end K foiifiiif and klndne uiformff hcwn me Mle In your it r , flee . j,,B tndeawred g rnerh these 'fkof dUtjncfi'nt, rtl er tr an honet .'id independent ilichrge of my duty, lhan by mere empty and declamatory P''MMon of extraordinary rU O"' " ditchtege hit high and reiponsi ... Mtirutt tik MU'f1wit. also, to ten- !f to b Tri'Trtwr Mtfwwnf nf the tmnner In whirh be ha diehrged Jr, Aftordingly, I aubmittedto yoif, at the Cfee f ht firtl eioo, brief t'e ttnt of iht I'tbtn of Concrtt on miny of Ihe It iing measure of ihe Cavern tAfnMogethrr with p'aln expo'lon of Wf view in relation to them. It t nr tf purpose now to reseat what waa then jd, but limply to elate ome ttdi'ionl fCt nd nli.ervitii-.n-.fnrrrit. frnm i k. - " - ' - - f " . MIT The benevolent polir r of rt moving the Indian trlbel, west of the Mississippi, wMrh hit been to earnestly recommend ed by every' administration, for the last thirty year, if fst approachiog consn'm mstion. Under the Indian I'.ill, pawed ( the lift tctaton, trestle ha" been formed with the Choctaw ind Chlcka w. providing for thrlr removal and "'location, beyond Ihe Misilppi rlvrr. jlmin of a OreiiUr, to leaye manv otheri L ' ne,f "'' ' murkr A fhev thould vill umouchf (I. h r.f much Iirerlitr lowiMt t ' FINANCr.3. th?e lt'lin ifibrt, while ihef are Calru- ' Th Fin. tk- V U,e,! 10 rtwott ihe aonrre of iht and!e fhelr preienUr,tleM ro.n.grmtt ro,,. h',r J w bwtn llnoe in a prron, rrn, The ,h iU if,a,h 0ft"''T 0'Wnr. I fi r !s vr, f r is.'f r r inr fp.l, 51! . 155 74)1, Irstir, th fT.,.ir)t fo III Jtn,,,j, g:i, f(37 123 83'). The Hum pid rtu'in iht li trtr wi Urge but il o... turn ltt wuchtiRf.r, but fr the eiirtor 1inrv aip'oie or lklf.r ih (.rnum ar.d ih irm" ' -rtf" fit m-huttu tlilm "! f-'inf t a i.i! of d!Uif Hlct fell iitn ih rerclpii of th Ui N nd wi piid out of them. The hurt period at whirh UJ iippotrd the Utbt will be tminf uithed. and tb pro bible properiif and - hppinta which will then drawn upon our eountryt were upon farmer orcil'n, fullv and freely preeniel to toy Our anxiety for h romplett e itjnpiiihment of ihi nanone boriht n, imreatct wi:h ta rapid d.min uihn i and when It It recollected, that ipirda of one hundre I and Civ mil liont of dollar hat alreadr been paUS for irMerett alone, and much of that to for S.WmMor mv Uh e.icbt,Ji owned ) f irtlgoeft) that antieiy become! both uuajbie and ptrlotk receipt! Into the Trraturv, for I 30, Vere ?3 I6l.0l,of ihU om about h.lf I million waadrHved frorr atock.hcld In the Djnk of ihe United Sutea a million nda hlf from the aale of Public LanU. nd ihe bilinre , almost eniirelr from du- mmmnh. !y denominated Cuatomt. Thia torn, .Tl'V'h,lL,nr:i'! 'JTllV'l.rr. on the HJinOiryTSSd, form an errre. of 3.or6TJ3 The eiptndSiuret, tor Ujo, fr. IMinjj in the Treasury, on Im Junii ,,3 t 4 819,781 . The rrreip'a into thn Trnrf for "7l3T," are et'imated at 23.340.GM The expenditure, for the antrn jr$r, "Ire ffirna'fd'at ' 53.338,06 J PUBLIC EXrENDITCRES. It ia traiilvinp to nhterve. Ihit illhnnnk '"ut ;jr'.ut,i of ii ! i, t i t,!;b tit J""p!e Py of ni rniraoo and a half at (SilUn j (nil it Into th Treaiury fur a eomov.n bencfu, and It therefore not com')llntd of. There it rntnafac toreif in I.ii'uUna annually, one Hundred millir-nt of ponndt of niijir, which it conttjmH h ihe United Siaiet. The people of I.oniilina get three eenti a 1 1. e lihjiiwt a.-,J o-ij'ftnirt faiaui d Ihelderanily Ut r-uv.ha "IB .1.1. I ttate that I am rtjuttlf oppowd lo the riiifrnt. A iretly hit l,!" 'f !Z metnt attempted in a nrljrhborin Sttie, the SuMim Port e. by hl I mn to rttiit ill oprraiion, S .uih Carolina, of h P,lrk Sea htbfn n,,itU feellnsl berielf greatly eirrifeted by the anerpinr merchant. T?'' 'it. nounclnr the Itw uncor.i'liu.iontt, and of the K therabf nulliffln it, to far the li con itondMik. ... oftheK.njofN.therUM.;' tlrd and a recent r0inmtJy. t tt t p iiufiHiin iif ri I pwuo'i mor or tnit augtr, inm they earned. 9tie cliimi the pMtiieire or re perfert reriproff?, httb r e,,' f coald do. If we were allowed to import It malnlog In the Cnion and enjoying all lit ihe Kmperor of AuttrU v f ' free of d itf, which amountt anneilly to beneB't, and at the tame lime, the titf ht tort to believe, that oiir l $ million of dolltrt and thit turn it to nullify etery Itw which impotea on tiiiont with I'ranre f.r W?m ptif bf the people of the United Statet, her unwelcome burthen. Tom, ench milled udoo our LL 'P tifc nm ino me ireatury tore common Dent e preiett'ion appetra moil unrettonaoie. the latf wtr, wotilf h k p ii Ht, hot at a clear bountf to the wealthy 0r Federal Conttiiutlon wai the rrajli riy, hut for the! M!' tURtr ntnufcoren of Louiina, to e n- of e aphltofcompromUe indfoncilinion. has for tome time , , ulioiU hnre their profit! end to pamper their Some rihte wtre to be ren 03 for the DoIitIcIcofirtiiIrt..r.r ,,ntilM a" ' iiaii rni4hi. w "" more erTeeititl protrction or oihert. I! are a auhjectt of C0I1.,, The i"9ly dllTererKe between foreign mu then htfe been fireteen by the fra exhibit the practical reauif r N nd domet'ire euetr. ia thUt when we men of that tiered ifttrument, that from adoated hv th 5 ' ft. tMinma' ftrln ,i. ik. I ,k- r ... .J k. Ji.... I . .1 . 'n Of In . .... . ... in, ui vur iuumhi u'i niii hi'ii-i upnn nit 1IUgUrtii IMS 1 nlw, " pit iior m nuvr it iwv per Ml.i.f ik. l e. . t .L. .... h.r... k - .w- J - .1 J - I . ft -"'i vvnuji", int.wntinv iri on uuun-ini iniirciti ui iinuu, ,ts i I 1 , 'or. h1f,ihe pHre it e clear boontr to tiont. Dot if one alnele 8iae hit the .K'1::;T ? ,h Cuf"i.U fi'fr ih ife.r.anfwrer.f-I, Unwer -of ftalllffirtf it Itt wilt -ind"p1- f If AmVXir !r',1rr'e kZ k ...... .k. u.k 1 a I .i. . , ... .i. , 01 ? American. Th ' ' nil" suit iip-m ira mnta ure, ;nt ci 01 iwewv lour, lie iririi-i 1. .k.. .k.ti . " " m Irrei. ...... . 1. . j 1.1.1 t n a 1 "ami and n.... , ri,in incm m i;ci, an'i cumisi 1 udti 01 vony rea . wouia oe tain anq uio 0 o par.netrlv at much more for theirjlettt for (here it acarce a tinele law. t'-trir. j he prire of etch 10 the eontu wh -:H wmid not he nullified in aome one mer boinviha time. I have selected of iha S:t. Rut turh dirine. if he ar-lfle of tueer onlr at an extmple edoned. would lead dirertl lo a ditun The wntfl I enuallf true of eer other Ion of the Stale which to m mind, in mnnr3c;ttrnij interett. Thete State vnlvet the er wortt of political evil. Z. ....iii . .k r. .t-l 1 T. ,o "Br ""o diaanv!n, and regirdfet of prior iple of jmiice, hare Impo U .her. thakin. 'SSft throne, of tyrant. anddJ liod . tory mlni,trf have been from power, be ,H foke in ranee popular libari. h .. WJ'W- her oppretion, and the It ... T? etnrr..tA n.i..!.. . I'-'WII . ... "VIKIUIH Utesi. It:. 3 m II wn ar.n The pure and exlied patrio.itm of Soo.h " J PT ? Ce eM,,0"iNt,JS fthe eternal Carolina, and her noble ..crificea, and Z. 7? nfo"tin d.'mJ npoted upon aufTerinK. in fator of the Union, forbid ' ? , T 1 h iv. I ,k. .v.. ....a, ... k. .k. -i.k Vru."nK fur her hw, ., he prrtent odnti and onpreie the Wei that auch fin be ihe whh or v " l,:M!y and lnt.. T..: k:.u !. ..... : , .... , aence fille lhe " .mi, wnicn i iruiy enricninir mem, iniemion oi inn matnan ntou mte. n. .t. .. ,"' are ..;.. bu' which make u. poor indeed. But uth would ineitablf be itt elTccl. A " , J'1 .orM' " h p!rrd kJ. 1.. -t I -IT" ,1 ... I. . t !". u (.ail uur III! I. .1 . -r 'rri iiccic m unnniiirv nil occn i n m(. ina un on n t ni a i m ii (tritn i .. . - uir nini .1 . 1 " : ' ,.- , Mhrrtl j u . . . " iiiwm and which teemrd to IhrMtm our bappi net and our Union. The opposition heretofore mde to thi humane and be neeHent pol'Kf It ft rivinc wi. and the future hitinrun, after the politirtl excitement of the dv thtll hue ptsel warwhH-w'weH npon the-retnntn of ihote miehty tisiioni of the foref, ihut taved from entire exiint'ioii, will pmnonre bur on e v t r ?lc t, w h k b " trtje philanthropy will record, and chritianiiy approve. rTHC.TABlF- The Tariff h at all ii-ne been nub jr ct of iniereal to the ttnhern ttrn, If hj now become one of alarm. Bui hav ing hereiofore nid much of ihe iniuaiirt an: ik . . i'.'"tni nu- retortM to, fo'Juttlfy thlt tyttemof md I im proait ta belie, the time de L... ; e 1 lhf f''irtni,,. of ::; v w,w dp.Ace,.r:d.,horBet.e "J iit.ti-mwat.Infact.andintru'h.nreti detroy that beaniiful fabric, thould re LMA !rtdli,c,,b,;lntt,li, plim ler, upon the unfortunate aericultur votion, i deeolv laid in the heartt l Hti-e. We have een been lold that ihoie I hate had Ihe honor to repretent j e(J high dmiet mafe low eoodt! I And thai land no act calcnlaedio undermine or ,al.i, .,,, ,,u , vKtirvj inn neanuiu: uorir, inuuia re which fh l r "c"lt,h MMnjfJ A wonderful ditcotery indt-ed, ceive from u, any thinar but our ditplea i fPpoP' of other eotintrit ,u h renainly unknown to our forefather!, mre. Every patrlwic heart mutt rei- m, yJ. ' R""" that lhea bieaaL iW-tterfd ttomtt-taxatWrn 4yran- ro-hentimentf -oni-ventbte c,cI0U Jl ov. Tho f;ret decleniion in the price Chief Maeittrme: " Thr Union mutt U of mimifartured tjoodi, ha not been in tonirrmenee of l-teh dae ut, pite 01 mem ; and certainly hit not been procured by the competiiion of our own nucokaur of tbklu.w ilo.noXjrMu;f. and in which we oflVr no competition f What ho redured more than one ha'f the priru of Coffef, Tet, Cocos, and no- imrroti other n!cletf Every one will and oppreinn Impoird by the preterm I perrrive hit thit, a in every other cite, firtiervtd. That the Tariff will be mo Ihe amount of receipt! into the Treoury . t ! gradually dimin'uhinR, ye Ihe expen Hiur of the Government hrve bem to reduced, a. to b'ing them within the re eeipta. and, at the ame lime, to enable " the admin iai ration to pay oiT, durinjr the : r Tatl two vear, more oftht Pubjic Debt, - ' than ha been paid duririp any two ror mpondiniTTearapreeediof them. Thi thai-there mtMr have beenJmpor-r- t .eeirewr hmem madw in the Pohlic . -r t5xpe"nfuret, 'dnrintr thi edmlniatra tlon, Mle fraud and" deMcition hve WeT wliVrwthlnt; but rebuke and piolh ment."?ome of the i "Dr part' men. of the Ooternment, I am frank to admit, have httjh Tariff nnon the P uphern "States I should now forbear to ay ny Ihinp more, but for ihe trry Imperfert manner in which It i undfrvood. The present Tariff ia a tvt'em of heavv taxation. Ditquiie it tou majr,, bv callinj; it "Cuttom" "Impose" or Tariff," ji i ttill the .am ; for nnti do not ilter thine. Thee tsxe fll moi oporc lively upon the f irmer and upon the ag ricultural tate. .. Lao'cr, the proven ayatem we rUe anmnlly a retenue of more . thjn, twrniy million of dollar. Thit immense turn it paid indirect! by ow coflvirrera of imoorvd jjoodt. Dut who consume moat of thete imported tyood, end e oneqeit5y - piy moat of hi.revenue ! Cenpiiily the agricultural tate, who buv all the cootfe thev rnn. umr, and py for ihem wilh their agri M or T f."' i .!iii.ttpecW,.HI eh ttiici we consume ihe northern .... ! .c: . tion, in their extensive and important re- formitloni.- I wltl select onlv onethe Navy ha beeome the mot important arm of our national dr fence, and mutt Heine no4 difference in the pure. In either cae, the farmer i compelled to. ive more of hi labor, to purchase the turne article, whether manufactured in mur hive ariten from other Rreat and well known ctuart. From the unexam pled improvement! in mtchiner? for the Ut twenty yetr, the million! of pertont who hive been turned from the pursuit of war, to minufacturet, and who have become produced, inttead of consumers; and have (hereby driven down the prire of rtunufaciure) jnnd in the otd world; o almost a nominal turn, . Good are low hut for . the high duliei.thev would be lower. The manufacturer know it, and he high dutie are imposed la prevent it. If hjbdutlei made low joodt, and InwrTuiiea hTgh Rood, these greedy manufarturert, would be the flrtt ind most clamorout fvr their reduction. in a lew year, and perhaps at thr vrv next Congress, I have no doubt, trverr diVi . txpknce.virid j.mijnmm!t reflection, convince my mind of that fact. Let u then iDDral temneratclv. but with hrmneRt, to the patriotism and ulice of the nstion, rather than rhlv " fly to ill we know not 6.f" IN'TERyAL-IMPROVF.MEN'T. The construction of itosdt nd Canals, bv Appropriating the money of the Gen eral internment, ha, ince the vt-to of the President,' gone to the tomb of the Capulett," where I hope it will sleep in silence. Tiiere was, however, about fortf thouiand dollara aonmnrftreft r i r- complete the works on the Cape Fnr Ri... ft - I. - .J .I . . r.l.'i .vv.wm.. auu . inner point n Ibe coat of North Carolini, to im prove the commercial facilities of the state. REVOLUTIOXART Ml LIT ft. A bill passed our House, during tne sestipni to pension the. 4Militj of ihe Rev wrow in Imaortance with the extension of England, or the north, than would he n. our commerce, which is now protected cearv if the duly were less, and much Pf- I', against foreign aggre'on and mnre than if there wa no dutv. spoliation. By lis valor and gallantry it til won for it flag, and for in country which foatert it, the respect and admira tion of other coun'iie. and the love and gratitude of our own. But thia Depart ment has been subject to much abuse in But who deiives the bcnGt fiom these 1 taxe laid upon imported goods? The mannficturers. Beciuse the dutv en- hipcei the prire of goods, and enables them to get just that much more for Ihelr manufacturei. Thus it ..ill k. the dlsburaement of ihe public money, , ,ha, while the Tariff depreciate, fiom the latitude of executive discreiion ,nd rendeii le valuable and productive jmcn ha heretofore prevailed in it. the industry of the farmer, it appreciate The public fundi have been dispoied of, and renrlert more valuable and ornrl.,,1. tot eccbrding to law, but according to the labor and industry of ihe manufactu re will and pleasure of the Secretary of rer. It transfers raoat unjustly the pro Jhe Navy. In U39, Mr. Branch was ie- fit of our industry, to enhance the wealth lected to preside over thii Department, ,nd prod of the manufacturing states, nd by hia energy, economy and integri- R,lt this is not our only grievance. Jyh. aaved a million of dolUrr annual- Heavy jaxes laid w Imported goods. Iy, twihe Government. -The expeftdi- fen? to excTudrfhetn andjTherebv ;""dT' . I"'''' WefaljeVict in 1828, MfCJ our breign comrnerce jbr ii ia fol- i.rz8.3:..98BTM.'. In 1839, - - 3.313,930 refuse to buy of them ! The agriculmral In 1830, - - 3.910,776 r rimrndcnl, rnilr.l. . In 183l.itilctUtDitedat 3.835.194 foreit?n market, for the male of tSir ... ., ., 1- m.. ,v, .ii.i ; ,y;r,aM r i,ji ,., we have been told, that this lyttem 'a,1onrJr wr 5 lHn the Sen Ts sn " American System'," and intended j 1 'bought the biirbottomed on jus to place us above paying tribute -to other, l'ce a gratiiude, and therefore M4m,. no4rrh"Mri". gument is most absurd. If, bv buvinv'' 'faction between the reeular anrl AT.i; mnnufactureslt T the same to us i theret manufacture ofother. counties, we J.'!.. .'hej.. fought in the ame glorion pay trioute to tnem, they in turn, pay causes tney endured the same toils' and irioute to us, oy purchasing our aericul , oravea equii rltneer. itlosi of thn S,..ok n . ... . . . . - . . mrai prooucia. out H I buy of my aeigh- f ern ,a,e were defended by their militia nor mi orucie wnicn ne can raise lo'"""' couiu ee no (it reason whv tn. rcBicr auTiiiiage man i can, and pay fori 1 f'rnrn regulars shoul l receive the it wim omers mat l can raise better than he can, do either I pay tribute to him, or h,e to me ? Ii is nothing but a reciprocal exchange, favorable to both, and with na tions U reciprocal commerce, fcvorable I ruv tkii. P. it o- - -w-i i Oliiw-i.lllfin. i than I cuH have wi. T "meor,au7ln who,; p.nutZ 'he mo,, entire coCCdene,wMjl2 verv constiti,iion Dt (ilir n .in.. ' not committed er.or. i,'1 nd I .m far from claiming for mJ m v hav, k err0rS W'"" ,h'T mr have been, wer. th, trmt 0r J o e ISL' 'P''fa'hi.golde, -- ivr ourteive. In conclusion, . me ,a J . r"n "dcTily, to (feferve j( T. Uh Hhrerd.l.m your friend and Fallow Ciiitf.,,.- - A. RENttfRR. bounty of the government, and the South em militia be suffsred to go down to the grave pcnnyiea and unpmed. The ad couia not nave been rerjtiired long-mosl Tbl immebke lavTng has been effec ted, and yet the efficiency and honor ef the Navy - ha been fully austained ! I mention tUt with no other view than to do justice to our own countryman, . who, by hi honest, honorable, and talented exertion, itt the service of hi country, ha built up a reputation equally honora ble to himself and gratifying lo his friend, and to. the State which haaao re peatedly honored him with her confi dence, tf others have not gone id far, Ike, at letttt hw tMfmtimWfutofy'imr taioed the great causa ut economy and retrenchment, la the public expendi Mirei. "' r PUBLIC DEBT. r ' The Public Debt was, on the lit of cultural product. Whatever, therefore, tendi to destroy that commerce, most in the aame proportion, injure the agricul turtl State?. Our grievance is therefore two fold. A crippled commerce bears down the price of ill pur agricultural products, w,hue upon every article which we consume a most enormous tux is paid, to protect ann enikh the northern man. ufacturcr. To illustrate the-ope rat ion of these high proiecting.duties, 1 will . lecj but one article, that of aiigar, ft is 'Barii'ficKfecl'Tn'tio only STuithern State that derive! any ben efit from the Tariff, and the only one therefore, that support it. Brown rjgar costa in the foreign market about 3 cent a pound, when Imported we impose ttory of cent. We import annually ll..h Tk... ..k. .....Li. jftf ,k I...I. I 1 i i . u.c una argument,! u ,ll" nn oi ncroea are now be wish ihe duties laid so hin-h. arm I vond the rrrh nf -n vuiu,ii . ...v.. v. vui r 01 Out importi ihogether, and (hereby destrov i Ifratitude ; ind the few venerable v.n.. ... l.L. -.1. n. . .',1... . i: " luiuiiicivo who winer nation, onould ' rcl imger among us mutt, in a few this ever be the case, what will be "the'TMrs. Bo ihe wov of all fleah .. conflj:ion of the agriculioral S'aie? Tied;wi,h 'heir compatriots beneath ibo clni K.n.i ...I r.u, w. m..... . i. i . . i .r ,k. i-ious ...v. aiin ....... u must inctl IOOK UD 10 a v' '" iicy. aiaie 01 pnuui dependence upon the manufacturers, to send us their pooiU. and take our produce upon iheir own 'erms ; and out of the scanty earning which may still be left to our industrv, a direct. tg -mwit-be--pi!lft. raise e for the support of Government. But i win (.well no longer on this Nothing : r deep convialourth.r-yoir Tree colored persona, IT? aii 5 interest and your prosperity were vital- slaves. The J .. ... . ,462 ly involved in it, could have temp'ed me to say so mum, ut a modexata Tariff, POPULATION. nJehdeCThm f ll?0,.i' no,fom pleted. The population i, h. ' twelve and thirteen million,, exhibit" - . SIUbC ,,IC census of 820 f ahAHf'in ..." tis f.-M.M.u. Noirlfl Cai-nKn . !. r t a . JL of ... r:;: Meh 473. '""are fie ratio of mr... , he .k. '"."'"on will ...v.... ,c ei session. In K-:. RfJjr5f t jriTlTl, at-T riK.'m. Amu 4, We ha increase of number in tl lf,... . resentative, I' is alre...y too g .7 Wladnm nr .l..n...k . . k'"" IOr a decrease of ihe nnmk.. . u . , . . ; -""ci, cannot add to or diminish, the riti. l" l0' of any one itate. ' lgW FORPIOV Our Fore o-n i.i,.; . . pacific .dfrr.j :,::,y","re 01 " ...v,,, vnaraeier- and I think I Can sav. iik... .l: , . "' nillK tieatv w.a ,",?SI year, a which subject of. an,iou. neVitL! '? been secured to us ' ' . R0CUu6n has formed with nil' Atrr ben nd an onoorfimitv arTordml ui fo 'he firtt time of reading Mr. TrlerVapeeck, Senater from Virginia, unon a motion Made i the nate of the United States to any! tao Ifeneril appnpr;aion bill by etrikmjr oat much thereof went to provide fir the pay. ment iif certain con.m;inner appointed by tba Preaidenttm netrntitte i lrc.tiiith !he"Sulv lime Ported At first hl.ish we were diirxwi In believe froni our full ind-iindiminiahtrleon. fldence in the wisdom, and general acciirieyef the eoure of the prtwent adminiat ratios that the Virginia Senator were eensumble for Iherr, oppoaiiior, to thlt meaaure of th Eiecuiire tad quastwn ofj the Panama Miwion which vtiio ttreniiousl v oppnied by Mr. Taaewell and if-. eral membera of the present Cabinet. A more thorough in vettlgation pf the aubjact hat led u to. form different conclusions and we art -of a ... . . . ... .1 . . . J""'l 'nrlv Tnr wne'Tprtnclptt'i twur govr tn the one case aa in the other. It vm onlv an erroneous diniinotion which we dew betweee Original minsions to regularly sbliahed eo'eiu. Bieiitiaoda DlegatHmtoaCoviKreaofthe Rep. ; re ten'ativeaof different ami distinct a-overnment for purpoaea Other than the snprrinlendetva and giiardianahip.of our commercial coneerrj for which ministers are Bent to the court of tie aeveral Natiuus with whom we are upon ternii , of amity and commerce. The contitn . t'mn doea rtot.mnke aoy distinction befwreH tba cae," or in other' word it due not neogniA the right of the Executive without Ihe prri(i assent ofthe SehateVadciipatch commiaaioners vt oiber agent to negotiate a trvaty with a forciyn Nation, neither dor t empower the Predent without the like ataent to institute a Miasioa ' a Cngres of the Kepresentarives f ottier and Variout nations iiiranv nnrhim &haiivei Bfit ; designed mainly for revenue and an ade quate protection to dometic manufac tures, I do not complain. But it becomes the duty of every faithful public sentinel ,to give tne aiarm, when upon t ho common necessaries of life, a tax of fifty and e hun dred per cent, isimposed with the avowed object ol protecting and enriching a few capitalists and- manufacturers, thereby oppressing the many, for the benefit of the few j and the inevitable eff-M. r . "i which must be, if persisted in, to destroy Ihejftrnerce and. the" re venue " of ihe counry,rand to throw the egricurural Staiei completelr in the oower r. at the mercy of the manufaciunng Sec ; NULIFICATIOV Havingaiitfrnpted to dnmaik aome t?fj -j 'v r - "7.,, , ; V v , i a -$a

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