JVollcc. I'M !' 'll:'rtu-:h lUtl llor.'f t v 1 1 .11. ft ! iT. it the '-;! r: r. ' .'aa n n in if .: ( i , 1. 1 t'.uf gU i 1 jc ! .'"ir, 'u:.!, iu.y, Tie hrfr; ; f j,,y in J 1(.r , 11.? Inner f , jt J1 Ci' ," l he i tk'e, w,, j, mw. KKlic'iirg J - lMn, !), i..ii;rt,.i.U ' A if 4 in;- i,, m rtwi t U,v4i' tmne. I1." fi t wun tie ni4 tide ' It A eluk nrm and i.n waiaiineu, A e.et.n.;' ,,!f wat ! ' htmlf . , ' Til th,- ila-k l',lSf mint fi wk near, On i.frn S the l.wf the tfranf-f came. IM,,HJ fi.al hUkna Z.cfiT);. 'i nr. r TV,g - - ,- itrrnr ist sn:ru nor inrnne j , pi ' i' '.' e-k rt,f Llr4 JkHed high, ' A w In l.!wn, , ' Y" 'hi eVeftf wrl V Jfurruw ef f ia tiiocaanTj fr!I A'l tie I'h ((Cli 1 the frave J (Vlici) fltr aal'tn and lit aUve, ' I "5f.t Mt'h lN fn outlirokr, It lir-l of hit Uir, Tk S Ht vf nir bn T'l fnil4 fh iwffnilUf pjl v Tt. iruliiirtimtW fluh U f.d. J Vim bf(-r tl'lis ho mr , f - TM the fcr W wir btinf r , Thtpntphti T7t thunder rvlleJ. c s Alonf ihf puLwtf of Lit '.! . - . t 4jrt lrM:i!ii. IW MfJ dun. i " Yrt ttjM tt ir. the prophel uij j 1 r rrrnrnrtflfftFn'wiWrirr " Ttiere'f im oo var f . Th lluimler broke ! Uk rtf citif'i final pnibkcr ' 1 hfd.TirZ ylft1. mh.l !th' Bm ' Jhrnigh court v hll the rnn'jrg cm. '. 'T I A..U1 Iw. , l,,T,l, In (h t .1.1 Flew th pri j pjeit, print i:k1 iUtc - Of, m rh m v( trrrrr bujn'V" " Ly, rnrp.rike, on iho inrouI.Jr nng grmini. " f 'ill Jtwbr tirrr, Hrren, riiv llt 3 done V EcWj ff. tw rh a hii'li rir. Like Orrni twi ih raiil'iiyht ihore. A iforet of Jiiri'ei.in 'ef tbcm wheeled, ul ynnin l benealli them reeled. r i In dut Nil' rof n.d bat letnent a.ie wrt tne jfiant a.u ere rent, - - EmI. hro.v-t. hpfore iiia rttrtkrd nip. ' The monare1) aw h'.a Efjypt b!ie. tliTt atfflf' t tvl. V.t . tV Hm. M.M h.t. - - ' i r i -s, W ntmre-t mitir f fule . ! " Till man and ru!e, cruJted, conyealeil. l'oerrd Witn nra'S te boatxjl AM. - - tell (lnuet up reB the Wt,5, HlaJ. 11 ll.. lll.J-. - . - -n- " i " - On ocean, rier forrat, t . inunJefed t once rne wijjtity fih?,-"" nnuee tne hir'tM flewthe- Brneaik lli h'rl in.l mareJ the art 4- A thMinanJ tli.p were on the ( i IM , l. - - - 1 - - - ' ew, ., 5. i)w t the wvrtat"W.ar4t r'The rkhrrt rf Kaniya iv-heat an. Qonr t Bke a fla-ih of hphtnlny, (font ! i Ami l I il'f fiftl fierca triumph o'er, - iella Oceaa un the ih-inkinjt ihore i " Brill onward, onward, dark and w de, . Ki fiilfthe land, the funoui tide, V. Then bowel thy spirit, ttubhorn kinf, - Ttwni teepenf, rrl of fan); and ttinr, 1 JJimtbled, hefcre the prophet's knee, -i. He rroaned 1 " Be injured Iwael free." - To Heaven the toft upraioed the wand 1 , Back fulled the delude fr om the landi .. Jck to it cavrma wink the Rile, . Fled from the noon the vapnrt pale Broac'-bumed aain the juvutit.Min . The hour of wraih an.l death waa done. I1KAI) QUAirrERS, a-wfvr?' . . . .. , nr. iMa.TB cutnponiDg me ill ai ' "X V'sion ofthe63d,R,fgimentoflhe j $IiiitU uf N.'C. are hereby commanded .' to appear at the Court-House in Salii bury on Friday the 22nd April next at -10 o'clock. A M. equipped aa the law directs, trir drill. hf-iitr-tA heCoi.MtL. 467' B. CRAIGE, Adjt,' ., a"' ' : Cotrt of pb'as and quarts S JL- "' j..na Tt.M -mi I aanoaatr tkbm, 1H31. THOMAS VV. WILSON v. Daniel AYrd. Ordinal A.tachment Levied , , wi. I --on the lands of Samud Ilicka end be - - wmmoned GutrnUhee. It appearing to " the tatiaction of this court that Daniel Ward the defendant In this ease is noran f lnh.hl.ant of this State. It is ordered ' br the Court tnat puhlication be made "foraixweekvintbeAVesternCarolTuiao, that the said Danler Ward be appear ' at nnr e otirt of nleaa and quarter Seswons Jto beheld for taid county at the court "" r.oon1 in Rl or gant on on t ne iourtn mQB't paywsu a...uu.uiRB'e oe t day in April oeit; then and there to plead jRi'en- . , " , i , f f ? P- W, , br default finaTin be entered up against fcinj j - ' 69 Test i JAMES ERYUN c. & o. ' " m, mm .. . , ' rj APT. 19 i ., rj r r' r ; rrt 1 1 v i.f.tm ti,e p.,,t,r. -i ! ti.rjf (.r r. . 1. fir (U HIJipl U( inch vri'.i 'j ftuu !. l't'r, fa!.iGrjle , O'inii.lrrtt, .T r, Slwrx, Si'lil!cnjt ' Slntiimnni. twr inirarc, l)on.rtti?S Cnlicort, Siifa, Saffint, ... 43tf OJtef fjnmcal U Ptftijn Attnt fir Claim, . NO, 4) V AI.L-Sl IlKK r, Ntw.Vaat, JakOtnr, 1911, P'TMC XOTiq: It b.riby KUen to JL"a ill PTr h'tr i cwteerfta. hain .tXiimuitgkikiibejiiihtu:iu f -reeirWe sbmatf, ihr-thrr-Aenrf heed hit eitaliiiaheJ.' iirdtr ibe iipecial ji)irjr piionu(;eof dUtinguitheri in Hitiiftult in lt.it ccunirf, rcRUr cor reiponitcnce wi 1 H etn'ment Dnker, t t. in tre princpsl portt mid epl'l of Fort ign Govemmeriit in (btnmerctiil re It llunt t:h tb L'nilnJ bi't through the mf di'i'in whereof auch !iJ rUiritt it mjf b lonfiried tlirreio, trill be tl fKiird f r cllltmctii, nl prompilf end tfTcttitlt rrcov r(d--ihrn fumitlicd bt the ili'niri( wrh the tuitilln lcr;l ro.f end tnuchrrt, rKeihcr itb he rtquUi'if Tomlt of A lotiicr, to ( taken nd ckno!edrd before jr Joi)k Coijm .of , lUcord. or other comixicnt Civil Mii:ri?t, Munitiptl aijthori'jr, or Notjrjr Tui'lici end the wt.de lulv iu themirsieij by the CotTnor of the Stite or Territory in w hie h , the tame nut be perfectrd e(tiltzc4 bf the appropri ate ForriKii Cutuul. Hjii K alao eii')Iikhed a timilir cor rnpnndencc ttiTOTRhont te Unite d State und Friiih America, the like cUirnt for re;oe rjr, in an part thereof repeciie If. wUl be;receirrj an4 cffictentlf at tended to, in behalf ot American, at welt at Foreijjn eUimantt. Order for tl iutettment of fundi on Mortai' 'It Freeb'ild p.pi?," W In thergrjrhite of Public Secuii'iet of the Uni'ed Sr'r,' Canal Loan of lha Statet of New Torkt renmyltania, Ohio, 4c. punrtually and fil'hfull eiccuted- Applicaiiont addrcMed to thit Arncy. in Vance requiring the invettitration of eliiim, tearch of recorda. or the inter ten uon of legjl proceeding, ahovld be accompanied with an adequate remi tance to defray the preliminary chargei and disburtementt attending the same and all letter muni he add'tned fposi pld)tothe onderticned, fCotinrllf of the Poprrtnr i. orr of t- In the Office of the Agency,. 49 ull itreet, New-York. 3n7 . 'A"C'r 'ESIiTlVickcr Hof'lt contain-' vtth-N';tc Keceipia nnd ftccntt and some JoOsrmeni. on the Road I e a d i n g Tr o m " Atta ml ! e n d r i c k a to TfTrma-Brown t ir from jhomas RroWn's to Pouthet's Mills. The Ifunk was in, on me ntyiii nr tne lO'.h or morning of the 11th inttant A iv person findinc it, ntl rtturnino; it to the uMoer ahail receive the above regard. JOHN A. MERONY. February Uth, 83l. 59tf lAtwlnlstTutoT's Salt. AVING qualificc1, at July term ol gliMitcomery county court, 1830, it Hlminin'ta'.or of tbe Ltate of the late Robert Mosa, dee'e", I hereby request all persons indebted to said Estate to make immediate payment ; and all per tons having claims against the Estate are rrqetted to present them properly au themicated within .the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their reeoTerr. - -lt6f DANIEL HARRIS, ;Atmxr. mice aov. S1.7S. - ::...:iiNo lieeizzil HHj -"rdn.Wafertd oo tbe Eatate of ueofa Turner ....... 1 . . r. 2,ec ' l Jnuary wes-outy C-Url f. 'I? lo ,l! &M-h,thJ K" ' Pi aK riue' dcb" or m " u,e 04 P".bem for payment, duly uthenticated, within the time prescribed b? or thi noUtfl "lU or their recoyery. ; witTrrwr .ff1 W ,7A ,83L ' ' 3W, T P S. All persona indebted to the Es- Mate are requested to come forward and 1 AUiV J. Hlt or avriatT ftsscairTCiir, .... txtcvno wir ninast If 6trnt .. it Tina nrtiri , ; AI3EM,NAUT. 1 X 7UX ttar.d tl.l , y V waaon In I the ""Vk c'-u-jr M liowani 7'f Tj f.ory, on Mnndi rr''"7U Tuetdaytard Wedn ' l.flt.y dayti Al ('unr.ord, nei 3aiurdyt. The teitoO hit already OTimrnced, and will end the 3 J:h July. Seven UoHirt will be charged fr (heaeiont he Dollart the Smule Leap 1 end Ten Dollari to Ir.ture. Fill cent to the groom in every tnttanre. jErontut'e coin art highly protnlilnp being of fine form and tiie, and very Krnerallf reiemblinir their tire h colon figure and rtictj 1 being rtmarkabl; har dy arid thrift. ' Great cae will be taken to Rive general titfttr f Mt I ennno be Mable for we market prlcefto marci ictit from I dil tance. . 6'f CHARLES L T.OWERS. MOLK. (the Pot ce) on the O011 ardi nor'h-writ, --kM-'of the Cour .1 r y m me court uoue, in 'ux ington, .V. C, It aeriri opened for the re cepiion of Traveller! and Doardera. The ttablei are txten.We, roomy and dry grain and provender of the beti, plrnii ful, and terved bv rwl bottle rt. The houte baojmanjr comfirtable roimt. terre a good table and reueahmeptt and the proprietor and hit family will omit no thinjj in their power to make It root: quiet and efrreabte. 63-f. b v. rounavillf:. llc 1UA Laud, for SnU. fTIHE aubKriber belne about to 1 1 n JL remove to- the Wet it an. lrimi toellthe plantation On which Ctie now Jtvee IvW in 4h Pork) tne lauain near liutrhman'a Creek, fifteen mitee from 8alnbnry, on the mad lea'linr (urn inat paee to Greater bri)re. TVre ia ahout 500 acre in the above plantation, a!l of which w Brat rate red land. There ia a rood dweftinr houe, out-bouars, orchard, fce. on the preaiiae. Any peraoo w'mhine te Hirehaite the above land can have an pjwjignhjc of riewiiuj frtmi oy caitmr on the mbanher who may at all timet be found on the prem!wa. CILE3 FOSTER. A aW COM, 1830, 4M HILTON and 0ket of Concord will ,tive conttant employment to four or five Journeyman workmen at the Hr ncit and Saddle makini butineas. Lib eral wapea will he givrm Ffb 7th, 1131, $0.f. Jitftle of .VprtU Carona, .- r- - otra s cues it. Ftbnmru Smiont, 1 831. TpMNMUUPIIEY J Uiati Jkltf, h.C.V- Levied on, one llome and JS4Uiry on mainfeet nexuio-ihe- JaiiLou Oo. moiioo.nd ii appearioa; to the ta iafaction of the Coun tharrheTteteTldjnr1rTorannblDTta1 ihhtatr, ordered, brexoxuxiblinpun-" licjtitmte madrTn'irir Western C.ro Irtdia prluud lft-Satb y Tr antrtk si tht--i-4efebieM--annrar- at rhe riet CnuTtof pleatr and quarter Scswont tn behy forthe Countofjfjjoyjn at ihe cifurt ITouteTirJarubury on the third Monday in May next then and there to plciad or replrvy, o'.Jierwie iudement will be entered against him for the plaintiffN demand and costs. 6S9 tvn on ro c . e Stale of eVortti VaroWnu, aowiji coc.itt. February Session. 1831. E DW'D CRESS Chriaiian G,.,.H- nun : Attachment Levied on on half Lot on main rrcet in S.iliihurr rn of Lot No. S. and Lot No. 10. itfjoininjr On motion, and it appearing to the satis faction of the Court vhat the defendant ), not an Inhabitant of this State ordered h. i. r-. . ..... i.! .. . 7 un mn publication ne mace in the Western Carolinian printedjn Salisbury for six weeks, that tbe defendant atnear at the next court of Pleas and out.r " T-Cz nc,?iiJL,ve C0UD.,U ".9'r- an ai me coun nouse in Sallsourr on the rktr Mr.v.T.-jr s - e VI iu Hiunuay in tuay next, then and there td plead or replevy,- otherwise iudcroent win jo enierco aifainst him tor i he Pl . nn-ifmandind toiTi: JNO, GILES c. e. e. liunaieay ST fh", ,he, l0,h September tW " - wot" my plantation in Jones.county, two nerroea, one namtu WASHINGTON, about 27 yeara of afre,a very briKht piutatto, on one of hi. hantc , thrrs ial BWat awaaa:J 1 a. . and endeavor to nasi fora fi mn th.. " . k hi i uc win rnanir. h a . -' I innu ... ' "Jwiirr ii.imcu .wiui. a. common mui.itv . on . r . .. .wui OV t irc, Terr line itrenti h. ;u paw aa the servant of WaablnMoti. ar.,i hia name. A reward of 2i DniiM.;u A fw-the ttefiverrof" msi in inVK thit I V) , .JAMES LAMAR. ; Octoier I61A. 1 ao. CJThe Georgian,. Savannah; the "Telea. cope, Columbia, 8.C.1 and Richmond Enqui. rer, are requrated te publiah tbe above weeklv until fcrbid, and then forward their accounts to . " I LAMAR, i at HAVINf; rrrrivcl the Uteat New. York end I'hiiadr1-h'uFHion, tngether w'uh thpe of IonJcm "'l Patii, and will continue to receive them, from time to time, aa they change, nJ having number of good workman, he W prepared to do work on abort notice nd io Grit-rate t)le, and which will It warranted to Ct well. Orderi from d'utance for work, will be punctually attended to. A he ii tne Axent of Ward tf I'h.U. At on delphta, tod ol frguez, of New.Vork, thoae wiahintr to learo the art 01 wi fine, cao appljr to the aubcriber in BJiabtiry. BENJ. FUALEV. Cmt38J, s cofni.y & iMc.ui: TliEaubacfibctt return Ihelf thank! to the public for the liberal patron afe ea'ended to their Tailoring eab liahment In Concord, and bee Icate to inform them that they have employed tuffKicnt number of workmen to enable them to do butinett with the utmott dis patch. They reprularly recrivelhe latetl faihlont from I hiltdelphii, anc hope they will not only be able to turnout wotk ith dhparh, but be alto able to turn it nut in a neat and, eleeant style. Their terms will be accommodating! and their effort to pteate, untcating. Orderi fiom a distance ihali meet the root! prompt at entiop. Cu'ixie- all ileterlptiont will be done at 'neir hop immediaielv on tppllration. Concorrf, Prb. I lh, 1831. Si l HTAliEi FlttiM WAUUEMON " " TO BANVIU.Er THI Si(;e will lejvc Warrentonev e'V Turadiv' anl Saturday at 6 o'clot;k,P. M. arrive at Oaford '"me J"yu Leave Oxford every Wednetd y an' Sun day at 4 oM m k V M. and arrive at Dm " ville at 9 P M. ame dy Leave Ddn ville every M'jfihw and Thurday at J oriock A. W. and arrive at Milton at A. M and at Ojtfrwf aTrne'c'avt leave waiuiu ai n cioa a. ,n. every i uetijay and Sa urday and arrive at Wirremon in time for paenicrt to take the atage north to Ptterabur. Thit route comMnet more advantaeet and ficilitiea than pit"' route in the southern country j and for rnmfvt and convenience it i not aurpaiM d. Peraont ravtliipg to PeteriburR, Ritftmond, or an? plart to the nnr'h can enter the ttaie at P nvilleei'hcr M in.fi.jy Qr.Tligrd?y at S A M arrive at Milton at 8 o'clork and at W.rrenton net day In time for The afgr gol'-tf norihwerd ard'arriee at Pete riburfi; Wrr!jifA3jf - -, jiurdy S o'd'wk P. M Thns performing the fou'e V M,iCi ln lhr,t V- Pe New reraont travcllinir toinh can leave IV ttrebur rery: Morrday-and .Thura,laV a eir ' ana arrive in tt arrenton . oexi riv , n il3).?.Jl.uke the Haee to Mil on or Dn- vi. ie. Thit line intertectt at Warrentnn ih. Mrfiii tl ily line running North or South. ' It also meets the Norfolk line, via HtJur- freeabornugh and Halifax N. C. Peraons traveling north who do nyt wish to po .1 D i . " .nro i r-erturg, ran go in (hit line to .orloik and there meet the Srr.im Rota. rtfrct to Washington Ci-v. B diimore Sec. Tl... .) . r , . .me mccis ai vmora a staire from Rnlrich !' Al MillonitaUn ir.i... ert the stige line Trom Fredericks hurt? XT . - t . . B . - aTt .a . .. a. io ruwtiion, ueorgu : And at Dan- viilir meet with a line of rijtes from LvnrhburjVa.-and another from' Salem, C. twice a wrrk whi K ... j. Hnrgimon, r.iind!e!0wn, Greenville &? to tne soutn. j Th' Prrtri .tn. n!. J . - - i" uk ntmseif to keep comlortable Coaches, firti .... teams, sober and steady driver i these means hopes to obtain a share of patronace. r Pnstaire'fro'ni "Wirrenf(r.n nr-Tr-TTDearirTirl w Danville ?S,t?a Ail rgeajfe and Parr.1.-f'e rUkoftheownrt.;. JltjLWdtfejUy .ike Court J hat publka-lJ JAMES W. JEFFREY'S 4 'ton be made for six weeks tucccvirl JrVAriar-rrjr-"tw'T -- - --i - y "" . 6!fiJ. f" Stntft nt Xnrti lTv XUY LftY0Qft. : aa aa t ah araaw I rorTT. - .February Session, mi . nCil'in . ., 1 ""'I I 1 7 . v: . Ch""iHH Good Js-T-na Attacnnient Levied ..-n c! mhh nTna - -a 1 P-.....k..-..a.,;- . ;.''Mnnt ui iniq sjlJIC. I lfil..AJ i i -u. a ,.! pu'jiic-uott fee made in the Wes tern Carolinian printed in StlUW for x weeks, thatt he flefendant appear , the to S? f,K,er M S'i" to be held for the ConnV. r -.. . . . Mo'n'darth",'i1tine,;iTiTifc plead or replevy othcr! ... lt"e be entered againat him foe .k. L demand and Lr. - r-'h! P -"'fTa 6 9 J.O. GILES e JtZQUITY III y v av'av 'f "i-!'OR..tlWlrKir 1 ' &b T & c e. nr. su'f riber. having . . .. .i. I' . -4"""'U'r u'l nia't ot lit v. rerranc, (jcreated. rrr, ., ' r . i . . - ' ir fl--n U to whom M ''ateM(!rhitd,0!f'v'n! thri, rUim,, wit,,;,, thetij ; by law, and tbote wh0 ,r0 il,,, .1 Mar.at.it. In .r.ym.n,,r7a,e fl, 10 make Immediate p.yrnen, k ' tl!t VCJ Il.MACNAHARa w"arti. Marth. SM 1831. mi I E .bril,cr rtpecif(l,ly h.f,,,, lira, that he continue, to r.r -JTT. ' In Utinirton, the buain,j U M.kiU JJj GJNS, rntol tn any manufacture,! intke tv H. (latrai in-leed, hi. Cina aro .r... M other;, by tle trh. bay, XtHi have fjnd a rea l aale thnniehout a IvaL4 tent of country. Ifia priota ahB k. P eounrv . . ty POT,r"f'r "'"M K aaJ ,.m 0nuhed in the ahoHrat rowhle tim G frftnrinp OT t.ma Will be dona a. ett na'ic. n In the mat wiUta.iUi . by the pubrie'a homhU aervant. . HRNRif a, CUNGAMov lsrigfn, Mif 26A, 18 W, tttttle of eVotlh CJuToUSr nl coaarr. ' . . Mruanjtcrm, . lint Land letled on, kc l".t pcanofr to the awtULctioo of the toarl hl.edcrct,d.,nt tnot anJnh.hiUwJ thtt State. On nation, it ii ordered br th. Coort that ptiblintion be mce In a! We.iern tarollrian for aU weeks th :br defendant it pear at the neit r,.j ; p!ea and Quarter teisiont to be held kV County of Surry tt the Court-fJooj, .in Roikford oo thitecond rnondar J I M- - l j .11. . 7 W "r i inrn am mere 0 plead Of n P)ry orjhe Jrae iUb ukca pretce ftsao and hraf r pre. 6 69 JN'O. MrRIOMTte.e.e; By F. K. AR.MSTROX0,4b State of .North iJnroUna, at w Kt.KWfWNo rorxTi. ' SiUterinr. Court ef Ler; - 8 . TANK B. Will ri.EY t. Jon.thaa . sn. rl.l. Till. iH rfl. e ir y : reipi.n t r Tr,0rct TTa "iV- iJ. ' 1 1 ."''i" "k i'acM(in ut the eawt tKe L,M! ,,rf; 'M,, ,c,ii', i'nm, Rmitaof tae Sire, th-rrfore ordered by the Court that pa. liration hv made for three montM a,inwk in the Wra'trn rarnlinia and Miners and tl Tier Journal, for him to apnear at our ace Superior Court tn be held for the entry VWkle-tb-ire;. it the Co irt M.iae in Chtriott. March nex,an. plead.anawerordeimirtotkeaj on the 6th Mnn-laf after the tb Moadav k Priiiion. nr (he Mme will be taken pre tkm and hea-d Viparte. Win.raa, Samuel Hrr.om ton, t:!erk of r.ur id ritl at Charhju .U T6th Morula v after the 3'h MmuUip in Aee itt I 1 O "t r .t n a af ,t a a .... .... . ' " W' nro sin l.. nr UKKSnt,f m.,I.L .caaAaact mcbtt. Court of TtrasoiLi Quarter Seulou, 'i?oSt inaioi, IWl. U Charles tlariu' Lxerutnrs ni. tbi terr . a L j w rf : WllUa rn Jrl sTicilaTs CnrKe. real EtUte. h thit. case it sp-. pearinp to the s.iiiafaciion of the Cowt i I - - WV a " " " " " m t-xra rarks one or the heirs at Ut of sid WnJiaJtv TarliVfives wfjhoul ttw J limits of thia State t It is therefore v dered by the court that publicttioa bs mule in Ihe Western Carolinian primes in Salisbury, to be and Diear at the ant Coumy Court of Cab.irrut, io be heMia Concord on the third Monday ia April next, to thew cause, if any, why lbs plantiff shall not have judament of tt rutiori agninst the re Ettate of 'jr, dee'd. levied on or iudgtneDt ai'J L. I a'aa en'vreo accord myr to erita.- itncst, JAME3 G. SPEARS, , c. t.f.r," tt of eVotlU l3lT0kfl, HOTOOMERT. COCSTf. Superior Court of Lav, srn.to teh v, 1831. TffM03Sandothcrs:-t. WilliamHtli : "c Wary i Petition for theSale of that' real Estate of Uolit Moi. Het'd. Iti9- I" " -""" defendnr-aro not InhahJtants of thtt- ..-y-t't- -rrrtrKr ",c ".esxern varoiintan Dnmea i 11; a . - .. - "wiry thMthe defendants apperatear WpfrinrConrtoflawand Eriuiir''' . be held for tbe county of monteomerr t , the Court-House in L4urenceviile on ih .first monday in Mbtehiber next then and rh.r - .i rtl-..i . - : j ... i P"ion, ;r the ..me will be lakto pro confeo, and beared expare. win iu 11 1 c tat 1. iniwer or uciuui aw : Te.rt J.OIIM CHRISTIAN, e.m.e. met AM. $175. A ' r " ft68. WAiJONKKS, Driviinr in FaueftevillC, TILL find it to their advantage, to stop at j the H'n&M r.,L where every w WieliceilplwaeJ comfortable, at the moderate chrfre cenU ntl ni-ht' for ',rir,!ei 01 1 Yard, the u,eof iroKl house, tire, .atee.anj, sbeher. Attached to theTard, are a ttrocetSj and Proviaion Store, Bread Wio and i-oai ,ionarJr "" ,Jou fo B"fJert "d Ifd 1 pWn.ebean.holeaoMie a-d eoniforial-l T 11. i tfi- a , ' . fcTj:e. f nwcn.'ft.fiv-iT.lrt ltr-3.