Political. fag aaitao ititu jrjttatr. WU. M. VII fcl'atN. The trttchf 'out attempt rf Mr. V I'qren . the iiifTnicti of his rtaiive In Itir, yn j.M nd rmkles in iti memory of ery h'nr ti frermtn of Nr yk. Thro, l(r. hit rei H"lh 4 qfr. h prri ujioo the I-rgitljiurr of ikii S ate d-fca ihe alteration of ih"tlectorl !.. de.irt'f hy the JeopU lrt1f HopeH. Iif ll.it rtrtlre, to lul ' , HI ibe cwtdiii wi cf hls-mtrrt, hlch re .' 'V,lr,(' lkt "' fur WidUm II. Crawford. ." , Thi decision of 'bit LeeMxu't frowned jpon 111 pre temptiin, and Ik 1)4? dream f bit embHo ,, id beauty for eee ' am ' Now, If yo-jr reader! will i.idulge roe, for a tyoment, wi'h their attention 10 thrnricttcd by . ntflP "journaWI em tonUdffttibtf wrttlfrnp. wwBging Iht tubjed of (h prevailing controverty r and cnoArm ) well loiwdtd suspicion fh Vkt I' rati lent ikMM intidtoue Hot tir.tot, at early ee April, I8JT. wat warily contrived fur the destruction of fit pcvK-sunsrecier. ' Vf k frsfit manager, fr llw't stood " alone Even the walla f Si. Tsmment echoed not his neme! The tubordinntes of ifce fl enryH he si'etfd lo accord 1 Mrs thtlr fealty and he cail around him (or a retue fre-nj total desolation) Ha very on ned tha M Siir.ni of the Timaa.Hand 'bought ke taw no doubtful Ltue f the ni campaign 1 lllmtclf, , , ld few trnWdous pervitins of the- can ' ia party of 1134. perceiving the hartno aioua relatione Ikal tubdtird between General Jackson end Mr. Calhoun, and wall believing thai ika Mem of New . Orleana would triumph In tha conical of , now cautiously conferred aboul tha (Bcaetja N deUrd. njr?l, to defeat tho laction f ikf Vica PrraUnni, andlKrn Ia alienee from htm ika fttendthip of ln k tf t0 Al the. nl rcin.itii, lnrii toftn (1 f 1 c r uitl ciifi am nomiin'ril ( ni l Jjrkion, (La nraa of CUv if-ken from lite rrtolu'ion. and no Vir t'rrtdenl ai nimed. Then tna Idler of Crfrd lo Btrn of (lie U M Decemier, 1137, ai Iractt of lii'b w ktta qU'tied atoe. On the 1 9i H f'flhwrd it noirilniiinn. tf ta IKiJa'ur of ficoU, of WillUm II. CjfUrA, Vira Proiilrni of lha Uoiied Suteaj ti(l, on th lt Fcbruirjr, 1831, al $ WgUUiive cucoi of Ka York, hte tfie nomination of Andrew Jickxin for freitcnt, iha nuinafrr cara fulljr raiertlnt tha r.ominitioit of a Vica rrctident for further aJvtemfnt. Doei oof thin look lika r.onipiracy f ILa il not lha aipccl, of a cmicerled lniriua I We ar no divpoaed lo reflect unjuttlf on Mr Van Durcn but a moat b per , mined lo axft lhat clrcomatancca ao pe cutlir in Ihf maelvea can hirdlf f.il lo Produet intnfarortbMmpmtioa of lha Ha boldly diicMnn all pirllclpalion in lha conipircf. and tneerinlir aks, what mMla" ha could he ffr impir injf iht poli'ical proaparia of Mr. ho-in f At if ha would tiult in hia proud Mfrndtnrr in lha council of lha naiion ! e d.n-l imi'ct'i l.ro focrc3 nwriijre, aVu n tlut one a-, i a quarter mitei out of lha li'tr Fir Ho' ert l et!, li hK ii pitce lua captain or tha K'jrJ h hit men repaired aod f mnd lha whole of tha rnwrtef taken from ha bank, an I with the eiccpiin of a few hur.drcd dollar, tha whole amount Wat returned lo the plica from whence it had been robbrd eijctlf otia weak from Ibt lima it had been taken ewer. (Jrer wat con alciad and branded in tha hand. He if lerwarde confcitad the whole, and the manner ha had purtued lo effect lha rob betf. : Tha bank paid the reward, pur chMd tha freedom of th black man, anl tenl him to Philadelphia with diret I ion 1 10 change bi name. JV. Y. Cturirr k Emjuirtr BANK BOBBBIir. Te are hdebitd 10 the polite) ettentibn of the Kdunri of the Mercantile Adter liter for the following inf rmitioo 1 ROnBfat 0T''; .c,TO VN,t TA'1' -Tna nafttarf wUkJUaa ItWg ce lbc robbery of the Citf Kank fr a week pait, and excited to much of ibe public atten tion it a latl eolvrd. On Stturdtf night aSotit II o'clock, Juttice llopton. High Conitahla Hajra, attitted bv aom; r olit e office ri, arrcated Orneral Jack ton. Frrparatnrr to more decided tferatiocia, Meir. Van Curen "lld CaaaVef-figy Immdla'dr after the taaaimi of Cong re ti of If, vitiied If r Crawford In (Jeo'cia. and. aa it teen (a Mr. C.'e letter to Mr. Halch. of Te n-"t Hill,-m Philadelphia waa,ei,erefloLa- Mr. Vm Curcn, it amt, la Tel to learn, . , mn nme(J Ej-(rd lhal nothlnir ao become! a man in lof t ,nj corntf q( Broon EfT atatiun, naa numiiny. 11 it inv of great promiac In lha officer, and the nledira el merit in the man. Wiihout it, reniut and allainmenta are ala dif gutiing with It.dullneM and ignorance are eomeiiroea u(Tcrai)le. The humble iniuumentt in ihia affair wilt bt attended to to morrow. I-I'.O. Old DonJnibn, March 1 I US ! aacta TiAXK HO HURRY. At the all abtorbing topic of the df If in relation lo the late robbery of the City Bank, and aa I hare heard it frequently Temtrted, that ttT!,ert ol eal eiieni had ever been commiaed in thta country, I lend you the following account of lw Bank robberica under aimilar circumttan caa , ;. ... In the tear 1198 the Bank of Tenn arlvania, then kept in (he Carpenter' lieteee, ike nature and object of their tie . fc Intolttd Iraportant arrangement for t mtn taproacliing election am they War full rr9m mnmlnr0 A 4. rvn kit nrnmr reaalont" to diarlota the opiniooa of Mr.- Crawford 00 the lubjeet. It may , We wr hare to oHaenre, that Mr. Craw rd'a miaallea agalmt Mr. Ualhotm were a mil diwhtrged gnn Ken'urky, Tennea tea, Lotdtiana, new Tork. and other w'atet, tuktffitenlly 19 Sir fan Bum, uml i end lhat the evidence of an e tlttin pio Bgainai inc ire rraiucni, i hit- tieniiy iniicarta m tne tncreatire rxn inatlone of Maryland, Georgia, and Ne Ur. Van Curen took Teat- of Mr. Craw- --r fori aomt time In Mar tBir, tn, aner - iarrying a while tt Baltimore, errtaed at -Albany in the rnodth of June 1 In July - fnllnKiita tWm 4t .f Mrlnn. h rnn : .... . -!. r tJ-t.J more, nominated Andrew Jack ton aa a wwim tiwiw t h - 4 uiv " 1 - - tnt Unitecr Utttet tno, 'aner- muco lumottoou aitcutston, eiuuru im fktjoln"ionthe name 01 Jonn i. at m in mm T 1 : k. . . h iiniini.tr tire rreaiaeni. ii-w lo ttrike out the name of Mr. Calhoun, waa submitted and adeocated by Craw . iWd men eicluaWelr. Oo the lth of December, the LegUUture of Georgia nominated Wm. II Crawford aa a candi date for he office of Vice President onlv Mve daw after hia extraordinary des oatrh to A Balch, Eq., wherein he aaya i The only difficulty that thia Sure has upon that aubiect i lht ' Jacxaon ahmild b elecied Calhoun will come - Into power- I con feu I am noi appro keniWe of aoch a result i for writea me." ke. Again J M If you can at certain that Calhoun wil not be benefitted tr Jackaon't election, you will do him (Jackaon) a benefit by communicating Iht information to me. aooui inia pe f liod the Many Jrgu$ Brat opened its column tq a touch of kindneaa for the m t -a I a a n lallita, ftaa. venentranti propoacu a ml.usi cert wnite hk -- quirer, then conducted by w. n iMoari. j nffTCnornt me '.rginw..'- -efructedto inirahft tjhejoreet of the Regency1 for the approaching legula and. accordingly, on the tat cFebl 1838, caucua of. the New-Ytrx-LegUlature nominated Andrew Jackaon for President and excluded the name of John C, Calhoun from the Domination at Tke PreMdent. t Now what, we woult! ask, can in bon- f,t mind infer from thia extraordinary -uccetsion t,r etenttf Mr. Vn Buren, at thia time, eblirelr iwccaimirfed onv the aubiect of the electioo of General Jack too. io April. )8JT, aiaita Mr. Crawford, - j Ibe avowed enemt.of Mr. Calbbun, and 4onfere freelf with bim on the.mtfth ay: ' tated quetVion or the Presidency and V ice Preaidency. teceire a commission, fon kll proper occaaiont, 16 etpresl ' Mf- Crawfard't ttotlinentt on that auV . . u.ttirnfnv homeward, he tarries uci- - . ""it Baltimore, and entertaint aundry frienda of Mf. Crawford, with a pmate itercbwe of Kniisaent on iht engrost- bout ooe hundred and sixty ihoutand dol lar taken away. Aa no force appeared to have been committed, the natural con elusion was, that the bank locka hid l'en opened by meana of falae keyt. The directors attached tutficion to Mr Pat rick Lynn, a very ingenioua bUcktmiih, who made the original keyt for the iron doors, which he had alao manufactured. On inquiiy being made for Lyon, it was found that he had. just alter the roohrry, l,fil t.I a ?, ifnitrv r ir l.f tome othrr Mit.itttr who will limit .It reform lo the eatention ff t'i franthlse to a few lar,;e lownt-to do eotneihlng in the nsma, hul at little aa poitible in reali-y. Whether lurk an oppotillotl shall be autccatful, drpends In pM the courage and egetty of the Minis ttrs ihemteUet, but chiefly on the feci hg manifetted by the people. If be people art lnd(Tercnt, It as.urfdly '' succeed. Il it not enough f' he peop.e lo be f.iendly to Keform-if they ere lukewarm frlende, for in opponent! will not be lukewarm enemies Whrreter Ihert let fcclinie in fatorof rteforrmthal feelicg abould be txpretsed by a peiitM Let til poind of diflerence, which art not tsacotlal.bt kept out of eight, II it p blei but at any rate lei us not, for the take of concealing these difTercncei, con ceal the existence of the oinione In which we' ell agree. London (ihbt nit rariTU arT tmivn. appil ii, i8ii. City Bank. The balance 863.308 (in eluding the doubloons) is yet missing. Smiih is the very man, who waa tus pected by the Police Offkera from the Elm atreeta. in whiiac notteatlan was diacov- ered a email travelling irunk filled with I reUrThM been ren to thf high an.! en Bank Notes, which, on examination, was I rldert hopes of the National Reptiblirto pari found lo contain 8 1 85 738, -nd proved ii" the recent dcian of die Hoprtme Cmirt lo be (he identical money atolen from the j anon the Georgit aol Iwlian qoeatinn, awl the Pre.ea in in ernrie are exerting all their in genuity lo conceal thia blow from a quarter in which all their hnpee and proinecte were con eentred. Thev frl fore anIra unable lo . i . . ... .. . ' ery nrst, ana tney were aciuany on 'nei;.,,,,,,,,,.,, w,,ich it haaapread in their look out for him. Some of this man'a;nnU heg-n ,0 rendef up MCnie, fnr previous adt hate rendered his charaC.j,he dfei.iw,er ,he s,lpPtme c-wrt, and denr ter notorious. He is said o be the in , tfcf ,he CtfMf1 fce Wncf rf jlItiw,,e,i(m tn dividual, who some year, ago committed ; on, , the great robbery of W.000 aterling'. . . . . . ,,' fMnrit-rt lrr Rnotn4.-, rem. -4 .J'l)! Mn ? , promised with the Bank for O.OOO, wi:h ! '",erfrf- U ' P-ible hf" th ,h' cu" Un'd which ill gotten gain, be arrived in thit!'""!01" lerioK of U irt and Seergeant waa country tome 6 or 8 yeara ago: He is ; '"sdeq.iate ' track oot the proper euur,eah.ch believed to be the aaroo peraoa wbaaookl'.hnullc P'ff1 bringing thia imponant the money from the iron cheat of the steam illation before the" Supreme CwiVt I If the tut,ir i-t ,.,1.,1-L U .t,,- t!,' l.on.i.lm.m for "il, ,r.i, Birrr.," U drr'af,t if,., r Ml have p.wer lo rrg,.la-e e.,,mtfrt fc(t v 4 Jfk,t, and among .t, Jj"r .he Man mla. ,,ft iP, ,Wf ' v;.mn,f lUepowert with h,m tW , tuthnriaod to rrR.!ate Com.rr. . ' hat brre entirrl, Onnre,,- if , ! '' rl not twen anada bet ,. .i.. . The . "." "-al clan alrd cltawe. fiMiitiimifin ere not oe nt ii. reiardi.1 heref.r.it WM.rg,,,,, hf ,u ' cometly, h.t,h,y couM m fl.ct.nn or tne rate, fii,,,. k hi. U. palpable ki, JJ trine of the !,, n.pvhr ""J untph of 8..., Hightawv V oefriHw which weli.tu. V '"Oracle,,,. .. V MWU the auaplcSoua ical horieon, rarwtnie 'iw wnr i a. r cert eucceta moat aiiemj It ' It it with tlnecr." ttfrtt nt cd.fvlhe nreeeaiiy, UrK., wo UII.I. ... !. to the eoirtmuniir. i.ui. . . . 7 P-otof..,. Vate. Senate. .-MlJ2 in.anc. . make oor ren,.rk. rft.a"' tice to the mo., promitirM J T"? J . . " a - - "'a reaoiuiun the iil.lrf ,.t .... . Senate, impel, u. to ap,.k ' 7?? V Wi.id.llr. A eamn,;.,,. waa k Hne,he,t..efc-;";r::. to enmiire into .i,,l '""esu ae. nich ia to h. l. boat Chancellor Livingston, last fall on her TdiUfge tence for Providence, which mo ney was afterwar.lt discovered secreted ' trno.igM the biggage snd this same j man waa one of those who rerentlv rob , bed the atore of Mr. Schenck in Brook Court bad not original jurisdiction of the eao in lU .aMMaar ia wbicb it aaa.irouclU.4a jt I notice, will the humanity, the philanthropy, which hare been excited in the boaomeof ihoe gentlemen who ao gnmuitf rnrrri in dc fence of the vinlatej rirbta of the Indiana, not I . .... . i Jn r , , . , prompt them to adopt the frprr manner to ae has for some time kept a small ahoe- tfnrr in Difition ttreet (aw davi n he changed his lodgings, and took up hil' -- nich the quen'mn ehould ke brougVt re tidence in the houte above aliu led to, befor ,b' K"1 T"b,ln' uncer the assumed name of Jones We ine the grounds of the deeiaion of the Supreme sure a favorable deciainn fnr them ' Surely tbey ' will not relai their etTorti fur miataking the left the city in a ehallop for Cjpe M.y, j un(Jf Mfn(, ,ht, ,(U lr,nf9 C0fl(lur, in Court nd tee whether the j.idgmnt aa pro. to which place he was pursued, appre bended, and brought back a pri toner lo the city, and committed to jail, on sutpi. cion of being concerned in the robbery. TJiaTyellow feter was then prevailing in Pkiladclphia J moil of the inhabitaWa -had removed lo the country, and the poor honest follow remained in confinement a cun side rable ... t i me. J n upri ht jury awarded him 811.000 damages against the direefbrt of thebank." Durmgthefot- lowing wW'er journevman carpenter, I believe his name v L)ai, began to move in conaidcTsble style,- made de posits in different banks, and endeavored to make hia way into company other than lhat he had been accustomed lo. This excited the suspicion of the Mayor, who I believe was Mr. Kobert Wharon. He laid his pl'r.s, apprehended Davis, and obtained from him within a few '.housand dollars of the amount abstracted from the bank. I do not recollect it he waa pun ished ; but 1 beiiev ne wa not. it ap peared that he nad acted in conjunction with the man having charge of the keyt -L - 1. ' . I f. ' to take to nc camirr nuuir. a nra man died of tbe yellow fever the same season, being taken ill immediately after the robbery. The other case was- that of the old branch bank at Charleston. 8. C. which was also entered by meana of false keys, and one hundred and sixtv or seventy thousand dollart taken off, all in gold and silver. The directors offered a re ward of ten thousand dollars, which set to. .'swr7ilro?$0 suspicious person, conversation, "and ob servation, were reported to the directors, when the fbltowingciroumsuncea brought the rnttterto light. A man by th name of Gray, went into aGroceiy atore, and n4 emid a small rirht in specie. As he r . . . relation to his trunk. Grit excited the noonced ti m bnttomd upon any error aa to the tuspiciont of the landlord and induced mode of pr e' uting the rigMt of the I idiar.i him lo communicate his suspicions lo brfore the Sup'em Cnn. If we hare rijktly the police, which resulted in bis appre-, comprrherMW in deeiaion a diaclaioier ia made hension. 0f all juriM'Ctlon on its part to interfere in the : Smith was taken lo the police office Jiapute between (ieorgia and the Indiana. The this morning, here he underwent an Lourt dofinot hint that it wat en Win examin.iion-but he refused to give any form which prrfente1 . Jec;,ioB fur fhf ,n. sattafaelory entwer Ue - rnonay - wtt.-. r..- ... klk laafelv deposited in the bank. , . . , . 4-. ' , , : nl 1 nM Conatiluliimal nnw.r in ml.rnnu it a ... Among the money lound. la the whole . . , r - -- -rr- "--. . k-i .k- M r.-..i thoniy. The Court reaaoned thut-that tho Company, and the principal part of Mea j"4110'"1 power "Bder ,he Conetitutlon only ex. era. S. k M. Alten'a- tended to catea ttr eontroretaiea between a U. S. Ttkgrufih. ' Stale, or the ciiiiena thereof, and foreign .... J-r 1T States, citiaena or aubjec't." wherefore the In- n . , , . , . , rr. dian Nation nol being an independent or foreirn Cotton it dovn lo 5 o 713 ctnti. The . . ... . newt from England which we give be-,Ru.,e4" U'e n" "P1'' ntheCon.u. low, hat produced this effect. The let- t,,t,on ,he Su;,rr,ue Cour'-" j''"Jic,io" ter which we have teen from Charleston, whtt,,er' reatonmg ,Wa not imply (if and the prevailing opinion here, aasign ; "e r'"re "cn u,t ""J"ce or it correctly at thia unexpected atep in the English poli J e founi- " in eondenaed report of the deci,- ff to a retaliatory spirit againtt us. That ,,on) that ilie Court made any ecjtiivocal deeiaion England should at last have grown re- jof the ease. The Court denira that the Indian r a.. t . I .. . . .. aentiui ol tne legislative war wnich we nation .in its relation toourgnvermnent ban in have been ao long waging against her, it derx-ndent or foreign State, hut that it it depen. but natural. Woe to the roiton planter, dent for protection upon the United Statrt, and (FrointbeCh. .,MlU in the W-ne relation to Ibcru that a ward DUTY ON COTTON kc. doeato hiapardun, and tlirrefre the Court By the Br. ship Mary Catharind, Capt. fa" Mt e"VrUm jur;lifi'!' His Holt, arrived last evening from Lier- ' ' P0""" ,,r-'"" ditclaimlog the right to pool, we have our files of English papers decide ,h'l,,,!ti'i n ydia;. To illuatrate to the l'h February. We have also ,he position auumed hy the Court thai the In been favored wiih letters from Liverpool, -'an Nstiira 'n not an inilcpendcnt or for of the 13th and Uth, which communcate "irt State, it rt-lera to the lan-rnare of the I ika, m nA.t n . ii.t.lli.ar .a .k 14 . k - : na...'. . ah ai.k!l. 1... .1 .L . i.."s (am .,ii-.iiial1iit,-5 iiiai iijc vun.iiiuiii.il m iii.ii tnyt ouwn me rule lur tne an -KrHsh government ia going to put A'3 of Id. per lb. extra ot the import of Cot jamong the aereral Statetof the Union, "tccor. ton I'om an pans 01 tne world. ' 1 he din-r to thtir reaneclive numhora " "if was a man known lo be verv short of cash, the grocer observed to him that if he waa not a person of good character, they would suppose he had robbed the bank.' On which obaeryation he waa observed to hange color, could hardly speak, and ap- peered to be choakedi took up a bottle, and drank off near half a pint of rum. Some persona preaent began to joke wiih him, and elicited sufficient to induce the bank to apprehend him ; yet nothing criuld be brougbt againtt bim. A abve of hit wat taken ud and piilln Confinement waiicax edand threatened, but nothing could bee!- ieited from him. and he was dic barged. Another slave of Gray'e waa tpprehended, and on a promise of hia freedom devel- ped the whole ot tne rooocry, pot n tea out the place where the money wtt con cealed which wat in a bole oear bis tion wat necraaar , ' he removed with ... tQ ... I'Med wh.ch woo:d were ,N. .7 -e apeedy ,7 Thete were the objVcta, we 1 "fflre DepaHmem D,t lo A the resolet.on in nu.;OB ... to. t,lrr th., H..0lun of ' " wL,ckw. kw meil,i(mH -mit'ee do f Tbey fnr U41 " nr ri.i'iH.. r- , . the time th P., iim u,rf I'er.artment wm ft. 'n...rdobi..,.n.ge..eB,,otlle th "oment and ond.r-ook -o trrw ,h, -A-.- WMtUf,(fr4n Wte f lheir au.hoMy -el M tk.r ,h. fc whoaecomtrre iWweref nUihiid Poat-Maaier Crner.1 .od pronounce .Tpotaa Phrd by ,ke .f0, of Bepnrew.' Wunutth,, .m,, -.rkW tni ttnU Hghta-ef . eoWbriV he M,)0nal LeyUl.tur, wfceedtrv"lt hiopy. -I" impeachment. ,g,i lh. rf. rT7"n,",t hrv bare been r,;ity rfiw pesehabler offeace .. ;,Wf iht mid. againtt Mr. Harry weref The hra.tirf he Imied St.tr. umlrrtook t...eeue Ur.By nd to .,i i, yugnent HfM w eiimt "feral, how un.:,gn fi.d. dot (hi. look ia MK g'ltt a body, admiiti-,g ih.t the power aawaca dr. ttricily belong to i Ne Su, ljmuu opprrtaor. prefer arrutt i,,-., and ait ia judg ment upon tJ,e(n. Thr ,. flawanlk an officer .f the govr-mi and hit diiiieiw prrarrihfd and dtlintd bv law, if be eVp."" from hia authority and vioIaUethe Ue vlidi fre'ilnear.;. conduct he incur, the penally of the law", and ia liable to impeachment. Did ever know before the eonnhuUunal jadgemf sn offlcor to detcend from the judeftl and seek for ma'rria'a hereon tn found U CtiMtion agaii.athimr The ani.aliof nocitiW country J'urnih another ir.a'ance. nTut sft1 Chancellor jfthejhe the m.nUterial budget on .he I3,h . Irthe M number of Jtft hn apeech upon that occasion, in which Kmln,i , . .. J ' hetteT3ils-bfv-pian for the reduetton t old tnd the imposition of new taxes, be says, amontt other things, " I intend however, to propose that a tax of Id. per lb. shall be laid upon raw cotton impor ted into this country, and a drawback also of Id on aj) cotton jrood exported." Our readers are referred to our commercial head' for additional information on this interesting tubject Teleicofie. -.. WtaWiaaaiwMatSaaaSpMBWawaaMHB TV Oifiotition To Government. There It no 'use in disguising the ftct thai Ministers, In accomplishing their task (Parliamentary Reform,) win need all the support of the people-: . There it alrea dy , it-ia aid an opposition party formed, very powerful in numerical force, in the House of Commons. The plan of opera tioot of lM opposiiion it to place af the iStafooftbrirtn,,; those bound to tervirejor a terns of years, am! exc'unVn.lntliana not taxed, three fifth, of all other pertons." ' Thi. it the elearett indication of the Iij,'ht in which the fmmers of the consti. tution viewed the relation of the Indi.ns. lo the United State.. It i. a complete rcengnilion' of the rijht of the States tn extend their lawa'over the Indian If the Stutes laxwK ihem, which Ihey would have no rislit to do if the idea of sovereignty had h?en annexed to tl.cir condi tion hv lh f nuiitili;,.. ,i .i f ' '"t'n.-n uu-y can ue corn puted in the calcultion of the numbeta cf il.e re.pecUve.SUtea.ri.J tue . , sutt within wh te limits the insane reside it not constrained to extend its U over them. I ia entirely optio'nable with tl.em-the ,ij!,t to do ao Is conceded hy tl,e Supreme Cou.t with- out retrrv-tioB. Rllt there it ndditio.wl evi dence afforded in the Constitution of the United coniU'. on and caact rt'Jutiou grace to the conntry it this unexampled oVaf lore front the honor and dignity of tbe bighrat tribunal known to the law. of th'n Nation! tie enquiry j made by the committee into cbargeareTSJri'd agHaf Tr7etWl4tert : erai tney examine evi.lenre, documentor? tr4 oral they are foreerl to com to aonia eotclt. wwH law wvtnnfww in vwnnvr atlik 'wawiiit vrir ivtvto - ligation t charge of fVon'and Crrpii deliberately preferred iitthe Senate of ib the nme pertons ho will be hi. judgei if peached ! How' can il.i be reconciled auppoaed atlribuie. f a Senate, Justice. H and Mgnity f rnlftical rancoiv baa drowitei ' voice, of Iheno nohle qi!itie. in mat, and thcit Con!!'.niO hv. nuirn.l llwir ri'sCf. in lU mtn hntonr. Thai the TV..Offiee lepartw hat not been at well conducted at it might kt i been, from some cau?c or other, we will res? adff.it. Pm! where i t!.room for all. this tin" of iitms -wWh' wt eiifrl-pii the PottH'V ter Ce nera" i:i the fnited Sate Senate ..... JaaL i' the nec.e -...'tv of arrnrff a mtn in ti' uc t'o'ry manner wiilmnl nITordii'ghim an t01 oily to be beard iii hit delentf t If Mr. BnT found guilty of any of the charirea made $p him upon rexnlar ..nd eo-wtitutiopal tr" Lun he dioini'sed. A wtt will -

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