.. l,rm of I-, Wc ' d ;"' I to r,tt fat Mr, ferry Ct, at nr " l.iniM ,!! tlit l'tjliit I'J )t brri ci of criminal tvr ''' II'' tMiMlff M r?f pro fit. ft jt th ttnrt.ty ir reputation it violated ib ni iKVower 4 i'b M little re. st bf ppiion lull) pfre-nt edniinit- ikrir r1' "' W ,'', kfiakliun ' tkf "' "' 1J"'J by th grpci tf U"-h Ui'f reCt'wl prOCt-edtngt, tt Ik r.rrwwtui wh h priftdrd the publl. etiitmof th number of th 'Ws.triss 4"aaotliV "MtM'r4lour patron ur 41ffWMiin to Ur$:4 th pr svfal pKiWywxli' putent bulk. We lave prJ tfcad ft pra fel'rkk " dvubl th di j HriiiiiMUlK present migitiiJ, and noi U U L rf tf il.ii t''.tj l..;c4 T'. gT S If f,fl l,,,, ,,J ppM Of fce;,yU,r,t pH f lU llrl. l!J v. , U..J 4 k, ,. 1 U. I ,'i lp;,inimf nl nnn'l ce roinred t,; r (tmrroe, lh f. Ll.tuf (,f Iha l"v"c,lte A LIST OK LICTTKI TT t MVIMMJ in tl.e Iv.i n';. ! l .nmt of the .ti truth butr r..ivrrtt la tMir I Jmirn, i pmmiee wt rise irl of him by Mr. - NurthC fu!,u, April Id, lill. Kim JihIk. i s Editor, who ktt Urge claims u;nn th K'kii. hid of lk rstrirrf f tli UftJ. Hi .mii kim fur lit rcnt tMnc tit Ui jc.r n of kit 14 pcfcdmt irxj eoruitf t emifw. , tU xipport of Mrph!'tt prinelpk htan nl tnl ffircrflipjr k ruiM si iMi mnmrnl kv ten Is lk t!r eirVInc of 0, f.M.iif Put It iwkt rtful I tdtrc or promrf bit pf jnlary hlrrrti tt Ik MciiHc 1 bit prin. cipWi hit rwnif'r) ,W mrvrl Aat thl k ki IrtjrrtJ Ui ilitplrtMir of th Krc r'ry uf 8UI im1 U lb bir Rnf of I kit cWtlie ttpirtnl vi mtkinf th mcMl powtr. aihll li lttur MUwniitton lt M ny . ful rlfitrt ! eurnlj lb trnr ! In1uc btt'&r !! rafoMpo i"i Hi kll-1 of bit In.Wpf mlnf, rrHibHeii Jonrol W' CtMlins fin, il U their i!ii It .Utn.1 Vi Huff n that k W J not l,ipr uf kit J-'1" rrl Ail. fr lh .!u.Ue rirM th P,(,f 1 kt t r. , frr lo nT per,, of p; huiU to bit U. ("'i",, d-rt. tkt Unurti thru' Ik .ifi.f ,fT..Mt of ir(ftt. H't imcnfU ttut It nk If il U pok!t ' fJ k! IkinVhf 4 LIST or LKTTi.i: J t AIMM !''!, ,,,,, ,n lu, w un tk M Jy rfpr,i, 1.111. Ilrnrirttt Alriaixtrr J4tn,Nrrl r Mr to lh R lilr of Ike Tlr)rrirh, w on. rv mf tMr of tht Jmin'trtiiin which brar 1. iTitl rtf" b beM fircl U noJefjfO- trfbiwl twl ibi IttjritoT''oA'f . I. lit Inhabitant, il hr. fii !'",""' - - I . imt , ( pttiitr of prUle, boi lm than of utility ,hc ttifii.ni of the eorttiditi"-', on mt tu.i.i1 rrtHfCtklt J.HjrrJof t)il lt pttnttuM tod rrpf tthinty wilt llaw of lb w..h Suit of lb l.'niofl. ' tf.it other iihI f trHtr conktJrrttioot ratal lkn bM J. flnce to vmir tnrm'trt ml drtru trrt, U'litt it th h'Mjf of Aw ICrmlall. ft Co Jrt'lior; udrr th $rm tnj in the ntr ot Kn. ilt'l. Yin Burn, rtmbrtlcni tn1 lltmilton r .. 1 rl ... . . . urgt Ibtt) ipiMitnl matter upon II ff opie M 1 Wf mairriU (, a eomfyMrd 1 Do the not Wtirm Cirol.iBB. It popttltlio oifl oot W irttln upon t bormwrd tnd ipnriout pittl yu to ay fur lUclity td tMachovtnl to lb ; fu thrf nil f trrr on 1 eonirtHtnl trtilr t Can ltin fr rraolul tnd ttrftuakrn aopport of . ihrv protppf nW tuch eimimattnr rt r ! ,'K rnwtitution, and for the tsort htUowrd tnd J rf irkl your ttneration for thr ronatiiminn g .atiolable rrrrrrnc for lb right of Iho fftatr 1. jvinif lovr tn! rapet for 0vrtl Jackvon- y ilh tbrt piinciplct fT tbrir rytoauir lhv I Oppnae rtery infrtnion of thr Cnmtitution rr fjided the Wttl in trtrrh of the llrrn j rm 'ho it be under Ait tdminittrtiion, iikI if Nw (rHrot whoa iet ff cont;cnitl t , jrmi o.ll b retrlrd fir your nrwMM trvl pat lJ.ir own. '0 ftdminlfter if tfTairt of th Nl- rlntlim. We hte opfmatit torot) mttauret of lion. I roor rttimtt of kim, joeownon with j th" pre tent tdein:ttriion rt thtl oor ditlik tkr rrtt of eour tt llow-Cit'uen. wh him thai Iktr it any rUh in th rrport f Can Mr. J dm II. Il.ar J Vtn INrn kat bttn i!ljf oft!. tnorioity of B'l,jr oaiojrlb r.rcetiliM patronact for lb b)in ' k " .V L up Ik ftttf of tk Countr,f It ka bf a) to g. J jji, fjf feej lout upon tertrtJ oceaakot ibat tl,i , M'irt uf Wat lb C1Ui Madia of lb tUerttarT of I ,""f Stttt, wbtnerer M opftoriMi.ty urrtcnicd M atlf, W finfMl for Ui credit of til fan Cot)- Cemed that Ikit report rotf b Incorrtrt, W tik for lieh upon lb tubjeot It my be that lb iww kJ.tort can let ut Into lh arrt, or littbiiM lb puhli mind of Kt prratnt imnrc liixV which it running Counter I tb'ir inltrcttt In tliit (juHf r, that they hart connivrd t Uiit tel. w i i!icUiin tP tntentran to nakc tnr tf. ttck whu'ever upon the. tew riliiort, wb m wt bi rT xtoett are' ftmUmfn, tad KilJ t(eajc their preuniarr interrtta, far !- it rt dcttgied in injure man oho it ay now hefoto tkt ptih. ic, nn t'irrefore muttyneoeMtrilr b deprirrd t trt'i proper ocaai'HH to defend hi "ok If, JuM-oh Hrihevr H'illiam Marker Mr. Ihinbodl Dunctn Campoell (tfT CaiifiitAouf Coll Ctmt-otU Mart Cupt fhillin CH Ret, Rriton Capet Dtvtd Caufhanuur Juhn Juhnatot) VV.ih.rn hmrf Achtlkt Jtffrrat IUe. Wm. (I, II. Jon Itilph Kralrr Itm K mi p Jaart k'rttb Chtrlc r. UpptrJ Htnry lippard fitori l-ln ftt Eleanor Ja h Mail.rw II. Ixk t Fuhun l'c 4 Berrf Matan Frtderk k M.flef Joha kltthawtot) D.kerah Matta , VfhK. II. Moodf relit McCruaa Cenrf MilUr' Tobit M.lltr iht'r tunprt y urtbcn. for the Sefetirr of State hhe1 anr influence upon our movemenit not thtl wc feel tnv re. . 4 a a I . B.i am .f ai. lie hat fuiilled hit irutt with BJelit. tna yoo j aeninei" Towawn me rretmem mr iinuworru. Ctn tay to bi " well done good and faithful 1 nate difTreice with the Vire Pretident aol Tenant?"' ' ' --liti-4i(i. iUatU. Jackaua. Jtut, b ul lb Bui .; U a rrm which demands eoor mott : Cor.ilitution more. ttaknit tnd active eo-oprtt'ni. The Pteai Vnt, in rijhl of h' leitimtle authority, bat ttr.rht thriiwnMg xoutuilulion bj.l.fw The fA.io, In which the ctlltiin print pet temWii thcTQjtliCt'i paH are re.lufnl tup, tnd hit lifted it almutt liMett froat itt J ,T the imptt ent tmkition of M-. f'uKmuii ta.T ..i,kioL atate. If h it tutftined b tht BeopU j Gn f.reen, ia tlioge'her 1 fiction, tmanaiina; . 7 .t ' .."J1TI r.77.:.Trzr; rrom tfcereowree wealo.retiav:i f my conftdettly truat in iti futur pretrrra- in torh event. ree waiet 10 fthhit aav:ttonf I Ta iir the rtn ttf the " - . ftrT" fb recent proportion ia F.nf ItnJ I io ?oe aq adUtiontl duty of on penny per puund upon raw rot ton bt reduced th price of that eommmlity from i o tenia per pound. Whether thia ought to bt the reauh or how long it will deprett lb price of lb raw aitt rial we ar unable lo determine. Wt Wak aome citracit from the Chtrlcttoa and Colunv bia paper a. ICT We learn from ;h . nwet uarpieviionthle tuihrxry that from CUVETTTT I'lVS lo oite mm dutd touuds of cou (the prcciae quantity not known) wtr Ulely found upon a tract of land ia Mecklcoburg eouJyJ j arji-j- iwemy muct r.ti 01 Uiarlotte, be longing to two gentlemen in Virginia, whoat wamet wrre wot tweoUeete4 Kw infurmanl, Several piecet weighed from ITI Q TIT to TEN POUNDS. linn. That the mMt powerfcil eiertioa will b 1 qj, , f Apnortttnity of wi inr hoar ground nude fo dinlc lb pretewt chief MerUirate, 1 Uta tucb tater iont re, How hopeleaa are Mich - ..m.ina no itouhr. Th friemk o . machirutirint r't bankrupt tnd deepon-Tin par .in f llie mal.rnfltrali ttl all craft. American Kyetem" will stretch etry j . --(.-im-vc eontra-t nrnlc r our political brad, the firm, juiliciw. aid nrthmlnt remarka of many conipieumit Fditnrt of the kepublican parte, w'nh thetirkly ml citfuawhim hmnfll nt Oneral flreen't new tlkra. We thinr which trnda to ttrengtheo tnd confirm ; t neriet ,h room nor Ihe dH'Mnition for tiir lilertict of our eomnon country. If our comment on turh t di"arit of good t-nae on tnrmir. are active. d.cl it not behove ut to b ; the one Land, ami imoiou. imocciuiy o -o equally ao? It m our dutt at good citiitni to the Perve to it iitmnat tenainq lo elect lh mot' vindictive rnrmy of Onl. Jnckton, and lb mot stubborn tnd indelible opoaer of every j lab.mr for 'he good of the Keouklick, who en joy-nntlerttt mild and 4ndul)fe ut at net ion I he, bVptinpi of equal law 1 and equal privileget. Since we bave attumed Ihe mantle of public .serTntt, we btve not been oneopWyedwe iave not frittered swtyoiir limr"lltd that been tlie rue, ihold bar paned even ttill Cirther Thn we bare through life wrtbowt any notice wUiiout any OppoU'!fl5Jt. ? j?1?? and cruel gripe. W grapptei! wlthltie enemy tnd forced him to unloose hit hold,.. But be il not subdued.. He it onlv ret'itig from bit loilt We mutt prepare to meet biffi again. Let tbe friendt of the preaent adminittration, the advo cate of free trade and the aupporlert of the re served tnd unccded rights of the Statct lend ui their etTorti and wc shall fed ttrong. The grett bone of contention between the two ptrtier, it whether the government rbtll be administered upon the principles recognised and ertabkihed by tbe constitution whether tbe governmentihall become one grand contol- Jdtted snachinery, or whether the Statct shall preterve their tupremacy and thereby maintain our civil and political inde endence. A the one or the other party, hoUUng these principles r their oppotites, shall become predominant no will our freedom he secured or lot forever. We htve laboured to preserve tbe supremacy of the States. We hsve contended for si! those power! to be eterciscd by the Ststes, which sre not specifically surrendered by them to tbe general government. Give us your support, d if we can do any irood we Thall bt mp'.y:-6oPoted. -.Xft i? oe your pride lt it be your ambition to be aurt)tsed by none ShaUSt be ssid th.t be ane we tre ardent and neompeomlaing ia , twir devotion to constitutional libefy, we ought j rwMo five the eonntensnce and support of our fellow-cititen t It il noTtTnl other." The shove parsgrsph 1m copied from the Globe of the 26 h of March. We Sad hopea thai the FTitiVr riliaTpjicf wmitd condnct hit Journal in a respectable add dignil'd msn ner. Under this belief we hsvt, spoken fsor. ahly'of the paper, noUitiia'tnJlng we differ from the Editor very materially touching a late important ; event, in which disclosures hsve CttbineUMaking iiusmEss. Till. ,ubcrtbrr, Rrs-eful for tlie past pitrontge which he his received Irom tn enlightened publlct solicit it continuance and hopes bv hi attention to huMnesj to mem ic He htt in bis cm ploy a number of first rate workmen and a gtxxi mpplf of pltnk and other rotteri N, which will enable him to execute til kinds of work in Ihe tnove business on the shortest notke, with nrstnest and durability and on the moat litters! term His shop it one door above Mr. Jor.cs Ttven where he would like to receive the commands of hit customers and fc.cud WJLJL HUGHES. K. B. One or two ioiirncymcn ol steady habits wanted at tbe above biui W. R. H.. continues to carry on the Windsor Chair making Business in II itt vsrious btsnchc i hiaoki tund. lie m. ' ' ' "1 1 at : a I been msite degrsJ.ng to tne secm.ry o. , kp, cot,n,f on , large"urpl) but w regret to Cml that 111 0,nrw4orwfTrmTde'1fltt,-drt wake of the t'ouner and F.mpjirer, one of th .pott abusive and diarepuiable printr In the Union. The late KditoeiaJ eaaavs, whic are written by Amut Kc-ndall, (there is no mist kinc bis autograph) are of the character an tont of the above. In the paragraph athicb we quote, thye breathes much of the ungrateful and reptile spirit whkb has been sttributed to Amoi Kendall. It i well known that he it in dthted to the carting vote of the Vice-Preiiden for tbe tppointment he now hoMt under th flovernment. and yet he mtkrt a itab at th reputation of hit beueftctor in every number of the Globe. We had hopea too thst reliance might b nlaceJ uoon its itatements. The following one ia ee-taiiilv erroneouv li Editor of th the readers" ortlie your free and indenendsnt spirits, but it is ((lection upon your honored" forefathers, who, with the enthmiasm of freemen, placed their fret upon the tyrant's neck and excltimed. Sit re.upcr imiiiiit''T1ius may the tyrtnt always be. The terms ol the paper will remtin'iintkered We mut request our friend to do what they tan for us. The.Superior. Court, of X.w .J.n.d,..ilq".!!llJr. this Conrty commence! its tewion this morn (Monday.) Tbe Hon Judge Swain pre-tides. ry f A rarent" wss received too late for publication bi week. It shall have a place in WomI. Globe a full opportunity of seeing how ground lest such assertions are, how hopelesi are such machinations of s bankrupt snd desponding par ty made up of the mat-con tents o II crafts trades, and p'.feions-we contrast under our i;,:,..i h..,t. h firm! ttuliciou. snd orthodox remarks of many con-picuous Editors of the Re iMibiican riartv.'wiflt the sTckryr rf taptanUm baratelU of Gen. -Green'i new allies. We bsve neither worn. . nor. disjoiition for comment on ;ri.,rhv of pood sense on the on hand. t v (' - n and frivolous imbecility on the other." . .nn.V -:''- - anil without bias when we say, that respectable republican prints have supported Mr Calhoun in the late correpon. dence as well at Mr. Van Buren-for they, a. lone, eeem to be the objects at which all the Editorial anathemas are hurled. Gen. Jackson appears to be totally forgotten in their warfare, and. we appeal to the columns of the Telegraph to bear ut out in the denial of the correctness ofthisststemenlin the Globe, and to corrobo rate the, ssertion which we now nake thst by far the greater portion of the resectable Jour ,U h ch are In tfce; iDferet--otthrFw- administration sustain the caue and conduct of Mr. Calhoun, a well a a large majority of the opposition presses, Tbe Globe must be reduced to extremities when it 'w forced to quote from the Alexandria Gatette, et id mn gent to make out its array of ' public VentimcnV 1 TF.D and PAINTED which he will sell low for Cath or Country produce. - Sale of Land for Taxes. WILL bt told for cash at the Court House I:. Salisbury on Monday the 16th day of May next, the following tracts of land or o much (hereof as will satisfy the Tax due thereon for Ihe years 1828, snd 1829. 340 Acres given In by Joseph McCon nsughey for Betsey Locke. 1 16 Acre given in by Henry Verble, 64 do do do by Humphrey Linster, 00 do do do by James Towoaley, 100 do do do by Joseph Attle, 106 do do do by Robert Huland, 106 do do do by Wm. Rainy, f IJ do di do by Mathi Swisher, - 113 do 'do do by Mecoy Gillespie, 1 46 do do do by Wm Foster, 31 do do do by Eli Campbell, 1 00 do do bo by John Dickey, 84 do do do by Samuel Litcke, $en. fur Atmsttd Luckey. 130 do do do by James Lowtn Execu tor of John Cowan dee'd. od by Ft-SITERJSa Jfirtl 9th 1831. 6 71 Tliomat Crtig Joha Carlton or Tbe. Motet Owtnt Christopher Fhilllpt Owen Jsmes Dtw . rritcilla Feeler ? IJeM.- f. thmewt WAUm flwlci. FonlTf)juii'hetr" r oh Foot Clement Damjke Xamwel Utvidton Msry Dent Abraham Eery klary S. Rd wards Charles Fraley John Free ma Herman FWher A. e. Foster or lly. r.i.t John Gnnda Henry Goodmaa Francit Gibaon Charles J. tie John C. Gorvotj William Gray Leonard Carver 3 Juteph Gran gut S Christina Gregory Oritado lliu-cf 4 Thomas linger H. II, Rountre Dr. G. A. Koa Boliert Neynsld Clitrk-t K Roth i Loo it Rohting Henry F. Kobintot) Chtrlet A, Btvige J. H(ickeny 3 William F. Srockdo Cat Win 8 moot 8 ami. Smith Jacob KtircwaM John Smithrel Benton Starke Catharine J. Smith George R. 8 wink llebeca Smith Blijs Bmallwood Gcrberd Sholenburge Adam Troutman FJitabetb Travi . Jatoh fJamnger .eamlah Doiiham fotiii Uarrinrtr John Hairs Jacob ll'wton Ik II. llrycMt 3 John Clark Tuot. Carter 3 ' David Coulter Jat. Davit Mia Jan Divnfl Wm . f-Wmina Joha furf John I'lbaon George A. Grty t llaot) Gooilniirht lleary tWdmt Jacob boodmta) I Juhn C. Ilaya Abraham liultomal Ruat Juttie Valentin Kettltr Joha Long 2 , Jacob Leonard I Wm. l.owde 1 1 ' . - 4vlMirfSaW Malbiat I.ilkktr , Tboa. ley 4 John Mck'entie 3 George MedJin Cttbarine Mclte I F. Uks MrH- tlriaiim hihan fhi'ip ? 'ry M. fliarr ""Wrt lV,kin ki Polk . tt. Louis f hifee 'K.tii.1 Frbwurtb W l-arbam ULsafch Fhtrr Mt l I.. Hee l "f-Jii Roberto k4cnUuur Dalit tUm "ek . nrs I anl. D lidenUour .FipcarMHendlcmsa A row Rtuboor j Tkot- tatltnd Mareut I Ut , Mia;stimiiw,it 81 Secrturytf stoke Llg J . ., t M't nancy suamrt f 0 wetaa4a mtti !!.- w VacOA ir ,,. Iflfam SnT.oV ' ' ' ' Feter Ttoutttit Ceorgt Tuck JJryant 0. Tbetaj f MM West Joseph M. Wt'4 Moses Aleitnder William Artrit Jacob Bottian Klitaoetb Bt'lard Richard T. Brumby Ntwtot) Crawford Eari Chamber F. Caldwelf Thomas Chillejr HubbtrJ Catwy 9 Ceo, F. Davids a J Mr. Neoaii Cilit David. Gray Jj... Robert S. Greet f Rev'd D. Gould Samuel T. Ilourew Mitt Mtrgmret Hart A LIST-OFBTXBR.8. m ,? Job Meant A br ah am MiarnbtmerS Dhmrl Willia Utorg Mcfairland F.dwin Willir4 , Mitt Julias McCentia Dr. Hat. tt ilaut JohaNeurfer . Ji6a D, STORK K, f if, A LIST OK LKlTKUr REM AINING In tb FoU Ofllai at Statewj N. C. on lb 1st dav of AnriL I8J1. . 1 . - - - Andrew lloltsouser S Tbomat Todd Antaline 8. Howard BamL D. Tompkio John Hartman Wm. C. Troy Daniel Huff R. A. Torre nee, Et. Wm. B. Hawkins 3 Daniel Verble Thomas Httcktr Fannv Winder Jcaae ilalmct Jotepb Willitei Stmt. Hiighcy Henry Hill Williamson Harri Chtrie Woolner Fhikp Vott. 3t68 s UfL. Br.r.vF.H, . j. Joha Morris m fllatul Abner Me Henry Jamet L. Mr Ret) Hugh L. McRow Murdock McKay Jam Micboltriti J John JVorwoo4 Jtmet Nlcbolt- Joteph Oiiphaol 8 ' 4 Haniel Fb ler Kohert Fhi?ip William J. FhiGr tjt'lt Pi'nt-tf REMAINING in th Putt Offic la Uneoln- "" ton. N. C. oa tbt Itt day of April, 183f. M,,i Harkey Jacob Amtt Frederick Arnt Milrt AVrnathy S Benj. Abernathy John Bookout John Beat he Francit Baity Capt. Beam t Henry Beanie 3 David Bailey John Bile Jacob Burnt Mtthiaa Rarringer eptba Clark Joteph Carpenter IHniel (Inonnd Henry Cauble. John Cook Capt. Cline Elcaire F. CoulttT Henry Den David Den Robert Mendenhatt ' Wallace McDonald James McClung Msry Ferkint John PIUl Barney Pealcrf Jotliut Fowel Jacob ft J Plunck Jacob Plunck 3 Jacob Reinhardt D. Ramaour Michael lludati Ceorge Reinhardt Henry Rudtiil ten. John Reinhardt Cot. John Ramtour John Robert . Adam Beep Michael Rep William Richard Christopher Rier Jra Roboto Normta Fnubont) Rt. William Quetltn Rev. William Ktchardf Jobs) Keyaoldt Mrs, Ntncy Heidi .,"' . r',LRm'iar. Chtrie sbeltot) , Joteph Scrogjx -7 4mit Btuart . Mn. Nancy M.Johnaoa William ..-. ,-1' Henry B. Kefir William King Mr. Mtry Loot; I Dtmcl Lewie Dytoo Loveltct) Xtdoch Lrtcb David M. StenAai Re. Mr. Taflet 4 Robert Tic Isham WsJcb J- ChriKiaa Weiasier William Warren David Wal.!U Mount Moriah Lodr 3 Ret. If.,, iv:te. - B - - - sj v latVt Jamet F. Moore Aaron Woolvortta " Jabn Maybtw Thomas Wood 4 Joseph W. Mtrdock Mrs. Marrtret WittJ W. KERR, P.M.. JYolicc. . PURSUANT to . orrffrof Rowia Cc?amf tuTirwJdrst Fefmui'i i S.- bion 1 83 1 1 1 shall expose o puWic aale an nlimtn or Frederick: Henry R idaail Deitx John C. Smith Peter fidleman Leasuol Sandtrt Willitm Fulenwider Attn sprtr"- Sinmet Fxrrt 4 iewrge 8egh 3 John Goodton 3 Mri Speagle - Jeremiah Goodson PeUr Stamey Itobert Goodson AbrahamSmitfi Robert Givtnt ....... Daniel Seagle P.Iisabeth Hurftns " Ji)hn Stinee Jacob Hovle or David Adam Seagle r tiuty me umoi JUy pxut Mocisill, Rowan tounly, six NKrot beiooginif to lh Estate of . Robinson. !e foUb purpoxe of making dwrlbuticng,, morf -itH JrfnHj'eet. VShATERr Aftrits t r 183 1 : tfO---- Notice.: Ramtour Henry lUea Michael Herman Jacob llatt 3 David Henkel Marr H'ifTituble Oliver Holland David lluit Mr. Hynet Jtmet Hansel Jtcoh Hoyl F.li Johnaoa Mr. Ictrd Jocob Keener Joseph Kiter Jacob Link George lwia Cheancy LaW John Linen John Lefever John Mctiinni Cilnert Milligaa Benjamin Milutr Elihu Mofllt Mathew Stroup or Robert Wilson Philip Shuford W. Sullivan Edward Sander . John Stamey Feter Smith Peter Seapoch Baith. Thomsoa Jacob Thornburg Daniel Trout man Margaret Vsndike Wilkin. Wilmaa 3 Isaac West Cooarad Weaver Mary Wilksoa Joseph Willie Joteph Wilson Frederick Willisai James Witherspoon Lindscv C. Weaver John Wacttter George Wacttter. 3i68 aUjtaCL CHARLES C. HENDERSON, p. M. ITERS EM AIMING ia the Pott Office at Morgan On Tuesday the 1 9ih of April, (being Liieiday of our rountt Court,) I will sell at Pubic sale, at the Court House in Concord, a negro man, the property of John I.. Mshan, dec q. N. B All persons Indebted to sid dee'd who do not aettle their sccounts.ti or be fore our April court, may expect to find hem in ;be hands of an officer lor collec cction. ROBT. McKENZiE, Ex. Murch, 30fA. 1831,. 3i6F TWO or three Journeymen tt tbe cabinet, making business of steady habits, and ikili the business, can obtain good wages anil con. stant employment by application ti, a. uum 1 Ann T- . . J GEO. FRALEY, .SPSffrary, Jum. i-U t ton N. C. on tbe 1st day of April, 18J1. STOLEN from my phnti! tion near Cbertw. 00 tbe . Kbtftbt) Id insanti blatk kurtt, 6 yours old, about IS band high, wnite nina tee:, shod before, and ihoe recently taken from hit hind feet, is a , pUstsnt saddle horse, and when rnovinj ' holds hi tsil little to the left atdo The above reward will be given for the apprehension of the rogue tnd the return of my horae. 3;68 K. C. DUBOSE. AfarcA SO . i Last Notice. " ' ALL those who are indebted to Phil, White for subscription to the Wea- , tern Ctrolinisn, or by book account art ' requeued 10 come forward and make paw ment by the I si of July, or tbey will Gad - ! their accounts in the handsof en oiUcel1 K (or collection. My shop ia one door irom : John Murphy's Store, where 1 can bt) , found tanyaime Bouchelle John- E. Bishap.Rrard C, Brown Wm. Barnet Soloman Raucuni tZtt Crtig Dr. Wm. J. Coniey Allen Lootlon-Johs) - "'"Martin JamtaD. r McGinsey Dr. Joha P. W. Poor Ed win -Penltnd F.lixtbeth Ctsliien, Stag Driver Stickney Jeremiah' Davit Jat. Stacy Kev'd. James Duekmortb John ' Bettor Adam Jr. Elliott Thot. or Whitney StraU Miller John Walton trah EngUab Isaac MOV ..U. v rMwii,rijit, vmvabAi.v;. A Negro wqman who is a good house servant, and a child about 18 rrjontht ... .-.-...-.... sa'-M Mtjrf--W-S tff.r sVS-rt old. Enquire of oAiwucu nLLrt3. Soli, bur u. Jftril. 3 1831. , M, JAMES B. HAMPTON, Artnt. - N-ll..Aenia at requesud.to inaleZ returns of what the hare collected ai toon a possible. J, B. llx HEAD QUARTERS, V Sfilisburyt March 28, 1 83 1 . J T HE Ojftceri compoaiog the let di X viaion of the 63d. Regiment of tha Militia of N. C.archereby com mantle A to appear at tbe Court-llouse in Balis. I bury on Friday the 22nd April next a t 10 o'clock, . M. equipped si the law dirccte for drill. ; By order of the Colonel. 467 JGRAWErJhlJt. Ml IDS icuiusii iu uvai vwvi . w r I A lm re ami of writinir nanev Rie uU i1,:a re requested to rpee at we tourt , .n?;"l V ii t ..i.J : , t ! ," i 1 0 per ream, a few rewma t House, on Tuesday evening of Abfiiloj ,. . T.w .....ri Court, at the ringing of ihe bell. 3t66 price, ' . . r . . Notice, wrapping, T.1 r