II . "7" ; - r r- It it tn ic tokUuin from Li, which, tucvcr tiM al oJ in tUrm-If th rmtUnc l(jtilitjr, lkh Anitnvr-ip3fUllc heart of id ciiaco, a4 ).,b Ui U tal4 'nh little temofie. Th wbdoi of Irgulailon la ttpcclki'jfkctaUeultdif Uwton cuiuclcnco. " Dr. CLuwin. SALISBURY, 110 WAN COUNTY, N. C .'.MONDAY, APRIL in, 1831. VOL. 11... ., NO. iCf. I m&m 'v. .... !... ... , ll'.Ul -... v .uisqnhh.is :oj.v. f It m with great ulcAre that we Wirt,t the Honday School meeting atdy hdd in Wahtugton. The cause of religion, (loci Dot to U sure, stand ia need of the influence of great names, to sustain its principle or advance its progress, tot there something cheer, ingia the apectacle of the homage ametimei paid to its excellence, by those high in the lavour and esteem of their fellow mm, anu inose opinion re received with attention and regard, Jhe sentiments coutained in Mr. Wirt's letter, do honor to hie feelings it a true patriot, and will elevate his character higher than ever. We wilt nol, however, by any remarks of our own,"lon(;er detain the reader from-a nerusal of ibis truly excellent letter. p Ed.Caz.) Washmoto, Feb. 16, 1831. arXf-lichlilita2lJll my power M be with you this evening, thu I might have united my humble efforts withthoscf our fell w citizens vho' will be present, in advancing this great and, a I believe it Heaven Hirer.rd cause. That 11 Liberty and " 11 a rrutn wr.icn nas ion iiecn nomn to the wise, and of which we art a'1 becoming convinced by fearful experiance. It has been the ignorance cftne people hieh ht' -o long en Rbl-.'d tyrants to hold the world I chains nd they have never Uil d to hurst thfin asunder whenever lighi has broken in stronglv upon them Rut if thev arc permitted to relapse into ignorance and its natural attend .m omvpllinff vice, tvrants will rise a tain, under the nme of patriots and we snail see the world replunged intrt f Jothir rJarkntsr and tJesp-rtism It is not jn .the ..nature of things, that lar Ai trnment can lone" aub- r I . v aist, xt epl amDg 40 enl'iibtenedan(J ifirtM-Mia - oeoDW- nothine -else-an hiciii3hem"ag3insr wicked ana inirigumn puiuiviu. tk . iIimvi cAme in the name and - grb of ptricuimt.aadrcalUngjhcm frm nf the necDie. cnea fi.m tn thir ruin. Every rffrt iherefore, to enlighte'he peop1e,"de the ii-lu suntiort ot every nenuine fri-nd of Liberty i id I Hail with onafffcted joy the ardr with which this great and philanthropic plm, has breo every where received Viewed in a temporal and politics lightv meTtlyJtjk3ervc the , stro-g- st support from all vho wish the co tinuance of our free and happy insti totions at home i und when we see the efTt that our example is producing on the world, the motive ior our c eri'mn re to far loftier and no bler sentiment. It is the cause, not nfrh TTnWpil State onlv. but of the whole earth. It is the cause of man throughout the world j and who is then so poor and sordid ot spirit, as to think only of himself, when the great question is,- whether this CdTLh shll be inhabited by enlightened and virtuous freemen, erect and tirm on the basis of independancc, or by hordes of ignorant, grovelling and prostrate tni? the dust from the feet of their op pressors ? But in connexion wiih these great temporal benefits, your trocietv has a stall Higher ana. noiier aim spreading the light of the Gospel and advancihff the kino-doro of the Re. In relation to the world at large. I believe that public virtue has do solid basis, but in Religion. I mean by public virtue, that which tmpeliTTn aff,in all his public acta, to look solely to the good of his country, withoot any view of personal nggran dizement. I believe that the fathers of our revolution, were for the most part such men. A great crisis called Aemout, and the common danger, as well as common hope uppljed a great motive of actioni which "lield (hem tbgctherand directed their u oited efforts to the )ibertioo of their h rtiua once passed. dtheobiect achieved, the oaoiralj passions of man came into play and ihcucamc personal ambition, with !! ita uiastrous retinue of fiction, in trigue, injustice, barbarity, slander, cootention and strife, until! dur whole country preseots scene from which every benest and peaceable man re cu, without a ray 01 nope, eicept froWthepdwer:of;lheA Private vjee always keeps pace wi public immorality. Principles ith and manners descend n4turally from those who occupy distinguished places, to those who dwell in the humbler walks of life. This is an admitted truth in monarchies, and we have bad experi ence enougi ti know, that it is exteo. sively true in republics. ()e distio guished man is able to corrupt a whole neighborhood by his example aod machinations J and the sphere of his pernicious inSuance becomes en. Urged, itj proportion to the eminence lo which he has risen. The onl cor. recti.m is that which you seek to apply r and the plan is laid in the profoundest wisdom."" negln at the other 'end 6f society, with the rising generation. in the humbler walks of life. Phnt in them the seeds of that Gospel, to ho4 powr-tb world-ofcivdisl man bears evidence, and vou faise up great antagonist pnnctplo which will overwhelm corruption, though seated on high. The people in truth hold the 'upper placeamong'us , They are the sprint head, the natural foun. taut -oali-powcr.- Purify thcioun tain and its stream will be pure. And what is there so efficacious, nay, what Is there that huiny power -ar'all to produce such an effect, but the Gospel of this recTeemer carried home tothe heart by his spirit. Mere human vir tue is a cheat a scintillation at best, which we see contiually extinguished by temptation. It has no power l re sist the call of selfish' ambition, and the tisuie of vile means and agents which such an ambition never fails to employ. It may make a shew in pub lic j hut it has no power to resist the man in private, aod which have al. ready poisoned all the springs of moral setiotis am irrg "Nothing te ss th an the living conviction of an ever present GouVlefore wfiowFarFac thinking and apeaking, and that we have a future state of uever ending fxistencei -dejciint-aift-l.ta-approba tiou. can impose a moment restraint on the indulgence of human passion j and the formation of a ne w spirit with in him. which will convert that re straint into liberty and- privilege, and make the services of G d his highest hannineus. here, as well a; nis i here, as well as his only sure hope, nereaucr, ih soiritual work of the Gospel of the re- 1 . i r. ' ti.:. :. .k. dmer,-wlMchhaibroug!ilJiieana .... immortalitv to licht, and furnish to man a motive and a spring of action, which enables him to tread the earth ai and all iti vile pursuits b:oeatn nis feet in the contemplation of that im- i . L!.t i.. L 'kaaSajninnr mortality to wnicn c i . uivui..B. With these sincere and deep convic tions on this subject, it is delightful to anticipate the change that will, in all human probability be wrought by this great and magnificent scheme of Sabhath schools, in the ncn aua pop. ulous v alley ot tht-Missi ssippi. It is happy to see that there is notning sec tariiin about it. but that the whole chHsiiinc ment. And it it not less nVVj artfreatiwr-pM ty, or of temporal dominion to the church, hs ;no concern in mis case, that the great objects in ytew are of universal concern, the ainuaioo oi i;ht and knowledce. and the deep aod wide disseminating of that pure religion, without which human Virtue degenerate into an empty shqw, or a hypocritical instrument of ambition. That this truly noble and benovolent phn ma --be-.placexL-under, wjieaod juditious direction, that it may be crowned withsuce'essby Him alonewhd has power so to. crown it.'and that the ki lRdom of that Redeemer may come, is the fervent wish and prayer of Your felkHfrcitiaeo, WM. WIRT. The Rev. Mr, Rreckenridge. Rncietn. The manners. ol - , tbc Pulish ladies are more exooisiwly fascinating than those of all others. To prefer another city tn Warsaw is impossible. There you find the most refmrd ton of Paris allied with orien. tat manners, the g d taste of Ivirope, and the tnsgoibceoce l Asia unltsd, the politeness of the most civilized so cietv with the plain Unaffected hoipl tJJtjC',C barbaroQirnillop C.Vf ho would, not admire. a people whose "ex ternal appearance is universally noble and propossessiog i and whise manners though plain and unassuming, are po lite and cordial. In the cities you meet with good breeding aod urbam ty every where and in the country a good natured roughness prevails. The comprehension of the Poles is quick, their conversation light and a greeable, and their educatin has made them possessors ofeiery talent. They have the gift of languages, are deeply read in general literature, eloquent and accomplished. Their taste in every fetats -highly-cultivated j they are admirers of the fine arts passionately foudTjffetef"indpTivate theatricals; and of their national dancing. - Their dress is original i some of their customs extraordinary ; their style of living magnificent, Theyjre. goaLando pru.heartcd, and very gratefully iu. dined. Jour, of a Xvbieinajx. Frrm tkt ffrm-Ttrk Dailg Jdvtrtitr. ' 'FurttffpartiailaFf of Guerrero. Messrs.- - Edit4r Th- attentive and continual perusal of the journals of this city, has convinced me that very erroneous opinions are entertain ed here about Mexican allairs. and especially about the causes of the as s tssination of President Guerrero. Rut it is in relation to the latter event alone that I now propose to communicate to you the contents of two letters received here hy a friend of mine, per brig Virginia, from respectable persons, in order to warn you against the fallacy of the ministerial Rcgistro Official ol Vera Cruz. Guerrero was peYce fully" living in AcapulM;constanUyjLjirimgerjij.thc operatibnVf thelaouihemlinaurgeais of the country againstjhe government ot uustamente, aiuiougo uuugcu io live sheltered amone tnera, that he might not fall into the hands of hi enemies, by whom he had been de clared to be-aooBtlsw But Busts- mente ana ma ministers, yiiamau auu Frazio, thinking that the destruction of Guerrero-alone cotsld cause that of all the democratic part ot the nation formed in January last a secret con trsct with a Francisco Pitsluga then in Mexico, captain of the Sardinian brig Colombo, anchored in Acapulco, and an agent of the house of Girslamo Rossi, Genoa, Pitaluga- waa then seen to depart again for Acapulco. On arriving at Cbipalcinago he was imprisoned, (probably in virtue of a previous plan concerted secretly wun Gen. Bravo, residing there,) as a spy of Guerrero t he was tried and set at at liberty, for want oj proojs He then proceeded to Acapulco to ahow to ftuerrero an official copy ot this sentence, as a title to his confidence nd friend. Guerrero fell into the snare they became intimate i they gave dinners, to each.otherandfinalty Tiraluga invited Guerrero, together with Primo Tapia, Tavlita, and two othe h Colombo. There they spent a THtorfoWaHhaigh coffee was served in the cabin when Pitatuga went suddenly on deck, thut the door of the cabin, cut the tablet and set sail. The darkness of the night prevented the garrison of the Fort from perceiving me ireacucroua movement of the brig. She left the port in safety, and went and landed the victim at Hautulco, a' amall port of the neighboring state of Oajacv, w.hwe.eyeryrt receive them. A few days previous to this admiri- bUtoap fetal, Bustamente had said to a friend of his io Mexico, How much will you bet that before the end of fhis month (January) Guerrero will be in my power V 7 The news of the arrest of Guerrero having reached Mexico a counciKof ministers was held to determine whether the affair ootfitto belaid be fore Congrra, but It was resolved that Guerrero ought pot to be locked upoo as a more privdaged person than any other criminal. There was, however an individual who tried to save hi life, by speaking ofclemencv aod gen eroiity to Vice President Uustamente j but behold the reply, of this Jicro t When 1 drcsvnhe iword.istmjt. the revolutionists, I threw the sheiih away untill their distraction should be com plete. Who had more right to Met icao gratitude than Sroor Iturbide, who did not cause "a single drop of Mexican blood to be shed to sustain himself? But the negro (Guerrero! who has cost so much to the republic! Ruitsmente. Aleman. Frazn. and others, aim at the centralization of the if public ; that is at the consolida tion of their throne. TUE UOUXMRT UYE; aoM via Tioai asttra. Much dissatisfaction with thedecis. twet of fc4ttg'INUI ia expres. sed io Maine. Tins leehng is oof, however fully warranted. All that is wanted cannot be obtained in every a . m a a case oi arbitration, aiucn nas oeee accorded-ia-ibta-insuoce... Wha.t-rt mains will one day accrue to our Union io another mode. Dome of the Maine writers have bestowed uncivil epithets a a . a on the royai umpire a proceeding uniust and indecorous. It cannot oe presumed that he waa psnial to Great BntaiiuJlis decision was xpmmunj cated at a time when he had taken much umbrage at her conduct in rela tion to Belgium. The editor ot the Boston Daily Ad vertiser,- a qualified - critie at to the geographical question of the North Eastern Boundary, says. The leading points of the decision have been reported unofficially from Amsterdam, and from London, We know of no reason to doubt the sub. stantial accuracy of these reports. I they are cofrecfrtheiimpire has difld- ed the territory in dispute, between the two parties, making theSt.John river the boundary line, aod giving to GLeJIritfina of the territory ciaimea oy ine.ynuea States, arid to the united t3tatei nearly 5.000,000 acree of te territory claim .1 U.. r Wriitn The question appeared to be one which mighLbc. with the utmost pro priety submitted to the arbitration of a friendly power. - it was ao suomit. ted j sod-the decision is now. made. We find from the language of the pa. pers of Maine, and from other sources, that the decision is entirety unsaimac torv to the people of thatute. I wai not to be expected that it would be satisfactory but we had hoped that whatever mightbe the dectuoo. would be submitted to with a good grace and in a becoming temper. We trust still that auch will be the course pursued by. the people of the State at large, though some intemperate ex- pressions may be thrown out in aome quarters. - . Admitting that the St. John is to be excluded from the discription of rivers emptying into the Atlantic, we do not see that so reasonsoic a princi ple could be adopted for settling the controversy, as that of dividing the territ6ry,to wwcni-unaer- tne aamiS' sion, each party had but an imperfect title; -Admitting ..theu principle, tooVwe have the advantage in the decision, by gaining the best part of the disputed territory, besides gaining two and a half times as much as ia awarded to Great JJrjtain. Street Preaching. An individual calling aimself Adam Paine. wearing beard which reaches nearly to nis girdle, has been engaged during tbe last two or three days in riding about the streets on horseback, and preach ing; joauch individuals as curiosity draws around bim-YMterday Ke"was rather roughly handledbyomJdle boys, who collected about him and perpetrated sundry annoyances aa well on himself, as on theaniraat he rode i buxthiris not alh he seeroa to be an ooyed by the police, who threate4o confine him, for gathering crowds U the injury t the public peaceynd de cency. He aeems, howeyer, to be nowise ambitious of be, crown of nftr- tyrdom. ' He told a trwd yesterday who were around hiiaBer the Park that he was not in the pov r r j 1Wf as he had not CiLlltd th, together, that he knew both the vine Jaws, and the corporation , la, iy9 jatvi and all. In conclusion, H re com- metaded all to read a. particular chapv the abofrrinatiofiipfoneoffte indent . cities, and to apply the description and , denunciations, io our .good cty of modern Gothem. N F. Courier BAD COMPANY. ; ' The srerr sound of the exprnslot bsd company,' is painful to indent andpiousear. The soul of the go man ; trembles at the idea of being thetana.. paniott of the wicked. And wk is thereaaohf IU has many remos or it. He has reasons which rttae to time, aod reasons which relate ta mm m eteroitv, lie knows sucn comptty to be disgraceful. The wise and g4 udce of men by their company r with them it Is always counted disrr. oublc to be aeen in the society cl those whose character is stained. C vil company also hinders religious im- provTmmTnkrs-off-thc--hert-frotn- Godi gradually lessena the fear of sin Imperceptably drawa men into the commission of iniquity f and ia this way, destroys both the .usefulness ancLcomfort vt life.- It has been . the , ruin of thousands and tens of ihousabdi By H multitudes fcav beew led oo- to actiona and rrimea at the bare thought of which their souls oce shuddered.' By means of evil compsnv, they hsve had their minds filled with fears, and cbnsciences'ovcrwhclmed with horrors sod for one that has escaped by true faith and sincere repentance, there is reason to expect many nave gone , down to hell. ; If therefore vou value your credit ana Z comfort in life, your peace in death,1 or your Juppinesa in eternity, shun evil company aa i Hestructioo j and re ' member, that junder thejdea of dani 1, geroue aocletyjrwe are to Include "not r only the drunkard; the Profane wc ter .the UBchasie,c or! the -iahone st but Bkewisrallrho-TtoTiot love Godj and obey the gospel of Jesus Christ Lordi keep me wear thyself - General Guerrero The NewYorlc - McrcaVfilcAdvertlscrt. after saying -that the Mexican paperaJbayc ndt in formed ua of the' manner in' which . this General was made prtsonerVstatcs on the authority of a private letter, that it is reported that he hart charter ed a Sardinian vessel at Acapulco, to convey him to a small, port eooih of , that place, in the' possession ofhil particiaos. The Sardinian captain enticed by the expectation of a larger; reword carried him to another port privately informed the government. authorities of the panengera .he had on board and demanded .the sura of 25,000 dollars for delivering him in . to their 1aads.Afterlome parley; the captain agreed to take 6QfO doll ais for bis' treachery, and Guerrero) was thus delivered into the hands of his enemies. His subsequent fate js known. The letter states that he wis tried and condemned by a Common . CQuriMirtiaUpf no highet rank than , would be required for the ttiat of common soldier . Behind Hand. An idle fellow tho other day complaining of his hard Jot ' said he' was born the last day of thd' year, the last day of the month, and the last day of the week, and he had always been behind hand, tie be leved it would have been fifty dollars in his pocket if he had not Beta bora at all ! V . . - This mn belongs to the same schoot - of wits no doufa with him who. hired himself uut to labor for life at eight " dollar arvtnonth, r with-n agreement; that he should have half hia pay at the end of evertrraonth and the rest wbcO. hip time was out. Taunton Reporter, " . A gentleman in Georgia advertif ing a farm fur. sale, says that thirty or 1 forty bushels ot Bull frogs may be rais ed to the acre- and alligators sufficient to fente rtt tract, hy. QGZ&lr' " - -- i , . j . 1- : V - i ,