alt V4 be vary tmt'jKit lewlf. irr.-W.t!lsrJI Mr.m.m r. .trtge, IV j thev lfu l uii cttciiUtmr. lf.intM.cJ ' !'fri ! ooin.itr lo .Wi r rr Virvi)f I lst 1 1 ) 11 T-'m n f f: rut n tvtvu ? ru When will r " w mk Vt riH rftr rv-iy """ tf tin Wr the sawe banner wfcy 5,t ,l,t ,l,Mi and W! M vsrianre when iHeif avwt Hr t. take iUi-ur of the nr few -Me wnmf,,H ihclr d-wentiona have rUee . . a.... tl'Ma and llcntliriCtl MWi . , ' .... ... I tl. wwt'inf l. rrpwrtrj a Mutl i n, particular rfr.K M llcoa ,vfaa,te t)uM memory wa I.. supecti4 of tqir'rt an! corruptiue. We do I t U pay tl irbuf of our rid and !' mi ituaft lUl Naw Vh k.a U k l,lf If'. t u - ' , i kbtilcj by tbe tnerf lr'tnjr human Miurt fur ill (S rtl nf k'f (IiUom muH Memart't prt mj ih tmrf it of lit rtcile4 oniiH , . ! ' OlK tret CU of braut.ful Ul "taj flu! til kfto if v Vt bf bit Sihi ira (h mCiy of lUt fiUontl l.btny boM Mf plut if t kf . lHt t to a V b4 ikt dttil of kt ttHy jti f Itfi Divm Hal p trim. M rnm, H , ,)rvM iWJ KrvputauW wwrt tal tbiitk fjf roaWjr, lhl m N Tor lrpHlnrat, toot procured fur blm tnaiiy !ua. Mt f iM bind lo mml IrtKor,' tad bai Wmb frik. IU Wut4 U la V.rriw taj ff i .1-. .1 W ..mU Ida ! lul . . ' . . . . .. irvacfmrwiM u-"'n'-t r"c'" i anif Mar tintmia in Amrrtct, i fm, ia im ftUlM HmU Mi krcdlrittr pnmatt tnr InJi-JM of 1IJJ, to Nonb-Caroliiia,aiM, tfltf .l Urn. tHutl from thai Statf. b M7 ri4tn I S.JUbr. U Ck.r. a m. .nnnti'ilii (Ma Ineulrattfl by th J". mW irpiton,ir, atwi w nop- uw wnar ,t ftlJ rt,e,THrVi WdJeiily tn I tip. tU Cint Ut Jnurntl do at tbt jifK; la knily a'tacktd bj d.tcm U laa lnr. M rf matcrnaii. " m, .... it. fof . hiu ht M-awJ ib Flitrf nf l Juumai h b'th pm "lUprtMy tteowtnng, and hit friend hailed tb i'.iJ.r W kut biilirrto rrn in h bvfif f retura uf Iprinf at tba arMoa Wcli u lo k- ... . ik. w.tfr a.rt of N. I t ir toe.eiy. vui awe noar vwmh ftl w- ' r - ' ...ik. .k.l fi-lat .a M.l.oat a m - aH 'informed ill I K'wxUt"xW'MfSwk' M WM !" 'J" ,t,,ho,, 'h,U irwMblaata4bftbatl.iriiaflidiaftofkudr.lfc. - - . . . , fo- the Ftthfrof hUfA.mtnr t4 wouH bitacr.. eaa Mrtaia aa uactMd of a food aa , r ii - , , ,)befli(i t0 -Tuir, b,, tnriciout deraadinf , orB Improved by raadinf , obr. (. If th wpitl'0" ,-I"7 ' (, " iiioa tad rtlcotioai kt bad a Aa iai, a -rtk Awrietn, btenwt 'tmtr. m , ,,... . Joud Jdfet, Inllri.bla moral principle, . . - .v - .-. Tkw Uno or intna or mo lawm mueB tMnt, character, and aa rtaJUd rati i anntwr the fmirae of the Tdjrph. It war I r(fe, b tt CHirttoui, alTable, ftotle, candid. . boo-W thU we think -'hat e can do It liberal tn! feeemua i nereratnioalf infltctin re atta-4ed ia IW mj J"? " . . I takinf offence oberc It at not cletrty pro. ,H k nderfken tn uphill butineat when m. of the dif ir nd ol.lity of bia prafeaai. ,oPe of ainf,..rrHh,rt . f, ,hf fCl -ca.ion. wtkb, combined wi.b lb, ,ir t.rmon ad enoccH of im ren .... P- T. - tura of iht bear! and mutb awr.iy of manner, ' . m a...M i nam www t irnr ibi at ' " . a. .a a. . . Mflr reft the WHf peryr..- r mw cnn.u , u. - pn J .w- iT.Un. fntf KwrtWa Mer were fff,lre i!nr"n a !ti'nii(ni are - i j i Praaiiimi nat nii a oeitrr rrieni inn ibi irii j:...rj .k .i.. k. taie aitpenaaiton or a wie prot - anatched from tb work! at tbe hit friend bcraa to nuh at tba , . . - ..... I mil ucrciuyfm ni tn ti rti.i(a at; ova I . t a l-t- A JJlu kaa iLaw mb. 1. .. r ... , . . all hi tJviiV.W pwmi ntnipi-iw ,,y wc-a.T i wntn w briM fiafH-t tff fcUoiil 10 b -nifkUTir-Tiirr' w. r . . H;n with (hntiof uf the rrMient. would lh Irtntd. Vt?rU iffected b Iht premature ta- .an aaeaa ff fflil wir- I . . .r ' . of Aiiimerce ur rv. Uih..! Kmi r tKifiW w 4 dln of out UwX- ' ' - I a i a m . II -I L I n9W9a inn we ui rnrnin iur mcmorj ,ti.l part.. An noW! ! "J j ! fc f, Kr,mlly tpprore e.m act by aa inacrut .nA inrtnno" por . .,.,-.,; .k.,h n,hl or wronr. (We. bar been i.k.ra r heap top etihence wh.eir i. " Jk. I momant when If ..Wa from them, md f?en nf.ctitrera who mnnnpoin- -Uea of thlt b'eW tyrtwy nd opp-f un btit br the nndWH'-d e"5 A.rtTrrTT7S1Ti!er rmlntrton lan-W Were eiclome -.ended to be conferred po .V Jj rfJ Mir father, who framed . he conut.nnt W. .houkl their memor.e. by ch .up- itn then are eiuun" i" .rf ,he penpW-br Pr..e a. a aenbl m.n .nd . honest poll. g At reecUeUiupji l.Hnn of tn.mno ttfiwyh.! T'jfrPh. !Ei!lLlwi!! of our . . . i i 'trati in a Eolation of the eontitution i Can H Btnhed, Tliat wa will wear tbe uuJ b.e be poMibla that He would puraue uch a courae of monminf for the tpaee of thirty dara. f..hrlhtDrH.t'f theadminnration f t venture to uv for him he wnuld not. Hot then i. tba oppon-d to the preaenl Not turelr became he would framed ! unprincipled pMit'HNi. How U,en V ik tOnptk I adminiatr.tion f Not ,jredbe the mm J " 'no, unlu. with . Bv the wiU od lec...on yne.m.. m . hun(inr (,own -m Tatnro. B ,u,hnrM'' r , T !nocenta,J peraeaited iwn-for ,ch we be WI.Mrattdert.ketofr.ntmonorHl.eif By fl (;reen .( g( virtue of the powra torerred upon ithem by j,,,,, j ,he demc-..ic repuSf.can f ! ronMlhition f So tney u -. e frfefie, hl, W1.nrnea. and h.. ftr, , f,oe. the wnH.tu.ion recof m .ny .or 1, eJ o rxht in the tefiaiaiive, c.. Jw7- RnthttL That a letter of condolence acenm- paayine tbeae proccediofm, be KBtto tbeiirullicr ot tbe doceued. Rmlvtd, That Iheae proccedinra be airned bv the chairman and Secretary, tad be aent for publication to the F.yettrviflr.lUVif h.Saliabury and Charlotte paper. JN( GILES, Cnatraian. Joa McRab, Wrrtan. H'afabfugk, JpHl 13, 1811. o rill H. 'ibicnhfr. ire amiout to . A purchue OXH WJ.YDREP nc groei hothj male anil female Irooi THUTICM tflTWIHTf fOVt VCiri bf gr, fof whom ihrr will pr the aiSIt: JIMHrf I. LONG, u. w. r.o.No. THOMAS MULL, it. .inril 23, 1IJJ, , Cot93 Stock c C!IitKi. f'- 1 1 t tihliihrtitnl fro' i i j if den f.ano 10 tha fi k, g,org 4V0 j 3t PeaH Si. oer Menn llfflt i lr fn l..iril.i Urfl1r . . . V. n. ArpUcitiM can U t " tL r "f ent ' lherl la pcr.on or by letter id- of lnClo.k wi!l km, j f dretted to JJMKS 1, 10X0 W Vo. and will be told t ii ..J i flaLitiutri N. C. which will be prices tboie of r Stto. 1I promptly iitended lb. Uat !o oo htnd Urge ilurlmf nf Qr ; llaaf Jleennnla irtnln I I I . i tL...i.. ' .7 "l" aicv uvvuhui. Mhoui I Ifipreitiy or ino .pginero Uatrrn f I ia. . . Ai a a A perioni indebted to Krtdcr 4 1 r .feouc ib I t.'-....'-f.. .rf.a-.KAn'.i oattUeU4l4li to settle the tme without delav ai .... tttm lrftrllM; ln rklffiin( tJZno, ' i AUo, thoie iudebted to Jiowera & U.t they cannot wieet ib tiutai9un Mull lor icr for the rear 1830 ire from any Stock in h City that lii . earoettly requeued to settle the tame nfer of mora dmirahlo punbkJ.fJr at the Co-putnerthip hi been dii ! by F J. C0VAl-t a.lved. Thoie who fail to comply A. 13 1, Ptarl St. AV V. with the above rrqutttt will find their Tiim. Sii roontlia far wj accounta in the handa of an officer for p?blfl Banka in good attfjn- Collection. 68tf CIIARLGd I. BOWERS. Salisbury, Jprii 23, 1831. FOR SALE, HpilE we known "lilt- 1 li.hmeot in the Town I ' 1 1 1 flf Camden, Ittety occupied by oihora. Uc.JwJ"' A. at a houto of public. The many tdvtnttfet ttiendlnp; tbh oue mket Ir tn object worthy the at tention of pertont wuhinjr to embark io ibe bufinett. lr tin been ' for 'uvertt year and it tall in tucccttful operation. In any part of ihe country, eif ht nv,h for City trcetjtincet or f per centi;. conni for C.h in an eatea wber) lima ii attended interest wit U cbiuj at the rata' of 7 per cent per annum. l floods purchased at thra CataUihnf that do not suit lbs Market lor wbi'h Ik , were iutattded will ba cxck&ired i .Vrw York, .firil 1 J 8 3 1 FEMALE SCHOOL. 'mVRS. P. A. KISS ELL inform! her fnendi 1T1 And the Dubtie that the hat opened ... . I RCtlUW in IUV I VTW ii vt woi'.wuii iui aa vv y r-fc"' " . . .,, P" we .r ion of u.Iim. and little Children to hmlieaf Doe. tne com-." ' j . . )r uuy with hW own ml to .dvoc.te wboe eieWnUfy education, p.nicul.r atten in.,, d.t.nct.on.r . e 1(.c,m f r,fneral J.rkmn. IVe nwiM lion will be paid tha we tre better man w,r 7" ' e We-a Utthe Editor of the Tdcfrtph hti rijrhhmm better than ouraelve.f w foAwxmeiat, apart from conMency. ronafitution permit ny aet of men " to fcaj bi r fflKtl ,0unport the preaent ad r aubetance for the Northern people to fatten n, Jnj ln !h iflt,re of Mr. nd hot upon I None of the. thing, ve pre. rmaent him a. the moat ended, amf ret we Have id nothing which . . deWmine, foe of General sot ttrictly true and-wbtf ! tbU moment by the t eneral f overnment. They .nd influence of hi. paper. " All Dermit moriopoli. at the nmaime that ""I. hk prifrtM))f wbicb could be taken from Hrnv they hva the power i - h,m ha been tranafcrred to me i.iooe to lunner nuke ainct'mna between the North and Routn m( awbllilH(t ,iewi 0f the Secret.ry of State ii their !efi1ainn without pretendinf any .u, uin(f wije ,l prrj.tdice from hi. bowm and thontr fir it. They exalt thenlc above . di(Mfcr4iMgr bi Uoaliliiy to the nullifyera, can Ihe . .:il not dire to aet up openly anr w- .. f tie Camden Journal in iho aincenty T,rio'riK whoever. They lef ali.e robbery by of hi he,rl .cknowlclge the propriety of thii entrtinf la, to tat or property at cieeeai'O itf p Uie Wly Secretary i We tre very rare ..... -klch are not equal in their operation tha, he hag coire ,0 the elf-ame concluaion .. ' ..... .k. .TnUnd State, but do not pre- ... k... tnii ut there i. ir.ore of Klf-in- tnrmijrnoui iu - , fnd to be cloathed with tnv auch authontv. eret, in tj,e aeaif.t. and movement, of the Sec Of what value aee our lihertie. Of what uae ii reUry 0f 8(tte than love and reaped for the tb conrtHution,'he R uardian of our rif hit and tha j Hero Nr w The Telefraph cannot nfe-eaard of our indepandence f Can freemen, twe(j by the threat of Mr. Van Buren. or can democrat, live under ucb unequal Itwt j hut ptiri,,e ;,. court of dUintereeted . . ...dai'ion. without makinf tn ...!- t0 tkt conititutioa arj the beat inter. and oppreaa. " . . . ,i , . effort to reatore the f overnment to itt onpnal et of ,hc country without .toppiftf to calculate .mritw We ma be called demtfopjea-aiari). lh- contequencet. 'net and faction when we aay our Uberhe. a. a Irnm IU. Hill rein rtinrrr m a . x. , M - nnnoae the weaent almini- -. il. t( .YanaMa. Tract ot l.nn4 FOR SALE. ; fpUE ubCf iie t tfftxa lot Sale lua Xarxa; A conttltiiiK 460 acre, of l.ndlrlnf oq .lormuwittft.uiW r .hour no.cres orcrcTiTdlioS. ' with many valuable improvrmenta uptm It. 1 hers If a tu!ianul and coatefiicot - -dwelling hou.e, in eoodrepatri.witht.prft. rate brn. 1 ha only motive which tbe sub.crioer hit In selling hr land is e ttronjj de.lrt to emigrate to tbe. West... t. All peraont who may with to pnrch.te ' a rooiI productive planttiiaa would, da - well io call and are tbe prcmiaes where the tubscriber may ba found at any time. The terms of Sale will he tcrommod by application to Thorn.. H. Lee. MAKY J. McAUAMS, Rx'itx. Camden jtftril 15. . , SiTS TT Ttiif fi?eTtim hterer,- Ral- h Sttr, We.iern Carolinian, Southern imet tnd Chtrle.ton Courier will inter! the thovo once a week for two mouth. nd forward their bills. M. J. MrA. Commillcd TO the 1 the Jail of Lincolu County on Un Mr. Ruaaell enraer. to Pare n' .nd OW, diana that no attention on her part .ball be wtntinf to promote tbe Improvement of tbote nlaeed under her care, and that atr-et teeird ahall ba paid to tbeir haO.t. and moral deport ment, bo?tnr by bar aaaiduity aod care to merit a there of the pttror.tfe hitherto to liberally beatowed on tnirunontof hem fctndtnthit place. 8U eipecU.afler the ami oilihe prcl aent SeMion to be lUuted ay- Ucr DaUjftUtr, taitiSuaaa Ruta. II. " " WKawa BfTmw. - - All the varioua, li'erary and' OmamenTaT BrancberuauaUy taught in School, jl. 00 per Quarter. Mu.ic KI5.00 per Seuioo.leutimc at tame rate. Mra. RueuM. being a perfect atranfer m thtt part of tbe country, rererl to the futlowinf Gentlemen, many of whom the ba. leetimonial of in her poaaeaaion, John urav Blunt and 9th April, 1831 aNctro boy aioit 14 years of age, dark complec ted and well formed, .peaks polite, and from his dialect it is evident he Jirtf l,f, 1811. SAMUEL JETER. estf Jha. Mi M Y HOUSE, (tbe Tost ofTice) on the C'osl But I It i idle and prepoterni. to t-ippo.a that wecannoioc uC.-- - - .nA ..i .m for nimielf. Nr. Uainnuo . . when we tee reao.T -.. - -r w w, ,u " , .... ..d ha. too much ..eacity not to the conae to fall opon the head. o. " , . , Mep. e would b. diffinf to wrert from them tne.r mo r- -- , k movement of - .-i I. ran dlf anproxima- hia own political g mv i eCr.. uur ..onlee. , the kind, however e.f er ne may be to te cho- o?r - . Md fc ,ei prMident rf ,he United State. Mr C.U impeuen, m., . . k wnPortofGeoer.UacMoo wu no. per freHonvndJnoep5no.v- .. , t r.U.I . If.he eAotTlli-TWaldem- VUl l.Vy" . ... , - a. a. jpeMre-no creare of the imaejniat.on-lt ii hopes mat the government of the eonntry will be conducted, m time w-i, -i-- nrinciplee of TOTntttWwn- The Editor of the Camden Journal ia rery faeet'imi. at oor expenw, and were be not such .pleannt.eood humored fellow we .houldbe half inclined - to la.h him aeroaa the .boulder, for awhile. This Is not the firtt time that fnend Daniels has made - fun" of u. in hi. own wty. We do not tet ounelve. up for proficient, in compo.itiMi-we have never a.pired to the thrt we are more freqoenuy roiacin.w ...r onr neighbour Nothing w. farther from our deaign than to-1tnnte that becauae Mr. V.n liuren wa. a natifi of New To hi mu therefor, be alitor. We had thia in ;ew when wr wrote the article to which the Editor of the Camden Journal take; exception., that H, that at New York had gWen birth to eevereJ .triitor. ,nd had been t theatre Tor the carry. ng oa aereTlirUo:ridM'.jjit PPle 01 annal bilFiooTtTcaTr-! ad"lh a t I a M.nanea. r nolitical nrinciole. arertillthewme, and were General Jacwon ten time. a. hostile t Mr. Calhoun t. he real. ly j, tiill would Mr. Calhoun feel his1f bound to Wpport hi. adminiHration Vo long at it trav. eHed in it. republican cour... Of thi. we are well aawred thtt it ' not Mr. Oalhoun'e desire to set up agtinrt General Jaekjon, whatever may be the deign of h' friend.. Let the friend, of the preaent administration give their wpport to General Jackson regardlew of the unfounded ataertions of partiwn Edit?ra who aacrifice the dearest interests , of their cotlntry to advsnce their sordid and ielfi.h an aa Ka nreaenl adhtlnistration, H is prepoiteroiil ttreruh any such suppttoition. . ...MiiMnH ftm nrcofflT. ' At a meeting ol tne memuem w. w Bar, called for the purpow of paying their tn- bute of retpeet to the memory of the lte Heetr MKi.Ll. who died in 8t. taJMJ: the 16th ukt Jno. Giles. Baq. was called to the Chair, John A." MclUe, Et. tarv, and John BetrU. Walter t. Ui, George Thorn. Trotter, of Washington, N. C Tliomai UeNair, of Tarborough, William Blackledge, of Newbern, Week. Parka, of BUfecomb, Robert Sinnear. of Pitt county, Cul: Andrew Joiner, Thomaa Barereaa, Edward Freeman and Ilonl. Judre Daniel, of Halifax, Poet. Murder, of . ... . r . . .!! - . j r nuoolk, Virginia, lion uufo iaicia ana m. Bradrleld. of Linchburg, Doct. Waller, of Rich- mond. John Wade. Jame. Wade, n. Wade,Wii liam Anderaoo, Uock aent, William i-yie and M. Montague, Obwatiananurgiu Vu-ginja, laaae Ponkin. of Gatea county, N. C. Saml. liar. relf. of Gates county and Rev'd M. Hoi met, of Edenton, n. U. f r. n. ,v.f- Stf,i.ry, -V. C. 9th 1831 W lliomaa ft. ft. Uravtn, SUHOEON DENTIST. THE underaigned members of the Legiala ture of North-Carolina, have employed Doctor Thomaa 8. B. Craven a. a SUilGEOJf DENTIST, and in tbe various operations tney were com. plately tatitRed with hi. performance, and think that those whfljsyjikcejrtiero rare will be as well satisfied of hi. competency aaa Dentist a. they have been. . rTrT)rTtWWOir.rOToTr,-io;ir,r-- J. Williams Tet, Mcmhtr ,fth JLuu tf Commoni, ' CtKnasT Marsmall, Member tftht Houu tf Ctmmtnt. J. Whits, Membtr tfifn Boutt tf Ctmmtni, from Anaon County.- Ro, MaaTW, of Kocungnam. Rowr., of Rutherford County. Jno. H. Wheeles, Member tf Iht Utun tf Ctmmtni. ... , , ... Jacob Haeb, el Menioro, Memoer tj im Senalt. . R T. SiMMOits, Member , me uuu tj M.n. from Currituck County. Wm. Selbi, Mtmutr tj im otnaie, irora nyae jFOSTEB. JAEVIi, Memuer nj me now y tow- ttenf . . . r ' j, p. JAr(R.' H vde bounty. Enquire at Wm. W.Highter s Hotel. XnUiSurv. Jbril2U mJ 68lf Notice. ' - .. ...... .. .L.. A few ream, or wnung paper ior aie w mm Offine, at &i 50 per ream, a few reame at and a f wm of Wrtpi'.. tb usual price. I47 '.rret a few yards north west. wa, raised to the lower part of Bouth p.LJhe .Court House, la.rr Carotine, he cali htmsdf Mam .end,7T, ' V " TnnfUVtT - ayThe belong, to JoUiirWii "1 "lrZ iMrger:T, "d " , ' ,1 j u i-n '"blea aro eneonlve, room? and dry. w" MPPf 1 L ,W.oMM grain and- provendef fho -at pleno!- uiinoereaJbyoodhoulcraiie ; huie haimanjr cooifaiUWe rooms, eervet J e good" lahle i nd "rr f HI raerrrsr end the proprietor and hU family will emit -o thiiH in ihtir-. powcr-i eoakeAV eaotil. qriieratid-rfgiTrnWe: fmm hie master a plantation, end after aeveraTcTaye effected hlaeacaper" The ow'her la rfqaeated to come forward, .... - ' "". . . prove property, p3y cnarcra-ana tatte JACOB KEJNIIARDT, Jailer - --AND --. GOODS. J. MTTRPUT IS now receiving at hit biore In Sali.hury a full supply of .11 kinds of Fine, Fsth ionsble New Style fancy GOODS, among which are many new and beautiful art! eles for Ladies' Dresses. Suited to the Sesion, selected by himself with much csre from the latest importations in New York and Philadelphia for 1831. and bought entirely lor cash. I he public are respectfully invited to c.'.l, ex.aiine and U'Jge lor mem.eivet, a. every inaure menl by way ol variety and eitreme lowne.t of price will be presented to them J. M. i. thankful for pat favours and hopes by a proper attention to business to merit a continuance ol .those favours hich his custom sr.d a1 discerning public hsve heretofore so liberally be stowed upon him. 3mtT9 . Afiril 16A. 1831. A LL those who are indebted lo rhib -VW-h4tefof aubsceipjion to i nw tern Carolinian, or by book account are requested to come forward and make py" ment by the 1st uf July, or they will find heir sccounts in the hands of an officer for collection. My shop is one door from John Murphy's Store, where 1 can be ound at sny time. JAMES B. HAMPTON, Jgmt. 8atitburtf March 8M, 1831. 3tf N. lfAiieot'ar requested to make returns of what .they have collected s soon as prmiblerr - ,1, B. 11. HILTON and Oakts of Concord will give constant employment to four or five Journeyman workmen at the Her nets and Saddle making business. LiiA cral wages will be given. ANejjro wbmsti who is a food house tervnt,snd a e hild ahout 18 tnonthl owl. Enqnlre of SAMUEL REEVES. : Salisbury, JiHt. J I8JI. 6S f. comix & n.iGUE, TAILOKS, ' THE tubicribeta return Uieif thanks to the public for the liberal patron age ettended 4o their Tailoring ettaV -lishtnent In Concord, and beg lease to inform them that they have employed - , sufficient number of wotkmen to enable them to do business with the utmost dis patch. They regularly receive the late tl fashions fronT Philadelphia, and nope they will not only be aWe lo lorn oat work with dispatch, hut be also able to turn it out in a nest and elegnt style. .Their terms will be accommodating, and tht if efforts to please, unceasing. Orders ' from a distance. tbali meet the most f prompt attention. - .? ' Cutting of all descriptions will be dons at therrihop immediately on eppHcrton. wncora, j-eb. I ilk, 1 83 1. S8.f Runaway f9 61 N thi" 'tOrtt of SBpTentbeT" last, from my Vlantation hs Jonea ronnty, two nerroea, oAe named WASHINGTON, about 1 years of age, a very bright mulatto, on one of his hands there is a scar occasioned by cini he will chanre hia nanu rtd endeavor to pats fort free man. r The mhrt- named JOHN, a common tnulatto, about SO " years of age, very intelligent! he will probably pa .. the servant of Washington, and change hi. name. A reward of 23 Dollar, will be rie for the delivery of either in v Jait. m . h I lftAMi: IAMCS LAM Alt,' Ocmtrbth. ' 41 x ICT The Geowisn. Savannah t the Tlei. cope, Columbia, 8. C and Richmond F.nrttti. . ... ... i ... . i . tci, are rcqucneu in puoiian tile above ve. tcly until forbid, and then forward their acjyntM 19 I. LAM Ml. ULA.XK I)EEDS OF.. every dewrH.Mpnnestlfcrmted. m3, kept cotiitsnlly for tile kt thia office, - LLrr. A

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