tfcer regret htt. U luce I to trf, par.'e from Belgian, Ft nce md VtlsUbetnmr rf t) ill Mn by line f (UKvm turn y0Ur rotintr, bf ton It'Mtlng it If t ;,,rt, would be the tuol wretched oou: ry on earth. M Unrabu :hr, remln unPed itV. In if'f film of Belgium, accept the urinc tdit tour brethren will tier band i you . , "IbeR. miof RelKlam, " ' C L. f HLET DK CHOKIEJl. Nlli I. R W fllere full the tignaturet of ill the )! in liters. FRAMCf-CIIANrtR OF MINISTRY. Anott thenge hit' taken place In the F rewch I :.inry,lhe fr,mer bavin rv tired it i talj in ronwrjnenceof edit .T""reen'. of opinio will tVtTIng,ovi '"" "the low of Aiitrrien intervention In lultehleb Itie In'entiofct were more ttift ilia tbcae ftf hit edler. The folio'' It Utt of (he ne cabinet i . Piatt, M. ace 14. T official pirtof ibe Monlteur cor fr i Royal ordinance, appointing the Be ' loistertt L Casimer Perrler, Secretary of - 5'" for Ibe Interior, end President of rf C ouncil of Minuter 2 Dtfr'on Lout, io be MtnUter of Pi , r e, In the room of M. LiCtte, whose l coition , accepted. 3, M. Bartbe, to be Keeper of the la... - . . i Jt, Mmitter of Juttice, end President c the Council of State. 4. Count d Montslivet. feibcMiriste t f Public Instruction and F.ceaieatic Affaire, In the room of Mr. Bsrrhe. 5. Count d'Argoot to be M hitter Commerce end Public Worke." 6, Vice Admiral de Rime, to be Min ... , iitec. of -Marine, la-the room -of Count ffArgout, . All these ordintncei ere dated Pari, Mirth IS and were published in . an ei w traordl nary trpptcrnenrrq tfrr M anlrrn r; et o'clock the tame evenlnp. Th 'firet ft counterelgned bv M. Sebastian!, " tbe Minister for Foreign Affaire the oth ' Art bf N. Caeimir Perrier. The Monl'cur contains also a Royal or dloance relative to the publicity of the torocee dints In the Council of State The nan-official pert gives, under the ore of March IS, the substance of vari oo re port a to the Staff of the Nation . Guard, respecting the diaturbancee on tbe llth, when lldyming men appeared III the Tambour S-. Antoine withatri Colored flat, to which e piece of black . tripe wee attached. The report tpeake . rh threat preiae (f the conduct of the wmrkinp cleat In the rauibounr St. An Ipltwwho . received iwith xontemptilh endeavor made 40 aedoce themvnd of' 'trrdvt wtfit. 4k-5e;lon fluardia it atorinr ordefi - -iTherrriM wob In Parlt on the 9th jMckjltKke4ihe.l)0tl)()f rtVe JRiiialan Amhador. amid irle of" Down with , tb Rutiir-od .M The Pole fore? mr ! broke hit windows "d then bent itilrttirWaVbeClmk-e --Tmle'rth Membert of whleb-ihejr eaalF .,.,4,l iniulitni ena acomou ncocnci-..: - . . . . -'"W An-almoit f eneral wir in hurope, bowerer, appeart now inevitable, and thr 1 much reetonto leer mat t,n- viand will be Ineolee d in the or.ei Auatria it determined ' to put down the reoTutbn In Italy, end Mettemlch ia jal4 to hateJkreatenetJ haUi f ranee ln trpotet, tbe Austrian Cabinet will tup ' tmrt rbe tliim of toupr Napoleon to the th'er.e of i father. But the war party In Fraoce Rathert ttrenjjth every dajr. Tui new admintttratln, It it true, it amlcaMa than the laat, bur it OerrnanenrV it doubted. Loui Philip ill he eomnellrd to accede to tbe wi&h of hit neonle. and interpose in behalf J th natinna that are atrutreline for freedom. There ate repnnt of an et "tensive lnturrertion in Spain, but the ec ;2 count hitherto received cannot be relied " n. J- Sorn further diaturbancet htve ttken place In Paria, which Lre attributed rto lhe pnpih of the tchoo! i but they do not --; Uoce. . GREAT-BRITAW- It will be recollected thtt the lit of . . . ." - . m a . a, tr It , , - .i aT i. ., - - TTarclTIannottneuay loricnorrnci c. ior mree autcesve un br!ninff forward the ereat meaaure of K Jbe oe Mintttry for Reform irt Perlia - men. 'Unfortunately our filet of paprra be thit errival, fumiah tit only with Lon don daet if the 3d, containinj; the parli , ementaTy proceeding of the 3d of March. There it consequently e hiatut in our fecouett from February 83 to the list mentioned date. It is certain, however, ttt the Reform Project wit brought for irerd in the Com room it the time previ "jjjfdesTgWedVtr f In fult debate upon it on the 2d. Vft bave no tht. firojeti, et tttted jn iu or- Jgiuel forriiv by Lord John Rutsell, jhe mover but i inepsi$ of the bill In ; troduced end red the first timet will be feund below, preptred with ill the cire 'which or time end liraite would JltewT" debate wa continued with but little Intermission, down to the )th of March, u wbkhday ... lord John Rtuseli bicocht b I HU for tmendiag tbe Reprtte&ttttoa f tit peopla in norland and VValea. The Fpeikcr then put the quaition that the Viil be now read e firt timet op-n which there wtt l general cry of A" from the Minltrll lde, and aome oartitl cries of " No, no," from the oppotitiofi bench. The bill wa then retd e firtt time. Lord John Rutcll nest moved that the bill be read a second lime on Moo diy oe it (March 31.) - t REFORM BILLS. " The bill to amend the representation of the people In Hnglind tnd alet" oc cupies three of the large columnt of Ike Morning Herald, end it iceompanled with numerous schedules, to which rtf erenrt 1i? mdethf"ouihout. 'The ' fnl- lowing an lit leading features. It it en aciaa ttiattJtiy iiortmgiit enumerated t Schedule A., ahl ceate to rcturn'menv bert to anf future parliament. Forte tit borough, enumerated in tcbeduje B. ere to return on member and no more.. The thirteen tont enumerated in Sche dule C, a mon which are Manchester, Birmingham, Lede end Sncffleld, ere each to return two members) the eigh teen in HchrduU P., truong which are Urhton and Cheltenham, are each to return ov. Weym uth and Malromb fleets, to be taken as one ton, are to return two Pettmouth, Rochester and Kingston upoo Mull, with certain places aoneied, ire severally to return two membert. Thirtv nine placet, ire enu mcrated in Schedule F., are annexed to eleven ihirea or towns, and the reai denttpreviouttv quaftSedo vote, or to qoJiRed by the act, are to have e share in the election of burgesses from such thires or tuwns. Saecrtl tmall towns, together with Swansea, are to be taken as one borough, and to return one mem ber. No one ia to vote bf reason of the occupation of a house, now entitling him to vo for anf citv or borourh. K 1 Jtruoia)e.ptaoa of. iulLKe-ooiJe icailtt. inrapaciated, having" an eattte fur life, in land, or any larger estate, of the yearly value of ten pounds above , prices, hoi drn by copy of court roll, or bf any cus tomary tenure, or lease holders for ten yeara, not renewable Trom year to year, on which a vearly rent of not lest than fifty pounds is rer?ed, is to have the right of vming thit provision not to in terfere with the righ: to vote at present enjoyed or which may hereafter ac crue to them according to existing U, hy freeholder, annuitants, kr. Li1 holder in fidee n citlet or towns, being counties in themselves, atnonjj which are Bristol, York, he, enumerated in She dule 0 , who would be cotiUed to vuie in other coontiet not icorporated, are to be emitted id vote for Knightt of the abire froralhe aevertl counties nrned In the ichedute. -The coiny - of-Yofk - 1itr'rnlgnt Of The ' iMreT1"vr6"Troin 'r each RHingu .The county of Lincoln it to hfe four. - The Isle olWightene, o ters qualified therein not to be entitled to vote for KntRhtt of the "shire from 1 Re county of Southampton, fn schedule H. JWftry"ftTe"Tpunites sreenumeretedrerclr of which it o return four mernher ; the manner of divtrting he atd coun;iet and establishing their luniia for the purpose ot the election, to be determined by i committee of the Privy Council ap;oln tea ny nis megesrv Another comroi. tee it to be appointed, to enquire into end determine the limi'.t of ill cities and bo roughs having the right of aendine mem ber to Parliament, with power to annei to them my pariah or township within or adjoining them, and to report to hit Ma jetty, whose proclamation ia to ea?ablih such limita. Such towns or borough a do not contain more than 300 houtet of the yearly value of ten pounds, to be to annexed, In the discretion of the com miuee Those entkled to vote for citUt and boroughs mutt hfe resided therein for six months previous to the registra tion directed by the act, and occupied a house of the clear yearly value of ten pounds, or rated at a not let turn thote having a right to vote at present, bv vir tue of any corporate right, to retain the tame for life, being duly registered. The act then directs the church wardens and overseers of parivhes and -townships with certain exceptions) to make out al- pbabelical lilts ofLthose-emiiledjoro'e. and to affix tbem to the doors of the days after the time fixed for their being made. Un the hrat Monday of Novem her, the returning officer, having given three dayt notice, ia to tit in tome pub lic place to bear objection and correct the list. The name of no person to bo expunged, without giving him a clear week'a notice and once to be inserted, without giving three week's notice of hit claim io the church warden and over tee re. Similar proviaioni are made for making out list Of those entit led to vote for Knights of. the Shire in which their pariah lie ; which listt are to be lubmit- ted to a Barrister, who it to be annually appointed by the Judges of Assiiet, sutr ect to the ipprobttion of the ereal teal. The Barrister it to give public notice of tbe times when he will make hit circuits and hold courts for the purpose of cor recting the j and it not to be eli gible to serve in Parliament for twelve tuentht from Ike time of bit appoint- raeot ffe ti to receive fwr atirre il lowance. The Uta, when completed, ere t be tacked tui(elher, inj reiuroed to the office of tbe clerk of the pore who it to cause copies of them to be printed f which shall, iner the present year, be list a of elector to vote t! lf e lection f er ike lrt of Daccnber h each tucceeding yetr. Tbe only Inquiry it elcrtiont, ro be whether the vottrt tmt li regtterea, wnetner ee net voteo e fore, or refuted to take tbe oath or ifflr mati'tn required. The .list, boecr, mar be queadooed,'on a petition to the house, contetting in election, ind the committee of tte House ire tobtve pow' er to punish the returning officer or Bar rietcr. for misconduct ' or corruption Othe provltloei regolate"ihe "manner, time, lie. of boljiog tbe polls. Nothing tauuioea ia tu aci i to eiiena or 10 at feet thf election of meeibert to serve in Parliament for the Universities of Ox ford or Cambridge. Tbe words cities or boroughs " In the act, include ill towns corporate, cinqueporti, and district enti tled to return membert, other thin coon 4et, tod alto the town of Berwick upon Teed. The 1 Bill to t mend the repretentation of the people of Srotltnd,' wat brought ho the Mouse of Commons hy the Lord Advorttf, Mr. Jeffrey oo the lath, lie nrerd Friday the 31th for the second reiding, a delay which occasioned com- men ary in the pspers. The outlines nf the bill are published. Fifiv members re to be returned to the House from Scotland t twenty-eight from the conjoin ed thlrei or stemrtrlei rnumert'ed, tnd 33 from tbe enumerated burght, towns districts. Ctch county or ttewarhv to tend one member. 0 the towna, Edin burgh and its suburbs send twoj (rln gow end thecow'lfuous suburb jwoi Aberdeen one i Tisley, Dundee and Oreenock, eich one t Leith with the su hurbs and adjoining vilUget, one. . Free 9ld5rJJloJlcAarevflLaduxuJ(l their lives, but none are hereafter to ac quire votes unlen as provided hy the art, which gives .the fr"chtse in counties, tnl the proprietors or land or houses worth ten pounds a year, and to tensnta in pos session of letses of 19 yesrt for fifty poundt rent ; and, in town, to the ow nert and occupants of hrwnes worth ten pounds a year. Provision are made for a registry of the voter. The eldest sons of S,-otch peers may be erected. The bill to regulate the representation in Ireland, had not been brought before the House ; but M . O'Connrll. in a let er r the peopje of Ireland, t.ted on the 6'h Mitch, mentions several of thevpro posed provisions. Rotten boroughs, he Pi .?1"? IQ be innihilatedi the poer of forpO'tlont'to monopoHte the right orreturnlng members wai to he destrov f diZ.NoLe but.xeii!enlt. were to be al Ipwed to voter" E.very 16ueb6T.le'r 'Tn puSIb, whose house is wor'h ten pound a year will have a right to vote. The present registered freeholders and resi denr'frein'-n" to have the right durinj; their lives ; but future freemen must vote. a lea jkauad-hmueitQlder I. i . , , .. nr cnangr lacea piace in all other cities the IS daily pipers, neldi this lv ire decidedly idvoeiiet of rtformi id of that particular tyitera which the Minlf te re have proposed. One of the remain ir.g three alo idoeitet riform, but I nppstd to the Minltirll plan. The circulation of the pspert friendly to re form einnot amount to lest thin 41,000 diilyi while the circulation of the two eppoed to It cannot oe higher thin 000- But not withtmding Ihes ttrong In dicttlons the numerous public meeting! ktld approvlngnfthe measureand the reamt of petiiioni Incite vor which hive already been thrown upon the ta ble of Parliament -It will, be vigorous ly oppscd by the old Toriei to tbe Oppo- tl'lon;- Sir Robert Peel msde en tMe tnech a- TtVe'i'Mrntno J wi Merehi which wt warmly cheered: A meeln of the nnnonrntt of reform, had been hetd at Si- Edward Knatchboira, mended by seventy Membert mother meeting of thirtv Mcmbfra, wat held at Sir Chsrlrs VTethereirs: t meeting, offif teen, was held at Sir Robert Peel'a. At theae Conrllinbiil,, fjcimrnses, we should ss? at Albsny rbe rourse to be purto ed In their opposition was keenlv and antloiilv apilated. The Morning Chro nlcle says It w de'ermlned on, al all of them, no? in opnose the Introduction nf the Billj 'hough at first scvenl Members were- anxious o me head at once a gainst It, on the grnund thai If not crash, ed In the outset the Press would produce such sn impression ni the Public,. that it might no longer be possilile to wirhsttnd the evil. But the greater number though thai course like thi would be held indicative of a determination nor e- ven to llr the m aoure a hening' and that it might ereata spirit in the peofde t'lll more dsngernu than that produced bf the Pre snd the continued discus sion. ow-.The new dn'r-nw OrrmrrTV flsd 5 8 ol i pnnv per lh. to take effect d fer th fifth nf Anril. T h r at t isth - a r-a ro e r. AMrtttri o M 'v of Lon lon to hii Yesterd'V the Lord Mvor, acompi nld hv several of the A Iderraen and ShrtTs. Cit OlTVeri, tnd opirrls of 1.10 Members of the Court ol Common Council prry-eed'd from Guildhall to St. Jantea'a abmit t o'clork, and presented the following Address to bis Muges ty : 7s re Ttf' fltot P.x-tllent The humVe., nn! loval sddress of the Lord Miyor, AMermen i and Commons of the City of London, in CorPTion Council sasemhled. .. . W, four M.iexyS ntost litjrul ind ibvst snbjrcis, thf Lord ..Miyor.Aldermen snd Common of the Citf of lonrton, in ! receiti wkb tt ttfla r, , f.ctloe the is.urancttof m,i4!,fh ttsthmtnt to my pitV) hfisl the declaration th.i k- ... !Br -t I tepose In toy present Miui-'.W felt be th dtUec,. of UJ. ..J' Iby Metropolis , MI,4U, - Yo m.y ,est Muirt4 ; consider the ml(lrM "J M be proposed to me, either Z! ck live or, capacity, .k enceonly to tendency ji V' the honor ind dignity 0f L C PP;rt the true princlpi,,, s.itu.lon, and to promote hippinest of my p,pp(, " BnJovtfi, t the Levee held tberwJlLJ tedih. foltowifig kiUtC' Mo.tcmc.ocs. oy W., four M.,,,,., moM rfB loyal .ubiect., th, Ufd M. men, and" LKery of tn. Ci7 fof In Common Ilwll mbJt pjoscb your M.jes-y w,h the of our warmest feeling of f eL! . and reapect. e,riiio rtW, be(? f0,r, r y , feel the mo 'J !1 k ..If,cion in vi..i, ,k. tne meisure, Tor reforming the , n ..i?n of ,h. people i trociured under the t.nclon ??Z Uf jesty', Minister, of, be lu'l'T mwia i ana we cnnot t pressing nur.hrfraeM,tifiol ; ' rtfm wH prllre thegr.,,,, "S goofl tu your M4jes7', propJt ofthe.incen.yof yoyf MtJ.V ister. and enti.lra tl.ero to th. k .. . "We hub)v vn"-r t tw.v.ur m-ati.wtH .nd eratcfut MknowwElt mr of the hlcr.eeteh.r.f..JJJ; e. H the v.ere,, eTrefunn..,TtJS er.-ced a. patriotic J,we u rer.V.'rK u.oe prtnc.ple ..four co...tituti,m. Jvi JZ to promote , , uoion bc, yoar M aid ymir people." 7 mrf e . up' ,00 Wt IJX .vaain Tie Soan i.t. v'. Torni, had met w.n. .oo-ber defert at Ik a t riatiiHIl Thr LKlicatuer ' B.-rJu, ..j ennnt nf a u .m,.t w,, b u 4ent. of th,. vNk,I f te Uht ThiwaS at CMt -ne-wnwr-or T..-I been sf Turnjo pr jt'AiiiJ utt ateaiL- Thw .k.. .u "'-on rreatn,- conviction of the nrcett Btll tomouint i.hat th measure refuses to the Counities in Ireland what it givra to those of England tnd Scotland 'K is, an extension of the franchise. But, he says, Ministers shall have it all their own waf j and calls upon his country men to rally in tupport of the measure, and forget or postpone all private feuds in support oi tne vinittere. Thii plan of Reform Sit been receiv ed with a vert- general bunt of applause hy the nation, and some splendid inaun itinret of pstrio'Um are anticipated when the finsl quettion thall he taken seven! of the great Borough holders have inti mated to their nomineee their desire to have the bill supported. The project, it is taid, will greatly increase the prepon derance of the landed interett. Aeenri Ing to the ancien system, the counties of knit I and md w4ea returned 94 mem ben. The Boroughs 419. According to the novel plan, the t ounty member willimountto 149, and the town mem bora to only S94. So that, while the county member are -Increased by more than one half, the town membera are lea !e?f d by more than a fourth. Ancient ratlcr, when the towns were comnwrative- Tvlmatland inconaidernble, i n 41 5. 1.1 L mr approacn four :uesty with the war meat sentiment f loyalty and attach ment to vour Majesty'a arred person tnd Gove-nmm. Ve-hrwTniMo refMjeTTlW and in necessity oft r retorm-tn roe representation ofjhe peo ple in the Common ffome of parliament we hss-e looked forward with the great est aniiefv to the course which four AM aw,. Tiaestf 1 itltniMers would adopt in refer purn were in circulitlmi ! V.m Common CoMi semblrditnoar hum?r.iaA;4.4rrV-ttiT-g-fal u ..n imo , pi vi, ,,1 thf mauryettta, butaya. 'W advicrs coia-au the Mirw.TftT Aiiatman troop it ia ted tn marching iat Italy. n.l were abm to eater tbe duehr'tf Modena. ' - - "tiTirrnnrmr . . - IjyrKrmu Ht4 Monk-. The dcmaml for Clrer and Flaswed ha hefHr off 1 TiMo m eal of the for-neraoU. at 9ft a '08, and MO tireea ofth latter at 9U a St. No ult of Tar .nrt TurneUe-tfc latter rrav be qnMed 761 for inferior, to D 1 in roe giMirf Aihe aeain deel nnl aat New Yo-k Peirb are duM at 1W Camllna Rice ence to that important subject : and w ' M ' U hTtTi M,M ,r X7t ,8 Wfcf n ... rroposen ratio, when the towns hava an prodigiously increjsedra I to J. The Courier e et th-t the Kiniy wenr through the whole of the Bill, and. claim. bf clause, made his observations and suggestion upon it ; an1 subsequently. when mochfied, according to some of loose suggestions which were calculated to present reasonable objeciton, gave to it hit unqualified asenr and approval. "1 11 h.0.l!!ile,! VPPO'ed Ihat ihl:ii4or mttiori eomet to us from those whose doty it wat to keep it tecret, we beg to state th the quarter from which we de rive it, although of the moat unquestion able kind, does rot imply the remoteit breach of confidence of want of delicacy towardt our excellent Sovereign, r j The Morning Herald tayt One of the ben pepoft thtt the feeling f the country it decidedlv in favor bf the 03f ernment with regard to the measure now before parllameoi ia the fact thtv eot of now leel oiiMflves tmnrranvFi ratted upon humblf and dutifullv o eiprest '0 four Mijejtf an entire saiiifiction at the principles of the measure that haa been IntroHuced ttoder their sanction to the Honorable Home of Common We beg furher to represent to four Maiestf that, your rrtajestvY Minister! having entered office under 1 distinct aledge to bring forward efficient measure of reform in the represents ion of the people, we dcltel to express my feel ine upon the change which then look place in your Majesty' Councila until those measures were submitted to Par liament : hut bring now svi-tfied that the plan introduced tinder their sanction it eminently calruUted n uphold the digni tf of your Majesty's "Crown, and to pro ! mote the true interests and "hannine Vif of all classes of four MjijestyNjubject wC irci u m or our hnmh tn .v. jjewour-mnrfsTy oiir conviction that vour Miesty Ministers have fnlU r. deemed the important pledge made by them on the acrentanra nf r. have thereof entitled themsetve. in. ik. unlimited Confidence of the mni "We, therfore, Wmbly brg leave to tender to your Majet? our gr3,erul thanks ror vour M.iestvY patetnsl1 care in the formaMon ofaq A Iministmion an mated by a sincere desire jo .do:,,, in JJ :J05AMLirfitOJont. ..... TCmTriat w.H unite all rlasse, of your Ma lesty ssub,eifs, preserve and strengthen ourn.t.onal secitv, uol.old the honor nrfff'Ik ofou,,.M'i""''CeoWn,'and. promote the hmins 8nd libertitt of your Maieaty'a people. , Signed, hf order of Court 1 MIEN'RY W00DTH0RTfi"'r blowing most graciou. An- .ZllT? T, fn?IWsrra tHinktfor th dut.rful md loyal address. very ro). new Therje has heeo I rood aV rnami ior Amenean Ftirnr inee eiir hut of 7:b untill within rudtv nt, during whlclttf Amtn hu aenxihlv declined. All tli dayi Corn Market, horh Wheat md Flour wer very dull, and Amrrirat Flour m fully li per kL lov er. It mav now quoted 38 a S8e dutv put, "d the latter prle could only ba obtained ia email quantitlri f Wrdrro Canal . The oVf miH remain at the Joe point for at kae week to come, but the aame rate of deefia the average for the two coming week, ebirt ha ttken place in the two weeka patt, ald give an increaaed duty n foreign Grain. Lit n root, Wank lv ram Markrt. Ftiet. ir-At last Teuadif' market a moderate extent of butinew wiv in Wheat, ronfioiinv orinritwl'v of the widdTiaf Q'lalitin (,f foreign at a decline of 4d to 6M P1" 70 lb 1 nn the beat qus?i'y of foreign andet l rih Wheat decline of i.l to 3d ner 70 lb. iSmited to. Sale of t a decline nf filto la ner kbL and bbl. Pbi'ad'lphia hT been sold te arrive "tl 5n 6.1 ner bt in bo.td0 'iejreesooa'jsewCri nfina RTra w w unl.t l f) nw rt 45 et hnps french at 96 61 to 98 perewt. " Mitiun. Jftnl, 50 ...... .Cottna cleat, fA 1 flour .. 5. corn 6V, beef 2 teJ, 7. molawei 45 a 50. ford K, salt 1 lf. iffr a ll.eoffVa 12 to I. rld 63 to 79 apP brandv 40. peach do 45 to 50,talln 7n " ) ther 25, heaajt, 16 t 1t oa'a .U a 35 rhet 70 to 7 happing 1 to 18, rope 10 to U V bo-8tO, 50feet R J, irrn 5, butter n, Routh Carolina Bank bilk If cUu di. Ceo'i doT3; '" " "" ' . ' Cam,ftn, JpHt, l6..,Cnfton a . flour. o.t of tSe waoos, Cam.len Mdls. f7- wheat t Ft, coro 7S. a ftfl oafa 50, lt 75, wa kev 50 a 62J, haon 9 a 10. Chaw, April 2.l...i.-.iCot?nn 7 1 W 4 a S. corn 75 brandy peach 4'J r' apple 50i . '. ' v , CafcwWo. Marrh 19...Cotue 7 a 9 fh bbl 7 whukey M to 40, aotet 41 .W . bacon 6 a 7, ap3l brandy 4J , are W' flawed 1.00, flaitr, 5 S3, sugae 9i 10, lt M e7i ! .J, Wbtjlt IfjfJ.v 1 . ' j .. ;. 1