ffT rttt irTiTi eer raui'a. MAY 2, W purposely refrained to give eurreney to the rrp" Mr- l"K,,m rt',wt of the Trow. M d'.mled Df retUeet fm fcW iptrmm, notwithtUnd'mg oted en odmin'ietrvton paper but which Taiwavi been hitter IOji denunciations" V ' yf. ngham. We g vt tiO eredenee I therunv .rodenec of the ftMent" We were very well lr of the fet Ihit the freident U hi lew Mer to Ctrjff expressed bis decided at'irVtion of the management ,h Treasury t)eritrmer?t,-and ht the Incumbent li regarded by both prl m active, diligent and effec tive ofBeer of the government. But this to ol an Co" grew haa tew.fled of hi r. panity and Integrity bv en'rowing hi with eniderWe oWetbworr powers Involving im pnetant pecuniary interests to the eonntry. Wi'h hee far" for w eo"M no bel (hat Genl. Jack oouM iTumtn the moot po rir enVer of hit Cabinet to gratify the tmbi. (Wmis views of the Bwettryof Bute eejfijofc tr. the mrif'.on snd Invetere'e botilry of the SV-.rrarv f war ho would W rely annlhelate Mr. tnrhern beoViae be weo'd ot reeogtit v. Fton m lady nd Tomtit f,m,,J v'.it her. The time haired ret In hi boaom arainit Mr. Branch fr the very mm ttitnn. CiM we bri-e rhen thi Oenl. Jckeo woeW to ft- iT.erfrfl-fbe pir,cnifrniMto!itrJ .r of the be orert of the fofnmet trtU f'f the imVe of npeir th pnool L .li fWf'1 'IH nf thff nr.t.ry tlltf AtltmoUitt PMe-hfr-ihMt fxl TeHT nf 8ie t NMhlng UH of itxnW r.whrr of Mr. Infhtm Wr. rnch itl evcieuke tu beuee iw .tirkmn ef h whet we think hi rd, hon trwih!iei. fe liwtfn1nt in he dhtfte of he aitie. Wht bw Mr. hrUm done to brinr ur.o h'm eo mtich cen. mrf r4 buM from two or three tn'ntri. inn jrw in Fennt Wmt n4 elewhr ) Wm it a crime kf.-lnrbm more lhn nv rher imlWMuil or i it ch it ill to omhibit M fimi from hotdinir inr lntreoiiree with femmon ewiHenn I Wee it with rrret mMr r nf ofWe to be frieorl of Mr. Celhnun eml to tn1eor to rmt him from the pit of dfetnie tinn pwpr(l for him b hie enem'ef Or whtt it It tht he bM dnoe for whkb be it to be e ineflel from h otflotj h room merle Snr tmw trriopbnt'ic followeri end iiioportert of be fortanee of the Swrter? -f g(at ? Whet exrnMTeonM the PreitiJerit "ren1f7toli't fionrt. tnrrrt of Permtrfrtmt etw of the whotr I'eJrrit ifitet who woiiM rlemerM o he informal wh l-r - 1 .Jt.i. mIKa.. mmm fwfnMMl t wMtrn. .m. '".'let hare al.avt beliered the republican party Cmildhe aa that he waa oVTimnent-arKl tt; ... , ... wnw T , . - i ... . wholly , anprored.. Wh tnpported the late e nan n-rn rn,n ,n "r i ,rkrv,,Mrment at the opemof of traje Conjrre- wcmld contradict the imcenty of th J irnte, if aucb an one were offered. Could he , mt to the reoubtican people ofhe UnVed StatM who put him whre ne now it that Mr Reprwnu,i,ei du.ll(t ,he e war. The war mm wo.U not recoee Mrt. F.atnn a par1r h1(1 , , m()pe lft!ou, ,nJ l)Ie ,Jv0Ctte lad and it a pewonal and political friend nf p ,hlt bo,Iv thin Mr Calhoun. To bit inlu Mr Calbmm t Would tbi eerife he aatiarr , eoce lm teftlon mif ke tH,nted In a reat tory to independent tp'.ritt who tplera'e freednm , mfimrt (he mee.wril termination of the war f opinion themtelvea and would have their puMie aervanre do he ! it too improba ble to be credited for a moment that Genera' Jackeon hat any Idea of remnv'ng either M. tng bam or Mr. trench. But it it taid that Mr. Inr.ham ia an nh welcome member of the Cabi. Bet that he ie an obtruder whnae counaela wouldfwUlingly be ditpeneed with by the Preai dent that be bat received manv " intimation and"eonrtiy hlnte," that hie pretence in the Cabinet it no longer agreeable. But bv whom t It may be by the Secretary of State, hut turely ),he WiaiM priy tnd Mr Calhoun ntw op mot bv the Prealdent The Hem of New Or.; . . . . - . MH and the author nf the Veto Meaaao doe P0"1 the Unff wh,cl WM ,he,r ""f tl .t L- m ti: Hit " intimationt,, re of the moat direct and pointed character. .. . " II L. J .f i I oui Tir. tngnam it a wcu jcnucnn bat aa nice a aenee of honor aa any man in the eommnnity and we feed a wired if be bad recelv" alcourtly nt'UWmbe-PrwUU 4ha4 bel Inn farther nteforhia aeryiceahe would ed had 7 'ntly retire from the Cabinet. That efTortt have been made to induce tbe President to re wove Mr. ftnghtm we both know and believe, kut that General Jackton bt ever Kttcned or Contented to hie removal we have every reaeon to ditbel'reve, and tbtlt take the liberty to con tradict it until it actually cornea to pati. Mr. Inphem it one of tbe democracy of Pennsylvania end waa one of General Jackann'a eariieet and mPt.ytgnroitt mtpportert-ll jdid-Bot, like Mr. tn Buren, lend hit tupport to another man on til be found hie protpecte blasted and then throw hie influence into the Jackeon teal, fie originally a eoneittent and aealout friend of the President, and be will not now deeert Mr. Ingham and thereby Incur the odium of the ejiaTte of Ingratitude.' The President it our. rounded by theoTfnc)i jf followed, 'ould hurry him onto hi destruction. We bare good grounJ for befieviiiiflurtbTTdi. w of the Globe is a spy of Henry . CUy's wbo o (bta neeremoBieasIy obtruded himself to til fcrpgUCetn riakl fie b part e rert' ilirf &nri ni therebf -. r the eir iio of the MAier;e jrtei' CtoJ'ultte. We here etront; retoti fif eotertslninf tdli beKcf. Reeeet dliclcHuftt rcn ltr ihieoiire mart it- plciooi thM eter, cod ohtn ve rroIWt bow eucoeWutljr be hit tccempHtfie4 dirimoti of the republicen ptrtj bow' en'ulljr ell bit Khrmei vert eenJyctrl, e thou Id be Incrcd. ahmt tod lufttitttrj Indeed not td believe tbet behifme ulterW ritwt betoaj thil new bora irtl for nenereJ Jtckton end hit rfukti. tan tdminittretlim. Time onlr tttj effect fuQ ditcloeurc. . fn-t thcvibaft wuU tjpe w hire rrCeW- ed the WitSlfijtoji pipr. ctntaimaK Lbe e t'f nttiont of Mrttrt.' IVo B jrV n. fttofl, nhitj Branch. t fe nnderetood eare the Tele rrtph, that Meter, In(bam and Branch re aifoedb reqnett of the Preeidrnt. ft ie ei- pected that Mr. ftcrritn win aW rrtip. We hope thie rep of the Cabinet will hare the ef fect of re initSnt; the Republican pariy, Yi't hare neither room nor time to make any further comment npon the tuhject at preerot but wl'l recur to it ertt week when we vill pib nh the eorrrrporvtrnce. We a4t the follow. !nf from the Telefraph, "Rijmor baa turretted, bow truly we cannot tar, that the new Cabinet III eontitt of. , . RdwtMi1JSriR',o,'of Lou'i'tna, Becre. tary of Stale. Louie Mefane,of Delaware, Secretary of the Treasury. fTfh L. Wbite, of Tenure, Becre ttry ofWtr. Iei WiKvTHurr, of Kew llimrHhire, Bee tettrv f tSe Ne. Wm, T. Barry, of Kentucky, Poetmaeter General. Attorney General." 7V yew ftrk Crnnrr mtt F.i'iitr a Federal print ptihfnhed in the city of New radiction of Meat and trm the iilrrtity of a FeiWrtlie? an! a un"ifyf r. We are not ae much aitonUhed now at thie dirt am of the Owner and F.nquirer that a man could be both a M Fed. eralitt and Nullifyer," tince we find that the norernor of New York it both a Federatiet ano a NoHifver" the Editor 'of the Courier and F.nquirer St both a -federilit and a nullifyer,w nd a certain arlf-impnrtint little man puled up with a rreat deal of conceit and mock fari ty and of (freat nei(fhborhood importance, not eery far from nt, ho nan he it a FederaKM and a nullifrer." Thrte yhinjra are calculated to leaten our eetonif'iment at the idea of a fedralit and a nunifver" in one and the tame pertrow But the Courier and Enquirer faile o mtk mtnifett Mr. Calhoun klentity with the "federanata and nullifyert . In tup port of b'i t-wertm that Mr. Calhoun ii a federaT i and a naHifyerf be Ityi that when In the lion of Repretentatttet and the War Depart men t . he eooatrwed be wmtt it u t ioir with out rejrard to the riffhtt of '.he taet. Of Mr. Cal boun't coorte in the 1!oute of Rrpretentatiret I - T) rpitMi-n inrt -rfemnrrttf. - Wt, nMUKXhevhof tbtCm6amai htt ',0in g rejHihlicai then whil in the Houae of at the time that Oreat Briaih" withdrew her ar my from our thoret. Htd the eame talentt and influence been exrted by Mr. Calhoun in op. poaition to the war it might have Seen protrac ted eeveral yeara longer, and Ma ieaue oo one could hare foretold. Of Mr. Calhoun't couroe in the Houte of repreaentativet at the cloae of war we feel confident the republican party ful ly approved. The whole party acted in concert with him. The tariff policy originated with and waa aiinnortedbv the republican party. It the cloae oftne warf we ventnre 10 imra nof." ft ii not that terifT which" they now op poae It it not the tariff of 1816 17. It i not the tariff designed tocreate-a revenue f aufflcient to defray the" eipenaei of government "ah J Were "id the nereaai?y ofiirect taxation. The republics party and Mr. Calhoun ere opposed to a protective and prohibitory tan ft. Such an one is unauthorised by the constitution, uncal I ed or by tbe pre tent prosperous state of our affairs and oppretiivo in the extreme upon the Southern h Western agricultural interests. Mr. Cslhoun so far aa his course ii '"known is far from being a "federalist and a nuHifyer," but is in ev ery, sense a thorough going democratic repub lican. Whatever may have -been bis views heretofore- with regard tohe power of the gen era! government to make internal improve menta he it at this time decidedly opposed to itaetercUe. The Courier and Enquirer elosea a paragraph upon tome remarks of ours by asking" is the Carolinian Editor answered We are answered, and satisfied that nothing appears to be more eary" Oumy Oaaritt and Enquirer) than for OMit te be M federalitts and punifyers at the same time. The examples of such men are very ram among u. Let us consider. Upon to-jrelectioe wede not rtrneot snnthrr bnide. that title Itd.trJ tatiVla, la wbott we before euwie rtferenrt who baa eaid any tttlnf dittiact tnoufh apoe the rjblect te ena. bleuatetpetk with any kind ef certainty. We fre with the Courier and Enquirer that Gee. Jeckeo win pU another New Orleaat t ietory la 1831 We wouU bare the Conner and Ea (julrer to know that we are not ambiuout of any vtber cofnomea thaa democratic repuLtcana. We build our fkitb upoe the note of the freat tpoatle of Liberty and FjuaHty, Tbomu Jtfer too. We do not bold a alnjla doctrWta at ap ptlcable to our fovemment which wae tot ad eaoeed and wpported by buw. At the rrrtM mettinf of the frlead ef Mr. Clay U rbnadelpbia, it wae tfreed epoa to beid, ht tbet .were pleated U uA Natleoal e ventton, eta Bahlmore,' ome'tlme la December. There remaint oo doubt, bow, at te who will be the National RepubHcaa eeodidate for the PreatJcnrv, Mr. Clay will mrv bit party, It eH orf inited and what It lackt In nembert It will try to make up by itt teal, tt beboorei the Republican party, then, te drop their party bkk. erinirt and to unite all their at renfrtb to elect Gen!, Jack ton. Hit friend mutt aroue themaelret they mutt make an etertion, they mutt In create their teal. If Mr.CUy thould be elected if kit party ahould triumph, if Natiooal Re pub lictnltm ibould prertll tbea we our' be fie to dig the f rare of lepubrieanienv then may ve begin to erect a mausoleum to ita taemory thea may we prepare our eart fur the aound of a requiem to iu lifelett remaine. Rut we ill not lmlul(e to unwelcome aa idea wo believe too much in the pe4riotie the American People we cannot, yet, think that the name of our Washington, our Hcnriea, our Jeffef. ton i, and our tticbolatet bt been' forgotten. We Cannot, yet, think that the American people wiH place the deedlieet eoemy of tbeV pria ciplet in the Pretidentiel Chair, when they bare the friend and the dieciple of their achool among ua, when they hac the,.rtf ropf Jcf.t Orieana and the author of the Trie mettage be. fre thrm. Cent Jackeon. , GenL- Jack ton U e re-elected. IT7 Tbe oewa under our foreign bead ie of the moot tnteretting character. The unfortun ate Polea are engaged in a desperate conflict with the Autocrat ef Ruttia for choir indepeod. enoe Italy it in Revolution tbe Trl-Colored Dig htt been planted on 8t. Peter France ie on the eve of another Rerolution Belgium it without a King, and remaine uneettled Tbe work of REFORM hat been commenced in Encland in eerneet, in a word the whole of F.urope ia in commotion and e gen I. War tee mi now, inevitable. A epeedy deliverance, to thoae who tab to be free, from the chain ofTyranny. - 'f t We TeTeeive through the Carfeen Mirrvry thtfr.GerotTOiljjL. publ'iahed W the North trofint Journal hu denied the' charge that Mr. Via Baren mad the al of bit preti to one friendly to hit intercut tbe tine euo nn of Mr. 'canaeronV" appointment We bae not teen Mr. Cameroa'a note u we did not receive that number of tbe Journal which contained iU We did no t mtke the-cWf e-emt I ecinrr w ei Lfreuently heard it taid that such a promise woe required by Mr. Van Buren of Mr. Cameron, and we wished it either affirmed or denied. It it denied and we are aatitfied. We are authorised to announce Rich mond Peartnn, Raq. aa a Candidate for the Houte of Commons of tbe oe it Gen I. Aaaem- bty. inT The Merchanta and other eititene of Ralitbury are rejueted to meet at the Court House this (Saturday) evening, at candle light for the purpose of carrying into effect the reto. lutiont previously adopted upon tbe subject of our currency. Ye. The dwelling Home and Kitchen of Mr. Henry Gray Hampton of Surry County to gether with a'r bis household furniture, money, note and papers were cootumed by fire on Wednesday the 20th ult. "There was be,, tween 300 sod 350 dollars in caih and a bout $3000 in notes Uc Nothing eicept the clothes which be wore wss saved, , Thia af ford another eiampte of the neeemity of care as this fire waa occationed by tbe neglect of a servant (ctwwuntcaftrA) TWI1UTU O memben of the Cabarrus Br. held at April Term, far the p irpoee of pay- iug a tribute of respect to their deceased bro therj .VortWf T. , John Oilea, Esq. wa called to the Chair, and Danl. Coleman, Sec'y. On motion of D. M. Barringer, J M. Hutchin son and Washington Morrison, Ktqro, were ap pointed a committee to prepare resolutions ex pressive of the feelings of his brethren upon this melancholy occaaion wbich committee re ported tbe following preamble and resolutions. Our friend and Brother, Manhall T. P'lk, whose unexpected death haa spread, a gloom 'among aTl hi acquaintance, wa a native of tbe county ot Mecxienourg. soon aner oieoinn, hit ptrenta removed to the State of Tenneatee. After receiving there a preparatory education, he, at an early age retut ned to bis native State and entered as a student of her University, where be soon became alike dietiriguUhed for bis talentt and lor his honourable and social feel'met. He graduated at that institution, with tbe highest dittinetion and returned to Ten nessee, where he studied and- practjd, for short period the profession ef the Law. Ia 1827 he married the daughterpf our late distinguished brother Jtrbk H'Utn. and ia the succeeding veareetttat in the Town of Charlotte i where : - j .. ne oon prostrca to Dacome a cunipivuoua of ef fc.i proinot. Put aetUt earn ind ike a bligbting fro nipped these blooma ef 'pr mie in the bud Mr. Pulk.' a a maa Wat honourable in hli tranaaetleot wirh bis fellows i sad uvUpeaJtnt he tpurned t!ke the wils of tbe hypocrite and the Battery ef the abaequioue i eourtaout end afTthle, b-e band wm ever extended te the grep of rViendabi? ind none so bumble at to be s worth of bis attentions. As tn adWste, bU taleott were It esriowt a eanrlvatlnr 1 enrmt t'd eoavtndng In ale rva onlnri afwatt pltaainr with the puis I wf hie w'rti and when tteeesry, lalicting oith pecu Kar acvarit the otln of satire. As social Companion he wo at once the tool of sentiment and tbe life or witi wrta awunem couoqujai nowera. bit eon vrtMtioe olwart delighted i and hit eoelrt waa ever on eb I act of attract ioa. At a friend be wu trdear end a1Uttcretu end of hie domestic relation, t eulogy could be ex tratarant -orb t t feint Atfth. of 11 extlaaUe aciar oi mm, wno prawiurw own, mm yrw feadenel brethren have met to aaoura i sad at . - j .k au tn etpreaaion nf their feermgl have tdopted the following r solution i Prtnt, that la tbe antimery death of our la mented brother. MankaSX T. JV. we feel, with deep regret the Iom wbich ha been Ijctaioed cot ob! by the Bmremlon to whtcn a wae or dently devoted and in which he wot enjoying a growing reputation i but by the community of which he was an ornament. 1 . fW. that hie brethren win fondly Cher. sb the recollection of the many excellencies for which our departed friend was distingaMited the talents that commanded ad miration be ewertevy which won him universal at echment the renerntity which ennobled bis nature tbe elevation which eharoCerited hit tenia. mentt and the tineerc devotion of hie friend- ebio. Rth4. That a a tribute of respect to tbe memory of our departed brother w will wear tbe nial bad re of mournlar for thirty days. that the proceeding of this mee ting be pubUked and that copy be uanemlt- ted to the family of the deeeeeed. JIIMN UILU, Lo Data. Cottatan, AWmory. ra vat warn a a oasatreea. ' O.V CONVENTION M state. Earroee t Tbe eenau ef Norh Car. ciiM ie w Mwt tbw oetmW, and it ebmttd open in eye i every canoia person o uit t-T'it neceatity there exists for a Convention, Tbe only inere in tbe population of the State . . ... . i hu been altorether Ik the -wetter counties which maket the Inequality In representation operate more and more traintt the west If in 1831 there wss a necessity fur n convention, the rsson is much stronger at thia time. 3e s'idrt the greet inequality in our present sys tem of representation, three are other reasons why a convention should be called. It ia now evident to everv person that nothing of Impor tance can ever be mode out of the City of Ral eigh i whereaa, if the tboueendt that are annu ally expended at Raleigh could be eipeoded at Fayetteville North Carolina ould soon have, at least, one Town of respectable standing. Ihese hints are thrown out for the reBscrioo of tbe people. BUNCOMBE, DXCD. DrsD, in Wsxaw Settlement, Mecklenburg County N. G. on tbe 7th sjt. Capt. Alexander fi. Ingrahaas in the 30tb year of hie age.-- - In thia County on Ibe lith Inetsnt, o.r an in. Stmt two ot the liver, Elisabeth, Infant daugh ter of Pergua McLaurhTin.agrd about 4 muatb - If bttWr infants thus must suffer. .. So much, by tick nee, pain and death, Prom Adam's tin, that brut it ia our world What must tbe more bold llnnef feel. Who's whole life's a soeae of actual tin. Cmm ' .i. 1 Fi TI10MA8 8. B. CHEAVEN, aiue,w.v vcjsti.yr, Rctptttfultu inform the Ladiei and Gentlemen of Salisbury and itt ticiniiy, thai he is prepared to per- form every operation connected with the EitfkCting, Plugging, Seeling, i. g. Removing Tartar and all extraneous Matter; FIUAX3 U KrTtMPJITlXO DEC J TED PORTliWSOt TF.KTH. HE INSERTS INCORRUPTIBLE Porcelein, Human and Animal Teeth FROM ONETO AN ENTIRE BET, : o rLTtt on o mooTttt rivoTa nurt f autJanc, frtm 9 0. aa? I 4 ta. . IC7At W H. Slaughter Hotel ATTENTION. lHE Salitburjr Light Iofantry X Bluet, are hereby commanded to appear at the Court Home io Sa lisbury on Saturday the f tb ioit. at 10 o'clock A M for the purpose of elect ing a accood Lieutenant in place of Lieutenant HamjJton resigned iw III. GILES Capt. EaH3 and Lots ON Tuesday of Mty Court, 1 will offer for Sale 300 acrst of land. S l- tnilct Etst of Salisbury 1 and about 40 tcret of Land, pert of which it Meadow, in tbe East Square of Town, contiguous to the Lutheran Church. Terms will be made known on day of tale. JOHN BEARD, Sen. Jfiriinth 1831.' 3(71 x,Dr TWO or three Journeymen at the Cabinet making busincat of steady babita. and skill in the ousioe, can obtain good wage and con stant employment ty application to, A. BUM aao GEO. FRALET, 5oAury, on. JJtA, 1831. 56tf A Negro womsMrbo ia a good hoaae servant, and a child about 18 months old. Enquire of SAMUEL REEVES. - Seli6ury, JpriL 1831. V tliU THE liEYNOLlsuUIHt TnAct ieixi) im. baltj, this koo in(j -,fJ.' iiw' ttilf( ebon l.oorj teres, Su 1 "randing tN0WBOfn.,nol(l,. burgr, ou tht Tcnnctsw, ver, Ikdudlnj (be ferry Undid, four k, iB .w. rnmn tod elto 1 1 large Wcrthwv., t mo cfft r. etj for 3ALK li is ttsteJi,, t ,bea. I ind dollsrt hve born ttyed tt that place b the course of the if,, fetrm for ferritge tlonc-Forto wUhlnr td piirbtat wit) apply to the y,crir tt t . o tt where he win renting ,w0 ot three wecktitt order to effHI Mfo Peraont el e ditttAce wltblngiDtrchste the whole or enp pert core tp, pf et. ter oirectcd to mat puce ena te pro. postls thtll be duly attended tt TERMS cao be mtde ccoftu,,(n, ta suit pure ha sera. , D. M. FOUNET.oT' f'i jrs -o ALEXANDER BREVtD SfiriltOiJk, 1131. 4r7t IC The Editorof the NthU publicto, Knoxvllle Register tndjur. phreysboro Ptper will pletso InMag above Advertltcmeoi until Ibo ltUtt. y next. To atouroejmea Shocmtk.e. WANTED Immediately, eoo of two , oeymea Ihoemakert of steady habits wbich coojttat employ san will be given. 1 ply to " J0HN.JI. VUHM. UtcttHtm, jr. a jpi 30, 1 ui. . 3:71 Thomas - ft, -B.- CraTtn lUAOCOIT SE2TTXST. THE undersigned members of the LerlsXa' lure ef Nortb-CaroJiaa, have tmpfcyed Doctor ThomU 9 ".Craven aac,,.....,.-,,. and in tbe variout operouone they were cobs . pletely satiated with hie performs nee. and think that thoee wbo may place tbemaelvet endef hie -care will be at well aatiaBed of hit competency at a Dentist a tbey bate been. . cm or ll.usa.Vtassryl, 113 I.J J. raxuattioflnaoerfMAae CLiMBtT MaatoaLL, fnAr riA Bml ; J. tVbit. MrmUr tftit Mnvt tf CtmtA. from Anaon County. RO. nuarte, of Rochingbai Burr. McAi.reovof Rutherford County. Jte. II. Wa KkLka, AfemMre aie lf . Jacoa IIakt of Hertford, MrmUr UU 6no. B T. SiNHota. Jfn siAe JTmu .rr mwtw, irwrw VUITIIUCS; IWMIMy. r- r r i. . . . V- Wat. BILtT, M alit &ldiU from llvdw County. T Fosrie Jarrra, JstVnuW 1X4 IIut tCtai. men. V JAtram Hyde Coonry. Xnquire at Wnv U, SlmrghterS Dot el, SmMuTf, Jpnl iJJ, mi. 68tf TUB FEMALE-SCHOOL IS STATE cVYILIax- iTTTTEL again be opened 00 JNe7 ie. I - V V - cond moodty m Miwf: It lax" apprehended that by that time tho Academy Building will be cowDlet- ed. And an additional number of boutea opened for the . receminn nr . Boaderai And thould thtrScuooTba ao large aa to render it necttearr, Mr. wuawciiwiuaia ae euperioterdent, ;. , 7tf M. A. CALDYVEEL. NEW YORK, WHOLESALE CLOAK, Stock Clothing Warehooi r i M1E subscriber haa reninvat T.l X tatliahroent from No. 18 1-3, Msl den Lane to the Spacious Store No 138, Petri St. over Mettrt. Hde CimmUn t Co. where he will keep constantly on bind miitn mur, sbicomto tttonment than formerly. Tbe Style, make and material of the Clotks will he rreatl i and will be told at about the aame W pricet aa those of the tait Seaton. Ho haa alto on htnd a large atsomentof-2: tr' - -i tow pncea ciototog mtde In good stylo exprettly for the Sou there and ITettem Trade that will t aot4alkUV.; .tTT utual pricet of he most Inferior quality aiso, an nswnmcni 01 otocas fito miof other desirable articlea. Tboao mw mt w w aei take the trouble to examine ihit Stock of Uoodt will probably tatiafr themln that ihey cannot aeleet th nm am.;. from any Stock in the City that will be -safer or more desirable ourchase .foe aale by - . F. J. CON ANT, 4 JVo. IJUVarf 4V.AVw ror. Tamata.M-SiK montha (nw .m.A-J . notea payable at Bonke in good atandiog to any fwi tne country, eigbt months ' for Citr acceptances or I per cent dis connt for Cshin all case where the time ia extended tote re tt will be charged at the rate df 7 per cent per annum, Any Goods purchased at thia Establishment that 00 not tutt tbe Market for which they were intended m'C bo- eatbanged for others,, .13i7t . Nrv York,Jftrit 6th, 1831. ULMIK DEEDS, ft every deacrlptlo neatly Printed, o& W kept cowuntly for sale at thia efSoiv I"

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