I 0 rorniY iThnci Mmir ina .WaV Voice. ' there' ou ii mi''' More teei i.o In t n irhlf l a TVre't kU ln,'m lamber' ln Tea ptr ftw ety if. ... -1 hera lt V.. no'liir! arettt. de ep, I". '.!! .Vrnoainf. At J care f afc. elli tf foat'e t r etrr jt e f. Tl.ere'e a-.tJi Jm e,h tr'eUer, ' And a. inttker kay ela Ketvee lit dull Vr'". . O Wt half Ik Srrwwr 14.1, Ik tin tn 4.V yi"ff ! A i -t! kw Iff temf art. Ci fib '. k'C of m1H An ifbiU:iwruff ec nn i!iiu U. u of g'a.ie. It cor before ut, , : J j brifcLBur world ictraVei' Stilt, 4J wal!.e fo-vily tit. - yr.- , 1 ' f Le i j Police. 7 1 LL thine who are indebted to PhPo Whiu kr luUciiption to the Wet it n C.roJjniia, or by too errnnni ire r qossttd lroue forw.nl and mile pty J tent hr tb of Jul, of ihcy iH God &er .ccnun in toe hanoa of tn offrer or collection. l'y ahnp Is from John Murphy'. S:ot, whete 1 can Le found ' i"t ie. f JAMES B. HAMPTON, '. SiHiiury, iarci 8'A, 1831. 63 f IL.BlccoU rcjfriti'ftH to i Tturni of what (key filler (rn M loon t ooible. V H. H. Cabinet Mnkincr K'lJaiii iSljSe- IIP .,Wr-.Kr. m-clul far th iifi X patrotjase which Ke hst rectiv-.l from an enlightened pjHIif, aolinu iujiahim .hfm that thry hate employed Continuance and ho(eth hit atteniion toinifTi- irnt number of workmen o enable buMoen to meri it. He bat in hit em ; the m to butineaa with the u'moat tin plot Dumber of 6r. r.-e wo.kmen and j pMch. The, rerruUrlr rere.te the la.ett I t- .r.i.nl, nJ r.ihf.r meri i f.ihion from PhilidelphU, and hopr -ktrh -ill tub e him to ex.-':u!ft ill lioda of work in the ahote bu".rr on the thoeteat notice, with neatr.eii and doraHill'f and on the t libervl termt-JlU-ahoii i. one..dor ebote Mr. Jor.ea' T.rn wharc he ould like 'o receive the commanda of hU rntt-mirn ntl; frUnd. " '"""WM'"RrHUCllK X HB7One ofwo)6nTncymrTr-ofray their tt.op iwmAxlkigltLflnjiitpJir iion. Lined at the ho butt- Concord, Frh. Wth, 1831. 38 f ateay bab'nt wanted a a Beta .k. WirLtui Chair aukine Hutinett in : II rion. brancheaat hiaolditand,. Me LketMiunjtaniJT on IS.nd 1arre ,tnppy f wrl mrt wtnoaor cnaira ovm -.n TED and PAINTED which he will ; low for Cath nr Country produer. ttb't I Stile of Ijfllld for Taxes ... . t ,u. r., 1 TTILL be soh for cath a the Court , V V Houte in Stli-bury on Monday the "Tftih TJaTof Mat fieltrthe followmir tracts v r j nr M much thereof at will airify 1 IDC .iW u" '.-- . and 1829 6 A-r Ktten In br Hentt Verble, fit d do di b njT)phte i.intter, ior. da do tr Jmet Towoalcy, . 10t do do do b Jo6ph Agle, ' )0 do do do py Kbert Holtod, lOflT'o do do by Wm. Riny, $13 do do MihiaSither, IIS do do dobv M.cof Gilletpie, . 146 do do do b? Wm Faiet 31 do do do bv EU Campbell, 00 do do do b J.' n Du-kcy, 130 do do by Jauacst Coan Eaecu dee'd. fWA- -F. SLATER, Jft 'A 1831 Cotton G urivtgr 7 Ifft'ir. auhae'ibee reepectfitllv inform the citi- tieaC that he continu.-t to carry on. at hii Shop in Utinjrton, be buain-a of Making COTTON ? GINt, rqoal to any niantifaetored in the Lmted Itateai indeed, hi G.na are pwferred to all . - . iiw who have tri'd them; and , " law found a rea-ty - . ... Hi. nriem thall be a reason. . idle at at any otbrehop in the Southern All ordera wid be promptly attended Jo, and fi-.n. Knikbl n the hrtPtt poible time. RtPairint G',n w',i, 'i"M on ' rt" . . Jj. at kiui .h . tbe..-at .oiiatantial manner, y b "ub"C HENRY A. CL1NGAM0N. JYolicc. P'URSUANT to to order of Rowan CWtt Couni ni.de at February Sea ttco 183U I ab.lt expoteo public sale 6n Frid.y the I3lb f M-t eWtlf ocksttille, Row.o county, i Vgroet belonging to ,be Estate -otr - Robinson, Dec. for the purpose olfrnakmg distribution mone hit distributees. F. MiA..i.n AfirU JAy USI. P0 VT. ; AND UV,ftttAttt,Y. 6VUN0 , J, 71UHPIXT 1 now fr t ejtinpj tl i yfliore In ?a!Hif y l foil upplf of ill llnit nf Fine, Kh loiitbU X Stf 1 rrcy GQQl)S,,mwt mhkh trt mirif r nd bcaunful rlet for I,'Ut' lriu. Mied to th Seiion, tlectd bf Mmttlf ih m'jch f f fror fl.t h'rtt Impftrtiiiont In Ww Y,rk n4 rhildlpl.Ufor II3U d bwuM endrtlf foreh. TitutllKrf "'""' ;'. , ,. ' . I men! by wy of t.riety and eeireme Innt nf nrir. m he nrt vntf d to them J. M. U thinkful for pet fitourt nd hoprt by t proper tttemion to Imtiuet to merit a tontir.utnee of thete fouft which f,i culornert r.d $ diwtrnin piiMic r.?t htrttofo'e to liSillf t(od ujK'O him. 3rot79 Ahrit 1M. lilt.- A Vuittle TtucI f iiu FOR "SALE. THE ubiitf .fferi forSlo iii frm, conttinirp 460 tcret of lind Uin? on tlrk Cre f k. in lM Countt. There re about 220 a reof tleied Und, with manr lutHI improfmtnii uj-en It. Tnere U aubtun'!! and eoneniM dwellinu hoe, in K'od rr pir. with firv raie burn. The only mo-ie whirb the iufcriber h in tciiing hii Knd t a Orong c?eOre to emiurite to tbc Weti. All pertoni homj wiV to"rurcHf a eood produMife pUn(ii n would d well to r.tll nd tee the pre mUet where the Mibtcriber mat be found a tnf time. The termt of Sle will t.e aceommiMla-linfr- SAMUEL JETtR. 4tril JW, 1831.. 'f T.MWUS I -t the mhliefor-th liberal paron , r I "IU Viumi'ivri - - " - w I ' iV eiten.lrd to thci' T.ilorintf estb ; liihm ot in Conrord. ind beg kite to thy will not only be able to turn out wort ih diip.itch, bu' be also able toiurn i out in a neit and elepant atyle. Their termt i!l be ac ommodaiinjj, ind their effirtt to plejte. Unletting. Ordert from a Vlittmce thafi meet the 'mbtt p-ornpi attention . .. . ... I'.m-of all deicnptiont ill be dorie itri umauKO roc.tTt Superior Court of Ijmd VM. TFUKt. 1B3V. -TriXE.BJtyjlJT.RV J"n'h'n R. Whit. atri I D..:i!nn (m DivArtf-ja In thm aatu it mtearioR to the Mtisftction of the court that 1r,e defendant rrtndet witiiout trie nmiti or tie Sta'e, th-rcfore ordered by the Court that pub- lication he mide for three mnnte tuccmairely in the Wr atern Carolinian and Minert and Fr- ofWm ,o a( ,jr m S(;perior r,mrt ,0 &e held for the cxtnty of Mecktenhnrg. at the Court Hmtae in ChirtiHte, March nett,andp,ed,a'iwerord?murtttheaail i Petition, or the aaroe will be taken pro confewa ana bctrd ex?tne. oneaa, aimuri ncmiar on, Clrrk of our mWI Court at Charlotte the 6th Mondar after the S.h Mnmlay in Se;t. A. I). ia"0m'63 SAM'L. HENDEttSO.N.c m..cl. SUt (if XortVi V3aroVim, leant coowtt. February term, J.D. 1 3d I . ISAIAH COE '. Hetny S4ter:OriKina. atiarbmc.nl. It jippesring to the jm'h fiction of the Court that tbe defendant in thUcasc is not an inhabitant of thia Stat. Upon motion it it ordrred by the court that publication be made in tbe Wettern Caroli. tn for tlx weeks, that the defen dam appear at tbe nest Court of Pleat and tyiar'.er Seasiont to be held for the cmin'y of Surry ,arIhe Coufl tl6use1ri Rocteford on Ihe eecond Monday in May neat, then and there to plead or replevy or the tome will be taken pro tonjeiso and heard expar'e. - 6 69 WO. WRIGHT c c. c By F K. ARMSTRONG, d. e- dlait of aVoYUk CatoWna, HOWaH coostt. I ' February Sessions, 1831. EDW'D CRESS vi. Christian Good roan s' Attachment Levied on one i .f t M.rt street Sn Saliahnrv nurl nail IOl Ull 1UP1.I , 1 of Lot"N6T'iirahrL0f- n. mA,inn. and it aoDetrine to the aatit- faction of ihe Court that the defendant is not an inhabitant ol this State ordered by rn.,n that nnhlication be made in the Western Carolinian printed in Salisbury f. ...v.. that the defendant appear IVfl w vvnaij P - Plea, and Quarter Sestiona to be hel4 for tbe county of Row- a t O a I iL . an at the court itouse in o.naoury on mo .1.:, MonrlAo tn Ma neit, then and there to plead or replety, otherwise judgment willie entered agami mm ior ioc taio tiff's demand and com. 69 . t jit if. uiLtcu e. & c i 7i? Thorough Uwt Hone k rinBJ A TfI1 W Iff. In ikSl V, VV m In Iht coun'jr 01 nowtn i ai MSfclUbury.on MonJiTt, Tueidiftmd Weditet tl.rti Al Concord, on rfcund.p.FrMirttnd t Wl'UiUlf t a ----- hit tl'etdf commenced, ud itl end h 3 lib July. Sttfn DolUrt i!l btchtrged f r the tetton Fife DolUrt the Single t md Tn DolUrt to Ir.tore. r if ctn'i lo the jrootn la exrt Intttnee. Erootut'i colit ere 'biRhlf promlint; r.rontui a tooa rw 'i"'r i" J J, , Uwg remarkably h.r- figure indtUljr; xmg temrii .1 lkriri. Grett ctre will be Uien to Rire enenl mixtion t bui I t mno Ik lublf lor tr cilcntt. Onin will be furnished. thr mirket price, to mrettem from dit- Unfe' CIIAKI.rS I. BOWEKS. FOR SALE, nrJ IF well koon Et'aS jrftpjV M liihmtnt in the Town 1 1 S ,f rT'cn' ,,r,'r cuped f viAS'5-A h"uc of r"blif :. v rf : w 7 v i.v. v:.v r. The many !.-rVenM attending thi Ifoije m .ket I' an ohjrct worthy the at tention of peraai.i'wuhto lo emrk In he buiinet. I' hat bern for tereral vcrt and ia aiillln auceeful operation. Information rl!'te to i' mi be had b applici'ion to Thorn l B. L-e: MAUY J. Me ADAMS. ; F.x'trx. Caml'n Aftil II. a,--. T'" K.rtteille Oberer. R-l .i.h H'. Woiern Colinian. Souihcrr. Tinif t and Chrlraion Courier will ipim ihe 'iboie onret week foe two mowln xm forird (heir bill M. J. Mr'A. IJST OK LETTERS M VlN'tVi; in th P'U)!W at Lrxinr. on. V. C. on tne irr nnv .ipni, iwi. Wtn. U. B'iH tl-nn B''fr It it hard Brinaby ndrwrrnie A1fr.l P'ice A il m M. Pnt't K' xa'urth R.clurd J. h . M ch p4rb Smniit fiu,:l Si-tr F.li s-ni'h Jaron kim l.. ai s.nk Uirhicl SilB p. irr Siiide." Win. Stntit Cbrwtian Stuckeager Daniel SulliMn Dvid Umith JoOn hft John Simtwfi It irkner t'nehurch UUam.Ward i John Cl;oy Mitrh-I Dii Mi-l'fl Davit r.f'i'lan Dikff Hrbira Raster Dtniel Evin O'irjr,-- Fitor Ntnev Hill jpb Hoer Chriatian Heplef J(?THhtTi Maine tohn Jnnel Phillio U'ck Jotph'Miffphey- Wfh. Mariana M'n. Wadsworth ! J ihn LIvengiiod , Jonathan Ward t -. -i . : r i t.t.iv ti' .r " )-it l I.elVio Kliibeth Weerer Richard l.nftin Kraneia WiMiama Alexandtft Oweti FreJt rirk Wolaer Fredenck Peck" BiirreJ W6od : 3iR9 O ft. R'HiNSAMIJ.R, P. M. , ' . 77 71 !TTm Stale o A orln V. aroWnn, idiii Court of pens nn! quarter Sessions, jaacART ti.m, i.vji. T MW.llrtiS "III T' . - . . - ... . r . . . .1. I : I wniMtiji ii.rnn.rn m vif u on the lanes 'jt aMPii: i ir-nt ann ne scmrooned Gurninfe I ppeanfig to he jaiisfac'ion -f thi cou' that Dmiel Ward the defftidant it thts cue is not an .- CI .11. .1 inhabitant of this S-ate. it it ordered by the Cour' that publication 0 made for six weeas in tlhe Western Carolinian, that the laid Dju'm ,fj-d he. ,onl appear at our court of pleaa jn l qurtei Sessionk lo be held for titd coui iv l the court house in Motganton on the tounn Mon- ,. ... , f . ... r . i , .i. j . . .' that the tlcfenianr ih not an inhabitant of div in Annl neit, then and there to plead : c, . , . . , u" . v . . . . .'h1!. siole, ordered bv he court that nut. hotjte in Motganton on t)ie founh Mon- r 7rrV.m-nK1 M ca.ion h-mad. in ihe Western Caro by default bu.l, wmDe entered up agamsr ,lnjin priit,r( in Silitbsiry for six week, 'm' Tetu JAMES ERW1N c.t.c. I'r ,thcr Jef-n,h"! 8ifK"r ,he rairi aav. l 7Z. j.ourt o please and quarter betssions to '. ; ;be held hr the Conoty of Row mat the fetttte O? Xrt CatoWnO, frturt ,,no,e " Salisbury on the third February term, 1831. PARKS yj. D-,id. C. Mar-ir Latid letied on. Sec It an- ww neaiino- to Ihe tatiafaction of the court n - - - that the defendant it pot an inhabitant of thts State. Ui motion, it is ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Western Carolinian for six weeks that the defendant appear at the next court of pleat and quarter sessions to oe held tor the County of Surry at the Court House in Rockford on the Second monday of piety or the tame will be tsken pro con feaso and heard exparie- 6t69 3 SO. WRIGHT, c e. e. By F K ARMSTRONG, d c, jug- rr-jr, Ik t ' ' . . . . HILTON andOakesof Concord will give constant employment to four or five Jouroey man workmen at. the Har ness end Saddle-making business. Lib eral wages will be given. Feb. Iff, 18JI, S9tf. a EQUITY huwks Lands lo ScH. T WILL rent or aell the Store houte I formarlt occupied hy II. W.Conner and John Fv'Pre.trd, Eq. and more re cently by mytelfj titu.trd 3 mile, from Heaiie'a.ForJ in Lincoln County, on the Yorktllle roid Attached lo the pU"' It comfortable dwelling houte, Rood Cam., Crib., good well and kc. a-nd etery other con. enlence lr " comfort of fimlly.ihe Store houte U j a i Inn rw inn U In a:ood repir lor Sioreyon Ihl. wecMhere I. 413 , .... 1. 1 Wftnii Alto, I Ar TkT Iim ... countt of Iredell. aJjoinlng the .Unda of . . .w. fiitent White, Oenl E. Datidton and Willi, m McJimty' hite houte, cordun in,? 433 acea. Thlt it a tery fine trie! of land and aituned in at good a ocign-bouiho-d at it in the county of Iredell Alto a tr.r nfUnd titua'ed 3 milrt from Brit'i For and I mile from the Cnjw ha ViniM. -ont.ininB 206 icret. adjoin ingihe UndaofOfo. Poby, Rich'd. I ioc lor and O'hert J tbit it a good trad of land and in a most eirtlkm neighbourhood. Alio. 100 acret nti Mountain Creek in Lincoln county, known a the Ftther trart, adjiioing Charlet nn'ie, Thot.. M.Corkl andolbert. Negroet will be taken in e chance for the abote l nd .A . liberal traJu ru be had ei'nrr b application to the subtenbrr ni to u C. Foster in my absence. y. s si W-iv i w. Catavh Sft"int;t, Sh-rh 17. S3 1. TA I LOUIN f) U L'SIKSS. TT AVINf; rcc"ved the latest New. I 1 Vrk unU Philiiiciphi Fatb'ians, t.ogcthrr wtih ihne ofLondon and P.ir'n, anJ will continue"" to" receive' 'hem, from tirre to time, at they change, and hiving a numler of good workman, lie it prepared to do work on thort notice and in firtt-rate atvle, and which will be warranted to fit well. Ordera from a distance for work, will be pttnctvjdly attended to. As he it tne Afnt of Ward of h-l -delphia, and olegucz, f New-York, those wishing to Irarn the art of Cut ting, cm applv to the tuhtrriber in SalisS.irvi ' BENJ. FRALEY. 6mt585. Vrbrvmrj Sesriont, 1 ft 3 1 . r nNIF.!. ('LAKY rt. CbMvi.o Good ouii : "At' ethnic nt Letied kc On JUa' ion. aiul ataipeaj.ioK o, the- datiJat 1 tion of 'he oun thtt the drfendnnt it noi an inhabi'art of ink Sute. f)rdered hy the Court that i) -iii.ation he rriiide in the Wet tern Carolif to fin;ed i Salibur. for T ------ - . - - ' r Cotnt of Pen ind Quarter Scabious to l Uiht cHnlf f KoW4- ,ne .voui' i: it.'t in nniii-iury on tne Inlm Moodjy to M then nd there to nli-Ml o ren ew otherwise t'l'Iirmer.t ai l iti niii r , u nuii'ijt ti i in iui i nt i'mirtiii . 1 1 nfii-tal Kirn L.f lha. tkmlifT drftiand and costs .1N0. OfLK- r r. i Rfiwn rriTit. rehrunrv Sessions. 1831. .r OHN MURPIIEY r. Critri.n Uood muni A tach neoi levied on m House and L n in Salisbtn v nn m io t-t next to ;fe -Ijil Lot. On motion, and it annearintr to tbe sa'isfsriioo of the. Coon Ple,d or "J"!' n'hrTf" judgmei.t will cmTa ;K,n8, mra ,or la,n,l(r utTTTTnTTn nTTtj CO"T9 JNO. GILES c. e, c Runaway 0N ,he' 101 n "f September - iH8i,,irnin my plantation m Jone.acmiJ.iy, u-o ot groet, pne nameH W'Alii mcthv -i M I 27 'p of a very bright ' X mulatto, on one of hi 'hands K : thf-re ia a acae nrr.;..n..i i,., . and endeavor to pvl for. free mm,. The other named JO I,N, a common mulatto, .bout 30 year or Rge, very intelligent r rre will pr5fab!v pa as the rervant nf V.k'..... tia name. A reward of 2 l)ii.J u. :..L ior Tne tie livery of either ill lnt' titll mn 1 Ctn fret them. JAMES LAMAR. tt(Aer 16rA. t . irr . o n ' C . ... n 1. ... n. .,. e r . . 1 """""i ie ieie. cope, Columbia, S.C , and l.'i.-l.mnn.l i?B,,:. 1r, are requetted to pubiwh the until r..i:.t . i .1 . . bove weekly ,ucn wrw.rd tbe.r acoimntt to I. LAMAR. J-JIW.yK DEEDS, ilCT? deer'Pt0'. neatly I'rinted, and :9VMMLR SCllOOr and th. p,lic IhM ICL , Ichool in the Town of ,r,.bX ?! .T5'4 tion of young l.adiea, and Ju m tJ'P' ho elementary EdaratU ' ta Hon will be paid. ' ' V1 '!, Mr a. Iluelt enr-aeea p. dial, that ..en.M,;o!:l;;,ft,,B, '1 wanting to promote lb. U.J J-Jbe plare.l gt.d. r her Care, .nj ,n,, 7 " aball be paid I their h.hit, HAl i"4 tnent, hoping by herJditrln,c,r.,;,n, a .hare of Ibe p.trt.Wg, hltbeM, i beatowcJ on it.atitutionaof M,.--. l- h?f plum. 6I. ei.ee. alter t Z iS"- H ... un. D' Ur Hiur, . . ' of TITI.. - All berluM,.IJ.erir- . Branche uwally ln-hi I-"?,m'V4 , ., . r- : .jr..-r-, zmm a fl Mra. Huwel bed,. . J.r... !rUmmtnt. put th. eoumrt' fffc fi tjtlemen, aaany of .,w hlf h.V ' of in her poaew.on. J.,lr 0 SuT Tli-maa Tr-mer, of W.ahi,, u ? 4 HYN.ir. of T.rb-vr.aKh, H'3 Sack JJ Xinntar.of f.tt eou.,ty, CoL Aw'? Noma. Barged, rjwaH freem,, !,! .. Jodre Daniel., of tUUUt, Doe? MlliM Sufl dii. VirginU. lion. Jut9 .u .' 4 Itradfte.,!, , l.hehbur,, U , ft mood, John Wade, Jan tVa-le H. W. u i i b-l:.. .. ... . rrn y i ':iin ui n.iri cdih.ii 'V kin ol Ctri con i,i v. N r c -ii ri: . " it ..i '.?h Rdi-nton, N (J. P A RLri7f rPUB uh.crih,, are amiou", A purchne O.VW HUNDRED iu roea Uth male and fcmJe from Tlf IITff.lt tr-rwETT toui vraTof Re, for uhom they w; Pav a. C.i.S'. JAMES t. LONG, It. W. LONG, ' THOMAS MULL, Jr. ( m - v iff . .-.JjJK Al'ictioo cao iie.qudeto the rw in person or bv letter ad. drcated to MM KB 1. LOVfl M r- Salisbury, N. C which will he prompilv intended to. : : Weef aVccounU agauU ALL ner.no. i !ebted to Krider f lower. fr nr.Ef for the ve.ra 1828 and '20 are eamettly rraueitei to settle the same urhout drlar aa the hutinett of thr fi'm rnutt be doted. Alto, thoie indrlntd t Rwrrt h Mull fur BEE' fr the year 1833 are rurnrttly rrques ed lo tettle the tame aa the Co.partaernhip ha. been dit to) vrd. Those who tad to conply" with the" aiovc "ft q Jtsti wiltud thcl hccouois in the hand of an officer for collect khh 9;f- . CI! A RLE3 L.-ROWEBS,- Snlhbnrrjiprii 2.VT8j"C Tp5lVl ortlre) oft the CroM jtfi i 1 freer 1 1 wyrda north-weti, . tfjAi-'.a ,,f thc Court Hi'Ute, in Ltt ington, A. C. it Bjjnin opened fortha ceptinn cf 1 ravellen and Bnaiden. Tie stablet are extensive, roomf and dry J grain and provrnder of the oeil, plenrt ful, aotl aervr.d by i;fad bottlcrt. Th. house h.itmai,y coinfortthlc roonu,ieryet i good, ubli- nl n.f-eil.nientti and the proprietor and nit family will omit no thing it their power lo makt it most qtuel .md aprceablrt. : 63'f 13 I). ROilNSAVILLB. . Committed 10 the Jail of Lincoln County o 1 the 9; h April, 1831 a Negro bef about 14 vart of agr, dark complec ted and well formed, aneakt pol" and from hi diukef it ia evident was raised id the lower part of Souro Carolint. he calls himself JdaM H saya he belongs to John Murphy, that he waa kidnapped by H negro le0 (mm Kia muirr'a nUntjlioil. aDU lW?nTTtaiys"iHF;ctt?d hi. e.capa.T owner ia requested to come forward, nrovt nronenv. nv charees aOO'tai' ... . , , . , o A I 3(70 JACOB RElNlfARDT.ag; Driving to FayettevMe, limt.L fi.,l it to therrudvahuuje, t" ?? the H'cvn KirJ, where ery re.ienre is provided For Man and Mrse,tai them comfortable, at the mudetate eliargs cent a- day and rtifi;nt. torwic nn.i-n- . Yard, the itfg of a 'O'l h""e' ftr' iia ahette.r. Attactfed to tne m'Z,mtl4 and I'rovision Store, Brend Shop BdTl tionarv. and a Houe.fbr Boarders atK n plainbear), whoh-wme ard comlonaj' itylc.'x-fiveArtit7e Jfril. inW'- IVotice. A few ream of wri-ing pper for lH A WHre,.. R3l'aSrf gf and a law ream of wrapping- , - i0F lilnl ' t - t- AT TaflS ,

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