4 ,!. arthterotcd In urtB'itiinjf rnotrrtivt a pfuhilii'or T. if ri". '.ff f.if fit pMt.iH of d in t'nrmi itr,.,rra, te an I tlttintt frn the (' !f fir revenue ifMS in art aWiMb P !. e.iA'rarf to nor njnt'i'i'-ii. fu-inbd nl'-ly pn ttireonvie. i.ont ilit ll WomII n,T' i I !" .iokiloi f ! eui,ii"ii, let ut then appeal i U t w'S P -- iS"4 by h? eooitiii'in, tnd V,fltd b tti 1-1-1 fifths H.niKfi'f tht ,1-utH-ii o ipemr Th-w w sbs" , know eter!vd uVincily whe'.her the pre.ttt 5,l,ey it he Hrt "tW Pry oni.egov. and hrth"f 1H ennwI'M'W U.fttJ tiH mbth- fnMr rf )iin Hr"'!.' The p'onlt tbe will !ermi f-f tben.vj. blw.to act-whe-Utr ihrr will bs freemen or - mwoln lie t'ftloi up'MLCqdkt. term, J.et t rtkt tr- W to awn Wk lb North to a proper ten t jWi". yet hsve hopes that fit nnp'Ct niMnirMof the government mar be repeaVI, a I ft -Injusttee practiwd upon the SiJth di-Mm'iitied. The ftiffvl of ll. Tif'.fl'.-or Internal im provemfMy the gene'd government, -of ..tfiowl Bnk,-of tU ' h'- tU, " e'wkr",ir l ,,"! U,e eomel tioJtn.1 p.fikoUHy t n- M-wn. Branch d Ingham, They tfTVct to think that Genl. Jtckton ! J' -ebnilenee of the pcoptei h ! wy k'"1 hU ?p,,,rJ,r ,Ut branch tad loghtm will omo hi. re-election i .-i .1.1 Lm imnmm llnry Cly will be nip , -T . .. rlcctrd m,r ntH tl,if m.HMte. Wnly. if ,!l thii i trti thtv tnigKt chucklo t.na we niKV blo td laduwnliur fl igr But let i, o.ler. IU evSJene . -u k.. i t tho eii.C lence d Hif rxpl' f Do hit 1011 IM no yhekrrw the bi!k of the people I miicy lo ''t U.en in. Jwd he hu lo tome of the e5.t-nre rrpced In him-but they do. 11ie people te tnl to hr. their .eMiwefiti - McrUuied .nd they will oett '" U,i"i,t'- u. .n nwh anil In?lim opitehi Won, 1 iiit win -o leelion ? bu tWy h.ve been res.d to retlp P o. f.We'tti Brmcfc 'i ..d M mneh Rtf!enM of mind m many of Mr. Uyt violent partf i" hae. J f XooV or their moHo. " n w4 W .f""""' fil then Indeed they wiiKht o?poe C.enl. jackton. But they have too cred a regtrd ftw ll principle! which brought th pretnt d and which have jruided itt e.Miw.-thry lov. Lo well the. doctnnet ol the democrat Republic ptrty to oppote nt betd and to lend their aid to tht election of in moot biiter eneoif. But admitting (for the ukc of argument) thtt JJr.nch "d Ingham will op hMA Ike elrCtion of Oenl. Jarkwn it bWt not fellow vW" ht bey would vote for Hrnry Clay, odmltting, even,th tbey ' . i. j-. nn r.illnar that he routi vo'e lor iiay n u" " would be efctUdV-JUinoujiULHj: muni- l.j ...... nf at to forget their rnnciple jnt oj -w, -k k. k.J mnee fearful odde to Oontend with thanh hu M when be bed the combined forcer Ad.mt.dlytjfbtbk-n'teT -will elect Vim ipSirtr with the' V.d of Coffin Hand billi they coutd effect noth1nf they scarcely will with the miacrable ctrioatiire, I ided to the ' ... hedetjgn and the i" and which w which Walth, Galea, eto. have akie for the vividnent of the ejegattte of its eircution- tna r . l l. . ft. a diacrace to its authors snd to Tno who circulate uV ne peopjo - ipon all tuch attemptt to injure br mott wor thy citisen and will ahew the degree their contempt by giving him t greater tote for the neit preaidency than they did whan he was op noted by John Q- Adam. JO The Editor of the Banner of the Con. ttilntinn proposes to publUh 1.0W extra copie ef thelstt ftr ptget of hit paper, to be circu ktted In Pennsylvania. Tbe expene of the publication (which will be what itill cott the Rlitor) to be defrayei by coiUribntioni from thote friendly to the undertaking andtbeeopie to he diitributed according to the, direction of . I wilt fwmun 1 acommitteAoftbecon plan, if carried into effect, will do mucn lor ue cause of free trade n4 Ubrd ITT The iewbern Sentinel has, after hoH sntpension mtde it tppetnnce, in a new dren. ispension mue it appe-ncr, i'i nd if talents in the Edttowal deptet went, j . .n ;i aheet. -ive char, wind view and a well printed sheet, give char, aeter to a paper we have no hesitation in aaying that it it among the best "journals of tbe day. We wih Its editor weeet commensurate vithhii eeal in the promulgation ofthe doft. trinesof98. i-ee i Ffc. This destructive insect hat made its ap pearance in mott of the wheat in tVr section of countr. Miinr neklt have bees entirely . Je- ttoyed abdj)Ugbtd Pi.I mike a half erop.- Cuitn.--nere has been so racb' cold and wet weather during the last week w two hat Btch'of tbe Cotton in this, and the adj'tining counfiet i dying and wchis the scarcity of seed that but few will have enough to replant their field. Ifitahould continue much longer Wf ay anticipate short crops , T V ' IO" Tbe unususl ijuantity of advertising this peek has excluded some Editorial matter which prjjareil (or this paper. --7 )c. Ti.e niariT iiev. !2itop CTTGLAITD of Cinrlrt-.un will d-1. vera terrnia at lite Court IIum In thit !r o unly thq W2i, ir.t. 3ir , MAkniien, to If 'lr!l Ci.u'iiy on tlia 3J Pf tt. nuriincn wf. Jltnirl nmK to Nut l.aheih Riifier txrth fum erly nf ttnwan f ounty. In th't f'Hiwijf, on Th.irt Uy veni'ig lb iih int. Ir Cd. lU.beft Mnanara, Mj. C'harlr !' I .t.4 I j. f! .1 II.. f i' iiBjrurii( yiliir9 ilutiier tj icmt lltrJrn, f.f. all of Kuwait. l.i f.inriiln e uvr, on ftumlav tht 8th ln. Mr. Th'Hii Bm.l'i.i -ii of Mecklenburg to Mm KHxaUctb Ktid of pncoln. - , - EXCD. V; t llitl Multa M Ik 4 1 U. tL I J . J ft . . . M. 1.rri,t(ii!"aid'rcta1iii)ii to mourn thir irre. K.I -w. I4;anaji.ti.m. i TnncwTir, 111.71 .tv. -iuiwiavvi iji wneai 70 to M.h?rinf fi to H, n.7 10 to 13 glut box -fix 10, 30 feet 1,'iroii S, hui'er S. snum uarnima ISauk DHu l eta. dn. Georgia do 3. C'Aeeow. Aht, 4 .. .VAti'nn t, (J,)r 4) 5. corn 62 i brandy peaek 4 a ), d apole 50. Ca', ffl 10...Cottn $ a 8, flou' 5 a rt, ont tSe wact"-" rannlen mills 9,7 30; wheat $1 13, corn B5, a 91 oata 30, aalt 7S, whit key Si I fl?5. bacon 9 a 10. roe.,(,7, Afrtl ?U...... Coiton J 8i haemt a y. pitei)faitd 4T rirn 83 a 90 eU. flaxseed 1 .00. fliiir, 3 a 33, moUatrt 27 a 70, ir 9 a 10, natt 60 a 70 whiikey 40 a 45 wheat 100. ;. , CifomHia, if 7......,.Sfxnn Sag nmr bhl. 7 whiker 38 to 40, moliea 4f to fiO Coren, .Ifo). 2.-..,..,.Cotion 17 50 dmir f.j. a 7, whikry 33. bacon 6 a 7i eenta. hmt 9 9), het kind of btjpk' 13 la 1ft, aalt Vn 5fi, corn 79 a 00, eolTee It a 12. Nrmh Carolina bank billt 1 a 2 per cent d'mcount, Georgia, 1 per rent premiuin. Xolict Va Aeteb Gtaen, - fllHAT theneit Annual Convention of the JB. Prnteaiant L'piacopal Church ft the Dio. ceaaott North- Carotin, will be held in Chriat Church, in thn eky of Raleigh, nn the 19th day of May, lSll. E. L. WINSI.OVV. Sec'y. 4.1831. lw New GOODS! CO 1 C.i.V y J I.WKEMS, AKF. now rerfirine at their Store at Wood 0 rote, formrrly occupird by Cowan fx Reeve, thirteen mile west of Salisbury, their Suring aupply of new and fashioniM-GOODS, com.iming all kindi of Dry Gondi, Hard fore, Cutfrry, Crorkrrtr and Ontrriet iiij'edj to the Set o7rlrrtrd by one of the firm with Yfttk iftd Philadelphit, all of which they Dronrtite to tell Inn it inv flnrwli ran -ir- ' - ' ' vvae . I . t k t i . ... . .. .--j nm nnrrntrrtiT in mu kAiiAit.Mi mc " i 1 he inltlir fern re.norlfiill int.it. it ts - - j j rf f MM.U t UV,V JL -JJVUrUj WlfTrT) ' 1 UUJUvle'O D ESI'ECTFULLY i-.fnrme hi, f,ierdi IV 'be public, tbit ho continues to f Qn lh(j )oye buinejj jn , . ... .. I m nous btanche, snd with his muaf neat ne and punctuality in executing it. If has received the London snd t'hiladel phia, Spring and Summer Fashions from hit correspondent in Pbiladelphis who authorized him to teach his much es teemed system of Cutting for 835, which can So had from the subscriber on appli cstion. ' ' P. 3. Orders from a distance : will mreT with prompt attention. Country produce of every description; will be ta ken for work at the market prices. N B. II. II. B. returns his sincere thanks to his friends and customers for past patronage, and hopes by unremitted attention to business to merit a continti ance ot the same. Tltf 8atiitrV, Miy UrAi 1831. Gabinet'Fiirjiiturei pHE Subscribers, respectfully, inform the inhabitants of Salisbury and the v rw inrroutidinjr COUntTV at lrge, thai they have entered into ConartnerthiD in the above line of busineniin the House edjoin ing Mr, Jones Tavern where t her are prepared to execute all kinds of work in their line of business vii. Sideboards Secretaries, fiureaut Cupboards, Dinintf, and Jitfakfast Tables, IVash Stands, Candle Stands, : " DAVID WATSON. May 183t. 7lt( HltTQN andOakesoffJoncord will - give Const ant employment to four or five Journeyman workmen at the Hit nets and Saddle -mskinsj busfnessr Lib eral wages will be grtretyj , Fck. 7th, 1811. S,f EQUITY: BLANKS . .... i ' -Vi n.....H.'initiii LfrRH, JrJ fl'ir 4) '.t S. Mfl fi., brrf ? to 3, baron y. mdae 45 a 50, lrl 8, tah I J t ), aorar 9 13 all. Cuff "f H to Irt, fltufed fi") a 70 apple brand v 41. pe.ch do 45 to 31,t.!lw f to R, fp- Cabinet Making nusi.Yr.is.',-' TIIK ubcribri retpetifulSy hforrn thi diiitm of Saiiihury nj the tirfoundinr coontrf tbit they hate com menccj the tbov butioei Itt tbe Town of StlUbury their 8h6p its few doort l.t of the Court'lfoute on mala ttreet, In the houie furmerlv occupied by Mr r reiey at Tavern where they ire tiow prcpartd to mike end repair every de icripilon of Furniture tt t'.e thorteit no tire on the mott re ton ..Me (erm'tind io e style of wotkmtnthip upcrl.r to any ihinn of tbe kind heretofore done In tbit OrBere foe Sideboardti Seereteriei, Bo- t'ork siandit e. lorether with evert oihf r Article in their finejofjiutineu will belfuokruIIy'receTtelj end itricily atten ded to. They hopo by punctuality end fiitbful workmenihip to merit fnd rercive en couregeraent. A. W. HUIS, GEORGK FRALEY, May 9A..I8SI. fltf N. B. Oood Welnni, Cherry or Curl'd Mtple plank will be taken a cith in part pty for my of (he above eriklet. A. W. B. O. F. Cataicba Springs RP.U)rr.rn . . t, , 4 fTlUE Subscriber hsvlnsj re cently purchased from tyj-p-rn J 'ir. unanee 'ignotf tnc eoove- ntmed LttblUhmenl - respectfully In forms the public thtt he hst fitted it up in a hndiOmo stylo and it now prepsred to receive compiny J end from the libers) arrangements he has nudt, is oelermined to promote the comfort of all thoso per rons who may vitit his establishment, snd Outers himself lobe able to;ivtntljfc' lion. The charges will be proportioned to the pressure of the times. . The properties of these tValera hita lately bten enalyicd by Profestor Olm- stead, who highly recommends their use for sll complaints of tbe liter, debility, tee. hc The Cstswbs Springs ere situated in Lincoln, countri North .Carolina, nesr Heattie's ford, on (be Catawba Utter on the main stage route frvin Washington to Georgia, via .Salisbury and- Lincolnton, and within 14 milee of the latter plare( is (tiitant from Chsrletton, S. O: 330 mifei ; ImJ miles from Columbti 110 miles from Greenville, snd the sjtne distsnce from Csmden end. Chert m. .' ; The main Northern line or figes, to gether with the Cross Sisge f'omjCo lumbia, Camden and Cher w, will pass the Springs regularly twice a week, and go west as far at AshviUc, N. C. the eondt letdtnjf trora alt inftf place IcHne Springs, are generslly Rood for prlyste conveyawes" "'Vr.S: SIM0TOT CofewAj. Sprim, JpHl 37. 1831. . 878 vV Sturdy;nijht- the;3 lit April an V attempt was made by some Villians io break into the Lutheran Church in this co-inty, oommonly called ," the Organ Church." When some of the Congrega tion reached tht Church on Sunday mor ning to prepare it for tbe tertices oi the day, they found e false key sticking in the door, and so broken that if could not be got out without first taking off the lock. Ir appeared that tbe false' key had : bten applied to the lock for tbe purpose of opening the door, but not fitting the lock, it stuck fast, and in attempting to force it they twisted off the handle of the key, and., crooked (he warcfaaAW believe, from some circumstance,' that the ob ject of the Villians, was to do some In- jury to mo lnicriur oi me viurto, ana perhaps, to put poison in the sacred ali ments that had been provided for the administration of the Lord's sacrament on the sanfe day. It will be recollected, thatmtnrjjataen in attendance on that occasion; tbe Luther an Synod of N. C. and adjacent slates, then -noldinetreonfe rili Church. KV ' The ebovej reward win be given to ny erson who will make a discovet? of the liiians, oc who will put us in a way to brine them o justice snd punishment. DAVAULT LEN'TZn . . JOHN FOUTZ, - I ,, v MARTIN MILLErVY "D ? PETER LENTZ, rJ UeKOnt' Maifith, 1831. i Tltf DISSOLUTION. Tp eGopartne rthip beret ofore e iisting -XTonder the' Firm" ot Oaf grave."nd Uunt, i thit day Dissolved br mutual con sent. All those indebted . toaid Firm are requested to come foward and make settlement. HOB'T. L. MARGRAVE. ANDREW HUNT. JfiriliO, 1131 . - 4iT The Jhusinaat will ba continued at the same stand by the subscriber. He it now receiving bis Spring and Summer supply of Goods,' direct from New York and Philadelphia. KOB'T- Ly H AUG RAVE. Mocktville A'ltil 20, U-3 1. Ksott im.k rr.Mti.K nir)t 'I1III3Heminry t lothc fallt'f II ent into operation 8-8, and contained about that . time thirty pupil. It hat continued in grow in the confi dence of the public i and the number of pupil at the present time (March 1 8 J I.) exceeds one hundred. The Trustees, it first, erected, by meant of individual liberality, a commodious br'uk edifice, two etoriei high: fifty bre by thirty Iccti bat In order to furnish still fsrth:r accommodations, mcy nave recently atujcu two wings to the principal buiMing, one for the .i i. i . .H . coQvenjeoceorthMjv the other t tflord greater fwriluiei for gi vw flctenttf x wnTtfrTtirA f i ! emy is" situated it the west end of town n4 commands a bcaauful vietv of the Nolstoo river. Imil'CTiON it gircotn ihevaiotts branches of Litrriture and Science, and every advantage afforded tht it to be met with th any rem tie Seminary in the United Statei. Attached to the Academy, are a Chemical and I'hilos- ophical apparatus, a Cabinet of Miner, alt. Geological Specimens and various collections for illustrating Natural Hit. toy generally. Mpa Globes, dc. arc also provided to aid in the atudyof Geography and IlMtory. An Orrery thewing the annual and diurnal motiont of the ptannets and their tatcllitca, constructed under the direction of the Principal of tbe AcaJcmr, 'has been added to the aptmatue. A course of lectures and experiment! on Chemit. try, liloaophr, -c. i aoually. given f ir the benefit of pupils io the tcien. tific branches. No pUce, it h believed, pretentt tppciiotjdvaaUgea-fot1 thr-foearion of an.extcnsive Heminary lhan-Knor. ville whether we take into view the character of ihe.inhabiuotty the heal thiness Qf the climate, or the. small expenct by which the benefits of the Academy are afforded. To tboae who have any acquaintance with the town, it would be needless to remark, that Knoxville hat long been distinguished for the morality of itt citiient, and for plainness of manners, and dress. The inhabitants are nevertheless intelligent and refined, but discountenance every apeciea of extravagance. It rarclvoo curt that a pl-tce containing a popuhu tion of 1500, is so entirely free from the dissipated: habits and com m'jn. in to wound -villages- As a proof of the uncommon salubrity of tne cumate, u may oe observed, that atnang. aeveral,-hundred tmpiliherp" th, v have been connected with the tie mi 0 a- ry since- its establtshmrnt," no death has occurred, and scarcely a aolitary !iunancc ol sickness. :: ." i FO It inttruciluo ta Orthogrsphy, rn..j: n ..- r iivaiunrg, i cumaiiaiiip, Arnnmetic. Orammar, Urography with the draw iogof Maps and the use of OIobea,"iMto br F. J. COANT. Rhetoric, Logic, 1 1 istory , My thology j 1 Natural, Moral and Mental Philosophy ' Geometry, Astronomy including the calculation and projectioo of Eclipaet, Chemistry, Botmy, French and other' Langjages, the charge is 215 perses. sion of fire months. Ir the pupil attends only the com mon branches, tuch as Orthography, Reading, Penmamhip, Arithmetic, English Grsmmarandrdciigraphy, the charge is SlO per session. Ak exercise io Composition once in two weeks and a weekly recitation in the Sacred Scriptures, are required of! all the pupils in the Seminary I For the vannus kinds of Painting, an extra chrgeofJ5ip per.aeationy For Ornamental Needle Work, $5 per tession. For lesscmsron thj FrahoTidTpef tet8ion7"'.""p" - V The whole expense of Boardinir. nciuuing wHl;, rneit faults ' t ' e . .. - ' is about ten shillings per week No charge is made for roorn-rent and the incidental expencet , for fuel, dc. for the achool-roomt of the Academy have never exceeded seven tvfive cents per setsion. ;" , The increasing and extensive pat ronage of the Seminary is perhapa the best evidence that the Teachers do their duty, and I the- time of their Ipu piTa ia norsapeliC" Strict attention is given to their mahnera and moral habits, and no exertions ' pared tp qualify them for. future usefulness and respecUcility. '-'. Jiuot der of the board of Trustees.' JOdEPU C STRONG, Chairman V.$. llmiihL, Secratary. j MarcL 1831. "':.- - ' - f Ta Summer teteion commences the first day tf M aVrind clotes the last day of September. The Winter ftesrfon commences tbe Drat dayj of November and clote the lat day of Miru.r Thomas. t , Crtwen, SUAdCOj DENTIST. f1;lf. m. fi mben it ,na frgltl JL tare of fWth ,A(li tmi,uyt Uoctoe rhomas A. It. teo a , sunawM miYTiHT. and h the vanout rlMm, ,hry ,e-t c mm pletaly taliped w.vli b ani ihUV; Utat tho who mat tl i..itf.. .i,. m car mill o wall t-itVl of b, cowipeteor v ats Dentiat atthey taMWv r . IttTf or fann ,U) " i. Wii.tuait l a S t , Kkr fik II. J ft, ( Ci.khkt Wia "-.-VWeiAv.. Cmmti. . f . .- . - J. Weita. Jfft;Ar ft ,f CimM Ro. MiBTlt. of Hori'nfhfc r -ItTrreAtrttVbcwty. ... Jte. 11. tRi.1Jvw41;jAr uJf Ctmm.ni, , - ,- "Jacob If a a, of llertrord,!,,. tj B T. Riw wots, ,twie Aff, tCw- mw, from Carrilnrk Cowoty. Wi. Setar. Mrm!r aiAaSav if.j. County. Fntr an Jab vis, Je-aSvr tX aCaat. J. P. Jasraa. Hvde Cminfy.' Cmpilre at Wm. 'll. aiaugbter! W Last A'olici .y ALL thote who are indebted Philcf White for subsc nipt ion to tsvtt, tern Carolinlan.'ar by book accotj lrt requested to come forward and mikni-. ment by the 1st or July, or the, mUL . their accounts U the hands of en , for collection. Uy sm,p Is one door ' John MurphyB Store, when 1 ca&i found at tnr time. y- - JAMES B. HAMPTON, jfgtnf. SaHtbury, Martk SM, IWI, " t7t ' N. B. Agents are recreated to mak Ttturoa.of -wmjMbeyaUve -cSHeciid at" soon as possible, ' J B. 1L IVEW YOUK7 J Btock t Clothing Warehouse " THE aubweriber has renjored his Et-'. dtn Line Io the -Spacious Store No 1 54, -Pearl Si. over Messrs. Hyda CleveNnd Be " Co. where he will keep constantly on hand r a much toore extensive stsoriinent thatr" formerly. The Style, miks and materlUs. and will be told at abtiui ik - vtces, aoUrices at thote of the last Scaioo. If p .io on nanu Marge assortmentr low priced clotldng made in rood aula expressly for the Southed .rf-tv...:.I pnect 01 me most Inferior qualltr Also, an assortment brStniVj.jJ mt. . other desirable articles. Those who will take the troy.i ex.mine-thL S.oik it Oooda will Drobablr ajtl ik i a - - 1 " .'i.sUJtiV that tbrrrsnnot select the tame .moont from any Siock tn the Cli that .in . , T tUllDIVII . Mr" or more deiirable purchBse .hJL Ab. I8l,artjr St. AVw J V. Taais Six months fJf spprotVd notes payable at Bankt in good atandintt ,n ,n7 P,rl of ho country, eight months forCi,r eptances or 5 per cent cit-V connt for Ch Itj all cases where the. time is extennea interest will b charged st the rate of T per cent per nnura.Any Gcds purchased Yf This Es(ablihmen that do not suit tbe Market for which they were, intended will . be exchinged for ' 1 2if9 f . JVVw Tork,Jril 16A, I'M I, - TV T1 rY HOUSE, (the Post- 1V1 office) on the Ceosa rtrcst a few yards north-west,' W tw r Ji ri ington, X C. It again opened for the re- ' ' . eeptKmfTraTetlerCand BqardeTrs. The stables sre extensive, roomy snd dry grain and provender ofthJlai)lenii'-lL fuinnd servedTErgood- hostlerti The"" house has many comfortable rooms, serves " a good table and refreshments f ''and the ropnetor and his family; mliizt thing in their power to make ! most quiet and agreeable. 63tf B, D. ROuNSAVILLE, To. Journejmea Shoemakers. E ANTED Immediately.one or two Jour , neymen 8hoeiakera of steady habit, to eoniunt employment will be given. A p. ply to ' . ' 1 JOHN R. DUNN. UnetlnJ, Jf.'C. April 3d, 1831. 4 few ream of writing paper for tale at this 1. rrfice, at g3 30 per ream, a few renins at g'A aiid a tew ream of wrapi'ing, at the Uaut priee - 4y j6b pnhri.G: ;..f.iot.rtif tixsmrtot, " ' 8XECUTKD PITH MATlMSS IT DISPATCH' ,;. .' at THH rtmcp.. . UL7IJSK DEEDS, OF every dete.ription, neatly Printed, atitf kept' conttautly forttde at this ofttni '

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