rorrnr. i nv ' I ''-', aid f ' '1B' l1 A being wWy ii riey i" An S ti.-n a in thy I'al.U hur, ane" msd "ly Nil Wl'lffl , , ' wu,-nt W lnrVlt bU?T fefu a wW , ,rWTtlii ti4WWll"iirfnil . mtfi f f : 'wV'Jr :t ti'ti"r -I- ' thy for aWl-ifM ,, ,rii had to'J of tiaMed prii the .ri i iVntir i .f IbrflMfH d F.M.m-K pictured Vrlrt. QnteWaV. V broke", thritlinf Aft4 ,1, JUw f W en.Hit;h ! pntif iMr it' " " . jcs in lh AmJ ri J"1 duk-ree er lt ! al n'l J f yJ thr MA lof gair.iy. " , I ha'e t livery Pn 'bt l,ro w'f : I f Mi call thee M' n1 onn. pith buck, .fLi shadow wfrfftrt '7 .) f etopliere, fg IV pat fight ami iWe-b rapture and foe iw lWa arr lfxly fr'nn friemlttip'i tt of wrn. - lof or rV- ' 1d Ml lore thef InbeV-f would u not ptf nn I crown of ilindcr Irott work hni m the " bMlei! tun - -h,-, he wind of Sumrik-r -r twt the , . aT'tping ' N. R. Application fn be m.itlc to sl ..'inw.MilrftmoniJinirth-e!,tif frrt in rw'rion or bv ?:-fer hJ.I nx . ..- .!-!.., , - GOODS. - y-TAV E: Turt rer d Irom New. York rl tod FhiladetpnU deiiriUe Mnn .tneouoriprlng ,"4. tuwrncr uwuj, Oon!iln(j in pirt of aaprrfint Blue and Elack CU, beautiful ta--t -- M-ititnt f .eol'd. in.- tv l B.tff ..iTL1 CaaLuetwa grtnt riet. of aaateriala for 1 Irentlemen'Tftum'oe' ttothrnf, Maraeillr, Ta. : - fentU. and Silk YeMingt, rmltleoen. rwh pain. . tad Mutlmt, Cawhrie, Bnok, Mull, Rwia, - Jooet,6lin Check, and fancy Scotch, Mua Una, Mwriinjt tlaitet. Pmk and 8trw col'd. da. Adr'iaoople cordrd and plain Mnalin Rnhf . Table Diaper, Linen ami ianon, irn uinem, SwUa Crara'a, fancy do. black and white ' Stin. blk Silk i:htnreb, de Na. ftle. ChanjreahU Mirceline, bla'-.k Nankin td Cantoa Crape, Yellnw ami Uluc Naukiiu, fonjrt!. Barar. fe Cauae, Ctn, Dichinc ' and Chanrahl utoaoe npie ni BcaHa, rich paioted and plain Unert, Camhnc - - Itkfi. freat ariety of Bilk pocket Hkf. kUk. white and Oreen Buhaaet and CSe . , Tfila, rkh worked Bobanet Cape and Cap. t ilk and Cotton Hoeiery, rich Bonnet, Cap rl t Belt IlibboM, Bobanet Lacee and qnitlinpa, , " fientlemen'i and Udiea' Gloe and M itta, at ta Straw for Booneta, Medallion, fancy Bd Spreada, furniture Dimity. flo Fringe, Bd - ' f rcknc. Brown aid Bleached Sheeting - i and 8hirttnr, Domeaiie O'mprhamai Cotton . Yarn, Woroen'a and Mitiet, Ihinatable, Dm- i-.wodStr nd Icborn Bonneta. Silk Fur and Wool Haiti Skocti tt ' fine assartmntofplanei, Hard Ware, littleryockeTPu-QlassjindChma " Ware, Paints,; Groctriet, Jfc7itc. dill of wh ioh they are determined lo tell ni ti-at-ihr$ ran be bought in this tnft nf the. rntintrti, IL U V: mpec'a to tneir. frlemla and w tornera fr thfir prari and would be wlad thev wbud call aixl -aaromatheir present Stock. , s'uhbury. Jtf.. 7iA. 1831. TQtf wlVftAttaVj Txivciof liftiiA V(K 8ALE. THE mbacriber offer for gale hia farm, COBtsinlng 460 acres of land ling on - tU mmWt-oLVCrjtinxM County. TKrarebout22a jicrcsorclbtlrd Uttdj: Kir , , , !...-,.nl Itiuin dulling houe, in pood repair, with a firat ,.,ebrti. The only mot,o - tu, ''alrooti productiTe planu.ion would do ifStfi call Miht: preinisei where .:.L,-;r T,a, be found at any tiiM. tm. o be ommoda f U terpu o: MtiKL JETER. t$S' , .fill' Mrf ,j AND 7, jvxtrtrjrT rS now fr utIk M3utif In Sitiiify q fu'l Mipi'ly (( U kiniU f Finr, SlrH ? mf) n hf.d ijunful wii rl for I.v'Im' Orfri. Suifd 10 Hie Svn, l?'c(J himwlf Midi iiitirr. Crt from the ! icijoriin h Nw Ytrk i;mI !'.'.): KlrlpSi for I5JI, )! Soufbt cntirrlf f"' Tb putlie t -ftfffttPr4itic(iiu tJ, tui'l ;'! J. M.'W if.nlfulTif f;ir fi'oifri nrt HnpLr priHt memi'Mi to tutUiti io mril ci'iiintinct Cf Miowi fiiur whlrh hi ruMuncr nr,d licr n.ii'u public hvt herClifo't o libfr-li; tlor yvo r.l'ii ' 3JJJ(7g Ift'A. I8il ALL penooi iodtMrJ lo Kriir H.rwrri f-r Urir (ir the yrr 188 20 ire earnruly rrqij?"c lo title thr time without d lv i the buiincttof ihe Crmrnuith- tfi. AIo, thoie indchtrd to livrr h Mull lor lierr f r the Vffcr Ifl iO ar ernrtlr reonciicl to title t n- nmr 1 a the Co-prtncrhip o;i bem rli-;'' lo jt '"rriMiur, u ) r;1n . . i... cur i.i . olved. Thote wno lan to comply with the above rrquutt will finj tlu ir sreounts in the handi of nn nfixcr fur ollrClion. f8if ClfARLK"3 L. BOWERS. Sallitmry, JJpril U3, 1831. piIE nbtfrf- re to A piirrhne OXRHUXDRFM ne. Rroee lnvh mU anJ frm.-lc from THiRX'r''f toTwrnir rota veurs f qe, for whom tlry w II piv llic CASH. J1MES I. I.OMJ, R. XV. f.OMi. TIIOMA.S MULL, Jr. .1pri!23, 1831. flmt92 dreMed to J.IVES 1. LOXG fc? w hich promptly attended to. TAff.OHS. THH uibvribfM return their thstiki to the public fr ihe liHjr1 patron l.e iTcridl to thet' i attmi Jiahpicnt In Cnnrord. and bej: Irive to inform them that ChCy hive em;?fnfed a Miirulent nuinhrr of workmen to mahle them to dobuaincaa with the umioit div psrh; They reeuUrly receive the luteal fanhiona' from Thildelphis, and- hope they will not only b '! to tut it nut work with dipjtrh, hot le ulao able to turn it out in a neat and elegant stvle. -Their term will be arcominodaiintli at.d ibeir eitori to pir Mnv.ii'n' "''mi from a distance ( meet the most prompt attention- Cutting of all desctip'joi will He done at their ahop on app'.ictiion. Ctmnrii, A. I8JU 58 f Sale of Luid for Taxes. TTTILL be aold for ch at the Court VV J! I6ih dar .J ! 'J? SaliabuVy on Monday the day of Mafnext, the following tracfa of Imd or so much thereof as wi'.l sitnly the Tut due ttiercon for tbe year 1328, nd 1829. 116 Acre piven In by Henry Verble, 64 do do do by Mumphrer l.inater, 100 do do do by Jimei Townley, 100 do do do by Joseph ArIc, 106 do do-by Ruben HulinJ, 108 do do do by Wm. R dny, 112 do dp do by Mathias Swisher. 1 1 3 -dev do du b tJUcoyJSLllespiet 146 do do do by roter, 31 do do do by Kli Campbell, ion do o do by John Uiefccy, S0 do do do byJatne t'owan Eaeca tor of John Cowan dee'd. Sold by , F. SLATER., Sh'ff. Jfirtt 9A;l8l. Sri Cotton Un Mwk'ing. THE ubcribrr respectfully inform, the citi aena of . Davidson, am! the adjacent coun tire, that hr continue to carry on, at hi Shop in Letinetoit, '-lie buaincw of Making COTTON GINS, roual to any manufactured in the United State i indeed, hi Gina are preferred to all trthem-br .toeWDfflPve - inert tnrm and have found a ready le throughout a largs e. tent of country. Hi price shall be a reaaon bW as at any other ahop in the Southern country. All order will be promptly attended to, aod Gin itiihed in the shortest posiible time. Requiring of Gins will bo done on the, hort est ntflce, afnd InMhe moat substantia! manner, bv the public's humble at rvant, HENRY A. CLINGAMON, Ltoingtm May 56A, 1830, " 21 : BLJWK DEEDS, l every description, neatly Printed, kept wataatijr fcr slt tliia oificsi irnr Humphrey & A HK now r'nitW'C from 0 tTl 7 N'bf Cine, their ? L I)( pi, o, S(W fi()Ur4 which hir V'if. ijr of FM'itMe FBff f 'i'lt 4i i DfMi lor ,iUt n CltnUe men I .ir Urj; yrintfil of r. t lint (irocrrlrj', ll'inft, Mctlicjiift (llnttS . I hi (d ware, Slnlioniri't llAtl, Voil'iifS, Short, Vc. tfr. Jc. hllh ihtf Ctl (ftrd to vtll l 'ft VXjlUjHjr thrift tH ft ftf pu r ... Sn.iufii ckraft)hy AJr. Iluinphrer i Anrlt1f re nrf fmhf nffpf ihMn K I'uUit riif thai tunnel fail to n;pt C the hime the x hvf hiitieiio in.iwij.iifl of pifinjr ihftr Cuticintrt GOOD lUUfJAlNS fm be 'l C A2I I. IrxiniuH ,1v. till- Notice. run n t. y.yol dsh vh a til-wt .t.,. ''T?!!IS well boo rwl n'u tfJklif 1 'ilr 'net o( I, mil, too- wi !tnio2 (ihii .11 no j rr. Stjr imoS(,.Hii .11 r. rr. Sir iiruiuiii; mv iifwii f t t i" ) v ! . ihe ferrr ir'iin. (our km in if.f. inn ci li S AM) Ii j t'airl trtt tiht ihr.u t ind rlolUrt have hern rcciivfflst thin )'ff in lire rotirsr f 'he torrr st e-rs lur ferriire lnnr ft 5"') iihii:,j to pnrfSv will applf to tl vitvrrihi.-r m H nol(Jbo'j;h in the rr'n' u of Jime nrt where he will n min for two or three week i i orrler rTtct y.l PenonVitf rftttnr WHhif(r ptirchae ihe whnje or iy pin cn ppl lT Ict- ier..di.rrct4l..,i!i,i'ce hir pro pojI thall l;r d ily urn''i to. IKK 'IS tan he .m dc accom')d'iiJt to I serv int, n,n c'tild iDoof 18 rnnnth vid. Loquire ol- SA MUEL JEEVES. Sa&nburi, .Ifi'il. 4 I8JI. 6J'f. $25 Reward. T AN awny from the ub - in fiber n MeckleNxirii Tdunty, ahutit filtcen milrs r tl t h of Ch.tlot'e, yillow .. tn wilb. JbIcOp"a"iid ken to. Hti ha nn Iji lmili U ki. I . w t ...w... ... .iii ui. per jiw n a.Hiu, twenty on- yea-s cl 7"""' I ll V I r 'with' Mr Mhe, h . . ii. k- r criTT Hi rtiMthin; fa not recollected, j my pluntation, it is believed, lii-t. Mjtliewa negro nd one other hr 1'iHK'iiiK to Mr. Potta who, it th..ri(hi, decoyed the others i-.IT. am ip,.inid to the opii.ion umt they have all Ukr'n the route by or near Salishury fir snne ol the Northern Stattvj. I win 'fin Dollarv for hi apprehension, if takrn in the Couniv of Merklrn IthnCoupty or Si-te Twenty Five Dollars fr, ihher cane to bo secured to that I Kct him again. j j JAMES 0. POUTER. AJefllrntmrg County, Jfirfol, 1 83 1 . p tCT The Koanoke Advocate N. C. and Knoiville Ketrintrr Ten. will insert the aliove threo tinua and forward their ac counts for paymert to ihi office. $25 Reward. 1T AN away frW the sob snilvr living in Meck lenburg County, about e lotte, a lively bl;itk boy whoso nmo is HECTOR, stout well built and Snely proportioned for a kUe. He is about 35 ycrs of aRe, and about six feet in height. He carried with him when be left my plantation a suit of ojiied home-made, a ptir of cor ded pantaloon and other chaining which I am not able to describe. He left my plantation with otheAiegroei and I have every reason to believe tbey have laken 'b0fftt(4Jt ruL .or - near JSallsbu ry Iu r. some of the non -dave holding States, i will give Ten Dollars if taken in the County of Mecklenburg if out of the Couuty or 3;at Twenty Five Dollars. but in both mes to be secured so that i gft him agaiti. Jiya v JOHN MATHEWS Mecklenburg County, Jfiril 27 fh, J83J. k??, The Roanoke Advocate K. C.nA Kiovilla Register Ten. will Insert the above three. .times and forward thtlr ctppnts- for payment to ibis t pier , , ' l. M. F04INFY. "V" rSt. () ' "'"y "' Mjv (-:ii,':,'U"!o(rrt "'.irrr,lf.-r.f rM.,;..ff rf KylMl l'.tr HI) t Vy lr Sa :01 r;i of liiid. S 1 ' "f r'b '..h. Vf,ii, ... r.iii'i u- i, i . . m il.i: M' ti irto( roup, roniijrii' us! , .,f u.i.r . "m"H ""A poo lean, KimxM r recistrr and Mur- 1 t t ' -r . Jr . "i"Ut, foct. Mi.rt pn-evsniiio I Jin r vi iH-kc inn iK. . ... .,. .. 5 . . ' ' ' PatcU m --.r .uvn.minrnt uiiiiiine mi. oi JOHN IJKaKO r ""'nl. W,,. i W '"Xl . I . . ...... ' I 'iim Ar..l,-r.m M. f0. 1 jh will De v nvi.ri. . .a . l.ftftl.i-Lftlt I - . A 'K wumm who is a rood hooe jwjusj. iuwrns. IS now rrnlvifu nd ft.irninij St hU rt of H.lKhuif nJ in mile wrM f Wo(iroe f'ltmrjilir -tuiea Djrwoi.i mi Hrr r t r rl. i'H 4of'",'l At? Eniini'iM? and vJ'fftp dry Ihwl Mar, Cutlery, Cwchry ant Hirff! from inc H'le f N Vnrk PhiNdflphtit rStvtA by hlnxtlf Ihe lie' imp'tiKil'iti. fur the pM 1831. All .f he uf!Vr In from ' i rtf (iOOlH of hc unie rjmliir ef ti li',0i;M in M icrtion ' ouhfr I ur- I alf inf iV. irrf in!- ftr lhrmlr. calf itnf;fe, and io'le fv lhemle. . a - ' .Ai liincerc ibMk H n enlihtrned rl'fiMC j fif Ihe li'rl pirrtHiiij) he rerrivil j wSi'e 'inif Copartner jih M'. . Tiv. I- f'otjo of M .lUburj . iciflffihr I'ltm of C owjii St Urr.vri. nl i he t oo cluint; iiu-iioew for him nic ; hr ho," fcy r. !! unremiiied Hf'rn'i"" to hutitm u mcHt a ccntmu"1- r of t r ms Smt83 1811 THOMAS m. A. Ctlli IVKN, mhiuhi iK.rir, frsfrrfui!, iiiftirtiin the l.i l'f ni'l !ent'"!ru'n if .sVv.Wy -' A - 1 - ..... ,,, ,.., . ,.,.,.: ,,t n... form every npcrufioi cotmrlnl u ith Kxfrac injj, I'l'im-tr.rj, ..I'mr. i. t. .' i.vsi 77 I IS. Pnrr.1.,.. II .,1 I..:.. .? T. - . - fie M K i.'HV F VII A.;. .r .(,.. .,-. 'I,;, M t f t4-:iu rimi Lois- m ft r TAILOHIXG IJUaiESS. Vfnvmn YrtxUy, TTAVINfj rrceiveil the latnt -New- -J.JL-Vurk.anil i'hihulclpli'u pjahLons, iop;i iht r ui h h-ne rf London and iVirM, anr! v i 1 1 eontiotie to receive ThiT , fmm - Ti mr tn : ttmr,- at - ther ehanijf, nrd having a number of rr-oml workman, fir ia prrrirrd to "do work on short notice nml in nrst-rtr stylf, vrtd whirS viH he-wirnfrrtrd to fit K1L Orrler from ;i ditinr fnr .,!. .:n u n 1 . n III Jr "Tinf TlltliV. BIInll ... s hr iS tne vnt of r,l Ph.l. Vs nr s tne Atr"nt of Ward rf phl,. ',r!p,,i,, an1 ' ?"K,,r7- of Vork. 'h"Se W'hmg ' WTn ,hp art f Cltf' f:n c,n aP!''V to i'h"-rihrr in .... .ii..- aliSO'irv. Gmt.R . i i BENJ. F II A LEV. FOR S.Uii I 1 If. wr; u.jarn rlab rizi ira 1 liHrr'-Tt in thr T- tlJVi r j w n ..... Ir nn v ncfipirtl hv A fs Sitse of puHJio. ;.vr; t. vF.. r- The m iny adnf1,re, Bitrn.ling ns TInie mikes it an oSj.-ct wor'hy the nt trntton nf iirinn. ... . . . -"i'lng in rinoarn in the htisinrss. U has Keen fur svr.r:,i years aod t, MiM n tKrsf r,nfrit,v,n. iiiiiii iiui-mi r-MMve to tt m it ,c n(lf) ny appiir-n'tnn n I hr"i i, H l,f M A H Y J .Me A I) A M , X t'rrx. IC7 Thr F3yeftcilr-0iif rrr, flal 'f " . i rf"s -. iimra anu .rnriet0n Conner niJI insert me shove oner a week for ,ro mont,. ami forward their htH m. j. r.i c . Runaway (J 'be 10th of Septemhrt .Jones ewmiy, two negroes, one named WASHINGTON, nh.,,,1 2- pars ol age, a very, brl.rh! tn'...itto, on one of hi hand there is a .car occasioned by trtni ti u 'lti . ' t.wT4 aAMtS lamar: until Mnd, and then forward their ,' . I LAMAR. 'i, i il... ""7rl- "inn i 4 1 T . f IS II (ii prime Sut.f 41 : llhl, lo a !' LrMf 0 lOfllidi. M',!,.r 3 Ci.ii Hie- ou 30 Hw mm Ni. g, nf -eja :o ti..tM nuii.-h im.iV. 3 ,..f,,Hh'B,9 i B'l. Mrktrel "(! I . . T '. '" " f .t 4. ft 'n &X.'rfrkr. tio r4ru J00 Huid Livtrponl "' o III ""O" Tire -i.,.,,.;"06 JOilM iff 'Viv 1; &fAwri nd th rl!i i rnii iii t!L T.iwri i f j,ng f Kt: . hrp fjTtrnlary f, II II in M'll! .r- pl i. VI.- i... . U. V.t "? '' Vtr. r .' i,nt ,,t,, m I., I - i-M' f tit fntnif. .-,.,!. I nr. 'i-r l-r rr, ' r t' I T.r hhiM l.ia . r 11. ...i . . " ..... .... IMITI'Ul ill..,! k 1 J... . o ' '" I' ,",r1 J t ' ' , 'r,l,l. i'er.ry 'f flrn-,.! iImw.I. i ... a ' r t - m rrrr1:'"1- - W 9 v. .;"1. TI' V 'if i '"y et. VV'aler.nrffui. t.' . (J. . p. RL'SSKLL .Wa, .v. C. I?, lffP4f ijt3, FFJliiLE SCHOOL HTaTVYlLti T T ILL a un be opened oo the at. v v cond mortday jQ jj jt appr?.he.ndetl thn.. bv .Uut W-tke -Vadi-mv BuilcJinrr wnj f)e co,,. 'i .ma . 0 .RddilioaLjuiadxjT . ooaes opcnr,r the refrrMion of Hnaderti And shot!, rh large as to reivTer i( neCtiaMr. Caldwell will mpr -i me v) ,.;,( fttpr- 6nf M. A. CALPWyy.i, 'the Thorough Jlr -i ' AEItOJ l4- S. .hit At i f .v of Kr,s "t'ffiijys and dayiAtJ: r.W0j! Si'tiidy.. Tne se-o has idreally cnnsmerned, ud er.J ! 35ih Julv. Seven Oollhr wi !e i,harcd fr the sf-ason ; Five DVIv, Sirjla Lein s nd Ten Dillim m in.;-'. Filt emu to the groomin evi-ry Jninw. E-umii's coltOre hlghlr promising'. heiii of fine forn and itr. and vf gf- r e i jfl v " re se m hfih " t ht f sirei tn-co figure hihI gi?ty ; being remnrkably I'1' d od thrifty. fireflt rare w i 11 be ta k rn mitiva geart 3iisf..ciion ; btii I cannot be liable ktv cidenis. Guin wiy he furnished. i " ibai kel pi ice, lo marcs still from ance. 64'f CHARLES L. ROWER to tvmiomziis 9. -T W'luh in emoIOf ' a-.if5iakSs' I wairtrnns to " mJijcco Lynchburf arid t'vu wairiiyiii io hall spirii South. I will be at Mr. Allemong' luring Mjy court,. - ,., 2 71 NMTHAN CHAFTT WACIONKKS DriwgrtirTdyerttcUfe, wwtii r e-.i :. . .t,.,:. .,tvinim. to uXV .... ... t rv cii ue o?bii in-'. " -l. venience is provilad for Man nd Horarit" thn comfortable, at the meders'.5barRe cents a day and the "W'W" Yard, (lie tire of a good. hoe, fire. shelter. Attached, to the Trd, sre a and Provision "Blur, nread Shop - n ar-riijiH Tan aa ri iitnirriE x - . . -r - - - a n v " wiawiv m.iira'i s. , , ii , I , .LI Tflft. v

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