y ! V. ... ; !rom lie t inth ' ellulcj to. Hp'lmi -f the rm'iarg'i, he nv: 1 u'' u (i the rettruilvc avUem, h'r'i dttntuit the -niis vf t't: pciijji." .f th if mif vtnjfiifol, ir ihe i)ih'h thar. iirtcr ii our t jnt'y. area peo Vfirr, tl.'o cue-cncy fktiuie serious If d. rmi: 1 "! fiiiu had received iorfil impiiWe Inwards manufactures. .il tbete uf jf f ts give ri-i ' questions deeply i 'tr tilog to tHf country. The flu! tint occupied the attention ef Cunr';tt wrt th mdi'ary peiee ettaV litbmtni, on wt.lk thr was a gre it ili iVrt ilia Ccf.i'.iu:i1 Lii mtK btr Intended it to Is tUee l, and wbal remrdr htj1i be applied to dWeite which, if ti i arretted, threatened the L'n Ion ludf, .ci highly Important quetdons :tut claim tbe attention of the tvn-initee The first end mul el-nple remedy wss la require Ibe tavet to ( paid In aperie ihe le.t tpircMtf of ihi country. Out ihia. In th then state of the country wti Impracticable. Geld and tilve s, it hit Mm (ed had disappeared, tnd the people might, with at'murn justice have teen ci;ei on to pit their inn in tne moods at In either. No one was found hardy enough lo propose: su:h a remedy The fteil wit lo enact abankrept lev hd apply Ii io the flute banks, unless ihey should redeem their ootes with ape ijtJJjuube sldet-l he- dMb4-aa - t he right of Concrete to apjdyjhefr fewer i'u:o a purpose, JtJtaa mamiesiinei a measure of ike kind could net jPV'Vl fits' -fVsfbadyT A FtejT fa II e m in Ion, It was believed br the committee thl the only predesble mesas bv which sound currency could be restore1, and pl.t red under the censi'utisnal control of . '. Ir...I.Uihehnnrnrdaiw ' i o r.. ' "eoer.l Qoeernmeof, he eeteb trip 0!l!lrk "- f ni"Tr uwu;njicil nim iui ini uii. .. . , . . , . "f lth tKrt.!TII rn MUhmeot of a mflicienl Cip.nl n, und - : . . r L' j r i i ' . i ... i . l . I ,-1, vut him lhl idicnira object of ciUUlUli'nif a neiloiul bnik. p.e ccnUiii active. 1 m7 la t """'i m eniumeni. im eimini-re' r nrf-r.nl mtl -(), -N IMSIM! I ,,IM, ll unrlr r'!, ff or of i,irm co I, t . ,r.H a ptgp!c-in eel r';;,''", ' s ,or X) mf ", fl;w lliri rii f) l'WU bcra rorurrrd. (hft( and amonfil ihfo Mr, Celh'Hio. were In faeor (f Un lii tan J - We cfio'lftdfd Ihal a amall peere etldiitimtnt weivnott coneenUI It the nri&tiantrihc'euntriand that Ihe qrel pnlni wit lo hve it fiermaifnt aid wU wgnnitti, end not Jiebla to Hoc '14'lofii, whkli ere deiruirie I'l ihe !'(, r? ti enn nucipime 01 tne rmr: The n'um'ser llnl! df ter mined io Jit e feTAcd tit ten thoiMend. The other inportent tuU ecU t.on mprri'ir all h r, in patient en France lfnir to mmv. ,'Nur U eail an't tir g-nloofir noftrn. t:nt, Owt (InWfimrnlll foumte on freedom, or. J luiti corc'i"it. To mtkrthe rf(r!ctir avtrm tffective recjoirea Ui moet artitmrjr L'wi. JlnUaA, iththe errt atitnr Ji.notlUrJLa.cxcljiJt.prHL ted articlif and Napoleon, with all k,-rori 'I wiw.ij"i:'.f.i.wj,a.j.i' emforce f cu,mn, ..-.... . f . ... . wK(tn . ntionriht '''PflCDe,, ,,Uredat the heed of .he V ftwn-frafr. ('YMni Cmmltiea or, Cu.rcnce. Keen., .hi, nil V?fl lor proieciinn. i mr f)ok J)IiCt fc ,,( j,Mf , (i(,K ,ei,0 j were eK tlii 'iVfonnVrf :lv endurance i lrinclpw)f with ihe view to eiutle the lint J '. i ll L ' ! .1 f1nnriiat.i.l 1.. . Ika nrnu. he iJ rrfiiel ,ne,,l n" turf f rrlv urKn hie inenihii;tyf k:. Lvt ullrir.ff, for drfenre. ' :.... nnr. p Hurht In . 1 Hr ii IV u'Mwifj ni our It ii thre that rrnder man the f ffooditbe.th.t naV tie ahve r na, tnv are enrt vfl in a - .trrargtcf .witH thcae brilliot qual. . I ' founclUf ht oTinAr tmon eurh :ftr e-vmmmis nd arti-e nponetirh ''rated principle. Mr. Calhcnn w . f.l.!.1 m rnmmvtd th' f Me em of h'n t lie' Oovernnieui lo raise InaH for Ihe proie ruiiort of the war. lUlievint; that loioe bf a non epecle paying lank, el the one l ittat lime propo-l would be daring he wr, wuulJ prove drcepiive, end the! Ihe link i tr reieon of ich I'Miiit would, ov ihe retern of peire, be nlltied aeiluM the reaumpiion of eperie paf menir, lniexi of baine the ineirument of reitwrine; them, and ihkt lie iuflueorc, ui'i rA wirh that of the S(e'e bank would dff ihe efforte of Cnngrt to re ei printilot, bound lo rattiem in noiee in Cjh, whih, bf iie iuflaenca and eld, would i once compel end ' the 5le btikt io re l urn to iftetie pee maou. On (bit poiit Mr. Ctlhoun retted the bill; end wiiii eueh Irretlt'ibie aretimentt did be enforce bit opinion, en rlearlr did he dtmoqt'.reie the neonitiut"nil rendition Ike (urrt ity, to manifettljr did he prove ltdriner end intvt'Ktf end rtiat there t no other nretiieehla rcmedf In the power of the Houte, that, in tp'ne of the oppitiai influence of the Sit'e binki, Ihe cutt'ituiion! ecrupU of men e Ibe tneinheri, end the roeit'ance of mine of be lcdrr of tlie opp-.tiiion, he iuc cetdvd in effecting the pittite of the bill, ihouph n wae well atrrritined that e decidiid mejo'v wet oppotrd to it it itt intro luciiop. Of (hi powerful, profoundt tind cijnviucinjj tpecch, nothing remiint but en imperfect tkele'onr At tfte open ing o tic argument kt dtelartd hit ofifio- KnQH n jir cwrurr io I tie voh.lt tvtirm tUdUH a toond currence. Mr. Calhoun (.rtnlf end Bo-reiafulltr retitted every at ttmpf'to erert a bn'v wtiirb wti not hound tn pn he no'ei in ceth Under a e dem cor.Wcti'uj of tlmi, he had on ibit imp-nnt nrrtion pl.iccd liimr.;f in op a afi t " ' I . 1 ryitl inn tit 1 1. . I . k m. kj),..4Kiai I'- ..nlvattarhedtVconP We kI ihouich it eiotrd htm at ihe if the Mortv b if t-elJ"f ctfi4ur. of m.ny of hu pohu-j , ftu, u,t'jf ,hl, in M, fjJw J j f f..,..,... ; rl lrierl, l.icre t on iho reitortioo I k . . . . . himaell OUI me numu. ...... ........ , flf m .,jm on . , rea.que.iion not . Toward. Ihe cW of .hi. lone and ar , !fft ,ne Ooermment frro end un-r.m ' ,r 7 . ' dnw'.-'n'e it et.,M b.- d'loua ae,ioo Ibe Pretid.nt transmit..! , mf , ,0 nihol Mtfer .naAf m; hl vond the control of thr t.-nera Cov-m-. r'n ' In which, after. a A .:...,. r.. . '.i;..... ' mu, bu' hebfr the frm in wh.ch IO vUncrrii w w - - jrr nae: i tiatvii mil --ei'tjej iui iidv iy enumeatirir in a forriMe mmnrr nnr Itoijlttnl'ed wrong, he recommended an ppneaj o arrot aa e onlr meant or oh lainiw toatlee. The Comml'tee of For- and, in porti. nljr, or .Mr. lillat, the aMe end independent rffi'-rr thn at the head of ihe Trretury D-pirtmrtn. At tr.ts period nrt '.i'.jr could eicred the ditorder -t. li.iaiinnt. to whom tne metsae -WH refarred, mad an able report, ap proebsrnf the aentment of ?he Prrti- dentTand accompw uy u... fog war. At tbe eommenement of tne pett ten TTiM-nw.toV whlrh wli HRbTfEoihr-aMeiO MrrCalhoim, end af I K .A fill., nw Vial. J I I. I . ,t-. ... . ....... .ti- .1.,... " ....rr mi, c roniroi i , i i ... .. I i of tn tca, end ptrticdlir.e whrt? the upon it at thit trtaion. the committee had the aetlout support of 'ho idmiiiiriioi), r Mie hitk did no' redeem thdr no'ej ill Iho Ii-kI cU'renry o' the emmtry, t establtti. d by Cangrm, w comJtit-l" wi,n the provi.ibn of ihe ConMiiution, with uvrr, 4iuithe aafe'.y of the com Mititiiiy. Tha teiiulf has shown that Mr. r i. .... and dmnxemerr of thOu-rrw v of lbC j ! w'"n' Tn..'.n, ,n ec.ecung -:...T.. ii...: .... I. .w. L ...L. u.i ! bl"ls 'he meant far reeionni? the jW'Vrr; 'ncorrec..nK embamtdin mtkinc p-7er Cltpo- conn.r w,t ftod,J wbh bank ,.., on uE,!7,,'ihM,?d R"'0 erabarratata in rtv.. k j i tie and to Icti than two rear it had .l.t- .rik. mmWr fom Mult) larn . .. line-- Mrr CalHoiiw.- Mr -Che vet- Mr, - towofleCinit Mr WiHn-,-were H. HT ih.lr rft.iinc lion. ew'Med to conaMcnonv . poiltionaj but. romimr from the ame ""r&atMbTM-,-'be pUcfJ "'r! Ke4 f Unofunienmrnt.et5 -Mr X -l .Hbi4n,)n an iMimation of hU difn iiMy b the aneaVer, did not he.it at a a mo Tnent to rcqiet that K. brio? tho yonn ctt of the four, ahou!d not be placed at tho head ofantr committee- we. rmme, an old and. useful m-mber from Penn ' 'ayWanla, waa accordiptr r'"-ed firtt on Vhe comnihtae of Foreign RHntiont, tnd . Wr. C-lboun tecond.' Put, ' ? fi' J, 'TneetlnR of the committee, Mr. Smilie, 'withoutJ.r.e leaM 'tnlimtioniLliiiJuten " lion, moved th-it Nr. Calhoun ahould be Chairman The motion wis nr.inimnoa If adopted, and thtii . atTorded the stron geel evidence oftba ai'itfictory and able ' f8tr.n!r to mhirhh ' ditrbard the arduoua and Important du'lea of chairman--. t the prereii'jt cMon. We wilt not undertake lo tract Mr. " QMhoitn'a eouric, or o recount hit aer . tirea, Jn Ccmgreaa, daring the war. - A - tolume-rmiAb neceaaare forlh por- - - - ' t t IRj..i a mwmv mm.m. ikeat Set In A nAia- ir lei lirii"'; t i ntivi 'tfi li.AUyv it''on of CMrman of tho com . wliwe-of Faretcn Relaiiona. amidtt a crrmnlirationndf i drio the fr'orAny periods of that con- the iasue of which M-.rec any rcnrtjut currency to a eonttru'ional condition. A coit'cry. iuiinj the war the bjtiki h. l I ii. i n.a iiyiiciii "I ... ..;..;.. eerie. wHh the enctolion of a few44v .'-.- weui o.o ope''on, . ..fri lunuiuii iii curretiinjj me hich visi two veart it had cau iTrutsTTono-OTerverrnnhWeehlevfth e OoTrnitueui. $ orwtrbiiandjng these I aid epntl the.ou'e ..LgMnet a weight r! afdor o opposition unknown to the rn,rt.i at the reToIuuon4ke neeer r,.-,.,1. nr vrr doubted, tvrr ietftairti . f th.r rctiublit, but, bjr bis reports and , gp-eehea, be hU eotu", wisdom, patriot im and unahafcen firmness, he rose pre mioentif which at that time distin ruisbed. both aides of the House, and kS. rmir.mrmen. to action be the 1; tnoat animation strains f impesslbnd :AruBnct,Bii4ehim! tort t'f the sncond war of moepenoenre, od ftunllT triumphed lo the clear sun i ihire of plorr which borst upon hiseoun- tff at If roncluaion. . . , , . : 1 On tbe: ' arrival "f pce in.tb oegin. fjr.of tbe fear J HI 5, a net. ere opened ,b country The rrrtyV lf nivy, and tbe revenue, had increased far be- was lefi. Depreciation fol'owcd, which to fir from TerTftlrTallrVg' wT''XheTwar," as had been antiript.ed by mmr, went on incratipj; lest rapidN in aofil1 -portioos .sLibo-ccuuiltr, and in other caure o, iccordiiijr to iv entent of ther'bank Is nict. When the njmmittee f n'ered on ihe dti'r rl app'vind i rrniedv lo this rrrrful Hiteatr , tho d.rcciuion at some poin's h ,d reached to upward of 3(a per rent. One of the most itrikine features which :he country then presented wis tho unctnttitutfonal rendition qf itt currtney It was cer!v intended by the Cootii'.u tion to ptacc the currency undr the on trol of the General Government. Wuh thii view iL wa provided that Congress should have power 44 to coin money, aod regn'k'e the value thereof, and of foreign coin," and prohibited the states from u coining money, emitting bills of credit, or making any thine but eold and stiver a legal tender," leaving no doubt that the power oner tbe currency vas delega ted re Congee; and was not a rig it rt trrprd to Ike Statrt. la fact one of the known . disorders which that instrument was intended to correct, was lbs unequal depreciation of the currency which exis ted in the different States previous to its adoption, and -which presented such for midabieim pediments tcrthexomme rCeof the "country and ihe ftacal operation! of provision of the Constitution, tbe power over ihe currency at ibis period had in feet passed out of tho handa of the "'Gear eral Government, and the diaorder ia the rirrulatiftjt medium of tho country, for which it waa intended to provide a rem edy, had returned under its most appall injj, form The notea of banks incorpo rated by the States, and under their ex clusive control, "which could not be con verted into specie, and which were re stricted in their circulation, jo. lbft limits of their respective States, aod were de preciated from one to twenty pee cent, constituted the currency in whkb the Duhlic does were collected, the public creditors paid, and the moneyed transact at . tiona of tha ccantry carried on. uy what meant the control over tbe currency should be taken from tbe State Leeisla- ttireaj and placed uoder rhat of Coogrewi "Jtlltia'ima banks ihroofhmit the Uni oi, vitb-tr.contiderible eicepilons, to re deem t!eir notes with specie, thus ren ?leV"Jf curreocy as uniform asltcon sIttt wirh HieJnequiTHy naturally re jr.iui"from--commercial" exchantres. Tbe .htm Secretary of ihe Treasury, (Mr. Criw.'jrd,) ho,by his situation, Was ren :detvil psrlectiy acquainted with the mitis ly bich the currency had been ret ire ! to m sound condition, attributed it, m U 'V.-II known, sjlely to the opfra tion of it.c Hai'X. At the eame eession a revenue bill gave rise t.i a debate on the state of t'le Union, involvings discussion of the jMiiicy of the country rn time of peace. I to which "Mr. Calhoun maie one of the most apleadtd displays of barliam eotary eloquence ever exhibited be fore Conereaa. His speech abound log in profound, comprehensive, and .... ' avaicani-uxe viewa, respecting our a i i a . ' . ! prooaotr relations wuh foretan nowert the policy a-e ouhi to pursue towards tnem, and the measures of preparation we ounm to aaopt wui.respecr to the n ivy aad fortifications, mizht he con. aiacrea, jummarv of all that could be aiid on the Jntereataof thererjablic aaa ine aaues Ot tiovernmeni it l Uta tLU. aciari nle t; en b'uat of Ihe reslnnaihna ti tb Secretary gf. Sun nd lha Secretary or ar, no ine ditmittal of iha other memben of tho Cabinet. Tha letters of lha w former, ad dreited to the Prctldent of the U. States, present their ratont and Ihe motives for ihe diimlual of ihe others are assign ed in Ihe antwer of the President to Ihe Secretary of the Traory and rnytelf. In these the Prctldent admits thai the dismissed officer! hava Mthfullv die charted their retpectUe duties. . But in limaiet that the want of harmony In the Cabinet, and the protection of lha two retiring Secretaries 14 from unjust mis conceptions and msllanint mitreprtscn latioet," made it necessary that tha others itauld eo out also, Vho ferwrejardi theriBemherrxT-ttre Cabinet, this mesaure I compiri'.lvefy of little moment, - ft ia, however, a mt-J f K eI foncero affactingibaxhat arieroftho Government In ihis point of view tha American paople have a right to know the whole truth t from whence the alleded discord oriintted by wkota and for what purpose, il has been foster ed and in what feipect and wherefore it has been connected with the public ad ministration of Ihe affairs of the Nation. The President it bound to make these explanations io ibe people. if it were intended lobe intimated that I am responsible for ihe want of harmo ny in the Cabinet, ihe charge is unjuit 1 deny that I pursued a course lhat invi ted hostility- On the contrary, ( wen: as far as a mtn of honor could ro in endea vorlnjf lo promote a eood understanding and cordial officii! co-operation with all lha members of ihe Cabinet. Cut il seems I was expected to go still farther, and a ot doing so, ii haa been held rood causa for my dimiital. ff it is asked, why I did not abandon Ihe Cabinet and expose to the world ihe maliitn influences by which it was embarrassed? I would eply. that I constantly looked foward lo a favorable change. Thai capcial!y I relied for. this upon ihe wndom, firmness and justice or ihe Chief Magistrate. I hive been disappointed- I have had the deep mortification to see him gnduallv discarding from bis counted ana friend ship bis old and long tried supporters, and throwing himself into Ihe arms of persons whose cold besrted selfishness and artifice were played off upon him tor true and faithful service. Rest sssured, however, that whatever may be the public judgement at to the merite of this question, no cotddrration arising from pertnna) feeling will induce me lo take a roune which I should not believe calculated to maintain the char- acie and promote ihe interest of the State which gave me birth. Bosioettof impemnre, espe'.lsfly as enabling me to settle down permanently in North Carolina, probably requires ror pretence in. Tennessee, where 1 may he yet It icirV:ei;igcfii,t lndq.er.dmce. J.mei k'....'w irul Il petfocily unlrjue io te rtJW nothing lld.tiJelueif, Bre e hatiy hand, but , .!!"', lull f Ink. reelwri-e.t N but with considerable latte ! !i' N ne.a. Cobbctt write, wJlb f n ,.f he does a very thing elte. PrrTai ii if with the feathered ( i , S iok-a real snider sera.L w., u a hopeful child of the f.rikT S log encouragement thc In,.. ' ' will Llrow experience" y fiH" aperfext lawyer', h.n, ' ' wished no one could read u s.. vW W, Scoti'a autogr.pl, , iJtL ly. tho' lolarably legible. ' cJ' with a far loot rambline. wli moil vigorous p.w. wjd,. W right crow bar hinJ.-J. ft AV dipped la Uk nothing irkijH unin.lllKlbl,yetth,rt vlyaeiif about It not ur,m.. " Cr.bh'a hand writiag , nlnT and woman-lika and Mri. I!,miB. 5 cuUne, bold and strong. 'min,- SMVQGLfXG. From the .Yew Hampshire Patrfa, Tni Fidc.al Amxiici. c' TIM r-i Durine' t . J r r wrt load of Smuggled Broadclotht, j! property of two red-hot Federal T rifTmen, waatakeo hv our Ml offic.reef the caitnmi. Theficul the Clay party, j0 this cnnf, engaged in sriolatioj the very Tart in a private tnancer, which they cai. cjrtupportf ia an eiccHentcomiwt. upon the rottenneta and falsity of ht prlocipUa. -Tk-demncnik pirtylr9 in favour of haviotr the Tar:a; Lj elled .ato prevent tm,igglin? Ut the Qhy pirtv, it-would appear, acr upon the ..opposite' . minrinl v. .Ktlltrl (kink ilia rl f ' v ",0 l,J7oinioiaiewin'0 ntttien iy the revenue lawarxicffb tmu?slrrt, would have the effict.f changing their theory as well at nrnr. Ucc.Montpclicr (il.) Patriot. ,QT That the bustneu of amir, gling has actively revived, it evineH by the mpvementt44 td and fro ail the way between Boston and M,ntre. al, of aomeof the old tear fnuht and o.her young Sprouts, who have been educated by them. Tie recent paasage of loaded teamea thro'neh tk alternate mud and enow drifti,"at a season when there is io little produce of the country ttr-b-transporfei learnt with ciskv nd barrelsand fif. k5n, M if of pot.Pr pearl aahet, diir tilled SDirita huiter JZt.u-Amz-' " ff a SMHI UW t detainad until Aoeutt next. On m . ! roonstratet tft oar conviction, ibtt all torn to my family,! hop ir mret ypu.J 11 not n Jth ftZlXhere i a re, ' h orncu itoitj" when I shall he highly gratified to renew j house ofBcers on the wty for more that social and friendly intercoor.e, which : than a hundred mil? no lMfclUiB IZ'Hu TJ1 t0 mf riiihtelte" hi Wltifo if cMn, tons of 7 n ?he meaner? h" , I td may pas, without , in tne mean time. I beir row tanuu . -r -x ---. atwanee JOfiV T.r(ANTH. rnoy th pi Tiior acpeitT.. cnmoGMPir. " it is eenmiiw hi .A ,u.. i genius do write in a very obscure, inn- thousands, if not millions of dollars douht that' ton dorpass. When smuggling of British goods' it carried on by the American jys tetn" men with impunity whCo (h- revnue is defnaded ol huodredt aod galleries which the Speaker was uuable to control, a.ad extorted from a mem. ber not friendly to the orator this m. voluntary exclamation, " What a nro digious effort of the human mind !' The editors of tbe Intelligencer, in meia notice ot it, declared that Mr. Calhoun might safely rest his fame, aa a statesman and orator, upon that single proauction." 31 ISC EL LA.y EO us. Oov. Branch The following" letter from the Hon. John Branch, late Secre tary of the Navy, to a gentleman in this iy!r7.B t" handed lo usfor publice I , ' Rd. Star; n'athinjtm Ccy, Ma 3rd, 1831 fit," to jSiPir- Vou h h no doBbt, ! or eccentric character 5 such as Byron, and Chalmers, and Jeffiev, and Bona-Psrte-" HERBERT. Waahington wrote a fair, open, m,ny, trlghLforwrd line every Jerref legible and diatinct, bearing the same relation in the mm nn.ti trn nf Um 1 . . . . . when the people are obliged to pay a tax on their wearing appearel, for the sole benefit of smugglers whea our; manufactories, instead ofJeingbeV efined, are pdsitirelyMnmred bv hieh duties, being shamefully evaded it it not high time, either to enforce the ' .11 j . . . -v 6 ( re : . nofniY T ,n ,h or the P,.nihment of tmugKler hMi.. CnV,er-?'hin or .0 to reduce the duties a. .hall da w. .UT....IUU, 'enerton s hand writing waa bold and king of the clearness, purity and firmnese f I Has. Attn m m. m. m I J Tl . .... w- K,i .ninq. Donaparta wrote a most hideous and unreadablo scrawl appearing as though while writing he was .ieinp..ng 10 xjocjge an cnemy'a fire very little of the generalship about it ..urc . wrmng was most uneven aod ourr.eq loosing as tho MsjihoughU ouar relted or "mterance, and in their tr1,.u nut th ant . . bS .J. ... ! 111 fcummouon jaway tbe temptation to violate thera!' Anecdote. k Yaokee gentbwiV travelling in the atate of New Tort. .nemyVfi-if1 UP 10 h Piou imjj nine, anu catering tne oar -room, enquired of a trim looking woman, for : JJLJdtrd whoieferred Isim to- citrd n hilt of BppttK'u frutn the "jmtltOtt wrote a light running hand " o. inn. uanning'a penman- hip partook of all the chattn... classical purity, and at the same time of ... in. nervousness Ot his h ud. " stooping to touch tbe loftiest thought,' as though it scarce deserved hu verse " wrote like very mad," to the ereat bes patterment of bis oaoer ami n,mA -ti.. which bv the way, we believe, he neve wore. We have had o.i-, .. .L scribblings of divert other noet.. .ti.t... SUtemen, wwriorsrlords arid lacnitT"Bor they have long split their last quill and. . invu iiirir nrvM.. n.i. iw Him tr ,k. J-j . r. Vt j" ue, 10 ,ne nving. Madison writes a fair. s, .,.!.,. line, without di.,iction of hair ;jboV; strokes? and not unlit 1.1. .. ' k.ii 'tl. 7-1 war ei'i 250 pound negro who was seated ia the bar. .The atraJi)p.-jrMniiaatad--- Tl.. .... - c " , nut;,4uae ine autograph of J.O Aa. neat, manly and perpendicular. -met rather a clumsy, careless hand thanotherw,rf!wiviltl)4dn n.h J snowball to grain hia horse which the latter proceeded to do. After he had left the room,. the traveller en quired ef the woman if that raati was her husband? she replied m the af firmative! With astonishment, the yaokee' continued hia enquiries, anil asked her ho w. in tbe name of Hear eo she came to marrv a. black man I La !" taid the I done a great deal tejLtbw ray jiUter ft " What touli vour sister do t1 demanded ihrewel Jonathan "why w( replied the host ess, " she married an anti-mttton. 1 ' . TolAdn In tiie-ehlacse' laws one. o t1i grounds on which a husband may di- v-jree his wife is her being gict to tad muck iatkingfi a ' V. t. .' . .' . .,