It ;M,rn wUalasbataiit 1tm !, which, h.rrr . aJ gin. iallwn..- Srt, have the BrmU.nrt ..f MitnuaMy, t..H,Oe.pobithe heart of cVueft, sad Uch i a.U 'lt! in.w. Tfce '.. f IW-twO W rs;,t !!y urn WgnU'mg Ut Ori contcicnce, i tii'r. tr 4 taaiae i S.tUsillMY, KOWAN COUNTY, N. MONDAY, JUNli 13, ICJI. i 1 11 it I ?1 i J ! f i,mJ WW""-'4- mi asswaeiHT- r i . ... .art;. ,'J I '. MAR ... -awful tidintropU t)j . dU M. The drJaj i UsdingU hit been unavoidable ti minutes af'cr H o'cflcfc'M " t I II , ,eft al.rmed by lbs err of Fur iJ (hi t signals on sue. twee- iding lately ereCtea .." ",; .r...i.i (.Site was found to, be in VI Hill "1 ... , .11. but io mi iocomldersbie an extern I H Wit belles 99 IIt emna uiau. iv ipfnUblt certainly success Deceitful "Pi! They were all ... iheiOMJeito Aha, lrgt fk buUainjf, t.d to iiPU -M-ih roof of ibi-Town trimift or Sime wen w Inlt 4ireIt of lb l6ft Uh ft r-Ju-ivce.: J". r'crn, LrHthaid borl ii'eo wont. . ..t ;k ni.i .ir'i T I t inijiibMf nun wits ' " kkv.rdk In ii norther airec l fc.u rf he creek, mbrajrlng .. j ifD rta fmermcilute 111 iitfv.i"'i - - . If 1 I . .. t-. HM trfi and BlttJcn lin- ,d on the lit ir' t l-.'.i.i,.. Kinr ine nun nuu i. MifU.e lone row I.j w..;m; t the Wa ;Con Yard prom wu.4v...- . r.w,: nnnnr..n Sifett the Bme icrted norther cW; aek end cooiunung in .iniu cle'e mil!, Here, nfl deamK . .... t.tL!.' erected l ' r r. .11.1 A th lit! Ln. with water end bhnketa. 4 On uit band iidc oftbo vftet.thejr pro- 1 .iith. ware itDDed at tne elKQ ' n v , , . lurk mid reach me iivu r ' . " . ., , .r,buiidtne on o?to if. f,. ...tvard f doortT he- . t tk.rie Pntnt. Includ'mtt tha tr U r. Wm.Mcl.4yre. situated on ibe.op- Ute point Ibrmea of ,na J-"- rv erwn-atreet aoa vuoi pir ndinff back north... : V', Lierian Church, CatboUscbapel, and all l.oth.rbuUdiue.i fthe dwel!u) houae, nnui ereaaved with uH excrw I he building on both aide, of Bow reet. Along Giileaj!o atree, the feme, .tended a. far at the State Bnb bu Id ,wm o-h hand aldei-W biibiP?!!?!? ... ' .1 -.v.fii I Wltn ,rne ui Lt poinwindlo amihatbyiWinE k .... .iM nt me iirnu Lad M-r. buildmR point oppoaire Lie.... nlTvihildinirs, ntl exienmng suardlr ao a to no Ude a. ; ;;v th huildine on Uck lrcci arson - r u... , , - ItU mmaible to 'or, WT htimateof the entire fe in rl " ad here probably is ia inaunw , . : v 1 .'. f . .man heme con- so lartje a poruon - , . H. ' :. ih- PMult 01 vol- imcui wiibiv .. . ' ' a. bu ah Arvniaifi 1 1 w " eatorKwi'vn--r x o'clock, h tno & ' . . .JI ..u.- mnilll USUai: buc, anu ta aa lu a,iooa. it wa auuieniy u 1 a - - - , I fi)0d for ii ragrrtR appen - e . Li- l . ;,!..,, rUktroved were 1 h niiuiic ouuu'S" ' r .. l - ' 11 .k-Cane tear Dann he 1 own uuu, - 1 t Catholic Chapel, the freab-urtan and .niwopal Churches, the "'MJT 1 u ..inn nmeiii afavette ano -T, .ij .-. . - i.!i. ik. iri Dinn ui pnesa. ana c o" " .'... k., aa liai. Bank, were alaO tttaiiyya ' r , Kr ataa rented l lu"' aaiir iiiiiiii . oae, they are r d troyeJ, In nu nkr abott SIX IIUNDUED oul'l fttjulre a lflg ciialugua to cnti mcr.te juricuUrlf . ' Uu. bo.iJa the I'jildina immeriie (intiiicof Doukt, valuable papera, mi i.ejr, houi hu!tl furniture, f,ood, waie, iriisrchaiidlie and produce, wer daitroy ed. Wlitra the fi' fitat broke out per ion near the acorte, would reroove auch tbinRi to ainat wero then -aoppoted pi reffiferfrttiTbfrmwnhetwiMild Ret iberqjalrl depoahed thtjr woutd di i.oV ir hk'pfaH-imi'tfpwiiitiMhm and would b drivetHo Untie if afrta tor the 1 MRurit jM htio.'aW ljl1 ,'riaari itlaCI 10 OUCI IIkI CQfOpUte f w,r,, , i withnelr txartbai, the would t I hd compelled lo abandon thamto tUe ; ."f of He mercilaae llameit a tery xtull Vn o'anf of theaa if- tides W41 latcd, e amount acMryjfwi It ft -difficult ty t 'nat.- 17 V: . M undcrtaiitboF-r a c--r : b-l. aa of eten paim out tt-j piKiripal mi- prcri.' It would be inumuij maro e; l.t i,iik. a t al ...: ua 01 tboia il ourciti- tent, waohava not auffared. 4 Lan(ttajr,e ia otlretf Inadrqnata to iho deaenptbn of tha aublime and iwful acenoof aun!ajr utfnuiii idaa of the BD- wi IV sviivvj - ff naarauct of luin and deaolation which ti ina inn nrt4enli.. - If Dllt Wat r.m fmrn tha Iron . heart 01 tha a'ern M.ri... a diimerettad forriieocr. amid tha lUloa ofCarthaRfi what maw b M ft.lm. of et er arm hearted iiiizen ol ik. llniiail Statet. and esuecilly of our aii itatc. when he hall 1X up tanMsoir wreck of our lata flMiil.himr .ih.irc. lui 11 la by detcen tirttA an Imiuirf imo nr!ii2U4l loe .n.mireiuaTThit-tmr ir eoftditbn 4 mi undentood. .Many who on the'Txi'Jwins-of at Ja--war i4U.V rniomeftl lalllhe onlinar- 3irainKi i i.f- hioa now nothinc leit t'lem but Ml II'" the sirmla tun ol cbtnet which tuer men woie, not a rwof lei in store euner 01 oreao ... , i a ,i m meet (be common Qi yr mi ? . . ..wl. ..f nmrt. dtiliuita een 01 I lie .halter of tha rudett hocl from the in clevnentf of the climne. Nor u thit of nrlvatiun confi ted o mm in th full enjoyment n:K-l airtnuth -a ..un tui citcr. out inriuoc an con- ajmi i'i-r'"" ' dhtona of brf, iha wldcd mo' her Un A hRneaiii tho wnijhl of veara and amwiUd tf her,-- tha the lama and iaa anoa. -k tvr in a tats of jiwpeill , how find fha maetf MMf -denuded y( pro partf, and buidoocd with debta ol im mcntt nignitule. ; But e forbear. FuiniraAwUh -Ui SmesHLSMt. Sit WRtbH ptciur afejchedaeiia.-witb more truth, jhan hf adoptmjr, tho cofd tunReationt of anjr ' reciial. It .aeemi that those who were oe aui we of worahlp. In that atataof mnta calm, and cominnure, which the dif and their late employment were. a well caltuiaieJ to inspire 1 ar.d which hoeferprvpitlout to tha attainment of aplrud ainngth, la narhao not the moal fitourahla aiatf of feeling for tuddenly anl unepeceJI ngiiflng l any temporal ' Moor. n-.i,.. iht.'. btine at their, prifate real- dencea Intiead ol.Ui' p'acea of buinea tntf" irerat- fariht raftoad from- tha tcen of action, id tba enemy bad gain- d wO-itrnebeio'f 4hf Rcouiqnnng hamelaa itt CCPDtwno:ivr...vumr8ry .. .11 '.... .tinn tha auoolrof water wat foui.3 to bwufflcto"!!!1 terwirkt, protlbiy owing to the imprO; ridently laktntf out aoma 01 ma uypar plnaa. and thtf in meeiura cunmg 11 oi. 0lng tithe purt of the fire, 1 he aud'ten ctniuaion, nm ..vW. proptrir, l W 1,01 'aUII1 rr,cu:-afl W III i COlMlQICa iiiiuumiiivi'iuH L a a with i se creak anj muaeu ma enginee ii.-m,,t,. b faf even ia they were hit, aaa - 'I - - ' m tupplled wHhfwiter refuaed topcifurm the if lunctlwt. The great heat ol the weather waa alto very onr.vkablo 1 tho aun'a reyt had haed the rpofa of th houtet almot to ii.fjimraittorj. and rendered them fine- be inn'ued'bf lU araallcit t-" 1 added to thW, wj, ha relaxing -w m tf- fa-noponiboat.auigageJia c.i.. : lrt tttimiiali tha fira and lhiiilmw!i;S ing ilHir ability nearly one haf. A very largn jroorlon or tno. wne were eu ihU aeftice were thuie who had already nen worn dawn wlt cxenioni to tave their own chaMela. Mi: 01 an tna onfaorabl8tircuratancea idna contri- I - 1. ik. innJ r IR Bff putai W'8e,F iu r T , iaihe ibaCDci ol any wtnu f aunicieni forte to impel the flaraaa in y one cc . .k which would hatKoocenra- ted theraertione of tho ctdina to one p int, iiid prevented the firo lkm apread nn ii. in hrr direr tinnt. laid be for j aur readers .. Imnrrrt BCCUUht faf tlit ful CI taair4he.wMany pankuUn. doubtlaa have yet reached uv and in the prea-e-n Ached state of feelki it ia difficult to trtiittoany thing, which we did not ourelvca aeo with our own eyet. and k. ihf confiied ourle pioi- paWy if wt eniirely to ike relation ol auch ... A h g wa OTerthrow of tlkitr puf uniarr proapaell we ara-bapnyj .a ti -lhere aeemt iO ow a ccnorai inau- .linn nf fortliude. and manly reilg nation "under thtt -slIHeuv dunenwuon of Pridence, together with a confidence tSat he who hath viaited ut wilt provide V.T:.K !K maana to bear Ihit IriiltcrT he T WH" . . yirh of enterpiue ia far, very far from tctncf crushed. f. Lain f. Cocliran, II. Shaw. Vi Lam.. Jr. S.T Uaalry. W. VI'l.ntheaL K, L. W. Wlnalow, k. CtMtki IV L. IIaly. P. Dailry, f , raffuaan.i . J.JUwfll... N-aiil Sha . ni.k. Soa. Ar Ki-Wetft'aa.-- IffflTf Hjrn, , Uo. McNfin, f.'M.Dobhia. Nait Stvr, : tt air, ia!ifnarb,' Abne r Dranaoo, Jh Crow, - W. a.Utia. Beidn waay atkera not yet aacerta3mL Tti atitiraloia eatimaied at one niluoe and a balfbfdiillara. 'i-mnt"ucewfn-- aaVlfl Banks were all o fortunate o accure the" who! of their money, twwfct, ano aluable papers, Uhoth their Iowa mutt bigreit in the de-truction of real es-tal-t and the ctt lre and partial prostri linn of so m jnf of their debtors -It is a rerttirkabla clrcumanc, mat wme mo ney and m.ny? f atuabie papcrt, left in tha vsulu of iKe to Banks, were taken auTafier Ue ffcraniniored If is due to alii the citisane 10 aay inai their exertions Mf unrennuing wnue . it..ti. wherever there neir lf , waa a prospect of effecting any ining, nj although many were teady to tdnt undsr their labors, anil some were paniaiiy butnt, it is a greit allaviatun to sorrows to be able to say that no live ware loat. The slaves and other colored papula- iinn.ds&erve crc;it credit lor their con av ducton ThTteven thing like "..riol 'or disorder" among ihem, but they li scorned to work with azal arufini replditfw' hie RT miint feire"d"im' ar ty sympathy In the common cause, ami .-- i iiaiala ( iKwtf 4,-, jk, jlja.atrtl iaiv m .. inn -jjitB fcflfc lnmu .VI -1.1ft Vi v? ,-. vhwTtI awffi -a'la"'-" . .. ..... 1 .j . I1SV J. UaiDork. U lliiilbutt, . W. rll.ixhaat, J4ia Campbell, Raubaa Halt. AaxM Kimt4ltt Mrs. Mslt.llan, T. Wa, SchJ af tnduttry, Jaa.llrt,, W. r. lUtvm, J, Di'daall, : raJ'eflriciV K. J. lUlu. f ' llvbart k Httanre. TQWfl MEFAl.VG. I W. Wrlrht. Etci. M. P. called to the Chair, W. J. Aoderaon appointed Secre ' TKe Chairman eiDhioc d tho obiect of the Meeting, ti to relieve the dutreas of the poor and destitute occasioned by the la'efiret ' ' Rtiotvtd, As the sense or ihia I own t it. ihit the Commiskbners of the town of FayetteviiU; be authorised to bor row from 'the Ba.ks in this place a sum not excrefline Four thousand doJlsis, to iUwacuri:y and payment ot w wen, me taxes, property, and faith of the town la hereby solemnly pledged, and that the said money or so mucn uroi as may be TtecesMry. be Invested under their di rection. 1 provisions, and retailed out to k. rt:T-7A at the lowest possible prices. and where there la , any unable to pur- sumnenr supplies w ..y rt rf the ahose serfTx ff.MWrf. 1 nat me v immmwi arrive I shall re-romruence the puUlca tion of the Obichcr in Its sjsual shape. I', the mean time, 1 in end each week lo publish a small ahtel, ihst tur readera may Sot be en'lrcly without paper. I mutt make an earnest appeal lo all lo delxtd 10 roe to make Immediate pay menu I miy be found for the presr ut renerally at my residence on fiilleplt Street. . ' E. J. HALE. ... Jaar.g.jtii. ,,.;.; , , J1 It Is Vo cironeuus clo'ctrloe ta .mof ' ale to suppose flat the aeoic ir honor. . ia' not essential amongst even the best and m st enlightened. Our opinioa is fortified oa this head by that excel lent and great maa, Bishop Hclicr. Hrlf.rtarx'ct. aava he. It the most powerful and one of the moat uieful . .... ol our mental rubita, it u tnt princi ple to which the noblest actions ot our nature may be most irrcjucnTiy traced the tune of every' useful quality How far it may be occasion ally abused, or how fir it may iiaelf be consistent with the priociplea of nr hrtlv relipioo. are Questions which have bn" Seeo disputed with violent and fanatical letimonV. The first ob jection I am neither prepared nor in clined to deny, l o tmpcriecuon ev ery human invention is liable f nor can it be considered as a subject of blame, that even our best institutions are only n choice of evils. But, that a eeurse of honor ia contrary to the spirit of religioa, though Mandcvillc (perhaps insKlioualy )aattioecnarr ..; . aa jf ai aa W es4 .a 1 l rt at Cnaw0 ii imw -rr - - r r- . - - rt.u,i.,tf dlttri&Ulflfl, ana mat incy appears. 10 say do wi"rs vi n, exoend ur any oioer puuns. igsum, mu nazsruous ascruuu. indeed, be readily allowed, that the to is only one motive which can deserve ' a lUMvea nai me v "" v. ,$ onjy 9ue motive wnicn can aescrve ,k- T- heuthorhU t4 receive all, . iiiniio a lint to rAnrlmn d.nilton. IH.I.H.II I t.m.d. Iron, j . of jM, try otr dc. (teamed most proper aU necessary. t -7 t SvXThatVheCommUsioners iaference, lay the axe to the foot of recommended to appoint a Committee to civil government itself. Like every Itaist them, in me oispionuun ui auvnioiner law, me iaw uihuhvi nrovisions as they may purchase In pur-Ljoned bv ihe wants and vicea of the - ..... 1..:.-. .4 1 k I ... .1 a usnce ol the nrst rewnu-iwH .,MCJlsrdrld use tnem, too, wey muse ue a - a a ak4aa.j aa Ia - Ivss ll(4 . 4 I .. i.ifinap rprniiiuiriiuLU iu uuumi p SrO lUM"' mifketTisear at possible to tae old one. - r..k.r that these nrocee dines be pub lished Jn the papers of this Town, Kal etch, and lminw, J, . f IVlUilX, uauirmun . W. J. AsDXaso, Secretary. V cannot eiose this account without staiinir a ft which may serve as a warn . nthor inwns. In severs! places wheie the lUmes were arren.u, . w.,( j Thtf 0e,MnKs of owin entirely 10 me proian.- hoiiseleaa rc t upon them. We hope ri vtjhslr iufioi rce f rorine w eak ne f of pur nature. The perfectly virtuous man if any such there be-needs no . . t... sach stimulus r resirtcuoo ; ui our aake. - for his own. let him not Vitndraw from us, who are not so for tunate those aalutarjr .ttafraiaU nod t r ..... L. Public Meetine bavo already bn heldl Penalties wnttn ence our r.uc. y iri Katelltn 100 nniuraniun . n..ww-.-ii 1 . r , ratified to Icam that at the former near of human happiness, the powers of this . a .L.... I 4.t ,1 ak. Mwt f iixi thousand ana at ine latier oiawuu- worraanu iw nci. sand dollars by hade trees. List of Suffcrcrt in Houses, Goods, Furniture; ctr. John Rnclet . John Killy, Hugh Campbell, J. H. HHper. Ja Sracl?, Dillim J'rdan, Jr. It. Cu;liran, gimeon Uelden, Mr. Bowen, Judjfe SiranRC, T. J. Ciirtia, I). McNeill, Mrs. Wilson, Estate of Mra- Barge, D. of tla'Uday, Do. yf Wi.wluw, .st-rtlliaghast, Jo'ii Sclph, Wta. M' latyre, fj Srcd.llSil, TtTTIcXIirghnn,'--- ino. Mulliis, K. T. Jl irean, James Baker, D. Mcvi'iren, D. McOall, , Jos. Arcp, Mi!ea Rlke, John McAm, K. Dartatdian, L D. Ilnry, J-nea Kyle. Eat. of 4. Pearce BankofCtjie Fear, Uank of U. State, T. Fuller fc Cj. A. Graha n, A. Torreuce, Mra. BngUud, ilJftark Mr. Ceary, Mrs. Mcieen, J. Carmon, J. Dickion, J. Murchiaon, R. T. Goodwin, the xenerous example will be folloaed throughout the country. To our "Oil.- For ourselves, we will say that the Es tablishment of the North Carolina Jour The Polish Commander in-Chief. Gen. John Skrkynecki, was born in GaUicia, ia 178f, and studied at Leo po!. when the Fteoch armies enter ed Poland Jn 1806, Sktxynecki, then u niactcen yeara of age left his father's , house, and enlisted iu the 1st regiment . bv Col. Kas- . our-. . - naftv entirely desrroyed, .nd-from tbe tm'r w.,acnow,, oowy... cm... j j . n . nn mhfi latrlv covered himself ceried in saving more than D20 worth with ao much glory. Atjhe opming.... We have been rnibld by the temporary of the memorable campaign of 1809, loan from the Hv Colin Mclvar,; of the ;a the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, tioder materials of the Evangelical Priming Of p,itjce Joseph Pooiatowski, Skryxne- 1 fire, to lay these pirticuUrs befote cur cki was raised to the rank of Captain. readers. . j0 c reglrnent, then forced by, Ve,re unable to promise our readers pfince Coo.tailtioe Czartoryski. In when they may again "ecJ pWi " the campaign of Mnscov, in 1812, hn other number of the North Carolina B . . . . , . . i Journa l or whether we snan again oc , - . . - . . s . journal, it linrm h&fntm nnr in 18H. he gave repeated proofs oi, auie io tiiaiww wu. 1 , , , 4 . . iv . .Arm if f n irrif i uti imvu. .....vw.v..... - mmm ms&iz. r- -. --iri-irrrfrirtitrrrxiir . " k..ti;M -, iirostratedf whether-wa snan ds tan id uic v iji vi iu ......t .a . 1 A a : msvters so remirnsote in tnc ni" character before a ickly snd false I'U- mjrtii had infilled into hi oosom tin poion of discontent and alien ited his ! from those whom God hath P '"" :. -1 a fu..nia minted him 10 serve, nns o and disinterestedness were done by idem on that diy which may be pro(er on ome future occasion more parucuiany to mention. . . - . Xt,.B nf our fellow cttizens trom the Country attrscted by the smt)ke and frag- ments or ounui """'! v" which it is said were borne to too 01s- tance of twenty-six miles) came tndu- liniithe progress ot tne lire, ano render ed us real hearty and useful aid. nnt a variety of causes combine to renacr an their, efforts lor a Ion tine unavailing, ...j .v.. l.t remnant. of strcjieth. and res olutbn was nearly expended before the C lib I The day on which u occurred was unpro Tun cititenn hid i-ist returned UllIUU" ------ . II-' to their houses from their several places 7'kin' Vtittie.""'' a. W. McDonald, Mra. K. Molntyre, K. W. Wilkinga4 II 1.. Jona I. BUke, Jr. Hirn Ualiinaon. Mrs. ahacv'tonli 1 W Uririt. . ... - " '.--. Elaeofl). Mceran, . 11. Salmon, "Mi W," Aver; Mr. Arnwtrong,. D. Smith,, V Miircliison, A. Bailey," G. SlcAli.ter, C. 8iuart, J, Burktow, Dr. B. Kohinson, irOStrateO, wntimr-wi -rin '.. -;- w.w . ,Pl ise sgaip. rests with the Disposer of all I that Napoleon took shelter in at Arcis . Tl.. n.Ainnl firluanCf. M AUTI ui'.lhh.lMKin Ih ittrnnfl' M tnA V. T V . " I I .... I I t L Subscribers who have the ability young guard gave sy. F The Polish nresent Pay, wl iJUr subscriptions, Won d certainly Change lhe French corpgt Which arrived ... ..r-i. .ni miiie us to voon aim I . - ..'.. 1 . lUl l llfv,.".-. o 1 Ho. J. ivicHicaait, Do. of D. Smith,' La via Brown, Horton & Hutton, o. Deminz. t3. W. Hutton, K. Erambert, R. Mclntyre, Dr. (iilliam, f. L. Ilybart, JGruMie, ' .1. Van Vageneo, R. llannmonda, John VV. Baker, A. l.amon, D. L. Evans I. Sunday, Krizxle & Douglass, '.V. Cade, CD.Joaeij Arch. Campbell, Nelson & Rash, .? Steam Boat 'Cortipany, D. MclUe, V. T. tlih, A. Torreuce, No't & Sumner, Mra. Barge, Mra.Gs, Z. "Burroughs, ,' A. Brown, T. Foater, Dr. Dickion, Dr. Cameron, Joseph Bakifjv j A. McLean, Jr. D. A. Hy. Wilkiofrs & Co. Geo. Hall & Co, T.Ssodford; ui.iui young guaru gave way. aiic a ith a considerable increaso in soldiera transferred the preciousdepoa riptions, would certainly change . . h corD.. which arrived ay before the public, the result of our weekly" reflections. l iius. u ri i o iv i . WM. F. STRANGE. I soon after, aud Skryznecki charging l a a I. a" I -Sj tne enemy under tne eyea 01 tne ji.m peror, beat them back 'with consider able loss. Appointed Koicht of the I a w Military order of Poland, Skrynecki rcuimcu iu nis couuiry, wun 111c, rem nants of the Palish troons and ! obtain. llavinir been burned out with almost ed the command of the eigth regtm- II mu njitrhhn4. 1 am imlebted to the lent ot infantrv. in the 2.1 hriead nf 'in mi - - I .-1 -. .0-. jioliteness of the Hey. Co'in Mdvtr for Gen. Ignacio Blumer, the same who .1 . a" . L. a t n 44 t r Inuu $fW I. V I v S SI . I. I 1 I me use oi uw umy -. 1 received iu ddiis tnrougn uis oouy on the purpose ol giving you some taint idea lhe ni(,nt thc 2g AW Skryz necki distinguished himself . on sev of the scene of desolation. I was absent from town for several days before snd f ter the fire, but 4m indebted to ,a few . t -f l' r -V, ktrui menus tor tne preacrtiaiuti ut an my books, and a small portion of my typei. I returned to town last evening, ana im mediately; wrote to the North for a Press, and other ut dials, and as sooa as these occasions since ? the! conrnnce.. ment offj?. pretext, campaigo, and hil uiinitiiii suiiijiisufk air-a,it Kicai'aS of Feb. have raised htm to the nigh' esttlistiticticia a soldiercould prettnrl .to.. tlfldlnga, a no ;jprwr. " r " r . 1 jfii2VO

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