Political. , At. W n '. Iba ..l-fl Cirref. iJj i ra A .J I t a Ufa tintiStf of the H l AJft- a?e, e giv. to ouf rf W ; jm.lt. .mm. ii.t t ', Toe uoderstg rd, citizc.t, of the 2 1 Ci!rfi nal Diitrici, repoa- , teg enure to- IvJeare la yur talents . . i .i:.:... i .......... . .r.. t. ma jrum. i r irriia, Mr c eom U"U . . . . tnatym inouii become ciiuiaac en represent tHi district In th next congress, we o Relieve inn me D'ettnl Vfitr of oarties fender It a. Vntiallv inribortant that we kSotdd he ....... 1 .L - 1 - ' . l . I recent aitaea or. ine Bjiniaiiiraiion ov - . f i i.r. i. t.. resulted fnro a diipositi.inpn hie part, It tender oiiout the then adrninwra ti'nu We re ady deplore h ducord and disunion lb it hire bsTi prod irrj 5v the allrg.-d lnuijju-n of Mr, Vtn Uarrn, iljity the p'lMitMhn of Mr. Calhoun of lire evtr of ibe far mery wesre d. iitiite of proof, bjit the binrful influenceif the laMer is tu p-tlpabtc to hi ftttrlook' I I' any friend fcf the rroai'Unt. At.ir? tuft w:MKn of Cingrca,t( is believe! ( h.it . nn effort (with sne, prrhspa a ltt effort) will be mi le to n.ii'v th prcirot tariff, at t- irJit-iuJcsi that no one, correctly ft, firmed, ever considered me liil political partisan. Ait j rnyn If, I can truly thai 1 have no i n io vie w far ibe mccei. I am at a lot! to Say wh amuog the prominent politician ought to luppuit. rUrtaiily lurmeaodthe ciuxiry, mit q iciion miy yet b ad V.ttKiUily puilu iucf. " . ,1K' rrcietit cniruvtry bctwrcn Uwn, J id tut ttiiU Air, CJav.caO ov erJtvile rsuthcrn plaiciait f ay exunt, The Mtnricu BiUm,' the lvlfy ol the but r hj but fc a J. f'X4.ca atnojif aouihcrn pliDteta, aoJ f au.nor Kill lower aaherenta, l)a Ucp, Jackaoo fheo, wha it biotaclf'a i)lanieri we uuit diOefid. with r,.n. fldeor-frfrancr no the- jtt.ecfA4 lur rciiei avainii toe onnrtrkkinn of. item of-alactinnt. Hili!-k W pTtercraiorflmiUiuaiaJLfadio l.wt-OaaataUmUiiuiciuhji.jrhc grent inJ ' fundamental principle! which uiri.Je our cvuntry iovt hartie. f, f r tnomcnttiui etwern, uj arc every wiy orthy gf the uotiriog vi ilince of the American muni. Tn Juro.la of the Senate of-the laneA chtnarr, br Llcli She proJud ol inuutiry mercci ur imnuftcltfrlci may be attaioed wild lr4 l.'.n, Ihtn k fi.f all lh id- f!niiiiMi iUief of firinrfii fheehnic. bitorti mirchanttdniiiuit and mm ef';iu r ( who, bf Increnad iklil in lSMf lmli .. cljt;r nnttan, and ihe . -rf v o'nerfnce oiccutortif In lime and ex pert l'rj'c, are avcrf momenl lncrrln( m prrHj'jciire puari bi land ana uuor. Oq the iam ii are enroled , all iKe giiteimen tf Europe and America, bo trtilf dMerve that appvllailaDi and all the pHIUnibropiita, who ere.oer opled la tbf un'-.eakinr eienlona lo'beltcrtbc coo'Jiti'Mi of ik noor. which a lee ererr mherm exhibited, la 6m,' o the aide of r ree Trade ara la K rutind. ill ihota. In ererf pttt of hMl4lAatadi,alaod ma irua ninr ni iihrt. and ako rt jlbetjiKlnf to etiablUh lit true principle! crconTortPiiM'ttewfn-'Wllebtaiir labor la eap-bla ef producing. O.i the rtafrlcilre aide, are to be found In eerf rouarry, ihe moo'poliai of e? trr tlvM-iln'imi. from ihe man who Uvea at Ihe great l-rvilordi ol England do, by pl i idtilite; the pof unn of h-lf hi lojf, lu Ilia k. L . l! f . r L la iPfTina eeif tir. JV.YK 20, nil. a . t L T " .T i iatiin; we poor nnn tf a-il DM ll, Htarra f r the bis yera thai J wea U , rmn who rb. biro ofoneofbi itfmNiir f .. Ml i. ... .1 1 i.i. . . ..ii ill . pilnr. uf ll. cuiicn f ibe Tuwe vf - - w or - - lali)u7, called and held at llta Court-IIdAc, w Mortdjr lit. 13ih but., for Iha rwir ih of ma - v of tin inDroacbine aanivertary f our iodepca. dentv, Mjr Jumua Saecd waa cncU to im chair, arid Col. Ilonrjr 01 tea appointed $W rr. J.i. E. Ktrr. taur. vu aDDOiutcd Orator 4 be daf. i;k1 tjcommiil-a m appointod to btirlhraa'nc trjtbe 9 utb. Tlt re. ' newalof tecbVter of the lr. c. ll-'lr. may be rtpctcJ lo brrome a tf.rrc cNfdiicuiaion tu thf eurar a ie rnor eewoni, He f.rffii hriicve tatatrih ioatilutioo havr nn 4nrrar,t In our contiitiitioi, ami rr perfectly roovinced that if it trrrc ronstitntion ihH in dangt-ra far traaiccnJ it nrfito, " We hairf, ilr,fmnkfr-otrd our fceliogi o! opinioni. Wc taut that they are in accord -re whs youn, ind we are free to lay, that if the fct be an, th.it there is no rr. .i in 'hi trikt or Htflte whom wniiM iclcci tV) represent u xut'oner hai vourself. ,. Kito. n. u iu, t. 8. WrSh. Tj . J Pti'h, Oeo. O- k -r, A. W. Mr'aa.i, Jjh- K. VV cmmI. J iirx-a Darr, Tttna II. spHr, - H'M. .lo B.t n. faCMTLLM cn ! Yduri ofthelC:h 8tanT,"poit-markrd, Windsor the 2lu a a a came to hand lew d iya nant. T.ir confidence wbkh ypi )iie bren ojkind "aa taexpreaa a-nv Uleuta aud pout J Wfbb, lv Ou'iai', Jim. S I pr , f m. W.rton, Jo.'i H .rwiwil, J. HVr.w l, Learia TuompKin, member of that body, will Ixai ahew iry opioiortl o. the TaiiiU uf tfti i J which now threaten the re-' I oe of th Utii'ot and the proipcrity of the Pouih-rn "country. Thtir uf ford anearneat of the eourae which I Ihsll lerl it to he uiv duly j puraue itl'rffercr ce t i any mraiurca whith niy Jyi calculated to reoeal ur mil! thi bjll of ahoiuinaiicm,'' a it h.n b-en emp!itti..l!y called by '.qe'of i( prescu mail active uud tflTuicut aupr'r:era. The next poict, to which you in. vite my attrntiun, ii the Hank of the fjMTil Ivan. I am n.i. I I f . ceive luar f can vule fur the renewal ''f .lAc. charier in ant furra. My Pbini n inrtlj-i )ii toliaula ia of Img ataixj. in, a:id hai. jrr North Carolina least, Income aornewhat a matter of public notwrlcirv -1 have Iwlieved that it waa ihe intention of ibe mera ol tic Fcdrral C-nniiutiia, th( wh . riirrriirv i f Ik If J ,,. . t. . ij have bren mrtullic, aud 1 inicrrerf th-i Jfiot. the technical language employ, cd, and rl exilusive power given to Coogren to com raonev and regulate coala, or IrikNta unon it that be lhall hara a . ' owl nii a i;oonruI of nr to bis copol lea ihn they may ride In roar bra. and rioliit I.. . n . uaury, vrj ibe lame ! are U bo found, no imall numlrrr rl bonr vt but ddodtd peult, who for waril of ppur luuir. or the ability to examine b!ricl and duTn-ult qvttdon, lir been led into rnor and a hoar nf pr:HKln andquatk 5-?aftnieit, ho fiainr o knoled of l fentiicriot iftT.h l.rjl ol.il'iMinhv. tcizt I . - . . .' uponih, nrailc.he Sercui.Mi hoA "Pta!r - t mir rMo into Dower. ?rwIaft4 ,0 WUi "f M it oo biro toiofite binttodlivf iVe O.atioo; aicBjnviialioa waa occcUd. - CXarWi fiabcr tUo.. aa annoItilaJ io"f aJ the d.raoT'eTT. CWtH;iViru'ipomrd warthal of tbo day, and Opt. U. M. CUtUrxL aoitaat nr. ahal. A contmllito va appointed lu coalrwt fur lurtiifbinc a diuntr upoa tba occaaivn, and the fallowing f'nikyte appointed aeommuue .f tOtfMti Dr. I MiUlten, L. IbnfbaOl, I. Craael D. Meanaa ami D, T, Catdvalt. Eatira. A euKuiiuto aa appointed I'lo watl on the Prenbvlcriaa Miniir to aklo btaui of bia Chtircb for ibe cekbraiwa and la invito him la vita the etrcmonieaof tbe day by prater i and to intta tbo KatolutMHiarj auMie. Jt'N. 6ND, LkJnSiu. lltaar Cnu, okMry. iVao tming nratAa.-IIialofy ia Cllad uiin which ibey mir rMo into power, I o lino partf olao oelonira w tbu eourv irr,'a f;w individaala who uodrratand the ro nature of the quea'ion, hut who Ha Dot in incite. f.p InL'eDendirH enf ottb o it.nd Up in op;oniiion to ihe rl'W'rlnVe uLich 5 their 'eonvrionm eon- I e eflottj nfihe r'ree Tr'arJe' piriy," arc in njake fhlniri rbrap, or, t o"her wor!, pro4rehls fr t tia l-m tto,ih!- fienda. Wo wr led la the retnark, bwi eaado, by thai want of ui.aMmitr, coucerl auonjf the frienda or Stata R.rmblicanlao, i hieu it (Lily frowing greater and grrater, and Mluch t. ar be kvttcuJWd wuh tbo over tbrow of lbt party wkicb aluM taa accoro to ua rrrial law ad equal iriilerea. U'o bapo for it'a Mke7-rwr IS prsuipemy of tba eounuy, that raeli arvl every of ita fiicuJa will reotem- ip. ... . ... .? . ; " c-u pme invcruino or improve .ta value, with the poattive inhibt.ion f .u-m, bv wnieh tome article can he had on the Htatea to do the aame thing, or j che.pnr ibao before, or, of a better qual to emu bills of credit, or to mate anv i'r a; ihe me price, which ia the tame thiofc but gohl'and ailvrrctk. a tetVJer I "'' .' T'lw powor of atam cariiet tha I . . I. . c ie iiit le itr ttnatir.it i .1. . ... . . i-. -. ni. . ' w 11 eventful pr. , I7Z ' T . T ri,Hl in Wator, of tbia country. Tbay abould on trovementa of ih Ti ir..ri 1 ' . f of the retlrictiv. .ri..r iikin.lio tliin... I "m "'" "w unauatiif in iheir leal arc -- - ' - at ir, that I, coat more labor than ia ab oIut necettary to procure ihcm. Thua t-f howeveri pSil nophy, acier.ee, nKcnnur, nl tktll, hate beat their op p m-ma Hvcry few ilayi almoit we tee nnontut ed tame invention or mnrna ! .ri-i -11 . 10 pavmcoi 01 acwi, Kulthr incn i iUi!jroJLman baa -oMghCP.uj.nia.njn- vrinions, sn i tne peraon would be I thoughemad, whot.t thii dv, would .acri ui v uroe ihe abi.ve nnir- r.A Kal experience, ana the rtraire you ing that every irJtate in the utii..n haa have marti felted that I ihosild become Chartered finka and therrfcv indirec- n candidate repreuent thin litnci Uv regulated the- value cf moitcy as iothe next Cmgren 'of the U. Statea effectually as though they had the together with the fraok manner, in power to oiu it. which vou have given your opinion of A national bank han been retfom certain men nd meaaurei with a view mended by the Prnidni with certain to elicit mine, merit my respectful well confined powert. am p. rvn. cooiideration and ahall receive my dedth.tthe liesidrata vi,.( ,lr prompt attcntiorj. most decidedly never been fairly presented or .nicr. concur with you in believing th.it dia- stood. He, I am i-ire, nrver r n'trm. cord has been introduced into the plated the tatablithmenfcofmch a i,idi yanks of the adroinistration by the to- eoua raonsrer aa his political opjw,.,u.u ,trigue of selfish politicians. A abort haveconjured up. Sach an iiisri;u!, . , time, I trust, will be aufSctent ton- in tbe hmda of the executive; t.;r knv J fit iVi infplitrent nniirep In nhrm mk.. m.,iut.. ..I.L .... the whole truth. Y - cTahanbranamUU. y('j;iv rn Until theo, perhaps, it would be merit funds, from one part o' ih (.'.li the pirt of prudence to 'leave the on u awother, lahould d-;jrtc iij-'at queatioo npen, and rely on the right- the greatest calamity that could bcal tout judgment of the people - How. the country. ever, recogmiing your undoubted Thus, gentlemen, I hue rCHnaorlr.l i in or.e (t t,'.: you fully .iJ Jrcclv'. Ihavc no 11 " i:ljl,"rj our opponeniai abata poorrful nurty ia now form njr. the airengib of hkh ia daHy beeorninff g reater powerful not by numbera, indeed, kut by the aeaV Ilia unanimity that pervade! if They ahuold remraiber, too, who ia ita leadar. A man who nce filled a larco aoaoo in tha eve of he community and whom e oerc anre) prouUtoca!! H'puilican,.-'ahi onee said that Gen. Jartaon "bad filled the me.au re of Li. country , glory" and whoae inlegrity waa nev- . . I miegruy waa ncv. boJt fnier oie way. than iihe tidocoreiot It oeoWrfed uiH bit virtaa t. cbmked wfth f .ft (ii K J t aav 0.a a ... I a l at A 'a- i ll . I I . ' - . W m 'l .......v. jnu, ,n afl,c ; an ine foul anbitioo" and be ba( foraak TT'TVtC fit tlta.-Pakaalllu. aw..a.au aL- I.. r n-vri- ot t he -reMricti ve - part n she makes heHway through Ibe .water. en lua RcduK. near party, ad Uad furmed. a. haac . co-at tioa itb ita dcadlicat enemy. Thia ia the anan wlo headj the oppoaition. AnJ beh g poaaewed of 100 wioat eonaaii.ina.lo aV..U U p':i?f"rl liiaiutf Tbo folio In? .. ia. narL nf l.i AUn ii.MPil. U ?u tt- i , r . oo eooaum.U ,KM U pol4L Oaaujurei ul nrtKle in ihe Richmond Knquirer. .,.... , ... rist. It hold, .he oronar .on. .,o,n ,h- ...k. T"' ,K,', ,nd ct0,Kkd bf "" W ieel of frefc ral 09arMUon. and t. narricu ' " ffa power, but,. larlr act ep aM. as there is no doubt thu. ! ' ' ,n1 nnUnt' no uir-no bailcaaoeM ana Mart our pronpecti forrver. But hi. r..,-. La .... )l r . . 7 ! , 11 we take a t.rol)' it.rt we aav M...I. la I I .. . ' w.w.- oviura 11 accuirei ttreg :h, but ho longer we delay the mora ,l,ftV!t m ill it ba. We mua ernt erarlves we mu forget our r , r""cHna aiu lonk with in eta Ourim.'lj.'ialion, iiJcoi.trrnj.t.tin fi,tv,)y atr.iffd fur t!. oiaitcff, afc'.inPt ih,,, kf(0 tra rcpaatifjf, c.ntiuua!y, the word Litl 1 ,4 ll.l article, w I. to at tha aam tma, tLcy ara u. dtrauning by tUciraciatl.il vrr; irnido wLi.btLey aecta aa aaioua lopr.r. .Jthrw say to ba pUced ia thoae (,,CB ,ho Ii una ai.d lt aaraa breath ay " Tu, t,Jtaj . rawfW and that lb Cor.grcaa of tbo UnlttJ otaiea anouu riercwa an ttneoe. itutlunaf ,w. wr, m powar not granra lo I htm by the auUa thereb) brtakbig da ihe aw.ly thing il ,i tM Preaerv, oor liftc and tb, Uniu rol; , What aouhl yoM tb.nk of U boraiy of h ),. wU, Ud fcr.. co-par,,,,. ah.p aud a bo would oond a ,V.i ,h, rartnerabip tnuat ba treanaf dayUaMaklg J; i4ww.ir' ,wa cuu,d t,,c jta .lo-ly crying , , J OfraiWr r...l . ' " . - - uU re ar tha aaraa tiri.. lie-ameal I.V I - t: .1 : : : . . r anxaaooo Uk aa her. Ia ao analU'y t u:n ...... f ka.. M. a.... I ... . ' ' xiHr appi.caUoa of the caao of tba CM'-rtnaraiiip, u,u Vmo of &UUJL Tba Siat.a whaa tbaf fornw j .k-r. ..'iTT ' aanu cool. pal Uuod thaoWve. and tbo fc, ', , " 7 "tPtwwar, eaa Jtaa th WailUtaJave,..70(i call lHodtoowrcoai.trf wha 1 .... But of late daail aeama to be ao . break aa agrtaviaein wbicb oofc-bi to be tai redaad Inviaile lLat wtLing la tbw.lt ofat-by aoua It ia fookaJ ItlMaat aw....- . m 9vu. B-afe-tbodyklfcy,fair(,ul.l, wteri every nua a 111 iU.fr t .a ... . .. of a tacrod asraeaul, a ha, U UadlW the aaiaI letter oih--1J 19 ""W by, or broka- ... . rico or ,bor the cupidity of . eomrptu, Uy Ibmk profrr. leaf lv. -.. .1.. j. - . . . . - - -- uny i. oot . ftaol wb...cr;l.B .W t tnneul of ouai oue eraml tj-jt... , ' cba, utedaod governed by deapotor chy and bloodal.ed. ila, A. , anh W.----w liUrti,. , - -olrgliteaed ujan. Aadif aWrh. ,ie - arrive u that when Ci. country will be J,S a monarchy or in a of a-..i.. ' ' ' .. ' " vengeance of heart, rr.t ..tw. j ' ...... of.b. fairtat tm y tJ Ud Al iCtOftl Clfawaaoaa. I ' ' - "'f'ruf i ... ... ' ' alV litVrntmeni art ptrlirt f HV n,n l heretofore iloje, no. er.aa we h.Va And aa . . r.. oer .ill bo treated Ift u' J'lm a certaia pmwa 7 --- -- . .-... .bai au,a Ml-hteTrfrna.rawi!! .?.. ...... II. - BavfWCr rl t'aaa it. . f a taw W. I90J MiLU m -;" a . coiaeioaaoa iioaaranly. we ti. wbo oirTer wuh ot. ii i. i. .... . . u" ... . 'ri', aaacfl'.r of them have conrended a nn-.r;..j;; . ho aruu by ..ich itl.., . talued new. " If ... ,u: f.r- ' hoaat4.f,,l waataooihia fcf .k. e....... . ,.. n...i.e . ""icroriiie Republican &rty.-. ,k. , ... -in.v. vi a man kingly to the election of him oho ,Ue e. unite S V TLomM r. 'And a e ill a,.l .. 0....1 r ; . - I aterclv a., an km Ba. .. :n . ..' M .ywKMptnpi we muat immolate our t it. 1we his own la-:, DeraiMiiil '.i.. .1 .. . I susfie ao (bat he who mna ,.. ... j . .... , e- , njf. 1 ic au.r tw me )uo.l m . . """'"to , , wrirn has evr ohtmrer) ir lie a-.uhl ..w! - F.,., ,u puno inin rreaa. I . trrru -inai 11 ta thtiilin:w1rrrr Ltr. J,ff a' M,W lar hi. j.iriadictio.. an,! .1. j. at far as it Coes. it e0rreerr represema 1 "c7,,0'frm,bntfttey,reaninthe ihe picvarling feeling of VjrKinis. We j"pnVnf,Kfd,,,,'yenluaaj ripen belie, ve, however, that nnhlir t.mim. 1 "d blaat our prospecta fiirever. R..i ki. ..... hi Virginia, jn rrh.ion to the Tariff, ia far ahead of the Enquirer 1 a CAarletton Mertnry. 'The time it rnming, when ihe true ' rr nf thia Constitution is to be brought " 1 itot. If it fails, then elr.urta iij K.i- .s rit opon us.M The Union it- v if fi ,v Si IS Under tfne nf lh rln.r . a T " ...a. uvvi. j r'urht to know all mv onitiions. both to -a al - ! . ... J I I' I I MS to inc prominent met anu icauingi conCafa! . r at . a ?it ... I . n r.i Kr.nir iivi: iiiv-iiii.n,f r . 1 a.: i it ( .it he i:n IfrMik.rl. ih..i ii.l. C.. ' aa ar 1 t e'f"ii' M ij'ut' ao changed from the j onr, .' a' j-i'-p - of its formation, as tlur. pint or the restriction r.euts in p-urncs. Mv princl- f -iiMawf.,nf,,ihe,pM that frankness which hai evej?charac. ihe were first f urised my conduct, give you unre. Thev hive undrrtrnne no .-ha..- ,t aervedlv mv ttnnressionsi-orider a 1 1 .eniibie? of. Th... h.. i copS Jent hope, thvt aa you have called with my growth, anJ strengthened the suu:h for the Afl .in.ai .u. . t . . .a. 'p . .wv ut, or nr. jeneraon.. He hat. 1 tr. t a "-.iion .no the ah- w ""y n,ch w!' rharaeterlaiio of the "n"TnT. wHclrthv a ihen-rvra n rmi. y.v ".'':iv"'"'' whka i-re fi rat Lrm -T li!?ttfte-4:4MttJff . . . w . -" a w va .11 f 1 , 1 1 11 r ' - " I . v.a..i c.,.0ne.oi ne.o'k'ernm.i1!,b;e.gf the Slih revenue is to be ratsed !t"d.n)r adn,inia!ra:i.,n5 He l.aa placed trtflSk Mrt "if" the benefit of the North ( IWia trae p,,n , lr. footi((R . h".'' a . . I ! J o . .. . . C ri I . I ll.r .1.. anu.u- a e or to fear I" - ... u, u, , ' -r ' r" a Kiirr .ui cooa lootlllp) I r ih, . - . " - . f-r tbe;neht,r,ed bi, face again the corropUon. "' , . MW."r i the eaar, for them, al i Derrodr-wh - a . - necessarily incur a heavy retponsibil hy in giving them, that you will ex tend totime your generoiw charities for any error intp which I may be thus incautiously led ; fur there is no. Jitig abi Ut which men are so apt to .fTer, uay to err, us in their opinion of . ttcn. . . In the firs' plata?, then, as to the rnotivea which. -jnli.u.fMsd.JJe.. m his course :j the S.-n.ite of the United Biates on tl.e 'I lirktsh miis'on, I pro fcad i inow o .thiifr. With Mr. Van Bureo, t have hadfrtquent,' personal ofS-if I intercourse and the time was when he possessed my confidence. ".Mr. Calhoun's nrivafe virtues nn.I nublit'ervices.pa'rticiilarlv during the war, ' together with his high order of talent. tdwavacomm'jndad irrr reaoeef? a- i J I W I but hit btltudinotia political doctrines rtt h-mv-aticwaihJl fhiive tiie honor to be, with the highest respttct, vour fellow citiin JOHN BRANCH.' To Messrs. Geo. B. Outlaw, liob fj. Wataon, dc. 6c. ill! tO CalTV OH otrnt ur,, .nt.....ll.l athcHS. 6nnternsjiiiotpTC4i!Xwr.t.e from the . Sfafes, un( then to rikniiu.f. LaJargtLanrplusar-irn,; then.to p.. iy ? lh with which they were filled: ?-:VJWr ged ourlotercm.re wi.i Ameri. f "f 1,0 v U opinion. Thev hui Fhow the. Dahnkh or the CoaarttoTioif. The war at ittjtday carried on through o;ir.the world between the advooaiei of .F'CTadeandtheJteatric:ive System,, it oln re iiljr in which the ; pilhciple cbh ennea lor, is, whettter Roods ahull bs cheap or deur, tthnther ihe people shJI njte two lodvei of btead for their dinner, or one. On the tide of Free Trade, al thoogli they may not know it, are arrayed, hi. me pniiosopfters who by their tiudiea ond researthei iri6 the hidden branches ol Knowledge, are evt?ry day drawing out fresh treasures oLwisdpm, which ate frcofy spread .before the human family; that each individual roar profit by their , ., . . ., : .... !-. -.iiiuj.i tumj piuuk uy intir a at ha rr mr: Monroe a arlministraf win. t;.rn..t.. . .tt it.. r . o - - j ...vwv.ivb , an nil, men vi Hicnce aim ; 01 'J-ini i.r.t:r . .' diiarotoo. Hence it U ;mctbcal gcius, wha .re constantly ' irg.TnK toT aecured indemnity f.-(;-n D'r.mark trtumpbeil their riebl.H, corifrauyil l,)i the r.,,-..- I mw'w'r of tnAkinf thein own mt;h au.t r tj,-! Amencn fluff. f-r the fiitt tirne to pas. the Mid par off miiiiona of pf!rtsio.i mon"V ',ir'a;i''lie" umlur a treaty .iih Turkev." Anr Tnrn, indeed will the -rub conit.Thi- e no 'I' Ct audi a man 1 0 the Preside'. South wid not submit to such a state cf cy fhp g,,,,,her N-rm f ill he be ttirneiUut hv abirtgs. The next Cnr.greS may be the 'hecriea of a discont iied f.rtion? No. II period of triab If it should b fonnd th.i esnnot-he ill they will not modify the Tariff th.. aa in 1815 he uill . , . ' j "I 1 " """iji "ir I'll T.lf nev etc determined to maintain ii in .olrtrul.irim,;ti k...fl..if 1 .. . . . : .... ... ..i. iiiirvicii irnin Mir l I'll? Hnfl t( n tccac inai even mat ttrnn.i nn 1 . r .1 . L. " .... . the public debt, is not 10 bthe tiKnaI of "!'". a reductioiribf;-tfie "TaTI'tT lS;iffnK - k- , oeceasarv point of exn-n1jtor. u. i,.i. lhe "'tntaville Demncm-'.:itg tl,t th . foward t6 a treat chancre in it.. 1 kent of the United-!.' Ilv.V h: :i ....-, ti. ne whole L-uthcrn people' not to peak lh,'0,,'',' lhe u'"OT.S'atea. l.mki,, i, of otht r sections of the Unuin. Efficient for ceato -lorate i 1 br.u.cl.n. i hey v ish i means will, in all probability, be employ dlU ! ihe people ir, !eht to H.e Ba,,! ed to produce " a null, and a irnn n..n so at 10 j I -at '""K It flit I VT J - . . r. ,.D uiletlllT, Ilit- and a pud al?ogetber."-A special Con ; w Pt?'t accordance win, th, ventioA mat be called for th -riiii nva 1 1 -f ita nnlirv IV. k..n. .1.-. 1 ..... n ,!. I . t'-'fui . ... ... me J.CII lie Will oof :t,eJ0n;'mL0f BLno'-'t - if. l Pnt down all a,ch aitempia to lor,, - upo-i ihrman intitmion of which ther can m. t'lHt it iv x base ar- 11. ku. ..t 1 , ... ..t .1., ufj;cu hut iiiierenurae wi.li Amen. I . . . . -r.-.-..., nev nui ca, E..npe and Asia-revived our commerce-. X 1 ! mwt ," 'bparjefihe fst volome f h'qjo'ed. Am ngrrmM rnej hn 'IV .i- t - .r uposi irirm-an tnatitutton of wl Of C,no TJ- la f r'T ,rUC"r,e f(,rUi" h" opW" ih.,i I- Towc: a.i(J men ; . n j;rspi"g ,1'oi a.f a. a w aw ;.r sir.4enerannVwwktart.Me will 'aeai T,e id that mt l n the con'rarr the eiercise nf th.r l-tngeroua-ia a. ratil? ,. mnnafrated. fher .re a p.rt.r intereated. U' mibfa ny man he wi' 'njr to leaeg ce r,f ,;, fil mhre. m(nev mi,. e-J lo one thut wo inb reaied In ihe 'lecisi.m' Vc believe not. U it then inarrm.lance -widi ' spirit of rhri'iat charity. Jfnr.U, h s you would vial, to h- dinv f ' In make ti e Mtnreuie court, (m intereated Ifrty) the art! between th Grol. liove. nmenl 1 hi the Slates If you ae iinvtiiing "to leave a 'ere money matter the decision nf one in treotcrl, why r vou willinrtn lave caaea 'whera ur dearest righla',-3 our lif-,.vour liberty ii.f. our property; are concerned t V.'oxM a dt-n. in the cvie s-.ippojd, afflftuj one jot or ti"!c n fivor of one .i.!e or ot'-.er of etwh qnrt 'ns, in j-otir mi.id-r ? If. f.r, 'esmii.le. ther - vere to ay liiut il w a. ror.Bttttirronttl forthe UtwJ. ioa-ernnttnt to iippr7;:ate iiioney foe the i , rof ment of Hit internal con li'ion r-f any Stafe, vptiU that mate you b..-liuvn;.it coi ftitttt o ;I if ) ou l.aH been o:. co.Uiary opiuiou blrarf-UV . no 1 t a c fi A 11 t. 1! r si: fn CO mi All ew hagi cba rtn 1 cha pelt aboi ear hiip (ede but - j to tr Uent ! tioni kted ia an Legii eharj oftbc a4U I tnent I and th atead ; ofS. C fered fofPa. f -States 1 f 1 mm 1 iaMlterel J tnoat t JtMn? f and Chi Ty liber; Started I which h: ' .copa U 4njj toth lerv mn f; anteced ty blobn next mn to be see Thecil s on the I approval 1 "ct hai in laCpcORj,

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