norynty. -- art ,r ?,'.,-, , , ' TU MHiNKtr. GROGESU -J ft llU. - - 5 AND ,7 fii-'c'i.u, if !,, Bttaaf a, f I troU'vl ekifri fulcra ( Haclcdl & Lcmln (llf 1 -v -.( id fvt ; it.,i , 1. . . 1 a a . i t r:, Cry it n -a - v'.f'.T t t - Vf . ..'! v".vv - ? ' . 1 I. . II. - . 1 :' 1 'If';- ()::" ; i.i:- . . : t AS..'. 'i l f i ' - - - 1 I ' . f J ' . "' f- A, . HI 'W pon' iirri( yrn. I a 1 'u' -... . If u tS. ln.ooa brf t IX . ;. ...... f i i' B'trjry n thia, lfttfa, tafirt wl 7' Tk i. i 4.3.. 'fcesMmv'nlthtlva'H, - I jfw lyes? Cht Wh b".,wJ '", jw-wn r..,v. An a ah lVa Uv' fl'bV life ..Mart nl I.L , it'Jihav.l.UI 1 .k.l'"V aw . : , Negroes' VVanu f uch prfjnrtv for tr.b' wm.l,l fZ r r r, ' "l to jpply to ihe .uchfr berr ch urv rooljlak Shors'n tlllltV a lair, for lhtV tltvrnt mufCm ntrtrlmntnt,..-. fi .tr TTAVU mM rrreif'J from N Yi k Vh i.i nf rint; und umntrr GOODS, f orudtln in pirl ut 8m rfii tn.1 ttiiylk Clih. a LrMU'if.i! la MJii, Cbnr, Mull, S1m Jiowiwl, Ch;tk. -wJ fncy M!th, Mm , m M(Nfiii(f nfet, Pick lftlii I d-K Adri-wpl emM n l pl.'m M4lfn Hbr, "ut t'inii, Uficjf Co. btack and wtiil t'n. bl.i-h .lk rkml,U r .1 . u. pleirChnrrrUWrert-lt4vt KVU f . . 4 . it . a ... . . lo ' . 8rasf. fipcy .tW, Crp Orient ih , .pbl Niplt I Ik If. ;4u - Koto, rkU fiqtd and II Uor'n, t awbrte j Maa, I r( Siln (ocr Iflf,. ('-"V. 4 'jilt t H.i. i .J . .. . - TrlJa, rkh vorlti BoUoat C.naa and Ciul , i m tirrw attoriDuiit nr ; Hk and Cj'ion lopr;, rkJi Miinnrt, Cafanl Jrt traw I ir, MWlUw, rmy lr Morra, furaituN Dimity I,, rs,1(rr, An. I ak:: r v.- ... i Tarn, IVoiM.ia auJ rtia, D mafablr, U'. """i ! icfuurj 0 mum a. tn 1 M .i..... 1 . I U 4,kajike' 1 Ton ff TIr fronaiwrt4 Slrei 30 KeKiriit.Vr.ilt 8t BtA ' S3 Huiea Banrb Raiiat . . . ; S Pr. SmlttV Dallowt , .1 JlOOJS. S(rtin Cotton norte4 Nov Z f P1 IH. 1 r. r. . , l of all kirr(!iV,f I -nctig hr.."- athichi e mint raw arid tx-au .il arii cl for Lliri Drriara. Suited to 4ainn. 4rlrrll b kimirtmilh tnnrh ... -, .......... . Ifirt from H trtt inpurtattont in New Ytrk nd I'blfjdc iftht r If 31. .KrecK .t , i-l-i of ,Ve york rJ Philadolhla, t Irttt J A ,,...r . M ,nql 111 All . .l.l.k 4 '"sei that lie wiirpij the tr. fTt rnl prlcVi laW, . j JiMRS IIUIK. J. R All Iiftera airlJr! .U- - obteriher will ( ie nJed to at punc. Mwalltt if arpliottioq wm made in Mertoo. fn thi$ j abacence Hoi r it Jlirit will ittcTfcl to the luinBi,f ur da bu b$f'ce M. Rcbvm, ci o.Miaur,u, wbo Ji author,. trd to makr piircTMra nt all timn New GOODS ! twrjjvvJjjvKiws. As RE now racairinj: at their Store at 71 Yood Gio?, ffDf rlf occupied bf voan ax tilcry Crocke Pnirtli ' I n thru W&tAe country.' ttr rJ, it-1r frifjf!f and c;i. thfTW1 hivufit r n re r forcaib. Tha biihl oart ."VJ,"tn reiD'Ctfullr Intited to call, examine, iftd r , " . rl',Ml'f 1 1 ' 9 UwUlknuapo.dcr do In 4 lb., bf w,f 6f Variety andMlrema .d ihB PlBUC .re : ,;ied t Cancer , ' lowneaiofnrica will h preicntef tathem Ca, "P' ,nd r n.r ., ,er. S.rCrecWy r.-uarted- Jiifuijp,,, fcr, d J f.?ee:M ' rurnU, i7p,a!w ,r!' '?lr00 fck fcUcwtowef and diarernln,? ? Copartner-jfT . . lI.toi k Waeon Tirt aaaorted ..t..t--4.-. Thot I.. Cowan nf S.iUh.i,. Mtmp 4iorU A Sirea. ; fowed oro0 fcU. Im.m n' m.e.f Co" & and hm u . - : I MA4 AAlfifV Khiia.i. f . - a. f a m r I I S3 1. jomn Muimir. (cava to inform llieir -It,di and forncra that ib ba taken k T. II. VaKoaiVinto Co- bartrterihlo. The buInea lu futura will m . hf rr4iiarfaaTi ttA tha nrm f iTaf t ciKvoa. Dv iaatarilc Co.. Thcf rt tuB a'tnecre thanks for Ihe liberal P' "j lmr. J tow doinff buiipeka foe lUnttlt . 4. . ..W.V j n. butch euing jhir""-Mmf"" ""-y-- M X A fir. Inform tha clri LJ)1 of 3libirr, that the? fc -. . i iitlT'ili'iiikfn rin( the preient aeaaon, to contmenca ail the Moufilaini. ' Thrt vifl kill tr huil n ESPECTFL'I.I.V Uf 1 1. , . . 4 .k- k--. . I i k .4... -"rnj. Horace If. Heard. l4- ; I i'41-u kiium viHii'.m a vQ mil 'V 71 A rV1 "Pfc Mr Mnrla and ens. I jus r-tiid fnm N Va-k and Phila- , . . prwi)lb:if 1 o.'l fifd)drlpj a ry axtaoaifa and well aciec .M,ewoo,di yWjjrZi. 1431. 70:f GOODS CASH for it Cf Ui:; tr ifUuu iuri! TAtt rtUQ l in M'ail t,n- l,L k. J.. . T l 4-M4 . il4."H.T. llihment h C4,D!" r.i,MaiD. informthem thVL0' ,5,M, them to n taennMo - ' - V. 4 i dliii jnriniT inn nit. r. ti . . . ......I l . ' r .un.Dr , linmni Irom ujr person iMnbeai for V ' 4" - '-ciphU h uowelltoapplftothemeiibar " 4 'V" hi '""cH ei- thrm at l timei. h 1831. T3if kert in a retail 5tore. winch iha r A on h.t qiu1 credit to punctual peraonaT'" tjtxiwgtnfy, C, May I, 18)!. (1.78 aa-w 1 in ""'". ... 'i)U aui)icrjier still comiuuet to (tii.knv.. ttii win.. ..,..1. . . i P'cb. iuty lepuV .. .7 U . ... . if aS tnKr9 -infTCVU brt'w fh low former on f Jry Ceorfa, Mr,! Crry , wj,h Hi fc J lum r,ui wo-h crrdit t , p., de.ilm. He like- York and fliladclnhi.. 1 1 .f h1.fc t"0'" ,ft P'-m, onceat? '"A:? ,- rtP" ihr samr to order. '. irom a ctiMjnco ahali mk' . 72if R. P UtTrifnt aura UHaararw icti. aia u aar. v aiaaw . iimuiB ran ho nurrhattd 1 ihU ' i-.'il.w'-J.r 'i. iP'h. Th scMic ara reanrrtLtl. L l 0' -M slt tJrlf rlpfjon taJI irrn and judge frr Ihefflrcfret al aa . i a a i may iJa( ibji. f ft7t) k tiMt on b: t . TTAVING trceired the latest New, orkraod PhiittJelph'M FgiaUiuni. rogemer with ihot nl London and Pn, acd will continue to receive ibcb," from tine to time, aa thev A YnhiabU Truct at VT - " nn i c Bff ft RT I TTTTlX- Kil rpME SbKrilep haainjj re.- refitifx,are'iaied from -fTHBaubacrir offer, lor SaTi A S,CfcwlrJnft tbore- E 2 f-rms .he puWic that he h.V fittedlt np nere are ewit 370 arrea of cleared l,n.i . . T - ' .7 l'rBP"'- ..f. . .... l,e"C(l 110(1. II rrf rnmnur4T i aitrt fMnrth. til i if... . . a - a !!ror by letter aa they will pay llMd ay iu-iii of uii)ng f.IP gjjt,b iivih m auoKri&er o.i annH. cainm. . . ; y ' . .. . :. r Orders, from i.eBICinff WH fttaat null nte..4'-.. I. - " ' product nf rtery UestrlpUon wiU be ta- ,k v A, i ; re,urn .hi ' thanks to hit fiends and eomers The Thorwsh Bnd lortt AERONAUT,- ' ' ' -r "writ t : .f . ----- change, anj having a number ofood worktn-jn, be is prepared to do work pn short notice and in first-rate atyle, and which will be warranted .to lit welL Ordcra from" a distance for work, will be punctually attended to. 4 a . . .1. . Aa ne it tne Agent ot tVard cf PhiN 4 4 . T. . . . with ..I...M. 7- v,""u "n"M wtie con dwn ncr hi.... ; . piwukdc inecoraionoi an iftose ner T AJILL- stand, ihls VV " iFiann 1t ik. ' rocurr of Howan. At I Dait natronan.'anrt kiu..a . PIKhOrr, rn Mondays, ttantioo to buaioait to merit a tonuntv. 4Tueidaysand Wednes"nce of lama. I fjtf , . data; ' At C'Nnrnrt r &A'A jirt. A7.m i aa tai f . . fTftur,,,, Fridays end , , . dl'u-ds. Thc'aeaannL I. O 111 tin 4 111 has alread, commd..,. itn i;.:: IFJUIklllir -Stb Julr. Sertr. D0!I-r, U1 b charged BWLVE8S. for tlaaaoni Fir DclLr.'tka SiVl I THE anharrlh. M..'..t. i.r. ueap I and Ten Dotiars lo lcur.1 .TWt. I I (he citijktna Sii;.k... ..j .4. cems to tha groin in errry Inatancs. uwuadinjr coeniry tbmbey Jiate rom. kjifii.. .r t; T. . ' " j - . r r V . . i. ' - i,ui.t Willi piiu uc, ano fery -"'kiurf. mcir onop ii rw doors eeneratty tem'pz Hir sire. In color.! of Coort llouia art rnain street. fionra .iul i.kin.k.t.. l . 1 1 i 1 in Ik. k.... t . ... . . " -,:VJ F"7in'gitrairi.Bij oar-i' lormeriy occupied oe'Sffc dy anJUriry.---- . - iKfxey as a-Tiaarn-srhsra'they-ara iWw ureal rare win be takfn in Uaaiiapai lorenired tAtn.V .. i. . wwvvasbaBuiv ai aua m w aiHnnBi aac iiaii'a a.M . i ar i iri iuii nr w rairaa Waaa aka . -a - v a. - r- SVT amv- a - " ' w-miuisT all IIJW afirriCftI erden'-a- GwnW W JurnJahed auhe l!ie 0, mnt reasonab!e' terms and ia market price, to tnareaient from a dis-1 'r'or :wSminihlii-dBartAr-iii-.i.. toce. Mt4tf.. thinrofthtt Ain't tiar.ufo. J.. ! Orde,ra for 5H-bt.- fi. Sarrrjariei, Bu wc,ng 0,e, in KOOI, r(J.f .;,h t fir vuxiii. i no on mmi L ubscnter ha. in ,.iinR hf, (,a( j mnR ctMre lo emirate to the Wcxt AU person, who my ish t0 M prTuuciiwe psaniajn w.,uid d well 10 cad and tut h L ....-i r'-"fvr iwicnor vyim heanbscrir fai Z ' VSrWr 1 wAl K A ni0 Vlaitl ).. At. tail I.Wla . a to th e ' ha,pf wi.;, 1,0 PPOrtiooed not i,,.,.-ii. ,.i it... nr.. . lattir-Ih.. ....i it. n - - r aiB Biiuia vrii nu ria a a i - dflphia. and of Breuof NkVT Zl f coio;, of tWwlihJTg t - ; -; r ; - i IL- 7 T-sTDnnFS B?kVIM4T aa . an ft'JAT, cso applv to the eubscribar in """"'J ,J4lJ. riiALiC.1, 6mt585.. f Estate of Almond Hall DccM. AL .L persons indebted to the Kitatc X JL ot AMI lr, 1811. 6j)f aT3k l-'111(19 r r l". liin.'om round 3 -.. 1 ti r'-n ?roiiru, near r J IWa ford, a,thc CW lUrZ mam .t. , r,t fwm VVhil,'efon lo Ueorw, vu Sfk,,,. onj t , . .... mmiv. via l4a VlT Oodfiet Clemen: and wife Ella. beth, and Ann Brrvwn'va Sarah fl!f, i homit Rrown." DnJMl"Rirtn" mIh.. . - .-i.. i - - ..... - -. . . . . and Brown t Pcti i?n for Psriitlnn In thia cane it appearing (o l ho attiffae tiotTof the rbon that the defendant Jene ded to. Ther hone br minetniit an.t r.;.i.r..i workmanship to merit rd mrtive eo eoiiragemcuf. ;i A. W. HLI V- ..i , , (JEOUCG FllMM. filuv 9M, 1831. , 7liF llmJ lllt U.-l J - r.nta'"u aaa.i. ucl u..arn r.nn.i. i . . . .a t a .j t..' " : I UadexlMito' rece . - - - v aru ilia, in a a a- a r aa aia. a.a W and all penoits hain cliiiro'a acain.t the I ; 1 ftas Poed the e.'atis, ttpreijeftrihfm-tera.1y-atntcnTi'4twc and cated, within ihe time prescribed b? law, I control of Mr. TtomiyJeJum, or wis .natica win ae plead irt bar of ihcir I tof the ftecoromHlton of travolta... To the PiiUUn: V w w w A Purchased the ill! ' .V lt.r pi in the ToW of 10, 7fC ntly owned by Air. from Greenville, and !S nm,, unr. ha. nKLA .k f, r ' !!... (Usance Brown is not ; an inhahitont f ihia Si,i. I N"H. iJood Wtlnur. Chjrr. ftp Ci.rlM HOsrtmf4frdTu!atiittbl hi pjrt mae six weeks in the Wetern Carolini-j P- ?rof itritwra antricji n that he be and anrje-r a- th nt rAu'rt of pleas and qiartrr sesalana to, be hfd A. VV. a. f. B, ind t recovery. yYoficcr 1 executed to D id. tTTHCREAcI VV lUydea : of Cule County, two bonds abiut the 3d of March , 1831 1 ohe for one hundred doll irs due in Auril l.. the other for four hundred dollars du live 1st October oexu Which : bonda I from Camc'en and Chcr-k. ' Ttie nuin Northern fk! -r e. ! . i.mM.. n J- . J ' W) jitj'ii,-. uimnrn inn i hna ... ' and boarders. -He aolicita Public "-PatiPl 'inP eKu'r,' ' rJ u u wrar atea tnaa . av.. za roudi leading Irom n tk. U .,ne 's lo ihe .'jr .-re general.-., pood fn J.vS'C. MfCONN Al"nnr.V"' I. j . . - va.icv ailiia wni caurivim. I treoerai satisfaction. v.r" I I Til ti tf 44. tlaaa ' . . ' a Cotton tim lakliis. .ran . .. . . - w I T i lr. mioscriaer re-prctMllv inform, the citi- f sen. of Da i;Uon. mnA h. ,.i .. . !rrS.t - ' --- ...v muiibciii cniin. i arTi. tiea, that he contmiiea In ram n i . t. Lexington, the biiamea of Making COTToA i . IVJV HOL'SE, hhrfl JlVA.oRics) on ihe" Civ. for the coony of Rowan, at the Court I ai, a, .V ' . Ususe ie Silisborv. on tha in august nr xt, and plead answer or-, da- ' , ' .rsst coestT, . IT W5" b tt w?: Pr " rVAV,D J0WEll t. Ifcnrr. Se reiao and heard ex mrte- Wi;nraa J I J -!?v . - .. K;aij;gi..;iun ur maue lor Bia wgo the Weatrrn Carolfnl5ofor olftto of aVcriH OaroUna, ?"cantto.colT,-T0dprtVo ; rowax eoam. ? I judgment by default will be rendered Shoo i6?4SWof the Cmiin.. . ? rawaod ja not an inhabitant of ihia am determined not to pay a. tbey were !Nr I, .K,in ."g f therefore ordered that public., fraudulently obtained.. I therefore for io.lt5. WeHtern"C warn all persoos from ttading far the said 0,hcf who have tried them i nd td . ei ,,B ' Wbvi roomr and dri lvinl ,r hnla. - hC rilVIld I rriflr lata itinui.k.... .if lrain anl 1...J..' a . " " "T rrtyWof Gin.;ilKa.Z - T0. thilir. In ,K.i. i..' u "r ' 1 01011 HQ- ' Jrffi DAVID r)FXLINfJEIl. Uncolnttn May 3tt. 1831. I ...iAV WAUUOMIS, v r Driving fo FaycttevMej TTTHX Ind it to their advantage, to atop at V If the Ifofoa TatnA here every cbn. , titiaitee ia brovided fur Alan and H..m m.L.. tjieoa cotirfortable, a( the moderate charge of 25 ' centi"! daf lHd ntght; far tpemvl e of the I . raro, uit wc w a (jww uouc, nre, water, anrT aacltcr. Attacked to the Yard, area Urocera and ProvMioQ. Stwe, D tea J Shop and Confec tlrarynd a llouwbr Sosi-dera and Lodera, m a n!u!ii. cheao. whoK aom atiH ,,... i.J. y I i ' vvpiiifimiw, most 'rmannir 01 u ni w i ne nnna n. ak. -i . I huiii' hi mm, m. eat nvtice. and in tha moat MiS.t.n:.i mi i n,.,l ... ... " U,B " k.. .t a.-, l. .. -.T..iai niiuiirr. i -i "K'ccaoie. a.f po oi aemnt, . n n nmmo .". . - ll.KiXKr.'A. CUNGAMO.V ' ""no.iviLl.K hsringtim, Majf 26A, 1830, WHEAT. V ""y inousaml K...I..I. -r . . 7 - "v V:T rc8nV at , 'r t ,0 wnicn the S FT mi riJB) tiaM .. 1 1 4 Notice. of wrivin paoer 9 .a i 7-. -7 1 ' " ,ew reIM Il . " ,ut wnicn trie CASff u 1 feaT?B! Tn P4 fo' tMa a. Jam, AfnU jmmtl lril ---wf "'"II IUtfa 1. Sam apC wile Mateiret. and JatanK arrawoodi petition for purl it ion. In this case it apniarma To ih iUtntn of the court that the r'-frnclunt hn Oar- tte. mm k. j , -IIVJ "III ! ide aixwecki in the WruamTii tunthSt he be and sppevit the nex urt of pleas and quarter seMir.n. to be JJM for the 'county of Rowan at the pun "O-.e in Salisburr on the t-i mk.i,. ; UfSHt ne'it.anff nlfiid an... ..-ji!.-. - -"-wr JI UCTUUr. Or (th urn. . aarili K. ,..r.. , . , ... , wV umcii jiru conieyso viiu iiorn it mria. IY nr... I I L v4 luivm o, vilK-l Clerk of tnr said rmir .i -re , , , '"'i' ins t uoogayiiAIay 1831. 680 v- JN0. GILES, e ft. gainst him. 1 . N . t77 JOHN. WRIGHT, Ctk. in UllM.VaUN Tl ILTON arid Oakes of Concord A A Rie cohitant emnlov mptll in tr... or fiv Joqrneyaian workmen at the H ,r nes and Saddla mi'vit....: 4 .. Runaway ON the 10th of fieptember lift, from my. plantation ii 7'nr rmintr, two ne yroea, oie Mtrwd WASHINGTON, Sr-yraia jf aej a ery hrijilit imiiaMo, on of t of hi lia'n fliera, !a a i:ril .,l l. M '.' rini ha. mill tff la. I.!.' aiid r jfir in ti-... r.,. r... 1 i. tv.. ...i.i- -'. o mi a H.iriii aucwi'i- oa.iwd JfillX, a common mulatto, -."0 yrr,,M ape, very4atflli(i'nl , Je will probah.'f pats a the of W'ashinptoti, and rhuif hi nnmo. A rewind ot 2s Ioliar will be vtn H the delivery of either in anv h:I. .so Hwt ' can get tbe.n. ; , JAMlIs LAMsK. Oatfief ISA. . r 4J( "5CF ThrL Georjrwn, f?jvannh i the Trie Cope, t'olii nbia, S. O. , and Hiohmood Enqui red, art- requoted to publish the above weeki until tbrbid, and then toward their awnun-af - J. t.Ol tll. JOB PMXTlJVai, . VOV EVER- DKSCRlrTUff. 4 . t I...!. .1 tied App An AC tion pena ment rfl will Wiv- - " l7(( 1 831. A I Tltrj WTJCF., w - .r:--.,.; '5ff I i . . - - ? ,v t , . : ; 7 . -.f aW w it j.A

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