)" ' f iiicj i! v! i u?r;"jtttn Uti'..',i la ea c-.t..'. ..-.' a. - iv, t A.. '. HA!.? lUJUV, UOVAN :'U,TV, N. C. ...MONO Vy, JUM2 27, ic.1l. V t I4JU. VOU XII.....NO. A77. Vrf'AM ' . . ... .ilii'iilkiiii I ; : ' .1r,"?Tt...-' -ii" . :;zr ; EVLj J-Jl-Wa.a-Uaa4 ,..,...-. ' ' tlfl tnk.Hl.nl. r.nu !.! 1 l.i Cc.X I C -" e t J bo prlatea una the Kgrtf,' t . i Ej? Cutfcorltj.; llnuc if II ,.n.. :.d Sinks uf. Lr.cn -.,.. f Th .t I I ... .i . , ' i . rl lon?reai. iinru Himnjoneu iu iniy i.a wi ; ... i er thill ba Hawed tnd D1J. for f vtrv um of four dulun j tuJ tlto !ar rout e, it h nit of ieotcoti fjr rvtrj DiiU dlttinca comlni to ibt clr of VTuh- inftlOA, tod taming to lb utat pUc 'jl inurj ii n Connect If ,lih (h (!etp ry J returns cf Ibl MrkbIi, for tbt utt oil ferrjr, nd Iht iectlon btlow Campbcl' ih Ibo deep ntr ( or telow hit menttuned errf. . :w A ACT tm ivJ ih ct ntilid M Aa ct to qiit tnauuet of carina purcbtMrt 01 unU tiea wa iim or imhow aai nuons la Iht Sito ofOhia,wa;iprvJtbatwntvitb w any, ia uf J tut aifDiecs nuourea ua iumy Ththte CfJ.??,T. Ve are Indebted wierl.itho Rlar it or otoa I.amVtthe Ilarriiburr Intrllipr ncr f fof thw ... . . . o . . . follow ion t'ie lo lr Crnm of I83f compile! from the tflichl rrnirni Miiaiftippi, the population of yf Ia AiaaiaiiiI fm a t a ob a m mw - - PJISTPIi V RTATP.H J iflerc ii Doming mora uwncun i 1 nuine, ' WMJ " ZvtAJ jjti "f kit C"f' Jit UiU J it.u; . f , .tVlttO-BOU. irrtAt!tnii the ilmf for tt'tAir earut da tioft eUimi t i lrvl ia lb! Ttrritofy f AfkinMf. Put. I ' " wui 6y the Sinate n4 tr.umi tf Rftimtntativrt f tht Untfd toast 1 0 vfurhra In Cigrtn atmblet, Tbl the pr&iiMofii in figntft rt,j - abth cciloc of fce ci cf ConRrn, ip tvroied twentyfoa'th Atj of Mijr, tut hi hnnartaand tem eii'h t. .i.n.f'tni' the ?Hmi Cnil frorn Vy tl0 t'e r.rif, and io prnt a quintitjr r.ri-i,.! trii l SuteToai'Jin iheconitrcc ' tlcn cf h C-ol aijlxtd by Uw, and fir niioK dmloni " r.f lnt? to crUin jpcricns ji A'k.aiM lerritorjrj ana inc f,f iha Bf.i. entitled " Ai id I IU""' ----- . ' ..frtfinff 'ht locj'ion ufcaruin !Und elelmilc Territory of Arkann, and ffpht hurtored and !tttflo 'nd. io, trie pro iwom cf the act, mitM Ao act w attend the -4h tim.foc lacillnefrrtD donation In . Arkms" approed thlttrcnth Janoary, nie'hcuimd eigM" nunarcn ana mny, . be, and tho lime rc hereby, TconiUuM in fo- fjr tbe perll of rwo yer, from tha Tweptffoorth Majr, ooa thouvand rlEp( hundred and thirty-ana 1 Provided, That nfithlnjt In th'u act, or the forejjoioe df , !)ll ho ta conirructed i to prevent the PraiUenl t the Unlied Suta from bringim 'he Hid hod i Arki4i into mirket under Iha fxii'.ias lill " t.;r in rn.ail6n undrrthe before re - . aihtch thi.ll not ho been pre llrA .n4 .llnWfid bv the croDr author i'iea on or ueiare m 07 w "- I fitedoo hf ha rrtaiflenr lor m wc i I - aaidJand, ar hereby declired Jorfejted ! I. ft.tf.4 tfjL- 1J 1D WUlU 1 w - ' A. 8TF.PIIEK80K. . neeked Hmit of Repreatativea, -VT l. C-CALHOUNv- PretUent bf me Senator- -rr ANDREW J ICKSON. ri ' rAnactloquieitbetitlaiorceruinpur.r''-"''"''-' - y ft..ui Vwo chBr of l.nda between tht' lino ef that there cbq, be 00 better, monaerpfl r 1 L,uniandnmxirift. in iha tfniuhin." 1 execution ccriiia luini. uian nix.i- , aufficieot tooehef to mlUi Iha I nnrtkA ,hA lWn,. ..raT..rinil.1. UWh-wr ne or n.tf.mr in . Z'Z rt ! oin.,bt "t' J tear- cltbtefo hundred .indjHlftf, the To this circumstance we ettribu e the PMIooia, cd fmcthe amonnt ceruflad r it., fut, k. .ki; j l-. l t :. lnu.u I'll a. -'.,' a . t ? - I , bfil mlteiee 1 whlcb cert) .hill La 1 aufTicieot vooeher to entlll j-ncM the Unit ..be due, uDleti otb.rwUe ordered bf UiiU?f, riiMud lo pay, out of phDtert tow.f(Il iv.ilingihemehet MMyUt ' ji be It further ,n,cul,TUx T mwey fn the Treaaurf 00J otberwU If(he great Improtemeota fthich ire ''k biaihrre ah.tl be .Uowd and paid, for nur. Ured al thouind nine burred aftd "ApieuW Ther go nojo tbe'iime V ferrdBf,etttendancetiponthoCoort.of lw.n,-.ti,h. knMr.if beceo track, Irapoferuhing their laod rfW.. imBchment, durioa tba taid trial, the b,in, ftn-rf K. wl-i,,. I with aucctnire crop of the meiro,ry'i um or fio dollar, homouoiio be fejrl j9 ,hfl jl(J c W(, olOBe iins be-1 kiodi of produce end then deeert them lo !crt4ned ond certiBed by iho pM'e'ory eeB bf Jnef cf, f.g.rt, for more fertUe. fieldi. Tberiotro - ' ; j oi iri oeoato i i 1 w 1 1 1 State of " i i j the nim ofone ihoi" I uuce so new article of culture, but! ' tnrr.rirnt voucher lo eoJtie tna iJi.,ni 1 ..4 .i....r.. ai.I 1 . .. I .. . . ! r.AMlh, Tnnr. rf I. " """' wwi- i couicnt lucniieivca WIUl UOIOk m Otn I , Uarabel lo receu. f omiM f 'f ff .r. aod .Uir eight ctnr, whrilWereit Ur."bad6na before thei.eeJ A- rt !: 3.::,r . r -,h pc' though mo., re 4Jie,uniotwvv 'jlrom toe Liib day of ;iirr . elgnteen Jni. rj , nuourea oa iwcDif tie. ur.i.4 n.iBiinet. - t- , Sac- 4. JnibetiJurthcrenattedttUA uk- fc.,,B .,rj... fjl ' ,vp,r :,a Jiawud.'. Ii ,betehaIlbepidto the MrohBl6f the bf U)ited fi n j', tU ot, at the pre ...i. -.r Miiimirl. the aura of fiftr 001 l..M. . r :.k. n, I hie one. If ao. would it not' be 1W .' IncrrUB. JJ0J73 41.30 1 Umu14 330.374 - 7tVtf 3.9SS 448,9(3 ' S946J ' ' - ii 79,944 4.10SJ9 929,015 J7?A' STATES. tB20. ' itTO. ICtHV I.06J.361 1,18(5, l,93l 638t9 738,470 3,641 60371 MM78 7VtT S40,tt9 -V.tlltfrYU-taTw ludiciout farmer can. iflUreit oa bit Capiu . . . . j not-toe culture; er t acot time, ao a. would it not' f ..I 1 iL.lf.uk.l ulika T.ffiiAr I . . n . 11 IJ.t fH n . r . a . W JmP w mn igintwiiiim i i nr uireceu by toe rresiueot 01 toe hi iucuhui uununiin ib tum m j, irr!no and refurnlntr tnbnoenai for wit-1 th a t nff!nni...a klr ..1 .I "TMtLfi , , nt f a...K iV, c tiv nrtAfnf the tlid Court. I ot .k I .u . r v: .v. erii. iiB and ui'vT .. i - i vi uiii im,yiuv, Bliy Wf Im tvi v v I iub uil 30 f lUC. 1UC pill IF Sue, i. And he it further enacted, In at hhe Dattinir thereof. - l.k- Ufau t- n"Roa the turn of thirteen tbotfiihd'nte nundretl I --Aperfwed. Ferwvt3.-1831. -v J n.u .l. ir.-r priae baa doJlara be, and the iimi U hereby , appro J n f . J to Tearo, prUted io defr.f the eip..e. Incurred Al ACr. -(h Bui under the troii.lon of thia act, to b lau-. uu.il Job .!. r::.T V ,U11' ' - .. ... - ! .u- r, . . w. ... ..,... o.. lariutna niaotera oi uniki uua ui ii v aMwow wr i - nat m . . fin ix - mi'li i riL mjr m jlc aii ji i w nut otherwiio ippropruicn. A. taut Approvrd. tcotatry iv, io n. 'rih-Cirolina ale and House of Repmenlativet of 'rm " 0 b',ltcm7Heve, they de. the United Staiet o$ America in Con- p m.er Tcr,L ui nertevere in rOBLIC BO. 14. An ACT to imhoriie the cotnictlon of ftvrea Schooneti (jt the nI Mrvwa of the UnitaU 8,,e$ 'he uiual formt lo John Powel, for hit fl'rr. l. lr il ennctftl bit the Sen- I thev will qf in 0 Representatives of i of Kbaratlng the metal from gold ore, aod with spirit r! Ifiitetf Swto of America n Con ihe otiriraroua e tnc vnuw nunc uj miutku i tu,wUl peraevereio gresi assembled, That the secretary Jr"2S50V "f Pri" ofSt.tebe,andh.U herebr, outborited lhVU .V j vW belter timet? and required to inue letter, patent, In trust rather, tha 'he uiual form, lo John Powel, for hi. We hope ot . . mmJMmd Aa ACT further auppementallo4ha act enti ,i.a n ,cniiiiff further Droviaon foriut. tlinirtba claloa toUnd, la the Territorv pf . &t k JaT. f 1 Miaoun.paefl ne itinrmiy j v. -... 11,., ...j .sk Kniwtrit Ind twelve. 6r c. 1. lit it enacted by the Sen ate and House of Representatives 4 thf Untied Fitntes of America ih Con gres) assembled. That the United Statea do hereby relinqulih fo 'the hhbitnti Of ihe several towna orvila)jti ofTortae ds Sirtut,LSmf Charlea,. Saint iiouii, SarnTaTprdinanrrryina a Hobrt,-won .i.. fiaini , flAnevteve. New Madrid New Bourbon, and Little rraine, in me many earth. of -diluvial derjov I Aetvnr tn a - w j ma w w if w jovwwwvvw 1 ' ' r w - f w. jww cress assembled the PretidcDt i." upo comPl"n5 l!n lh of the. United St.tea be. and be ia bVrabv, provWooi of the exhuofrlawe, etcept o afford x autboritedio.eiuo,tobobul"i equipped. "M' '4r . r " .nd .mnlodia iho n,.! aarvica of iba U reihience ol two ycira iw4h Uniied United State,-three Schooner, not e 3,,e'i -c , -,. 7dln-rilai aona- aieh Mftd that the " APPMTr!rurll5. ,.W1 un 04 elRMy-aat en tnomnd tftree nun their lr themielvee aod entef a - a 0 toe cootcit and tn taio "whether there be iWabIeirtidet whith will a ibetttr remuneration lor than Cotton; , Register. ooLBMBiir frcia.l cat 3, ---.- . . . Ian Relic. A gentleman v.i.t . ' r-r" -ia" pTace fforo pSiladelphi., hadU?;-n; i s L. t State of Miswurl, all the rijjht, title, end Iniereat of the United State in and to the n. tn l fi a. out lot, common field lota, and common in, adjoining and b lonu.nfp lo, the ald ton or, vunRev, confirmed to them 'respectively, by the fiVit e ctlon of the act of tongre, emi ihd m An ad.niak.ln' R f u fj her pro v 'on r.. ..iiiliK ,Wa rlilmt ta land Tn the MUaourT. Dasied lh thtr f ' leenth day of June, one thomund eih i hundred and twelve, to be held bv the j inhabitant of the id town nd vihp. In-JaU prnpertf. according to their evrr- !al right therein, to be regulated or dis poied of for the ue of the inhabitant, according to the laws of the State of Mi, f souri. I See. 3. Aid be It further enacted, That t the United State do herebt relinquish all f their rir,jL title, tnd interest, lo and to the ton jP vilhee lots, out lot, and J eommorUU lot., in the State of Miii I ri, reservVyfor the support of schools, in I the resprcfivo t-jwns and villages fore I said, by the Pond seciion of th& abjiye I -mrUmA nf, C.nXCrt.i I that the a vwnvj eiv.a w . -ej- . same shall be sold or disposetl of, or ree Ulatejf fft jthe said purposes, in auch maa ner,ss rAaflv? directed by ihej-egisla tureof 8 fit p. 1'.' Approved. JitnuaV 2T t831. " iroBiic-itidHS.5'' "t " (' An ACT making provision fir the compensa tion ofwitneanea, nd payment of other et peiwea attending the trial of the impeach msnt of James H. Peck." ie; l. JBe it iMeied'by th&$e& ress assembled. mv b lawful for auch of the assistant , , ----- - . . r. Jto the Marshals in the respective states and 1 erntories, who nave not, oeiore w poaage of this act, made their respective returoa to such Marshal, under the act hereby amended, to complete their enu merations and make their returns unaer iha .irt act. at m, time before the Brat day of June, and far the Marshals of such Statea and Territories to m Ae their re ... ta d red and sixty dollars be, and the same An act aulhoruing theiala oT aTlracr of land is herebv, appropriated, out of any mon- ihereia Baaed, eta In the Trresur not otherwise appro Sct. Be it enacted bj ihe Senate end Mtad, for Yhe purpbae of carrying the Uouetf HeftrenUtivtt 0- Ae Unite foreeoinar Droviuon inlo attect. I v nt'" . " ' . . ..a. I I. .U.ll h iKft Hill, n iha Kal, Approved, February J, IOJI. Hllll,nniyi..jy.. 1 . ; 101 tne wiiuea statea 10 oner at voblio oa. 15. I . I. . . . ... . mi iiti a oon ro.r uo, mo aov Aa aui loameoa me o ior nng iu nun ..n" ... ... I nnH Kaawaaeir. nWtm amAPTnASCt fllljirffatri c- . t ji 1-mJ .i Aa .Ci I don number twen'v 6re. of tniip P.dl . iiC . Cfi.H.Mr ' - - - - . Jm weal oftf and House of presemastvei oj ?jrjZZ& it 1 1 mt en xfrift nt Jimericn. m uan : . . " . , a ra tv svr.ifcuw 'iwi,f v " . . a a fc bst, e stme r ,incawwi 1 . . iK.,h the isle That it thall and . . .tified S tale BJ a U1 IIGI TJUUIIb IVIIUf WO ' w r Approved, rebraary IJ, 18 aBBaa An ACT to amend tee cfT,f".T renquihedand una9p9frVt, 'no" State of Alabama, 1 P"6 ofIm' proving the oaviratu w Cooo. Cabawba. argf" :lkarr.or r.vera." approved the twe-' f7 .." ' . i. L..aVt and tweulv-cirht. ,nounaelgn....y "-:. .ii - -c SEC 1. enoociiwy ww owj turns to ihe Secretary of Sute atany time hafara tha Real Ha nf Allcnst. 000 thou- w " " " ' ' . and eight hundred and thirty-one I Pro-tided,.- That nothing herein contained shall be deemed to release auch Marshals anH aisistants from the penalties contain ed in the act sforesaid, unles their re in rrvna II be made wrhin the time pre- ari;,A In this actr And hrtmdid further, That nopersons h inclu'li'd in the re nirna mi de wider the Dreser.t act, unless such person shall have been inhabitania OI tne I'll ncis ivr winni suvu .hall ha mik on the first day of Jane one thousand eight hundred and thirl Sec. 2. And be it further en4Cted,1 the cojie of returns and aperegaiea mounts directed to be filed by the shah with the Clerk of the several-District Courts, and Supreme CourtjSf Territories f the United Si atesjaU U oreserved bv said Clerks, and rmajn in their office respectively ; and, o much of the Act to which this i an amendment :. ,k.i chall ha transmitted by aid Clerks to the Department of State, s hereby repeareo. v . UtVI ' " J . . . .k.ii k. ih. rini n( the Secretary ot State to note all the clerical -error in the returns of the Marabal and Assistants, (UeandHouiff llcnrestntaticee of tu. tintiPft miles of America tn Von- lercss asscifw Th" 11 tnd may be law. ir mo -t by the ld-of Caol-Commisiqners .nnns.,.bv tier for? that purpose, to cool racof end construct that part of the canal ind the Muscle shoals beginning it Caopbelr terry, ana running up me to Lamb ferryrOiofrna rnnrrin r rotnnleie that Dirt of the aid tamnlated canal between Campbell's rrr and florencej any. thing- in the act a which tbhis an amendment to, tne contrarr notwithstanding! Sac. , Ani be it further enactea, j nai ;. .k,li U tha dutv of tho Enemecrs of the United States who have thi raster in charge, to furnish to laid Board of Com missioners, as soon at practicable, a plan bf ihat aection of the' Cnr above con1 femphted":3r.st to be exccuted,onnec ting It with the River ator near to timp- ball's ferry, and at the roost eiigmte point .t. n immediateh befow Lamb's ferry. on the cheapest practicable phn, in con r.i,. uiitK tald original act. to oe bp iui ni"; " n- . - - I, j nroved bv the Pre-ddent of the Uimed Ki .1.1. ft. Ami be it further enac'ed.Tbax the aection of id Canal above. Limb a -... .k.ii. h aa'ul Biio-ineeriiL be bo IH. I w 'ntock ana. DiiuiU. ILKXU UH72i 3,023,2U ,474,83r WESTERN STATES. 1120 " I MO. loereaiw. 381434 r ' 937,679 -.SAASIf 664JI7 688,84 .Kir.7 ,147.171 31181 ,19. 6485 137.4" 70.841' 1 414J36 12W.IC7 eHSVhl S0UTH-WESTE1LY STATES. ' IBM.'-' 1830. Inereaae; . 4,811 6848 a 58W09. 153,407 21S.V7J i,!64 127.901 ,309.214 lblli? 7i,448 Of,84i ,21.417 Tenoeaaee, Louiaiana, AUbana, -MiaaJaaippl, 77J,.'illJ07,474-4270 TERRITORIES.: 1830: 39.858 31,698 lt. Dist of Columbia, JJ.019 iticbiaaa. 8,896 Arkantaa, y , 14,t4 Hot id not taken, 1 30,8O 34 725 Increase 4.819 22501 1M34 58.181 134,611 80,439 RECAPITULATION. 1820. 1830. fnerraaav Eastern 8'ates, 1.659.851 1.954 n64's 297,8fiJ MtthYSiBlre. A.179,944 3.1oH.W9 9.'9.0l5 Soutbera 8uea,2 547.925 1022.81) 474J87 tVeafern Stttev . t4.7-3,24Ut4iUlt S. W. Statea, . . 779.36911,307,471- 376 900 Territorie. 44.181- U;li ftCMO . i The ume paper ha made the sub- ' a aa a Ueotioo. ittractcd. a .fer jJaya I ... . ' ' I " "T ce, wnue neir tne tinai umu. uj aineular appearance of the earth. which resembled no Indian mouod or tumulus, such a he had before teen. On digging down a short distance, hit suspicion were confirmed t the kcle tons of three Indian were found, up nosed to be those of a male, female and a young child. On being expos. I . . aa .a.a ed to tne air, tne bone, wun tne ex eentlon of the teeth and a few large bones of the male, crumbled to dust. They werejburied tn a utting posture, and hTdcmthetreadraneartnecvesi ael, at the tpout of which wa carved tVe fiiruce of a human face, -Between the feet of the one taken to be the male, were found an iron hatchet sev eral arrow heads," and seven smooth - a aa - stones, nearly round the amalleit weiffhinz about a Quarter of a pound. the other varying io regular grada tion to the seventh, which weighed two- pound -and - aquarter Theae Bj . b a .a atone are upposedtoinaicatetn?num ber of children which the deceased had. ""Between the feet of the female were found two atone of a medium M2c with those found by the male, llow loog these remiinrhad fceetrdes posited here it i impossible to tell f probacy out less man zuu year, it is aupposed that a great many Indians lie buried along the bank of the river' but it i not olten their bonee are die- covered 1 ' Star. cal infloenceftH eacVState Inlhe ns tlonal cooncil weeording .io ..the tew eenauB. if. at it Is cotiectured will be the ease, the ratio of repretentatioa . "-.-i -J. a x-m- a- L-. va.a.. . should be hxed by uoogreis at ju,uuu. Five slave having the tame weight at three free men, the representative Humbert are given oppoite .to. each. State.'N . Statu, I tUpremtt- ttatlt rifre. wtwnMw. ftO.mw MJrutf Aer. St. U Rep. tUnt. t'... QQ1A2 & As AM New Hampshire, 269.335 t 19,53) Vermoni, ou.wuj i u,uo MaanachuBettaT 810,100 ' 14 10,100 Connect icutr The following Is from the t'nited States Co. aette. That Editor ha done enough tor gio-' rjy and'ought now to " retire from baMnrat.v. of the bar were a few days since in conversation, one of them, under fa vor qf the wind, received a portion of his neighbVa soUw upon hi sum mer coat, " Mr. waid the anf ferer, 4 if this Is the way " you "if fcaf other petVona habits, you cannot W ptnteiraiGM a getirh-nrtm.'. Rhode !land, - NewTotk;""; ' NawJersey, Delaaare, Penmylvnia, Maryland Virjf nia, about' North-t-arolina, South-Caroliua, Georgia, :A Ohio, - : Kentucky Illinois Misourtr Teafteaaee, Liiuliriana " MiifiasippI about Alabama, . , 3?o8- - 97.t05 t,9U405 3I9.&81 75,417 U 29.849 ' 305.771 pyfi.cH) 639,885 45 ..2 It 429.5K9 837.671 62707 .141.582 157.277 127.491 623.7t) 7: S .4! 8 3 28 8 21 14 11 10 18 14 8 I -4- 14 171,722 83.000 3 :625io r :47.6S8 47.20J M,49A 19,881 25,417. 39.846 5J71 Sfl.000 39.885 Ult 29.589 37.676 3t,707 41,583 7.277 33,070 2Lr23 3J,010 13,210 -wa ft will he leen. that if the ratio of representation be fixed at 50,000, the Jnereaae in the number of member of fhe House of Rrpresentaivei 'x only seven. The tame number will Jf roure be added to the Eirs of PreaidVnt and Vice' President. TW Eastern and middle Btates will retain tboiifr the ame Btrength that they at present posse j the " Southern; v ill ine tome what j and the Western an4- Southwestern will acquire all; or near Iv'all, the additional numbers..: ,rv V -Lorenzo dei Medici being asked Who are the greeft fooh'ja the wrid, replied, "Those, urelvt ' who put imactvet iu a partioo wirh foobV t . -M 1: betherm the addttioai,cl-sMU.auo 1 01 ' C -V1', r1",. . K"' ssfe ,. ' - i - v ; V-V-.V- - i ' v- .'. . , . . it.- .4"g.?TPl,l ""! '.' '"''"'l:'''M'W","'Ww'wniiii.iai.illl, ,, , Mi..l,ajaaJaW-aJ.-l

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