If t ' ' ' Hi 1 1 ' , t f i f 1 ( 1 I 1 f inner t.Yi., lh ulher nf whirh b til !c? ii'o 'he, f i)'rtil r.f rv),!ii4ir. bo M?h It will ho merit In any titdiia "Von lrbtth medium reaifaWse;. ' -' . ' . Hurt, ft. M'.jf '" . ' Tiir.ofipiuN not. . , 1 , , , . w - -Aii 1 1 am M Oa.. fl'trj - - WthMi'(tl on ea-tH m cheer my heart i ?o ftl.et im iW-Hh't joy, " V i Idi fo k'io! t aV any part iMf M?oir to the eM,W4 eroaivd. Y i t- 'the Ves.1 f srty t - A i t rre.t r rnsrwy.f 1 -Se. l V VU of W ee roeiwV k VenA k'e .I.e. fl me." J m I wmv tA ftrii i B.j e.e tA fry w rarl foM.d, t 4 vi'hrn1 tW, flav wnt round. wont , I. - . " i . - j , VI. M HcM 'I , WS tlMV f . -y wit le i r ,,n, : th k! h, ee fir me.' ' f TH hen th If IA MM f.lhAl l. ,; An 1 itwl br'H hricVjij,! Ve, Ad fctHrlk o look, t . , sktif 'i""r et? b4 h0 , tt r, j . H lvw A's I tHmiftit H ntf t V 1 4 tretifr, thU ) Mu f iwf, , Third ' iWd b no V for juiei Ai fHfh ttie bJI nM r?nr, f'riw Hy fM?f il brinr X D'lt.HtbrftMpMniffclhff d!, lr wtnr tMebM. hr brt u w, . r Hh eUnp'd ber trembUng kn( r v 6 C'yi ! thV ?a nerf tnw;'Tr 1 HwmibiMiKe ft t me J ' i . . - . D.tt once trlr.. but oneo TbV;pi mother' ki flt TKt tnrt rl tbtt uc g'n. Tb title t brt of ftone woii1 n'tiH. Ttu whet ? be dtb U-1 Uid, ' (O tVvl 1 0 Ood th tlRh ' My cbiM, cMM," b feebly i'l, ' . An ptrlinf bit t me. ' " ' " 8im l.mn.Orpha.E3Jt Witb MUht bt'lvnr mjr hft U ttMf 4 V mther'i love no ftheri J y. kia aw kM wipe the lrr. Mr ViUf'n Ujbe eoU, cold rouod, Ll rat tle b r if !?.rf " 13 .And ! the biw of bire ;o rouiid, 7 1 here te no kin, . f me. Ii it on the laat four lices ol the Bab ,1 fi vn ! 1 'I Jacket I $ Lonft rJWV. UA rtrcW-d lfn N 1 1 In1 I liiUJc llt.'u iHii i,f tlni nd coiioh'ltii. In nut! of 1 luruiner uuuua, Bap. tUnr l ine m( b'k' I Cl..i!.l, a i'wl t-iei(i hi i4 fnr col'd. 'n. fmcy l Molf , t-l.rcJ, a tiffy of nl'it1 t Mnileiften' fum nr rctuihme, Uieitlrt, V t tti;, Kilk Veniflt'i, fiic4ra, rich f.i Ud Mnnl'iM, tUmbrkv ll'Mtb, Mull, , Jaconet, b&tift Check, 1 fner -oich. Mut. Gftt. Moorfclnr ttte, f ink ami 8ir Co! 'J di,Adritot.lee'tfded't'lplifiM'irilli!-,,,j ..tj.rininii nf B.ilrt, blttfc Wka, C.nre,bi Oro. de N. mrlcirtjr j imttl'cvrrf triKi uiaai.y f,lr. CUnrr-thli Mreli.e. b'ark Niiln Iktnt fa ret jil 8ion)i hi:h thet r df- and Pa-itoo Vnt, Yetloand H ue Nnfcio, termleJ to' ell terr Cheah (jt Cuth or "a:"' -.- m T- ,. m 1 L ' ' l-'l Ictrc '( Inform thr ir f.Ui -J n l Mu. J U T. II. Mc"oi.lto io ptff.fr"It' Tn luiiiif h fu'we b e r,ilnrfrd dcr the frm of Cilo CLKinn Vv tmiaTi The? re iuniti-lf i; rre iUli l-jr ihej li'ral ihre if pi'.iie p'roona'Uitortd on hrm, end rnfflMr Urli a cootin ij.nra nt thetttie to ,h nc 5 'tn. New 'and Desirable . urn. i CiiD'Utir.Ni Di'itNifRT k Co. hate Su rrelrd froM Nw fork aivl Phila dlpnU a frf r'enIf and well aclec fonge. JUrifre, T.y r,m(,Cr.p. tcfaw onif OMiil fredtl 1oTUefa.-t-Jerni.--. 1 1 lj 1. ... e. tw... 1 mr. --- - 11 1 1 1 1 1 bite ed fire n.Ul and Cum afJ if tit J Mil l vj S cl worked Bobntt C.pel and Cap. ' V J 'V. TU.ST Ttctivrr I e -'I 5t I t. wjorwuer?xf3vr llaw,; a rftu rlrtt wf lifk iKiier likf. rbtw, '.VeHi, rt MaalioCnr4, t, Jl genftnj a tort men of, ' iilk and Coiioa ldry, rich nnet.Tirt and Bi ll. H'.bhom, Bitinet lce and 'iiliingt, CrniUuten' and ldW Cluveand Vita; tit. '. Jn Kiraw f -f Hitune i, UedkHims fancy, 01 . Spraa, furniture. Dimity, flt Fre, Pd -Ticklnjf, ' Dron fJ Bleached fllftunp : aivl S'tiiSifs Vvwrmte C'nKhaait, Cotton . Tara. Wemen't avl Miavt, U iMUblr, Die ttond 5jra (.d I;thira BinnU. , - -. -fat and IIW aW, vi,fl finfattorinwrilof lwsr Ihnl )l'artt (ww; Crown, GLisi am China El )itOb HX'TL'S Tn TtiTcmpro- poia to gie to ine puum a .g jk.h v.'it and a ComuUut rcjiutiit.n oiie Kigftia p'lc I on I u at win alwii uji pott h piiiitlUa It pruf:iai 4 Jue rcgatd 10 troib aad pfmo e lau re Uonal titl ollha true iruoda olMrtyj and demxracf , Tejr will rr toottnd far the Union" lorioliit, wch gioi Hi.' L. I I'. t ,4 t : ' ' i I.I si r .t '1 I . .. , 1 (.4 1 In I Hct' an I ti,ti..,.t at ley , l U t...' t 'l.'.fll t"H.;p.-JtyCol ! in el-;: (( i,.,firnciit ut thnl iVnrei Vvtlenj, Cn ckerj c-J diraci from lha CMce of N'ew York itJ l'h!Udlpbla arlccied Ly blmnlf ff0ij the,ltca ImportitKma. fUf the iprlo; j 11)1. All of which liioffuaeilo-H nr C00U3 ?f iba aame qi.Uty, cm L bioght In thii' ilfllon t,t. coutr p.,, the nnan ulirk (.1 " riUliiULatluui ' l (ha inaidiona inroeda ol lailntdiitirUoiCnMrri and tha I'UDUC COnatlUCtlon tl'JM.vonatr.otioo-HOeli"'! """'i e"yj'A ' .:,-ei. aacred loauuroeol bj trhicb too aoerL J Retro brija Irate t , rt(urf ,j( figotjiolibfc.btam it tavreej.an.itir jj'ncart lhar- rnlltf! tcntd XfliLlO Happy land tbaa aaed from the i6Hfuf."'DiT ''3 bo rccdrtj HI of a cOfiMHldatcd 'feaefaf efrt""-, 1 'Pf tOef .talib.H,... . i rw for Hdih. jl 11 ll -U prim C-jxr S1 CM. . do jo, - o w ivor . Jo , x , 10 Huda Molae, , , '-'.,. ,f f i BK, Dlla. tt Hhda C, fire I Caka Rico . . , - r ", 3 Toned Tirotronattiorltd Si So tioifa Dunch R.Utna , 3 Pr. S.rl.ha'JJrHowa SCI j. . .1. a U3i i inriirri Jill fit IfthiPh. Ififti nr tittmrtiriti In ! . " -1 " ' , V. t 7 r;k 7,1 ' , 11 ' UQOlSa. SpunCoUoo auorted Not. iiu) rr Ay can le bot in fritl- j,cK r;i;Taa ' , r of the eounfrn. . II. i.'a.. rcape ca to their Irtewia and e tnmert for their rtniroriate aad voujd be jrUi thev wom I raO i-d aianitt ibeir preevnt S'ock. TAlLOttlNO HtlSlNESS. '7' it a Weil ' 'i . YTAVIiNO recdved ihe latest Netr. I' A k GuDpoaidcr do la 4 Ibv . . Cj- uteri . A - - - S.ono & Crockery ware auortod ALIO OV IO t .- ,, .; i r.30pubela Literpool Silt ... . - Hop, Scroll, common k Sheet troo M def fe Wagon Tire atorted 'T. C.iMinj'i'iiaorted Siterf f JOIIH WURPHT. Sti,hury, May TA. 1131. f f f York and Ph.UcMphu Foahioni. w i J wwnawawg.Ma, - . ft :fb thjac of iLQndon and 1 . In lr,nL Cr:., Wand rilJnnHnuc to receive ;wvu, kj 'rooi ifrne to time,' as they ' 'i- RE-OPENEI SVmlaviog a Dumber of good tflTlluHP1"2 Sub,c worko4i h- j, prepared to do'wo'rk mj! ceD,,f I oo ibort tfcc a0(j in' firit rateVvIe, at&LjMr Charlei Ji to lhtUi.f,.v tf, iim I -" v ' 1 :J RILOPPNCn 'i'mi iiiiik fv nuiva 9tiivri: t - . ubtcriber bavine; r- purchated from iVdoi. tbe above- and which,,;'! he warranted to At flamed KitibliibmenU reipeclfully in well. Ordi from a di.t.nc,. ut firmi the public tbat be bai filed it up work, will bel,l0tl0iliy attended t0. ,n h,omc ,M;,1f7", IU ICICIIP yuiuymiij viivj iiwiu lite ll'Hill arrart meon be haa tDade. it determined to promote the comfort of all thote per aoni who rrtijr iiit hiestablihment and fl:tert himself to able to Rive aaiiafVc tion. The charpea will bo proportioned l. ,n? J)Lelur me timea. An ne ta tne Ant 0t v'.rrt nf Ph.la. lot a t, a . - m ' acipnia, aa ol kV,.-,-,. f v..'rv. iL!i" .' tr-i - -------TrL. J Fv ,n PPV-,He-iilacHber- in 'V. FRALEY. '4 .,..". . npiIE lubacribera' return -icjf ,hnkl . I to tbe public for (he Ux ,,,- ae eitenaed .ta tftetr TTaifoi; The propertiea of theae Waters have i lately beeii anatyied by" Profcitor Olm ! ITeidrwho klghlrreroramend thetrnae for all coinplainti of Ihe liver, debility, UlftCuJkCi htenV neficHnc tbt "pment Ji Aat 1 Lawa to be paiial,' fppreiale nj t - run, if not uncoottnuiional, tcy wilt pare rto paina lo iaopieai the public wind with tna'proprtetf nd nccciilt of hivinjr tbem repea Tne art me itju.r fweeaurea a- l ptincip.ea whka it a.U L-4 their ate Jy porpoe to advo eale and (Jcfrna. They will support General Jaccwa for a it-election to the PretlJaocy, nJ oppoia llenrj Clay and hit political adherent!.. They have row atated, with candor, the outlinea 'of their political creed, wbl-h ber verily believe to bo the creed nf Nortb Carolina f,mtr all. Nortb CaroHna hone of tbe gt Statei j .great not only In territory and pripuUtion but It moral and pht tic! re, aourcea and It b- be tbe untiring am bitlon of the Editor, to maintain ber fclgb rank In tbe Union, and lo Kt forth ber dUiinruUbed aona in tkeir'tiurittd character! to iWer brf Inatlnitiona to ioculcate correct moral and politiral prin ciplea, and to diHute uteful knowledge. Theyare jativ.oai oLlba State and they glory in tbeir birthright. They now call for patronage upon the high- minded and patriotic ci'item of Norqt Carolina, and upon the frirnda of renut- f. ; a t e.: 1 'Bi'l.'." ncnniini eno efcaie 01 oratea iii(;Dii generallv. Aa tvaitliiiti ii esteotial to tho permanenxv jf oui-republicio in atitutioni, the oattitutloALi'T HI be found valuable in it! vtrioua tot of intelligence, lo ihe farmer, tbe mechanic and the mcrchaot, a well aa the phyal cin, tha Uwer and, particularly; tbe politician. I ortlgn and domeatic nea he proceedinie of CooKreai and of our State L'gWIeture, and well written e aay a, will b found In our column t. ' The Witjpiperinnlb be taken bv the Editora, from which important aad l5w,,,E8J't'cl- "j11 o taken : . Mr. Kanaom, (intendinc to te tire from the Bar aoort ef the' neeesaary nnmber of aubKriberiia-procuredrV il-dote his time cxcluaively to tbe Editorial cV - n JlWri'feriJe ifcY .irn tl 4 i Itcans, an4 hf)- new business foy himself alone ) kl' hope by close and unremitied aiuniioq to bastnesa to merit ft coodauancc of ibf lime.; ' . ' , 3ut , fiy3 l)l. The Thorough llrcd Hone . Aeronaut;- j .7' ' nr.d tl? T V ac , - , v v ion m p, Au J-v-w rtmj ef Rowan t Ai ZZ.'7TZrZZ ' "irtdrtf. Fridavs A - Sturdafs The aeawn hti ali-earlr eommrneed, and will end the, I J;ti July. Sctcn wnlltrwilf btrhsirj fjf Ihe scatinni five DcmIu ihe" S lap and Ten Pfithrs io htu'f. Fifty cents lo the groom In every Initanro. iCromut'i rolu are highly peomii?f, being of fine form and !-, and tcry ernerellr resemWinn their -re vln eoj -figure ard Raid 1 being remarkahly' har dy and thrifty. " Great rare he taken to rite gene( liL)A ; bout cannot he JiS! frae cidenti. Oriin will be farnUhrnV ti ' market price, to tnarea sent from edi tancer- 1 1 - - tef : CHARLES L- BOWERS." . BUTCHERING! TI IE subsc ribe re, repeet fully, Inform the cH x.nsof Salisbury, that ihy hjve eommeneed BUTCH. ERIVO and Intfnd tOjroTiilnoe itdo rfng ihe prVeoriaion;Tr7ry kiiL rfone hot good breve and the hops merh a thtre f the curiam of the puVk. Thet will bavt beef in market oe Tum" diyiThutdiyifiTl Saurdav" iraoi hitTgVia" eachwek . . . -T. . , wirxutf pin'kston; I tiTEIW. SWIXK, fiartmetit. I :. UovviUakia.ahepreta.-wur. . v BettieS ford, on lb. Catawb lUvcr. on 7owt,d Subscriber shall have been 0frrhemthhtf -tere ending that we, will Vr 'i- thittagt rot.7rom W.sblngton n'oVaid. ' Fltu'T 7 M T Judgment, willing ber. ,0 ,-h. our ..nd. Georgia, via Sahury -end Uocolotoo. l. t? Pefon holding S,,b.,Mptio W t ' iadtoreatonthlaowrreputatioofofcri f ' rJ E J ? u , 1 a and within 14 miles pflheUtterplace ; is 'will plesseretum them', addreas io WR. il. . t , tical diacemment. We maintain thit 10 ""'j JZumIJ!' ais,,n! ,rom Charleston, 9. C. SSO mile lam Potter, at Raleigh, on or before the The, Tnnnax i;rtJi be ...imple, natural, pathe.ic and .ouch- f J 10$ mi'e f.om . Columbia , 110 milel 6r.t of AugaM nest. 275 X ,$Mtti tngaaeniimeoj,.Ddclothed,na.unafl h.dP w able ,10 turn J. from 0 ?i nd ,be . dilUnce COX I) IT OA'S: THE fl"! . atil! remtiiuie. m ,,.d dictions a. any ,0 be found in ihe The Notk Caitotiiu (jt'.titc- A maketSe abe Machine, ..d elegiea of tha most admired poet.. The ff, ! ttotiT. -ill appea. : rrrV. on ' ao ae keep a aupply ronstantlv on hand , .pe.ker e.p.tiate, not en the particular P - f,,"" fi1'" "!' he Cron Stag, from Co lAeraaWr,in new type, and on good p. which he will aril 0w for floret 1 feeling eacited in his mother or bimelf, l:""1 lhf roos' Ja. P.mden andCheraw, witl p... per. (eicept during the seMion. of the credit tn puncru,rWer. U like. I '' PCuf;i..goU.rde8crii,kn, wiK done hoetK, "a gi;l?r.r.henlt will h edaearf wise intend. Arrp on hand pod out Into en eacumjuon, wnicn, wnne it , C wt as far aa Asbville. N. C tbe veeVtiA at fA'e? rfoZar ner annum, na. L..t-.r rwA i . . I teaourlinowledge ornhareamv, "7 10 theLkt.'.h Jr.. ..r.h. 1. 5 y ma ne deorer Implit the tmpotlility ot( description. As for thTmdtber,e feelings, Vt merely ' her heart wa woe j not the aeet ol woe.oor diairactcd by a thousand-woes. h is these bursts of nature, these unla boured starts of genuine sentiment, that constitute the attraction.pl tbe umple TMIE subscriber t desirous to pur. 1 ch-e a number of NEGROES Ayauahf5 Tract of -liMiti FOR SALE. fpHE mbsct i'ier offers for Sale hi f.rm, r; containing 460 acres of bod Ivinjj on the waters of Back Creek, in ttm Comuy. There are about 820 arre of cleared Und, with many valuable improverrrenis . upon m . . . . .... '. I conveyary j W, S. S1M0ST0N. 1 aia-wntt 'firing. Jfiril 27, 1831. , 8r78 IC7". EIitor of newspapers, generallr, confer an obligation by giving this Prosperto onr or two insertion. 57i , RaMgb, K C. 1 8rA M;v, 1831. Htf E.t f.-MlTC II FJ J A3oitia Uia '.Making. njTIE aubwrVr reapectfully inform the eitl- .,en' r "'Klaon, and the adjacent coun. . r . . 11 luiiat fi ties, that he contLlet to carry on, at hia Shop Kgtate 01 AlmOtHl Hall Dec U. In Uifngtoru the bSIBea of M.king COTTON A LL peraon indebted to the Etate sut-hr nof Almond Hall.Wd, are reqne ..... . f." State oC -Vuvt UatoVina, m .- . 1 --. - 111a hie nrrmrEU iu mil " ... tt.--Ierel eutamiat.i4onvewiwifther.by .tb lorwarc and make payment, dwelling nouee, in good repair, with a first Uta? fouaua ready aIihrou-hout a larre ex- lMd airperitih'i having claima again! the rate burn. Tho only motive which the I f?1 countrT H, P" shall he u reaaon. 1 estate, to preaent them legally authenti subscriocr ha in selling bis bnd is ."a? ..2lial .? a .b or mis notice win oe nieaa in oar 01 tneir recovery. 4t78 ... 1 aj fll innnnirr . . hwriuiimirTChtrinw-tbedex! .f J?Tf4?- -AlUedereill -bpeompfi wended-terand 'iweWet mnnth AflV Deraon haviac A" P"on h. mr o purcbi.se Gin. finished in Ute ahorteatWibie time? I, "r! fr -X ,R00d Puc,i'e Pln'ion woold do VofOinawmbeAeor rirrnpwy-or-aHwia uo latrTrrtHme.a-rhi.--m. eaUieUeedJiLtlifljftfl-t auhk.. :.V" w ppay -. .r'".? i the uocnner may .tie lound at any time. v " " v. n . 5.4. rntkc a aale, lor tbeir mayreataisuredThe term. of Sle will b- tharhe will pay the most liberal prices I ,inf.. SAMUEL JETER, Isxingtn, May 18.10, . , A ? ia CASH. JAMES HUIE. N. B. v All lettera addressed t the " , 4 subscriber will be attended to.as punc i tually, a if .application was made in 'I person. . In- his j abscence Robert Hdie will attend to the business, pr ! in ; h abscence Ma. Rrkves, ' the Fot-Mteri wilt, who author. sed to rrifak, purchase! at alt times. Salis6ifry Jfay at. 72tf WHEAT. HE SubncrlbVfviil purch .tji tv or thirty thousand bi -WAGGONBIlHfS Driving lo FdvcUevtl'M VVTILL. find it to their tdvantajr, to atop at IT the Warm fartl, where every eon. enience is prnviaea lornun no:Jlurie,to nuke them comfortable, at tbe macerate charge of 25 cents- day arid nightjbr the privilege of the tara, toe use ot gooa Itouae, fire, water, and aneiter. Attacneato the Yard, are" a Grocers nqrioviaivn sjore, ureaa Mop and Uoiitec tionary, and aHoua for fioarderf! and LoJera, n a plain, cheap, wholesome aid comfortable 'ty)e. fViyrttmVe Afrit, ,t laai. 11 itunaway V aset wen- bushels of WHEAT, fon which the CASH wiL be giyew. , . . JOHN. CARTER, CamerMay 21. r- 6r8 i ICC. 4 .few reami of wriiing paper for sale at ibti aV ftflke. at 9,2 SO ner ream, a few ream .t g; and a lew reams of wrapping, at the ustial ON the 10th of September hat, from my plantain lit Jonea county, two negroealnne narneaJ WASHINGTON, eWt 37-yeara of age, a very brig4t mulatto, on one of hia hanaV there ia a car occasioned by l rin i be Will "chanire hU ham and endeavor to pass fora free man. The other named JOHN, a common mulatto, about 30 years ot age, very intelligent be will probably pasi tbe servant of Washington, and change his name. A reward of 25 pollari will be given for the delivery of either in anv Uil. an that 1 cafrpt the n. - JAMt3 LAMAR. - wtoiiet loth. r 42tf IC7The Georgian. Savannah th. Tl. cope, Columbia, S. Q.t knd Kicbmond Enqui rcr, are reqaested to pi&lish the above weekly aniil furbixj, and then forwArd their fecuints to ttlate TVotv 0atono7 , ROWAlf COCJTT. ' : May 8rt$hn. 1831. PRESLEY,D. GLASSCOCK v John Sain and wife Mairaret, and Joseph Uarrawoodi petition for partition. In thiacase it appearing jo the antisfa'ction of the court tbat the defendint John Gar rawood is not an inhabitant of this state. It is (here fore ordered that publication be made sit weeka in the Vestern ".Caroli man, that he be andj appear at the-nex ourt of pleas and quarter sessions to be h1d for the county ol llowan at the court Ilose in Salisbury on the 3d mondsy in august 'next, and plead answer or demur, Of the same will be tttken pro coniessjo and heard ex parterU'iine -Jno: (iil clerk ol our s-ild court at office tbe 31 mondayinMay 1831. 6 80 J NO. GILES. f e." KQirirv HLJLXKS i !' aewas corjtTt. , " Afay eto. I8S1. GAITHER JONES and wtf. Wrr, Godfrey Clement an? wife IVirt- hih,and Aori Brown v Sirah lUUer. Fhoma Brown," Daniel Browti - miMf- and Jcise Btown : Peti'ion fort Partiiim. In this easia it appearing to tbe astisfar- tion of the court that the defendant Jesse Brown-WTtorTr1nhalranrbfHft Stffr it is therefore ordered that publication lie" made six weeks in the Western C jiolini- an that he be and appear at ihe next eart of pleas and quarter sessions to be Veld for tbe count r of Rowan, at the CoW House In Salisbury, on Ihe 3d mondf in august n.xt, and plead answer' or nt mur, or tne s ime will bo taken pro con- m .... teso and heard ex rwrte. Witnr.st Jnr. Gjtes, rlerk of our sairt'urt at office tbfl 3d roundly in May, I BW 6tso . ' 'f JNf. GILES, r.c -StatsVof wVottAv ttUntw iratT coovty. DAVID JOINRRtx Ilen-r Str ( Original a:tchment ; SbeniT"' Surry Garnishee. Ordered by p'y?l-tHat .piiHjtaton be made for ' week in the Wescern I Carolinjan Tor dcfcndanTtar co'me in and reply, or 1 judgment by default will be render agiinst him. ' 6i77 Vl.AlAi;. i JOHN WRIGHT, - 4 .. x- .ry : tti-tei3t i ?JtuIS,'fiir. -?-r -wV .i . - -

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