'i It' t I i, t. i t '.r r ' ami ft ... . ' 1 ' ft 4 . I". , ,.!, ... k .... -..lf " ! ,. 4 ...! ! me" 4u. iff ' Cuilisrii?. rtrauf-. 20. . - ' . .r!.t.. '.("' - .. '1 i t lit. ci. tfo and Iloute of Jiepretrnlatjcrt of jrtf . asxcmbled, . That from and rr KnoVi. m&i. tbtrt. Of muMcil eorapotlilfin, whjrh,'mty U ro md or c ompotf d, n(l not printed ind pub . Iltricd. or hU hereftr bo rndf or - corfposedt C hu indent, deiijfn, telt, rfte. wort, or r.iuio.o do n frived etcdt or orkrJ ffom hU on deE,tfiJ prim of engrttlo; ihd iht oecolort. amtnltrior, of leptl iMljrnt of inch perv of perwt, ihtU Me the olotiKM irM liberl of prlntlnr, rtpHnt Inr. pubUiMrir, wd tendlnf oc MoV 4M booki. mip, chlrt, molrU comrrtlihn, prjnl, cut. or eiitn1Rt I nol or in irt, for l term of iwent tUH f tr from tbetlmt cfwrordinRthc tltUihtre ef. In tb mnir krelftf directed. Sic t. trf. i frAr'Af enacted, Th if tl tt et?irt.on of tb r-rid t trm of ft, wcri othor IntentOr, dtfier, n(rfer. of tnjr of them, fcer iho work kid been rlelnillT composed tnd mde If mart thin wt firfor, t till nin nd i ritften or cltlteM of t United Staff Of rr ldf nt therein, or Heine ? thill h left Ww, r chnd, or ehil fjren, either of all then lUlrgt tho lime in1 rthi thill ht tontlnoed tn inch " kiiSnr. 1Inf r. nr rr.rTf r, or. then, to inrft.vtoov. inainimi " irn. for iha farther term of fourteen . - . ft " ' i .Ltu .uti . - Prm'tfetf. Tht the tMe of hr f ... ;work o tfcure d thill be t tecrmd tlmeorjcopf,orjausetftj - 4 mm - .1 . 11 iAhi it tr horrln rr ntilrrd In-rre,rti7rt 4tf . i fAiw.iionii. nt romniKii t wnv m t . I - . J .!ik Cm - f r--- ' , . .Mr) ia atu-K rrnwrl for ripht. and rthitil'hln jixjnonJVr ration ojhe firt.temt.: ' i ... f EclS-ifirf If ffrV;ffJct-lh?! In all ra?t of renewal "of cn;T-rii'ht un Jrr 'M ft ,5;ichTantKor or proprietor h!l. ti;hin tflo'rficnth frnm the dte of ile renew?. ciuse'V.cp of the' re rord rl;Tcf f ve, 'p'.)l!lsVe1 In irne or more cf he nevmpapcri printed tn- the Vrvn) Stuci, fof ?ac of four wf rln. v 7r ' - -, Fi r 4 ArA hf it furlh'T cnfiCtei, Thi r prton hil erni'led t-vtK'e "bfnrfit t f this ac. unless hr ila'.1, hrfore puWI, rmtor, rttpoMt printed copy cf the tide of tvh hookfWooVrpr-eharTmK Tcarrornpositicn, print, cut, pr.enirraf- fnt. In he Vlerk't effire" of the dist.rlft court of the diktriet wherein the'tuthor ot proprietor thall retWe.W .the 'clerk of surhrotirth hereby dfrrcted and re -Quired to record Ihi same thereof forth with, in a book to be keptor that pur pose, ir ihe words follow inff (Riving ' a copv of the title, under th aeal tf the r curt..jatle,aidaulhor, PC nropriejor whenever he shall- require the tame :) District cjf - '' .. t :Lto wit t Be it remembered, that 00 the V dvr ol ... A the taid Distrlcr, bath deposited hthli ..rfice the title or a WlWt"'nJ! of which is in the word, following to : fhere insert the title;) the riiJ whereot he claims rs author (or proprietor at me cm, m.-tw. t in conformity with an kc ofOnRre.entiledAn act "Wen IV- r.r,l acts respecttnz eoPr rtRnu, ). Clerk fcte district." tor wnicn w.H.Ri..ni....pi or Atnib And th. .otlior or propnewt in, m,cH book. m.D. thirl, mmicu com ilh n iKret mowk. from ihe puMicrton .f hit book, m.p, co.n, m.ic.l compo or clute to be delivered copy 01 me .... ik, rtrk nf aaid district, ado A K.KVhl dnT.i.ftbeclerJt of each fecordiit, ann ail tcn wner rKU'"'i'iworta, or aoic, or sojmcu. ";r v iliitiict court, at but erne lit every j". lo ira:Mmit crn.'r I i-t r.f !! i.?i i rr.nl i rf C Df -f if li', !') h lis! 0 If niitf (1, and shfl i! ildof record, aitl Uo alf iha erral copies of ho i or other er kt deputed In hit cfTi- ear (ting to i hit art, otif ficreury of State ttj l presrrttd in hit oOV.e. i tc. I- Adb it father enacted. That no peraon thill be enisled lo iha fceneRl of this art, unlets In thall girt Inform ilon rl copy Hght belg tecured, by caut lg o be liaerted, it the aeveral eopiei of each and evert edition nubliihtd dur Inn the tirm termed on the liiU pRt or the page 'IrarpediiVrlf Mowing, If it be Wk, f -rrvHrt nsHtlcal eor pitlnn. print eetfrtniriving, by taur '? o4e fnpead oiM he :ee' thereof, L if If v.lume of ropt cturu. mulc, or rnirrOnK,u(Va h tuli or frootljUce thtrcof. the f ?llnwijr n-ds,ylit Enter led according lo art of Conerait.' in tl f fc . Tf -(.ith... s rc. 6. And I itjutthrr tnuefd, That print, pub'iih, or , import, or caute to w printed, puMitiei,or imported, any copy oftuch booklOrhook Jthout the con tent of the perron leetlly entultd to the copyriRM thrreof, nrtt bad obtained In rliinjf, tinned in petence of two or more credible witnctiet, or i hill, know. inc 'he vitrie o be to printed or imported, pxjblhh, seM, or expose to tile, or cautc to be published, told, or expoied to tale, ny copy of inch book without tuch con tent In writing! then tuch offender thai! forfeit-etenrcoD-of tuch book to tpe perton IrRallr, at, the lime, c mi'led to the copyright I hereof J and than aiao f..r frit and car fiftr cent for every tuch theet which mty be found In hk poteee- lont either printed or printing , pubilinea, imported, or ezooted to tale, contrary to the Intent of thlt act, the one moiety thereof to tuch legal owner of the copy Wfht at aforrwld, and, the other, to the L..a riV. 1tm.A fl.fia. In K tarnnrrd by ariion of debt in any court hatiog com pent jurlvliftion thereof. ' ' ', See. f. And U it further enacted Thai. if an?, perton or peront, aftef the recor d'oe; the title of any print. ctt or enTa in?, in an chart, or musical tornposition I , i . - r jaccoroinf; io me pronuoni ou mm ., Lw.n. within the iern or tern limited " . . . . . - jk - ih;. ict. enprje.' etch," or work, ell. I a 1 1 ..J . a a mm OKA twhbTe7onr4)ry.nj?,'i3cinji to, 6f amm I a k. . i- - : J..I.. niatii In I - - - " f , ;. , f tha l.or ahali orjnt or imnort lor mi np uie nivin (i c 1 1 w: i. wuu .uivii. for aalr, any tush mip, chart, muMcal enmDoiition.rjiinf, cut,6r enttrtrinw, or any prta tfcreofTwithout the consent hf the proprietor or proprletort ot tne copy riRht thereof, first oained in writing, ienrd in,the pretence of. fo credible irttocises J or, knowing tne tame 10 do bu printed or imported without tuch consent thall Hiblih, tell or' pose to tale, or In n manner diinoae of anr 'tuch map, r , , t r, ' tlxri, musical rompatitton, eneraying, cot or'print, whhmit tuch conaent t afore mid j thr n tuch offender or offettdert thall forfeit tae plate or plates on, wfcieh iirh man. chart, musical composltlorj. pRratinltCifJprinJ!. nd all-end .ery-theet-.ir.erauo copieilJoi .pilntrH,:at tforeiaidf to the proprietor cr pfopfletora of the copy right the reolt and atia! runner mncn one tfo'iar tor eerv nrei oi ihh. chartl'rnoslcal conapoaition', plt. cui, or engraving, which may bJ found in hit or 'heir posifrision, panted or published, or exposed to sale, contrary to ihwtrue in- lent anc iffaiiniw;tmrwr wrune rnoirtr thtreof to the proprietor or pro prietors, and the otner moiety, io toe uk of 'he United States to be recovered in n; r rrr?j- no.n,n ... - --7, " " - f wa f - Tt; - veno.nK. w -("m rT:Teoosilio, map, chart, book, wus.ral composition 7 --v ' rfffi o. , " , VI I le " zr I.," ;v Kld.. .fore..W.tit .utb - - .,, , .,,, p-r - - - . . . , .... b, lubH u " PV Ml(med b, or Pl" . .ntchl a.o ni,nince thereof! i.n "y -.-.n- . . land Ue tever.i w.- nova:.' ;ou;.t.'; n. c .monijay, Jin,. Sutr 1 1 r ?f tel to i Hit! t to firerfil tha vl-jU'ion c f .do ft f f au th )fi m l heotor, are t Tr'.r r :.;'') rrt ! to grant iojunctijnj., f;i liM miner ar rrfjt !sn o li p:lrnl;.lel of 'J'tf. to rtstraiii inch putilica'.iu vt any mt'" crip at afore t.ii. , - Sail jo, Andfie'lt'furfhrr'en'trd,Ti't If any person 01 persons s'.iati tt twd r prosreutrd, for any nutter, act, op.hi-Tg done under or bf vinui of this act,he jr they my plead the RSrnt .iss;,,tnd r,We the tpaclaf matter rilenv.' . Sec., 1 1. And be it furthrr tructed, That. If y. ff not crpejon! frorn.ii'J .ftr. the rii.lnzDf this advahall priot or pat-. Irstrtny book," WTp; Thirr.nmuilcitTtJm poslilon brihti cut.' or .cri;rving,"noi hiying UKillf 'acQiilrtd the- copy '-tight thereof, and thill insert or Impress that the ttme bath been en'erffi azcorctng to ct of Congrcsf, or words purporting the aame evary person to offending shtll for feit and pay one hundred dollars one moiety thereof 19 the person who thall sue for the tarns, and the other Je the use of the United States), to be recovered by action of d;bt, In any court of record bivlj cognlxsnce thereof, , Strt. 11. JitAtrltfurtkrf tnAttfd. Thlt. in til recocriet unlcr this act, either for damages,' forfdiuret,-or penalties, full costt thai be allowed therton, any ihing in any formar actio the cpntrary not- ttnstanding. - . ' etc. IS. Atd belt further thtetei. That no action or prosecution sh l t main tained, In toy case of forfeiture . penal ty under this act,- unlets the u .a thall have been commenced within two years after the cause of action aball have anen. See. U And belt further enacted. That Ihe M Act for the encouragement of learn in by securing the copiea of tnaps. charts, and booJtt, to the authors and pro nriatora of aucb cooiet durtn? the timet therein mentioned," pasked May thirty first, one thousand aeveo huncrca aoa nlnett. and the act aanolementary there- 1 ' rr - lo, patted April twenty-ninth, one thou uni eight hundred and two, thall be. and the tame are hereby, repealed 1 tfving, . e. t. aity t, tuch ngntt at may aave oeen do tained in Conformity to their provisions. ' 2e. 1 3. f 94 it further enacted. That all and several the Brorisions of UiU act, Intended for the protection and security of copyrights, and providing rerotoiesj penalties, and forfeitures, in case of vio Ution tberebf, shall be held and construed to extend to the benefit of the lent po iv-ieine nr oronritori of each and every .." f - r . - - - - TOpT -Tight hmtofoTeobtamdfecording to law-, sionng the term tnereot, w tne tame.maanarea tuca eopy;righl nad been entered and secured according to tbe direction! of thit act. 5 1 Li fi. A nd be it A rthir enacted. Teat, whenever a copy-righ' t hat been hereto fore obtained by an author or authors, in venorr designer, -or -engraver,-of-tny book, map, chart, "print,1 cut, r engra inr. or hr a Droorielor of the tame 1 If such author or ant hott, or either of them. such inventor, designer, or engraver, be Hvlnw at tha nassafe of thit tct, then tuch author or aaihort, or toe survivor 01 toe anch Inventor, engraver, or design shall contbiue to have the tame exclu r?ht tn hk konk: chart, mm. Drint.j or engraving, with the benefit of eacnd It Ida . rtw Ulnn of this act..iyr the ernriiv .hereof.' for auch a vArA nf lma at will. -totretheriMa be tlrnewhlch ahalLhajre euperoniwio first entry of tuch copy-righr triaVe up the term of twenty eiet j et, itb the a. I'll . tw i I same right to Ms widow, fm or wu- dreni to renew the copy rlht, at tne tt pirnion thereof,4 at ia a)be provi ica in relation lo copyriirhtaiglnally tecured under thit act. AndAt tuch author or inventor, dafigner, or engraver, thall not be living .the JwMUW of Jhit actben, till or thatr fteirt, executors eno adminittratort, Kail be entMad to the like etclutite ahjoyment of a-Td copy- rig w;wkh thereby)! each MJl! AfJfhla act for the. security 111 V ftJlUKf wa " s t . thereof, foribep"0 01 vwen.y c.Ru. thereoi, ior"e Per,w .w,?,j.r.,n-.i unanea inc-wtc ...7 w. yTarTfromhrtrtrntryHaidetroy his name. Charlee the Haiulsotne. 'right witlAha like privilege of renewal wliihe enemy of commerce, and tra to the tdow, ehiid, or children, or au . n where without a carriage thor of-authors," detigner, inventor, or engraver, as It provided Jn relation; to coDv iehtt originally secured under this a Provided, fThat thif act thall not extend to any copy-right heretoiore te cured, the termf which bat already ex Approvea, reoruary j,.iwi.yv,-t Micdeu-k voung IatlyT wbb"it Vnnwn tn he rather fattidioua in her beioe. lately at . dinner party, gentleman who was carving a coupie oi uuc rcuvo.v. . nirtahe oreferred. IFts .m,ia eomnletelv overtet when K''" " 1 J . , . f the replied, "i uwouois yuu v. i .... " f. tl ''1tt.--iw..l:... I little of the Jo;om.,, "? ' r .i Gc;;n ; Sitter Id .iv; rout 7V:.";r. Faricci'.i, tSe IulUn -"ra-si!)!": r, whoje vnic and altilitits ti t hsve eurf ssse 1 the limit of aM anterinf vocal eiccUcnce, having . a 1 a ar ordereJ e enp-jrb tutt ct clotnca lor a gt'a at court, when thn tiilof bfotight it home, he asVcd him for hia bill. 4I have mule no hill, air' iva the tai lor, "nor ever ih-l malic one, lo- stpad of ' moner. ' continued he, "1 Uvc a. favour., to beg, 1 iaow that what ! wA.itit ' locsrlmable. and oaly fit f Vr " 'm onirchi l Ziiui I 'livc a ' had th-honor to wort: tor e perton of'whora eferr one apeaka svttri1 rap ture, all the payment I ahull require svill bt aonnr." Frinrllr trie I in vaio to prevail 01 the tailor to take Ma mnner. .At teorth after lonf - . ;---.- ' . . " debate, giving sysf to the humble to- treauet of the trauesmaa. and nattered pcrhapi more by the aiogularity of the adventure than oy ail the applause he had hitherto received, he took' him into bu music-room, and siinj; to him some of his brilliant airs, taking plea, lure lo the astonishment of hia ravish ed hearer i and the more he teemed surprised and affected, the more Fari. oelli exerted himself la every tpeciei of ' excellence. . Wheo he dad done, the,; failor, overcome ; with tcttacy, thanked htm jo the moat rapturoua and grateful manner, and prepared to re tire. "No." aaid . FarleellL am a little proud i and it ia perhapa iro a .a a? a :. . - ' ... - that circumttaoce tDat i nave acq red to;B email degree ol tuperior. over other aiogtra 1 1 have given T to roar weakness, it il but fair tV i your turn ' YOti ahoold indulfo 10 4k a a t m. a m rame," and tatjng out hii r "5 Intisled on hit ; receiving ,uni mnnnllnn tn. nearlv nOubleAC tVOttu uivuiiaiiia. mmvrwvwm w w v of the suit of clothes. , IRISH ELOQVWE Tr h.a heen the hahitf late VCtrS tO scoff at Irish eloquce I but let the senffere produce eong themselvet the eqaal of a thoufnd pastaget, that still riive io-the cordt of the fallen - rand. The meager and affected tt hich hat at length tosjniveriallprlc,h? -!?P3.Ur SentTof puU peakiog-parUameot, k,r anrl mifiit shrinks sv tth ns'ural iealousv ona the rmagoificence and native pyer 10,5 5r l,,vu,v alike jhoe excellence was, inat, at orlceriched and invigorated by- the t imagination, it awoke the rea . .l .l . r t:.. 4 tonnot lest snura n ircuuj j in this most f4ntastte decoration, itoorhing ofitt original atreogth. was ornamented j but its force seat Jk ...... . . 1m. . no more tacnncea to itt ornament, than the tolid tteel of the Greek hel- - . rtnet to itt plumage - ana tcuipturct. Gntttn and Outran tn Irelaod, bhen- dan ancUB irke in thit country, were amonK the mosngical of tpeakera j . aa I their finest lUuttratwna were ouiy finest tUustrationa were on y more wertaroIdCT and je welt of thataceptre which they waved over the legtstature with auch nnd anuted tuoremacv, only increas ed the weight and substantial value of the emblera.V.VCTo-y. The itnmt of CAflrw.France hat no eauteto congratulate herself on the majority bofne the name of Charles. Charles the Bali wat a Capuchin king and a visionary. Charlet the.;if wat pot. tested oi a ucvii, n uicu . Charles the Simple was worthy of full, of relict. Charlet the rFf in one day, during the.. tine I tnejacq .erie killed ' . twenty thousand"" of his tub ects. Charles , IX, . tne ttmg ot 7- . - r R.rthelemv. as Meaerav. tells us bin? elf ahot his tubiects with his fowl ine niece, unanes a., c iwiy-rouu crowns theseneft"?-1?- : I do firmly believe women are a compound of aristocracy and rebellion. i' . e n t.rr - A runawaw mgro.1 advert'ated in Ueurgia, w ine wittr u tv 1 1 1-. r; 1 1 no. rtneth- ;f aaiuxloA tf a rc'tc Law.! a ccrt.ln county. ie t C cor.'. -(we rc inf-irmed) a ttnstn wis- V tcr brou'it euit in a Junice'a Court afrilnit one of r.ia muMCal pupltt for the amount nf .Tuition money. 'The T.fnn emrilored a WSJ of an At torncy to represrnt hlnri. lie plea le a lailure of consideration, ; anl co tcndedthattHeft,'r:Wf.M?r ' k ;' 9f the case would r, lm.it of, sh : ' ' produecd-vvl that-an .eihi' . '(4: rSe niftifrr'i musical f4Culties v l"Bkl , bat cvldente: The Court be" . c0 , . tioeert hv ihe areutnent. cari uP l!F.rti": the Plaiotirraoa required h certed br the uncipecte11! the crowd that thronged W heiluai, ; performed very bad-"11" up! " fhecasewa, Z'A llt tune of "There . boow." - ' ,W-;t il eearwly a7 8 . aLam-n aI a town. more to the1 P"".""-": .. .". j-J than a fair arai auppors to tnecha -.Vi""--IVpulati' oecetury to the protpet. ity of town or country, and thtt DODttIau0 belOg 01 0 DOnras anu, ju- t r v. .i Miln nrn.neritV. . -sat tnarcir, i' "-' ---r-- 'certain; uniform nnd unvarying Scce any puce uaa- iikb t 'Jk ortance, even when possesteu m , .tmnit commercial . advaotacet. t WKntir m Amb regard to the encouf- t iMnmt e.f tha mechanical arts. ' For w . though the etportation of merchandixo mav form the leading features of auch.. a place, the Various arte of mechanism .a are inrartably called in requisition and a. are indispensable to: render the pro., gresa of commercial, operations -iw? and easy, r To h inland- town, chmict are equally important s elae-, , where. They constitute a Urge apd . respectable portion; of aociety to all.. coontrieaV but in our towoa and il- , lagea they, are almoat ' leading con- . aiituent part of their growth and pop. ulatioo. . To afford ample auppdrt Q class of eititeo. so highly utefuUnd oecrttarY, is certaioly the duty of., , those engaged in other pursuits. . - 'Regulator? . : commistroo merchants of.Botton fail , ed. tod aurrerrdered op their whole JTPin.TJ2JD,rJ?iSl!?2 short of their Ocots morea" v. thousand dolltrt. They receivca, from their creditors a full and entire,, discharge frornl.ll their debtt and ret--pontibiltties, and .toon after dissolve ; their tnjsrpeM connexion and began the world anew.- Sometimenattsear v one of them presented to each of , the . j:.r f W firm a check for twenty. five per cent o! the deficiency wbicTl hart heen t clinouishcd.' This weet the other presented in like manner to) each creditor a cecx tor - mo:.W;e4rt. nrnVtanctMsW ierof human nature. , We witli that we were at uocny - - . , r .u.-a gentlemen t out ,VT . ITS. .4., . a tnnawniiiiu uiw . names o. b-,, : . know that they would ahri.k from tuch a blaiort , they, know that. ey have been honest, "would .blutii t to find it fame. 4 March of IntcUtct.-k Mr; ,-Uwto Lewis George Wells, a gentleman o. -a v hss commenced a course of lecture J. enrfe? de invitation includes wi; By the others,' we preaum - . mi.!. j:..'.neitnn ia some tne.wniTCB. ... mi u..----- , thing like the colloquy of a fellow cU, V . - . a ' J J a.L a izen of the West, woo ntwreMea ius n.,v r.f Sixe Weimar thus t 'Aie votl . the man that arrived here last night, because I am ; the j gentleman wnai drove you, nd have called for. the ' Tare,' : Courier Enquirer. . An account has been pobTtshed of t v machine, lately invented for aplitksn WOod. It rents on t-Hswn, m.m little noise when used, and is cslcoln ted for ftervjec in a parlor r without danger of distKbing st fimilfCTlf may ' be intended lor the,exett)f ladiel! w re medy. the dyspepsia ia - : . . . i r ' t . , . 4 a . . - at . . - .... . , ., , , ' 4 . . I ,1 ,i a ft 4l I - - ' i - --)' ; . . jjy -- ' . .'i 4 .V .'".' D'.- " 7 7 ;r-' 5.,. ' j . i

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