( It n i i k ! i ! .1 : .. i . . i . . . . . . . . . .ii '', - l.rvcr i . .. I j.,., I U tU... be. . i:.a ru.i.;(,. e 1.1 - t....r, r. i fr i'hih i,k it,. I..,. .1 . .... . . . . i i .' i. it . .. i. ii.t u,i...o ci i-ri...;.uu t J)r, I'h.in'tiHJ. ti;. LJ'f rtn In grafting Uw eonK.ience. sAUsminr. nowAN county, n. u..........monav, july ii, mi. vou xn..No.Wy. ! hi I i , fM .1MIM f !M till e.llaa VMl f , kif M l 4.1 . !. ! aU t. .4. a... . ft. al.t ! a- 4 .-.!... 4, luiil a .' u ,1 iM ta.la. KM ail M ,-ul bt .('. H ,)al.4 hand of ipeet, U the umt, h relat Ion to the land I Variety. We yesterday witnessed, (says th 2 C uthorUB.' f' 1 "mm beinu ihe amount placd In th - l- i . ... I r " ' ' mi i rcMni.i ui in Unite J States, in Uhlch (hall bdiuoirilbrl Ibclrcdcci, -rut., ior me runeca itin .,r Indians, ill- lit m.y ba by law provided la relation lo lung in tht &uie of .New York, b her lb llrgiiicn nj Ricelferi of PuUlc lur ..Mr(i to tht credit of the Indian ,p- money in lb tevertl cfficei eiiabliibed Pr iv " ,", ,hM (hl Ste,eU,Jr H0"1 dlipoul of IbtUdiofiba luhkd rwiuckct CbronuUof the 4tS inn.) w. .. .. .u-numca to rccietc oc pay ?ui norih-wati of (bt liter unio. (he duintermcot of the Hon. joerph " " 7 !"? ineoi inunni, u.a crc. a. na m ii further tnatiej inn Jnli.oool ihe fintOimnora of the - niwHiiii.ji uuii4i I'lnuail ay ana manner at hereic lo bo paid oul of any mone ury not otbfe aprtropnetc - ' VSKlliUUU 1f kllV Ml ' V IIV'I Wl t. im, annuallr, In (he a.i.l ai.da ihill be diipoied oflo Ihe Colonr of Rhode lUnd, who died oo cit,lr0 Te.?r,T ' ""MhM'"'"VI!d the lllof Juoe.ir, oinetr one 00j;tf ejr In the Treaa condiiioni, ai are or may be provided b; TK , ' ' . and W. n.tcd. U.fonliaMUofoher land.oftheUnl V .' Wl "" firrt-r ..,1 .... .. iL.t lt I'q. haa contented, il clrCirV in rrpreacnt thu county in the gcnaftrtr the next Sutj L g!atutr. Ftiirttmlle Observer Town aff'ilri, At in'-etioc of ih of thia town yeatcrday aftti noon, J. V, UVigbi,' IUil. preiiding, nd v. j Aodtraon. fcSti. acting an the tnl-l' . I .t 'iKcrrrlarv. iho fi.Mnwinir ranliiiinfi. c -j. " . i,.jo -a...... j.Tt.. . enure, ana in a Dcucr etaic oi Drcecr. - w.v. 4 wtfiijunnrr mactta, i bat "r11" 7ifa( hichuk i oi i . - , ' moytd bv lyjuie D. He vol any i . , i Mltnntm .1 nrj't Lq. waa rii-e 24, , ne octrciart oi r t authorized io i"1" csccpiejirom taiet oy virtu Ttrebwjwt thrMterirlbtlto v" talleat " , vf Indians th. .om f to tbouaand ii "" -"' :: . nnn tntt ever lircd to tn ttatr, attend. '.w-to--w MdHfa0 log heo-lit .icvea ceMadlwp J,u "TJ Wl crmrNH.r er faonef U ik TreMiir.' IDHiUnitt 16Vhknii'ladUd filtTe"! Fnchea.Vithoat hrar'aWa; lliilWgh WwnvIaU Xo-:4teUd uotothfiwijeppropriaiedajia jMount :"Ji!olheV h(i ii ihr P4tri1 lh tonea; wheti taken up, roFaiuredeigh. ,he ce,!re J lhe "4,b,,c.6$u"" o!err of ihe d fiflencf.br ihar amount, in ih oftiTduna which 1 iaM imtTLi&e iMIn.r.-"! T ftu 'y-reot CUpair.IIjy;jidJ - fa. - - " . . ifSSC''feSL mm p Jd 6rcr la a.ld IndUa the la.t "UhU.n, borderina; (pon ihejiiorihern IA.cuporaurKo,,.0.nce-oUld rKa!it tvi or by atr with the bre. jriP , line of aid State, and not attaibcd to aoy k ... . niofdebentuj. - - y - - 1 Apfn ,j, mi; ; ' land diatilci, .ball bf, and ike a.m. arl t U Fic. f. f U enacted by the Sen. , bfrrt ,tucbed 0 lb, For1.w.rne Dh- ,1 . ate antl Home of Repmentatitei of a-eaue-ae. rr. ulct. ' - CAR. the United Stales cf America in Con errsl assembled. That from and - . m J at E. a - a - a AN ACTti eafab'Uh a Laml Office it the Tr. ritory Of Miehigaiv and ftf ptlirr purfot flee. -1.: Z? it enacted by the Sen. Approved, February 19, 1&31. raaue a. 2H. I I'rnnn atrta rnniiiaii nur .ll. HiStk m-A ,jt Mm I tvi, lumiiiiii i.i w .u ihe afeWir' "rf' e aurmounud with a wwer ior a I'loca ana itrii. inr rcoi to etand oo brick pillarij the ceiling to k . 1. - .1 I .1 I A - I - - . I . aiaTtL.. H far i riiJitrrii ti it w iim .v . a . " , t . er. ika axak . fm w a t i ei ar i . a, aBxw" a ,w - - v ' v - w 's ' i f ijl'iii Kcr.. P-"-r.-"- ...- . flint llnrgnf llrnrrctiMl t 44 ACT raipeciuif the JuriwCclloo of certain ui. uic aunciy ui , ref,orirfhjrt1ieimpoMfdlnwibe J' I'omc of toprCiCntallces of ' DiaTriot cUna. Frieoda are mre intelligent than aoy . . TTT- . S . United Statu, the dntirt nn hirh have Lnitel States of.lmcnc in Von- , Rf e , t ,,,, h lh, other data i and tre attribute ihie t'o M th Annual Conroc.tioo of the ,M the, .. imported l ... Mk. I .1,. Tor. ii.r, .f J?iChlf..f. .hall ,. . .That, lh. dl...icl '." '"T"'- . I"' . 'h' P'"i W.".Z ' I aw aT V" avirejrrajb. v alf cm f 1J, f . them i(k the benefit ol drabarfti iilroithe piolic land wiihia ib aald tivtidt&i That all regulation ami for tli'tiict, there aball b a Lund Office ea cnali.U now in force relating to th teblialird il auch place within ihe diticl tranapofUlion rf coodi, ware, or mrt- ai ti.e' President of the United State thmdUe, by land or by water, from the may deaignate, who it bcrt.br autboriaed,iPIl the weaiero diitiict of Louitiafta, ero district of New York, ibfr weterb proving tbeir minda aod fitting them dittrict of Pennaylrania, the dittrict oflaclvri to be uacful member of awe Indiana, the dUttict of Illlnuii, th Jii liy; v, 11 atatiooaof hiehand uocom ifict of Mittourii th dittrict cf MH alt oromiaini? reactabiliiv. - ... r . a i ' dittrict into which iher were i nporird lopo rliaiie the location of tuch oflice, no' her dittrict, for ihe benefit of draw j whenever, it) hia opinion, the public in back, and tuch other re nulatiani are I icrcfci mir require it Dreirribed cndr and by virtue of the Sec 2. Md be it further enacted! That an to which ihi i an addi ion, for the hh Lmd Office now ettablitliH at .Mon--fW'hr -ranapoiiaiion of- ur b Rood lroe, .ahail be. remuud Jo. the . place litr. ware, or merrnnm, to oner ninnciv, iKnated tor Ihe location ol thit ofhee, and hall romt.lied withi Jnd provided, lke KreUter and Kcceirer of the .Mjnroe ho. Tnat all ihe rrj:ulaion and formal Land Office, thall tuperintend the talc l ie now in mrco, reaperunj; mr cxpor 1 0I public Unda wiibin aald iiittrict, who tafion of gooo. waret, and rorrcbandite, j shall give tecunty in the tame ni inner, for ihe benent of dr-v3cli, thall ten ihe nie umt, and whoe compen complied with, to fa. ai mi be coi.i Mtiun, ein dumir.t, duties and suthoti fen: Hh the other provision ol ne aci uCt, thall, in every letpect, be the tame to which thit it an addition; aod the in rclatioi) to Ibe Kindt hia.h tall be Secretary rf the Treiturv thall be, anf ditposed of ti their office, at are 01 nuy be t hereby, anthoritetf lo preterit ihe be dy Uw proud, d, in rch ion to ihe Re form of the r erti6cate to be Uied, and the Ki,iCI , artj Keceirert of I'lnlic Money! oi'ht in he tMken, on the transportation of m the ttVei-l office ettablltbed for the irh erxad, war or merchandise, fiom ,4r of imblic lamJ. '.ht second diV1jr' 'nt0 "hich they may bo o b'OUthl, to lha third dittrict. . : -A..STEFJIF.NSON, Soeakar or the Houae of R. pree ntttivei, J. C. CLII'.UN, Vice Preble nt of the 1'niied States and Preaident ol tbe Senate. Approved, Ptbruarf I. K ANDREW JCKSON. Sue 3 And be it further elected, That ail the'ljixii Jytog ett of the Meridian (n in the Tnivwy aforeat;U which are nol now embraced in the district of De ttoit.be, and they are hereby, attached i hereto; and il thall be the duty of the fir fitter and Urreiver of the Land Office io said ditirii t :o deposi'. in the Land Of fii'.e at Detroit all the recordr bookiand p.peit, iuivrt, ic. hich pertain to s.id Land Offif) t Men roc, which aball be kepi bt n flrfruter and Keceiver of the L nd OlHice at Dciroii, a a part of true o. 2. AV AOT ratkine appropriarions for eeHtin for. tificationa d'trin the rear one thousand ei;lit liilodred tnd'hirrf-one. Pec. 1. lie it enacted 6v the Sen. ote and flame, of flenrrsentatires of,"" record of -id office. the United Statet oi.imerica in Con gress assembled. That the following sijtis be, and the tame tre hereby, ap prcp.iairyt, lobe pdd nut of my unp propriated money k the Treatmjr for cranio fortificatioq, titf For the preteryation of 0or(e'a Ul and, Bos-ion harbor, fire thousmd dollar. For fort Adams Rhode Island, one hun dred thousHnd dollars. For the completion, nf fart Hamilton, New York, ten thousand dollars. Toi repairing fort Cot.nos and est tie Williams, New York, twenty five tlin'isund dollar. For fort Monroe. Virginia, eighty thou sod dollirs. For fort Calhoun, V irinis, eighty thoosrind dollar. For the completion of fort Mion, se sren'v thottasn l dollar. For the completion of'he ffrtonO.k Islnd, North Carolina, ninety five tliou tand dollar. For for'ifica'ions at CnHes'oo, South Carolini, forty tivs trToMssn (fTTTttT- F.r fort'ficsMoos at Pensicola, Florida, one httndred ihonmnd do'lirs. Por srrt st Mobile poi'it. -ninety thou snd dllss For rett'iKs of tbe bit';rf af Hienvenu, LmiisHnia, hree tb nisind fur hj drc;.l dollar kV'V For rep)ti3of fort Woni1, Louuurtia. three thrmsanYl six hundred do'l i.s. For roniiniiences of fortificarions, tcj thottsnd doll ,rs. Apjimved, M ireb. 2. 1811. prnt.ic-wo. 26. AN ACT to provide hereafter for the pvvment cf i thousand dollars annually "to the Seneca Indians, and for other purpnar. . Rr.c. U Tie it enacted hti the Sen ate an I Iloifsr of fiearesenhtives of t'le United Staffs af America in Con gress assembled, That the tjroceed' of the aum of one hundred Uiou.sand dollars. " - M. L. n trrmt, Br.ft.ld, 0, U H. f. It'ilHam AVer, Ore. aeWoiifn, G. K. . A. LtVingttn, W Untiniin, C . J. H. JJ)4 Tarborwifch, U. Treaa'r Z. B. rrtma Ha (fa. C. iaeretarj. Rev. Cawii Melvrr, laycttcville, 0. Chap.' E. Cnrjt BUur, G. al. The oest Convocation will be held at Tarborough, oo tbe tld June 1833. lh rttrn )iariel tA Lonl.l.na. I h nnr (hem district of Alabama, and ib aoutb. ""rat taicuu."M earn a em cMttrict of Alabama, lo addition to iheU0"0?-? Prty wbile lookiog at ordinary jarltdiction aod jowrt of a dla-1 the landscape) that waa painted oa-a trici court than wlthm the limit of their j plate she had to her hand" what a retbecllve dittrict. here Jurisdiction of I beautiful eottaire I ahmilrl admire iirdel,eteept appeaandHtrofr.toliTnn Ju( nuch a one all the day '-MOMT.LYEOUS-IGNITIOX. ror, which now are; or hereafter may by Lf mv r, The voi,nr e-entleman Tlte XeiB York DaUu Jidrrrtbrr law made, coKai4bl io circuit court. lha t0vd b he I0ljOUJ lo koow .tatca that in cleaning the cabin of the .nd .hall proceed tb.tein la tbe .me wha M , h uoke(, ,Hip Birmingham, on Saturday eek, m mner a circuit court. .r ' . , . .. l l iciiacriy i me picture, auu louna hi amc hiuuh waa uaeu, wnicn oecame wat a Steam boat, partly saturated with linerd oil, and after a while it took fire. It wit then T- t.,M:.. determined to try an experiment. A he encouragement of tbecultiratioo of ibe Lf whora, the night before, had lo.t '"" q0"1' of wttoo waa partially Approved, February 19, 1831. reauc a. 30. An ACT to alter and amend 'An act to act apart and diapoae of certain publi land for riW., sjl.l o hi 44 O, Jnrny, .y. he, Sec. I. Beit enacted by the Sen-t, Ko hrJ .re .alir. nf Provi. ate and House of Representatives ofA,n ,ftoaru m, ; t. ...v mv the United Slates of America in Co-dan wife by deathly oui a it left to qress assembled, That all peront ,omfftrl tfo ' hul mia. laa ! i no enntieaioiana,uoueracontrcinierd mnr,iH hiV,m ,-nli .o on ihe etgbth ol January, jmmJM break vour poor heart hundred and nineteen, by the Secietr"y .L ... -rr r.tm fi-- of the Treasury on the p.rtof the United "T C mm. ,, ' . ... " I aaa1 biais asAiai'aiH r.il uull . I auiea. and Lharlet VilUr, Agent of the ",u7ulurw "u 7" m . a a I - . i omoccoee AstociatiotK in pursuance oil dipped in linteed ril, and sva plced in ihe shade, which became ignited in two hour. The experiment wat re peated for the third time, and the re utt was the tame, it being two hour each time before the cotton took fire. Sic. 4 And oe it further enacted. That all such public lands as shall have been offered lor sale to the highest bidder at Monroe or Detroit, pursuant tn any pro (tarnation of the President of the United States, and which are embraced within the provisions of this act, shell be tubiect to be entered and sold at private tale, by lhe Registers of the Lwd OlVea lo which they are hereby wttached ) anJ all. provi ions cf Uw applicable to the public land, ro which this act rpplies, siiull continue in full force and effect: Sec- 5- A'td be it further enacted, That to much of the Suic of Illinois a lies between the Illinois and Mississippi rivers, bounded on the south by the base line, on the nortii by the northern bouti djiy of that S.itc, and on the extreme by the third principal Meridian, be formed into j seperate land district, the oflice for which to be located where it will best accoosnodite purchasers and others by the President ; and a Register nd Receiver sMI be appointed at such i e. nthe President of the United Siatet -So the world goes. A worthle, brainlets fellow, in whiskers and glovea, will be welcomed into society, An . to set apart aod dispote of cer An Iri.hman one brooght up T '" Z h i. Z.,. A' T rain-Dublic land--forite"nccwraei r..r. 7.V.i,li.licTofrtl approved on the thi'dof Maicb, eighteec , i ..-K . ;k. ,n.AA J lj nunareu auu seun ecD, ineir ucua, ue , . . . cncii a Vlllui . I icalB juui wvr ship, aaya Paddy, ' I was. trying to get a good ooe. viteet or tttignt, who appear by ibe re port of Will'um L. Adam, apecial agent of tb Treatm y, appointed io compliance with a resolution of tbe Senate, patted the iwen.ieth 'lay, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, to have complied with the condition of tettlemeot and cultivation, Nothing can more highly contribute to the fixing of right apprehensions, .a4 ah a.iis44 tillcffain.nr aP , aC as atiDulated for in laid contract or who . . J . . . ah.ll here.ller mall it appear lo tbe "S1.0' wrong. WM to, De,,ev! " U? who is ever represented a aucn to oe exactly a model and example of the itfactiun of the Secretary of the Treaiu rv. that thev have so comolied, thall. on narinkr into the Treasury one dollar and nv)t exct justice, and highest good twen.y five cents the acre previous to the loess and worth. Such a view of til third of March,, eighteen buodred and vine Providence and bounty, and ex thirty -three reticve a patent lor the tended to all, and expressed in a con. tame. I tant trim A affection towards the whole. Sec 2 Andbe it further enacted. That ,. r n-,,..;.v enffatre us. within i - , o a all persons wno necame ent.t.eu to an . comD, and 8Dherf. t0 act by a sb .11 deem proper. Stc- 5 Au i be it further enacted, That a lot aef district be also formed in that Sic-ou the northof the dividing line be (wecu townships and sixteen and Seven teen north of- the base line, and east of the tbird principil Meridian, Including ,11 !bn put of the State toils northern 'nuiidriry, the ofri es for which to be lo rated by the President, where the public nuctesi aiid the convenience of purcha ers nviy require ; and a Refjiiter and Jie reiver shall be a;ointed at such time as the President of the United States shall deem nroner. See. 7. Ant be it further enacted, the Registers and Receivers shall resiae, respectively, at the places where the Land OSTsera are located Kite sccUfUy in the same manner, in the same sunns, ani. whose compensation, emoluments, and duties, and authorii), in every rc- otnient oi lann unr-.er aaia coniraci men heirs devisees or assigns, who have fail l nm.lu uiiih ih rnnrlilinn f at. tletneat and cultivation within the period "r Pub,,c ,n v,eW our, fnd " "'."J required thereby, who at ihe time of the impossible we should be misgutd- ike principle and affection. And having once the g)od of our specie passage of this act shall be in the acual ed by any meaos to a false apprehen occupancy and cultivation of the satno, srijll, on paying into the lreasury one dollar and twenty-five cents tbe acre, previous to the third of March eighteen sion or senae of right or wrong. brtivlfeddlwtyahrcccteiteaala , . . . .a . 7 , ten. for the same HcelebTateaetTreow lor the first time presenica io our rea ders. They apply exactly to the qjie. tion ao often agitated, are we better Sec. 3. id be it further enacted, That tne widow and children of any person who became entitled io an alotment of land under said contract, and died without peiforming the conditions required, shall on paying into the Treasury, one dollar and twenty five cents per acre, previous to tbe third of March eTfb'.ecn hundred and thirty three receive a patent for the same. Approved, February 19, 1831. An Irishman observingapairof enor mous long legged stockings hanging io a hosier's window, stepped in and en-, quired who they, were, made for to which the clerk replied, ' for no body Tri pftfeu pat " what a long legged fellow that Mr. No-body -in particular must be. with or without the aid of romance and antiquity, in a literary and moral point of view, . America thou hailjt better Than our ancient hemisphere, '-. . Thou bast no fallen cant lea ' : .i , Nor Basalt aa here: Thy children, they know not, (ThrirYouthfuI prime to mar) Vain retroepuction 1' Of ineffective war! Fortune wait on thy glorious spring ! And. when in tim thy poets sinjj, " May aome good tjenka guard iliem alt. From Bron, Kuigbt and Ubosl traditional i . tiif. Mug. ,11 I M WW can gnu almost everv oooy. fe run upon the tailor, he runs upon the land lord; he runs upon the lab. r of the shoemaker, he runs his face at the billiard b ard t and nis presence into 5ood aocicty all by the taciration of res, bia whiskers a d bnrrcwed gold watch, and at laat he runs away, leav ing his creditora and dupes unpaid and pcrhapa uopitied. VOCT; IVATKLYS. The Philadelphia Inquirer speaking of the case of Dr. Watkins, says We are' enabled to state on sufficient au thority, "that the Presideot will imme diately release Watkins oo its beinjr shown that he is not competent to the liquidation of the amount of the fine, or as soon as he absolves himself of that claim by availing, himself of the insolvent law. It only remain for MfrWiAiM or hir friends to do one of these two things to effect hi rc- ease. Cheap Living. u You halm got no more cold victuals tor me, ia you: said a beggar boy, whose basket wat well charged with the fat of the land. I've Riven you . enough already. replied the citizen, what do you want with ao much cold meat : ' Oh J I dos'nt want it myself, but my mamylteepsiozrrfin hoilSC, l&d he expects some visitors to dinner tb1 lay, o I thought as how you mo ugh t nip her out." " ' Heat m ! The Oxford" Observer, (Me.) states tbat the wife of James liuckminster, ol Franrunia, N II.) has Kad. siuce the year 1824, nine children at three births three at the first, two t ijhe eeondf Kad four-jkt tb laat I Ihty are ail boys, and are all living; &ud doing well. '; -7. v- ' ' ''"' " A ,i'"iiii i ' '" " , BW " ..mi 4, ; i' f' . I . -. .. x. ; , .j.-r. zzrz vrx-y"-j- ,T-, '.' .... ( ' t , At r7 v. d Uiz '" ''A . .i: ' 'Mm . a i r? i j in i'4 l a. 7 I : ... p:f i

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